Report on the content and technical structure of the VICO Infrastructure Politecnico di Milano RISIS "Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies" FP7, Grant agreement no: 313082 Report on Task 1, Workpackage 6, coordinated by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Gmbh Report on the content and technical structure of the VICO infrastructure (Task 1 of WP6) Table of contents 1 Basic characteristics Name and short description of the infrastructure Name of the infrastructure: VICO facility. Short description of the infrastructure: The VICO dataset contains information on new high tech companies operating in seven European countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom). The dataset includes two strata of companies: the first is a sample of Venture Capital (VC) backed companies and the second a control group of non-VC backed (but potentially investable) companies. Its uniqueness lies in the overall number of companies (8370), the country coverage, and the extent of information gathered (thanks to the combination of data provided by numerous proprietary datasets such as Amadeus, VentureXpert, VCPro-Database, BVK Directory, Zephyr or Private Equity Monitor; and to extensive web searches). It also gathers information on VC investors (1125). It covers firms for 10 years after their foundation (the latest year of foundation taken into account being 2006). Aim of the database (context of data acquisition) The data infrastructure has been built during the VICO project, funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission within the theme "The role of finance in growth, employment and competitiveness in Europe" (SSH - 2007 1.2.3). The aim of the VICO project was to conduct an extensive study about the impact of VC financing on the economic performance of new high tech companies in Europe as reflected by their innovation rates, employment creation, growth, and competitiveness, and the role which VC investors play in helping these firms bridge their resource and competence gaps. Legal name of operating organization POLITECNICO DI MILANO, established in PIAZZA LEONARDO DA VINCI 32, MILANO, 20133, Italy represented by Cristina Masella, Head of Department or her authorised representative. Database location and type of access (access on site, online, etc.) The database is located at Politecnico di Milano, Milan. The access is on site. 2 2 Information on substantive content of VICO 2.1 Definition and description of observations Units and definition of observations The database includes two strata of companies: companies which were invested by VC (VC-backed firms) and comparable companies not invested by VC. Data can be broadly classified as firm-level data, investor-level data and investment-level data. Detailed information was collected for each firm, investor, and investment, including firm’s accounting and patenting data, investor type and experience, and deal-specific information for each investment round (e.g. round date, amount and equity invested). Number of observations (usually the rows in the database on the main unit of observation) The dataset consists of 8,370 companies, 759 of which VC-backed. Companies are observed, on average, for 9 years for a total of 78,143 firm-year observations. The dataset includes 1,125 VC investors that invested, on average, in 4.58 companies for a total of 3,475 investments. 2.2 Data acquisition and processing (e.g. data cleaning) Where are the data retrieved from (e.g., own survey, public information, etc.) The geographic scope of the dataset was restricted to the companies established in the 7 European countries represented by the partners in the project: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. Data were collected by local teams for each country. Information was collected at local level using different sources of information. For VC-backed companies, investment and investor level data was first obtained from VentureXpert. VentureXpert data however are known to under-represent investments made by smaller and informal VC investors which are instead allegedly very important for young high-tech companies. Accordingly additional information was collected using country specific sources, as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Sources used to identify the population of VC-backed companies. Country Belgium Finland Source VentureXpert, Investor annual reports, Investor websites, Press releases, Press clippings, Belgium Venture Capital Association yearbooks. VentureXpert, Finnish Venture Capital Association yearbooks. France VentureXpert, Investor websites, Press releases. Germany VentureXpert, ZEW Foundation Panel, VCPro-Database, BVK Directory, Zephyr, Investor websites. VentureXpert, RITA directory, Private Equity Monitor, Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association. VentureXpert, José Martí Pellón Database, Spanish Venture Capital Association, VentureXpert, Library House (now: Venture Source), investor websites. Italy Spain UK 3 The number of VC-backed companies per country was set to meet two criteria. First, countries in which the VC industry is larger should be more represented in the sample. Second, a minimum number of VC-backed companies should be present in each country to allow the estimation of country-level studies. Once VC-backed companies were identified combining all sources in Table 1, a random sample was drawn in each country. In particular, a relative ratio of VCbacked to control group companies was kept at 1:10. Criteria for inclusion were then cross-checked at both local and central level. The identification of control group companies was somewhat simpler. A list of companies satisfying the inclusion criteria were obtained from several sources. The main source was Amadeus (and its local equivalents). All available vintage years of the dataset were used to build the population, so that non-surviving companies were also included. Other sources were also used to improve coverage (see Table 2). Table 2: Sources used to identify the population of control-group companies. Country Belgium Source Belfirst (Amadeus). Finland Amadeus. France Amadeus. Germany Creditreform. Italy AIDA (Amadeus), RITA, Telemaco. Spain Amadeus. UK Amadeus. Firm-level data The main source for firm-level data (Name, address, industry, status etc…) was Amadeus (and its local