CORPORATE HEALTH COVER B R I N G I N G YO U C O R P O R AT E B E N E F I T S A B W E LCO M E T O B U PA We all want to live longer, healthier, happier lives. Bupa has a range of health covers designed to help find a healthier you. It’s about more than just what you can claim. Throughout these pages, you’ll discover we’re committed to supporting you for the long term, no matter where life takes you. It’s all about creating a healthier Australia, and it starts right here. The information in this brochure and the guides in the back pocket are important and should be read carefully and kept in a safe place. CONTENTS 1 Why private health insurance? 2 The Australian Government Rebate on private health insurance 4 Why Bupa? 6 We’ve made choosing simple 11 Hospital Cover 13 Extras Cover 23 Ultimate Corporate Health Cover 35 Member exclusives 40 Join us today 42 Important information 44 W H Y PRIVAT E H EALTH I NS U R A N C E ? 1 . FO R P E AC E OF MIND CHOICE IS A WO N D E R F U L T H I N G Private health insurance covers most private hospital costs. This means you can generally choose your own doctor and where you are treated without worrying about treatment costs. And, if you choose to be treated in a private hospital, you don’t have to worry about public hospital waiting lists. You can also enjoy cover for a wide range of extras services including: dental, optical, physio, chiro and massage, which are not fully covered by Medicare. THINKING ABOUT S TA R T I N G A FA M I LY ? If so, taking out or upgrading your private health insurance can ensure you’re covered for important services like pregnancy and childbirth. Then you can rest easy and focus on enjoying life knowing that your health insurance needs are covered. R E ST E ASY K N OW I N G YO U ’ R E C OV E R E D There are a number of good financial and practical reasons for getting private health insurance. But when it comes down to it, the peace of mind it gives you and your loved ones is just as important. It’s a good idea to review your private health insurance from time to time to ensure you still have the most relevant level of cover for you. 2 2 . I T C A N S AV E YO U M O N E Y I T PAY S T O J O I N EARLIER IN LIFE 0% +20% LOADING LOADING You could pay more for hospital cover depending on what age you first take it out. After age 31, the Federal Government’s Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) Loading means your premium could increase by 2% a year to a maximum of 70%. This applies for 10 years straight. To avoid paying any loading simply take out and maintain hospital cover by 30 June following your 31st birthday. For couples, any loadings are shared across both adults on the membership. M O N E Y B AC K I N YO U R P O C K E T The Australian Government Rebate on private health insurance makes private health cover more affordable for most customers. The rebate is income tested and reduced on a tiered basis (see full details on page 4). It is available to all Australians who are eligible for Medicare and applies to all covers in this brochure. The rebate is quick and easy to claim – you can choose to get it as a reduced premium, claim it directly from Medicare or as a lump sum at tax time. GET MORE FOR YO U R M O N E Y Did you know the Government’s Medicare Levy Surcharge kicks in if you don’t have private hospital cover but earn over $84,000 (for singles) or $168,000 (for couples)?* This means you may have to pay extra tax – more than the cost of some of our hospital covers. You should ask your tax adviser for more information or visit ADAM JENNY FIRST JOINED AT AGE 30 FIRST JOINED AT AGE 40 $84K $168K *Note: thresholds are effective 1 July 2012 and are indexed annually. On a family membership this increases by $1,500 per child after the first child. The family thresholds apply to single parent families, couples including de facto couples. There are specific rules for calculating adjusted taxable income for Medicare Levy Surcharge and income testing purposes. For more information go to 3 TH E AUSTR ALIAN G OVER N M ENT R EBATE O N PRIVATE H E ALTH I N SU R AN C E The Australian Government Rebate on private health insurance is income tested and the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) increased for high income earners. When you join Bupa we will make it easy for you to choose the option that best suits your needs, including nominating a rebate tier. See the table below for details on the rebate you are entitled to based on your income, along with the corresponding MLS. W H AT A M I E N T ITL E D TO A N D H OW M U C H M L S W I L L I H AV E TO PAY ? Australian Government Rebate and Medicare Levy Surcharge income thresholds 2012/2013 Singles Income Up to $84,000 $84,001 – $97,000* $97,001 – $130,000* More than $130,000* Rebate Tiers Base Tier Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 up to 65 years 30% 20% 10% 0% 65 – 69 years 35% 25% 15% 0% 70 years and over 40% 30% 20% 0% 0% 1% 1.25% 1.50% Income Up to $168,000 $168,001 – $194,000* $194,001 – $260,000* More than $260,000* Rebate Tiers Base Tier Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 up to 65 years 30% 20% 10% 0% 65 – 69 years 35% 25% 15% 0% 70 years and over 40% 30% 20% 0% 0% 1% 1.25% 1.50% PHI Rebate Medicare Levy Surcharge Couples/Families PHI Rebate Medicare Levy Surcharge Indicates changes for higher income earners that take effect from 1 July 2012. *Note: thresholds are effective 1 July 2012 and are indexed annually. On a family membership this increases by $1,500 per child after the first child. The family thresholds apply to single parent families, couples including de facto couples. There are specific rules for calculating adjusted taxable income for Medicare Levy Surcharge and income testing purposes. For more information go to 4 R EBATE C L A I M I N G O P TI O N S There are three ways that you can claim the Australian Government Rebate on private health insurance: ° upfront as a premium reduction ° directly from Medicare ° it can be taken into account when you lodge your next tax return. If you are concerned about a tax liability you can nominate a rebate tier to apply to your policy using the relevant section in the application form. If you nominate to receive a rebate but don't specify a tier we will proceed with nominating you under the base tier (i.e. 30% if under 65, 35% if 65–69 and 40% if 70 and over). If at any time after joining your circumstances change and you need to update your rebate tier, there are a number of ways to do this. Contact us for more details. Natalie is 28 years old and earns $68k per year as an accountant. Tristan and Geniveve together earn $217k per year. Natalie will receive a 30% rebate and won't pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge. Their rebate will be 10% and their Medicare Levy Surcharge will be 1.25% if they don't maintain/hold an appropriate level of private hospital cover. 5 W H Y BUPA? W E WA N T YO U T O L I V E A LO N G E R , H E A LT H I E R , HAPPIER LIFE Bupa is a healthcare leader proudly looking after the needs of more than three million Australians. We have been around for over 60 years and we’re part of a global group whose care and expertise now stretches across 190 countries. It is our purpose that makes us different. We exist to help our members live longer, healthier, happier lives. Which is why our global family reinvests its profits to provide better services for members and to ensure quality healthcare remains affordable. We are dedicated to helping find a healthier you. To find out more: Call us on 134 135 Visit Drop by your local Bupa centre 6 WE PUT OUR M E M B E R S AT THE HEART OF EVERYTHING WE DO We know the health system By your side wherever you are We know the health system can be confusing. That’s why our friendly team are here to help you make sense of it. They can answer important questions like: what you’re currently covered for, what to ask your doctor before treatment and how much you’ll get back. If the unexpected happens during your stay or while you’re travelling overseas, we’re always here to provide phone-based support and guidance. Our 24-hour advice line is exclusive to Bupa and provides you with helpful information, including: ° basic advice on simple medical problems provided by doctors and nurses For your convenience ° contact details and location of the nearest medical facilities We give you choice so you can manage your cover whenever, wherever. You can contact us by phone or talk to someone face to face at one of over 100 retail centres. Or just jump online or use your smart phone to access myBupa. ° medical translation services, including reviewing bills and help booking medical appointments ° passing telephone messages on to your family. Freedom to choose your provider And if you’re planning a trip overseas, you can get pre-departure medical information on the countries you are visiting. We’ll advise you on the health risks of that country and give you tips on how to stay healthy while you’re travelling. We pay the same dollar benefit at all recognised providers. If you choose to be treated at a Members First provider you will also have the added certainty of receiving between 70–100% of the cost back for selected services depending on your level of your extras cover. Just look for the number on the back of your membership card. Keeping healthcare affordable We know that when you’re sick you need to focus on the most important issue – your health and recovery. With us you are fully covered as a private patient in most Members First and Network hospitals across Australia. Plus, if you need to be admitted, in most cases you will be covered for all in-hospital charges.* *A small number of Members First and Network hospitals may have a service where a fixed fee applies. An excess may apply depending on your level of cover. 7 W H Y BUPA? FIND A H E A LT H I E R YO U At Bupa, we know that everyone wants to be healthy, but sometimes life gets in the way. That’s why we support you with health programs, tools and apps, and world-class health information to help you take your first step towards a healthier you. Programs and support We have developed a range of programs and guides to support members with chronic conditions like asthma, depression or diabetes. Members can also benefit from other resources like our specialised parent and baby wellbeing program. World-class health information Visit our website to stay in the know on health topics that are important to you. The information is designed by health professionals and ranges from conditions and treatments through to exercise and diet tips. We also recommend other reputable websites because our knowledge is your knowledge. See page 40 for other member exclusives. 8 G E T T I N G TO A H E A LT H I E R YO U myBupa Online Health Assessment myBupa is a new and improved way to manage your health cover online. It really is your very own little piece of Bupa. Here are just a few things you can now do whenever it suits you: To really take charge of your health, you need to know just how healthy you are in the first place. Our new Online Health Assessment is very easy to use, and will help you take your first step towards a healthier you. ° make a claim on most extras ° change payment details What you’ll find out ° Your “real health age” ° lifestyle risk scores ° make one off payments ° order a membership card ° recommended changes you can make to help improve your health age ° find a provider ° contact us. ° Bupa programs that may be helpful to you. Visit and log into myBupa. It’s very easy and will only take a few minutes. You will find new things there all the time. Take your Online Health Assessment at We are regularly developing more new tools and apps so keep checking and our social media sites for updates: You can now do all this from your mobile by visiting on your smartphone or by downloading the Bupa mobile app from the iTunes Store* or Google Play.