RSG Newsletter March 2015 - Riverside Glen Family Council

Vol. 17, Issue 3
Message from the General
pg 2
Alzheimer Society
Pg 9
Welcome New Residents
pg 7
Chaplain’s Corner
pg 8
March 2015
Village Events
pg 10
A Week Of
PAL Program
Pg 11
Volunteer Department
Pg 12/13
Irish Fun!
March 16-20
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to
provide holistic health
care in a home
environment located
within an internal
neighbourhood design
that promotes a caring
community, with
emphasis on optimal
health and life purpose
for each resident.
60 Woodlawn Road East, Guelph, Ontario, N1H8M8
Phone: 519-822-5272
Fax: 519-822-5520
Message from
Bryce McBain
Dear residents, families, and team members,
We had an eventful February!
We hosted a well-attended Staff Appreciation Dinner where we
gave thanks to our team members, recognizing that we cannot live
out our Schlegel Village mission, vision and values without our
residents, families, and team members.
We made significant investments in our people to continue to
enhance our resident care, social, and research models in our
Our village hosted Living in My Today, Neighbourhood Team
Development, Marketplace Mondays, Village Traditions,
Orientations, RIA Research Champion Meetings, Village
Advisory Team Meetings and more collaborative learning
opportunities that will help us live out our goal of “putting living
first” in our village.
I’m glad to see that we are consistently creating opportunities for
our residents, families, and team members to connect, learn more
about each other’s lives and interests and enjoy each other’s
Some highlights include:
We had our first monthly Welcome Social Breakfast where new
residents were invited to get acquainted with some of our other
residents and Leadership. Some families joined us in our
Neighbourhoods to participate in Valentine’s festivities with our
residents and team members. Our Leadership enjoyed making
pancakes for our residents on Shrove Tuesday. Our village was
full of laughter during our village wide Friday Fun Scrub Day
Minute-to-Win-It competition.
Thank you to all of you that participate in our social functions as
you all make our lives richer for making the time.
Bryce McBain
“It was best said by a
fellow team member
that this individual
truly does have a
smile on their face
and has the best
attitude towards other
team members and
residents. She can
always turn your bad
day into a good one.”
Choose your Attitude Award
“Deep goes above and
beyond everyday to put
a smile on everyone’s
face. He has built many
strong and meaningful
relationships with
fellow teammates and
residents. He even
bought a resident a
matching hat to his and
had it embroidered with
an inside joke that they
Make Their Day Award
“In the kitchen, his
infectious laugh or
somewhat off key
singing voice, can be
heard through the halls
of the lower level of
Riverside. He takes new
team members under his
wing to ensure they are
made to feel welcome
and answer any
questions they have as
they settle in to their
Play Award
“She always strives to
ensure all residents and
guests have a
pleasurable dining
experience. She is
always willing to pick
up extra shifts and help
out with various
catering events and she
does so with a positive
attitude and a smile.”
Always do your Best Award
Riverside Glen
welcomes new residents
to our community
Sheila Dantzer
Steve Haddon
Marion Harwood
Ken Holland
Margaret Williamson
E Komo Mai
Long Term Care
Louis Berset
Geoffrey Draper
Barbara Durham
Jean Haddon
Margaret King
David McCarl
Doris McKay
Ruth Mickus
Irene Willoughby
Mervyn Yates
Chaplain’s Corner
Residents, Families, and Team Members:
Today is one of the coldest days of the winter, but looking at the calendar,
daylight saving time begins in just over two weeks, and with it the hope of spring.
The focus for March is often St. Patrick's Day, so thought I'd give a bit of
background on this day. Typically many of our holidays are associated with
religious figures and have become secularized. St. Patrick's Day is one of those.
Patrick was born into a very wealthy family in Britain. His father was a deacon
and his grandfather was a priest. At age 16 he was kidnapped by the Irish and
taken to Ireland, where for several years he worked as a shepherd. It was here that
he "found God" and heard God telling him to go to the coast and to catch a ship to
take him home. After returning home, he also became a priest and felt a calling to
return to Ireland to convert the "pagans." Patrick used the Irish shamrock, with its
three leaves to explain the Trinity to the Irish. That is why shamrocks and green
are worn on St. Patrick's day. As this day typically falls during Lent, fasting and
abstaining-which is practised by many in the church, is suspended, thus the
sometimes over imbibing that day. Patrick died on March 17th and so that is the
day we celebrate his life.
