Building a Community for Life-Long Learning Rockford Area Schools COMMUNITY EDUCATION PRSTD STD Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Madelia MN Permit No. 4 Spring Building a Community for Life-Long Learning Rockford Area Schools COMMUNITY 6051 Ash Street Rockford, MN 55373 EDUCATION 763-477-4563 Rockford/Greenfield Community Expo… Something for everyone March 7! 9am - 1pm Rockford High School Competiton Gym There truly is something for everyone at the 13th annual Rockford-Greenfield Community Expo on Saturday, March 7th from 9am - 1pm at the Rockford High School gym and commons. Admission to the Expo is free. Start the day out with a tasty all you can eat breakfast from Taher for only $7. Before or after you eat feel free to tour our new High School commons and kitchen. There will also be a photo opportunity with Rockee and special door prizes that will only be given at the breakfast. So bring your camera and your appetite any time from 8am-10am for this delicious experience! •Over 70 local businesses •All you can eat breakfast for only $7 •Hourly door prize drawings for adults and kids •Performances by: Rockford High School Jazz Band, Fourth & Fifth Grade Choir, and Third Grade Piano Students •Demonstrations by Rockford Rocket Gymnastics Club participants •Photo opp with Rockee Tour the new High School commons and kitchen! 2015 Spring Spring Classes & Events 2 Early Childhood Welcome! 2015 Spring Catalog March/April/May Introducing the newly redesigned Community Education catalog. We hope you find this catalog easy to navigate with new color coded sections, tables and more! About Early Childhood 4 ECFE Parent/Child Classes 6 ECFE Special Events 9 The Launching Pad Preschool 10 Registration12 Youth Youth Enrichment Enrichment for Middle School Youth Recreation – K-8 Rocket Gymnastics Club High School Activities Galaxy Kids School Age Care Galaxy Kids Summer Program 14 15 16 18 23 24 25 March 2015 Spring Catalog Term: March 1 – May 31 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W TH F S 1 2 Spring Spring Calendar Table of Contents April 2015 Spring 763-477-5294 Adult Enrichment Adult Recreation Adult Health and Fitness 26 27 28 Seniors Senior Enrichment Senior Citizen Information Senior Recreation 30 30 31 May 2015 Adults Community Organizations Community Organizations Community Resources Social Groups Community Center/RCC Membership 38 About Community Education 40 Registration42 Facilities Map 44 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 36 37 Community Ed 3 RCC Change in hours or closed, see detailed list below. Mar 7 Mar 14 Mar 15 Apr. 5 RCC Fieldhouse - limited access RCC Fieldhouse closed RCC Fieldhouse closed RCC closed - Holiday May 16 May 17 May 25 RCC Fieldhouse closed RCC Fieldhouse closed RCC closed - Holiday Summer Catalog | June - August 1 March May Rockford-Greenfield Community Expo Middle School Art Club Rockets Track & Field Camp Grades 5-8 Grades K-6 March 7 Join Rockford Middle School’s new Art Club! Come together to study, create, and learn about art with other kids who share your interests! Students who join will have the opportunity to hone and expand their artistic skills as well as go deeper with exploration and use of art content and materials. The club will combine open studio time along with peer-instructed projects and media. Club membership includes access to clay, paint, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and mixed media. Rocket track and field coaches and athletes will provide instruction on track and field skills. This will give future Rocket athletes opportunities to learn new skills, have fun, and compete in a mini-meet where they can win prizes! Awards, t-shirts, and prizes will make this a great day! Come enjoy our amazing new track, meet and work out with our athletes, and “run for gold”. There truly is something for everyone at the 13th annual Rockford-Greenfield Community Expo on Saturday, March 7th from 9am - 1pm at the Rockford High School Competition Gym and Commons. Admission to the Expo is free. Start the day out with a tasty all you can eat breakfast from Taher for only $7. Before or after you eat feel free to tour our new High School commons and kitchen. There will also be a photo opportunity with Rockee, so bring your camera and your appetite any time from 8am - 10am for this delicious experience! Over 70 local businesses will have their products and services on display. Vendors range from crafts, home improvement, education, health and wellness, financial, real estate, service organizations, home based businesses and more. SESSIONS: 8 DATES: April 9 – May 28 TIME: Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM PLACE: RMS Room 303 $32 Min 7 Max 20 High Five Science Club SESSIONS: 1 DATES: Saturday, May 16 TIME: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM PLACE: RHS Track if weather permits (RCC backup) NW Area JC’s Annual Corcoran Egg Hunt! 12 weeks, plus playoffs Rockford Riverside Park All who attend the Rockford-Greenfield Community Expo are invited to register for hourly door prize drawings for adults and kids. The Rockford High School gym is located at 7600 County Road 50 (Rebecca Park Trail) in Rockford. Enter through the Rocket Commons Door #13, located on the east side of the High School. For additional information on the upcoming Expo, please contact the Rockford Area Schools Community Education office at 763-477-4563 or visit our website at April 4 Saturday, April 4 at 10:00am sharp! Womens 4s - Sundays Begins May 10 5:00pm - 10:00pm Two Divisions: B/BB level and C level $260.00 per team Held outdoors at Corcoran Ball Fields off County Rd 50 (same site as Country Daze) Please dress accordingly! Free for ages 0-10 with three separate age brackets and prize eggs. Bring your baskets and cameras the Easter Bunny will be there! Community welcome! Prairie Fire Children’s Theater Kordal Kombat Barbershop Quartet Saturday, March 14 at 2pm & 5pm Sunday, April 12 at 4:00 pm RHS Auditorium $15 per person Winter Band Concert Thursday, March 19 at 7pm See page 33 for more details. Min 10 No Max Enjoy fun in the sun with Adult Sand Volleyball Leagues. Matches are played on two courts at Riverside Park in Rockford. Twelve regular matches of officiated play begin in May. League championship team will receive t-shirts. Grades 1-4 University of MN Extension/Wright County 4-H is excited to offer the High Five Science Club. See page 14 for more details. $22 Adult Sand Volleyball Be sure to stop by the Rockford Area Schools booth for all of the latest happenings and to register for the free giveaways! Want to be entertained? Come and listen to performances by the Rockford High School Jazz Band, Fourth and Fifth Grade Choir and Third Grade Piano students. You can also catch Rockford Rocket Gymnastics Club participants demonstrating their skills on the stage! “Alladin & His Magic Lamp” 2 April Visit to register Co-Ed 4s - Mondays Begins May 11 6:00pm - 10:00pm One Division: B/BB level $260.00 per team Community Events Spring Spring Just for Spring – Classes & Events Thousand Hearts Crow River Serve Day Sunday, May 17 The Third Annual Thousand Hearts Crow River Serve Day will be held on Sunday, May 17, 2015. Hundreds of volunteers will, once again, complete projects that address three key areas of need: Health, Habitation and Hunger. Please join us again this year! Many projects are being planned with some new, exciting ones added! Back by popular demand is packing food for Kids Agaist Hunger. E-mail for more information or check out, click on Sign Up Genius and also like us on Facebook! Get more information on page 35. Rockford Memorial Day Parade & Services Monday, May 25 Parade at 10am starts in front of Rockford Middle School and proceeds to Elmwood Cemetary. Navy Memorial Program conducted on Bridge Street. Memorial Services at Elmwood Cemetary at 10:30am. Following the Memorial Services: Lions Club pork chop dinner at the Lions Park. Serving starts at 11:00am. Pie and Ice Cream Social at historic Stork House from 10:00am - 3:00pm. May Performances at Rockford High School Auditorium •Middle School Musical - May 7 at 7:00pm & May 8 at 7:00pm •Pie & Pops Choir Concert - Friday, May 15 at 7:00pm •Spring Jazz Concert - Thursday, May 21 at 8:00pm •Spring Band Concert - Thursday, May 28 at 8:00pm 3 Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth to kindergarten. The program is offered through Minnesota public school districts. ECFE offers parents hands-on learning experiences that will nourish a lifetime of teachable moments. All ECFE classes are taught by licensed early childhood teachers and parent educators to provide the quality education parents are looking for. A typical ECFE Class includes: Early Childhood Advisory Council Early Childhood Programs Parents’ Time About ECFE Parents separate from their children and join together for a discussion group facilitated by a Parent Educator. Non-Separating Classes Children’s Time While parents are in discussion, children participate in activities facilitated by an Early Childhood Teacher. Special Event Classes Launching Pad Preschool Registration ECFE/Preschool Location Public Health Family Planning Program This program promotes healthy pregnancy and provides regular check-ups and testing that can help protect a person’s ability to have children in the future. Our classes are affordable to all Class fees are based on a sliding fee schedule according to income and family size. No family who meets scholarship requirements will be turned away for inability to pay, dependent on availability of class enrollment openings. Family fee applies to members of immediate family only. Nondiscrimination Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in education based on sex/gender, sexual orientation, race, color, creed, national origin, religion, disability, receipt of public assistance, marital status and age. Early Childhood Staff Coordinator: Tiffany Reinhard 763-477-7500 Teachers: Terry Schroeder - preschool Amelia Harren - preschool Michelle Anderson - preschool Tracy Meier - ECFE Parent Education Teacher: Dana Schrempp Classroom Assistants: Marie Walton - preschool Melanie DeWolfe - preschool Angel Swanson - preschool Shadow Felknor - presch/ECFE Call Wright County Public Heath at 763-682-7400 and ask for Family Planning. Wellness on Wheels (WOW) Rockford Elementary Arts Magnet School 7650 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 The WOW Van, a public health service through Wright County Public Health, is staffed by Registered Nurses and offers many services, including: More information Immunizations*, Healthy Adult Program, Healthy Family Program, Dental Wellness Program, Fluoride Treatment*, Well Child Check*, Car Seat Check*, Community Resources, and Take Heart Minnesota*. It also offers screenings, including: Blood pressure, Cholesterol*, Diabetes, Pregnancy, Hemoglobin, Lead*, Mantoux Test, Radon Test Kit, Well Testing Kit. Tiffany Reinhard, Coordinator 763-477-7500 4 4 Resources •Free pregnancy testing and counseling •Medical exam and screening for infections •Full range of birth control methods Preschool Screening Want to get involved? The Early Childhood Parent Advisory Council meets three to four times a year to plan ECFE and preschool classes and to discuss fees, class sizes, outreach, legislative issues, school district topics and more. Free childcare is available for children during the meetings. Please call 763-477-7500 to join! This program is for women and men of any age who don’t have insurance to pay for family planning. Services are no cost and are strictly confidential. Parenting Classes Galaxy Kids Preschool Care ECFE on Wheels Home Visits Together, parents and children, newborn to kindergarten age, participate in activities and experiences that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and language skills. Parent and child together enjoy a classroom filled with developmentally appropriate learning activities. Separating Classes If you have recently had a new baby, or have moved to our school district and have children ages birth through five, it is important that they are included in the school census. This ensures that you receive notification about early childhood classes, early childhood screening, kindergarten round-up and other school-related information. If you are not sure whether your children are listed on the school census, please contact the Early Childhood Office at 763-477-7500, or fill out a census form located on our web site at A program that comes to you and is designed just for you. The program features visits to your home or