^ *Apple, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. ^Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. 9 B E N E F I T S AVA I L A B L E O N C O R P O R AT E H E A LT H C O V E R Higher benefits Corporate health cover offers higher benefits on extras when compared to both Bupa’s similar product offered to retail customers and those of our main competitors. Gap free physio and dental for kids* We’ll cover the cost of your kids’ physio and general dental until they turn 25. That means no out-of-pocket expenses for kids’ dental check-ups, teeth cleaning, fillings, x-rays and more.* And no out-of-pocket costs for physio in most instances.* At Bupa, we take care of your kids’ health. No gap optical packages You’ll have access to the ‘no gap’ range of fixed-priced packages on glasses and contact lenses at no additional cost† if you visit our Members First optical providers including: BLINK Optical, Kevin Paisley Fashion Eyewear, National Pharmacies Optical, Prevue Eyewear, Stacey and Stacey Optometrists and selected independent retailers. Also, at Specsavers you can choose from a range of fixed-priced frames and lens packages with no out–of–pocket costs.† Freedom to choose your provider We pay the same dollar benefit at all recognised providers. If you choose to be treated at a Members First provider you will also have the added certainty of receiving between 70–100% of the cost back for selected services depending on your level of your extras cover. Excess waiver Available on Corporate Hospital Top, Corporate Hospital Intermediate and Corporate Hospital Saver Level 2, which means singles and single parents won’t have to pay the first excess per calendar year and families won’t have to pay the first two excesses per calendar year. No excess for kids There is also no excess payable if your child is admitted to hospital on Corporate Hospital Top and Corporate Hospital Intermediate. Accident benefit If you are involved in an accident and require urgent hospital treatment, the accident benefit provides up to $2,000 per person, $4,000 per policy which can be used to pay for: a) Hospital excess(es) and/or b) To boost extras cover in the event that limits have been reached. *Available on Ultimate Corporate Health Cover, Corporate Advantage and Corporate Classic covers when taken with hospital cover on a family membership, when treatment is provided by a Members First dentist or physiotherapist. Fund rules, waiting periods and annual maximums apply. Child dependants only. Includes Major Dental in VIC and SA only. Excludes orthodontics and hospital treatments. †Optical benefits are subject to your level of cover, annual maximums and waiting periods. Conditions apply. 10 WE’VE MADE CHOOSING SIMPLE We know private health insurance can be confusing so we’re here to help you find what you’re looking for. To tailor your own cover simply choose any of our hospital covers then add one of our extras covers. Alternatively, you can select our Ultimate Corporate packaged cover which combines hospital and extras already. You can even choose to have a hospital or extras cover on its own. The following pages will help you to understand your options so you can choose what’s right for you. 1. CHOOSE YO U R H O S P I TA L COV E R 2. CHOOSE YO U R E X T R A S COV E R This helps pay for treatment in hospital and generally gives you the peace of mind of choosing your doctor as well as when and where you are treated. See page 13. Extras covers you for services that Medicare often doesn’t cover such as: dental, optical, physio, chiro, massage and much more. See page 23. + OR 3 . U LT I M AT E C O R P O R AT E H E A LT H C O V E R Ultimate Corporate Health Cover gives you our very best level of hospital cover combined with our top extras cover in one premium package. See page 35. 11 N O E XC E S S FOR KIDS There is no excess payable for dependant children on your membership.* *No excess offer applies to Corporate Hospital Top and Corporate Hospital Intermediate cover. See the Important Information section at the back of this brochure for more details. 12 HOSPITAL COVER 1. C H O O S E YO U R H O S P I TA L C O V E R 13 HOSPITAL COVER HOW MUCH COV E R D O YO U N E E D ? We want to help you choose the most relevant level of cover for you. So we have laid out our hospital covers for you to explore and make the best decision. To see our detailed comparison table, including services covered, go to page 21. BAS IC C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L S AV E R C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L I N T E R M E D I AT E This option covers you for most services while restricting some treatments that you’re unlikely to need for now. Together with excess options, this helps keep your premium down. Note that pregnancy related services (including childbirth) are restricted. This level of hospital cover gives you cover for services including pregnancy, which is restricted on Corporate Hospital Saver. You also get a choice of excess options to help lower the cost of your cover. See page 17. See page 16. LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 NIL $ EXCESS LEVEL 3 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 250 $500 NIL $ EXCESS EXCESS EXCESS 14 LEVEL 3 250 $500 EXCESS EXCESS A L L C O V E R S S U I TA B L E F O R S I N G L E S , C O U P L E S A N D FA M I L I E S COM P R E H E N S I V E C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L T O P If you want the true peace of mind that comes with our top hospital cover, this may be a good option for you. There are no exclusions and you get a choice of excesses to help lower the cost of your premium. See page 18. LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 NIL $ EXCESS 15 LEVEL 3 250 $500 EXCESS EXCESS HOSPITAL COVER + + HOSPITAL COVER C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L S AV E R An ideal option if you’re young and active – this basic cover gives you a ‘safety net’ for many hospital treatments while keeping it very affordable. WH AT ’ S COVERED? ° schedule fees charged by a doctor, surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialist for your inpatient medical treatment, plus additional coverage if your doctor uses the Bupa Medical Gap Scheme You’re covered for all hospital treatments recognised by Medicare, except the services that pay minimum benefits listed below. Examples of what you are covered for include: ° hospital accommodation – overnight and same-day ° pathology and radiology diagnostic tests performed in hospital by Bupa contracted providers. ° theatre and intensive care fees ° surgically implanted prostheses up to the approved benefits in the Government’s Prostheses List Waiting periods apply see page 20. WH AT ’ S N OT FULLY COV ER ED? There are some services that are not fully covered or not covered at all by any of our hospital covers, such as cosmetic surgery that is not clinically required. See page 20 for details. The following services only receive public hospital shared room benefits (minimum benefits): ° hip and knee joint replacement (including arthroplasty, revision and resurfacing procedures) ° cataract and eye lens procedures ° pregnancy related services (including childbirth) and assisted reproductive services ° psychiatric services. Look after your health and get more value with: ° a choice of excesses to lower the cost of your cover ° Excess Waiver Feature for adults on Corporate Saver Level 2 (see page 20 for details) LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 NIL $ EXCESS LEVEL 3 250 $500 EXCESS EXCESS ° our Members First and Network hospital agreements which help to eliminate or reduce your out-of-pocket expenses* ° a single room or $50 back when you book your overnight admission at Members First hospitals (conditions apply – contact us for details)* ° no out-of-pocket hospital expenses and no gaps on your doctors’ fees at our Members First day facilities*^ ° limited emergency and on-the-spot ambulance services included in your cover.~ See pages 20–21 and the Important Information section at the back of this brochure to find out more about your hospital cover. *To see if your chosen facility has an arrangement with us, view our current Bupa Hospital Listing on our website or call us. ^Available in NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA. ~Limits apply. 16 HOSPITAL COVER C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L I N T E R M E D I AT E This medium-level option gives you coverage for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as cardiac related services. WH AT ’ S COVERED? ° schedule fees charged by a doctor, surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialist for your inpatient medical treatment, plus additional coverage if your doctor uses the Bupa Medical Gap Scheme You’re covered for all hospital treatments recognised by Medicare, except the services that pay minimum benefits listed below. Examples of what you are covered for include: ° hospital accommodation – overnight and same-day ° pathology and radiology diagnostic tests performed in hospital by Bupa contracted providers. ° theatre and intensive care fees ° surgically implanted prostheses up to the approved benefits in the Government’s Prostheses List Waiting periods apply see page 20. WH AT ’ S N OT FULLY COV ER ED? There are some services that are not fully covered or not covered at all by any of our hospital covers, such as cosmetic surgery that is not clinically required. See page 20 for details. The following services only receive public hospital shared room benefits (minimum benefits): ° hip and knee joint replacement (including arthroplasty, revision and resurfacing procedures) ° cataract and eye lens procedures. Look after your health and get more value with: ° a choice of excesses to lower the cost of your cover ° no excess if your child is admitted to hospital LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 NIL $ EXCESS LEVEL 3 250 $500 EXCESS EXCESS ° Excess Waiver Feature for adults on Corporate Intermediate Level 2 (see page 20 for details) ° our Members First and Network hospital agreements which help to eliminate or reduce your out-of-pocket expenses* ° a single room or $50 back when you book your overnight admission at Members First hospitals (conditions apply – contact us for details)* ° no out-of-pocket hospital expenses and no gaps on your doctors’ fees at our Members First day facilities*^ ° limited emergency and on-the-spot ambulance services included in your cover.~ See pages 20–21 and the Important Information section at the back of this brochure to find out more about your hospital cover. *To see if your chosen facility has an arrangement with us, view our current Bupa Hospital Listing on our website or call us. ^Available in NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA. ~Limits apply. 