Happy Spring! - River Drive Christian Church

PO Box 592, 126 Kentucky Avenue Irvine, KY 40336
Spring 2015
Happy Spring!
Is anyone else out there as happy as I am to see the beautiful Spring weather
we’ve been having? After a long, cold, snowy winter, it makes me happy to
see baby toes and flip-flops, Easter flowers (butter cups), and buds beginning
to burst open on the trees!
Spring is a busy, important time for the Center. We are having a “Pastor’s Breakfast” on April 11 for local ministry leaders, their spouses and/or church baby bottle
contacts. We think this is a super way to jump-start the Baby Bottle Blessings
campaign for 2015.
Baby Bottle Blessings
May 10 - June 21
The baby bottles have been one of our most successful fundraisers to date, and
are a very important part of our budget for the next year. If your church is not a
participant and you would like to help make that happen, get in touch with us here
at the Center - 723-0184 or email at: estillccpp@windsteam.net.
The Center continues to grow in numbers of clients. The need for added days and
hours, space, supplies, etc. all grow as well. We need Mentors and other volunteers desperately! I believe God is calling people to this ministry even as this letter
goes out. Please pray about what your role may be: donor; volunteer; Mentor;
church contact??? You can find more info elsewhere in the newsletter relating to
each of these roles.
“I love this
place and really
am enjoying my experience with them
so far!
Definitely a place I
will recommend to
any soon- to-be
mothers I know!”
Needs List
Members of Irvine-Ravenna Woman’s Club assist with our Spring clothing switch
diapers - sizes 4&5
12/18/24 mos. boys’
summer clothing
0-3 mos. girls’
boys’ shoes 2-8
hooded towels
baby lotion
More scenes from the
Spring clothing switch
with the Irvine-Ravenna
Woman’s Club
Spring has arrived at ECCPP!
Spring and Fall always bring a major project to be undertaken at the Center
for Pregnancy & Parenting. Late in March and September each year, staff and
volunteers face the enormous task of switching out all of the seasonal clothing
in the boutique and other areas of the Center.
On March 24th, the Irvine-Ravenna Woman’s Club showed up in force and
tackled this season’s switch-out head on! Under the direction of Karen Burford,
Client Services Director at ECCPP, they packed up snowsuits, corduroys and
long sleeved outfits. In the place of those, out came flip-flops, shorts and light
weight clothing for Spring and Summer.
Clients enrolled in the “Earn While You Learn” curriculum earn shopping
privileges in the Baby Boutique for clothing and other items for their babies and
Thank you ladies for all of your help - many hands make light work!
ECCPP Events
April 11 - Baby Bottle
Kick-off Breakfast
April 25-26 - Mountain
Mushroom Festival Booth
May 10-June 21 - Baby
Kroger Community Rewards can now be directly connected to your Kroger Card. Each time you shop, the Center receives a percentage of cash back from your purchases.
If you already have a Kroger account online,
simply sign in and look for Community
Rewards. Have your Kroger card ready to
enter your number. If not enter:
Bottle Blessings Campaign
May/June - Volunteer
Once you have an account set up look for:
Please call the Center at 7230184 for more info or to volunteer.
tion number which is
Estill County Center for Pregnancy & Parenting or enter the organiza-
95548 . It costs you nothing!
ECCPP received our first quarterly check for $85.00 recently!
“What’s going on at the Center ”...
Family Life Resources and ECCPP grew out of the ‘crisis pregnancy/pro-life movement’. Growing
numbers of pregnancy resource centers across the U.S., and even the
world, have been consulted in millions of crisis pregnancies. Over the
years since abortion on demand became legal, many centers have gone
medical, adding ultrasound services,
STD testing, maternity housing and
some even offer complete pre-natal
and maternity services. The more
these faith-based Centers can offer,
the more babies who can be saved
and the more families who can be
spared the heartbreak of abortion.
Our purpose in the community is
multi-faceted. For now, our services here are limited to selfadministered pregnancy tests, peer
counseling and a wonderful parenting program. But, that doesn't
mean that we don’t see women (and
men) in crisis. Far too often, the
pregnancy is only one layer of the
larger mix that makes up their troubled lives. Poverty, addiction,
homelessness, job loss, lack of family support... these issues and more
add to the pile of ‘stuff’ that weigh
down so many of the clients served
The one thing that hurts my heart
the most, I suppose, is seeing a second or third generation woman
whose mother is not around
(physically or emotionally) to help
and support her daughter. Some of
their mothers have died of alcohol
or drug-related causes. Others just
are not ‘mothers’ in the true sense of
the word. Many are too focused on
themselves and their own lives to
deal with their daughter (or son) and
grandchild. I fear the Biblical
prophecy of mothers being without
natural affection is being lived out
before our eyes.
