Distributed by ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD May/June 2011 TAKE NOTE! Distributed by ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD Features the latest titles published by all Music publishing and sasha Music publishing as well as the best new releases FroM australia and around the world. the More aMazIng uKuLeLe SongbooK the SeCond book in thiS beSt Selling SerieS iS now available! SChott free to SoLo SerIeS learn how to improviSe in funk, Soul, latin, folk, and jazz StyleS new froM ouP - VoICeLInKS an innovative teaChing reSourCe for muSiC in early yearS and primary eduCation auStraLIan MaDe 3 bookS from multi-award winning guitariSt and Song writer Cal williamS jr aSSorteD faIrIeS fIfteen PIano SoLoS by Sonny Chua Sonny Chua deliverS an outStanding ColleCtion of fifteen frivolouS and frightful fantaSieS, filled with CatChy rhythmS, amuSing melodieS, thoughtful ColourS and Subtle referenCeS to Childhood SongS. ThE MORE AMAZING UKUlElE SONGBOOK 1 EZ METhOd UKUlElE I USEd TO PlAY… BK/Cd Helen Marlais’ succeeding at tHe Piano® 2a is now available. booK 2b is coMing soon! Distributed by ContentS May/June 2011 ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD Distributed by MUSIC BUMBlEBEES; FUN PIANO MUSIC FOR YOUNG ChIldREN ......................................................................................................................... 2 SONNY ChUA .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 AC/dC; TRIPlE j hOTTEST 100 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY5LTD ThE AMAZING SERIES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ MIxEd SONGBOOKS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 ARTIST SONGBOOKS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 hElEN MARlAIS’ SUCCEEdING AT ThE PIANO® ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 ThEORY ANd SIGhT REAdING BOOKS FROM Fjh ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 SChOTT; hENlE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 CARl FISChER; PERFORM lIvE ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 OxFORd UNIvERSITY PRESS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 FREdERICK hARRIS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 AUSTRAlIAN MAdE .....................................................................................................................................................................................................14 &15 dEER RIvER; MANhASSET ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 MuSIC buMbLebeeS auraL anD theory worKbooK SerIeS fun PIano MuSIC for young ChILDren by ChrIStIna De beuS aural and theory workbook The music in these books are in a variety of styles and many of them have lyrics. All the music has been written for the lower piano grades, including pieces of just eight bars long for beginning students up to grades three or four. Anna Lu This series of workbooks is designed for young musicians. It contains an audio CD which provides instructions and aural training exercises, together with a structured teaching sequence and colourful layout with fun activities. This combination should be an enhancement over traditional theory workbooks for children in this age group. cockroach pie Chistina de Beus • Aural Training CD • Visually stimulating exercises • Suits all instrumental beginners • Contains exercise stickers • Kodaly based for classroom teaching Cockroach Pie is a book of 16 pieces for beginner pianists ranging from 8 to 16 bars. The music is written to appeal to children but adults will love it too! Inspired by Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes and Dr Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham, Christina started making up rhymes and putting them to music. Once she started she couldn’t stop, and hence Cockroach Pie was born! Two pieces are on the ANZCA syllabus for Preparatory Grade: Cockroach Pie and Dancing Caterpillars. • Achieve Theory Grade 1 standard 0101562976 / $19.95 Book A / 1001585276 / $24.95 Book B / 1001592776 / $24.95 NEW! Book C / 20111050 / $24.95 new! on the anzCa SyLLabuS NEW! Aural and Theory Workbook Packs / 20111051 / $59.95 terMite Munchies Chistina de Beus Music buMblebees Music record book Anna Lu • Record teacher’s details and policy • Record important dates such as rehearsals, concerts and exams • Record attendance and payment • Record daily practice record – to colour in or record time Also Available: • Area for parent and teacher communication Slicky The Snail & Other Silly Songs For Enthusiatstic Pianists / 20116626 / $19.95 • Area for reward sticker or stamp Spider Milkshake 16 Pieces For Beginner Pianists / 20116624 / $19.95 • Manuscript pages for reinforcing concepts or written homework Slug N Bug Soup 16 Piano Pieces For Aspiring Pianists / 20116627 / $19.95 • 52 pages for lessons the whole year round Guinea Pig Jig 16 Piano Pieces For Passionate Pianists / 20116625 / $19.95 NEW! 20111052 / $5.50 2 Termite Munchies contains 16 pieces with an Australian flavour for budding pianists from 6 to 96. Two pieces appear on the ANZCA Syllabus for First Grade: Rag for Sarah and Under the Paperbark, which is a delicious little story of 32 bars about two little wombats, afraid of the dark. Other pieces include: Termite Munchies Song, Florry and Fluffy (two fleas having a jumping contest), The Brolga’s Lament, The Todd River Ride, The Kakadu Express (as real as the Hogwarts train), Lamington Jive and much more. The pieces range from 8 to 32 bars. www.ampd.com.au 0101563076 / $19.95 Pudgy Budgie Boogie 16 Piano Pieces For Fun Loving Pianists / 20116628 / $19.95 AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD MUSIC RETAILERS Distributed by Sonny Chua new! ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD Distributed by assorted Fairies FiFteen piano solos by sonny chua ALLfrivolous MUSIC and frightful Sonny Chua delivers an outstanding collection of fifteen PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD fantasies, filled with catchy rhythms, amusing melodies, thoughtful colours and subtle references to childhood songs. 