Wn qanfisfrffi*rdrnfrqFr GOVERNM ENTOF RAJASTHAN & Communication Departmentof lnformationTechnology tt lrcsFileNo:F5(503)/DoIT/Tech/ f Dated:?o -3 .z-o le Minutes of the Meeting A meeting regarding finalizing the modalities pertaining to implementation of e-Procurement in selected departments/PSUs was held on27-03-2012 at 1l:30 AM in the Conference Hall, IT Building, Jaipur. The meeting was attendedby following officers: l. Shri Samit Sharma,MD.RMSC, M.O. Health,Jaipur 2. Shri K.S. Verma, Secretary,UIT, Bharatpur 3. Shri S.C. Sharma,ED, RMSCC, Jaipur 4. Shri SuneelChhabra,SystemAnalyst, DoIT & C 5. Shri ChanchalKumar, Scientest'D',NIC 6. Shri M.M. Tiwari, Dy. CEO, Election,Jaipur 7. Shri Dr. PardeepSaraswat,Jt.Dir.,A.H., Jaipur 8. Shri K.K. Sharma,S.8., DLB, Jaipur 9. Shri NeeleshSharma,CAO (FW), RMSCC, Jaipur 10. Shri Om Chohla,DGM, RFC, Jaipur I L Shri Dinesh Aehha, DM, RFC, Jaipur 12. ShriV.C. Bunkar,C.F.,S.S.A.,Jaipur 13. Shri S.K. Verma,CAO, FD, Jaipur 14. Shri JitendraVarshneya,ACP (OIC e-Proc),RISL 15. Shri ShailendraKrishnatri,ACP, DoIT & C 16. Shri H.S. Agarwal,ACP, Agriculture,Jaipur 17. Shd Vasudev,ACP(DD), Animal Husbandary,Jaipur 18. Shri S.R. Chawala,DD, Literacy, Jaipur 19. Shri L.B. Mathur, Asstt.Dir., ElementryEdu.,Bikaner 20. Shri Dr. Manish Gupta,Dy.Dir., S.S.A.,Jaipur 21. Shri BhanwarooKhan, Ex.En.,UIT, Bikaner 22. Shri Ravindra Mathur, Ex.En., UIT, Bhilwara 23. Shri Bhawani Singh,Sr.A.O.,S.S.A.,Jaipur 24. Shri M.K.Sharma,A.En TFC, DLB, Jaipur 25. Shri Ram Gopal Verma,A.S., RSTBB, Jaipur 26. Shri S.N.Jha,Acadimic Officer, SanskritEdu.,Jaipur 27. Shri Ganpat Singh Jain, AO, RSTBB, Jaipur 28. Shri SohanLal Kathat,AO, FD, Jaipur 29. Shri HansKumar Sharma,AODLB, DLB, Jaipur 30. Shri Dr. Pankaj Mathur, Lecturer,College Edu., Jaipur 31. Shri Atul Kumar Sharma,MIS Specialist,DLB, Jaipur 32. Shri Madan Lal Sharma,A.A.O., RSTBB, Jaipur 33. Shri Munshiram,A.A.O., CollegeEdu.,Jaipur 34. Shri ShyamSunder,A.A.O., Sec.Edu.,Bikaner 35. Shri GoshDeen,A.A.O., UIT, Bikaner 36. Shri Ankit Mathur, J.En.,UIT, Bharatpur 37. Shri GajanandRaot, J.En.,UIT, Jaisalmer 38. Shri KailashChandraBadgujar,J.En.,UIT, Sirohi lT Building,YojanaBhawanCampus,Tilak Marg C-Scheme,Jaipur-302005 Ph: Ot4L-2224855, Fax t OL4L-2222O1L Website: http://www.doitc.rajasthan.gov.in 39. ShriBanphoolAgarwal,AP, Literacy,Jaipur 40. ShriVinodJoshi,Jr.Acctt.,Sec.Edu.,Bikaner Jaipur RAJSICO, 41. ShriJaiKumar,Jr.Asstt.Sys.Adm., againstactionpoints of departments/PSUs During the meeting,statuspertainingto preparedness was reviewed/ discussed.The organizationwise summaryis as under: A. Departments/PSUs: ComplianceStatusagainstactionpoints Sno Action Points Organization Formation of Copy ofpast e-Procurement tendersfor Mock Test Cell (hard & soft copv) Animal Husbandry Not formed Officers to be trained (Number) DSCs requirement (Number) Organizatio n Structure (hard & soft copy) List and contact details Bidders Not provided 5 5 Not Provided Not Provided Provided Provided z Election Cell Formed Provided 8 4 ., Literacy Cell formed Hard copy 6 6 Not Provided Not Provided A a SSA Cell formed Not provided 4 3 Not Provided Not Provided 5 DLB Not formed Not provided 6 5 Not Provided Not Provided 6 Agriculture Not formed Not provided Not identified Not identified Not Provided Not Provided 8 + Hard Copy Not Provided 7 RajSICO Not formed Not provided 8 RSTBB Not formed Hard Copy 8 o Not Provided Hard Copy 9 RMSCL Not formed Hard Copy l5 l5 Hard Copy Hard Copy 10 UIT. Bharatour Not formed Not provided 6 8 Not Provided Not Provided 1l UIT. Bhilwara Not formed Not provided 7 Not Provided Not Provided 12 UIT, Bikaner Not formed Not provided 6 5 Not Provided Not Provided t3 UIT, Jaisalmer Not formed Not provided 4 ) Not Provided Not Provided t4 UIT, Mt. Abu Not formed Not provided 4 4 Not Provided Not Provided B. Departments/PSUs : No tendersof Rs. 50.00lacsor above indicatedthat they are not conducting Representatives of following departments/PSUs tenders of value Rs. 50.00 lacs or above. Thus, should not be consideredfor implementationof e-Procurement Training. /e-Procurement l. CollegeEducation 2. SanskritEducation 3. RajasthanFinancialCorporation in the meeting C. Departments/PSUs: Not represented l. NagarNigam,Ajamer 2. NagarNigam, Bikaner 3. NagarNigam, Jaipur 4. NagarNigam, Jodhpur 5. NagarNigam, Kota 6. UIT, Ajmer 7. UIT, Alwar 8. UIT. Bhiwadi 9. UIT Ganganagar 10.UIT, Udaipur I 1. Cooperative 12.TechnicalEducation 13.RSMM Ltd 14.JDA, Jodhpur Followingdecisionswere takenin the meeting: 'A' above would provide remaining L The Departments/PSUslisted at point as indicatedin the table latestby 4tnApril, 2012to DoIT & C. information/documents listed at point 'B' abovethat of Departments/PSUs 2. As indicatedby the representatives they do not conducttendersof value Rs. 50.00 Lacs or above,theseorganizationsmay not be consideredfor implementinge-Procurement. 'C' above are also required to forward the 3. The Departments/PSUslisted at point pertainingto actionpoints mentionedabovelatestby 4th requisiteinformation/documents Apri,2012 to DoIT & C. 4. As thereis no needfor training in CollegeEducation,SanskritEducationand RFC, DoIT & C/RISL may consider other organizationsfor training in place of theseorganizations. regardingtraining Further,basedon information collectedfrom the departments/PSUs program RISL/DoIT & would be re-schedule by C. needs,Training This bearsthe approvalof Secretary,IT & C. . r A JILr' (SuneelChhabra) SystemAnalyst,IT&C Copy forwardedto following for information: 1. P.S.to PrincipalSecretary,UDFV Med. & Health/lCooperative/ Election/Animal Husbandry 2. P.S.to