17 HOSPITAL COVER C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L T O P Our highest level of corporate hospital cover with no exclusions and a range of additional benefits. WH AT ’ S COVERED? ° schedule fees charged by a doctor, surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialist for your inpatient medical treatment, plus additional coverage if your doctor uses the Bupa Medical Gap Scheme You’re covered for all hospital treatments recognised by Medicare. Examples of what you are covered for include: ° hospital accommodation – overnight and same-day ° pathology and radiology diagnostic tests performed in hospital by Bupa contracted providers. ° theatre and intensive care fees ° surgically implanted prostheses up to the approved benefits in the Government’s Prostheses List Waiting periods apply see page 20. E XC LU SION S (services not covered) No exclusions specific to this cover. There are some services that are not fully covered or not covered at all by any of our hospital covers, such as cosmetic surgery that is not clinically required. See page 20 for details. Look after your health and get more value with: ° a choice of excesses to lower the cost of your cover ° no excess if your child is admitted to hospital LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 NIL $ EXCESS LEVEL 3 250 $500 EXCESS EXCESS ° Excess Waiver Feature for adults on Corporate Top Level 2 (see page 20 for details) ° our Bupa Members First and Network hospital agreements which help to eliminate or reduce your out-of-pocket expenses* ° a single room or $50 back when you book your overnight admission at Members First hospitals (conditions apply – contact us for details)* ° no out-of-pocket hospital expenses and no gaps on your doctors’ fees at our Members First day facilities*^ ° limited emergency and on-the-spot ambulance services included in your cover~ ° Special Benefits – provisions for a family member to stay with you in hospital ° baby books (available for expectant parents) ° health subscription refunds (e.g. Asthma Foundation membership fees) – not available on Corporate Hospital Top Level Three. See pages 20–21 and the Important Information section at the back of this brochure to find out more about your hospital cover. * To see if your chosen facility has an arrangement with us, view our current Bupa Hospital Listing on our website or call us. ^Available in NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA. ~Limits apply. 18 HOSPITAL COVER PARENT AND BABY WELLBEING PROGRAM Members with newborn babies, who may be feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope, can access confidential support and advice through this specialised program.ˆ ˆAvailable to members who have hospital or packaged cover. 19 HOSPITAL COVER H O S P I TA L COV E R What’s covered Hospital cover helps pay for treatments that are recognised by Medicare when you are admitted to hospital. When a treatment is included in your hospital cover we will help pay for things like: your room, theatre fees, surgically implanted prostheses and fees charged by your doctor/s when they treat you in hospital. There is no waiting period for treatment you require as a result of an accident sustained after joining us. There are also no waiting periods for newborn babies provided you are on a family hospital cover and the baby is added to your membership no later than two months after their birth. Excess What’s not covered An excess is a set amount you agree to pay upfront before your benefit is paid for overnight or same-day admissions at any hospital. The excess is paid when you are admitted into hospital, and is capped at $500 for singles and $1,000 for single parents and families per calendar year. There are situations where you are likely not to be covered under any of our hospital covers. The following are not covered by us at all (nil hospital, prosthesis or medical benefits): procedures not recognised by Medicare; procedures not approved by the Medical Services Advisory Committee; experimental treatment; respite care; cosmetic surgery that is not clinically required. Surgical podiatry receives minimum benefits (if a prosthesis is surgically implanted during a procedure, the cost of this will be covered). The Excess Waiver feature, available on Corporate Hospital Top, Corporate Hospital Intermediate and Corporate Hospital Saver Level 2, means singles and single parents won’t have to pay the first excess per calendar year and families won’t have to pay the first two excesses per calendar year. There is also no excess payable if your child is admitted to hospital on Corporate Hospital Top and Corporate Hospital Intermediate. Waiting periods A waiting period is the time between when you joined us and when you are covered for a service or treatment. If you receive a service or treatment during this time, you are not eligible to receive a benefit payment from us, regardless of when you submit the claim. The following waiting periods apply to hospital cover: Bupa Medical Gap Scheme This is a direct billing arrangement between Bupa and your doctor/s that either eliminates or reduces out-of-pocket expenses for in-hospital doctors’ fees (the ‘gap’). See page 43 for more information. ° pre-existing conditions, ailments or illnesses and pregnancy related services (including childbirth) – 12 months You should also see the Important Information section at the back of this brochure for more details. ° all other treatments covered by your product – two months. 20 C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L I N T E R M E D I AT E C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L TO P See page 16 See page 17 See page 18 Accommodation for Overnight and Same-day Stays 9 9 9 Operating Theatre, Intensive Care, Ward Fees 9 9 9 Bupa Medical Gap Scheme available 9 9 9 Surgically Implanted Prothesis 9 9 9 Accidents After Joining 9 9 9 Knee Arthroscopy and Meniscectomy Procedures 9 9 9 Appendicitis 9 9 9 Removal of Tonsils and Adenoids 9 9 9 Dental Surgery 9 9 9 Minor Gynaecological Surgery 9 9 9 Psychiatric Services z 9 9 Rehabilitation Services 9 9 9 Pregnancy Related Services (including childbirth) and Assisted Reproductive Services z 9 9 Cardiac and Cardiac Related Services (e.g. open heart and bypass surgery) 9 9 9 Renal Dialysis for Chronic Renal Failure 9 9 9 Cataract and Eye Lens Procedures z z 9 Hip/Knee Replacement (including arthroplasty, revisions and resurfacing procedures) z z 9 All Other Joint Replacements 9 9 9 All other Inpatient Treatments Receiving a Medicare benefit 9 9 9 Services For Inpatient Services included on cover: Inpatient Services included on cover: Additional Items: Baby Books (contact us for details) 9 Emergency Ambulance Services^ 9 9 9 Health Subscription Refunds^^ 9 Special Benefits (contact us for details) 9 Nil, $250, $500 Excesses Excess Options* Nil, $250, $500 Nil, $250, $500 No Excess for Kids 9 9 Excess Waiver* 9 9 9 zSee the Important Information section for more details about Minimum Benefits. Indicates the service is not included. ^Limits apply – see the Important Information section for details. ^^Health Subscription Refunds applies to Corporate Hospital Top, Levels 1 and 2 only (i.e. nil and $250 excess). *Excess Waiver Feature applies to the $250 excess level on Corporate Hospital Top, Corporate Hospital Intermediate and Corporate Hospital Saver Level 2 cover only. 21 HOSPITAL COVER C O R P O R AT E H O S P I TA L S AV E R F R E E D O M TO C H O O S E YO U R P ROV I D E R Depending on your extras cover, at Members First providers you will receive between 70–100% of the cost back for selected services. If you choose to visit a provider outside of our network, you will still receive the same dollar benefit amount back as at our Members First providers. 22 EXTRAS COVER 2. C H O O S E YO U R E X T R AS COV E R 23 EX T RAS COV ER HOW MUCH COV E R D O YO U N E E D ? We want to help you choose the most relevant level of cover for you. So we have laid out our extras covers side by side to help you to compare. To see our detailed comparison table, including services covered and annual maximums for each level of cover, go to pages 31–33. BAS IC C O R P O R AT E ESSENTIALS C O R P O R AT E CLASSIC Enjoy access to a wide range of services with at least 70% back at Members First providers. Plus, you’ll receive the same dollar benefit amount at all other providers. If you want generous benefits and a high level of cover, this option may suit you. It gives you access to a wide range of services that Medicare doesn’t cover with at least 80% back at Members First providers. And you’ll receive the same dollar benefit amount at all other providers. See page 26. See page 28. 24 A L L C O V E R S S U I TA B L E F O R S I N G L E S , C O U P L E S A N D FA M I L I E S COM P R E H E N S I V E C O R P O R AT E A D VA N TA G E Get peace of mind knowing that you’re covered to our highest level of extras cover. The real advantage here is access to a wide range of services that Medicare doesn’t cover with at least 90% back at Members First providers. And the same dollar benefit amount at all other providers. See page 29. 25 EXTRAS COVER + + EX T RAS COV ER C O R P O R AT E ESSENTIALS A basic level of extras cover with good benefits and coverage for the services that may be relevant to your needs. AT L E A S T 7 0 % B A C K AT M E M B E R S F I R S T P R O V I D E R S S E RVICES ANNUAL M AXI M UM S Per Person Per Calendar Year WA I TI N G P E R I O DS 2 months General Dental $350 Major Dental Combined with general dental Optical $200 – No Gap optical packages – see p30 12 months 2 months Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, $150 Combined Osteopathy and Natural Therapies 2 months Living Well (see p40) $100 6 months Pharmacy (see p32) $150 2 months Emergency Ambulance ~ 1 service per calendar year (singles) 2 services per calendar year (families) None Freedom to choose your provider We pay the same dollar benefit at all recognised providers. If you choose to be treated at a Members First provider you will also have the added certainty of receiving between 70–100% of the cost back for selected services depending on your level of your extras cover. See pages 31–33, the Important Information section and the Corporate Benefits Guide in the back of this brochure to find out more about your extras cover. For most items at our Members First providers covering dental, physio and chiro services. Includes major dental in VIC and SA only. ~Limits apply. 26 EXTRAS COVER GET A PAIR ON US Find out how you can get a pair of spectacles or a supply of contact lenses completely covered by us.† †Conditions apply. Please refer to the Corporate Benefits Guide for more details. 27 EX T RAS COV ER C O R P O R AT E CLASSIC Cover for a wide range of services with high benefits and annual maximums. AT L E A S T 8 0 % B A C K AT M E M B E R S F I R S T P R O V I D E R S S E RV IC E S General Dental Major Dental ANNUAL M AXI M UM S Per Person Per Calendar Year Year 1 $400 – Year 6+ $800 No Gap for kids – see p30 WA ITIN G PER IODS 12 months 2 months Orthodontics Year 1 $400 – Year 6+ $800 $1,600 Lifetime Limit Optical $225 – No Gap optical packages – see p30 2 months Chiropractic and Osteopathy $500 per person $1,000 per membership 2 months Physiotherapy Year 1 $350 – Year 6 $700 No Gap physio for kids – see p30 2 months Antenatal and Postnatal Living Well (see p40) $100 6 months Pharmacy (see p32) Natural Therapies (see p32 for a full list) Dietary Psychology Podiatry (excludes orthotics) Speech Therapy Eye Therapy Occupational Therapy Health Aids and Appliances (see p32 for the full list) Hire, Repair and Maintenance of Health Aids and Appliances Home Nursing $300 2 months $600 2 months Combined with Natural Therapies and other services annual maximum (sub-limits apply) $100 sub-limit within Natural Therapies and other services annual maximum $350 Accident Benefit $2,000 per person $4,000 per membership Travel and Accommodation $100 – Travel $150 – Accommodation 1 service per calendar year (singles) 2 services per calendar year (families) Emergency Ambulance ~ 12 months 2 months 12 months 6 months 2 months None 2 months None See pages 31–33, the Important Information section and the Corporate Benefits Guide to find out more about your extras cover. Loyalty maximums We increase how much you can claim each year by 20% of the initial amount for most extras services (applies after the first 12 months up to a maximum increase of 100%). Freedom to choose your provider We pay the same dollar benefit at all recognised providers. If you choose to be treated at a Members First provider you will also have the added certainty of receiving between 70–100% of the cost back for selected services depending on your level of your extras cover. For most items at our Members First providers covering dental, physio and chiro services. Includes major dental in VIC and SA only. ~Limits apply. 