one-on-one visits at the ECFE center. Visits provide ideas for creative, fun, age-appropriate activities, as well as time to discuss questions about child development. Information and ideas on parenting and community resources are also available. Call the ECFE office at 763-477-7500 to set up a home visit. There is no fee for home visits. Together Time Parent/Child Classes Have you recently moved or had a baby? Early Childhood Family Education ECFE What is ECFE? Please call 763-682-7717 for questions or to schedule an appointment. *Appointment needed 5 In these classes, parents and children separate from each other. While the children are enjoying fun activities with each other, the early childhood teacher and an assistant, parents meet to discuss parenting issues, concerns, and questions with a licensed parent educator. Parents help decide what topics and/or issues will be discussed during each quarter. As the class ends, parents join their children for a brief time to say good-bye to their friends. Play ‘N Learn Mixed ages: Birth to 5 years The first half of the class you and your child will explore a variety of learning stations that make this time together relaxing, special and fun. After a short group activity with music and finger plays, parents leave the classroom and meet to discuss parenting issues with a licensed parent educator. Children remain with the early childhood teacher and assistant enjoying fun activities together. As the class ends, parents join their children for a brief time to say goodbye to their friends. Instructors: Tracy and Dana Tuesdays SPRING SESSIONS: 6 DATE: Apr 14 – May 19 TIME: 9:00 - 10:30 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 $42/1 child $55/2 children $68/3 children Out of district + $5 Tuesday Evenings SPRING SESSIONS: 5 DATE: Apr 14 – May 19 No class Apr 21 TIME: 6:00 - 7:30 PM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 $35/family Out of district + $5 SPRING SESSIONS: 6 DATE: Apr 16 – May 21 TIME: 9:00 - 10:30 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 $42/1 child $55/2 children $68/3 children Out of district + $5 Fridays SPRING SESSIONS: 6 DATE: Apr 10 – May 15 TIME: 9:00 - 10:30 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 Parents and children spend the entire time together, engaging in fun, age-appropriate activities. Sooo-Big! Musical Maestros Newborn to Toddler 2.5 to 5 years Bring your precious baby or toddler to an informal class where you will both delight in activities created specifically for you and your child. Designed by a licensed early childhood teacher, this class will focus on age appropriate and engaging experiences for your child, and relaxed and informal conversation for you. You will stay with your child the entire time. Instructor: Tracy Young children have a natural love of music and research continues to show that early exposure to music can increase a child’s abilities in many areas, including language and math! A perfect combination for a class filled with music and imagination! Music will come to life in this class through singing, creative movement, instrument discovery, games, and song books. Children and parents will remain together the entire time, sharing, exploring , discovering, laughing and having fun! Instructor: Tracy Mondays SPRING SESSIONS: 5 DATE: Apr 13 – May 18 No class Apr 20 TIME: 1:00 - 1:45 PM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 $25/1 child $32/2 children $39/3 children Out of district + $5 Tuesdays SESSIONS: 6 DATE: Apr 4 – May 19 TIME: 11:00 - 11:45 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 $24/1 child $31/2 children $38/3 children Out of district + $5 Almost Ready for Preschool 2.5 to 4.5 years If your child is almost ready for an independent preschool experience, and you are not quite ready to give up the weekly parent discussions and support, this class is for you! On Mondays, your child will stay on their own for a traditional fun-filled preschool class. On Wednesdays, you and your child will have a parent/child class that includes one hour parent/child discovery time and one hour parent discussion time. Thursdays 6 Non-Separating Classes Parent/Child Classes Parent/Child Classes Separating Classes $42/1 child $55/2 children $68/3 children Out of district + $5 Instructors: Tracy and Dana Mondays & Wednesdays Spring SPRING SESSIONS: 12 DATE: Apr 8 – May 20 No class Apr 20 TIME: 8:45 - 10:45 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 $96/child Out of district + $10 Sibling Care (Wednesday only) $35/child, Out of district $40/child 7 sessions 7 March How Much is Too Much? Monday Evening Parent Group Mommy & Me! Birth to 5 years Positive Discipline In a culture of overindulgence, it is often difficult to know or recognize, How much is Too Much? This class will focus on the latest researchbacked information about overindulgence: What it is, how it happens, its short and long-term effects, and how to be confident in standing strong when you know what is enough. From toddler to teen, we’ll discuss raising respectful and responsible children. Children are with an early childhood teacher and assistant engaging in exciting, age-appropriate activities, while parents meet with a parent facilitator the entire time. Take time out to learn more about parenting using a Positive Discipline approach. Based on the best selling books by Dr. Jane Nelson, Positive Discipline “is a program designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities…it teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults.” A trained facilitator leads this group and other topics of discussion will be determined with input from the group. You may attend one or all of the sessions. This is co-sponsored by the Wright County Family Education Center. Facilitator: Melissa Spicer, MS LSC A special time set aside just for Moms and kids! There will be plenty of planned activities sure to delight, without any prep or clean-up for Mom. Come and relax while enjoying some quality time with your child! There is no parent/child time during this class. Instructors: Tracy and Dana Wednesdays SPRING SESSIONS: 6 DATE: Apr 15 – May 20 TIME: 11:00 AM - Noon PLACE: REAMS Room 213 $36/1 child $49/2 children $62/3 children Out of district + $5 DATE: Sat, Mar 21 TIME: 9:30 - 11:00 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 Register by Tues, Mar 17 $7/child Spring into Summer! Monday Evenings Free DATE: Mon, May 18 TIME: 6:00 - 7:30 PM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 Register by Wed, May 13 Discover Drop Off Call 763-477-7500. 8 $7/child Create COUPON COUPON Buy One, Get One 1/2 Off Buy One, Get One 1/2 Off Purchase an ECFE special event and get 1/2 off the second ECFE special event. Does not include field trips. Purchase an ECFE special event and get 1/2 off the second ECFE special event. Does not include field trips. Exp. 5/19/15 Exp. 5/19/15 12 months to 6 years so that we can arrange optimal staffing. May at Rockford ECFE Drop Off Child Care Registration is required in advance $7/child Come to plant some bright, springy blossoms and welcome summer just around the corner. You and your child will enjoy creative and engaging activities celebrating spring and welcoming summer. You will go home with a specially planted blossom, too! Imagine Explore Do you never seem to have enough time to yourself? We are offering drop off child care time in conjunction with our sibling care group on Wednesday mornings. Space is limited. There is no sliding fee for drop-off care. April This Saturday morning is especially for Grandmas, Grandpas and kids. Our room will be filled with fun, creative, and engaging activities just for you! There is nothing quite like time spent with Grandma and Grandpa! DATE: Sat, Apr 18 TIME: 10:00 - 11:30 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 213 Register by Tues, Apr 14 Free child care is available with pre-registration. *Pre-registration for child care is required and is limited. Please call the EC Office at 763-477-7500 to reserve space no later than the Friday before class. SPRING SESSIONS: 4 DATE: Apr 13 – May 11 No class Apr 20 TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 PM PLACE: Rm 200/213 Grandma & Grandpa & Me! Events & Field Trips Parent/Child Classes Special Events - Ages 2.5 to 5 years Parenting Wednesdays When ECFE classes are in session DATE: Sept – May TIME: 8:45 - 10:45 AM PLACE: REAMS Room 209 Caregiver: Staff $8/child/session $5 fee for late pick up Your Name: Your Name: Event 1: Event 1: Event 2: Event 2: 9 Galaxy Kids Extended Preschool Care The Launching Pad Preschool Ages 3 to 5 years The Launching Pad Preschool provides an outstanding and unique public preschool experience for your child. We embrace a Reggio Emilia-inspired philosophy and Creative Curriculum. The Reggio-inspired approach encourages exploration, discovery and critical thinking. Our Creative Curriculum is research based, and aligned with the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs). Our program is founded on the belief that all children have great potential, are curious, and are interested in constructing their learning. Learning activities are exciting, creative, and developmentally appropriate. We focus on some of these key elements that encourage children’s growth and learning: 4-star Parent Aware rated program. This reflects our commitment to high quality programming using research-based best practices, while preparing children for success in kindergarten and beyond. 2015-16 Preschool Registration is open! A lottery will be held March 12th for any classes over capacity. All registrations received by 9am on March 12th will be placed in the lottery. Galaxy Kids offers a care program for all preschool age children who are enrolled in Launching Pad Preschool or Preschool programs within the Rockford Area School District. The program is designed to both enhance and reinforce your child’s education/ social experience to help prepare them for kindergarten. Preschool Extended Care has a 1 to 10 adult to student ratio. To register: Call 763-477-7555 Options & Rates Half-day care options Mornings, 8:05 am - 12:15 pm Afternoon, 10:45 am - 2:55 pm $13.25 School day care 8:05 am - 2:55 pm $21.00 per day per day Your child can participate in this extended program on the days that he/she does not have classes. Full-day care 6:00 am - 6:00 pm on most non-school days. $28.00 per day *Based upon enrollment, this program will run if there is a minimum of 12 registered students attending daily. Preschool & Screening Preschool Preschool *Prices subject to change. A $30 non-refundable registration fee is required at the time of registration. Conveniently located across the hall from Preschool! Project-based learning: Stresses individual and small group investigation of topics that are of interest to the children. Teachers integrate skills acquisition within the project work. Inquiry-based learning: Emphasizes thinking and problem solving, and is a natural progression for students as they move into kindergarten and the primary grades. Authentic Art: Helps children find expression through authentic art experiences and have the opportunity to explore materials and processes. Launching Pad Preschool offers: Full Day Programs: 2 or 3 days per week Half Day Programs: 2, 3 or 5 days per week Please call us at 763-477-7500, or visit us at, for more information, including busing and tuition schedules. Scholarship/financial assistance is available for qualified families. 