Rockville Fish & Game 2015 Shooting Schedule *Promoting Firearm Safety and Training Since 1925* ***All Matches Listed Start at 10AM and are Open to the Public!*** Bowling Pin Shoot* (10AM-3PM) Dates: 5/31, 9/27, 10/25 For more info on these matches go to Bowling Pins:-Inclimate weather, be prepared to shoot CF pistols (non-magnums) at plate racks Targets:Bowling Pins on tables at 26 feet for Handguns and Shotguns Firearms:Centerfire Pistol, Revolver, 9mm (9 Pin), Shotgun Pump and Semi-Auto (Lead Buckshot only) Classes: Pistol Iron, Pistol Optic/Electronic (OPEN), Revolver Iron, Revolver Optic/Electronic(OPEN), 9mm Parabellum, Pocket Pistol, Shotgun: Pump, Shotgun Semi-Auto, (Lead Buckshot), 22LR Pistol, and 22 LR Rifle. Note All OPEN firearms are shot together. Bowling Pins with Pistol Caliber Carbine Rifle and 22LR Rifle, 223, 308 and other (all sights and actions run the same class) Rifle (Centerfire):5 Bowling Pins at 25 Yards; 22LR, 223, 308, and other center fire rifle: 5 Bowling Pins at 25 Yards . For people shooting more than one type firearm for each class will be assessed $5.00 more for that firearm. 40 Cal or 45 Cal shoot the 5 front pins, not 9mm (9mm has its own class). A semi- and a pump shotgun are ok, 2 semi-auto shotguns are not (same with 2 pump shotguns) people shooting more than one type firearm for each class will be assessed $5.00 more. *Shot/time limit may be imposed for time sake. Falling Plate Rack Precision Bench Rest Firearms: Centerfire Handgun (No Magnums) & .22LR Handgun, Firearms: Centerfire Rifle and .22LR Rifle 22LR Rifle or Shotgun with: #6 lead shot or smaller Classes: Unlimited, Hunting Rifle, Military Rifle, .22LR Rifles, Sights: Classes: Handgun Iron Sight shoots 1 less plate than Optic/Electronic Optic/Electronic Allowed (except for military class); Targets: Paper at 100 yards Sights: Iron and Optic/Electronic shoot together for rifle Date: 8/22 Shotgun - 1 plate given for pump vs. semi-auto. No plates are given Pistol Carbine Plates Pistol caliber carbines, NO magnum or .30 carbines, Falling for Iron or Optic. Dates: 4/18P, 5/9R, 6/13S, 7/11P, 8/8R (P=22LR Plate – Man on Man setup. Date: 4/26 Pistol, R=22 Rifle, and S=Shotgun) Rifle Action Match Pocket Pistol Action Match Firearms: Centerfire Rifle (Max is 30-06 caliber) Firearms: Centerfire Handgun or rimfire (No Magnums , no rimfire magnums) Classes: Semi-Auto and Manual Classes: Semi-Auto (3.5” smaller bbl or less )& Revolver (3” bbl or less) Sights: Iron and Optic/Electronic shoot together Sights: Iron and Optic/Electronic Targets: Paper and Steel 10-75 yards Targets: Paper and Steel 10-25 yards Dates: 7/18 (Run &Gun - no steel core or penetrator Ammo) Dates: 10/11 (Pocket Pistol types only, NO HOLSTERS) 3 Gun Action Match USPSA Firearms: CF Pistol (no Magnums), Shotgun Firearms: Centerfire Handgun; Holsters required ( Lead Birdshot ≤ #6) and Rifle (Max is 30-06 caliber) Classes per USPSA see web site: Classes: Iron and Optic/Electronic based on Pistol For 20 years USPSA competition has provided a test bed for equipment and Targets: Paper and Steel 10-75 yards techniques, many of which are now the standard for training. For most people, Date: 8/15 (no steel core or penetrator ammo) practical shooting is pure sport conducted with little or no thought of the self-defense aspect of firearms use. However, USPSA members are generally the most proficient Shotgun Action Match shooters in the world as witnessed by their domination in the world of firearms Classes for each shotgun type, used mostly for home defense, any competition . gauge, Semi- and pump. Any optics. Targets: Lots of steel, maybe * Do take and wear eye and ear protection. Your normal corrective lens or paper and clays. sunglasses will serve for your first visit. (#6Lead Birdshot or smaller) Date: 6/6 Hunter Silhouette Rifle Match The match consists of 22LR rifle shooting from