The United Church of Canada – Elmsdale Pastoral Charge Riverview United @ 760 Highway #2, Elmsdale, NS B2S 1G3 Phone: 883-9274 or 883-2363 Nine Mile River United @ 6624 Highway #14, Nine Mile River, NS April 3rd, 2015 RIV. 3:00 pm Good Friday Service Worship Leader: Beth Brehaut e-mail: 883-2363 & 830-6150 Riv. Ministry of Music: Martha Healy Riv. Web. Office Manager: Pat Spicer e-mail: 883-9274 (an * invites those who are able, to stand) WE GATHER TO CELEBRATE GOD’S PRESENCE Organ prelude Cross Procession (cross enters from side door and proceeds up middle aisle.) Call to Worship: (Responsive) One: All: One: All: One: All: One: All: One: Love calls us here, the love of the Crucified One. The love of Jesus refused compromise with the powerful. Love calls us here, the love of the Crucified One. The love of Jesus took the tough but faithful road. Love calls us here, the love of the Crucified One. The love of Jesus struggled with the easy way out. Love calls us here, the love of the Crucified One. The love of Jesus endured the rejection of his friends It is the love of Jesus that calls us here. Introduction A Friend of Jesus has Let Him Down (a time of silence) A Prayer of Hope (responsive) One: All: One: All: One: All: One: All: In the midst of uncertainty and doubt, we need your presence, O God. In the midst of betrayal and rejection, we need your friendship, O God. In the midst of powerlessness and despair, we need your confidence, O God. When the fear of death comes home to us, we need your eternal love, O God. Amen Sung Response: “Draw the Circle Wide” (#145 MV refrain only) Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still. Let this be our song, no one stands alone, standing side by side, draw the circle wide. Reading: Matthew 27: 11 – 14 (Pilate questions Jesus) Third Candle is extinguished. Reading: Matthew 27: 27 – 31 (The soldiers make fun of Jesus) Fourth Candle is extinguished. What It’s Like to be Powerless (a time of silence) Opening Prayer: (unison) God of strength, gather us in – in this sacred space, in this sacred moment – for here we recall a story of faith, a story of manipulative powers, of human frailty, of cruelty and malice, and an act of unlikely grace. Here we remember who you are. Amen. Music Ministry *Hymn: “O Jesus, I Have Promised”, #120 VU Reading: Matthew 26: 36 – 46 (Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.) All: One: First Candle is extinguished. Jesus Feels the Isolation (a time of silence) Sung Response: “Draw the Circle Wide” (#145 MV refrain only) Prayer of Confession One: All: One: All: One: O God, it is hard to believe that the friends of Jesus would let him down at the crucial moment. We confess that we, too, have not always been friends to trust. O God, it is hard to believe that the leaders with the power would fail to understand the goodness of Jesus. We confess that we, too, have used our power over others unwisely. O God, it is hard to believe that popular opinion could be manipulated to condemn a wonderful person. We confess that we, too, have gone along with the crowd. O God, it is hard to believe that the cruel death of crucifixion was tolerated in a civilized society. We confess that we, too, have been slow to speak out against the cruelty and injustice of our time. Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still. Let this be our song, no one stands alone, standing side by side, draw the circle wide. All: Reading: Fifth Candle is extinguished Matthew 26: 69 – 75 (Peter denies Jesus.) Second Candle is extinguished. *Hymn: “Were You There”, #144 VU Reading: Matthew 27: 32 – 44 (Jesus is crucified) Sixth Candle is extinguished. The Crucifixion Echoes Down the Ages (a time of silence) Sung Response: “Draw the Circle Wide” (#145 MV refrain only) Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still. Let this be our song, no one stands alone, standing side by side, draw the circle wide. Reading: Matthew 27: 45 – 56 Christ Candle is extinguished Christ is Being Crucified Still Today (a time of silence) Sung Response: “Draw the Circle Wide” (#145 MV refrain only) Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still. Let this be our song, no one stands alone, standing side by side, draw the circle wide. Prayer of the People Reading: Matthew 27: 57 – 61 The Rose Petal Ritual (in silence – wait until the tomb is closed) Blessing (unison – please remain seated) May God bless us and keep us. May God make God’s face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. May God look kindly upon us and grant us peace. Amen. The service is over. You may wish to sit in silence for a few minutes, then leave quietly. This service is largely written by David Sparks, Gathering Lent/Easter 2015. Used with permission.
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