So a happy St. Patrick's Day and a happy hoping for spring.
Blessings to you,
Rev. Brenda Woodall (Chaplain)
In Memoriam
The Board of Directors, Management,
Team Members and Residents were
saddened by the passing of
Andrew Garcia
Gordon Stacey
Dorothy Baine
Marjorie Bibby
Willard Burkholder
Ella Carere
Hazel Crawford
Joan Firko
Joan Tuffnell
Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 3
March 2015
Help for Today. Hope for Tomorrow…®
How to Reduce Alzheimer's Risk with Diet and Exercise
The Alzheimer's Society is always looking for new ways to limit the risk of dementia.
Everyone knows that keeping active and maintaining a healthy diet contributes to overall
health, but a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association has discovered a
direct link between exercise, diet, and Alzheimer's disease.
The study sampled nearly 2000 individuals living in New York city, and tracked both
their diet and their physical activity for 14 years. It was found that following the
Mediterranean diet significantly reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. It
was also found that having higher physical activity significantly reduced the risk of the
So what can you do to reduce your own risk of developing age-related dementia?
The Mediterranean diet, a proven way to lower risk of many diseases, consists of high
intake of olive oil, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, moderate intake of fish, dairy, and
wine, and very low consumption of meat products. However, you should always check
with your healthcare professional before changing any part of your diet.
Increasing your physical activity is another way to reduce risk. It is recommended
that an adult gets 150 minutes of light physical activity per week. If you are not getting
enough exercise, try something as simple as walking, jogging, or cycling for just 20
minutes per day. This will help to reduce the risk of age-related dementia, as well as
improve your overall health.
As always, please feel free to contact your local Alzheimer's Society for more
P: 519-836-7672
207 – 255 Woodlawn Road West, Guelph N1H 8J1
Office hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm Mon-Fri
Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 3
March 2015
Answers from February Newsletter
March Question 2
Question 1: Andy Garcia
Guess Who…?
- was a home birth on March 27th in 1935 in Guelph,
- worked as a Guelph Branch Manager at Superior
Propane for 37 years
- went to school at the Guelph Collegiate Vocational
- misses wife ‘Betty’ of 38 years marriage
-loves chicken wings
Is it…?
a. Bill Gowan
b. Hank Jaspers-Fayer
c. Doug Daymond
d. Sonny Pfeiffer
Question 2: Clarence Seifried
Question 3: Siobahn Townsend
“My wife Monika and I are very happy with the care
that we receive here at The Village of Riverside Glen.
The food here is wonderful too. I am eating a lot of
different foods here that I have never tried before.
Thank you.”- Huno Von Holstein
March Question 1
Guess Who...?
was born in Hanover, Germany in 1941
had his own window cleaning business
was married for 25 years
travelled on a boat trip around the world in 130
has always loved swimming and walking
Is it…?
a. Alec Reitz
b. Heinz Krzyzik
c. Cliff Ferris
d. Huno Von Holstein
“I really enjoy making other people happy, seeing
people laugh, and seeing people live their lives the way
that they want to live it. I appreciate the perseverance
and resilience of our team. Our team has so much
heart.”- Siobahn Townsend
March Question 3
Guess Who…?
-was born in Windsor, ON in 1960
-is proud to have 3 kids and 6 grandchildren
- has a son who is an RCMP officer
- is a former National Champion of 5 Pin Bowling; a
GOLD Medalist
-is a certified Lift Truck Driver
Is it…?
A. Luisa McMaster
B. Ruth Auber
C. Lucy Theoret
D. Marian Knight
Long Term Care Family Council
Next Meeting:
Thursday, March 26th, 2015
Long Term Care Fitness Room
All Family Members Welcome!
