R. J. FISHER MIDDLE SCHOOL March 18, 2015 Principalʼs Corner Congratulations to our Fisher Middle School Science Olympiad team, staff supporter, Kim Brown, and club advisors, Dimas Reyes, San Keswani, and Erica Schleicher, for an outstanding performance at the recent competition held March 14th at San Jose City College. What is Science Olympiad? An exciting one-day, multi-event science competition for middle and high school students. After several weeks of building their scientific content and inquiry skills, teams gather on competition day to test their knowledge and skills in Science. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are integrated into the Science Olympiad program. Below are the medal winners and honorable mentions for this year’s Science Olympiad. Medal Winners: 1st place: Robocross, Alice Martynova and Karina Nguyen 1st place: Write It Do It, Alex Kerlee and Viola Zhao 2nd place: Solar System, Evan Kolderup and Justin Quan 2nd place: Meteorology, Elsa Schleicher and Kyra Helmbold 3rd place: Bridge Building, Fiorella Chen and Amanda Kerlee 4th place: Meteorology, Gabryl Reyes and Kieran Potts 4th place: Wheeled Vehicle, Kyra Helmbold and Elsa Schleicher Honorable Mention Winners: 6th place: Crime Busters, Chloe Ziegler and Calahan Lackovic 7th place: Fossils, Elsa Schleicher and Kyra Helmbold 8th place: Air Trajectory, Siddharth Pai and Jaewon Lee 8th place: Wheeled Vehicle, Meera Keswani and Lindsay Plaxton We are very proud of your efforts! Lisa Fraser Principal KEEP ME POSTED If you have concerns or questions, please contact Ms. Fraser at 335-2300 or email at lfraser@lgusd.k12.ca.us Visit the school website at www.rjfisher.lgusd.k12.ca.us Important Spring Photo Day Information - Monday March 23rd during PE Class Fisher Middle School Picture Day is Monday, March 23 Picture Day ID: CB094368Q0 All Students will be photographed, photos will be sent home for you to purchase or return what you do not want! No $ is needed on Photo day for individual pictures. If your student would like to take a buddy photo during break or lunch, they must pick up an order form in the office. They must pay for buddy photos on picture day! Flyers have been given to your child. Select your favorite background and return on Picture Day. 0 period students may come before school, during break, lunch or after school to be photographed. FOR CURRENT AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT THE SPORTS PAGE ON THE FISHER WEB-SITE! FISHER SCHOOL CALENDAR March 18! Journalism Club in RM R3 @ 3:00pm 18! Spanish Club in RM T205 @ 3:00pm 18! ! School Site Council Meeting @ 7:00pm in Library 19! SPIRIT WEEK - Hawaiian Day 20! Club 41 Meeting @ Lunch in Y4 20! ! SPIRIT WEEK - Color Rally @ Flex - wear your colors : ) 20! ! Track and Field paperwork due by 1:00pm - No Exceptions! 23! Picture Day during PE classes 23! Late Start Monday - 9:10am to 3:03pm 23! ! French 1B National French Contest Exam @ 7:50am in Fisher Library 23! Fisher Coding Club in RM P7 @ 8:10am 23! Bridge Club in RM T205 @ 3:10pm 24! Creative Writing Club @ Lunch in R6 24! ! Spring Choir Concert 6:00pm @ LGHS Auditorium 25! Journalism Club in RM R3 @ 3:00pm 25! Spanish Club in RM T205 @ 3:00pm 25! ! Spring Orchestra Concert 6:00pm @ LGHS Auditorium 26! ! Spring Band Concert 6:00pm @ LGHS Auditorium 30! Late Start Monday - 9:10am to 3:03pm 30! Fisher Coding Club in RM P7 @ 8:10am 30! Bridge Club in RM T205 @ 3:10pm 31! Creative Writing Club @ Lunch in R6 April 01! Journalism Club in RM R3 @ 3:00pm 01! Spanish Club in RM T205 @ 3:00pm 02! Journalism Club in RM R3 @ 3:00pm 03! Club 41 Meeting @ Lunch in Y4 06-10! Spring Break - No School 13! Late Start - 9:10am to 3:03pm Overdue Library Books There are many, many library books that have been checked out and are now overdue. We don't charge overdue fines, but we would love to have our books back so other students can enjoy them. Please encourage your student to return their books to the library tomorrow. Questions? Please call or email Ms. Mitchell or Ms. Rynn Athletic Directors at 335-2368 or lmitchell@lgusd.k12.ca.us or nrynn@lguls.k12.ca.us For future sports tryouts, game schedules, or directions to offsite locations, visit the Fisher sports page at CLICK HERE!! Go Trojans! ! FISHER SPIRIT WEEK "#$%&!'