20118001 / $19.95 “You might find that Assorted Fairies encourages young musicians to be creative, improvise and compose their own pieces because these works present such a clear path to the understanding of the creative process. They stamp, dance and they tip-toe, they shout, laugh and sigh, they twirl and groove and twinkle. They explore the emotions of childhood, and adulthood for those who have retained g ContaInInoSS r C a S K wor to 6 on graDeS 1 atIon exaMIn SeS SyLLabu a direct path to their own childhood. Play them for children, play them for yourself and laugh when you recognise someone you know. Or maybe yourself…” - Peter Hurley aLSo aVaILabLe In PIano MuSIC froM Sonny Chua sasha plays piano beginner to interMediate all Music publishing editions oF sonny chua works: Scenes of Childhood – Fourteen Piano Solos by Sonny Chua Arr. Sonny Chua 0101135440 / $24.95 Sonny’s proficient and cheeky style shines through in these arrangements which provide an educational setting for repertoire teachers and students will love. About this volume: Four volumes of progressively graded Piano Music by Sonny Chua complete with recordings of each piece, performed by the composer: • 15 Piano Solo arrangements of well-known songs Sonny Chua Piano Music – Progressively Graded Volume I: Preliminary and Gr 1 BK/CD • Beginner to Intermediate standard 0101136840 / $24.95 • Pieces are presented in progressively graded sequence • Lyrics are included at the end of each piece for reference • Popular-style rhythms are presented in an educational setting utilising repertoire students will enjoy Sonny Chua Piano Music – Progressively Graded Volume III: Gr 4 and Gr 5 BK/CD • Each piece features technical challenges for the piano student to enhance general learning while performing interesting music Sonny Chua Piano Music – Progressively Graded Volume IV: Gr 6 to Gr 8 BK/CD Volume 1 / 0101145640 / $24.95 Volume 2 / 0101146840 / $24.95 Sonny Chua Piano Music – Progressively Graded Volume II: Gr 2 and Gr 3 BK/CD 0101136940 / $24.95 0101137040 / $24.95 0101137140 / $24.95 Many Hands – One Piano (Piano duets, trios and sextets) 0101149340 / $29.95 Midnight editions publications oF sonny chua works: Bogus Boogies 0101003284 / $16.95 The Collection: Piano Music of Sonny Chua 0101340976 / $29.95 A Day In The Life Of A Dog (three solos and duets) 0101003084 / $16.95 Three Blind Samba Mice Trio (piano six hands) 0103005084 / $21.95 3 RRP INCLUDES GST. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. www.ampd.com.au 3 aC/DC DEFINITIVE AC/DC SONGBOOK UPDATED EDITION ac/dc For ukulele AC/DC Twenty-two classic AC/DC rockers arranged for ukulele! With chord symbols, strumming patterns and a handy chord reference at the back, anyone can rock out on their uke, all night long! AC/DC This fully updated edition drops less popular songs from the old edition and adds brand new tracks from Black Ice as well as rarities from Back Tracks. Editorial mistakes have been corrected and transcriptions have been improved, taking into account performance videos to ensure complete authenticity of playing positions and techniques. 0905315281 / $19.95 AM1001572 / $59.95 trIPLe J hotteSt 100 triple j’s hottest 100 Vol 18 Various More voters than ever before took part in the 2010 Hottest 100, making it not only the biggest Hottest 100 ever, but also confirms its place as the world’s biggest musical democracy. Angus & Julia Stone took out the number 1 spot with Big Jet Plane, a wistful song about unrequited love and air travel. Simple, stripped back and breezy; this ballad is timeless. It’s also great to see that 50% of the songs in the top 100 are Australian. Local talent like Little Red, Birds of Tokyo, Washington, Boy & Bear and Gyroscope all feature. Sasha Music Publishing presents 12 tracks from the 2010 Hottest 100 in our MultiScore™ format. Here are the main features: • Songs are transcribed in the original key • Alternative guitar tunings and capos are indicated • Guitar parts are included in each song in both standard notation and in TAB • A keyboard arrangement is provided right through the song as a reduction of everything going on in the instrumental parts • Important solos, riffs and fills on other instruments are also included for reference • The complete vocal line and lyrics are provided triple j’s Hottest 100 Vol 18 / 20118000 / $39.95 Also available: triple j’s Hottest 100 Vol 17 / Various triple j’s Hottest 100 Vol 16 / Various 13 Tracks from the 2009 countdown in 14 Songs from the 2008 countdown in Multiscore™ format. Multiscore™ format. 0801149740 / $39.85 0801146040 / $39.95 trIPLe J’S hotteSt 100 of aLL tIMe triple j’s hottest 100 oF all tiMe Various In this classic book is a great pounding selection of 12 songs from triple j’s Hottest 100 Of All Time including the number 1 song, Smells Like Teen Spirit, along with Bohemian Rhapsody (No. 6), Stairway To Heaven (No. 10) Throw Your Arms Around Me (No. 23) and Don’t Dream It’s Over (No. 50). Many of these songs have influenced the course of popular music and have become a part of the soundtrack to our lives. The exciting appeal of these songs hasn’t diminished with time, instead each year brings new fans. 0801147140 / $39.95 4 www.ampd.com.au AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD MUSIC RETAILERS the aMazIng SerIeS new! the aMazing ukulele songbooks • A wonderful array of great contemporary and classic songs in each book • Each song is presented with chords and lyrics • For easy reference while playing, the relevant chords are displayed at the top of each page • Includes strumming examples in the front of the book • The structure of the song and any additional lyrics are at the foot of the page • All songs are presented across 1 or 2 pages so there is never a need to turn a page mid song • Small enough to fit in your ukulele case so you can take it with you wherever you go! The Amazing Ukulele Songbook / 0905149540 / $17.95 new! ContaInS banD PhotoS I’d Really Love To See You Tonight / Barry Manilow Rains On Me / Tom Waits If We Never Meet