Accordian Music with Garry on Memory Care
Tuesday, March 3rd at 1:30pm
Silvertones Choir in Retirement
Friday, March 6th at 2:00pm
Followed by refreshments at 3pm
Piano Music with John on Memory Care
Monday, March 9th at 1:30pm
The Dressing Room Clothing Sale in RH
Friday, March 13th
Music with Helen Stephens
Sunday March 15th 2pm in LTC, 3pm in RH
Tuesday, March 17th
Academy of Irish Dance in Long Term Care
Sunday, March 22nd at 2pm
Memory and Aging Presentation in RH
Monday, March 23rd at 2:30pm
Horse Races on Main Street Retirement
Wednesday, March 25th at 3:30pm
Pub Night in Long Term Care
Wednesday, March 25th at 3:30pm
Team Trivia Night in Retirement
Thursday, March 26th at 7pm
Music with Aiden Purnell
Monday, March 30th
10:30am in Long Term Care
1:30pm on Assisted Care Floor
Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 3
March Break
Irish Week
Join Conestoga College
Recreation & Leisure Students
for a week of fun Irish programs,
events and lots of GREEN.
March 2015
A note from your
Bow Tie High
Christine and I attended a Bone Fit course last
month where we learned about safe exercise techniques
for individuals with osteoporosis. We are excited to start
incorporating what we have learned into our programs.
One of the many interesting things we learned was, “bow
tie high”. It’s a very simple cue used to correct posture of
the thoracic spine (see picture on right). This is the area
where individuals with osteoporosis commonly fracture
causing kyphosis (rounding of the back) or a decrease in
It is important to keep the muscles of the spine strong to reduce the risk of vertebral
fracture. First, you must imagine you are wearing a bow tie. Then, you want to keep your
bow tie high. This causes you to keep your chest up and slightly extends your thoracic
spine. Often individuals are told to bring shoulders back to correct their posture. However,
it is possible to have kyphosis while the shoulders are pulled back.
For the month of March, the PAL team will be wearing bow ties to promote proper
posture in residents and team members. Keep your bow tie high!
Laura Kratz and Christine Hames
Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 3
March 2015
Looking for a Volunteer Opportunity?!
1. Bowling:
Monday Afternoon
2. Bingo Buddies:
Friday evenings
3. Friendly Visiting:
Various days & times, let us fit YOUR schedule
4. Church Service Support
Wednesdays 2:00—3:30pm
Sundays 10:00—11:30am
Pick one!
5. Musical Melodies
Days/times variable. Use your musical ability to
entertain our residents.
6. General Store
Tuesday mornings/afternoons
Choose a time to help in the store!
7. Special Events/Outings
Help out on a monthly basis
for special events and/or outings going on at the Village.
For more information on these
opportunities or to apply to volunteer please
Erin Huber ext. 863
Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 3
To be a volunteer, it takes...
Generosity; a willingness to give your time to
Understanding; because their lives might be
very different from your own
Empathy; an ability to put yourself in someone
else's shoes and feel what they must feel
Compassion; to truly care about making someone else's life better
Patience; because the process doesn't always
go as smoothly as it might
Dedication; to stick with the project and see it
Thank-you to our volunteers who are all of
To volunteer: please contact:
Erin Huber ext: 863
Riverside is pleased to welcome the
following volunteers to the
Kendra Almon
Jessica Shantz
Kathy Brophy
Ann Middleton
Thank you for your support!
March 2015
Approximately one year ago, training was done
to acquaint volunteers with the Music & Memory
Program that is run at the Villages. This program
creates personalized iPod playlists for residents, and as
a village Riverside Glen moved forward with having
this program be volunteer run.
Davina was one of our first volunteers who was
incredibly eager to be involved with the program and
move forward with it. Full of enthusiasm and drive,
Davina began program implementation in September
2014 starting with the administration side and building
the music library. With a knack for technology and a
love of music, Davina was a great fit to get the
program up and running.
From left; Celia Renaud & Davina Battistelli
When it was time to begin meeting with residents, doing assessments and building playlists—this is
when Celia came along. Celia—a natural at building rapport and relationships with others; joined the volunteer team and has been doing a wonderful job at taking initiative in engaging with residents and connecting with staff to benefit our residents. Both University of Guelph students; these two young women
have most definitely been great assets to Riverside Glen.
Volunteers of the Month
Davina & Celia
“Volunteering at Riverside Glen with Music & Memory has been a great experience. My favourite part of
volunteering is working on projects with great people while doing something that I love: making playlists!
Music & Memory is a wonderful program that we hope to keep improving” -Davina B.