28 C O R P O R AT E A DVA N TAG E Cover for a wide range of services with higher benefits and annual maximums. AT L E A S T 9 0 % B A C K AT M E M B E R S F I R S T P R O V I D E R S SE RV IC E S ANNUAL M AXI M UM S Per Person Per Calendar Year WA ITIN G PER IODS General Dental Unlimited – No Gap for kids – see p30 Major Dental $800 12 months Orthodontics $1,200 per person $2,400 Lifetime Limit 12 months Optical $250 – No Gap optical packages – see p30 2 months Chiropractic and Osteopathy $600 per person $1,200 per membership 2 months Physiotherapy Year 1 $400 – Year 6 $800 No Gap physio for kids – see p30 2 months $400 2 months $100 6 months Antenatal and Postnatal Natural Therapies (see p30 for a full list) Living Well (see p40) 2 months 2 months Pharmacy (see p32) $450 2 months Psychology Dietary Podiatry (excludes orthotics) Speech Therapy Eye Therapy Occupational Therapy Home Nursing Health Aids and Appliances (see p32 for a full list) Hire, Repair and Maintenance of Health Aids and Appliances Accident Benefit $500 per person $1,000 per membership 2 months $500 2 months $350 2 months $850 12 months Travel and Accommodation Emergency Ambulance ~ $100 sub-limit within Health Aids and Appliances annual maximum $2,000 per person $4,000 per membership Travel – $100 Accommodation – $150 1 service per calendar year for singles 2 services per calendar year for families 6 months None 2 months None See pages 31–33, the Important Information section and the Corporate Benefits Guide to find out more about your extras cover. Loyalty maximums We increase how much you can claim each year by 20% of the initial amount for most extras services (applies after the first 12 months up to a maximum increase of 100%). Freedom to choose your provider We pay the same dollar benefit at all recognised providers. If you choose to be treated at a Members First provider you will also have the added certainty of receiving between 70–100% of the cost back for selected services depending on your level of your extras cover. For most items at our Members First providers covering dental, physio and chiro services. Includes major dental in VIC and SA only. ~Limits apply. 29 Are all extras services covered? Our extensive Members First provider network offers nation-wide access to general dental, optical, physiotherapy and chiropractic services. If you have extras cover with us, you will have the certainty of knowing how much you’ll get back in most instances when you visit these providers. Visit our website to find a Members First provider near you. Also, keep an eye out for the following logo at your providers: There are instances when extras benefits are not payable including: ° for different services within the same service type from the same provider on the same day. For example, if you went to see an acupuncturist and then received a massage from the same provider on the same day, you cannot claim for both services ° when a provider is not recognised by us for benefit purposes ° when a third party provides a benefit (e.g. when you hold a state ambulance subscription). Gap free physio and dental for kids* Set benefits If you visit a non-Members First provider you will receive a set amount back known as a set benefit. This benefit amount is the same as what you would receive at a Members First provider. For a services where we do not have a Members First Network, you will receive a set benefit as well. See the Corporate Benefits Guide in the back of this brochure or call us if you want to know how much you will get back before you visit your extras provider. We‘ll cover the cost of your kids’ physio and general dental until they turn 25. That means no out-of-pocket expenses for kids’ dental check-ups, teeth cleaning, fillings, x-rays and more.* And no out-of-pocket costs for physio in most instances.* At Bupa, your kids’ health is taken care of. *Available on Ultimate Corporate Health Cover, Corporate Advantage and Corporate Classic covers when taken with hospital cover on a family membership, when treatment is provided by a Members First dentist or physiotherapist. Fund rules, waiting periods and annual maximums apply. Child dependants only. Includes Major Dental in VIC and SA only. Excludes orthodontics and hospital treatments. Annual maximums and service limits There are limits to the amount you can claim back and/or the number of times you can claim on most services. See pages 31–33 and the Important Information section at the back of this brochure to find out more. MEMBERS FIRST OPTICAL OT H E R O P T I C A L B E N E F I T S Our Members First optical providers include BLINK Optical, Kevin Paisley Fashion Eyewear, National Pharmacies Optical, Prevue Eyewear, Stacey and Stacey Optometrists and selected independent retailers. You’ll have access to the ‘no gap’ range of fixed-priced packages on glasses and contact lenses at no additional cost† and up to $100 off all fashion frames if you visit one of these providers.# At Specsavers you can choose from a range of fixed-priced frames and lens packages with no out–of–pocket costs.† †Optical benefits are subject to your level of cover, annual maximums and waiting periods. Conditions apply. #Not in conjunction with any other offers. 30 EXTRAS COVER Save with our Members First network EX T RAS COV ER H OW M U C H C A N YO U C L A I M U P TO ? C O R P O R AT E ESSENTIALS Services Waiting Periods C O R P O R AT E A D VA N TA G E 70% back* 80% back* 90% back* Annual Maximums Per Person Per Calendar Year Annual Maximums Per Person Per Calendar Year Annual Maximums Per Person Per Calendar Year General Dental 2 months $350 Combined annual maximum Major Dental C O R P O R AT E CLASSIC 12 months Year 1 2 3 4 5 6+ Amount Year Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 6+ $0_ $400 $480 $560 $640 $720 $800 $400 $480 $560 $640 $720 $800 Unlimited $800 12 months $1,600 Lifetime Limit for orthodontics 2 months $200 $225 $250 $500 per person $1,000 per membership $600 per person $1,200 per membership Orthodontics $1,200 per person $2,400 Lifetime Limit Optical Chiropractic and Osteopathy 2 months Physiotherapy Antenatal and postnatal $150 Combined annual maximum 2 months Year Amount Year Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6+ $350 $420 $490 $560 $630 $700 1 2 3 4 5 6+ $400 $480 $560 $640 $720 $800 *For most items at our Members First providers covering dental, physio and chiro services. Includes major dental and orthodontics in VIC and SA only. Annual maximums and waiting periods apply. Loyalty Maximums (see page 29) other dollar amounts relate to annual maximums. _ New members. 31 C O R P O R AT E E S S E N T I A L S Set Benefits Services Waiting Periods Annual Maximums Per Person Per Calendar Year Living Well (see p40) 6 months $100 Pharmacy^^ 2 months $150 Natural Therapies Includes: acupuncture, Alexander Technique, Chinese herbalism, exercise physiology, Feldenkrais, homeopathy, iridology, naturopathy, Western herbalism and massage. 2 months Combined with Physiotherapy annual maximum Massage includes: aromatherapy, Bowen Technique, kinesiology, reflexology, shiatsu, and remedial massage. Psychology 2 months Dietary 2 months Podiatry (excludes orthotics) 2 months Speech Therapy 2 months Eye Therapy 2 months Occupational Therapy 2 months Home Nursing 2 months Health Aids and Appliances+ Sub-Limits Asthma Pumps Blood Glucose Monitors or INR Blood Testing Devices (Coagucheck) Defined Appliances (includes orthotics)^ Surgical Stockings 12 months CPAP Devices# Hearing Aids TENS Machine Blood Pressure Monitors Hire, Repair and Maintenance of Health Aids and Appliances Travel and Accommodation Accident Benefit~ Emergency Ambulance Services~ 2 months No waiting period No waiting period 1 service per year (singles) 2 services per year (families) ^^Benefits for prescription items that are non-PBS, TGA approved, and not appearing on our exclusions list. +A combined annual maximum applies to this service category. ^Defined Appliances includes orthotics, orthopaedic and corrective footwear, pressure garments, braces and artificial limbs. Limits apply per item. 32 C O R P O R AT E A D VA N TA G E Set Benefits Set Benefits Annual Maximums Per Person Per Calendar Year Annual Maximums Per Person Per Calendar Year $100 $100 $300 $450 $400 Combined annual maximum $600 $500 per person, $1,000 per membership $500 $350 $350 Combined with Natural Therapies annual maximum (sub-limits apply) $850 1 claim every 3 years 1 claim every 3 years up to $300 1 claim per year 1 claim per year up to $500 $500 per year $500 per year $100 per year $100 per year 1 claim every 2 years 1 claim every 2 years up to $750 1 claim every 3 years 1 claim every 3 years up to $850 $175 per year $175 per year $175 per year $175 per year $100 per calendar year combined annual maximum with Natural Therapies $100 – Travel $150 – Accommodation $100 per calendar year combined annual maximum with Health Aids and Appliances $100 – Travel $150 – Accommodation $2000 per person $4000 per membership $2000 per person $4000 per membership 1 service per year (singles) 2 services per year (families) 1 service per year (singles) 2 services per year (families) #Subject to eligibility. Call us for details. ~When an accident requires urgent hospital treatment, can boost annual maximums on extras or pay for your hospital excess. Limits apply – see the Important Information section for more details. 33 EXTRAS COVER C O R P O R AT E C L A S S I C GAP BONUS Receive a $200 Gap Bonus when you join, and another $200 at the start of each calendar year per membership, to help pay for any medical gaps charged by your doctor or specialist when admitted to hospital. Plus, any unused bonus amounts will accumulate. 34 ULTIMATE CORPORATE HEALTH COVER 3. C H O O S E U LT I M AT E C O R P O R AT E H E A LT H C O V E R 35 U LTIM AT E CO R P OR ATE H EALT H COV E R U LT I M AT E C O R P O R AT E H E A LT H C O V E R Ultimate Corporate Health Cover gives you our very best level of hospital cover with no excess or co-payment to pay combined with our top extras cover. With a range of additional benefits, some unique to this cover, you can relax knowing that this premium package gives you genuine peace of mind. H O S P I TA L WH AT ’ S COVERED? EXC LUS I O N S (services not covered) You're covered for all hospital treatments recognised by Medicare. No exclusions specific to this cover. Examples of what we pay benefits for include: ° hospital accommodation – overnight and same-day ° theatre and intensive care fees ° surgically implanted prostheses up to the approved benefits in the Government’s Prostheses List There are some services that are not fully covered or not covered at all by any of our hospital covers, such as cosmetic surgery that is not clinically required. See page 20 for details. ° schedule fees charged by a doctor, surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialist for your inpatient medical treatment, plus additional coverage if your doctor uses the Bupa Medical Gap Scheme ° pathology and radiology diagnostic tests performed in hospital by Bupa contracted providers. You should also see the Important Information section at the back of this brochure for more details. Waiting periods apply. 