10 Screening State law requirement Early Childhood Health & Developmental Screening Required before Kindergarten State law requires all children to participate in Early Childhood Screening before they may enter public kindergarten. Identifying possible concerns early is the best way to prevent serious problems later. The ideal time to screen children is at age 3 to 4. Early Childhood Screening provides an opportunity for parents to discuss and find out about resources in the school and community. The Screening Process Screening includes a health history, immunization assessment, height and weight assessment, interview with parents and screening in the following areas: • Hearing & vision • Speech & developmental • Fine & gross motor skills • Social-emotional Screening Appointments District 883 offers many screening opportunities throughout the school year. Appointments are needed and letters are sent to families with ageeligible children. If you have a child in this age group and do not receive a letter, please call the Early Childhood Programs office, 763-477-7500 2014-15 EC Screening Dates: Mar 19 Apr 20 Make your appointment by calling 763-477-7500 11 Ways to Register Age Designation Submit your completed registration form, immunization form and payment: ONLINE MAIL ECFE Procedures 7650 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 PHONE 763-477-7500, Fax 763-477-5025 Make checks payable to ECFE or pay online via e-check or credit card through PaySchools. Visit and click on the PaySchools link under the Parents tab. Cancellations and Refunds If you need to cancel your registration and it is five or more days prior to the beginning of class, you will be refunded the fee minus a $5 processing fee. Some classes are designated for a specific age group. Parents may not bring younger or older children to these classes unless they have made arrangements with us for sibling care. Infants (6 months and younger) are the exception; they can attend it they remain with the parent during parent discussion time, excluding gym class. Immunization Records As required by state law, updated immunization records MUST be provided for all children. You must submit an updated immunization form when registering for ECFE classes. This form will be kept on file for the school year. Please bring in or have your child’s clinic fax immunization records to 763-477-5025 (Attn: ECFE) Our classes are affordable to all Class fees are based on a sliding fee schedule according to income and family size. No family who meets scholarship requirements will be turned away for inability to pay, dependent on availability of class enrollment openings. Family fee applies to members of immediate family only. Family Size A B C D Annual income equal to or less than: E Full Fee at 763-477-7500 when you are unable to attend class. children engaged in unsafe play whether or not a parent is present. Staff will assist parents with appropriate guidance when necessary. Health Procedures We have a designated area to put all toys that come into contact with a child’s mouth; these are sterilized daily. A child who has a fever of 100 degrees or more, or has vomited within the past 24 hours should not attend classes. Children should be kept home if they exhibit a sore throat, diarrhea, thick mucous from the nose, undiagnosed rash, inflamed or mattery eyes, infected sores, or persistent itching of body or scalp. If a child comes to school with these conditions, we will request the parent and child to leave and return when symptoms have disappeared. Weather Related School Closings When school is cancelled due to weather or other emergencies, ECFE classes and trips are also cancelled. When school has a late start, morning ECFE classes will be cancelled. Please listen to WCCO 830 or KRWC 1360 radio, KARE 11 or WCCO 4 TV, or check the Rockford Area Schools website for late start or closing information. 1 $11,670.00 $14,587.50 $17,505.00 $20,422.50 $20,422.50+ 2 $15,730.00 $19,662.50 $23,595.00 $27,527.50 $27,527.50+ 3 $19,790.00 $24,737.50 $29,685.00 $34,632.50 $34,632.50+ 4 $23,850.00 $29,812.50 $35,775.00 $41,737.50 $41,737.50+ 5 $27,910.00 $34,887.50 $41,865.00 $48,842.50 $48,842.50+ 6 $31,970.00 $39,962.50 $47,955.00 $55,947.50 $55,947.50+ 7 $36,030.00 $45,037.50 $54,045.00 $63,052.50 $63,052.50+ 8 $40,090.00 $50,112.50 $60,135.00 $70,157.50 $70,157.50+ Both receive $10 Off a Class Fee PAYMENT DUE No Class Fee 1/4 Class Fee 1/2 Class Fee 3/4 Class Fee Full Class Fee Refer someone new to the Rockford Area ECFE Program and both receive $10 off one multi-session class fee. More than 8 family members - each additional member, add $4,060.00 12 Missed Classes Please call the ECFE office Behavior Staff will immediately respond to You will be notified ONLY if a class has been cancelled. Sliding Fee Scale Children are our future. We value humanity, the strength of families and celebrate differences and we are committed to promoting the value of families in our society. To accomplish our goals in the fairest way possible, we must adhere to the following procedures: ECFE Registration ADULT CONTACT INFORMATION Name Address City Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Email PARTICIPANT INFORMATION ECFE Registration ECFE Registration ECFE Class & Event Registration First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Class/Event Fee $ First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Class/Event Fee $ First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Class/Event Fee $ PAYMENT INFORMATION Total $ COUPON Refer a Friend Sliding Fee application required. Your Name: Application can be found at, in the EC Program Information box. Download and return completed form with your registration or call 763-477-7500. Friend’s Name: Check # Mail to: ECFE, 7650 County Road 50, Rockford, MN 55373 Date paid on PaySchools - click on the PaySchools link under Parents tab. AGREEMENT I have read and agree to all ECFE policies. Parent/Guardian Signature 13 Preschool - 4th Grade Science Explorers’ Crazy Chemisty Grades K-5 Join Science Explorers as we become crazy chemists! We will investigate the Periodic Table and learn about its families with fun and exciting experiments. We will break some chemical bonds, get messy with polymers, launch an Alka Seltzer rocket and much more. Our classes are be sure to dress for a mess! SESSIONS: 3 DATE: April 23 – May 7 TIME: Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:15 PM PLACE: REAMS Room 300 Youth Enrichment Science Explorers’ Crazy Chemistry High Five Science Club Legos: Catapults & Levers Greg Olson’s Critters and Company! Everything Art Youth Winter Games Enrichment for Middle School Rubik’s Cube Class Middle School Art Club DNR Firearms Safety Youth Sports & Recreation Taekwondo Indoor Tennis Rockets Track & Field Camp Indoor Tennis Dance Classes Gymnastics Drivers Education High School Activities DNR Firearms Safety Moore Volleyball Camps Rocket Power Galaxy Kids Program Galaxy Kids Summer Program Middle School Greg Olson’s Critters and Company! $36 Min 10 Max 16 Need something special to do with your child over spring break? We may have the answer! Greg Olson uses his collection of live exotic animals and his amazing storytelling ability to teach children about life skills. He’ll present “Attitudes That Make a Difference” where he and the animals help the children learn skills to use with friends and in challenging situations. Galaxy Kids students admission included in Theme Day cost. For students not attending Galaxy Kids, please register through Community Education. SESSIONS: 1 DATES: Wednesday, April 1 TIME: 10:00 - 11:15 AM PLACE: High School Auditorium $10 Parents free with child Everything Art High Five Science Club Grades K-4 Grades 1-4 University of MN Extension/Wright County 4-H is excited to offer the High Five Science Club. Become a science explorer as you discover different science topics with fun, hands-on experiments. Every week is a new theme. Go on a GPS scavenger hunt, create your own geyser, learn about polymers while making your own slime and bouncy ball, discover what makes a glowstick work and more. 4-H specializes in hands-on learning and this club promises to be tons of fun! Join us as we experiment with fun new mediums and dabble in a bit of everything. Learn embossing techniques to create a 3-dimensional surface, draw a beach scene with people flying kites and Orca whales, become skilled at printmaking to create your own fanciful scene inspired by artist Marc Chagall, and learn about personal style by creating your own animals and making a greeting card. No previous experience necessary—we guide you in a relaxed supportive atmosphere. We use all high quality materials. SESSIONS: 4 DATES: April 8-29 TIME: Wednesdays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM PLACE: REAMS Commons SESSIONS: 4 DATE: April 29 - May 20 TIME: Wednesdays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM PLACE: REAMS Room 300 $20 Min 6 Max 15 $44 Min 6 Max 18 Legos: Catapults & Levers Youth Winter Games Grades 1-5 Grades 2-4 Build motorized windshield wipers and a piano player. Design and build your own catapult and compete in a MARSHMALLOW LAUNCH contest with your classmates. Challenge every aspect of your creativity and intellect while learning the basics of engineering and physics. Each class, students are given a different project to build, test and modify, then we use those projects to investigate basic engineering concepts. Boys and girls are invited to join our new and creative class. The Youth Winter Games will be held in the RCC field house and host a variety of games for your youth to continue to run, play, and stay active during the winter months. Games include, but aren’t limited to, capture the flag, foursquare, train wreck, tag variations and obstacle courses. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to stay active. SESSIONS: 6 DATE: March 11 – April 22 (no class April 1) TIME: Wednesdays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM PLACE: REAMS Commons SESSIONS: 4 DATES: March 2 –5 DAYS: Monday – Thursday TIME: 3:00 - 4:15 PM PLACE: RCC Fieldhouse $69 Min 6 Max 16 $19 Rubik’s Cube Class Grades 5-8 “The beauty of the Rubik’s Cube is that when you look at a scrambled one, you know exactly what you need to do without instruction. Yet without instruction it is almost impossible to solve, making it one of the most infuriating and engaging inventions ever conceived.” http:// Join us to learn how to solve a Rubik’s Cube. Students in grade 5-8 are invited to learn from three middle school students who competed in last year’s Rubik’s Cube Tournament where teams of 3 competed to solve 13 cubes in the fastest time. The team’s fastest cube was solved in 1 minute 22 seconds! Students will go home with a Rubik’s Cube. SESSIONS: 1 DATES: Tuesday, March 10 TIME: 3:00 - 4:15 PM PLACE: RMS Room 303 Youth Enrichment Youth Youth Enrichment $8 Max 12 Middle School Art Club Grades 5-8 Join Rockford Middle School’s new Art Club! Come together to study, create, and learn about art with other kids who share your interests! Students who join will have the opportunity to hone and expand their artistic skills as well as go deeper with exploration and use of art content and materials. The club will combine open studio time along with peer-instructed projects and media. Club membership includes access to clay, paint, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and mixed media. SESSIONS: 8 DATES: April 9 – May 28 TIME: Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM PLACE: RMS Room 303 $32 Min 7 Max 20 DNR Firearms Safety Ages 12 to Adult See page 23 for details Min 7 15 Kindergarten – 8th Grade Little Kickers Taekwondo Indoor Soccer Grades K-8 Ages 3-5 Grades 1-4 Lil’ Kickers is a program with your three to five year old in mind. In this class we work on listening, focus, balance, coordination, and following directions. This class will prepare them not only for getting into our regular TaeKwonDo classes, but more importantly to gain real life skills they can use in school, daycare, and everyday life! In these 6 sessions players will learn footskills, shooting technique, tactical play, and most importantly have fun doing it! Each hour long session will be split into a 30 minute practice time and then followed by a 30 minute game where players can showcase the skills they learned. Improve your skills, have fun, and help spread the passion for the game of soccer. This class will take your child through the beginning steps of a sport that will teach them not only physical strength, but also the five principles of taekwondo: courtesy, integrity, patience, self-discipline, and indomitable spirit. They will learn that hard work can also be fun and rewarding while developing a skill that will be a means of self-defense and fitness throughout their lives. The class will be taught by Marc Thibodeaux. Marc has 30+ years of experience, and has developed a very practical approach to teaching the martial arts. DAYS: M/W/F TIME: 4:00 - 4:50 PM PLACE: RCC Room 801 $0 Included with Family Membership Community Center Family Membership required. See page 38 for membership info. $0 Included with Family Membership DAYS: T/TH TIME: 12:00 - 12:50 PM DAYS: SAT TIME: 11:00 - 11:50 AM Indoor Tennis Get ready for summer and spend some time with us learning the basics of tennis. 