“Volunteering at Riverside has allowed me to meet so many wonderful residents, and form a special bond
with them. What I like about volunteering is being able to give back to my community as well as interacting with the residents. The Music & Memory Programs has certaintly been an enriching experience.” Celia R.
Thank-you Davina & Celia for enriching the lives of our residents and being such a large asset to
the village! You are making a difference at Riverside Glen and we are so grateful for that!
Interested in Volunteering at The Village of Riverside Glen?
Contact the Volunteer Coordinator at (519) 822-5272 ext. 863 or email
Apply online at:
Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 3
March 2015
Friday, March 6th at 2pm
Guelph Mens
Club Choir
Thursday, March 19th at 2pm
Irish Week
March 16-20
Irish Jig
St. Patrick’s Crafts
Scavenger Hunt
Movie Night
Leprechaun Bowling
A Wee Bit O’ Baking
Ending the week with an Irish
Ball on Friday, March 20th at
7:00pm in the Retirement
Dining Room.
Happy Hour
Join your friends
for refreshments
Tuesdays and
Fridays in the
Retirement John
Galt Room at
Riverside Glen Horse Racing Authority
Join in the action on Main
Street as we host our first live
Riverside Glen Horse Races.
Visit the Mutuels
Make a bet
Only a quarter!
Cheer on your ‘horse’
Then claim your winnings
Wednesday, March 25th
3:30pm on Main Street Retirement
A dose of knowledge from the Nursing Team
Nelson Mandela said - Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
As we journey onwards at Riverside Glen with culture-change and the way people age, our goals are always
to be well equipped, up to date and ensure that our practices are evidenced-based and accurate. To this end
we have been busy coordinating in-services, training, additional education and orientation so that team
members are knowledgeable and more importantly, ready!
Over the coming months we have scheduled topics to enhance training for everyone but specifically the
Nurses – here are just a few of the sessions:
Palliative and End of Life Care
CPR certification
Medication Management & Administration
Pain & Symptom Assessment
Infection Prevention & Control
Topical Cream application
Documentation & Life Plans.
I am very proud to let you know that Andrea Feys RPN and Infection Control Nurse has been hard at work
learning all she can and recently achieved four certificates/credits related to Infection Control. Andrea has
registered for membership to the IPAC Canada – an association committed to the wellness and safety of
Canadians by promoting best practices through education, standards, advocacy and awareness. Andrea was
at the helm during our recent respiratory outbreak and worked closely with Public Health to finally clear the
village so it could re-open again.
I am currently working on my second Palliative Care course – Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Nurse and
look forward to making further enhancements to the Palliative Program currently at Riverside Glen. Many
Residents and Families have spoken with me recently to say they were not aware that Hospice Palliative Care
can be provided at Riverside Glen and so I am working to put together a brochure outlining what this means
and how everyone can access this care in the village.
I’m glad to report that our incidence of pressure ulcers/wounds is low and wounds developed in-house are
minimal. Of course, prevention is always better than cure and Hubrecht Quist RN and Assistant Director of
Nursing has a particular passion with wound & Skin care. Huib will be attending the National Wound Care
Conference later this year and enrolling in wound care courses. If you have any concerns regarding skin
integrity I encourage you to speak with Huib for advice and information.
Several of our team members attended courses last month pertaining to Restorative Care and this is an area
we hope to develop over this coming year with a specific focus on walking to the dining room and on
assistance with eating. Our goal being to promote and maintain independence and autonomy means that we
don’t want to take away residents’ functional abilities that can be encouraged and restored where able.
So, lots happening, lots still to learn! As always my door is open to you if you have comments, questions or
just to say ‘hello”.
Ruth Auber, Director of Care
On the
This year’s Wisdom of the Elder will be involving resident’s favorite family recipes and turning them into a taste test for our
villages. We are asking that you start brainstorming of recipes
that you would like to see created at the village and maybe even
be on our next menu rotation. All recipe submissions can be
handed to the Recreation team or the Food Services Team by
May 25, 2015. After we receive all submissions, we will review
with a committee and select some from each neighborhood that
we think everyone will enjoy. The chosen recipes will be made
with the help of residents and staff and be put out for residents
and staff to vote on their favorite recipes on June 25. The recipes will be put into 4 categories: beverages, appetizer, entrée
and dessert. One recipe from each category will be chosen to
represent Riverside and compete against 6 other villages for best
recipe. The competition will take place August 27 at the Village
of Arbour Trails.