()*+! MONDAY Animation Day ! TUESDAY Western Day! WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Animal Day! Hawaiian Day ! !FRIDAY SPIRIT COLOR DAY COLOR RALLY DURING FLEX! Please let the attendance office know if your student will be out for any reason. Please call or email attendance every day that your student is out ill. Remember students need to be fever free without meds for 24 hours before returning to school. Attendance Line: 408-335-2385 or rjfattendance@lgusd.k12.ca.us Home & School Club Happenings for the week of March 16, 2015 Stay Informed, Be Involved, Make A Difference! The Home and School Club is seeking volunteers for next year for our Board of Directors. We have two HSC Board of Director posiAons currently open: SECRETARY and ASSISTANT TREASURER. Please contact Allison ValenAne (volunteers@fisherhsc.com) if you have an interest in joining HSC team or volunteering for the Home and School Club. Home and School Club Proposed Slate of Officers for 2015-‐2016 President: Tracey Calassa Vice President: Kathy Granger Treasurer: Kerry Lindholm Assistant Treasurer : OPEN posiAon Secretary: OPEN posiAon Vice President of Volunteers: Allison Valen=ne Communica=ons: Darla Booth Parliamentarian: Kim Schenkel H&SC Calendar Month in View March 18 -‐ @ 7:00 p.m. in the library –Home & School Club Mtg and School Advisory Council March 23 – Spring picture day March 31 -‐ @ 8:30 a.m. -‐ 8th Grade Gradua=on Ceremony CommiOee Mee=ng Hi Friends in LG We'll meet at the Main Street bridge this Friday, convening at 9am sharp. This will be a 1.5 hour hike, and we may hike the neighborhoods, to change it up a bit. Call or e-mail Janet Stimson for any questions at 408-309-5844 or jstimson68@gmail.com Thanks so much for your support in aOending the Home & School Club sponsored Principal Chats! The aOendance at our last Principal Chat for 2014-‐15 was GREAT! There were approximately 70 people in aOendance! We hope to con=nue the Principal Chats in the 2015-‐16 school year. If you would like to see these informa=onal sessions con=nue, please email us at board@fisherhsc.com with comments and/or sugges=ons of future topics. VOLUNTEERs Month in View Check out latest volunteer needs: hOp://fisherhsc.ivolunteer.com/ parentsoncampus_spring15 & 8th Grade Dance is being planned Do you paint, are you ar=s=c, are you crea=ve, do you have plant connec=ons, food connec=ons, a photographer, a techie or just want to help carry out this fun event for our kids! We've got a theme and are ready to set set up commiOees. Contact: graddance@fisherhsc.com 8th Grade GraduaAon Commi_ee Want to help out? Contact: graduation@fisherhsc.com Fuel The Fund We did it! Thanks for helping us achieve our fundraising goals! Need Community Service hours? Need community service hours? Van Meter & Lexington Elementary Schools are looking for Fisher volunteers to help out with concession sales at their play, Kokonut Kapers, March 26-29th. Go to http:// lvm.ivolunteer.com/kkfisher and sign up for a shift (or more) today! Questions? Contact Nicole Morley at nicole.morley@vanmeterhsc.org. Got Sales Expertise? Got Marketing Production Skills? Are you a CPA ? Your Child’s Education Needs You! Los Gatos Education Foundation is currently recruiting for the 2015-2016 school year. We need to have the right people in place to provide the programs to enhance your child’s education. With the right team, we can really kick-off a great back-to-school campaign! Are you a former or current Accountant? Do you have Business/Sales Outreach experience or are you a fantastic networker? Are you great at Marketing Production, Collateral Management, Social Media, Graphics or Event Planning? Do you have accounting, marketing, sales or public relations skills but feel a little rusty…and would like a chance to polish them up before you re-enter the work force? The Los Gatos Education Foundation needs you – and it is a great resume builder while you are doing great things for your child’s education! We are a passionate group of parent volunteers across all 5 campuses in the District and we would love to have some new team members. Positions are available for board-level or non-board level volunteers, time commitment varies - some roles are only a 4-hour commitment a month. Please contact Deborah Weinstein, Director of the Los Gatos Education Foundation, at director@lgef.org, or (510) 882-3170 for more information. We would love to have you on the team! Community Service Opportunity Daves Ave School is hosting a series of Science Nights in March and April and we need several student volunteers to help run the stations. The dates are March 12 18, 26 and April 1, 2 and 16 and students can sign up for as many as they would like. They will receive 3 hours of community service for each session. Click here to volunteer. Have questions? Please contact Bianca Gruetter ç
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