4-6 year olds - Introduce your child to tennis through fun and games. Enjoy a combination of games and hand eye coordination skills to learn the game of tennis. Adv. Beg. - For the child who has had some tennis instruction. The class will be a combination drills and games to refine volleys and groundstrokes. Serves will be introduced and practiced. Provide your own equipment. Instructors: Steve & Carrie Agre Beginners, Ages 4-6 SESSIONS: 5 DATES: Apr 12, 19, 26, May 3, 17 DAYS: Sundays TIME: 3:00 - 3:45 PM PLACE: RHS Tennis Courts if weather permits (RCC backup) Community Center Family Membership required. See page 38 for membership info. Rockets Track & Field Camp Advanced Beginners, Ages 7-11 SESSIONS: 5 DATES: Apr 12, 19, 26, May 3, 17 DAYS: Sundays TIME: 3:45 - 5:00 PM PLACE: RHS Tennis Courts if weather permits (RCC backup) Rocket track and field coaches and athletes will provide instruction on track and field skills. This will give future Rocket athletes opportunities to learn new skills, have fun, and compete in a mini-meet where they can win prizes! Awards, t-shirts, and prizes will make this a great day! Come enjoy our amazing new track, meet and work out with our athletes, and “run for gold”. SESSIONS: 1 DATES: Saturday, May 16 TIME: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM PLACE: RHS Track if weather permits (RCC backup) $22 Min 10 No Max $50 Max 8 $70 Max 8 SESSIONS: 6 DATES: T/TH, April 14 - 30 TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 PM PLACE: REAMS gym More dance classes! $25 Min 20 No Max PLACE: RCC Room 801 Grades K-6 16 COMING THIS FALL – Dragons Taekwondo Did you know? We have 8 brand new tennis courts located behind Rockford Elementary School! Check out the new dance studio located in the Rockford Community Center! A quality marley floor was installed in the studio to minimize injuries and provide traction while being soft for a dancer’s feet. This fall, community ed will be offering more dance classes for all ages! Dance Class Grades 2-3 Let’s turn and leap! This class introduces jazz dancing with some added fun! An introduction to common dance movements and terminology. This class will teach the necessary skills for traditional dance instruction. Participants will learn a short routine and perform for family and friends at the last session. Please wear fitted clothing - tanks and leggings are preferable. Instructed by Sapphire Spiralke and members of the Rockford Dance Team. SESSIONS: 8 DATES: Wednesdays, Apr 8 – May 27 TIME: 3:00 - 4:30 PM PLACE: RCC Dance Studio/Rm 801 $27 ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and more! Dance Team Prep Class 6th Grade Min 10 Dance Class Grades 4-5 Participants will learn basic to intermediate dance skills. Students will develop poise, strength and flexibility. This class will teach proper technique, terminology, and an appreciation for dance. Our goal is that students will not only find a love for dance but also build healthy habits and self-esteem. Participants will learn a short routine and perform for family and friends at the last session. Please wear fitted clothing - tanks and leggings are preferable. Instructed by Heather Holasek and members of the Rockford Dance Team. SESSIONS: 8 DATES: Thursdays, Apr 9 – May 28 TIME: 5:00 - 6:30 PM PLACE: RCC Dance Studio/Rm 801 Youth Sports & Recreation Youth Sports & Recreation Kindergarten – 8th Grade $27 Min 10 Interested in trying out for the Rockford Dance Team?! Please join Coach Heather Holasek and team members for an informative, enjoyable dance class held after school. Participants will learn intermediate dance skills. Students will develop poise, strength and flexibility. This class will teach proper technique, terminology, and an appreciation for dance. Our goal is that students will not only find a love for dance but also build healthy habits and self-esteem. Participants will learn a short routine and perform for family and friends at the last session. Please wear fitted clothing - tanks and leggings are preferable. Instructed by Heather Holasek and members of the Rockford Dance Team. SESSIONS: 16 DATES: Thursdays, Apr 6 – June 1 TIME: 3:15 - 4:45 PM PLACE: RMS gym $49 Min 10 17 Preschool Classes Rockford Community Education offers the Rockets Gymnastics Club as youth gymnastics offering for children ages 18 months to high school. The spring session will run from March 9, 2015 through May 30, 2015. This is an 11- week session for majority of days. The fee is averaged across the session for those days that cannot meet due to election laws and school planned closure days. The fees are listed in one lump sum, however, you can pay one-half when you register and the second have by April 20th if you wish. Those days closed are (Tuesday, March 10th, no classes after 6:00 pm due to election laws and No classes Monday, April 6th due to school not in session) The 11 weeks of class also takes into account, we are closed for spring break from March 30-April 4th. Class size ratios are listed by the class description, if a class does not reach the minimum required, it will be cancelled and participants will be notified. You can register on-line with the regular community education classes, make sure to state the class, day, and time in the community ed course name field. If you are a new student,once you register, there will be additional forms to complete and these will be sent to you. Parent & Child 45 minutes Please watch on the community education web site, under Rocket Gymnastics Club. (, ) Spring Schedule The Grid below lists the days and times classes are offered. The full payment amount is the amount for each day of class. If you would sign up for more than one day, you would pay that amount for each day of class registered for, (except MAGA team training, the price is for the entire session and each day.) Tues Wed Thurs Fri Parent/Child 45 min $65.00 Moonbeams 45 min $65.00 2:15pm Shining Stars 1 hour $75.00 5:30pm Boys I 1 hour $75.00 4:00pm Boys II 1.5 hours $105.00 5:00pm 1 hour $75.00 Intermediate 1.5 hours $105.00 3:30pm 6:30pm Advanced I 2 hours $140.00 3:30pm Advanced II 2.5 hours $175.00 Recreation 1.5 hours $105.00 4:30pm Hot Shot 1.5 hours $105.00 3:30pm Pre Team 2.5 hours $175.00 6:00pm MAGA Weekly 8.5 Hrs $340.00 Flex & Conditioning 1.5 hours $105.00 High School 2 hours $5 per time 3:30pm Strictly Conditioning 1 hour $75.00 5:30pm Private Lessons 1 hour $30 (1:1) $15 (2:1) Beginner (grade 7 and up only) 18 Mon (appointment only) 5:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 3:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm Boys I 1 hour For boys 6 years old or coach approved. Will learn the basics to boy’s gymnastics on Floor, Vault, High bar, and Trampoline. Focusing on strength and flexibility to learn the basics. Must be able to listen and has been in a structured class setting before. Shining Stars 10:00am 10:45am Ages 4-5 (6:1 Ratio) 1 hour Boys Tumble/Trampoline/High Bar Boys II 1.5 hours Gymnastics Center Location Transportation 5:30pm Transportation is available for elementary students enrolled in classes right after school, and also for students enrolled in Galaxy Kids (request form due in advance). 4:30pm This is a great class for students who want to learn new skills and be with peers around their age. This is a mixed class for beginner to advanced girls who have some gymnastics or cheerleading training. Great for older students who do not want to be mixed with younger gymnasts in the younger classes but not quite ready for high school level training. Ages 3-4 (6:1 Ratio) 45 minutes 5:00pm 3:30pm Recreation 1.5 hours Moonbeams 6051 Ash Street, Rockford, MN 55373 in Rockford Middle School. Please enter through Activity Entrance (Door 5) and park in the upper parking lot. 3:30pm (Coach approved) Boys ages 6+ (8:1 Ratio) 9:00am 11:30am 6:00pm 5:30pm Sat Beginner 1 hour Intermediate 1.5 hours Advanced I 2 hours Advanced II 2.5 hours Fun and exciting program to start introducing gymnastics skills. As well as: Body awareness, coordination, strong attitude, listening, sharing, taking turns, and self-esteem and confidence. The two classes would be learning the same type skills but with their peers around the same age. 11:30am 4:00pm 5:30pm This class will be for 18 month and older children and their parent. Learn the very basics of gymnastics but more importantly focus on developing coordination, balance, and confidence. Parents are taught how to safely help the child do basic rolls, jumps, and climbing skills. A new experience and always the most fun progression to watch! This is an open structured class. (10:1 Ratio) Moonbeams & Shining Stars March 9, 2015 – May 30, 2015 Full Payment 18 Months - 2 Years Old, Boys & Girls Level Training Gymnastics Gymnastics Rocket Gymnastics Club For Information 763-477-9165, extension: 2313 or (cell) 612-708-7487 email: For boys who have completed Boys 1 or have been in the Boys class for at least 2 sessions. Must be coach approved before signing up. For boys who can already demonstrate the basics on Floor, High Bar, Vault, and Trampoline. Will focus on strength and flexibility to learn harder skills. Private Lessons Private lessons are available for individualized training. Private lessons are offered for 1 hour for 1 student $30.00 or 1 hour for two students together at $15.00each. Private Lesson sign up is done on-line by appointment only. Open Gym Open Gym is offered on Saturdays from 12:30pm-2:30pm. Open gym is for registered students in beginner, intermediate, advanced, REC, MAGA, Boys, and High School. The cost is $5.00 per time. You can also purchase a punch card to keep at the gym: $25.00 for 5 punches, $50.00 for 10 punches. 19 The Rockford Gymnastics Club offers competitive gymnastics through Midwest Amateur Gymnastics Association. The competitive season is over, but gymnasts continue to train throughout the year until the next season which begins in November of 2015. The current scheduled training includes 8.5 hours of instruction, and the option to also enroll in the flex and conditioning for those that want additional time in the gym. The MAGA class is open to all current MAGA competitive gymnasts, and for those interested in competing in the future, may be coach approved to join the classes. Classes will focus on specific training areas, and coaches will provide this training based on the expertise of each of our coaching staff to give the competitive gymnast a well-rounded off-season training. Image provided by Rita Mathiason ©2014 Roe Design Special Events Gymnastics Gymnastics Midwest Amateur Gymnastics Association MAGA MAGA Team Training/ High School Training Team Specific March 3 - March 5 The regular session is closed, but the following special activities will be held. You can sign up on-line. Tuesday, March 3: 3:30 - 7:30pm 4 private lesson hours (3 coaches available) 3:30 - 5:30pm Open gym for beginners on up $5.00 Wednesday, March 4: 3:30 - 5:30pm Open Gym (ages 7 on up), $5.00 (transportation available from elementary school) 5:30 - 6:30pm Preschool Open Gym $5.00 (parent must accompany) 6:30 - 7:30pm Private Lessons Thursday, March 5: 3:30 - 5:30pm 2 private lesson hours (3 coaches available) Trains 8.5 hours per week For required components of competitive routines for the club competition season. Prerequisitemust be training at intermediate and advanced levels and have coaches approval. (10:1 Ratio) Pre-Team 2.5 hours For those students ready to train towards MAGA, must be coach approved for this class. Hot Shots 1.5 hours For students in the Shining Stars who demonstrate a higher level of gymnastics skills and can show a higher level of attention span to learn the techniques of gymnastics. Students will train intensely on flexibility and strength. This is a coach recommended class. If you are interested please speak with Coach Katie and see what the prerequisites are.interested please speak with Coach Katie and see what the prerequisites are. Flex and Conditioning High School Open Gym 1.5 hours For high school students (7th grade and up) only. We will have the gym open for the high school students to use the equipment and stay current on their gymnastics skills. Punch cards will be available or pay as you go. Strictly Conditioning 1 hour This class if for trained gymnasts to continue their conditioning training to stay in top shape for competition. 