I hope everyone enjoyed our Chinese New Year's menu on Feb
19. Our next theme day will consist of lots of green on March
Melanie Stuart
Hospitality Supervisor
March 10th at 10am
Long Term Care
March 26th at 3pm
January 12, 2015
Dear patients and families of Riverside Glen:
We are writing to inform you of the CRA’s Disability Tax Credit Certificate. This is a tax credit that in my
experience is often overlooked by our patients. Yet most of our patients who reside in either a retirement home or
long term care home would qualify and benefit from the tax credit.
As physicians we feel it is important to mention as many of the decisions we make for care are influenced by cost for
patients and families. This tax credit may make some of those decisions easier.
The tax credit reduces the tax payable on your income tax return. We do not know by how much but have had
several families comment that it is a significant amount. Before deciding whether to have the forms completed you
should determine whether it would benefit you or not.
Eligibility depends on having a severe and prolonged impairment. There is a self-assessment questionnaire at the
start of the form. If there is uncertainty then we can discuss while completing the form. Again, most of you are
living in this setting for reasons that would qualify you for this credit.
The form is available online at and often a copy can be
obtained from your accountant. Also, for convenience, we have arranged for blank forms to be available from Tina
at the front desk.
If you would like to have the form completed, please follow the instructions on the following page. If you have any
other questions or concerns then, as always, feel free to contact us through the home or the office.
Dr. Robert Fewster, Dr. William Ruddock, Dr. Peter Spadafora, Dr. Steven Traplin
Disability Tax Credit Certificate Completion
I am outlining the steps to get this form completed to make it easy. If steps are skipped then we end up sending the
form back and forth and it ends up more involved than need be. So please follow the following instructions.
Obtain a copy of the form online at, or from your
accountant or at the front desk.
Complete the self-assessment on the third page of the form
Complete PART A ***please make sure that this form is completed fully. I need the individual or their
Power of Attorney to authorize that the form can be completed. I am unable to release medical information
without authorization.***
If the person with the disability is unable to tell us how long the specific disabilities have been a problem,
please include the contact information for someone who I can contact during the day (home phone and/or
cell phone would be great).
Leave the form at the nursing station or send it to my office. I will complete the form and return it to you at
the home.
I charge a fee of $40 to complete the form. I will send an invoice with the completed form.
PSW students have begun their second semester clinical placements on the neighbourhoods!
Residents, Faculty and Team Members are an integral part of this process; shaping the
development of these soon to be prepared graduates!
PN students are busy with their medical placements in various local hospitals.
Ever wanted to be a PSW? Registration is now open for September 2015. Train and be job ready
in 8 months!
Thank you to the residents, students and team members who assisted with the Conestoga
College media photo shoot!
Students and team members continue to build their professional connections as they attend the
Living in my Today workshops together. What a great Living Classroom activity!
A Word from your Village Advisory Team...
The VAT wants YOU! If you have ideas as to how we can take next steps to
providing flexible dining, we want to hear from you! Please contact Tricia from Recreation in
Long Term Care or Caroline from Recreation in Retirement for meeting details!
On March 27 Margaret will be making a spaghetti lunch to fundraise for the 2015 Pioneer
Network Ambassador. $5 will get you spaghetti and meatballs, Caesar salad, and homemade
dessert in a takeout container so you can buy at lunch and eat it for dinner if you want!
Buttons have arrived! Elizabeth H from LTC has been so good as to design a button for the
VAT so that we can thank and appreciate you for demonstrating our Village Aspirations! They
are: Creating Shared and Meaningful Opportunities, Cross-functional Teams, Flexible Dining,
and Putting Research into Practice.
Next Month, we will be sharing some of the research that has come out of the RIA, so that we
all can be putting our aspiration into better practice!
Living Classroom Honoured at
Riverside Glen—Feb 24
Hope and Resilience at Aspen
Lake—Feb 23
A Highschool Valentine at Tansley
Woods—Feb 17
Telling the true story of Long Term
Care—Feb 12
The moments that matter—Feb 10
Contentment at 100—Feb 3
Read these stories and more
on the Villages website.
Sign up online to receive
the email newsletter.