equivalent) but some further sources of information were used by each team to improve data availability and reliability. More specifically Table 3 reports the sources used by each country for this category of data. Table 3: Data sources for firm-level information. Country Belgium Source Belfirst, Belgian law gazette, Company websites, Press releases, Press clippings. Finland Amadeus, Company websites. France Amadeus, Company websites, Press releases. Germany ZEW Foundation Panel, Zephyr, German Stock Exchange, Firm websites. Italy RITA, Company websites, Telemaco, Press releases. Spain Amadeus, José Martí Pellón Database,, Press releases. UK Amadeus, Library House, Company websites The main source of accounting data was Amadeus (and its local equivalent) but some further sources of information were used by each team to improve data availability and reliability. More specifically Table 4 reports the sources used by each country for this category of data. 4 Table 4: Data sources for accounting information. Country Belgium Source Belfirst. Finland Amadeus. France Amadeus. Germany Creditreform. Italy AIDA, RITA, Telemaco. Spain Amadeus. UK Amadeus. As to patent data, most of the data collection effort was centralized to ensure harmonization in the patenting data and achieve economies of scale in the process. The main source of information was PATSTAT, which provides detailed information of patent applications and grants (over 70 million records) in more than 80 countries worldwide, including patent assignee names, citations, publications, patents’ application and grant years, industry patent classes, and priority countries. Investment- and investor-level data The main source of investment and investor level data was VentureXpert but substantial information was collected using country specific sources. Data collection regarding investor experience (through VentureXpert) and strategy (through EVCA yearbooks), was centralized to achieve economies of scale in the process. More specifically Table 5 reports the sources used by each country for this category of data. Table 5: Data sources of investment- and investor-level data by country Country Belgium Finland France Germany Italy Spain UK Source VentureXpert, Annual reports, Investor websites, Press releases, Press clippings, IPO Prospectuses, European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association yearbooks. VentureXpert, Finnish Venture Capital Association, European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association yearbooks. VentureXpert, Investor websites, Press releases, European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association yearbooks. ZEW Foundation Panel, VentureXpert, VCPro-Database, BVK Directory, Zephyr, German Stock Exchange, Investor websites, European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association yearbooks. VentureXpert, RITA directory, Private Equity Monitor, European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association yearbooks. José Martí Pellón Database, Local VC Association (ASCRI),, VentureXpert, European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association yearbooks. Library House (now: Venture Source), VentureXpert, Investor websites, European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association yearbooks. 5 How are the data processed in terms of data cleaning (e.g. harmonisation of organization names, etc.) Data were first checked for reliability and internal consistency by each local team. Then data were regularly sent to a central data collection unit which ensured that information across countries was consistent and comparable and its availability balanced. This two-tier structure allowed the early recognition and solution of problems. As to patent data obtained by PATSTAT the following procedure has been followed. First, firm-level information was used to search assignees in PATSTAT. An automated algorithm was used to ensure that firms could be recognized even when some of the characteristics (e.g. the name) was spelled slightly differently (much like the algorithms used by modern internet search engines to recognize misspellings in the search). This automatic search created a list of 5,696 potential matches for 1,070 VICO companies. In other words, 1,070 companies in the VICO sample had one or more companies in PATSTAT whose characteristics (name and address) were close to some assignees recorded in PATSTAT. The average number of potential matches per company was 5.3, the median number of potential matches is 2, but a few companies, whose name seems to be very common among innovators had more than 100 matches (with a maximum of more than 500 potential matches for a company named VISION). Potential matches have then been dispatched to local teams for cross-checking their correctness. For 880 out of the 1,070 candidates, at least one potential match ended up being correct. 2.3 Information on all variables/indicators Description of all variables and/or indicators that are given for the main units of observation (e.g. number of publications, number of patents, etc.) In what follows, we report the main variables for each unit of observation (firm, investor and investment). The full description of the VICO variables is reported in Section 4.2. Firm-level data For each firm the following information have been collected: a) General company information: Company id (Name, VAT Code or equivalent, BvD code) Address (Country, NUTS 2 region, City, Street, Zip Code) Industry classification (including NACE rev1 and rev2 codes) Contacts (Telephone, Fax, Website, generic email) Contact person (Name, email) Listed status (including year of IPO) Status (active, acquired, bankrupt, other inactive; including year in which exit occurred) 6 b) Accounting data: accounting data up to a 10-year time horizon: Income statement figures (Sales, Payroll expenses, Value added Depreciation of tangible assets, Depreciation of intangible assets, Total depreciation, EBITDA, EBIT, Net profit, Cash flows) Assets (Tangible assets, Intangible assets, Cash & cash equivalents, Inventory, Total assets, Liabilities, Long term financial debt, Short term financial debt, Total financial debt, Equity) Headcount c) Data on innovative activity (patents): Patent id codes Complete history of the application process (including, when applicable, grant date, oppositions, suspension…) List