Again / Elvis Presley Rinse Me Down / Bombay Bicycle Club Kiss From A Rose / Seal Say It To Me Now (from Once) / Glen Hansard A Better Man / Clint Black Leaving On A Jet Plane / John Denver Sharp Dressed Man / ZZ Top A Boy Named Sue / Johnny Cash Love Is The Sweetest Thing / Ray Noble Somethin’ Stupid / Frank & Nancy Sinatra A Rainy Night In Soho / The Pogues Midnight At The Lost And Found / Meatloaf Stuck Like Glue / Sugerland Ain’t Misbehavin’ / Fats Waller Much Against Everyone’s Advice / Soulwax Sweet Disposition / The Temper Trap Autumn Leaves / Eva Cassidy Never Say Die / Black Sabbath Teenage Dream / Katy Perry Black Coffee / Ella Fitzgerald No One’s Gonna Love You / Band of Horses The Greatest View / Silverchair Blue Christmas / Elvis Presley Nothing But A Heartache / The Flirtations The Passenger / Iggy Pop Dream On / Aerosmith Oh Well / Fleetwood Mac The Sound Of Silence / Simon and Garfunkel Everything Is Beautiful / Ray Stevens Only The Lonely (Know The Way I Feel) / Roy Orbison Water / Brad Paisley Fairytale Of New York / The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl Feeling Good / Nina Simone Our Kind Of Love / Lady Antebellum When God Made You / Newsong with Natalie Grant Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) / Frank Sinatra Over The Rainbow / Judy Garland When Irish Eyes Are Smiling / Bing Crosby God Only Knows / The Beach Boys Pure and Easy / The Who Your Love Is My Drug / Ke$ha I Got You (I Feel Good) / James Brown Question / The Moody Blues The MORE Amazing Ukulele Songbook 20118002 / $17.95 the aMazing guitar songbooks • A huge collection of great contemporary and classic songs in each book • Each song is presented with melody, chords and lyrics • For easy reference while playing, the relevant chords are displayed at the top of each page ez MethoD uKuLeLe This cheap and cheerful ukulele method covers everything you need to know about how to play the ukulele. It covers: • Description of parts • Three ways to tune the ukulele • How to hold the ukulele The structure of the song and any additional lyrics are at the foot of the page • How to pick or strum • All songs are presented across 1 or 2 pages so there is never a need to turn a page mid song • Fingerstyle playing • Scales • Small enough to fit in your guitar case so this book will never be left at home! • Useful hints for beginners • A number of easy pieces are also presented including Little Brown Jug, Jingle Bells, For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow and Auld Lang Syne • • Also contains band/artist photos The Amazing Aussie Guitar Songbook What The Hell / Avril Lavigne no baC w K PrIn In t 0501149940 / $17.95 The Amazing Guitar Songbook EZ Method Ukulele / 20118003 / $9.95 0501150040 / $17.95 ComiNg SooN! EZ Method Ukulele Songbook 1 / 20118004 / TBA 5 RRP INCLUDES GST. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. www.ampd.com.au 5 MIxeD SongbooKS great Southern LanDS SongbooKS Both Australians and New Zealanders are prolific when it comes to hit songs. The songs in these volumes are a part of our collective psyche. We all respond to classics like Eagle Rock and Better Be Home Soon, and remember the time when we heard Horror Movie and Love is in the Air on high rotation on radio. Then there are traditional favourites that are simply a part of life like Waltzing Matilda and Pokarekare Ana. Sasha Music Publishing is proud to bring you these terrific songbooks arranged for melody line, guitar chords and lyrics. great southern lands songbook buMper edition By popular request, this Great Southern Lands Songbook is a Bumper Edition specially presented in Piano, Vocal, Guitar format. The transcriptions in this book have been carefully prepared to faithfully reflect the music as played by the original artist or band – while still being accessible for a range of musicians to play. The 2010 APRA Song of the Year: Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap is just one of many top songs contained in this volume. Others include I Got You by Split Enz, The Last Day On Earth by Kate Miller-Heidke, Friday On My Mind by The Easybeats, Cover Of The Rolling Stone by Dr Hook and It’s A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock ‘N’ Roll) by AC/DC. PrI DroCe no P! $39. w 95 Piano, Vocal, Guitar / 0801152840 / $39.95 great southern lands songbook VoluMe 1 Volume 1 includes the songs mentioned above plus Leaps And Bounds (Paul Kelly), Reckless (Australian Crawl), Working Class Man (Jimmy Barnes), A Touch Of Paradise (John Farnham), April Sun In Cuba (Dragon) and many more. Melody Line, Guitar Chords and Lyrics / 0801149640 / $34.95 great southern lands songbook VoluMe 2 Volume 2 brings you another 80 songs including Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again (The Angels), Come Said The Boy (Mondo Rock), Deep Water (Richard Clapton), Four Seasons In One Day (Crowded House), Highway To Hell (AC/DC), Message To My Girl (Split Enz), Run To Paradise (Choirboys) and many more. Melody Line, Guitar Chords and Lyrics / 0801150540 / $34.95 More great SongbooKS froM SaSha MuSIC PubLIShIng SASHA SONG FOLIO NO. 1 Love Songs PVEG / 0801145040 / $29.95 TRUE PVG / 0801144940 / $39.95 SASHA SONG FOLIO NO. 2 Hits of 07 08 PVEG / 0801145440 / $29.95 PVG / 0801145340 / $39.95 SASHA SONG FOLIO NO. 3 Legendary Rock PVEG / 0801146740 / $29.95 TRUE PVG / 0801146640 / $39.95 SASHA SONG FOLIO NO. 4 Baby Boomers PVG / 0801149840 / $34.95 SASHA SONG FOLIO NO. 5 Generation X PVG / 0801150240 / $37.95 SASHA SONG FOLIO NO. 6 Generation Y PVG / 0801150340 / $37.95 MUSIC MUSTER PVEG / 0801145940 / $37.95 Key 6 PVEG – Piano, Vocal, Easy Guitar PVG – Piano, Vocal, Guitar www.ampd.com.au AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD MUSIC RETAILERS artISt SongbooKS teenage dreaM Katy Perry o aVa nLy ILa fro bLe aMP M D! Katy Perry continued her reign atop the pop charts with her second album, Teenage Dream. It produced multiple hit singles, including the title track and Not Like The Movies, both of which are featured here. Contents are: Teenage Dream, Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.), California Gurls Feat. Snoop Dogg, Firework, Peacock, Circle the Drain, The One That Got Away, E.T., Who Am I Living For?, Pearl, Hummingbird Heartbeat, Not Like the Movies. 