If you have a story to share, please
contact Kristian at
Team Member Birthdays
Cherry Fran
Cathy Hudman
Mahvash Kashani
Maxine Russell
Mahsa Salimi
Dhanvender Sidhu
Wendy McLelland
Marta Arrue
Izaiah Farrell
Doreen Miller
Rowan Hayward
Debbie Albert
Jackie Graham
Marlene Hayes
Peter Stutterheim
Keith Bennett
Nicole Stoner
Susan Dunkley
Nimfa Semilla
Chandra Hood
Nellie Van Dyke
Abegail Foell
Kulwinderjit Kainth
Melissa Tilley
Kerrie Wagner
Mary Haggarty
Iris Johnson
Jeff Sa
Edwina Danso
Jody Gawne
Lisa McConnell
Meghan Newbury
Yu Mei Wang
Julie Bonnett-Woodley
Tammy McGlone
Amanda Vanheeswyk
Shawnee Pilbeam
Elizabeth Szpakowski
Bisi Salami
Melissa Simms
Jason King
Amy Jones
Mar 2
Mar 3
Mar 4
Mar 4
Mar 4
Mar 4
Mar 5
Mar 6
Mar 7
Mar 7
Mar 8
Mar 9
Mar 9
Mar 9
Mar 10
Mar 11
Mar 11
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Mar 14
Mar 15
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Mar 17
Mar 17
Mar 18
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Mar 19
Mar 19
Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 24
Mar 25
Mar 25
Mar 26
Mar 26
Mar 28
Mar 28
Mar 29
Mar 30
Resident Birthdays
Audrey Cleland
Jean Haddon
David Rideout
James McMerty
Joan Dingman
Jackie Keith
Mervyn Yates
Ruth Bulionis
Charles Force
Giorgio Bubola
Willie Krone
Frances MacDougall
Eleanor Haayen
Helen Helwig
Dorothea Palmer
Emmie Simpson
Patricia Tonks
Thelma Anderson
Robert Hamilton
Elizabeth Stephens
Verna Mainland
Lois Jewett
Brenda Gough
Eva Comartin
Alfreida Abbott
Greg Heeley
Lin Whitman
Sonny Pfeiffer
Bessie Cole
Frances Pasiciel
Mar 1
Mar 1
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Mar 3
Mar 4
Mar 7
Mar 7
Mar 8
Mar 8
Mar 9
Mar 10
Mar 11
Mar 12
Mar 14
Mar 15
Mar 15
Mar 15
Mar 16
Mar 17
Mar 19
Mar 20
Mar 22
Mar 25
Mar 25
Mar 26
Mar 26
Mar 27
Mar 27
Mar 29
Mar 30
Birthday Celebrations
Riverside Review, Vol. 17, Issue 3
Long Term Care Birthday Lunch
Wednesday, March 25th at 12:00pm
Family Invited but must purchase a meal ticket x858
Retirement Birthday High Tea
Saturday, March 21st at 2:00pm
in the Retirement Library
Village Team
Contact List
Bryce McBain
General Manager
Debra Kuipers
Assistant General Manager
Luisa McKenzie
Wellness Coordinator
Chris Pimentel
Memory Care Coordinator
Michelle Mayhew
Assisted Care Coordinator
Tania Anderl
Recreation Supervisor
Aaron Orrell
Director of Environmental Services
Rebecca Snider
Director of Food Services
Melanie Veldman
Hospitality Supervisor
Laura Kratz
Emily Wildeboer
Administrative Assistant
Gillian James/Megan
Marketing Coordinators
Michael Schmidt
Assistant General Manager
Ruth Auber
Director of Nursing
Hubrecht Quist
Assistant Director of Nursing
Lynn Lake
Neighbourhood Coordinator – Puslinch/Eramosa
Karen Norris
Neighbourhood Coordinator- Mapleton/Nichol
Heath Preston
Neighbourhood Coordinator- Erin/Arthur
Cheryl Ridler
RAI/QI Nurse – Eramosa/Puslinch
Andrea Feys
RAI/QI Nurse – Arthur/Erin
Joanne Malubay
RAI/QI Nurse – Nichol/Mapleton
Ted Mahy
Director of Recreation
Meredith Mcdonough
Assistant Director of Food Services
Christine Hames
Tina Bertrand
Administration Assistant
All Email addresses are (FirstName).(LastName)