ORGANIZING COMMITTE REGISTRATION DETAILS Number of Registration is restricted to 25. Selection is based on first come first served. Preference will be given for young faculty members. Selected candidates will be intimated by e-mail. Confirmation of participation is to be made by email. No TA/DA will be paid. No Registration Fee. COURSE FACULTIES Sessions will be handled by the experts working in R&D, leading Universities/Institutions and experienced faculty members of our group of institutions. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The course is open to the teaching faculties of ECE Department working in Engineering Colleges with interest in learning Electronic Circuits concepts. HOW TO REGISTER CHIEF PATRONS: Prof.Dr.M.Rajaram, Vice-Chancellor Anna University Chennai CO-ORDINATORS Dr. N. Gangatharan Mr. A. Manikandan PATRONS Dr.S.Ganesan Registrar Anna University Chennai CHAIR: Dr. D.Mohan Director, CFD Dr.D.Sridharan Addl.Director, CFD Approved by ANNA UNIVERSITY Chennai CO-ORDINATORS Organized by Dr. N. Gangatharan Prof & HOD/ECE Mr.A. Manikandan Asst.Prof/ECE The Scanned copy of Registration form should be sent via email for registration. Email-id: VENUE: FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT New Block 2nd Floor Seminar Hall – RMKCET Dr. N. Gangatharan, Prof & HOD/ECE (Co-ordinator-FDTP) R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology, R.S.M Nagar, Puduvoyal, Gummidipoondi Taluk, Thiruvallur District– 601 206 Phone : 044-33303634 Mobile : 9047713699/ 9894199495 (after 5.00 PM) E-mail : SEVEN DAYS FDTP ON EC6304-ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS-I 5th June -12th June 2015 IMPORTANT DATES Submission of Application : 15.05.2015 Intimation of Selection (by email) : 20.05.2015 Confirmation by Participants : 25.05.2015 Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering R.M.K COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY R.S.M Nagar, Puduvoyal, Gummidipoondi Taluk, Thiruvallur District-601 206 Phone: 044-33303555 SEVEN DAYS FDTP on EC6304-Electronic Circuits-I (5th June to 12th June 2015) REGISTRATION FORM ABOUT THE COLLEGE ABOUT THE FDTP R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology is promoted by Lakshmikanthammal Educational Trust established in the year 1995 to render philanthropic and educational service to people living in rural areas. The main objective of the trust is to foster quality technical and higher education, research and training in rural areas in various branches of Engineering and Technology. It is proud privilege to state that RMKCET always ranks among top 10 engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu. The fledgling institution increased its fame by producing excellent result in the Ist year anna university result and secured 2nd rank. RMKCET has been a consistent topper in the list of campus placement records among private institutions by producing placements in multinational companies in both core and software sectors. More than 88% of the current final year students have been placed in the day 1 companies like CTS, Wipro, Infosys etc.. with triple and double placements. The college motivates faculty members by providing travel grants for presentations in India and abroad. Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP) aims at equipping teachers with skills and knowledge that are essential for inculcating entrepreneurial values in students, guiding and monitoring their progress towards entrepreneurial career. Through this FDTP 25 young faculty members from various engineering colleges willing to upgrade their knowledge and experience are being trained for duration of one week. Name :...................................................... Gender : Male/ Female Designation : ...................................................... COURSE COVERAGE Experience : ...................................................... The FDTP will cover the topics of the subject “Electronic circuits-I”(EC 6304) as per Anna University syllabus Regulation 2013. Biasing of BJTs and MOSFETs and design circuits with transistor biasing. Design and construction of various amplifiers. Construction of amplifiers with active loads. Design and analyze large signal amplifiers. Study of small signal analysis and high frequency response of amplifiers. Determination of bandwidth of single stage and multistage amplifiers. Spice Simulation of CE and CS amplifiers, frequency response and DC response of CE and CS amplifiers. CMOS common source and source follower, CMOS differential amplifier, CMRR. Hands on training with PSPICE simulation and components. Innovative teaching techniques and interactive learning. Department : ...................................................... ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Department of ECE was started in the academic year 2008-2009 and it has qualified with dynamic faculty members specialized in advanced areas. The faculty and students are motivated to enhance the research and academic activities. All faculty members are involved in activities such as teaching, continuing education, research and development and student guidance. The ECE Students Association TWYSTRA organizes activities like Paper Presentation, Circuit Debugging, Project Display and Technical Quiz. More than 85% of the students from ECE are placed in multinational companies. The department has collaborated with ISRO for funding projects and received a grant of 11.3 lakhs. Few faculty members and students received awards from leading organizations like IET, CTS etc.. Brochure and application can be downloaded from our college website Qualification : ...................................................... Institution : ...................................................... Address for Communication: ........................................ .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-mail : ..................................................... Phone (Off.) : ...................................................... Mobile No. : ...................................................... DECLARATION I declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and I agree to abide by the rules and regulations governing the conduct of Anna University approved programme. Date: Place: Signature of the Applicant Signature with seal of Head of the Department/Institution
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