of countries of patent validity Patent active (i.e. backward) citations Patent passive (i.e. forward) citations Patent references to journal articles (including journal type) IPC codes Investor-level data Data include the following investor-level information: VC identity (name of the management company and, if applicable, of the VC fund) Year of foundation of the management company Type of management company (independent VC, corporate VC, bank-affiliated VC, governmental VC, university seed fund) Experience of the VC investor at time of the investment Size (assets under management and headcount) Previous experience (e.g. number of deals by sector and geographic area, number of exits by type) Specialization Investment strategy at time of the investment Investment-level data Deal-specific information for each investment round: Date of the investment Amount invested Equity interest acquired Stage of development of the company (EVCA classification) If syndicated deal: who retains leadership Exit (if the investor/fund exited the investment, when and how) Contact person for the investment (Name, phone, email, mail address) 7 2.4 Sectorial, temporal and geographical coverage Information on the sectorial classifications used (e.g., economic sectors, technological fields, organizations types, etc.), and listing of all categories for each classification scheme The sectors included in VICO, as well as their NACE codes (when available) are reported in Table 6. Table 6: Sectors included in VICO and NACE codes NACE rev.1 NACE rev.2 Sector Pharmaceutical 24.4 21 30.02+32+33 26 Robotics 29.5 28.99.20 Aerospace 35.5 30.30 TLC services 64.2 61 Internet 72.60 63.11.30+63.12 Software 72.2 62 Web publishing 72.2 5.2 Biotechnology 73.1 72.11 ICT manufacturing The distribution of the two strata by sector is reported in Table 7. Table 7: Distribution of the companies by sector VC-backed Non VC-backed Sector Biotech & Pharmaceutical 159 706 865 ICT manufacturing 124 1380 1,504 Internet 134 842 976 Software 256 3,502 3,758 44 343 387 23 437 460 TLC services Other high-tech R&D services manufacturinga 19 Total 759 a Includes: aerospace, robotics, nanotech and cleantech. Total 401 420 7,611 8,370 Information on the temporal coverage used (e.g. annual data from 1990-2010, etc.) Since the interest of the project was in early-stage investments, the population of VC-backed companies was restricted to those that received their first round of investment less than 10 years after foundation. Limits were also put on the period in which the first investment had occurred. Due to data limitations in years before the early 1990s, we only considered VCbacked companies invested after 1994. Moreover, since a minimum number of post-investment observations should be present to evaluate the impact of VC on firm performance, we considered only VC-backed companies which received their first round of VC before 2004. Information on the geographical coverage and classifications used (e.g. EU-27 member states, regional breakdown using NUTS classification revision 2010, etc.) 8 For each company, the VICO database includes information on the country, the NUTS 2 region, the city, and the ZIP code. The geographical distribution (country) of the VICO companies is reported in Table 8. Country Belgium Table 8: Distribution of the sample by country VC-backed Non VC-backed Total 89 826 915 Finland 68 692 760 France 112 1,616 1,728 Germany 134 1,206 1,340 Italy 98 959 1,057 Spain 82 794 876 UK 176 1,518 1,694 Total 759 7,611 8,370 2.5 Quality and accuracy of data Information on the number of missing value Table 9 reports the number of missing values and the percentage of missing values with respect to the number of observation (i.e. the number of firms, 8,370) for the variables related to firm’s geographic location (Country, Region and City) and industry (Industry NACE1 and Industry NACE2). For a description of all the variables included in the VICO dataset please see Table 10 in Section 4. According to WP8, these variables will be the base for the harmonization of VICO with the other datasets. Furthermore, as it will be explained in Section 3, distant access to VICO will be based upon aggregated data at country, regional and industry levels. Table 9: Missing values for geographical and industry variables Number of % of missing Variable missing values values Country 0.0 0 Region 20 0.2 City 189 2.3 ZIP Code 984 11.8 Industry NACE1 2126 25.4 Industry NACE2 2255 26.9 Estimation of data quality issues with respect to data acquisition, reliability of retrieving system Data were collected by local teams from each country (using a variety of commercial and proprietary sources as described before) and checked for reliability and consistency by a centralized data collection unit. 9 Legal issues encountered and access conditions 3 Legal issues concerning access of the database Owner of raw data Current practice for opening up of the database to external users Legal necessities for potential opening procedures The owner of the database is the VICO Consortium. Access rights to the VICO dataset must be therefore in compliance with VICO Consortium Agreement (please see Annex 1. VICO Consortium Agreement). The access to the VICO infrastructure is available ‘on site’, to protect data confidentiality. A typical site visit will take between one and three weeks. After data harmonisation and integration (see WP8), we expect to complement on site access by distant transnational access based upon aggregated data at country, regional and industry levels (provided privacy rules about levels of aggregation are respected). Technical structure of VICO 3.1 Information on the data base system Current data base system used (e.g. Microsoft Access) Planned future technical changes concerning data base system The current data base systems used are Microsoft Access (v2007-2013). The data base is available in both formats and no changes are planned in the future. 3.2 Technical variable definition Labeling of all variables Data type of all variables (e.g., float, string, etc.) Current usage and definition of unique identifiers (if applicable) Table 10 reports the name, the type (float, string, boolean, date) and a description of all the variables included in the VICO database. Unique identifiers are reported in bold. Variables are organized in 7 Tables (see also Section 4.3): - Firm - Accounting - Investor - Patent - Deflator - Experience - Investment. 