36790 / $34.95 CURIOUSER Kate Miller-Heidke True PVG / 0801149440 / $39.95 LITTLE ITTLE EVE EVE Kate Miller-Heidke PVG / 0801144840 / $39.95 A BRIEF HISTORY The Waifs Multiscore™ 0801137240 / $39.95 SUN DIRT WATER The Waifs PVG / 0801141740 / $39.95 ON A CLEAR NIGHT Missy Higgins PVG / 0801139340 / $34.95 Also available in Easy Piano 0801141940 / $24.95 THE SOUND OF WHITE Missy Higgins PVG / 0801136340 / $29.95 Also available in Easy Piano 0801136740 / $24.95 THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION 1973-79 Split Enz PVEG / 0801145740 / $39.95 Also available 1980-1984 0801145840 / $39.95 DIORAMA Silverchair Multiscore™ 0801136440 / $39.95 YOUNG MODERN Silverchair Multiscore™ 0801139140 / $34.95 FROM DREAMS TO REAL LIFE Evermore Multiscore™ 0801138940 / $29.95 WOLFMOTHER W Wolfmother Multiscore™ 0801138140 / $39.95 CRUEL GUARDS The Panics Multiscore™ 0801144740 / $37.95 BEST OF CROWDED HOUSE Crowded House PVG / 0801687026 / $39.95 I BELIEVE YOU LIAR Washington PVG / 0801150440 / $34.95 CHIMNEY ’S AFIRE Josh Pyke PVEG / 0801146140 / $34.95 INSHALLA Eskimo Joe Multiscore™ 0801146940 / $39.95 HOOK ME UP The Veronicas PVG / 0801145140 / $39.95 RRP INCLUDES GST. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. www.ampd.com.au 7 heLen MarLaIS’ SuCCeeDIng at the PIano® a MethoD for eVeryone - Let’S PLay! 2a - aVaILabLe now! 2b - CoMIng Soon! grade 2a Here are some of the reasons why teachers love Succeeding At The Piano®: Students and teachers will be inspired as they start this next level of Succeeding at the Piano®. In addition to the fabulous music that thoroughly reinforces all of the concepts of Grade 1, Grade 2A includes new concepts such as: • The material is uniquely balanced, musically and pedagogically. • It provides a perfect introduction to the piano and lays a strong foundation for continued development. • Reading, rhythm, technique, theory, ear training, playing by ear, music history, composition and engaging music are integrated throughout the curriculum. • Eighth notes • Ritardando • Major and minor five-finger patterns and triads in C, G, D, and A • E above Middle C in the Bass Clef • Note reading is learned through a combination of Middle C, intervallic and multi-key approaches. The damper pedal • The sonatine • • Cross-hand arpeggio Ostinato patterns Students learn to internalise rhythm through clapping, tapping, counting aloud and speaking the lyrics. • • A minor Lesson and technique is integrated into one book. Key signature • • • • Low F in the Bass Clef • Fermata • The beautiful and engaging images and drawings all have a part to play in the learning process. • First and second endings • The CDs are innovative and educational – students even have the opportunity to play many of the pieces with a string quartet accompaniment recorded live. The multi-key reading approach is continued in combination with traditional note reading and intervallic reading, and technique is completely integrated in the Lesson Book, so students continue to review the same principles set forth right from the start. The CD has both practice and performance tracks for many of the pieces which will help students learn and reinforce correct practice habits. The CD also provides students with an opportunity to play with a string quartet accompaniment recorded live in every unit! Lesson and Technique Book (without CD) 20115000 $16.95 Lesson and Technique Book (with CD) 20115001 $18.95 Recital Book (with CD) 20115003 $13.95 Theory and Activity Book 20115002 $13.95 Merry Christmas Book 20115004 $9.95 Flash Card Friend 20115005 $9.95 Sticker Book 20115006 $9.95 aVa 2a ILa nowbLe ! also aVailable: preparatory leVel Lesson and Technique Book (without CD) 0101167791 $12.95 Lesson and Technique Book (with CD) 0101167891 $14.95 Recital Book (with CD) 0101167991 $13.95 Theory and Activity Book 0101168091 $13.95 Merry Christmas Book 0101168191 $9.95 Flash Card Friend 0101168391 $9.95 Sticker Book 0101168291 $9.95 Lesson and Technique Book (without CD) 0101168491 $16.95 Lesson and Technique Book (with CD) 0101168591 $18.95 Recital Book (with CD) 0101168691 $13.95 Theory and Activity Book 0101168791 $13.95 Merry Christmas Book 0101168891 $9.95 Flash Card Friend 0101169091 $9.95 Sticker Book 0101168991 $9.95 www.ampd.com.au teachers guide preparatory grade & grade 1 20115007 / $14.95 lesson and technique book preparatory also aVailable: grade 1 8 NEW! 0101167791 (without CD) / $12.95 0101167891 (with CD) / $14.95 lesson and technique book grade 1 0101168491 (without CD) / $16.95 0101168591 (with CD) / $18.95 AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD MUSIC RETAILERS theory anD SIght reaDIng booKS froM fJh sight reading & rhythM eVery day® Helen Marlais with Kevin Olsen This series will help students develop keen sight reading and rhythmic skills. Skills such as key recognition, time signature recognition, pattern identification, interval recognition, and immediate response to articulations and dynamics will become second nature. BOOKS 1 - 6 Book 1A 0101360702 $14.95 Book 1B 0101360802 $14.95 Book 2A 0101360902 $14.95 Book 2B 0101361002 $12.95 Book 3A 0101432702 $14.95 Book 3B 0101127591 $12.95 Book 4A 0101130191 $16.95 Book 4B 0101130291 $14.95 Book 5 0101146991 $16.95 Book 6 0101156891 $19.95 write, play, and hear your theory eVery day® Helen Marlais with Peggy O’Dell and Kristen Avila This series is designed to help students learn their theory in the most beneficial way – by playing, writing, and combining it with ear training at the same time! Students are asked to write the answers to theory examples, play them, and then do ear training activities to reinforce each theory concept. There is a CD that can be used at the lesson or at home to further reinforce the student’s knowledge of theory and ear training. Students will develop their skills with note and interval recognition, scales, triads, chords, key