1 90015 900150 For Supervisor’s use only Level 1 Music, 2007 90015 Aurally identify, describe and transcribe music elements from simple music Credits: Three 9.30 am Tuesday 4 December 2007 Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. You will be given three minutes to read and prepare before the audio recording begins to play. Read the questions and listen carefully to the instructions on the recording. You should answer ALL the questions in this booklet. If you need more space for any answer, use the blank staves provided at the back of this booklet and clearly number the question. Check that this booklet has pages 2–8 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. For Assessor’s use only Achievement Identify, describe and transcribe music elements from simple music. Achievement Criteria Achievement with Merit Identify, describe and securely transcribe music elements from a variety of simple music. Achievement with Excellence Consistently identify and describe, and comprehensively and securely transcribe, music elements from a variety of simple music. Overall Level of Performance © New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. You are advised to spend 45 minutes answering the questions in this booklet. For each question, the musical extract will be played FIVE times. You may wish to write your answers in pencil while the recording is playing, but your completed answers must be in ink. (You will have time to go over your answers in ink after the recording ends.) Answers in pencil or erasable ink will not be eligible for reconsideration. QUESTION ONE: CHORD RECOGNITION (a) You will hear the following extract played on the piano FIVE times, with a gap of 20 seconds between each playing. Identify the chords you hear. The slashes in the bars indicate the crotchet beats on which the piano will play the chords. Write your answer in the boxes using EITHER the jazz / rock chords Bm, Em, F# and G OR the roman numerals for the chords I, IV, V and VI. The opening chord and two others are written in for you. A crotchet-beat pulse will be heard before the extract starts. q = 80 ? ## 3 4 ? F# OR V Piano ? ## ? 4 Bm OR I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Music 90015, 2007 ? ? ? ? ? Bm OR I ? Assessor’s use only (b) You will hear the following extract played on the trumpet with piano accompaniment. The extract will be played FIVE times, with a gap of 30 seconds between each playing. Identify the chords you hear. Write your answer in the boxes using EITHER the jazz / rock chords F, Bb, C and Dm OR the roman numerals for the chords I, IV, V and VI. The first two chords and one other are written in for you. A crotchet-beat pulse will be heard before the extract starts. Lose Hina ’o Kahala (The White Rose of Kahala) Tu’imala Kaho (adapted) [For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here. See below.] Source: Tu’imala Kalo, Songs of Love (Nuku’alofa: Vava’u Press: 1988), p 13. Music 90015, 2007 Assessor’s use only QUESTION TWO: GENERAL PERCEPTION Assessor’s use only You are strongly advised to answer this question in pencil, and you must go over your answers in ink at the end of the examination. You will hear the following extract played FIVE times, with a gap of 30 seconds between each playing. During the first four playings, write in: • the name of the instrument performing the music • the opening tempo marking, choosing from either Presto, Allegro or Andante • the time signature • bar lines • THREE dynamic markings. (The opening dynamic is given; write in a dynamic marking on each of the lines numbered 1, 2 and 3) • one crescendo mark • one marcato (accent) mark • one a tempo mark • one rallentando mark. On the fifth and final playing, the musician will play a wrong note: • circle the note performed incorrectly. A crotchet-beat pulse will be heard before the extract starts. Hungarian Dance No. 5 Johannes Brahms (adapted) Instrument: Tempo: b j j & b œ™ œ œ ™ œ #œ ™ œ œ ˙ f b b & œ œ œ œ œ™ b &b œ™ œ œ œ ˙ œ™ ˙ œ™ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ™ œ J (1) œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (2) b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ™ œ &b œ œ (3) Music 90015, 2007 œ J ‰ QUESTION THREE: MELODIC AND RHYTHMIC NOTATION You are strongly advised to answer this question in pencil, and you must go over your answers in ink at the end of the examination. (a) You will hear the following seven-bar extract in the key of G major played on the clarinet. The extract will be played FIVE times, with a gap of 30 seconds between each playing. Complete the clarinet part in the treble clef at concert pitch. The first note is written in for you. A crotchet-beat pulse will be heard before the extract starts. Let There Be Peace on Earth Sy Miller and Jill Jackson (adapted) [For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here. See below.] © 1956 Jan Lee Music / © 1971 Pedro Music Ltd. Music 90015, 2007 Assessor’s use only (b) You will hear the following four-bar extract in the key of A minor played on the recorder and guitar. The extract will be played FIVE times, with a gap of 30 seconds between each playing. Complete the recorder part in the treble clef. The first five notes and the last bar are written in for you. A crotchet-beat pulse will be heard before the extract starts. Stairway to Heaven Jimmy Page and Robert Plant (adapted) [For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here. See below.] © 1972, 1984 Superhype Publishing (c) You will hear the following four-bar extract in the key of E minor played on the bassoon. The extract will be played FIVE times, with a gap of 30 seconds between each playing. Complete the bassoon part in the bass clef. The first two bars are written in for you. A crotchet-beat pulse will be heard before the extract starts. Farandole from L’Arlésienne Suite No. 2 q = 80 Bassoon ? # 44 œ œ œ™ 2 ?# Music 90015, 2007 œ J œ™ Georges Bizet (adapted) œ œ™ œ Assessor’s use only (d) You will hear the following eight-bar extract in the key of D minor played on the flute and cello. The extract will be played FIVE times, with a gap of 30 seconds between each playing. Complete the cello part in the bass clef. The first four bars are written in for you. A dotted-crotchet-beat pulse will be heard before the extract starts. Giga from Sonata in D minor José Carlos de Seixas (adapted) [For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here. See below.] Source: Grade 3 Solo Piano Examination Pieces from 2003, TCL004031 (London: Trinity College of Music, c 2003). Music 90015, 2007 Assessor’s use only Extra paper for continuation of answers if required. Clearly number the question. 90015 Question number Acknowledgement The following source of music was used in this examination: Soundcheck Steve Reich, Octet, Steve Reich and Musicians, 1980. Compact disc: ECM 1168 827 287-2. Music 90015, 2007 Assessor’s use only
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