The Bear Facts - Riverside Elementary

The Bear Facts
Riverside Elementary Bears PTA
May, 2015
Riverside Mission Statement
*Every Child’s Learning Comes First at Riverside*
Students and Staff United in Purposeful Engagement at Riverside
Be here Excel A+ attitude Respectful Safe
May 4-6………………………...State testing for grades 3,4,5
May 14………………..………..School Awards @ Creekside
May 18……………….………...5th grade promotion
May 22........................................End of 4th 9 Weeks
Half Day for Students
May 26........................................Teachers’ Day
This school year will soon be coming to a close. It
has been an outstanding year. Thanks so much for all
of your support.
I hope you will be able to attend your child’s
awards ceremony on May 14th. Look in the newsletter for the day and the time. Invitations will be mailed
for the school awards but everyone is invited to the
classroom awards.
Our PTA programs have been great, our students
have worked hard, our teachers have done an excellent
job and our volunteers have been everywhere we
needed them.
We will be mailing home your child’s report card
and supply list. We have sent home an address verification form. Please make corrections as it is very important that we have your current mailing address so
we can correct our computer records for all the important information that is mailed from our school
board offices. Just a reminder, fourth and fifth grade
report cards will be mailed from the St. Tammany
Parish School Board offices again this year.
Let’s have a great month to end a great school
year .
It is hard to believe that May is here already. This
is our last article for the year and we would like to
thank everyone for your support of PTA through
memberships and fundraisers. We appreciate all of
you who have volunteered throughout the year. All of
this helps make PTA a success. We hope you have a
restful summer and look forward to seeing you in August.
Riverside Bears PTA is sponsoring Early Bird
membership for 15-16. If you join by Thursday, May
7th for the 2015-2016 school year your child will be
allowed to take a picture with cast members of the
PRHS Little Mermaid production on Friday, May 8th
in our library. Please see the membership flyer attached to the newsletter for additional details.
If you would like to contact us, please feel free to
email us at
Jill Jeffrey
Jessi Pitman
3rd grade - 8:45am Classroom Awards
9:30am School Awards
(By invitation only)
1st grade - 9:40am Classroom Awards
10:20am School Awards
(By invitation only)
4th grade and Mrs. McCoy - 10:30am
Classroom Awards
11:15 am School Award
(By invitation only)
5th grade 10:45 Classroom Awards
Promotion practice at 1:30
2nd grade - 12:15pm Classroom Awards
1:00 School Awards
(By invitation only)
Thank you for supporting the cafeteria staff all
school year. It makes us happy to see each of the children everyday. Parents, please remember to stay current with lunch/breakfast charges. If anyone has any
questions or concerns about their child’s lunch account, please feel free to call me, Debra Younce, at
Our library is a wonderful resource and source of
joy for our students. Please look around the house for
any library books that are overdue. If your child has
an overdue book, please take care of the fee to replace
the book or return it as soon as possible. If you have
any questions concerning library fines, please call the
office at 863-3141.
Each student needs to bring an addressed, legal
sized envelope for report cards, end of the year notices, etc. to be mailed home. Riverside will provide the
The end of the year is quickly approaching!
Please remember how important the last weeks
are for our first graders. Talk to your children
about the importance of doing their best work.
Be sure to send your child to school everyday to
ensure he or she does well on his or her end of the
year assessments.
Please encourage your child to read over the
summer. The summer public library program is a
great way to develop your child’s love of reading.
We would like to thank all our parents for all
you have done this year, and we hope everyone
has a safe and happy summer!
The second grade teachers would like to thank
all of the parents who volunteered to chaperone
our field trip to the Botanical Gardens. We appreciate all of your help. The students really
seemed to enjoy the experience and they were so
well behaved. We would also like to thank those
who joined us for field day. We had loads of fun.
Thank you Coach Christy!
It is hard to believe that the year is drawing to
a close. We would like to thank you for all
you’ve done to help our students make lots of
progress. Please encourage your children to do
their best these last few weeks of school. Good
conduct and good study skills are so important to
the last day of school.
Please encourage your child to read over the
summer. Find ways to include your child in the
math at home. For example let them count your
change, tell you what time it is, etc. Join the
Summer Reading Program at the library.
Our Award’s Day is Thursday, May 14.
Please try and attend. The children look forward
to having special guests here.
We have enjoyed working with your children
so much. Have a super summer!
The end of the year is upon us. Our third
graders have done a fantastic job this year learning all sorts of material. The third grade teachers
are excited for them to become fourth graders.
We want to thank the chaperones that
came on the field trip to the New Orleans Children’s Museum. The students had a great time!
As we wind down to the last day of school, please
remind your child that they need to continue
working hard.
As always, please have your child read for
at least 20 minutes each night and practice their
multiplication math facts.
