MULTISPORT adventure IBIZA MULTISPORT ADVENTURE Multisport Adventure is an entire day of Ibiza's highest vibes and sensations for sportive people looking for adrenaline and adventure. The adventure starts with a pickup with land rovers or the classics “ducks” (citroen 2cv, meharis, quads) as we head for the hills and awesome landscapes of Ibiza. We get the blood pumping as we jump on mountain bikes to go off road, down through the rugged wildness of Ibiza’s countryside at the bottom the refreshing sea awaits, where we take kayaks around the coast to discover pirates’ caves, pass below impressive cliff and take in the spectacular VFHQHU\ßß<RXFDQVZLPLQWKHWXUTXRLVHZDWHUDQG H[SORUHKLGGHQXQGHUZDWHUFDYHVß ß :HZLOOFOLPE with a rope to get to one of the iconic rocks of Ibiza WRFKDOOHQJH\RXWRIDFH\RXUIHDUVZLWKDFOLIIMXPSßß A delicious, organic picnic made with local produce will be prepared to enjoy in the sun before having a last swim and short trek (if there is energy remaining). Drinks all the way plus beers, wine and soft drinks during the picnic. All this will be complemented with expert guides, GoPro shooting for a day, video editing by us plus basic insurance. 6 -‐8 H O U R S T O U R A C O M P L ET E A D V EN T U R E I N CL U D I N G : CO O L CA R T O U R , T R EK K I N G , K A Y A K I N G , CL I F F D I V I N G A N D P I CN I C MULTISPORT ADVENTURE EXTRA (OPTI ON AL) Upgrade to deluxe picnic Specialised Underwater Photography Professionally edited short video Minimum 15 people in fo@ro c ki d i b i z a . c o m ·∙ IN CLUDE S Transport in cool cars Mountain Biking Trekking Ciff Jumping Kayaking Instructors and equipment Organic picnic Insurance Go Pro videos & camera pictures w w w . r o cki di bi m
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