36 U P T O 1 0 0 % B A C K AT M E M B E R S F I R S T P R O V I D E R S S E RVICES A N N UA L M A X I M U M S Per Person Per Calendar Year WA I TI N G P E R I O DS General Dental Unlimited (No Gap for kids see p39) Major Dental Year 1 $800 – Year 6+ $1,600 12 months Orthodontics $1,400 per person $3,200 Lifetime Limit 12 months Optical $420 or $300 (No Gap optical packages see p39) 2 months Physiotherapy Year 1 $750 – Year 6+ $1,500 (No Gap for kids see p39) 2 months Chiropractic and Osteopathy Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 (per person) Year 1 $800 – $1,600 (per family) 2 months Antenatal and Postnatal $500 2 months Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 Includes sub-limits for massage: $250 per person, $500 per membership 2 months Living Well (see p40) $100 6 months Pharmacy^^ Year 1 $750 – Year 6+ $1,500 2 months Dietary Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 2 months Psychology Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 2 months Podiatry (excludes orthotics) Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 2 months Speech Therapy Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 2 months Eye Therapy Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 2 months Occupational Therapy Year 1 $500 – Year 6+ $1,000 2 months Home Nursing $400 Health Aids and Appliances $1,000 Hire Repair and Maintenance of Health Aids and Appliances $100 combined limit with Health Aids and Appliances 6 months Travel and Accommodation $200 – Travel, $300 – Accommodation 2 months Emergency Ambulance Services~ 1 service per year (singles) 2 services per year (families) 2 months Natural Therapies Includes: acupuncture, Alexander Technique, Chinese herbalism, exercise physiology, Feldenkrais, homeopathy, iridology, naturopathy and Western herbalism. Massage includes: aromatherapy, Bowen Technique, kinesiology, reflexology, shiatsu, and remedial massage. 2 months 12 months None = Members First = non-Members First See pages 20 and 36, the Important Information section and the Corporate Benefits Guide in the back of this brochure to find out more about your hospital and extras cover. For most items at our Members First providers covering dental, physio and chiro services. Includes major dental in VIC and SA only. Loyalty Maximums (see page 38). ^^Benefits for prescription items that are non-PBS, TGA approved, and not appearing on our exclusions list. ~Limits apply. 37 ULTIMATE CORPORATE HEALTH COVER EXTRAS U LT IMAT E CO R P OR ATE H EALT H COV E R F O R U LT I M AT E P E AC E O F M I N D A N D VA L U E Receive 100% back for: Can also enjoy: ° general dental at any recognised provider up to the first $500 per person per year ° major dental at any recognised provider up to your annual maximums ° a single room or $50 back when you book your overnight admission at our Members First hospitals (conditions apply – contact us for details) * ° all orthodontics at any recognised provider until your annual maximum and lifetime limit has been reached ° Special Benefits – to help pay for meals and accommodation for a relative or carer who stays with you in hospital ° physio and chiro at any recognised provider up to the first $350 per person per year ° health subscription refunds (e.g. Asthma Foundation membership fees) ° a bowel cancer screening kit benefit ° baby books plus a ‘parent and baby’ wellbeing program (available for expectant parents). ° a range of fixed-priced packages on spectacles and contact lenses from our Members First providers ° your hospital costs (in most instances) at our Members First, Network and public hospitals Loyalty Maximums We increase how much you can claim each year by 20% of the initial amount for most extras services (applies after the first 12 months up to a maximum increase of 100%). See page 37 for more details. ° your hospital expenses and doctors' fees at our Members First day facilities*^ ° a subscription with your state ambulance provider (where available), and limited emergency and on-the-spot ambulance services included in your cover.~ See the Important Information section and the Corporate Benefits Guide in the back of this brochure for more information. *To see if your chosen facility has an arrangement with us, view our current Bupa Hospital Listing on our website or call us. ^Available in NSW, QLD, SA and VIC. ~Limits apply to ambulance cover included in your cover. 38 100% cover for laser eye surgery 100% cover for most laser eye corrective surgery when performed by a Bupa approved provider. A three year waiting period applies and excludes lens implant. Gap Bonus Receive a $200 Gap Bonus when you join, and another $200 at the start of each calendar year per membership, to help pay for any medical gaps charged by your doctor or specialist when admitted to hospital. Plus, any unused bonus amounts will accumulate. Fixed fee reimbursement Ultimate Corporate Health Cover members will be reimbursed if charged a fixed daily fee by any of our contracted fixed fee hospitals.^ By your side wherever you are If the unexpected happens while you’re travelling overseas, we’re always here to provide phone-based support and advice. Our 24-hour overseas health advice line is exclusive to Bupa members – just look for the number on the back of your membership card. Gap free physio and dental for kids* We‘ll cover the cost of your kid’s physio and general dental until they turn 25. That means no out-of-pocket expenses for kids’ dental check-ups, teeth cleaning, fillings, x-rays and more.* And no out-of-pocket costs for physio in most instances.* At Bupa, your kids’ health is taken care of. No gap optical packages You’ll have access to the ‘no gap’ range of fixed-priced packages on glasses and contact lenses at no additional cost† if you visit our Members First optical providers including: BLINK Optical, Kevin Paisley Fashion Eyewear, National Pharmacies Optical, Prevue Eyewear, Stacey and Stacey Optometrists and selected independent retailers.† Also, at Specsavers you can choose from a range of fixed-priced frames and lens packages with no out–of–pocket costs.† ^To see if your chosen facility has an arrangement with us, view our current Bupa Hospital Listing on our website or call us. *Available on Ultimate Corporate Health Cover, Corporate Advantage and Corporate Classic covers when taken with hospital cover on a family membership, when treatment is provided by a Members First dentist or physiotherapist. Fund rules, waiting periods and annual maximums apply. Child dependants only. Includes Major Dental in VIC and SA only. Excludes orthodontics and hospital treatments. †Optical benefits are subject to your level of cover, annual maximums and waiting periods. Conditions apply. 39 ULTIMATE CORPORATE HEALTH COVER B E N E F I T S AVA I L A B L E O N U LT I M AT E M EMB E R E XC LU S I V ES MORE VA L U E F O R MEMBERS We believe good health includes both physical and mental wellbeing. So if you need time-out, you’re keen on fitness and sports or you’re interested in travel – you can enjoy activities without it costing an arm and a leg. Choose what suits your needs from our range of additional benefits and selected discount partners. Shine magazine Twice a year, we send out Shine – a free health and wellness magazine packed full of topical articles from travel, nutrition and exercise to profiles and giveaways. Simply login to myBupa online and select your mailing preference. Living Well Travel, home and car We’re more than a health insurance provider. Through our partnership with CGU, we’re able to offer you a full range of insurance products from travel insurance, home and contents insurance, to motor vehicle and caravan insurance. What’s more, just for being a Bupa member, you’ll also get a 10% discount on your home and contents insurance or motor vehicle insurance premiums, plus a 15% discount on travel insurance.† Bupa Life Insurance As a Bupa member you’ll get a 10% discount on your Life Insurance premium.* To find out more go to, call 134 135 or drop by your local Bupa centre. Living Well provides practical support to help you reach your goals by covering some of the costs for health-related programs. These include: first aid courses, nicotine replacement therapy, weight management programs, gym membership fees, Pilates and yoga courses. Eligibility criteria and conditions apply, so please contact us to find out more. †Insurance is issued by CGU Insurance Limited (CGU) ABN 27 004 478 371 AFSL 238291. This is general advice only and does not take into account your individual circumstances. Product Disclosure Statements are available at and should be considered before making any decision on these products. Bupa Australia Pty Ltd ABN 81 00 057 590 and Bupa Australia Health Pty Ltd ABN 50 003 098 655 (together Bupa) are authorised representatives of CGU. *Life Insurance products issued by ClearView Life Assurance Limited. Before making a decision about one of these products consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement available by calling 134 135. 40 For details on how to receive these offers, full terms and conditions and a complete list of all of our member discount partners, please call us or visit Get up to 25% discount on movie tickets when purchased online. Get a 15% discount when you purchase tickets online for Dreamworld, WhiteWater World and Skypoint. Get up to 25% discount on movie tickets when purchased online. Get a 10% discount at Warner Village Theme Parks on day admission for adults, children and pensioner passes. Get 25% off two full priced games and shoe hire at any AMF Bowling Centre. Get 15% off the monthly membership fee at EFM Health Clubs. Delight your senses with 25% off all full price online purchases. Get 20% off the usual retail price on a range of sunglasses displayed at any BLINK Optical store. Get a 10% discount on a 12-month membership and a waiver of the joining fee. Get 20% off the usual retail price on a range of sunglasses displayed at any National Pharmacies Optical store. Get up to 20% off selected Guy Leech products. Receive $30 off any RedBalloon experience when you spend $129 or more. Receive up to 20% off the usual retail price on selected frames, lenses and contact lenses, and up to 10% off the usual retail price of sunglasses. 41 MEMBER EXCLUSIVES M E M B E R D I S C O U N T PA R T N E R S J O IN US TODAY JOINING IS SIMPLE Only one form to fill in Switching to Bupa is simple Simply fill in our application form and mail it back to us using our reply paid address, or drop it into your local Bupa centre. Or just call us on 134 135 or visit to join online. Enjoy a hassle-free experience when you transfer to us from your existing health fund. Simply fill in our application form and cancel any direct debit arrangements you have previously made. If you already have a clearance certificate, please send it to us or complete the relevant section on your application form. Easy ways to pay You can choose to pay via Direct Debit or payroll deduction. If you are choosing payroll deduction, check with your employer first that this option is available to you. 30-Day cooling off period We’re confident you’ll be happy with your cover; however, if you decide to cancel we’ll refund any premiums you have paid within the first 30 days of your membership commencing provided you haven’t made a claim. 