2015 Future Water Leader Bursary 18th International Riversymposium Through the generosity of Pernod Ricard Winemakers, a corporate partner of the International RiverFoundation (IRF), the IRF is pleased to announce that it will award two bursaries for attendance at the 18th International Riversymposium. This year the event will be held from the 21 - 23 September in Brisbane, Queensland. The IRF invites nominations from current, Australia based university students in water management, environmental management, environmental economics, sustainability, development studies, international relations or a related field. The focus of the conference in 2015 is “Healthy Rivers – Healthy Economies”. Each bursary will provide for a full Student registration, participation in the Emerging Water Professionals Program, a ticket to the Welcome Function and a ticket to the 2015 Riverprize Gala dinner. Pernod Ricard Winemakers demonstrates the highest commitment to corporate leadership on water in industry initiatives and believes in investing in innovation, environment and education for future leaders. Riversymposium Overview The 18th International Riversymposium has an overarching theme of ‘Healthy Rivers – Healthy Economies’. This integrated conference brings together the disciplines of science, governance, planning, community, education, Indigenous peoples, industry, research and much more. Riversymposium provides a forum to encourage and foster innovation, collaboration and integration. This year’s Riversymposium will have something for all river professionals. The symposium aims to provide a space for cross-sector engagement and discussion that moves river management forward, seeks innovative approaches and encourages collaboration. Above all, the Riversymposium will be an occasion to celebrate – with awards of Riverprizes and the Emerging River Professional Award at the Gala dinner, a river art festival, and exciting additional events, including the Emerging Water Professionals Program and Women in Rivers. Eligibility This bursaries are open to any individual aged eighteen years or over who is currently studying full time in Australia in any of the fields listed above, or a related field. The IRF will also invite universities to nominate students to be considered for the funding. Each bursary will cover the conference registration, welcome function, Riverprize Gala dinner and one of the optional, free field trips on Thursday 24 September. The bursary does not cover transport to or from the conference or accommodation. Recipients of the bursary will also be invited to submit a poster to the conference. How to apply The nomination process will be open until the 17 July and each nominee will need to answer the following questions. Please provide, in no more than two (2) pages in total, answers to the following questions: 1. What does cross-sector collaboration for river basin management mean to you? 2. What do you believe is the most important factor ensuring innovation in IRBM? 3. How do you demonstrated leadership and commitment to rivers and river basin management? 4. If you were to be awarded this bursary, how would you benefit from attending the 18th International Riversymposium? In addition to answering these questions, please attach a 1-page CV. One letter of support from a university lecturer or supervisor may also accompany the application. You should submit your application via email in either word or PDF format, along with your letter of support, by no later than 5pm Friday 17 July (AEST). Following your submission, your application will be reviewed and a decision will be provided by Friday 31 July 2015. Key Dates 1 June 17 July 31 July 21 - 23 Sept 18 October Activities Application process will be opened Submission and letter/s of support are to be emailed to info@riverfoundation.org.au. Notification letters regarding application will be sent out. IRF will organise registration for successful applicants Participate in 18th International Riversymposium Provide feedback form to IRF on Bursary program Questions If you have any questions regarding the application process or how to apply, please contact the IRF office with any enquires on 07 3026 0826 or patricia@riverfoundation.org.au.
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