R.K.MEMORIAL SR.SEC.SCHOOL SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS:- VIII Subject: English Q: 1. Write twenty writing in neat and clean mannar. Q: 2. Write a summary of the Poem Ozymandias in your own words. Q: 3. Write about “Nimai Forever” in about 150 words from the context. Q: 4. Answer these questions with reference to the context: 1. ‘No One’ can harm you except yourself? a. Name the speaker and listener. b. Explain the speaker of this statement? c. In what context was he spoken 2. My Name is Ozmandias King of Kinds. a. Name the Poem and Poet? b. Who was Ozymandias. c. Why he said himself King of Kings. 3. “Shymal was not in his room”. a. Who was Shymal. b. Who said these words. c. Where could he go? Q: 5. Write 10 lines on the Road Throug The Woods? Q: 6. Write the meaning of these words with the help of dictionary. Swish, Badgers, Whistles, Cantering, Worthy Convenient, Bilingual, Patriot, Revolutionary, Location, Antique, Bare, Mighty, Sneer Visage, Sculptor, Announce, Colossal, Stretch, Wrinkles, Despair, Survive, Announce, Restored, Excused, Demonstrated, Sphere, Resolution, Resented, Humiliating, Humanity. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at Page No.-34, course book. Solve this passage carefully. Q: 7. Q: 8. Learn and write all the question-answer of Lesson-3m Nimai Forever and Lesson-4. The way through the woods. Section-B Grammar: Q: 9. (i) Write an application to your Principal for full fee concession. (ii) Write an application to your Principal for issuing S.L.C. (School Leaving Certificate) Q: 10. You are a member of the Billy Graham Crusade Network. Write a notice to inform the Public about a Prayer Vigial on New year’s eve against Global Terrorism. Put the notice in a box. Q: 11. Write three forms of verb of the following words: Examine, Observe, Work, Swim, Drink, Do Go, Has, Be, Write, Read, Respect, Bring, Teach, Laugh, Solve, Skill Scold, Receive, Post, Study, Supply, Snatch, Cease, Lean, Remember, Stare, Fill Catch. Search, Squeeze, Plough Subject: Hindi 1- izFke jpukRed ewY;kadu ijh{kk ls lacf/kr ikB~;Øe ikB & 1] 2 o 3 dh iqujko`fÙk ¼v/;;u½ dk;Z djsa A 2- ^jkek;.k* ds ^lqUnjdk.M* ls lacaf/kr dksbZ Hkh nl pkSikbZ viuh xzg dk;Z iqfLrdk esa fy[ksa o mUgsa ;kn Hkh djsaA 3- ^cky&etnwjh* ij vk/kkfjr ,d fuca/k fyf[k;s o mls Lej.k Hkh dhft,A 4- fo'oHkj esa euk, tkus okys Qwyksa rFkk o`{kkjksi.k ls tqM+s R;ksgkjksa ij dksykWt cukb,A 5- izfrfnu dk ,d lqys[k ¼viuh ikB~; iqLrd ls lacaf/kr½ viuh x`g dk;Z iqfLrd esa fyf[k;sA 6- ^xzh”ekodk’k* ls lacaf/kr viuh fdlh Hkh ;k=k dk o.kZu vius ‘kCnksa esa fy[ksaA Subject: Maths 1. Prove that − = 2. By What number should we multiply 3. Evaluate : − 4. If = (i) to get the product 32? + − and = ,verfiy that | × | = || × || (ii) | − | ≥ || − || 5. If ÷ = , then find the value of 6. Simplify (7 × 3 ) ÷ 7 7. Solve for (i) ÷ !" = 49 (ii) 11 × 11 = 11 × 121 8. Simplify the following: '( ) * + - 9. Evaluate : , . , 0 / . / + 1 10. If = × , find the value of !2 ×!3 11. Simplify !4 ×!3 ×!2 12. By what number should(4) be multiplied so that the product is equal to −5 ? 13. Prove that (10, 24, 26)is a Pythagorean triplet 14. Evaluate ()2 ()2 (8)2 ()2 Subject: Science Q: 1. Pull out a leguminous plant gently, without damaging its roots. Wash the root and observe. You will see little swellings. These swelling are called nodules and are formed due to the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Paste this root in your notebook. Q: 2. Give comments on “Modern methods of agriculture used in India”. Q: 3. Give comments on “Microorganisms-useful and harmful”. Q: 4. Give comments on “Plastic-boon or a curse”. Q: 5. Field work: (a) Visit ten