Entry Form for OESS June 07 & 28, 2015 (One form per rider/ horse combination) RIVERVIEW STABLES 1445 Canaan Road, Cumberland Ontario, K4C 1G1 Tel. - 613 833-2317 Email address: janet@riverviewstables.ca Website: www.riverviewstables.com (Entries Close Wednesday, May 27 & June 17 @ 6:00 pm) Dressage Division Fee (4 classes) Hunter DIVISION FEE (4 classes) SHOW DATE HORSE $20 Group class $15 Single Dressage Test $25 Name of CLASS or Division *** Test Of Choice*** indicate which test you will ride $45 Single Hunter class o/f RIDER Class # $75 Fee Warm-up Hunter - $10.00 ENTRY FEES OESS FEE Office Administration Fee $5 refunded to rider on show date if nothing missing from entry Late/Post Entry Fee SCRATCH FEE $20.00 $35.00 TOTAL HST – 13% GRAND TOTAL $5.00 $10.00 Horse:________________________ Rider: ___________________________ AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE OF RISK & WAIVER OF LIABILITY I understand that the sport of horses is a high risk sport & that I am participating at my own risk & in full knowledge that there is some element of risk that an accident could occur & result in injury and / or death. In consideration of acceptance of this entry or my being permitted to take part in the event, I agree to save harmless & keep indemnified Riverview Stables Inc., show organizers, and their respective agents, officials, servants & representatives from & against all claims, actions, cost and expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to any person or property however caused, arising out of or in connection with my taking part in this event & notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by negligence of Janet Borse & Craig McHugh, their agents, official, servants or representatives. It is understood & agreed that the agreement is to be binding on myself, my heirs & assigns. All competitors must wear proper fitting, approved protective headgear, with the safety harness correctly secured, at all times while mounted. Approved headgear meets ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) standards & displays the SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) seal. It is hereby recognized that all equestrian sports involve inherent risk & that no helmet or protective equipment can protect against all foreseeable injury. I hereby accept this risk & hold harmless the competition, their officials, organizers, agents, employees & representatives. By not wearing proper safety headgear, I fully accept all responsibilities of my actions. I hereby confirm that there is liability coverage in force with respect to the ownership of the competing horse. I acknowledge that I have read & fully understand & agree with the terms & conditions stated herein and that it is binding upon my executors, heirs, and assigns. Minors: I acknowledge as Parent/Guardian of ______________________________ that I have read & fully understand & agree with the terms & conditions stated herein on behalf of ____________________________ and myself. Parent Signature: __________________________________________ BIRTHDATE _____________________ Stable Affiliation Tel no. Date Signature OEF# Address Postal code Tel. Work OWNER Owner (print) Home Owner EMAIL Rider Date Signature OEF# Address Postal code Tel. Work RIDER Rider (print) Home “I/we hereby confirm that there is liability coverage in force with respect to the ownership of the competing horse(s)” Signature ___________________________________ (attach photocopy of proof (OEF card)) √ Rider’s CHECKLIST Check closing date for entries Cheques payable to Riverview Stables Photocopy of current year Coggins OEF membership # Owner OEF membership # Rider Checked eligibility for divisions “Acceptance of Risk” form – signed Coach “Acceptance of Risk” form – signed owner “Acceptance of Risk” form – signed rider “Acceptance of Risk” form – signed guardian For Office Use - DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE ↓ I hereby certify that this horse and rider combination is eligible as entered. Coach Name (print): Signature:
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