hunting positions at partially hidden silhouette targets. Four positions – unsupported and supported (i.e. the shooter may use bipods, shooting sticks, off pack, against rail, etc. during the shoot). Date: 9/5 2700 match consists of three 900 matches: (BULLSEYE - paper) 90 rounds with a .22 caliber pistol = 1 900 match 90 rounds with a Center Fire pistol = another 900 match 90 rounds with a .45 caliber pistol = the final 900 match Dates 4/19, 5/16, 5/17, 6/21, 8/16, 9/19, 9/20 .22LR Silhouette Match Firearms: .22LR Rifle & .22LR Pistol Classes: Iron & Optic/Electronic, Standing Rifle, Standing or Freestyle classes with Pistol (Standard groups of silhouettes) Targets: Steel 25,50,75,100 yards Date: 5/24 * Don't assume you know more than you do. Use your first visit to concentrate on watching, listening, and learning. Dates: 4/12, 5/3, 6/7, 7/5, 8/2, 9/6, 10/4, 11/1 2 Gun Zombie Match (Centerfire Pistol and Centerfire Rifle) Similar to regular 2 gun match but with a twist, Centerfire Handgun (No Magnums), Rifle (Max is 30-06 caliber; no steel core or penetrator ammo) Date: 10/18 Modified Steel Challenge The match is highly spectator-friendly and the competition is easy to understand – it is all about the speed. Stages follow Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA) as club steel permits. All steel targets,6 stages using SCSA rules. Classes and Ammo per SCSA see web site: Steel Challenge Classes and Ammo Date: 6/27 .22LR 2-Gun Action Match Centerfire Long Range Rifle Plate Match Firearms: .22LR Rifle & .22LR Pistol 5 steel plates ranging from ~approx. 50 to 100 yards up to 30-06 (No penetrators or Classes: Iron and Optic/Electronic (based on Pistol) tracers), Centerfire carbines allowed. Sights: Iron and Optic/Electronic Classes:All Actions and Sights are in the same class Targets: Steel 10-50 yards. Dates: 6/20, 9/12 Date: 7/25 Pre-1945 iron-sighted rifles, and post 1945 iron-sighted rifles post 1945 Optically sighted Military Rifle Match: (3 classes) This match involves shooting military rifles (or their look-alikes) at paper targets at 100 yards. The match requires shooting from three positions with generous time limits. Date: 8/29 Safety: Firearms cased and unloaded at all times until the range officer directs you to uncase & load Eye & Ear protection is required for all attendees - including spectators. If anyone arrives late, that person must be briefed on general rules and the match specific safety rules before being allowed to shoot. Questions: Jeff Nicoll (860-763-2011) e-mail: Practice: Directions: Rt 84 to exit 67. South on Rt 31 uphill 9/10th mile. Right on Fish & Game Rd. Second gate "B" On the Left (GPS Coordinates: N 41°50'34", W 72°25'27" -- May or use GPS) Day Light Hours: See Rifle range Sun Set Time chart posting Winter Shoots & Web Site: November through March: For more info on these matches go to Page 1 of 3 Rockville Fish & Game 2015 Shooting Schedule 2015 Apr-15 Sun 4/5/15 EASTER Sun 4/12/15 Sat 4/18/15 Sun 4/19/15 Sat 4/25/15 Sun 4/26/15 USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. Falling Plates Centerfire Pistol+.22LR Pistol. Match Director: Kris S. , Paul T. , Dave N. NRA 2700 regular match -Starts @ 9AM- CT State Rifle & Revolver Assoc. Pistol (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoot* Rifle - Pistol - Ranges Cleanup (Ranges Closed for Maintainance) Pistol Carbine Plates; Pistol Caliber, NO Magnums or .30 Carbine: Match Director: Bruce C./Dave N. May-15 Sat 5/2/15 Sun 5/3/15 Tues 5/5/15 Sat 5/9/15 Tues 5/12/15 Sat 5/16/15 Sun 5/17/15 Tues 5/19/15 Sun 5/24/15 Tues 5/26/15 Sun 5/31/15 **** Ladies range Day *** No schedule Match USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Falling Plates Centerfire Pistol +.22 Rifle. Match Directors: Kris S. , Paul T. , Dave N. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. NRA 2700 Sectional Match (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoot* Starts @ 9AM NRA 2700 Sectional Match (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoot*Starts @ 9AM Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. 22LR Silhouette Match. Match Directors: Edward V. & Bob F. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Pin Shoot. Match Directors: Dave N. & Kris S. Jun-15 Tues 6/2/15 Sat 6/6/15 Sun 6/7/15 Tues 6/9/15 Sat 6/13/15 Tues 6/16/15 Sat 6/20/15 Sun 6/21/15 Tues 6/23/15 Sat. 6/27/15 Tues 6/30/15 Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Shotgun Action Match. Match Director: Jeff N. & Dave N. USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Falling Plates Centerfire Pistol+Shotgun. Match Director: Steve O. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. 22LR Action Match - 2 Gun, Match Directors: John C. and John K. NRA 2700 regular match - (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoot*Starts @ 9AM Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Modified Steel Challenge Type - Match Director: Jeff N., Dave N., Chris I. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Jul-15 Sun 7/5/15 Tues 7/7/15 Sat 7/11/15 Tues 7/14/15 Sat 7/18/15 Tues 7/21/15 Sat 7/25/15 Tues 7/28/15 USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Falling Plates Centerfire Pistol+.22LR Pistol. Match Director: Kris S. , Paul T. , Dave N. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Rifle Action Shoot. Match Directors: Bruce C. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Centerfire Long Range Rifle Match: Match Director: John C. & John K. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Page 2 of 3 Rockville Fish & Game 2015 Shooting Schedule Aug-15 Sun 8/2/15 Tues 8/4/15 Sat 8/8/15 Tues 8/11/15 Sat 8/15/15 Sun 8/16/15 Sat 8/22/15 Sat 8/29/15 USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. Falling Plates Centerfire Pistol +.22 Rifle. Match Directors: Kris S. , Paul T. , Dave N. Summer Bullseye League: Match Directors: John G.; Mike U. 3 Gun Match; See Front Sheet. Match Director: Bruce C., Jeff N. NRA 2700 Match (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoot*Starts @ 9AM Precision Bench Rest - Match Director: Paul T. Military Rifle Match- Pre1945 and Modern: Match Directors - Edward V. & Bob F. Sep-15 Sat 9/5/15 Sun 9/6/15 Sat 9/12/15 Sat 9/19/15 Sun 9/20/15 Sun 9/27/15 Hunter Silhouette Match. .22LR Rifle. Match Director: Chris V. & Kris S. USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. 22LR Two Gun Match. Match Directors: Jeff N. & Dave N. NRA CT 2700 State Championship (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoot*Starts @ 9AM NRA CT 2700 State Championship (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoot*Starts @ 9AM Pin Shoot. Match Director: Bruce C. Oct-15 Sun 10/4/15 Sun 10/11/15 Sun 10/18/15 Sun 10/25/15 Nov-15 Sun 11/1/15 USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. Pocket Pistol Action Match. Match Directors: Edward V. & Bob F. 2 Gun Zombie and Ghoul Match (Centerfire Pistol and Centerfire Rifle). Match Director: Bruce C. Pin Shoot . Match Director: Bruce C. USPSA - Match Director: Steve O. * (CSRRA) Bulls Eye Shoots – Starts at 9AM - Francis Lerz Match Director – more information please e-mail at: Summer Bullseye League Time of Starts per League Rules Sat/Sun Matches Start at 10AM otherwise as noted Safety: Firearms cased and unloaded at all times until the range officer directs you to uncase & load Eye & Ear protection is required for all attendees – including spectators Questions: Jeff or Dave Nicoll (860-763-2011) e-mail: Directions: Rt 84 to exit 67. South on Rt 31 up hill 9/10th mile. Right on Fish & Game Rd. Second gate “B” On the Left (GPS N 41°50’34”, W 72°25’27”) Note: The match director must approve all firearms, calibers and ammo prior to the match. Page 3 of 3
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