42 JOIN US TODAY CLAIMING MADE EASY CLAIM ON YOUR HOSPITAL CLAIMING ON BOTH HOSPITAL AND EXTRAS Bupa Medical Gap Scheme This is a direct billing arrangement between Bupa and your doctor/s that in most instances eliminates your out-of-pocket expenses for in-hospital doctors’ fees (the ‘gap’). Under this scheme some doctors can charge you a known gap which means you have some out-of-pocket expenses to pay but they are limited to a defined amount. By mail Doctors need to agree to participate in this scheme for it to apply so make sure you ask them about it before you are treated. Otherwise our medical benefits are limited to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) fee and if your doctor charges above the MBS you will have a gap to pay. You can submit your claims at your local Bupa centre. Most centres are able to process claims on the spot and provide you with benefits, either by cash (limits apply), cheque or bank transfer. If a doctor proposes to charge you a ‘gap’ they need your informed financial consent. Please contact us for details. Remember that claims can only be paid within two years of the date that the service was provided and are subject to standard conditions including waiting periods and annual maximums. Simply print a claim form off our website, fill it in and attach any original accounts or receipts from your health care provider/s. Then mail it to us at: Bupa, Reply Paid 990, ADELAIDE SA 5001. In person CLAIM ON YOUR EXTRAS On the spot Simply swipe your membership card after your treatment at one of 40,000 providers around Australia and your claim will automatically be processed. Then you just need to pay the balance of the bill (if applicable). Online or by smart phone Claim queries Call our friendly Bupa team on 134 135, visit or drop by your local Bupa centre if you have any questions about: ° the status of your claim ° how to fill in a claim form ° what documents you need to attach to your claim form. You can easily claim online via our website, or by using the myBupa app. If you have a smart phone you can also claim through our mobile friendly website.# Payment will then be made directly into your account. #The following services are not claimable online: Living Well, Bupa Medical Gap, pharmacy, health aids and appliances, ambulance services, orthodontics, travel and accommodation and hospital claims. 43 IMP ORTA NT I NFOR M ATI ON ° allied services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dietetics Over the next few pages you will find information to help you understand how your health cover with us works. We recommend you keep this information in a safe place so that you can always refer to it. ° dressings and other consumables ° pathology and radiology diagnostic tests performed in hospital by Bupa contracted providers From time to time, things can change. Before you seek any treatment call us so we can give you the most complete and up-to-date information. ° surgically implanted prostheses up to the approved benefits in the Government’s Prostheses List ° single room where available. We recommend you call us first before making a booking to confirm that your hospital of choice gives you certainty of full cover. We can also discuss any excess or co-payment that may be applicable to your level of cover. You can find out if a hospital has an agreement with us by checking our website at Please be aware that these rules apply in addition to our Fund and Policy Rules. UNDERSTANDING YOUR HOSPITAL COVER What is covered? Hospital costs With private hospital cover, you can choose to be treated as a private patient in either a public or a private hospital. What happens if I choose to be a private patient in a public hospital or go to a private hospital that doesn’t have an agreement with Bupa? What if I am treated in a Members First or Network hospital? With us, if you elect to be treated as a private patient in a public hospital or are admitted to a non-agreement private hospital, you are covered as set out below for any treatment recognised by Medicare unless it is excluded or restricted under your cover. With us you are fully covered as a private patient in most hospitals that Bupa has an agreement with known as Members First and Network hospitals across Australia for any treatment that is recognised by Medicare and is not either restricted or excluded under your cover. A small number of these hospitals may charge a fixed daily fee, capped at a maximum number of days per stay. The hospitals should inform you of this fee when you make a booking. This fee is in addition to any excess or co-payment you may have as part of your hospital cover. When admitted to a Members First or Network hospital, in most cases you will be covered for all in-hospital charges when provided as part of your in-hospital treatment including: ° accommodation for overnight or same-day stays ° operating theatre, intensive care and labour ward fees ° pharmaceuticals supplied under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme If you choose to be treated as a private patient in a public hospital you are entitled to choose your doctor, if they are available. Depending on your illness or condition, this may be the same doctor who would have been allocated to you by the hospital as a public patient. In both a public hospital and a non-agreement private hospital, you are responsible for the cost of your stay and may be charged directly for your hospital accommodation, doctor’s services (including diagnostic tests), surgically implanted prostheses (e.g. artificial hips) and personal expenses such as TV hire and telephone calls. Some of these hospitals bill Bupa directly for the limited benefits we pay for your hospital stay under your policy. The amount we will pay towards your accommodation in a public or non-agreement private hospital is limited to a minimum shared 44 medical costs and we will cover the remaining 25%. If your specialist charges more than the MBS fee there will be a ‘gap’ for you to pay. However, the Bupa Medical Gap Scheme can help eliminate or reduce the gap for you if your doctor/s choose to use it. If a doctor proposes to charge you a ‘gap’ they need your informed financial consent. Please contact us for details. At Members First day facilities, not only will you be fully covered for the facility accommodation and theatre fees but there are no out-of-pocket expenses for medical treatments (e.g. your specialist’s fees). If required we will also cover any prostheses that are surgically implanted in you during your hospital stay up to the approved benefit listed on the Government’s Prostheses List. To ensure peace of mind, ask your doctor about their fees and whether they participate in our Medical Gap Scheme for your hospital treatment prior to admission. Remember to also ask your doctor about the fees for other practitioners that may be involved in your hospital treatment such as: the anaesthetist and assistant surgeons. We will cover you for your in-hospital medical costs incurred during an admission in public or non-agreement hospital in the same way as set out under the heading “Medical Costs” in this brochure. The hospital and the treating doctor should let you know what you’ll be billed for and how much you will be charged, i.e. they should obtain your Informed Financial Consent before you receive the treatment – if they don’t, make sure to ask for full details. Call us to confirm what benefits we’ll pay for your public hospital or non-agreement private hospital stay. Medical costs These are the fees charged by a doctor, surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialist for any treatment given to you in hospital. Private health insurance provides you with the choice of your own doctor, and you decide whether you will go to a public or a private hospital that your doctor attends. You may also have more choice as to when you are admitted to hospital. You are covered for: ° the cost of these medical treatments up to the Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) fee. The MBS fee is the amount set by the Federal Government for each medical service covered by Medicare. You must be eligible for Medicare in order to be covered up to the MBS fee. If you choose to be treated as a private patient in a hospital (public or private), Medicare will cover you for 75% of the MBS fee for associated What is not covered? Hospital costs Situations when you are likely not to be covered include: ° during a waiting period ° when specific services or treatments are paid at minimum benefits or excluded from your level of cover ° when you are treated at a non-agreement hospital you will not be fully covered ° for the fixed fee charged by a fixed fee hospital or a hospital that has a fixed fee service ° when you have not been admitted into a hospital and are treated as an outpatient (e.g. emergency room treatment, outpatient ante-natal consultations with an obstetrician prior to child birth) ° hospital treatment provided by a practitioner not authorised by a hospital to provide that treatment 45 IMPORTANT INFORMATION room benefit. In some cases this may cover the full cost of a public hospital’s charges but for a non-agreement private hospital this will only partially cover the full cost and you will have significant out-of-pocket expenses. If you request a single room in a public or a non-agreement private hospital, and you receive one, you will incur out-of-pocket expenses as the hospital may charge you more for the room than the benefit that Bupa pays. It is important to note that in public hospitals, single rooms are generally allocated to people who medically need them the most. ° hospital treatment for which Medicare pays no benefit, including: medical costs in relation to surgical podiatry (including the fees charged by the podiatric surgeon); most cosmetic surgery; respite care; experimental treatment and/or any treatment/procedure not approved by the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) Waiting periods The following waiting periods apply for hospital cover: ° laser eye surgery, covered only under Ultimate Corporate Health Cover – three years ° personal expenses such as: pay TV, non-local phone calls, newspapers, boarder fees, meals ordered for your visitors, hairdressing and any other personal expenses charged to you unless included in your cover ° if you are in hospital for more than 35 days and you have been classified as a ‘nursing home type’ patient. In this situation you may receive limited benefits and be required to make a personal contribution towards the cost of your care ° all other treatments included in your cover – two months. If you have been a Bupa member for less than 12 months on your current hospital cover, it is important to contact us before you are admitted to hospital and find out whether the pre-existing condition waiting period applies to you. We need about five working days to make the pre-existing condition assessment, subject to the timely receipt of information from your treating medical practitioner/s. Make sure you allow for this timeframe when you agree to a hospital admission date. If you proceed with the admission without confirming benefit entitlements and we (the health fund) subsequently determine your condition to be pre-existing, you will be required to pay all