1.5 hours Similar special events will be offered the week of spring break, watch for further information on the web site to sign up. 20 Prerequisite- Advanced 1, 2, Preteam, Team or coach approved. This is a great class for the serious gymnast to improve their strength and flexibility. The key to a successful gymnast is definitely gaining muscle and improving flexibility. If you are looking for extra strength training and flex work this is the class for your child. This class is highly recommended for team and preteam students. We will focus 45 minutes on conditioning and 45 minutes on flex with some dance skills worked in. 21 DNR Firearms Safety Moore Volleyball Camps Ages 12 to Adult Moore Volleyball Camps are designed to improve you as a High School player. This is a high intensity camp. If you are motivated to improve your skills and willing to work hard, this is the Volleyball Camp for you. Emphasis is placed on individual skills, as well as team concepts, to allow for maximum improvements. Moore Volleyball Camps provide you an opportunity to perform in a competitive atmosphere. All drills and competitions are structured so each player will get sound instruction with maximum repetition. This class is for any 12 year olds who intend to hunt, anyone born after 1979 who intends to hunt out of state, or anyone with guns in their home. Registration will be on April 9th from 7-9pm at the Rockford Community Center rm. 804. To register, you must call Tom Delaney prior to the registration night at 612-4088944 or visit to register and reserve a spot online. Welcome class of 2028! Now Enrolling for 2015-2016 Kindergarten Rockford Elementary Arts Magnet School We offer an all day, every day Kindergarten program in a small, caring community of learners that includes a robust core curriculum with enrichments in art, music, physical education and media. Open enrollment & transportion available! SESSIONS: 2 DATES: Saturday, April 18 and 25 Range and Test (off site) April 26 TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PLACE: RCC rooms 804 - 806 $15 Rockford High School Calendar of Events Performances at RHS Auditorium Community Welcome! Masterworks Concert Tuesday, March 3 at 7:30pm Winter Band Concert Thursday, March 19 at 7:00pm Barbershop Quartet Sunday, April 12 at 4:00pm Middle School Musical May 7 at 7pm & May 8 at 7pm 22 Contact Us Today! Pie & Pops Choir Concert Rockford Area Schools – District 883 763-477-5837 or go to our website at Thursday, May 21 at 8:00pm Friday, May 15 at 7:00pm Spring Jazz Concert Spring Band Concert Thursday, May 28 at 8:00pm Dates of camp: August 3 - 6 Time: 1pm - 4pm. Cost: $90.00. Grades 7 -12 as of Fall 2015 High School Activities Driver Education High School Activities go to, and download the registration form. Rockford CE does not take this registration. Rocket Power After School Strength Program Grades 7 - 12 Training at Rocket Power provides you and your peers with an excellent opportunity to train with teammates in a sport/activity specific program. The Rocket Power staff ensures proper technique and instruction in all phases of training. How hard you work will be determined by how far you and your teammates wish to go; Rocket Power works for you! Philosophy: Rocket power is to provide a comprehensive strength and conditioning program that will empower the student athletes with the education, application and confidence to train in a supervised and coachable environment. Priority is given to the proper instruction of technique, proper form and safety at all times. Through scientific application of periodization training, teaching proper technique and coaching our athletes, the Rocket Power program will give our community a sense of pride in the development of athletes. Participation: Open to students in grades 7-12 (2014-2015 school year) who are attending Rockford Area Schools. Registration Information: A current student membership ($20 fee per month) must be in place at the Rockford Community Center and registration paperwork must be on file ate the Rockford Community Center before a student may participate in the Rocket Power AfterSchool Strength Program. 23 Galaxy Kids is a before and after school care program for students attending preschool through fourth grade. It is open from 6 am - 6 pm, offering several care sessions to meet your needs. Galaxy Kids has a 1 to 12 adult to student ratio. Our staff has years of experience and the program enhances your child’s experiences and broadens their learning opportunities. The program encourages your child’s creativity, builds selfesteem and confidence, teaches cooperation and promotes positive behavior, social skills and friendships. Program Services •Before & After school care for preschool through 4th grade students •Preschool Extended Care (flexible schedules available - pg 11) •Enrichment programs, homework help, and curriculum support •Drop-off and pick-up assistance for Community Education programs and classes during Galaxy Kids Program hours. Pick Up and Drop Off Info You may drop off and pick up your child at Galaxy Kids from 6 am – 6 pm, or students are welcome to use the district bus service 7:55 am drop off and the 2:55 pm pick up time. Contact the Rockford Transportation Department for more information. If you have any questions regarding preschool transportation, please contact the Early Childhood Department at 763-477-7500. Non-school days require parent drop off and pick up. Who is eligible? All children who are enrolled in preschool through 4th grade at Rockford Elementary Arts Magnet School or any private schools in the district may attend Galaxy Kids. Registration Process To register your child for the 2014-15 school year, contact Galaxy staff at 763-477-7555, for a start date based on staff and space availability. Registration forms and parent handbook for the 2014-15 school year are available at Completed forms with a non-refundable $30 per child /$60 family max registration fee can be mailed or dropped off at Galaxy Kids. Galaxy Kids Location Rockford Elementary Arts Magnet School 7650 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 Galaxy Kids Summer Program Galaxy offers Preschool through 6th grade a variety of structured activities in a fun and safe learning environment. The program provides care from 6:00am – 6:00pm with flexible care options that are sure to fit your work schedule. For Preschool – sixth grade • June 8 – August 28 A blend of fun & creativity all summer long! 2015 Summer Program Fees Field Trips May 1 - Early Bird Special • Old Log Theater (Charolette’s Web) • Cascade Bay • Huikkos Entertainment Center • New! Twins Field Tour • New! Eveland Family Farm Activities • Water Day • Bike Day • Access to Community Ed classes Enrichment • Math and Reading enrichment • Interests groups (cooking, gardening, etc) Registration Deadlines & Fees $25.00 per child / $50.00 per family non-refundable registration fee applies to completed registration forms and ensures your child’s spot in the program. May 15 $30.00 per child / $60.00 per family non-refundable registration fee applies to completed registration forms and ensures your child’s spot in the program. After May 15 We will contact you with a date that your child can begin the program based on staff and space availability. Summer Rates School Age Care - Summer Program School Age Care - Elementary Galaxy Kids Program PreK–4th Grade WEEKLY RATE $132.00 per week $142.00 per week - field trip week 6:00am – 6:00pm DAILY (FULL DAY) $31.00 per day $41.00 per day - field trip day 6:00am – 6:00pm PARTIAL DAY $21.00 per day 5.5 hours or less per day & cannot be on a field trip day Community Ed Classes Parents are responsible for registration and payment for all Community Ed classes and camps. More information Call: 763-477-7555 Email: 24 25 Palette Up! Japanese Landscape Painting Socialize, relax and recharge with an Art Soiree. No art experience necessary to have fun and enjoy. Grab a friend and join us for an evening of unrestrained imagination with step-by-step instruction. Share an unforgettable evening of art with friends, family and new acquaintances. You will complete a painting of a mountainous Japanese landscape using acrylic paints on stretched canvas. Everyone will take home an original art piece they will want to hang on their walls. DATE: March 24 TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 PM PLACE: RHS Room 104 Adult Enrichment Palette Up! Japanese Landscape Painting Guitar Lessons DNR Firearms Safety Recreation for Adults Adult Sand Volleyball Over 35 Basketball Women’s Basketball Adult Health & Fitness Recreation for Adults, 18+ Adult Enrichment $29 Adult Sand Volleyball Over 35 Basketball Enjoy fun in the sun with Adult Sand Volleyball Leagues. Matches are played on two courts at Riverside Park in Rockford. Twelve regular matches of officiated play begin in May. League championship team will receive t-shirts. Join the age group of 35 and over for pick-up basketball. All skill levels are welcome. Visit to register 12 weeks, plus playoffs Rockford Riverside Park Womens 4s - Sundays Begins May 10 5:00pm - 10:00pm Two Divisions: B/BB level and C level $260.00 per team Co-Ed 4s - Mondays Begins May 11 6:00pm - 10:00pm One Division: B/BB level $260.00 per team Guitar Lessons Beginning/Intermediate Guitar All Ages $35 Wednesday Evenings 6:30 - 8:30 PM, REAMS Gym Saturday Mornings 8:00 - 9:30 AM, RHS Gym Women’s Basketball Returning by popular demand is women’s basketball. Depending on numbers, 2 to 4 teams will be made each night for competitive games. All are welcome, so invite your friends and colleagues for a great night of fun! If interest is high enough, we will develop regular teams to compete in a championship game with the winners receiving a prize! SESSIONS: 7 DATES: Tuesdays, April 7 – May 19 TIME: 7:30 - 9:00 PM PLACE: REAMS gyms Learn the basics of your instrument such as chords, rhythm and basic music theory. After you learn the very basics, you’ll learn other basic techniques through playing the songs that you like to listen to. This way, you’ll learn by having fun playing the classical, country, folk or rock songs that you enjoy! Participants will need to provide their own equipment. DAY/TIME: Call 763-477-4563 to schedule an appointment PLACE: Room TBD SESSIONS: 24 DATES: Wednesday & Saturday March 11 – May 30 Adult Recreation Adults Community Organizations $10 Min 14 $15 30 minute lesson FREE with RCC Membership! Adult Circuit Training Beginner Strength Training Cardio Sculpt Toning Aerobics Yoga - Gentle & Power Zumba Kickboxing 4 26 DNR Firearms Safety Rockford Area Schools Ages 12 to Adult This class is for any 12 year olds who intend to hunt, anyone born after 1979 who intends to hunt out of state, or anyone with guns in their home. Registration will be on April 9th from 7-9pm at the Rockford Community Center Room 804. To register, you must call Tom Delaney prior to the registration night at 612-408-8944 or visit to register and reserve a spot online. SESSIONS: 2 DATES: Saturday, April 18 and 25 Range and Test (off site) April 26 TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PLACE: RCC rooms 804 - 806 $15 FUTURE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Rocket Commons is complete! Check out the recently updated space for students! ROCKET COMMONS 27 All classes are now included in your monthly membership fee. Advanced Circuit Training Beginner Strength Training A heart pumping, high energy class focused on cardio intervals to burn maximum calories and fat while using a variety of fun equipment from TRX bands, bosu balls, stability and medicine balls. Class can be adapted for all fitness levels by choosing low impact versions of selected exercises. Megan Leipholtz is the instructor. Have you ever considered weightlifting?...If not, now’s the time to get started! Weight lifting adds lean muscle to your body which boosts metabolism and increases body fat burn. In this class, you’ll learn basic strength training principles including body weight movements, compound exercises using dumbbells and barbells, and proper technique. Whether you’re new to strength training or need a refresher, this class is great for both men and women! Class is instructed by Megan Leipholtz. DAYS: T/Th TIME: 6:00 - 6:50 PM PLACE: RCC $0 Included with Membership Fitness Classes FREE with RCC Membership! Community Center Hours Monday – Friday, 5:00 am - 10:00 pm Saturday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, 11:00 am - 9:00 pm *Check calendar for closed days or special hours. Front Desk 763-477-5294 RCC Amenities with membership • Cardio equipment • Strength training machines • Bathroom/showers • Fitness Classes included with membership fees • Rocket Power Strength Program included in student membership Non-members can get a daily pass for $5 or take a class for $5 each See page 38 for Membership Fees 28 DAYS: T/Th TIME: 7:00 - 7:50 PM PLACE: RCC $0 Included with Membership Cardio Sculpt Join us for a great total body workout with bursts of intense cardio between full body strength training moves. This protocol of high intensity cardio with active recovery in the form of weightlifting is proven to be most effective at burning fat and sculpting lean