10 Variable Table 10. List of variables included in the VICO dataset 1. Firm Table Type Description Company Code string Group string Company Name string VATCODE string Name of the company; when the company changed name or as several aliases, a note is put in brackets VAT code or equivalent BvD code string BvD code (to get company info from BvD databases) Foundation Year float Year of foundation of the company Foundation Period string Periods: 1984-1989, 1990-1994, 1995-1999, 2000-2004 Investment Year float Investment Period string Age by the time of Invest float Interval string Country string Year in which the company received its first round of investment. Not applicable for control group firms Based on year of first investment. Pre-bubble (1994-1997); Bubble (1998-2000); Post-bubble (2001-2004). Not applicable for control group firms Age of the firm when first invested. Not applicable for control group firms. Age at time of first investment by classes: Less than 3; 3 to 5; 6 to 10; more than 10. Not applicable for control group firms Full country name Region string Firm's region City string Firm's city Address string Firm's address ZIP Code string Firm's ZIP code Industry Classification string Industry NACE1 string Firm's industy: Aerospace, Biotech, Energy, ICT manufacturing Internet, Nanotech, Other R&D, Pharmaceutical, Robotics, Software, TLC, Web publishing Firm's core NACE rev. 1.1 code Industry NACE2 string Firm's core NACE rev. 2 code Activity Description string Text field with more detailed description of firm's acrivity Phone string Firm's phone Fax string Firm's fax number Website string Firm's website Email string Generic email CEO string Name of CEO Contact Name string Name of contact person in the company Contact Email string Email of contact person in the company Listed Unique identifier. Country code (2 letters) + 4 digits code. Firms in VC-group are numbered from 0001 onward; firms in control group are numbered from 1,000 onward VC-backed or control group boolean 1 if firm ever went through an IPO IPO Year float Year in which the IPO occurred Status float Acquisition Year float Firm's status as of end 2008: 1 - Still operating; 2 - Acquired; 3 Liquidated; 4 - Inactive Year in which the company was acquired Liquidation Year float Year in which the company was liquidated Inactive Classification Year float Year in which the company became inactive 11 12 Type 2. Accounting Table Description ID1 float Unique identifier Company Code string Year float Country code (2 letters) + 4 digits code. Firms in VC-group are numbered from 0001 onward; firms in control group are numbered from 1,000 onward Year to which the accounting data refers to ID string Company code + Year Number of months float Number of months to which the accounts refer to Sales float Revenues from goods/services solds. Thousand Euro. Nominal Payroll expenses float Value added (indirect) float Value added (direct) float Employee costs gross of taxes and accruals. Thousand Euro. Nominal Value added computed as EBITDA + payroll expenses. Thousand Euro. Nominal Value added (direct measure) Total Depreciation float Thousand Euro. Nominal EBITDA indirect float EBITDA computed as EBIT + totaldepreciation. Nominal EBITDA float EBITDA (direct measure). Thousand Euro. Nominal EBIT float Earnings before interests and taxes. Thousand Euro. Nominal Net profit float Net Profit (AfterTax). Thousand Euro. Nominal Net cash flow float Net cash flows. Thousand Euro. Nominal Tangible assets float Intangible assets float Total assets float Fixed Tangibles Assets Net of depreciation. Thousand Euro. Nominal Fixed Inangibles Assets Net of depreciation. Thousand Euro. Nominal Total Assets. Thousand Euro. Nominal Cash & cash equivalents float Including cash, deposits, cash equivalents. Thousand Euro. Nominal Inventory float Inventory. Thousand Euro. Nominal Long term financial debt float Financial Long (>1Year) term Debt. Thousand Euro. Nominal Short term financial debt Total financial debt float Equity float Headcount float Financial (e.g. excluding receivables) Short (<1Year) term Debt. Thousand Euro. Nominal Total financial debt (ST + LT financial debt). Thousand Euro. Nominal Shareholders (Total) equity (including all reserves). Thousand Euro. Nominal Number of employees Reporting date date Variable Origin float string Data of the financial report (if information is from old extraction: MISSING; if interpolated: NOT APPLICABLE) "New" if from latest extraction from AMADEUS; "Old" if from previous extraction; "Interpolated" if interpolated 13 3. Investor Table Description Variable Type Investor Code string EU investor code string Investor Name string Investor Contact string Unique identifier. "VC_" + Country code (2 letters) + 3 digits code starting from 001 in each country "VC_EU" + 4 digit numeric code; codes between VC_EU0001 and VC_EU0085 indentify investors with different "Investor Code"; codes from VC_EU1000 correspond to a single "Investor code" Name of the investor; when the company changed name or as several aliases, a note is put in brackets Name of the contact person for the investor Investor Phone string Investor's phone number (local branch) Investor Email string Investor's generic email address (local branch) Investor Address string Investor's address (local branch) Investor ZIP string Investor's ZIP code (local branch) Investor Country string Investor's Country (local branch) Investor City string Investor's city (local branch) Investor Founding Year float Foundation year (local branch) Investor Type float Investor Fax string Type of investor: 1 - Independent VC; 2 - Corporate VC; 3 - Bank affiliated VC; 4 - Public VC; 5 - University VC; Not applicable changes over time Investor's Fax number (local branch) Investor Website string Investor's website (local branch) CEO string Name of CEO Contactname INV manager contact email inv manager string Name of contact investment manager string Email of contact investment manager Contact Email string Contact email for investor Title Contact string Position of contact Contact Phone string Contact phone number for investor Parent Name string Parent ID string Parent Country string Parent City string Parent founding year string Local Investor Name string Name of investor's parent company; Not