hospital charges and medical charges not covered by Medicare. ° if you choose to use your own allied health provider (e.g. chiropractors, dieticians or psychologists) rather than the hospital’s practitioner for services that form part of your in-hospital treatment ° where compensation, damages or benefits may be claimed by another source (e.g. workers compensation) ° any amount charged by a public or non-agreement hospital which is not covered by us or which is above the benefit that we pay Planning for a baby ° any treatment or service rendered outside Australia ° some non-PBS, high cost drugs. Medical costs You will not be covered for: ° medical services for surgical procedures performed by a dentist, surgical podiatrist, or any other practitioner or a service that is not eligible for a rebate through Medicare. If you are admitted as a private inpatient, you will be covered for the services listed in your chosen level of hospital cover. If you receive treatment as an outpatient (i.e. you are not admitted), in most instances you will not be covered by private health insurance. If eligible these services may be claimed from Medicare. ° pre-existing conditions, ailments or illnesses and pregnancy related services (including childbirth) – 12 months When to contact us ° for pharmacy items not opened at the point of leaving the hospital Inpatient vs outpatient ° palliative care, psychiatric and rehabilitation services – two months If you are thinking about starting a family we recommend that you contact us to check whether your current level of cover includes pregnancy and other related services in advance. This is because there is a 12-month waiting period applied to all pregnancy related services (including childbirth) and assisted reproductive services. No waiting periods will apply to the newborn provided they have been added to the appropriate family hospital cover within two months of their birth. 46 ° for any treatment or service rendered outside Australia What is covered? With extras cover, you can claim benefits for those services listed on your cover and that are not claimable elsewhere (e.g. from a third party like Medicare). For example, Medicare does not provide benefits for: ° when you have reached the maximums on your product including annual, lifetime or service limits for the service you are claiming. Waiting periods The following waiting periods apply for extras cover: ° initial waiting period – two months ° hire, repair and maintenance of health aids and appliances; and Living Well Programs – six months ° most dental examinations and treatment ° most physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, eye therapy, chiropractic services, podiatry or psychology services ° major dental, orthodontics, selected health aids and appliances – 12 months. ° acupuncture (unless part of a doctor’s consultation) or other natural therapies UNDERSTANDING YOUR AMBULANCE COVER ° glasses and contact lenses ° most health aids and appliances ° home nursing. Extras cover allows you to claim benefits for extras services as long as: Emergency Ambulance definition ° they meet the criteria set out in our Policy and Fund Rules. When you take out our hospital cover, extras cover or packaged cover, you will receive cover for recognised emergency ambulance transport and on-the-spot treatment. This is capped at one emergency service each calendar year for a singles membership and two for a couples/families membership. We recommend you contact us before making a booking to confirm how much you can claim and to check that your chosen provider is registered with us. An emergency is when there is reason to believe that the patient’s life may be in danger or the patient should be attended to without undue delay. What is not covered? Transportation will mean a journey from the place where immediate medical treatment is sought to the casualty department of a receiving hospital. ° the treatment is given by a private practice provider who is recognised and registered with us for benefit purposes Extras benefits will not be payable: ° during a waiting period ° where a third party, including Medicare, a Government body, or an insurance company provided a benefit (except for hearing aids and breast prosthesis items) ° for different services within the same service type from the same provider on the same day. For example, if you went to see an acupuncturist and then received a massage from the same provider on the same day, you cannot claim for both services ° when a prescribed treatment is not fully custom made (e.g. orthotics, surgical shoes) Emergency ambulance transportation is defined as air or road transportation by a Recognised Ambulance Provider of an unplanned and of a non-routine nature for the purpose of providing immediate medical attention to a person. Whether the transportation is deemed an emergency is determined by the paramedic and usually recorded on the account. Benefits are not payable for: ° when a provider is not recognised by us for benefit purposes ° transportation from a hospital to your home ° transportation from a hospital to a nursing home 47 IMPORTANT INFORMATION UNDERSTANDING YOUR EXTRAS COVER ° transportation from a hospital to another hospital where the customer has been admitted to the transferring (first) hospital ° transportation from the person’s home, a nursing home or hospital for ongoing medical treatment, (e.g. chemotherapy, dialysis). you will be covered by Bupa up to the annual cap, as long as your level of cover contains ambulance cover and the services are provided by a recognised provider. Recognised Ambulance Providers Bupa will only pay benefits towards ambulance services when they are provided by any of the following recognised providers: Ambulance Cover We recommend that you take out an ambulance subscription with your recognised ° ACT Ambulance Service State Ambulance Provider if it’s available in your ° Ambulance Service of NSW state (VIC, SA, NT and rural postcodes in WA). ° Ambulance Victoria We will only provide ambulance benefits, in ° Queensland Ambulance Service accordance with your level of cover, when you do not hold a subscription with an ambulance ° South Australia Ambulance Service provider and a state ambulance scheme does ° St John Ambulance Service NT not provide cover. ° St John Ambulance Service WA NSW and ACT members: If you reside in ° Tasmanian Ambulance Service. New South Wales or the Australian Capital Certain types of concession cards issued by Territory and you have hospital cover, you pay Centrelink or the Department of Veterans an ambulance levy as part of your premium. Affairs (DVA) entitle the cardholders to free This entitles you to free emergency ambulance ambulance services. These arrangements transport under the State Government also vary per state so should be checked ambulance transport schemes. When you directly with Centrelink or the DVA. receive an account for ambulance transport, simply send it to us and we’ll endorse it for you to send back to the appropriate ambulance CHANGING YOUR COVER transport scheme. Switching from another health fund QLD and TAS members: If you reside in If you’re changing from another Australian health fund to Bupa, you’ll continue to be covered for all benefit entitlements that you had on your old cover, as long as these services are offered on your new cover with us. This is referred to as ‘continuity of cover’. To receive continuity of cover, you’ll need to transfer to us within 60 days of leaving your old fund. Queensland or Tasmania, you are covered under your state service scheme. VIC, SA, WA and NT members: If you reside in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia or the Northern Territory you will receive cover for recognised emergency ambulance transport and on-the-spot treatment from us. This is as long as you don’t have an ambulance subscription with your state ambulance service or cover through a state-based arrangement. Most state schemes cover their respective residents within their state of residence only. However, some states have entered into reciprocal agreements that allow you to be covered for ambulance services when you travel outside your state of residence. You should check with your state ambulance provider for when these reciprocal arrangements apply and the level of cover offered. When changing health funds, extras benefits paid by your old fund will be counted towards your annual maximums in your first year of membership with us. Any benefits paid by your old fund also count towards lifetime limits. It’s important to note that when you change to Bupa from another fund you may need to wait before you can receive your new benefits. In this situation, your benefit entitlements are based on our nearest equivalent cover to what you previously held. Where your new cover is higher than what you had with your old fund, If you fall outside your state-based arrangement the lower benefit (including different excess (including any reciprocal agreement) and are levels) will apply for the waiting period relevant not covered for emergency ambulance services, 48 If you choose a lower level of cover than you held previously, then the lower benefits on your new cover will apply immediately. This may include a different excess level or minimum benefits. You may also need to serve waiting periods for services or treatments that weren’t covered on your previous cover. In this case you won’t be covered during the waiting period. Changing your cover with us If you change your health cover, you may need to wait before you can receive your new benefits. Where your new level of cover is higher than what you previously held, the lower level of benefit applies. Please refer to the listed waiting periods included under the Understanding Your Extras Cover and Understanding Your Hospital Cover sections of this guide. 72 hours) medical advice or treatment from a registered practitioner other than the policyholder. Annual maximums and service limits An annual maximum is the maximum amount you can claim in a service category per person and per calendar year (unless otherwise stated). For certain services, service limits also apply on the number of times that benefits are payable for the same service (e.g. initial consultations). These maximums apply from the date of service or purchase. Some services also have lifetime limits or periodic annual maximums (e.g. orthodontics). Per person annual maximums are not transferable to any other member on your policy. Bupa Medical Gap Scheme This is a direct billing arrangement between Bupa and your doctor/s that in most instances eliminates your out-of-pocket expenses for in-hospital doctors’ fees (the ‘gap’). During this time you will be covered, however you will receive the lower benefits of the two covers (this includes any applicable excess). If your doctor charges up to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) fee or is participating in the Bupa Medical Gap Scheme, in most cases you will have no medical gap costs to pay. If you choose a lower level of cover than you previously held, then the lower benefits on your new cover will apply immediately and may include different excess levels or minimum benefits. You may also need to serve waiting periods for services or treatments that weren’t covered on your previous cover. In this case you won’t be covered during the waiting period. For doctors who are not participating in our Medical Gap Scheme and are charging above the MBS fee, we will pay the difference between the Medicare benefit and the MBS fee. Any amount above the MBS fee will