muscle. All levels and ages welcome, moves can be modified to meet all needs. Please bring your own fitness mat. Class is taught by Megan Leipholtz, certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer. Mornings Mon/Wed/Fri DAYS: M/W/F TIME: 9:00 - 9:50 AM No class May 25 PLACE: RCC $0 Included with Membership Toning Aerobics Gentle Yoga Zumba Gentle Yoga is a restorative, relaxed practice that is beneficial to people of all health and fitness levels. A gentle practice is designed to help unwind your body and mind completely. The goal of this class is to help the student fully relax into poses, holding them longer, triggering the parasympathetic nervous system which is designed to help balance your body. Stimulation this system helps to restore balance, decreasing stress and anxiety. Meditation is also included in this class. Attendees should bring 2 blankets, one smaller one and one medium sized, and a yoga mat to practice. Led by Denise Nichols, registered yoga instructor. Zumba®, a Latin-Inspired Fitness Dance class is an exhilarating and easy-to-follow class that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health. A total body workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. Class is taught by Sara Adams, certified Zumba® instructor. DAYS: M TIME: 6:00 - 6:50 PM No class May 25 PLACE: RCC 805/806 Yoga Create strength, flexibility, and balance through challenging yet calming yoga poses. A well-rounded class for all ability levels that guarantees to leave you with less tension in the body and the mind. Please bring a yoga mat or large towel. Class is taught by Denise Nichols, registered yoga instructor. DAYS: M TIME: 5:00 - 5:50 PM No class May 25 PLACE: RCC 805/806 $0 Included with Membership Jump start your day with this cardio, strength and yoga fitness class. This fast moving class will help burn fat, increase strength and gain flexibility. It is an intense, yet easy to follow class. Each class will vary to challenge both mind and body. This workout can be modified for all fitness levels and yoga experience is not necessary. Dress comfortably, bring a yoga mat and water. Class is taught by Denise Nichols, registered yoga instructor. Tuesdays/Thursdays DAYS: M/W/F TIME: 5:30 - 6:20 PM No class May 25 PLACE: RCC Saturdays TIME: 5:10 - 6:00 AM DATES: Dec 2 – Mar 31 PLACE: RCC 805/806 TIME: 8:00 - 8:50 AM No class March 7 PLACE: RCC 805/806 $0 Included with Membership Kickboxing Kickboxing brings you into the world of martial arts and fitness in a new and exciting program! In a round-by-round progression, this class incorporates use of a heavy bag and focus mitts for impact kicking and punching, and concludes with a variety of body toning techniques. In between rounds, be prepared to develop your core! No matter your fitness level, this workout was designed to push you forward. Class is taught by Marc Thibodeaux, certified personal trainer and Mixed Martial Arts specialist. DAYS: M/W/F TIME: 6:30 - 7:20 PM DAYS: T/Th TIME: 9:00 - 9:50 AM DAYS: SAT TIME: 10:00 - 10:50 AM Power Yoga It’s time to spring into action and get toned for summer! Break a sweat with this fast-paced, circuit style aerobics class that incorporates strength movements, cardio exercises, and core work to accelerate fat burn and increase muscle definition. Class is taught by Marc Thibodeaux $0 Included with Membership $0 Included with Membership DAYS: Th TIME: 5:30 - 6:20 PM PLACE: RCC Room 801 Membership Health & Fitness Membership Health & Fitness Community Center Classes $0 Included with Membership *$20 charge for hand wraps and gloves that you get to keep! PLACE: RCC Room 801 $0 Included with Membership $0 Included with Membership 29 55+ Driver Improvement Program - 4 hour refresher The Minnesota Highway Safety Center offers 55+ Driver Improvement Courses to help adults brush up on driver safety. Confidence and comfort are enhanced by utilizing the most up-to-date research in the field, including the latest visual scanning and steering techniques, anti-lock braking skills, road rage, traffic laws and vehicle technology. To register for class today, please call 1-888-234-1294. Persons age 55 and older who complete the course will qualify for a 10% discount on auto insurance premiums for three years. Class is taught by certified driver improvement instructor, Dave Kummer, from the Minnesota Highway Safety Center. Senior Enrichment 55+ Driver Improvement Program Rockford Senior Citizens Club Rockford Township Senior Citizens Club Corcoran Senior Citizens Club Greenfield Seniors Hanover Senior Citizens Club Delano Senior Center Please remember to register and pay directly with the Minnesota Highway Safety Center at 1-888-234-1294, not through Rockford Community Education! Must have completed an 8 hour initial course before attending a 4 hour refresher course. DATES: April 11 TIME: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM PLACE: RCC Room 804/805 $20 Can your money last as long as you do? Rockford Senior Citizens Club Creating a Plan for Long Term Care Bonnie Pool, 763-477-4468 2nd Monday of each month at Rockford Lions building/Riverside Park Senior Recreation Senior Core Senior Fitness Fun Walking Passes Creating a Plan for Long Term Care The Income for Life Model™ Many people think only the elderly need longterm care, but the reality is that accidents and illnesses can happen to anyone, at any time, and they often occur without warning. Care can be expensive and Minnesota has the highest home care costs in the country. Learn how proactive planning today may help protect your loved ones from the financial, physical and emotional impact of a future care event. Join us for an informative and interactive discussion on the importance of long-term care planning. In this session you will learn: Today’s retirees may be challenged as no recent generation has. A “perfect storm” has emerged comprised of low interest rates, volatile stock markets and unprecedented longevity. These realities are sure to create stress for many retirees as they seek ways to make their retirement income last as long as they do. More than ever before, retirees are dependent upon their investments to generate retirement income. With fewer companies providing traditional pension plans, retirees are being forced to assume the investment risk associated with their retirement assets. Join our next workshop to explore a program designed to offer you: • Confidence from a structured plan outlining where your retirement income will be derived. • Guidelines for creating a retirement income plan designed to last your entire life. • Freedom to spend your retirement money as Judith Saewert, 763-972-2887 1st Thursday of each month at Rockford Township Hall Bill Grabski, 763-422-4818 1st Monday of each month at Corcoran City Hall Greenfield Seniors 763-477-6464 Call for information and meeting dates Hanover Senior Citizens Club Elizabeth Loeffler,763-241-0094 1st Tuesday of each month at Hanover City Hall Delano Senior Center 763-972-0574, 234 2nd Street N, Delano • What is long term care, and where can care be received? • What are the funding sources for long term care? • What is long term care insurance? How does it work? Is it right for me? Special for farmers and other small business owners: Learn about the tax advantages of owning long term care insurance. Instructor: Hiedi Hedrickson you wish within your plan’s guidelines. • Reduced uncertainty regarding the amount and regularity of your retirement income. • Opportunity to plan a legacy for your heirs or DATE: Wednesday, April 22 TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 PM PLACE: RCC Room 804/805 $2 charitable good works. Special for farmers and other small business owners: Learn about the tax advantages of owning long term care insurance. Instructor: Hiedi Hedrickson DATE: Wednesday, April 29 TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 PM PLACE: RCC Room 804/805 $2 Rockford Township Senior Citizens Club Corcoran Senior Citizens Club 30 Can your money last as long as you do? Seniors Seniors Senior Enrichment Free Walking Passes for Senior Citizens! Visit the Rockford Community Center for more information at 7600 Co. Rd. 50 (Rebecca Park Trail) Rockford, MN or call 763-477-5294 for details. Senior Recreation Senior Core Senior Fitness Fun Using an exercise ball, seniors (50+) will work on routines to strengthen and tone core muscles. Bring your exercise mat and pick up an exercise ball from our fitness room. These routines are different and fun and you simply progress at your own pace-all ability levels welcome. Class is taught by Barb Johnson. Join seniors (50+) for a fun, therapeutic fitness class. Besides improving your flexibility, balance, and strength, it is a great way to meet new friends and enjoy the fun of our new fitness dances. Wear comfortable clothes; we have a stretch band for your use. Progress at your own pace-all ability levels welcome. Class is taught by Barb Johnson. DAYS: T/Th TIME: 7:00 - 7:50 AM PLACE: RCC rooms 801 $0 Included with Membership DAYS: T/Th TIME: 8:00 - 8:50 AM PLACE: RCC rooms 801 $0 Included with Membership 31 Want a way to support Rockford students who participate in athletics and/or fine arts? Join ROCKFORD BOOSTERS! Meetings are held the first Monday of every month at the RCC from 6-7:30 p.m. Everyone involved in Rockford Boosters sincerely appreciates your support and looks forward to your assistance. We are all about promoting school spirit! Rocket Boosters is a volunteer, non-profit organization that supports and promotes all extracurricular activities of the Rockford Schools. New members are always welcome and needed, please check our calendar for monthly meetings and events. Please feel free to contact Brian Stetter Rocket Boosters President at 612-280-1460 with questions. Becoming a member of the Rocket Boosters can be what you want it to be. Your involvement is your choice to make and we welcome all. Cub Scouts Community Organizations Rocket Boosters Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Rockford Area Athletic Association Rockford Education Foundation Great River Area Library Rockford Area Historical Society Thousand Hearts Crow River Serve Day Special Olympics Shoe Drive Community Resources RiverWorks Wright County Public Health Social Groups Greenfield It’s Just Coffee Rockford Greenfield Chamber 32 Cub Scouts is available for boys in grades K-5: Members experience a wide range of social activities and award requirements that develop their self-responsibility, confidence, and service ethic as well as strengthening the ability to get along with other boys and respect other people. Cub Scouts learn to be helpful and to do one’s best. Neighborhood and family centered, Cub Scouts meet monthly in small groups (dens) in homes or other community locations led by volunteer den leaders, and monthly in pack meetings with families and all other dens. They work on award requirements (advancements) at meetings and with their families, as well as take part in pack/den field trips and special Cub Camps. Get connected with more information at Girl Scouts Rockford area Girl Scouts has something for every girl. Events for this program year include camping, crafting, community service projects and of course, COOKIES! Girls will discover new abilities, connect with friends and take action to improve their communities. Girl Scouts develops tomorrows’ leaders today who have the courage, confidence and character, whether through large events or individual service. Girl Scouts work to make the world a better place. Open to girls of all ages K-12. Want to be an adult volunteer? Adults – female and male — can also join Girl Scouts. Serve as a mentor, speak at a Girl Scout event, volunteer in a troop or just show that you support the Girl Scout mission. More information at our web site rockfordgirlscouts/. Rockford Area Athletic Association (RAAA) RAAA is the local athletic body that sponsors youth Baseball, Softball, T-ball, Basketball, Tackle Football, JO Volleyball, and Wrestling. RAAA is a non-profit organization dedicated to community growth and high quality sporting programs for the Rockford Area School District. Events and fundraisers organized by RAAA, in combination with youth sport registration fees, help pay for uniforms, facility improvements, sporting equipment, team tournaments, and many other needs within the local athletic community. For more information about RAAA, its programs, or how you can volunteer, please visit Upcoming Registrations: T-ball 3/15 - 4/15 Tball 6u 3/15 - 4/15 Ladies’ Rising Rockets 300 Hour Club (RAAA) Rising Rockets Basketball