applicable if no parent company exists. ID code of investor's parent company; Not applicable if no parent company exists. Country of investor's parent company; Not applicable if no parent company exists. City of investor's parent company; Not applicable if no parent company exists. Foundation year of investor's parent company; Not applicable if no parent company exists. Name of local investor Fund Local Name string Name of local fund 14 4. Patent Table Description Variable Type Company Code string Application number float Country code (2 letters) + 4 digits code. Firms in VC-group are numbered from 0001 onward; firms in control group are numbered from 1,000 onward Unique identifier. Patent EPO application number Oppositions (1) float Number of oppositions to the patent based on EPO records Application ID float Patent EPO ID Grant date date Date of patent grant (NOT APPLICABLE if not granted) Priority date date Priority date of the patent Passive citations float Number of passive citations up to 2008 Weighted passive citations float Generality float Number of weighted passive citations up to 2008 (level 1 citation weight: 1; level 2 citations weight: 1/4; level 3 citations weight: 1/16) Generality measure based on passive citations up to 2008 Passive citations (2year) Generality (2-year) float Number of passive citations in the 2 years following the filing float Passive citations (3year) Generality (3-year) float Generality measure based on passive citations in the 2 years following the filing Number of passive citations in the 3 years following the filing Passive citations (5year) Generality (5-year) float Active citations float Weighted active citations Self citations float float Number of weighted active citations (level 1 citation weight: 1; level 2 citations weight: 1/4; level 3 citations weight: 1/16) 1 if patent contain a self-citation Originality float Originality based on active citations Pub A1 float 1 if contains citations to A1 journals Pub A2 float 1 if contains citations to A2 journals Cat A float 1 if contains citation to journal type A (state of the art) Cat L float 1 if contains citation to journal type L Cat T float 1 if contains citation to journal type T (theoretical) Cat X float Cat Y float 1 if contains citation to journal type X (particularly relevant for this patent) 1 if contains citation to journal type Y (relevant for this patent) Cat Missing float 1 if contains citation whose category is unknown AT float 1 if patent is valid in country AT BE float 1 if patent is valid in country BE BG float 1 if patent is valid in country BG CH float 1 if patent is valid in country CH CY float 1 if patent is valid in country CY CZ float 1 if patent is valid in country CZ float float Generality measure based on passive citations in the 3 years following the filing Number of passive citations in the 5 years following the filing Generality measure based on passive citations in the 5 years following the filing Number of active citations 15 Variable Type 4. Patent Table - continued Description DE float 1 if patent is valid in country DE DK float 1 if patent is valid in country DK EE float 1 if patent is valid in country EE ES float 1 if patent is valid in country ES FI float 1 if patent is valid in country FI FR float 1 if patent is valid in country FR GB float 1 if patent is valid in country GB GR float 1 if patent is valid in country GR HR float 1 if patent is valid in country HR HU float 1 if patent is valid in country HU IE float 1 if patent is valid in country IE IS float 1 if patent is valid in country IS IT float 1 if patent is valid in country IT LI float 1 if patent is valid in country LI LT float 1 if patent is valid in country LT LU float 1 if patent is valid in country LU LV float 1 if patent is valid in country LV MC float 1 if patent is valid in country MC MT float 1 if patent is valid in country MT NL float 1 if patent is valid in country NL NO float 1 if patent is valid in country NO PL float 1 if patent is valid in country PL PT float 1 if patent is valid in country PT RO float 1 if patent is valid in country RO SE float 1 if patent is valid in country SE SI float 1 if patent is valid in country SI SK float 1 if patent is valid in country SK TR float 1 if patent is valid in country TR Family size float Number of countries where the patent is valid IPC code 1 string IPC code number 1 IPC code 2 string IPC code number 2 IPC code 3 string IPC code number 3 IPC code 4 string IPC code number 4 16 Variable Type 4. Patent Table - continued Description IPC code 5 string IPC code number 5 IPC code 6 string IPC code number 6 IPC code 7 string IPC code number 7 IPC code 8 string IPC code number 8 IPC code 9 string IPC code number 9 IPC code 10 string IPC code number 10 IPC code 11 string IPC code number 11 IPC code 12 string IPC code number 12 IPC code 13 string IPC code number 13 IPC code 14 string IPC code number 14 IPC code 15 string IPC code number 15 IPC code 16 string IPC code number 16 IPC code 17 string IPC code number 17 IPC code 18 string IPC code number 18 IPC code 19 string IPC code number 19 IPC code 20 string IPC code number 20 IPC code 21 string IPC code number 21 N IPC codes float Number of different IPC codes IPC 4-digit class 1 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 1 IPC 4-digit class 2 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 2 IPC 4-digit class 3 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 3 IPC 4-digit class 4 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 4 IPC 4-digit class 5 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 5 IPC 4-digit class 6 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 6 IPC 4-digit class 7 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 7 IPC 4-digit class 8 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 8 IPC 4-digit class 9 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 9 IPC 4-digit class 10 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 10 IPC 4-digit class 11 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 11 IPC 4-digit class 12 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 12 IPC 4-digit class 13 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 13 IPC 4-digit class 14 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 14 IPC 4-digit class 15 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 15 17 Variable Type 