Of course we know mothers aren’t
the only ones missing in the lives of
their children. Historically, fathers
are absent far more. Research is
revealing more and more how the
absence of fathers in the home is
negatively affecting our children
and society as a whole.
At the Center, we have couples,
and even a few single male clients
who have chosen to take advantage
of our services, all because they
want to be better parents. Studies
have shown that positive fatherinvolvement in early childhood has
life-long effects on children’s learning abilities, behavior and social
As of this writing, we are seeing
primarily clients who have chosen
to parent their babies. Pre-natal,
birth and early infancy/childhood
are the focus of much of the Earn
While You Learn parenting classes
our clients go through. Learning
I can’t even begin to imagine havparenting skills, life skills and daying gone through my two pregnanto-day practical living can only help
cies without my Mom. Nor can I
in meeting their needs. ECCPP is
fathom not having supported my
growing, parents are learning and
own daughter when she faced a cribabies and children are being
sis pregnancy as a teen. There are
blessed as we help to “build families
just certain times in our lives when
for a better Estill County”.
each of us needs a “Mommy”.
Sandra Wilds, Director
Center Stats
Client Visits
Volunteer Hours
Days Open
6 (Holidays)
6(2 snow days)
8(1 snow day)
What’s your passion???
Few things in life are more rewarding than doing volunteer work. People
volunteer for different reasons. Some are required to do community service for school, work or to receive benefits. Others have a strong passion
for the cause they are supporting, giving of their time and resources to
further the cause. It may be a cause they feel strongly about because of
experiences in their own life, or the life of someone they love.
Whatever the reason, I would encourage anyone to look into doing some
type of volunteer work in your lifetime. Many organizations could not exist without volunteers, including the Center for Pregnancy & Parenting.
The Center has one paid employee. On average, volunteers put in about
100 hours per month, and still there is always work to do in many areas.
Have you, or someone you care deeply about, faced challenges in pregnancy and/or parenting? Whether an unplanned pregnancy that ended in
an abortion or as a difficult parenting journey, these are some of the issues we address at ECCPP. Those who have found help and healing
through the love of Jesus are called to help others. Does this describe
you? If so, the Center may very well be a place where you will thrive.
ECCPP is diligently seeking new volunteers over the next two months. If
you feel passionate about helping those struggling with pregnancy and/or
parenting, give us a call. There are lots of ways to minister, some face-to
-face and many others behind the scenes. All are rewarding and all are
grounded in the spirit of Christian love.
Contact Us
Give us a call for more information about our services, to
volunteer your time or donate.
Family Life Resources, Inc.
PO Box 592, Irvine, KY 40336
DBA: Estill County Center
for Pregnancy & Parenting
126 Kentucky Ave. Irvine, KY
email: familyliferesources40336@
Visit us on the web at:
Volunteer Opportunities @ ECCPP
Administrative Receptionist*: Greet clients and donors, give
each appropriate paperwork, answer phone, schedule appointments, office support, help with mailings, make copies, sort donations, etc. - requires 8 hours training
Media Manager: Experienced person needed to manage online
media site usage for the Center. Must be familiar with social media use including facebook, website management, online data
storage, etc.
Client Mentor*: Work with new and established ‘Earn While You
Learn’ clients, helping with their lessons and parenting classes.
Requires 24 hours training and periodic refresher courses. Also
may lead to becoming a Peer Counselor*, seeing pregnancy test
Housekeeping Helpers*:
Cleaning, organizing storage areas, removing overstock and other unusable items. Requires 2 hours training.
Contact Sandra or Karen at the Center 723-0184
ECCPP is a Christian ministry, and as such we believe that all of
our volunteers should be followers of Jesus Christ, rooted and
grounded in the WORD and active in a local church.
* Background checks are required for all on-site volunteers.
“Children are a
heritage from the
Lord, offspring a
reward from Him.”
Psalm 127:3
ECCPP - “Building
families for a
better Estill