recognition, and other aspects of theory and ear training. Starting in Book 2, there is an entire unit on music analysis as well as a final test. It is here students synthesize everything they have learned throughout the book. Throughout this series, new concepts are gradually introduced to provide adequate reinforcement of each concept. In every unit, a new theory concept is followed by ear training and rhythmic activities, entitled, ‘Count and Hear Your Theory,’ as well as ‘Write and Play Your Theory’ activities. The last activity, ‘Lesson Day,’ is a good way for teachers to see the progress students are making. The manageable task size and carefully structured format of each unit make progress immediately noticeable, which helps to motivate students. BOOKS 1 - 3 Book 1 Book & CD 1001155691 $13.95 Book 1 Answer Key 1001155791 $11.95 Book 2 Book & CD 1001162291 $16.95 Book 2 Answer Key 1001162391 $13.95 Book 3 Book & CD 1001170391 $15.95 Book 3 Answer Key 1001170491 $13.95 Book 4 Book & CD 20116397 $13.95 Book 4 Answer Key 20116399 $13.95 Book 5 Book & CD 20116409 $14.95 Book 5 Answer Key 20116410 $13.95 BOOKS 4 - 5 NEW! RRP INCLUDES GST. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. www.ampd.com.au 9 SChott discoVering rock piano book & cd FREE TO SOLO SERIES BOOK & CD Rob Hughes/Paul Harvey The Free to Solo series is a new method which explains how to improvise in funk, soul, Latin, folk, and jazz styles. This new and unique series presents fun play-along books for students who want to enjoy soloing freely. With interesting heads, and long open sections, the tunes encourage creativity over the inspiring contemporary material. Free to Solo is suitable for intermediate students seeking a challenge as well as more advanced players requiring additional material to explore. The book will help player’s develop their ability to solo more confidently, giving them inspiring contemporary original material to work with. Suggestions on how to develop a solo creatively is provided throughout. The author, Rob Hughes, is writing the book from a perspective of an experienced soloist and teacher who knows the improvisers world. Students will have plenty of space in which to solo on each track but will also be able to enjoy the tune and perhaps perform it at a school concert etc. The CD includes tracks to play along with as well as complete performance versions of all the instruments in the series (Alto / Tenor sax, Flute / Violin, Clarinet, Trumpet, Guitar and Trombone), so that the reader can draw upon different interpretations of the improvised material. Jürgen Moser This is possibly the most useful textbook for all budding rock keyboarders. For beginner to intermediate level players who want to have fun while further developing their performance skills, ‘Discovering Rock Piano’ shows what it is all about. Chord playing, rhythmic confidence and instructions for improvisation with systematic exercises and songs form the focus of this first volume. The book comes with a CD which contains all the pieces within the volume. This facilitates the understanding of theoretical terms in the book, such as phrasing, rhythm and accentuation. 0101469002 / $49.95 discoVering rock druMs book & cd Kevin Campbell - Dominic Palmer Guitar 20116306 $29.95 Trombone 20116304 $29.95 Flute / Violin 20116302 $29.95 Alto Sax 20116305 $29.95 In this distinctive book, renowned drummer and teacher, Kevin Campbell, presents an in-depth insight into the key drum styles and players of Rock and Pop music from 1950 to the present day. Together with co-author, Dominic Palmer, he focuses on the people, the records and the grooves, which shaped the development of the instrument through the decades, providing tips on the gear used to create these great moments. There are fully transcribed drum parts as well as guide sheets for 13 styles. The CD contains demos of all the tracks played by Kevin and sought after musicians from the London pro circuit. Also on the CD are ‘minus one’ and ‘minus one with click’ versions of all the tunes for you to play along with. Clarinet / Tenor Sax 20116301 $29.95 20116307 / $49.95 Trumpet 20116303 $29.95 FREE TO SOLO SERIES BOOK & CD henLe ah perFido op 65 soprano rhapsody alto saX and piano Beethoven Debussy The origin of this concertaria, which is a core piece in the singer’s repertoire, is swathed in mystery. We still do not know where Beethoven found the text for the aria. The text for the recitative was taken from Pietro Metastasio’s ‘Achille in Sciro’, but there it was not followed by an aria. It is also not clear why Beethoven only published the piece nine years after writing it. This piano reduction gives access to Debussy’s short score in printed form for the first time. The composer afforded the saxophone few solo entries. Today, in particular in the version with piano accompaniment, it is usual to give the saxophone further melodic sections taken from the orchestra. For this reason this edition not only includes the original part but also an additional solo part by Daniel Gauthier, professor of classical saxophone at the Music Conservatory in Cologne. It is the first work for saxophone in the Henle catalogue. 