Phylogenetic development of adaptive immunity' BEN W. PAPERMASTER,2 RICHARD M. CONDIE,3 JOANNE K. FINSTAD,4 ROBERT A. GOOD,5 AND Al'l" E. GABRIELSE 4 Pediatric Research Laboratories of the Variety Club Heart Hospital, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota IMMUNITY, defined as the cellular changes resulting in the capacity for immunologic memory, is an attribute only of the higher vertebrates, and its phylogenetic development apparently parallels the evolution of the thymus and probably also of the lymphoid cells. The cellular changes of adaptive immunity are of extraordinary specificity, induced by very minor antigenic differences, and include both cellular proliferation and specific protein synthesis. Their most characteristic expression is immunologic memory: the secondary immune response, the second-set reaction to homografts, and the various forms of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity. ADAPTIVE ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY IN INVERTEBRATES Although invertebrates are prey to many of the same microorganisms as vertebrates, they do not meet these threats with adaptive immunity in this sense. Cellular mechanisms apparently play a major role; in fact, Metchnikoff's classical description of phagocytosis, in 1884, was based on his studies in Daphnia, a crustacean ('23)' Many studies of cellular immunity in the invertebrates followed; Cantacuzene (7) reviewed many of the early studies in 19'23. In the 1930'S Cameron (5,6), studying caterpillars and earthworms, described the response of these organisms to bacteria and foreign matter: phagocytosis, a proliferation of coelomic cells, and sometimes a walling off of the foreign substance by these coelomic cells into a cyst. Humoral bactericidal substances are characteristic of invertebrates, and these apparently increase in amount l Aided by grants from the National Foundation, the Public Health Service, the Minnesota Division of the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and the Minnesota Heart Association. 2 Present address: Dept. of Genetics, Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, Cal. 3 Research Associate, Clinical Research Center, University of Minnesota, National Institutes of Health, Grant H-6314. 4 Research Fellow, Dept. of Pediatrics, Grant HTS-5462, National Institutes of Health. 5 American Legion Memorial Heart Research Professor of Pediatrics. when the animal is challenged with bacteria; however, the response does not seem to be specific to the organism injected. Agglutinins have also been reported in some forms, but again these are nonspecific. Invertebrates apparently do not have homograft immunity. Successful homotransplantation in many different invertebrate species has a long history, reviewed by Loeb ('21) and Favour (I I). In certain larvae and worms ('26) organs have been transplanted successfully between genera and even families, and generally, the failure of heterografts in such animals has been attributed to nonimmunologic factors. Recent studies by Cushing (9) suggest that the absence of homograft immunity is characteristic of higher invertebrates as well. IMMUNITY IN LOWER VERTEBRATES Comparative immunology in the lower poikilothermic vertebrates was first approached by Metchnikoff in the late r qth century ('2'2), and later by other investigators in Europe and the United States. Temperature was shown to be an important variable in the immunologic responsiveness of frogs as early as 1897 (3'2), and more complete studies on the temperature dependence of immunity in fishes were reported by Cushing in 194'2 (8). Generally, the teleost fishes, amphibia and reptilia were shown to have the basic forms of immunologic responsiveness found in the mammal. Immunologic memory, which we consider the sine qua non of adaptive immunity, was clearly demonstrated in responses to bacterial, particulate, and protein antigens, as well as in the vigorous second-set response to homografts (10, 13, 19, J. G. Thorbecke, personal communication, R. A. Good, unpublished studies). At the time of our original studies on immunity in the lower vertebrates, we were not aware of studies of adaptive immunity in the cyclostomes. Our attention was focused on two of the lowest contemporary vertebrate forms, the hagfish (specifically the California hagfish, Eptatretus stoutii) and the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). On the basis of anatomic and biochemical characteris-
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