4. Patent Table - continued Description IPC 4-digit class 16 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 16 IPC 4-digit class 17 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 17 IPC 4-digit class 18 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 18 IPC 4-digit class 19 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 19 IPC 4-digit class 20 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 20 IPC 4-digit class 21 string 4-digit IPC class (repeated only once for each patent) of IPC code 21 N IPC 4-digit codes float Number of different IPC 4-digit classes Oppositions (2) float Number of oppositions to the patent based on patent history Date event type 1 date Date of filing the request for examination Date event type 2 date Date of despatch of first examination communication Date event type 3 date Date of patent granted Date event type 4 date Date of grant of patent intended Date event type 5 date Date withdrawn Date event type 6 date Date of opposition (if more than one, date of first opposition) Date event type 7 date Date of Patent revoked Date event type 8 date Date of Patent maintained in amended form Date event type 9 date Date of opposition is deemed not to be filed Date event type 10 date Date of opposition rejected Date event type 11 date Date of rejection Date event type 12 date Date of withdrawal Date event type 13 date Date of applying for restitutio in integrum Date event type 14 date Date of restitutio in integrum Date event type 15 date Date of opposition procedure closed Date event type 16 date Date of interruption / suspension Date event type 17 date Date of resumption Date event type 20 date Date of despatch of supplementary search report Variable Type 5. Deflator Table Description ID float Unique identifier Country string Country to which the data refers to Year float Year Deflator float CPI deflator for year xxxx. 2005=100. Source OECD 18 Variable Type Deal code string 6. Experience Table Description LEAD float Unique identifier. "Deal_" + Country code (2 letters) + 4 digits code starting from 0001 in each country Lead investor PORTFOLIO COMPANY MISSING IN VENTUREXPERT INVESTOR MISSING IN VENTUREXPERT Total assets under management Overall Experience string 1 if portfolio company is missing in VentureXpert string 1 if investor is missing in VentureXpert float Sector Experience float Country Experience float Experience as Cross Border VC float Stage Experience float Syndication Experience float IPO's float Acquisitions float Failures float MISSING IN EVCA BOOK float Assets under management (million euro) based on the vintage year (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies before the VC invested in the PC (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies with the same sector as the PC, before the VC invested in the PC (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies who are based in the same country as the PC, before the VC invested in the PC (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies who are based in a different country than the parent country of the VC (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies who are in the same stage as the PC, before the VC invested in the PC (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies before investing in the PC, where the VC was part of a syndicate of VC's (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies who later turned out to do an IPO, before investing in the PC (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies who later turned out to do a trade sale before investing in the PC (source: VentureXpert) Cumulative number of investments in companies who later turned out to fail, before investing in the PC (source: VentureXpert) 1 if all lead VC's of round are missing (source: EVCA BOOK) investor type evca string Type of investor (source: EVCA BOOK) Staff Size float Number of employees in VC firm (source: EVCA BOOK) Capital managed /advised (x mill) Portfolio companies float Capital managed/advised (million euro) (source: EVCA BOOK) float Number of portfolio companies Min investment size (x1000) Max investment size (x1000) SEED float Minimum investment size (thousand euro) (source: EVCA BOOK) float Maximum investment size (thousand euro) (source: EVCA BOOK) float START UP float EXPANSION float REPLACEMENT CAPITAL float VC indicates that it is interested in investing in stages: SEED (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in stages: START-UP; OTHER EARLY STAGE (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in stages: EXPANSION; BRIDGE FINANCING; DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in stages: SECUNDARY PURCHASE; REPLACEMENT CAPITAL; REFINANCING BANK DEBT (source: EVCA BOOK) float 19 Variable 6. Experience Table - continued Type Description Buy out float No Preferences float All industries float Agriculture float Agriculture - Forestry Fishing Biotechnology float Chemicals and Materials float COMMUNICATIONS float Communications other float Computer Related float Computer: Hardware /Semiconductors /Services/software Construction float Construction - Building Products Consumer: other float Consumer Products float CONSUMER RELATED float Consumer Retail float Consumer Services float Electronics float Energy float Enviroment float Financial services float FINANCE / INSURANCE / REALESTATE FOOD & BEVERAGES float High-Tech float Industrial Automation float Industrial products float float float float float VC indicates that it is interested in investing in stages: MANAGEMENT BUY OUT; MANAGEMENT BUY IN; VENTURE PURCHASE of QUOTED SHARES (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates no industrial preference No Preferences (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in All industries (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Agriculture (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Agriculture Forestry - Fishing (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Biotechnology (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Chemicals and Materials (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in COMMUNICATIONS (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Communications other (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Computer Related (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Computer: Hardware/Semiconductors/Services/software (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Construction (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Construction Building Products (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Consumer: other (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Consumer Products (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in CONSUMER RELATED (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Consumer Retail (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Consumer Services (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Electronics (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Energy (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Enviroment (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Financial services (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in FINANCE / INSURANCE / REALESTATE (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in FOOD & BEVERAGES (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in High-Tech (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Industrial Automation (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Industrial products 20 (source: EVCA BOOK) 21 Variable 6. Experience Table - continued Type Description Industrial Products and Services Internet technology float Internet float IT float Life Sciences float MANUFACTURING float Manufacturing: other float Media float Medical / Health Related float Medical: Instruments & Devices Multimedia float Nanotechnology float Other float Other electronics related float Other/GAS float Other/Utilities float Other/Water float Other/Waste water float Other Private Equity Funds Pharmaceuticals float Retailing float Services float Services: other float Software float Telecommunication float Transportation float No Preferences float float float float VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Industrial Products and Services (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Internet technology (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Internet (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in IT (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Life Sciences (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in MANUFACTURING (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Manufacturing: other (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Media (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Medical / Health Related (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Medical: Instruments & Devices (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Multimedia (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Nanotechnology (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Other (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Other electronics related (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Other/GAS (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Other/Utilities (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Other/Water (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Other/Waste water (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Other Private Equity Funds (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Pharmaceuticals (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Retailing (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Services (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Services: other (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Software (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Telecommunication (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in Transportation (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates no country/regional preferenceNo Preferences (source: EVCA BOOK) 22 Variable 6. Experience Table - continued Type Description Worldwide float Asia float Africa float Australia float Austria float Baltic Countries float Belgium float Brussels float Benelux float Brazil float Canada float Central Europe float China float Continental Europe float Czech Republic float Denmark float Eastern Europe float Europe float Finland float France float Germany float India float Ireland float Israel float Italy float Japan float JORDAN float VC indicates that it is interested in investing Worldwide (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Asia (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Africa (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Australia (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Austria (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Baltic Countries (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Belgium (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Brussels (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Benelux (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Brazil (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Canada (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Central Europe (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: China (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Continental Europe (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Czech Republic (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Denmark (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Eastern Europe (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Europe (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Finland (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: France (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Germany (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: India (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Ireland (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Israel (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Italy (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Japan (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: JORDAN (source: EVCA BOOK) 23 Variable 6. Experience Table - continued Type Description LATIN AMERICA float Luxembourg float Middle East float Netherlands float New Zealand float Nordic Countries float Norway float North America float Poland float Portugal float Russia float Scandinavia float Scotland float Singapore float Slovakia float South Korea float Spain float Sweden float Switzerland float Turkey float UK float USA float Western Europe float VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: LATIN AMERICA (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Luxembourg (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Middle East (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Netherlands (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: New Zealand (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Nordic Countries (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Norway (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: North America (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Poland (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Portugal (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Russia (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Scandinavia (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Scotland (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Singapore (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Slovakia (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: South Korea (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Spain (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Sweden (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Switzerland (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Turkey (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: UK (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: USA (source: EVCA BOOK) VC indicates that it is interested in investing in country/region: Western Europe (source: EVCA BOOK) 24 7. Investment Table Description Variable Type Deal code string Company Code string Company Name string Distance float Unique identifier. "Deal_" + Country code (2 letters) + 4 digits code starting from 0001 in each country. Country code (2 letters) + 4 digits code. Firms in VC-group are numbered from 0001 onward; firms in control group are numbered from 1,000 onward Name of the company; when the company changed name or as several aliases, a note is put in brackets Geographic distance between investor and target company (km) Fund Name string Name of the fund making the investment Investment Year float Year of the investment event Investment Month float Month of the investment event Investment Amount float Amount of the investment Investment %Equity float Fully diluted % acquired Investor Entry Year float First entry of investor Investor Entry Stage float Lead Investor float Stage of the firm at the time of the entry of this VC (1-seed; 2startup; 3-expansion; 4-replacement; 5-buyout; 6-other) 1 if investor was (co)leading the round Investor Exited float 1 if investor exited Investor Exit Year float Year of exit. Not applicable if no exit Investor Exit Type float Investor Exit Type Note string Investment contact name Investment contact phone Investment contact email Investor type (at time of investment) string string Type of exit: 1-Buyback; 2-Sale to another VC; 3-Trade Sale; 4-Stock market; 5-Write-off or liquidation; 6-Other. Not applicable if no exit String with details about type of exit if exit type is "Other". Not applicable if no exit or exit other than Other Name of the contact person for the investment (might differ across investments) Investor's phone number (might differ across investments) string Investor's generic email address; might differ across investments float Type of investor at time of investment: 1 - Independent VC; 2 Corporate VC; 3 - Bank affiliated VC; 4 - Public VC; 5 - University VC 25 3.3 Description of the Entity Relationship Model of VICO (if applicable) Definition of single tables relation between the tables via unique identifiers Figure 1 shows tables relations. Figure 1. Tables relations 3.4 Interfaces for access and to other infrastructures (if applicable) 4 Technical information on interfaces with other infrastructures (e.g. web interface for data search. etc.) Not applicable. Further planning of the opening of VICO Document concrete steps towards opening of the respective dataset Necessary updates and/or technical changes Opening of the current version of the VICO dataset will take place at month 18. Preparatory activities for opening will be mainly devoted to the harmonization of geographical (NUTS2-NUTS3) and industry information (NACE rev.2). During the RISIS project we aim to enlarge and update the VICO dataset (WP20). Specifically: - accounting information on VICO firms will be updated (from 2010, last year available in the current version, to 2012); - more recent information on existing small high tech firms will be updated (from 2006 to 2012); - patent and scientific publications on VICO firms will be collected. Opening of the enlarged version of the VICO dataset will take place at month 24. We do not expect substantial technical changes with respect to the current version of the VICO database. 26 Changing legal conditions for accessing the dataset or parts of the dataset No changes. See Section 3 for current legal conditions. Suggestions for example results to be presented at the RISIS week 2015 on the use of the dataset in order to demonstrate its value added (e.g. in conjunction with another dataset) The VICO database has been extensively used in academic contributions on the role of VC in supporting the performance (e.g. growth, innovation) of new high tech companies in Europe. However, future research on the performance of new high tech companies can benefit from the availability of data related to the RISIS project. During the RISIS week, a review of the extant contributions based on VICO data will be provided. Furthermore, we will present some examples of possible avenues of future research related to the benefits resulting from the integration/harmonization of the VICO infrastructure with EUMIDA/ETER (WP13 for its description), EUPRO (WP16 for its description) and Leiden Ranking (WP17 for its description). More specifically, the joint use of VICO and EUPRO will allow investigate whether the participation of these companies to EU projects affect their access to VC finance and/or their economic and innovative performance. Another possible line of research is related to the use of EUMIDA/ETER and Leiden Ranking data on universities to assess the role of geographical proximity to these sources of knowledge on the economic and innovative performance of VICO companies. . 27
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