20111111 / $17.95 20111110 / $31.95 soprano arias duet woo 93 trio op 116 Beethoven The vocal works collected in this volume were composed for very different occasions. Several of them were tailor-made for female singers of Beethoven’s acquaintance; with others he was trying his hand at Italian opera. In addition to core repertoire pieces such as ‘Ah! perfido’ op. 65, the volume also contains unknown treasures such as ‘No, non turbarti’ – ‘Ma tu tremi, o mio tesoro?’, a scene and aria which Beethoven revised several times. In this edition, based on the Beethoven Complete Edition, the last version of the aria is made available for musicians for the first time. 20111112 / $17.95 10 www.ampd.com.au AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD MUSIC RETAILERS CarL fISCher repertoire classics book & cd i used to play… book & cd Carl Fischer is proud to announce the new Repertoire Classics series, consisting of comprehensive and progressively graded collections of classic solos with piano accompaniment, each with an accompaniment/data CD. These books contain a fine mix of transcriptions of familiar classics along with solos written specifically for the instrument. Many of the pieces in these collections appear on state contest/ festival required music lists. The pieces featured cover the performance levels of grade 2 through 5, representing all style periods, and include works by some of the greatest composers of all time. As an added bonus, the included data CD contains MP3 audio files of the piano accompaniments to make practicing more fun. It also includes piano accompaniment parts for all pieces in the collection in PDF format. The innovative and unique packaging allows Carl Fischer Music to provide you with large and useful collections of solo literature at affordable prices, and players will find them useful for years to come. An Innovative Method for Adults Returning to Play with Piano Accompaniment and Data/MP3 CD I Used to Play is a new series for adults looking to get back into playing their instruments of yesteryear, and will help jumpstart their memory and comfort with music. The #1 goal of this series is to get people re-acquainted with their instrument(s) by not only reviewing theory and technique with etudes, but also providing them with types of music they want to play, like pop, jazz, and classical tunes. Each book contains a CD with audio MP3 files of complete performances of most songs, plus accompaniment-only play-along versions. The CD also contains printable PDFs of piano parts for practice or performance opportunities. It’s just the push former players need to fall back in love with their instruments again! I Used to Play Clarinet Cello 20111028 $29.95 I Used to Play Clarinet 20111026 $29.95 Alto Sax 20116038 $21.95 I Used to Play Flute 0701207620 $29.95 Clarinet 20116037 $21.95 I Used to Play Trumpet 0601525781 $29.95 Flute 20116035 $21.95 I Used to Play Violin 0301697406 $29.95 Oboe 20116036 $21.95 I Used to Play Alto Sax 20111027 $29.95 Trumpet 20116039 $21.95 I Used to Play Trombone 20116280 $29.95 PerforM LIVe the PerfeCt CoMPanIon to the I uSeD to PLay SerIeS! • Perfect for after exams, during holidays or as supplementary material throughout the year. • The backing CD has 2 versions of each track – one with the soloist and one without. • Contains instrument specific markings in each book (slurring, breath marks etc) and Guitar Chords. • Volume 4 has two added features: Each book is in the same concert key so any combination of instruments can play together. Also includes harmony line. Clarinet Trumpet Violin M LIVE: PERFOR THE STAR YOU BE VOL. 4 Cello Flute L LIST Tenor Saxophone Version Item No. XXXX XXXX XX Flute 0701148140 / Clarinet 0703147840 /Alto Saxophone 0704147240 / Tenor Saxophone 0704147540 / Trumpet 0601149040 / Violin 0301148440 / Cello 0303148740 Better Be Home Soon (Crowded House), Black Fingernails Red Wine (Eskimo Joe), Don’t Fight It (The Panics), In This Life (Delta Goodrem), Light Surrounding You (Evermore), Lines On Palms (Josh Pyke), London Still (The Waifs), Peachy (Missy Higgins), Snakeskin (Gyroscope), This Heart Attack (Faker). CDDE INSI rt key. concert carols. same conce Christmas all in the track. • 15 great as backing tal versions ce as well instrumen • Seven performan sed: Full • CD enclo included. ded. ols provi • Lyrics you r chord symb ings to guide you. Guita • tal mark ded. • Instrumen line inclu ony • Harm Bleeding Love (Leona Lewis), So What (P!Nk), My Life Would Suck Without You (Kelly Clarkson), I Kissed A Girl (Katy Perry), 4Ever (The Veronicas), Perfect (Vanesa Amorosi), Burn (Jessica Mauboy), Halo (Beyonce), Can’t Shake It (Kate Miller-Heidke), If U Seek Amy (Britney Spears). perForM liVe Vol. 2 hoMe grown hits book & cd Alto Sax TMAS IA CHRISST RAL IN AU perForM liVe Vol. 3 party pop book & cd $24. 95 Flute 0701143540 / Clarinet 0703143240 / Alto Saxophone 0704142640 / Tenor Saxophone 0704142940 / Trumpet 0601144440 / Violin 0301143840 / Cello 0303144140 perForM liVe Vol. 4 christMas in australia book & cd perForM liVe Vol. 1 book & cd If I Had A Hammer (Pete Seeger), Sound Of Silence (Paul Simon), A Whiter Shade Of Pale (Procol Harum), Bang A Gong (T.Rex), Tuesday Afternoon (The Moody Blues), Jeepster (T.Rex), Streets Of London, Black Betty (Huddie Ledbetter), Fly Me To The Moon (Bart Howard), She (Aznavour & Kretzmer), Guantanamera. Flute 0701139740 / Clarinet 0703139640 / Alto Saxophone 0704139440 / Tenor Saxophone 0704139540 / Trumpet 0601140040 / Violin 0301139840 / Cello 0303139940 Australian 12 Days Of Christmas, Blue Christmas, Carol Of The Bells Ding Dong Merrily On High, Good King Wenceslas, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bells (Australian Version), Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!, Little Drummer Boy, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Silent Night, Six White Boomers, The First Noel, We Wish You A Merry Christmas. Flute 0701151640 / Clarinet 0703151340 / Alto Saxophone 0704150740 / Saxophone 0704151040 / Trumpet 0601152540 / Violin 0301151940 / Cello 0303152240 RRP INCLUDES GST. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. www.ampd.com.au 11 ouP VoICeworKS Voiceworks is a magnificent resource of twelve inspirational handbooks for promoting good singing and healthy vocal development in all kinds of choirs. The series is packed with songs and ideas which are practical, motivating, and accessible. It includes books perfect for everyone, from kindergarten children to adult singing groups. As well as the very best songs to motivate and energize all kinds of singers, the books are packed with practical, empowering guidance for leaders. There’s background information on the songs, technical tips, rehearsal suggestions, creative preparatory exercises, and performance suggestions. The text is always constructive, accessible, readable, and brief. Each song in the Voiceworks series is a complete lesson/rehearsal plan in itself, and photocopiable music pages makes Voiceworks excellent value for money. “VoICeworKS IS exeMPLary In ItS CLarIty, SCoPe anD VarIety.” - howarD gooDaLL Voicelinks Sue Nicholls and Peter Hunt 24 songs and activities across the curriculum. Voicelinks is an innovative teaching resource for music in early years and primary education. It embraces singing as a means of accessing all areas of the curriculum, to develop the whole child, with natural progression and links between age groups and subject matter. At the heart of the book are 24 carefully written songs covering popular school topics. Each song is tailored to Early Years (3-5), Key Stage 1: Year 1 (5-6), or Key Stage 1: Year 2 (6-7), and comes equipped with a host of activity ideas designed for classroom use. Suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike, Voicelinks guarantees successful learning outcomes across the curriculum. 20116452 / $49.95 new ! OTHER BOOKS IN THE VOICEWORKS SERIES Folk Voiceworks Book & 2CDs 0806606071 $59.95 Jamaican Voiceworks 0806441381 $59.95 Junior Voiceworks 1 Book & 2CDs 0806473771 $59.95 Junior Voiceworks 2 Book& 2CDs 0801605971 $59.95 Popular Voiceworks Book & 2CDs 0806206781 $69.95 Voiceplay Book & CD 0801075681 $39.95 Voiceplay Children’s Book 0801075581 $8.95 Voiceworks 1 Book & 2CDs 1001695280 $99.95 Voiceworks 2 Book & 2CDs 1001560071 $99.95 Voiceworks at Christmas Teachers Book & CD 0806547171 $59.95 Young Voiceworks Book & CD 0801685226 $49.95 VoICeworKS tour JuLy 2011 Peter Hunt and Jo McNally will be presenting workshops at two major music conferences in July. Don’t miss these lively, stimulating and highly informative sessions born of real practical experience in the classroom. Maryborough Music conFerence 9 - 13 july 2011 / Maryborough qld sounds great the Victorian Music education conFerence 14 - 17 july / Melbourne high school Saturday 10 July 9.30am - 11.00am Every School a Choir: Quality Singing for all at Primary Level Tuesday 12 July 11/15am -12.45pm Singing Through the Ages: how to motivate youngsters and embrace the changing voice. Friday 15 July 12.00pm Peter Hunt and Jo McNally: Singing together – introducing young children to their first vocal experience Friday 15 July 2.30pm Keynote Address Peter Hunt: ‘Learning to sing – or singing to learn?!’ Do we teach singing because it is a healthy and joyous activity for all, or do we use it as a means of accessing more effective learning? Drawing on his experience as a teacher and leader working in a wide variety of settings with ages 4 to 84, Peter Hunt will make the proposition that singing is one of our strongest educational tools, accessible by all. He will use a range of material and creative ideas that engage participants instantly, produce learning on many levels, and develop personal motivation and confidence. Saturday 16 July 10.15am Peter Hunt and Jo McNally: Singing through the ages – how to motivate youngsters and embrace the changing voice. Voiceworks Authors Peter Hunt and Jo McNally 12 www.ampd.com.au Sunday 17 July 10.15am Peter Hunt and Jo McNally: Every School A Choir – Quality Singing For All At Primary School AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD MUSIC RETAILERS freDerICK harrIS Flute repertoire Preparatory to Level 8 • Nine progressive volumes with accompanying Compact Discs. • Explores standard flute literature and contemporary compositions. • Introduces a variety of composers, style periods, genres, and cultural flavours. Overtones Preparatory Flute Repertoire 20116259 $31.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 1 20116260 $33.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 2 20116261 $36.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 3 20116262 $36.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 4 20116263 $39.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 5 20116264 $42.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 6 20116265 $49.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 7 20116266 $49.95 Overtones Flute Repertoire 8 20116051 $49.95 Flute studies Preparatory to Level 8 • Two comprehensive volumes (Preparatory-4 and 5-8) with accompanying Compact Discs. • Supports the study of Flute Repertoire by developing technique and musicality. • Uses engaging pieces to explore tone production, extended techniques, and graphic notation. Overtones Flute Studies Preparatory - 4 / 20116267 / $28.95 Overtones Flute Studies 5-8 / 20116291 / $29.95 orchestral eXcerpts Level 2 to ARCT • One indispensable resource for the developing years and beyond. • Companion to the Flute Repertoire and Flute Studies books. • Ideal for examination or audition preparation. Overtones Flute Orchestral Excerpts / 20116268 / $34.95 Flute technique Preparatory to Level 10 • One cumulative volume for flutists of all levels. • Presents scales and arpeggios in recommended articulation patterns, ranges, keys, and tempos. • Includes easy-to-read overview charts at every level. Overtones Flute Technique / 20116269 / $27.95 RRP INCLUDES GST. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. www.ampd.com.au 13 auStraLIan MaDe geetar reCorDS anD PubLIShIng Cal Williams Jr. is a multi-award winning guitarist and songwriter who has performed at numerous festivals in Europe and Australia. Cal has formulated his unique teaching method from many years of practical teaching experience. guitar toolboX book 1 open tuning toolboX book 1 singer songwriter toolboX Cal Williams Jr. Cal Williams Jr. Cal Williams Jr. The Guitar Toolbox is an easy to understand selfteaching handbook that can be used by all guitarists at any level. The Guitar Toolbox is an innovative and practical method that has taken a fresh and unique look at the importance of scales as a way of creating improvised guitar solos and developing a strong technique. The Guitar Toolbox also creates a healthy chord vocabulary with an emphasis on creativity and writing songs. The Guitar Toolbox is designed to help you unlock the mystery of improvising over all Folk and Blues based music in any key using easy to understand scales and