April 2015 Dear Applicant Thank you for the interest you have

April 2015
Dear Applicant
Thank you for the interest you have shown in the role of Senior Residential Support
Worker with Transform Residential Ltd in Gloucestershire.
Please find enclosed an application pack and note that the application form should be
completed in full (using black ink or type) as selection for interview will be based on the
information provided by you. In particular, we do require a full employment / work
history so please use a continuation sheet(s) if necessary.
If you declare a disability and meet the criteria for the role, then you will be guaranteed
an interview and your application will be considered on your abilities. Please ensure that
you declare any disabilities on your application form.
The salary range for this role is £18,620 – £21,182 with possible progression to £22,006
per annum. Starting salary will be dependent on qualifications and experience.
Please note that the total salary paid for the post of Residential Support Worker currently
attracts a Market Rate Supplement of £1200 per annum which is the amount payable for a
full time 52 week employees. This will be pro-rated accordingly where the weeks worked
are not 52 weeks per year and/or the employee works part time. Market Supplements are
reviewed on the 1st September of each year which means this supplement may continue
to be paid unchanged, increased, reduced or withdrawn.
Applications can be returned either via email to rmchrenquiries@rmc.rmt.org or by post
to the address in Gloucestershire detailed below.
Please note we do not accept CVs
If you would like any further information about the position you are interested in, please
do not hesitate to contact us on 01453 837520. For further information about our
organisation, please see our web site www.rmt.org
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Alison Bush
Human Resources
Ruskin Mill College
The Fisheries