Club is an exciting way to make a commitment to stay active throughout the summer and actively engaged in basketball. You and your team will benefit! Here is how it works: Track your hours of practice, improve your game and win cool prizes and recognition! Hours Valid 4/1/15 to 9/1/15. Track the date and the hours of basketball played on that day. • Additional 10 hours for any basketball camps attended • Additional hour for any WNBA game watched (GO LYNX!) -List teams playing • Additional 10 hours for any spring or summer league (3 on 3 included) • Additional hour for every 100 free throw Celebrating 10 Years! Rockford Education Foundation Save the Date! Kordal Kombat Barbershop Quartet and performance from RHS Chamber Choir & A Capella Choir Sunday, April 12, 2015 4:00pm Rockford High School Auditorium $15 per person - purchase tickets at the door Community is welcome! Kordal Kombat is a young barbershop quartet based out of central Minnesota. Rockford graduate Mark Halverstadt is the group’s tenor! Kordal Kombat delivers a fun, high-energy performance that comes with a variety of great music and lots of laughs for all ages. Kordal Kombat will also be providing a workshop for Rockford High School students prior to the concert! Alumni & Friends If you are a Rockford alumni, local business or friend in the community, we invite you to connect with the Rockford Education Foundation. Our community and alumni are very important to the tradition of enhancing student learning for the Rockford Area Schools. If you are not already, we invite you to share your contact information so that we can connect with you about the latest work of the Foundation, upcoming events and class reunions. • (7thgrade and above) Additional hour for To join our mailing list and receive information on upcoming events, go to: and click on “Alumni & Friends” tab Mid-summer update, email your mid-summer hours to on or before July 31st for an additional 2 hours. To make a donation: shots every hour spent in the weight room Final Hour totals need to be emailed or handed in by September 18th, 2015 Make sure one of your parents or coaches initial the grid after you have recorded your hours. Honesty is Key!! Community Organizations Community Organizations Rocket Boosters Online donations: Mail Checks to: Rockford Education Foundation P.O. Box 283, Rockford, MN 55373 The Rockford Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and your donation is tax deductible. 33 763-477-4216 8220 Cedar Street, Rockford Library Hours: Monday 2-8pm Tuesday 2-8pm Wednesday 10am-6pm Thursday 3-8pm Friday 3-6pm Saturday 10am-1pm Programs & Events at Rockford Public Library Preschool Storytime Join us for crafts, activities, stories and songs for preschool children. No Limit. Registration not required. Wednesdays: April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 11:15 to Noon Book Club Adults can join us for a monthly book club. Contact library for current book. Registration not required. Mondays: April 20 and May 18 2:00 to 3:00pm Writers Group Memoir style writing shared with fellow adults. Contact library for more information. Registration not required. Wednesdays: April 22 and May 20 1:00 to 2:00pm Knitting Night Come join knitters of all levels for fellowship and fun for adults. Sponsored by Rockford FOL Thursdays: April 16 and May 21 6:30 to 7:30pm Friends of the Library Book Sale Book donations accepted year round. Sponsored by Rockford FOL. Monday-Saturday, March 30 to April 4 Open Hours April Showers Craft Program Create a card, craft and treat with local crafters. Ages 8-adult. Registration required. Sponsored by Rockford Friends of the Library. Saturday, April 25 10:30 to Noon Rockford Area Historical Society Thousand Hearts Crow River Serve Day Ames-Florida-Stork House The Third Annual Thousand Hearts Crow River Serve Day will be held on Sunday, May 17, 2015. Hundreds of volunteers will, once again, complete projects that address three key areas of need: Health, Habitation and Hunger. Pie and Ice Cream Social at the historic Ames-Florida-Stork House Memorial Day, May 25, from 10am - 3pm Raise money for the maintenance of this beautiful home! Visitors to this annual event will enjoy fruit pies from local bakeries, ice cream sundaes, and root beer floats, as well as many activities taking place on the grounds that day. Children can enjoy old-time games such as hopscotch, tug-of-war, egg and spoon races, coloring, and clothes pin toss. Adults can enjoy the spring blooms in the many gardens, and families can take a tour of the historic home. As in past years, the house will be open for tours on a self-guided basis. Docents will be available in each room to answer questions not discussed in the guide booklets. Volunteers have also placed new photographs and descriptive elements through the home for visitors to enjoy. A craft and bake sale will occur again as well. Donations will be accepted prior to the event, or the morning of, with no limit as to type, style, or variety of items. Donated food items should come pre-wrapped and labeled with the recipe name and whether it contains any nuts or wheat. Craft items can be unwrapped or in a gift basket. All proceeds from the sales will benefit the AFS House. Local authors and artisans will also be part of this year’s event. They will not only have their wares for sale, but will be demonstrating their crafts, such as pottery and spinning, throughout the event. If you have a skill you would like to share, please contact the RAHS office. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The RAHS is a nonprofit organization that manages the historic Ames-Florida-Stork House, open for tours every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10-4 p.m. and Thursdays from 11-7 p.m. during the months of May through September. Other special programs planned for 2015 include Teen Night, Thursdays from 5-7, June-August and Kids Camp, June 30, July 1-2 from 9-3 p.m. Please call 763-477-5383 for more information or visit our website, Winter hours Tuesday: 11am - 4pm Wednesday, Thursday: 10am - 4pm 34 Habitation projects in 2014 included beautifying parks, Spring lawn clean-up for seniors, removing trash from two boat landings, painting fire hydrants, cleaning grave sites in Elmwood Cemetery, landscaping projects at all three Rockford Schools, Spring clean-up at the Stork House and collecting used sports equipmenet to donate to children in Uganda. may 17, 2015 Thousand Hearts addressed Hunger locally and globally. We packed one thousand sandwiches for distibution by Lunch Box Fever volunteers, held a food drive for RiverWorks Food Shelf, hand-crafted bowls for Empty Bowls, a fundraiser for the RiverWorks Food Shelf, and sold box lunches with the funds going to Making a Difference, Int. Thousand Hearts and Buffie Chiropractic Clinic hosted a Health Fair in downtown Rockford which included free wellness checks up by Allina, the Red Cross Bloodmobile, Robbinsdale Women’s Center counseling, free chair massages, information from Life Source Organ Donation and Kindest Cut Pet Neutering. Community Organizations Community Organizations Rockford Public Library Health In 2014, Thousand Hearts provided free dental services, haircuts, oil changes and family portraits to families in need. Thank you to those generous community members who provided those services! All of these amazing events and more were made possible by community volunteers including Rockford Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Rockford School District #883, MOPS, local church groups, Dr. Randy Herges, Dr. Cory Brenner, The Hair Gallery, Saima’s Photography, Hanson’s Auto, RAAA, BankWest, Rockford Greenfield Lions, Buffalo American Legion, Naomi Yanta, Massage You Deserve and many, many community members. Thanks to everyone! Habitation Please join us again this year! Many projects are being planned with some new, exciting ones added! Back by popular demand is packing food for Kids Agaist Hunger. E-mail for more information or check out http://thousandhearts., click on Sign Up Genius and also like us on Facebook! Hunger 35 RiverWorks Wright County Public Health RiverWorks Community Development’s theme “Community Helping Community” continues to live itself out through the following programs: Family Planning in Wright County Program promotes healthy pregnancy and helps parents plan for pregnancy. We serve people of any age who don’t have insurance to pay for this service. Strictly confidential and low or no cost. RiverWorks Food Shelf open – Monday and Thursday 5:30 - 8:00 pm Tuesday, 9:00-11:00 am RiverWorks Thrift Store open – Monday - Friday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Volunteer Most of what we do would not get done without volunteers. If you are looking for a place to plug in, come join us! Visit for more information or email Denise at dkesanen@ Special Events March is Food Shelf Month Help RiverWorks earn extra funds from Minnesota Food Share by donating food or funds Donation taken during food shelf hours. • Free pregnancy testing and counseling • Medical exam • Full range of birth control methods Contact Shannon at Wright County Public Health: 763-684-8424 Rockford Special Olympics Shoe Drive Rockford Special Olympics are looking for new or used athletic shoes, any style or condition. Drop of sites are located at the Rockford Elementary Arts Magnet School, Rockford Middle School - Center for Environmental Studies and Rockford Great River Regional Library. Contact Connie Bolduc with questions at 763-498-8746. FREE GED Classes Our Fathers Lutheran Church presents Caritas Vocal Ensemble Concert March 28, 2015 at 3pm Our Fathers Lutheran Church 3903 Gilbert Ave SE, Rockford, MN Suggested ticket donation (tax deductible) $15 for adults, $8 for students Contact the OFLC church office: 763-477-6300. Work with a teacher at your own pace as we expand your knowledge or writing, literature and the arts, social studies, science and mathematics. Rockford GED classes are taught by Cindy Wood and meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays in Rockford High School Room 109. Come join the FREE GED classes. For more information, contact Rockford Community Education at 763-477-4563. Social Groups Rockford-Greenfield Chamber of Commerce The Rockford-Greenfield Area Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of people with business, professional, and educational interests working together towards enhancing and improving the economic, civic, and cultural interests of our communities. Join us! The Chamber holds monthly meetings with alternating schedules and locations. Please see below for the schedule and agenda for each type of meeting. Chamber Luncheons Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, March 12 May 14 July 9 September 10 November 12 Location (unless noted): Wright-Hennepin Electric, 6800 Electric Drive, Rockford Time: 11:30am – noon Registration and Meeting noon to 1:00 pm Meeting cost: $10 Chamber Member and $15 Non-Member per person includes lunch, RSVP Chamber Coffees Thursday, April 9 Thursday, June 11 Thursday, October 8 Location: BankWest, 5921 Main Street, Rockford Time: 7:30 am to 8:30 am Meeting cost: free to members and vistors, RSVP Visit to learn more! Proceeds go to RiverWorks Food Shelf! 