PrincipalSecretary,TechnicalEducation/ School& SanskritEducation Jaipur 3. P.Sto PrincipalSecretary,IT & C, CMO Block, Secretariat, 4. P.S.to Secretary,Mines Department 5. P.S.to CMD, RajasthanFinancialCorporation/RajasthanSmall IndustriesCorporation 6. PA to Secretarycum Commissioner,IT&C 7. ManagingDirector,RSMM Ltd, Udaipur 8. Director,CollegeEducation 9. CEO,NagarNigam, Ajmer / Bikaner/Jaipur/Jodhpur/Kota 10.Secretary, UIT, Ajmer/ Alwar/ Bharatpur/Bhilwara/Bhiwadii Bikaner/Jaisalmer/Mount Abu/ Shrig anganagar I Udaipur AgricultureDepartment/JDA, Jodhpur 11.Commissioner, 12.PA to Secretary(Budget),FinanceDepartment,Jaipur 13.OSD/DSF(E-3),FinanceDepartment,Jaipur \ Jaipur 14.OSD (G & T), FinanceDepartment,Secretariat, xrv Analystcum Programmer Copy forwarded to following for information and necessaryaction: l. Shri SamitSharma,MD.RMSC, M.O. Health,Jaipur 2. Smt. Indu Gupta, SIO, NIC 3. Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma, Technical Director, RISL 4. Shri P.K. Singh, Technical Director, NIC 5. Shri K.S. Verma,Secretary,UIT, Bharatpur 6. Shri S.C.Sharma,ED, RMSCC, Jaipur 7. Shri Chanchal Kumar, Scientist "D", NIC 8. Shri Suneel Chhabra, SA, DoIT & C 9. Shri M.M. Tiwari, Dy. CEO, Election,Jaipur 10. Shri Dr. PardeepSaraswat,Jt.Dir.,A.H., Jaipur 11. ShriK.K. Sharma,S.E.,DI,B, Jaipur 12. Shri NeeleshSharma,CAO (FW), RMSCC, Jaipur 13. Shri Om Chohla,DGM, RFC, Jaipur 14. Shri DineshAehha,DM, RFC, Jaipur 15. ShriV.C. Bunkar,C.F.,S.S.A.,Jaipur 16. Shri S.K.Verma,CAO, FD, Jaipur 17. Shri H.S. Agarwal,ACP, Agriculture,Jaipur 18. Shri Vasudev,ACP(DD), Animal Husbandary,Jaipur 19. Shri S.R.Chawala,DD, Literacy,Jaipur 20. Shri L.B. Mathur,Asstt.Dir., ElementryEdu.,Bikaner 21. ShriDr. ManishGupta,Dy.Dir.,S.S.A.,Jaipur 22. ShriBhanwarooKhan, Ex.En.,UIT, Bikaner 23. Shri RavindraMathur,Ex.En.,UIT, Bhilwara 24. Shri BhawaniSingh,Sr.A.O.,S.S.A.,Jaipur 25. Shri M.K.Sharma,A.En TFC, DLB, Jaipur 26. Shri Ram GopalVerm4 A.S., RSTBB, Jaipur 27. Shri S.N.Jha,Acadimic Officer, SanskritEdu.,Jaipur 28. Shri GanpatSinghJain,AO, RSTBB, Jaipur 29. Shri SohanLal Kathat,AO, FD, Jaipur 30. Shri HansKumar Sharm4AODLB, DLB, Jaipur 3l. Shri Dr. PankajMathur, Lecturer,CollegeEdu.,Jaipur 32. Shri Atul Kumar Sharma,MIS Specialist,DLB, Jaipur 33. Shri MadanLal Sharma,A.A.O., RSTBB, Jaipur 34. Shri Munshiram,A.A.O., CollegeEdu.,Jaipur 35. Shri ShyamSunder,A.A.O., Sec.Edu.,Bikaner 36. Shri GoshDeen,A.A.O., UIT, Bikaner 37. Shri Ankit Mathur, J.En.,UIT, Bharatpur 38. Shri GajanandRaot,J.En.,UIT, Jaisalmer 39. Shri KailashChandraBadgujar,J.En.,UIT, Sirohi 40. Shri BanphoolAgarwal,AP, Literacy,Jaipur 41. Shri Vinod Joshi,Jr. Acctt., Sec.Edu.,Bikaner 42. Shri Jai Kumar, Jr.Asstt.Sys.Adm., RAJSICO,Jaipur \ -F{* Analyst cum Programmer
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