In a just two short months from now, your son or daughter will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation! I look forward to sharing in your child’s Confirmation Day. Please review the following information about our Confirmation Day in order to prepare for this very special celebration! When is Confirmation? Confirmation is Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 1:00 p.m.. Bishop Emeritus William Weigand, will preside. You should expect the Confirmation Mass to last about 1 1/2 hours. When is the rehearsal? The rehearsal is on Friday, May 15th at 6:30 p.m.. Candidates, and if possible, sponsors need to attend. We will meet in the church. Rehearsal should not last any longer than one hour. We will try to be as efficient as possible. What if your child's sponsor cannot come to rehearsal or Confirmation? Any adult may fill in for the sponsor at the rehearsal. A proxy for the Confirmation Mass should meet the same requirements as a sponsor. What time does my child need to arrive on Confirmation Day ? Candidates and their sponsors must arrive to the Social Hall no later than 12:30 p.m. for preparation and line-up. Parents and other family members should go directly to the Church. There will be reserved seating for the candidates and sponsors. Open seating will be for family members and guests. All candidates should eat a substantial meal before arriving on the day of Confirmation as it will be a few hours before they are able to eat again. What should my child wear? Candidates will be wearing red Confirmation robes. Robes will be distributed on Monday, May 11th from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and on Tuesday, May 12th from 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Please make sure the robe is pressed for Confirmation Day. What should my child wear under their Confirmation robe? Boys: dress pants, a shirt with a collar and dress shoes. Do not wear jeans, sneakers, flip-flops or sandals. Girls: a dress/skirt, blouse or pants and top. Do not wear mini-dresses/skirts, sleeveless tops, tube tops, jeans, sneakers, flip-flops. Dress sandals are acceptable. Can any family members assist with the liturgy: If you would like to be involved in the celebration liturgy (e.g. Lector, Eucharist Minister, Altar Server, etc.) and your are trained here at SSPP, please contact Jen Gordon by email at There are no guarantees that we will need everyone who volunteers. You will be contacted once we determine how many additional helpers are needed. Can we take pictures or video? No picture taking or video is allowed once the mass has begun until it's conclusion. In the event that the Bishop makes himself available for pictures, a place will be set up in the Social Hall for those wishing to take individual photographs with him. Is there anything else I should know about the Confirmation Mass? Please remember and remind your guests that while we are in the church (whether before Mass or during), we are in a sacred space. The occasion of such an important celebration often carries us away, but we need to be mindful and respectful of the Lord’s presence, the place, and others present as well. Please be sure to silence your cell phones. Is there a reception? Yes, immediately following the Confirmation Mass, there will be a light reception in the Social Hall. All family and guests are welcome. How do I return my child’s robe? Following the Mass/reception, there will be a table set up outside of the Social Hall for the newly-confirmed to return their robes. When will my child receive their Confirmation Certificate? Confirmation Certificates will be distributed at the rehearsal. Any additional questions? Please contact Jen Gordon at or 916-624-5827 ext. 212
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