36 Ribbon Cutting at Brenner Dental’s new location with RG Chamber members Rockford Lions Rockford Lions serve the Rockford and Greenfield communities and beyond. Our members are people of good will and care about their community. They are interested in its welfare, its health, its standards and its progress. Rockford Lions belong to a much larger and global organization, Lions Clubs International, all of which are bound together by friendship, cooperation and understanding. If you are interested in joining, seeking financial assistance or want to contribute, contact Northwest Area Jaycees The Northwest Area Jaycees (NW Area JC’s) are a 501c-4 non-profit volunteer organization serving Corcoran and surrounding communities… Established in 1980, they have given over a quarter of a million in scholarship money, as well as hosted numerous free community events such as their annual Egg Hunt & Santa Visit plus most recently establishing Corcoran’s city festival Corcoran Country Daze - celebrating its 12th year in 2015. The volunteers work to raise money through fundraisers and charitable gambling for the needs of the community and its people. They are always looking for new members eager to give back to the community, check them out a nwareajaycees. Community Organizations Community Organizations Community Resources NW Area JC’s Annual Corcoran Egg Hunt! Saturday, April 4th at 10am sharp. Held outdoors at Corcoran Ball Fields off Cty Rd 50. Please dress accordingly. Free to Greenfield It’s Just Coffee Come meet your Greenfield neighbors; share a cup of coffee and treats! “It’s just Coffee” meets once a month at 9:30 am on the last Tuesday of the month at Our Father’s Lutheran Church in Rockford off Highway 55. Memories of Greenfield history are always welcome as this is also the home of the Greenfield Historical Society. Many articles and family histories are already collected and stored in a new space in Greenfield City Hall. We encourage Greenfield families to come and contribute family histories, pictures and items to store for future posterity. Copies can be made and the originals returned to you. If you are interested in joining the Greenfield Historical Society, Contact Al Moen at 763-479-3040 or Karlene Jendro at 763-498-7328 37 RCC Fitness Classes All monthly memberships include RCC fitness classes at no additional charge. Plan a visit to the Rockford Community Center – we would love to meet you and give you a tour of the NEW Rocket Power Center. Our goal is to make everyone feel comfortable and motivated – we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. We have fitness professionals, NEW equipment and fitness classes included in your membership to support and coach you as you improve your health. We have a clean, comfortable and safe environment with no long term contract hassles. Call or stop in at the RCC front desk today for more information or to sign up! RCC Membership Rates Automatic withdrawal required Fill out a Membership Registration form and a monthly fee will be automatically deducted. Community Center Hours Adult Monthly Includes: RCC fitness classes and access to fieldhouse and Rocket Power Center $30 Monday – Friday, 5:00 am - 10:00 pm Student Monthly Includes: Rocket Power after-school program for students in Grades 7-12. Valid HS or College ID MUST be present when joining. $20 Senior Monthly (65 and over) Includes: RCC fitness classes and access to fieldhouse and Rocket Power Center $20 Saturday – Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday – 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Front Desk 763- 477-5294 RCC Amenities with membership •Cardio equipment •Strength training machines •Bathroom/showers •Fitness Classes included in membership fees •Rocket Power Strength Program included in student membership 38 How it works: No pre-registration is needed, however, we encourage all participants to arrive 15 minutes before the class begins. Simply swipe your membership card and sign in upon arrival. Go to page 30 for class offerings The RCC is pleased to offer Senior Citizens (age 65+) FREE annual walking passes! Stop by the RCC for more information, or call 763-477-5294! Insurance Memberships Insurance Memberships available for: Medica • Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Partners • Preferred One Contact your insurance provider to see if you are eligible. Stop by the RCC Front Desk or call 763-477-5294 for more information. Rocket Power Center Entry FREE with Membership The RCC also has a fitness center with cardiovascular equipment such as elliptical, treadmill and stair climber machines. In addition the RCC has a Freemotion cable cross machine, free weights and Cybex weight machines. No one under the age of 12 is allowed in the Rocket Power Center. Ages 12-14 must be supervised unless they completed Rocket Power Strength & Conditioning class. Rocket Power Personal Trainers Megan Leipholtz Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor Free walking passes (Walking passes do not include the use of the Rocket Power Center). Family Monthly Includes: RCC fitness classes and access to fieldhouse and Rocket Power Center Fees may be required for some equipment. FREE Walking Passes for Senior Citizens at the RCC! Community Center Community Center RCC Membership Marc Thibodeaux $40 Certified Personal Trainer and Mixed Marital Arts Specialist Call 763-477-5294 for information and pricing. Trainers are not included in Membership and are an additional fee. (Does not include Rocket Power program, must have student membership for that program). Annual Walking Pass Seniors 65 and over receive FREE walking passes in the fieldhouse. $35 Day Pass Daily fee for Rocket Power Center and Fieldhouse use OR one fitness class. $5 Did you know? Try one class or get a daily pass into the Rocket Power Center for $5. 39 Building a Community for Life-Long Learning Rockford Area Schools COMMUNITY EDUCATION Office Location Rockford Community Center 7600 County Road 50 (Rebecca Park Trail) Rockford, MN 55373 Community Ed Staff Directory About Rockford Community Education It is the mission of the Rockford Community Education Department to; Encourage parent and community involvement in public education, to promote activities that address community needs, to facilitate the use of district assets for the greater good of the community. Community Education Program Administrator Superintendent Paul Durand 763-477-4563, option 3 Share your feedback Advisory Council Community Education and Facilities Coordinator Melissa Joseph 763-477-4563 Thank you for attending our classes and activities. Please feel free to contact us regarding your experience during your class or activity; we welcome your feedback. You may email us at, call us at 763-477-4563 or fax your comments to 763-477-4286. The community Education Advisory Council is the driving force behind Rockford Community Education. The Council functions in an advisory capacity to coordinate community activities and services, develop understanding and support, encourage informed citizen participation and develop cooperative action. Nondiscrimination We are looking for new members from various areas of the district, business, religious organizations, service groups, government agencies and residents. Please call Rockford Community Education at 763-477-4563 if you are interested in serving. Early Childhood Programs Tiffany Reinhard 763-477-7500, option 2 Galaxy Kids Program Jessica Peters 763-477-7555 Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in education based on sex/gender, sexual orientation, race, color, creed, national origin, religion, disability, receipt of public assistance, marital status and age. Community Education Community Education Do you have program ideas? Do you have an idea for a community ed class that you’d like to take or teach? We welcome your program and class ideas. Please contact the office at 763-477-4563. Office Hours Hours: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm Monday - Friday For Information Contact Melissa Joseph Community Education Coordinator 763-477-4563 40 Got talent? Interested in teaching a class? Rockford Community Education Advisory Council Members Todd Faber (Chair) Becky Bills Sara Duane Kelly Eickholt Rick Fuglie Kelly Grimm Dawn Rund Kathy Smith NeGail Torborg Chuck Tryon We are always looking for local instructors who can share their talent with our community members. All instructors are paid. Please contact Melissa Joseph at 763-477-4563 or Art, Crafts & Textiles Computers & Technology Cooking Dance Defensive Driving Finance & Business Fitness Health & Wellness History & Cultural Awareness Hobbies & Special Interests Music Sports & Fitness World Language 41 3 Ways to Register Community Education Registration form-3/2015 To register – mail, fax or drop off payment and this completed form to: ONLINE Rockford Community Education, 6051 Ash Street, Rockford, MN 55373 • Phone 9763) 477-4563 • Fax (763) 477-5833 Credit Card or E-Check using PaySchools 1. Complete online registration form Building a Community for Life-Long Learning Rockford Area Schools COMMUNITY EDUCATION 2. Payment Visit Click on the Community Ed tab (at the top) Click on PaySchools tab (on the left) Login or Sign up into your PaySchool account Select the Category to find classes. 3. Both steps 1 & 2 must be completed to finalize registration and participate in the class. Classes are filled on a first-come, firstserved basis. The class fee must be paid at the time of registration. ADULT CONTACT INFORMATION • ECFE registration: use ECFE form • RACER youth sports: see last box below. Name Address City Mail or drop of your registration form along with a check or PaySchools information at the Community Ed office at the Rockford Area Schools District Office. Home Phone Last Name Cell Phone Course Name Date(s) Emergency Phone Primary Email Time Secondary Email Fee $ Last Name PAYMENT INFORMATION Course Name Date(s) Total Fees $ Cash Time Fee Check payable to RCE $ Date paid on PaySchools First Name FAX Last Name If paid by PaySchools, you can fax the completed registration from to 763-477-5833. Course Name Date(s) - click on the PaySchools link under Parents tab. Time Assume you are in the class for which your registered unless you hear from us. All classes will meet at the scheduled time and place. Zip First Name First Name BY MAIL OR IN PERSON Registration PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Registration Form Class Registration Fee CONFIRMATION $ RACER Youth Sports Please complete if registration requires age, grade and/or t-shirt size. No confirmation will be sent. Mark your calendar and consider yourself registered unless otherwise notified. We will contact you if the class is canceled or any additional information is needed. First Name Registration Questions 763-477-5294 Last Name Cancellation Policy If a class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, you will be notified and your fee refunded in full. If you need to cancel, you will receive a refund minus a $5 processing fee if you cancel at least five days before the start of class. No refunds will be issued if you cancel after that time. Weather Cancellation Community Ed classes will not meet when Rockford Area Schools are closed during the day due to bad weather. AGREEMENT Activity Name Fee $ 2014-15 Grade: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Child’s Gender: Child’s Birth Date: / / Female Male I hereby agree to allow myself or my child to participate in the named RCE activity. In consideration of accepting this registration, I hereby, for myself and heirs, waive any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Rockford School District ISD #883 and its representatives, for any and all injuries from whatever cause suffered by the listed participant(s) in the indicated activity. Child’s T-Shirt Size: Youth Sizes: S(6-8) M(10-12) L(14-16) Adult Sizes: S M L XL YES! I am interested in coaching! Please contact me to discuss this volunteer position. Parent/Guardian Signature Name Phone 42 43 RHS Athletic Fields Upper Sports Complex Facilities Map Facilities Map Rockford Area Schools Facilities 7650 County Road 50, Rockford, MN 55373 8 Rockets Multi-Use Stadium/Olympic Size Track 1 Rockford High School 4 7600 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 763-477-5846 2 9 Varsity Baseball Field -under construction 2015 6051 Ash Street Rockford, MN 55373 763-477-9165 Rockford Middle School 5 Center for Environmental Studies 6051 Ash Street Rockford, MN 55373 763-477-5831 3 District Office 10 Varsity Softball Pinwheel Community Education 7600 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 763-477-4563 6 Rockford Elementary Arts Magnet School 11 Football/Soccer Practice Fields 12 Tennis Courts 13 Soccer Practice Fields -under construction 2015 Community Center 14 7600 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 763-477-5294 (REAMS) 7650 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 763-477-5837 7 RMS Athletic Fields Facility Scheduling Under Construction in 2015 Behind Rockford Middle School Transportation Center 7700 County Road 50 Rockford, MN 55373 763-477-6100 15 Contact Melissa Joseph, Facilities Coordinator 763-477-4563 Corcoran Complex 9 miles east of Rockford High School on County Road 50 practice football/soccer fields 14 Rocket Gymnastics Center (enter Door 5) Ce da rS tre et Br idg eS tre et 8 RHS Commons Gym ay 6 RCC 5 15 Fieldhouse & Rocket Power Center (enter Door 11) Dogwood Ave 1 7 Rockee W Br idg eS tre et County Road 50/ Rebecca Park Trail 44 9 3 Ri ve r Sta te Hw y5 5 12 REAMS Cr ow City of Rockford Str ee t 10 11 future soccer fields Ma in St ree t W aln ut 13 Corcoran Pass Str ee t Str ee t County Road 10 4 Ma ple St ree t RMS W aln ut Elm Me ch an ic St ree t 2 As hS tre et Boulder Ridge Drive City of Greenfield 9 miles to Corcoran Athletic Complex 45
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