chords. The Open Tuning Toolbox is a ground breaking guitar concept for studying the scale and chord shapes relevant to the most popular open tunings. By utilising a combination of modal scales and perfect chords, The Open Tuning Toolbox has effectively mapped out the lead and rhythm guitar essentials in Folk, Blues and Spanish guitar styles. The Open Tuning Toolbox de-mystifies the use of alternate tunings and allows the student to learn in a more straight-forward and immediately useable way. The Open Tuning Toolbox Book 1 begins the Open Tuning series with the ten most common tunings including DADGAD, DADF#AD and DGDGBD. The Singer Songwriter Toolbox is a comprehensive guide to both the creative side and the practical side of song writing. Filled with nuts-and-bolts advice on how to ignite and protect your creative mind, The Singer Songwriter Toolbox is a must have song writing tool for anyone who’s ever wanted to either write a song or, expand on their song writing knowledge. 0501586476 / $29.95 0501592976 / $29.95 0501592876 / $29.95 DruMS Musical druMMing book 1 book & cd junior to beginner Musical druMMing book 2 book & cd beginner to interMediate Travis Easton Travis Easton Ideal for beginner students aged 5 to early teens. This book aims to teach in a logical progression of difficulty and comes with a 12 track CD (with & without drums and at two different tempos). Topics covered include: Beginner level book ideal for mature aged students, secondary school students and students that have completed book one. • 1/4, 1/8th, Triplet & 1/16th Note Grooves • Drum Fills • X-stick & Bell patterns • Buying your first drum kit. A four step teaching style supplies a thorough and effective methodology to gain maximum results for all students. • Teach each new area on the snare drum alone • Co-ordinate the snare and bass drum together • Play these rhythms in drum kit patterns • Apply skills learnt to pieces of music 0401142140 / $44.95 Musical druMMing book 3 book & cd interMediate to adVanced Travis Easton Book 3 is aimed at students who have finished Musical Drumming, Book Two and any competent drummers looking to improve their playing and understanding of advanced rhythms, grooves and time signatures. 0401319176 / $49.95 0401142040 / $29.95 14 www.ampd.com.au AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD MUSIC RETAILERS auStraLIan MaDe DruMS creatiVe druMMing Made siMple songs on the side Dan Slater A collection of contemporary compositions from intermediate to advanced level, many of which have been selected for study in the 2011 ANZCA drumset syllabus. Dan Slater Unlike other basic drumming texts, this book guides the student through the creative process after presenting new technical material - giving students an opportunity to inspire themselves and build musicality. There are many pages dedicated to creating your own rhythms, grooves, fills, solos and entire songs with access to backing tracks and further material online. Some of the included songs and studies can be performed in ANZCA drumset exams. 0401594076 / $29.95 “Songs on the Side helps me and my students stay abreast of contemporary music as well as learning about older styles. The charts are clear and the backings are fun to use.” - David Hicks, Percussion faculty @ Scotch College Melbourne and author of Stick Figures 0401494676 / $34.95 how to iMproVe your perForMance dVd Reggie D’Souza Unlock the secrets to improving your performance! Through his unique teaching method, Reggie breaks down and explains development techniques that eliminate negative thoughts from interfering with your own natural ability to perform be it in the practice room or playing to a live audience - enabling the flow of creativity to come through. Topics covered in the DVD include: • Hand Techniques • Foot Techniques • Drum Fills • Drum Techniques • Drum Solo Techniques Reggie also performs original songs with sequenced percussion and band accompaniment. Also gives insights on how to diminish the mental interferences that can hinder the full expression of potential. This DVD will serve as a summary of drum skills for any level of drummers. Level: Beginner to pro Running Time: 1:45 1666577276 / $49.95 bang VoluMe 1 graded pieces For tuned percussion bk 1 book/cd Mary Broughton Gordon Hughes The Bang series is designed to sequentially introduce developmental reading, technical concepts and expressive direction. In volume 1, basic band instruments are used to create an exciting first ensemble experience for the elementary percussion student. Instrumentation: Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone (keyboard instrument options included) AMEB Grade 1-3 (Elementary to Intermediate) 0402511576 / $49.95 Players: 4-6 Instrumentation: Snare Drum, Tom-tom, Triangle, Tambourine, Suspended Cymbal, Bass Drum AMEB Grade 1 (Elementary) 0402401676 / $39.95 RRP INCLUDES GST. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. www.ampd.com.au 15 Deer rIVer foLIoS black Folders econoMy Folios The Black Folder was originally designed for the Los Angeles Master Chorale. Singing with The Black Folder is so easy. The design allows singers to hold their music up better, follow their directors better and give better performances. Economy Folios are handcrafted pressboard folios with leatherette finished seams and edges. These folios come in three sizes and two pocket styles to fit your needs. 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Features include 2.5cm spine, rounded pockets, and reinforced brass corners. These Folios come in five colours - Black, Red, Blue, Maroon, and Green. Dimensions: 23cm x 30.5cm • These folios are available in three colours (Black, Red, Blue). 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There is no obligation on the part of retailers to comply with the recommendation. Prices, contents and availability subject to change without notice. 4 Lentara Court, Cheltenham 3192 Vic. Australia P: + 61 3 9585 3300 F: + 61 3 9585 3399 E: aussales@halleonard.com.au www.ampd.com.au
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