families in your neighbourhood and enquire about the kind of clothes they use, the reason for their choice and advantages of using them in term of the cost, durability and maintenance. (b) Conduct a survey of 10 families in your neighbourhood and find out. i. How much of polythene they throw in waste everyday? ii. Which type of bag they use when they go to buy vegetables and groceries (Whether they carry cloth / jute bag or polythene bags). Q: 6. To collect and paste natural and synthetic fibres( any five ). Q: 7. To write about major air polluters with their harmful impact on environment. Q: 8. To learn and write the tables:→ (a) Table no. 4.5 (page no. 66) → (c) Table no. 4.7 (page no. 67) → (b) Table no. 4.6 (page no. 67) → (d) Table no. 4.8 (page no. 69) Q: 9. Solve the ‘FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT-1’ on page no-74. Subject: Social Studies Q: 1. Write a note on Battle of Plassey and Battle of Bunar and what was the result? Q: 2. Explain three pillars of British administrative system. Q: 3. Make a list of Governor General of British Company. Q: 4. Discuss the following and imagine to be in year 2030. (a) How much water will be available on earth? (b) What methods people might adopt to conserve water? (c) How will rain water and sea water be used by living beings? (d) Any other situation arising out of the above. Q: 5. Make a list of National Parks and Wild Life Sanctuaries with their areas. Q: 6. Make a list of your duties towards your school, your parents or elders and as a citizen. Q: 7. Write the main teachings of 4 religions of India and bring out some common points of these religions. Q: 8. Make a list of current cabinet minister with their Departments. Q: 9. Make a list of important dates about our environment with their special days. Q: 10. Make a list of fundamental rights with their articles and explanation. Learning work : L-1 and 2 of History L-1,2, 3 of Civics L-1 of Geography Subject: Sanskrti laLd`r ef.kdk & 1- izR;sd ikB ds ‘kCnkFkksZ dks ;kn djds ikB ds vuqlkj gh fy[ksaA 2- ^^jktk Hkkst** vkSj ^^egknkuh d.kZ** dh dgkuh vius ‘kCnksa esa fgUnh esa fy[ksaA 3- ^^lqopukfu** ikB ds vk/kkj ij fy[kk, x, dksbZ ik¡p ‘yksdksa djs vFkZ lfgr ;kn dj fgUnh esa fy[ksaA 4- Lkkjs ikBksa ds iz’uksÙkjksa dks ;kn djds fy[ksaA 5- ^^oanuk** ikB ds vk/kkj ij ^^ekrk ljLorh** dh ,d vkd”kZd izfrek ¼rLohj½ pkVZ esa cuk, vkSj nksuksa ‘yksdksa dks Hkh laLd`r esa gh fy[ksaA laLd`r O;kdj.k& 1- laf/k dh ifjHkk”kk vkSj mld Hksnksa dks ;kn djds lksnkgj.k fy[ksaA 2- lekl dh ifjHkk”kk vkSj mlds Hksnksa dks ;kn djds fy[ksaA 3- ^vLekad fon~;ky;* ij ,d y?kq&fuca/k ;kn dj pkVZ dj vkd”kZd v{kjksa esa fy[ksaA Subject: Computer Science Q: 1. Q: 2. Q: 3. Q: 4. Q: 5. Q: 6. Q: 7. Q: 8. Q: 9. Q: 10. Write any five characteristics of a computer. What are the benefits of using a computer? How does a computer work? Explain hardware and humanware. Why should you take care of your computer? Write a short note on Hardware. What do you mean by Ergonomics? Define a Primary Key. What is MS- Access? Write any two characteristics of computer. Subject: Dance Prepare any one Dance for Solo Dance Completion after Summer Holiday Timing is - 2:30 Girls 1. Dance Pe chance mar le 2. Rajasthani Dance 3. Haryanvi Dance ¼esjk ukS VkaMh dk fctuk½ 4. Punjabi Dance 5. Classical Dance Boys 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (any one) Desi boys Bhangra Bam Bam Bhole Mera Juta Hai Japani Disco Dewane Singing One Solo Song Prepare Subject: Art and Craft 1. 10 Sketch News Paper Craft Animation Cartoon Corrector. 2. 5 Warly Art Design (New) 5 Sketch 3. 1 Flower Boll (Pestel Sheet)
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