The 4th grade teachers would like to thank all the
parents and grandparents who helped us make this a
successful year. We really appreciate all the time and
effort you gave to our classes. Our Award’s Day will be
held on May 14. Classroom awards will be at 1030
A.M. All parents are invited. Our school awards are at
11:15 A.M. You will receive an invitation in the mail if
your child will be receiving an award in the gym
The 4th grade still has lots of learning to do. Please
continue to check take home folders for important information. Have a great summer!
Fifth grade teachers would like to thank all of the
parents who chaperoned and/or brought their child to
school early for the Baton Rouge field trip. The students were very well behaved and we are proud of the
way they represented Riverside. We hope they enjoyed
this trip as they learned about their state government
Please check with your child to be sure he/she is giving
you notes from school and returning them on time. May
is a busy month for fifth grade and we have lots of deadlines to meet. Please help your child be responsible to
ensure everything is returned in a timely fashion.
Fifth graders are looking forward to the following
April 30th- Creekside Visit (Students should wear uniform bottoms with school board approved top.)
May 1st- Deadline for T-shirt Order and Money ($6.00)
May 4th - 6th End of Year Testing (Don’t Stress for the
May 14th- Class Awards 10:45 (Academic/School
Awards will be given out at the promotion.)
May 15th- 5th Grade Party (Volunteers Must Have
Signed up Prior to this Date.)
May 18th- 5th Grade Promotion 6:00p.m. in Creekside’s
As always, please contact your child’s teacher if you
have any questions. We hope the students enjoy the fun
activities we have planned for them, and we know they
will shine as they enter into junior high school!
MAY 4th - 8th
It is time for the Fifth Grade Promotion ceremony.
We will be having the promotion ceremony for our
fifth grade students in the Creekside Junior High
gym. It will be Monday, May 18th at 6:00 p.m.
Refreshments will be served in the cafeteria right
after the ceremony. We hope you will be able to
attend to help us celebrate the accomplishments of
our students.
All students should be dressed in age appropriate clothes. The dress code for the promotion ceremony is navy blue, black (dark colored) or khaki
bottoms and a white top or white collared shirt with
no writing, or the red school uniform shirt. No
shorts, jeans, or dresses are allowed and no flip
flops or beach type sandals (school board prohibited). Follow the St. Tammany Parish dress
code when buying the clothes. We want the students to all look their best!
First Grade:
B. Royce - Buenrostro
A. Menard - Dundas
J. Bowman - Hetherington
L. Gillikin - Lancon
D. Husband - Welch
Second Grade:
L. Legnon - Babington
A. Pina - Bennett
C. Morphis - Luxich
C. Martin - Miller
M. Abreu - Ybos
Third Grade:
J. Allen - Dannehl
M. Hemphill - Galloway
G. Daley - Perez
L. Livingston - Zechenelly
Fourth Grade:
E. Anderson - McCoy
M. Crawford - Coble
C. Dame - Vickmair
H. Davenport - Eitmann
J. Lawson - Whitehead
Fifth Grade:
H. Murray - McCoy
T. Foster - Burke
R. James - Milton
L. Clements - Pope
L. Lodge - Smith
Parents, Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4th –
May 8th. If you are interested in sending something in
to your child’s teacher(s) a wish list of items is included below.
Teachers of Grades 1, 2 & 3
Monday, May 5th – Kleenex and/or Paper towel
Tuesday, May 5th – Pencils, Pencil Top Erasers
Wednesday, May 76h – Dry Erase Markers, 24 pack of
Thursday, May 7th – Glue Sticks, 2 Pocket/3Prong
Friday, May 8th – A “Sweet Treat” for the teacher
Teachers of Grades 4 & 5
Monday, May 4th – Dry Erase Markers, Clorox Cleaning Wipes
Tuesday, May 5th – # 2 Pencils, Pencil Top Erasers,
2x5 Index Cards
Wednesday, May 6th – 24 pack of Crayons, 2 Pocket/3 Prong Folders, Loose Leaf Paper
Thursday, May 7th – Kleenex, Paper Towel, Post-It
Friday, May 8th – A “Sweet Treat” for the teacher
The Good Samaritan Ministry
910 Cross Gates Blvd.
When: Applications will be taken in the Good Samaritan Ministry office on Wednesday, June 17 - 9 till 12;
Thursday, June 18 - 1 till 4; Saturday, June 20 - 9 till
12; Wednesday June 24 - 9 till 12; and Thursday, June
25 - 1 till 4. Applications will also be taken in the
Youth Building (behind the main church office).
What to Bring: Current Louisiana State Picture ID;
Current SNAP printout that lists your children’s
names, social security numbers, birthdates and income.
Applications will not be taken without a current SNAP
Who is eligible: Low income families - must be on
SNAP; Families with special or emergency needs;
Children in kindergarten through 8th grade; Slidell,
Pearl River and Alton schools.
The Good Samaritan Ministry is helping the first
200 children with approved applications submitted by
June 25th. Distribution of the supplies will be at the
Good Samaritan Ministry on Monday, August 3rd
from 9am to 12 noon classroom 5. This is the only day
that supplies will be handed out.