be the amount you are required to pay and this is referred to as the ‘Medical Gap’. If you have any questions about transfers or waiting periods, just contact us. If a doctor proposes to charge you a ‘gap’ they need your informed financial consent. Please contact us for details. Ending your membership We have the right to end a person’s membership as set out in our Fund Rules, including where premiums have not been paid or on notice at the reasonable discretion of Bupa. DEFINITIONS Accidents An accident is an unforeseen event, occurring by chance and caused by an unintentional and external force or object resulting in involuntary hurt or damage to the body, which requires immediate (within Calendar year A calendar year is 1 January to 31 December. Emergency admissions In an emergency, we may not have time to determine if you are affected by the pre-existing condition rule before your admission. Consequently, if you have been a Bupa member for less than 12 months you might have to pay for some or all of the hospital and medical charges if: 49 IMPORTANT INFORMATION for that service. Please refer to the listed waiting periods included under the Understanding Your Extras Cover and Understanding Your Hospital Cover sections of this guide. ° you are admitted to hospital and you choose to be treated as a private patient, and we later determine that your condition was pre-existing. Excess To lower the cost of your hospital cover, on selected covers you can choose to include an excess. Excesses are only payable on overnight and same-day inpatient hospital admissions in any hospital. ° An excess is a set amount you pay upfront before your benefit is paid. The excess is paid when you are admitted into hospital, and is capped at $500 for singles and $1,000 for single parents and families per calendar year. ° No excess applies to your children on certain hospital covers. See pages 15-19 for more details. ° Excess waivers apply for first one or two admissions on selected covers, see page 18 for details. If a service is not covered by Medicare there will be no benefit payable from your hospital cover so you should always check with us to see if you’re covered before receiving treatment. Health aids and appliances To receive benefits for health aids and appliances you’ll need to visit one of our recognised providers. You’ll also need to meet the eligibility criteria, provide proof of purchase and a clinical referral where required. It is important to note that benefits are not payable when a prescribed treatment is not fully custom made (e.g. orthotics). Visit our website or contact us to find out more. Home nursing Benefits are payable towards some home nursing services that do not need to take place in a hospital and are provided in the home. Please contact us to find out more. Our Living Well Programs help cover health-related programs from approved, recognised providers. You can visit our website for a list of our recognised providers. A Living Well Program’s approval form must be completed by your doctor for gym memberships, children’s swimming lessons (eligible products only), yoga and Pilates to confirm that the program is medically necessary. Other benefit and recognition criteria apply. Visit our website or contact us to find out more. Minimum Benefits For services paid at minimum benefits there will be full cover in a shared room with your choice of doctor in a public hospital and minimum benefits in a private hospital which would not be adequate to cover all hospital costs and are likely to result in large out-of-pocket expenses. Out-of-pocket expenses Exclusions Benefits for hire, repair and maintenance of health aids and appliances are not payable in the first 12 months after purchasing an item; within 12 months following a repair; or on items where hire and repair are deemed inappropriate. Living Well Programs You are likely to experience out-of-pocket expenses when you are not fully covered for services and benefits, or when a set benefit applies. You should refer to what is and isn’t covered for your relevant level of cover to determine when an out-of-pocket expense may occur. You should also refer to our Fund Rules for any additional information on benefits payable. A copy of our Fund Rules can be found on our website or in our retail centres. It is important to ensure when being admitted to hospital that Informed Financial Consent is provided to you for a pre-booked admission to allow you to understand any out-of-pocket expenses upfront. If you have received any out-of-pocket expenses and require clarification, please contact us directly. Pharmacy Your extras pharmacy entitlement covers you for prescription only items that are not supplied under the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme); are TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) approved; are prescribed by a registered medical practitioner; supplied by a Bupa recognised, registered pharmacist; and not otherwise excluded by Bupa. When you make a claim, we will deduct a pharmacy PBS co-payment and pay the remaining balance up to the set amount under your chosen level of cover. 50 ° over the counter or non-prescription items ° compounded items ° weight loss medication (some weight loss medications are covered under the Living Well Programs) ° body enhancing medications (e.g. anabolic steroids). Pharmacy in-hospital When in hospital, if you are treated with drugs that are not PBS approved, you may not be fully covered and the hospital may charge you for all or part of the cost. You should be advised by the hospital of any charges before treatment. Pre-existing conditions A pre-existing condition is any condition, ailment or illness that you had signs or symptoms of during the six months before you joined or upgraded to a higher level of cover with us. It is not necessary that you or your doctor knew what your condition was or that the condition had been diagnosed. A condition can still be classed as pre-existing even if you hadn’t seen your doctor about it before joining or upgrading to a higher level of cover. If you knew you weren’t well, or had signs of a condition that a doctor would have detected (if you had seen one) during the six months prior to joining or upgrading, then the condition would be classed as pre-existing. A doctor appointed by us decides whether your condition is preexisting, not you or your doctor. The appointed doctor must consider your treating doctors’ opinions on the signs and symptoms of your condition, but is not bound to agree with them. Premium and benefits You must pay the premium and the Lifetime Health Cover Loading that applies to you. Premiums differ from state to state due to different state charges. If you move to another state your premium will change too. Therefore you must let us know about any change of address. To receive the benefits available on your cover, you need to: ° fully complete the application process and pay your premiums one month in advance. Or, if you’re on a corporate plan, it’s up to you to make sure payments are made during times of unpaid leave or if your employment ends ° ensure that newborns are enrolled onto a family membership within two months of their birth to avoid any waiting periods for your baby ° enrol your adult children under their own names within 60 days after they no longer qualify under your cover (to avoid a break in their cover) ° provide proof of purchase of what you have spent before we can reimburse you for any services received ° submit your claims within two years of when the service was given (we don’t pay benefits for any claims that are older than this). Proof of identity and/or age Bupa may require you to provide proof of identity and/or age when joining, changing your level of cover or in relation to any other transaction with us. Special Benefits If you’re on a cover that provides Special Benefits cover, you could receive benefits for accommodation and meal costs if your partner, immediate family member, carer or next of kin is required to stay at hospital with you or a person on your membership. They will be covered for $60 per night for accommodation in hospital and up to $30 a day for hospital meals. Hospital meals are covered when provided at a hospital cafeteria, kiosk or patient meal menu. A $1,000 per person, per calendar year annual maximum applies to Special Benefits. Surgically implanted prostheses You will be covered up to the benefit set out in the Government’s Prostheses List for a listed prosthesis which is surgically implanted as part of your hospital treatment. The Prostheses List includes: pacemakers, defibrillators, cardiac stents, joint replacements, intraocular lenses and other devices. If a hospital proposes to charge you a ‘gap’ for your prosthesis, they need your informed financial consent. Please contact us for further details. 51 IMPORTANT INFORMATION There are some additional items that are not covered by our pharmacy benefit and these include: Suspension rules A membership may be suspended when travelling overseas for work or leisure. You can suspend your cover under the following circumstances: ° for a minimum period of two months’ travel; and OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION Direct Debit Service Agreement If you’ve chosen to pay your premiums by direct debit then you’ve accepted the terms of our Direct Debit Service Agreement. This agreement outlines the responsibilities of Bupa Australia Pty Ltd (“we”, “us”, our”) and you. We will confirm the direct debit You can only suspend your policy twice arrangements prior to the first drawing per calendar year. Your membership will be (including the premium amount and frequency) cancelled if not resumed. and debit your nominated account. Deductions One month contributions are required between will occur on the nominated day, except for each suspension period. deductions nominated for the 28th, 29th, 30th To be eligible to suspend your cover you must: or 31st, which will occur on the first day of the following month. If the nominated day falls on ° have been a financial member for at least a weekend or public holiday, deductions will be 12 months made on the closest business day. We will debit be financial at the time of suspension ° all payments in advance and will automatically ° apply for suspension prior to the vary the deduction amount if your premiums or departure date level of cover change. If we vary the deduction amount, we will give you at least 14 days written ° provide overseas travel documentation notice, except when the previous deduction is showing your departure and return dates dishonoured, when we will deduct the previous ° notify us of your return to Australia within period’s payment together with the current 30 days of your arrival; and amount due. If you pay premiums at three, ° complete an overseas travel suspension form. six, and 12 month intervals, then should your Your membership will be cancelled if financial institution dishonour a drawing, we will not resumed. draw the payment on the nominated day of the following month. If two or more drawings are Travel and accommodation returned unpaid by your financial institution, we will also stop deducting your premiums from On select levels of extras cover, if you’re your nominated account and will start sending travelling for essential medical or hospital you renewal notices, pending further instructions treatment because treatment you need cannot from you. We will maintain the privacy and be provided by your own doctor, we will help confidentiality of your billing information (unless cover the cost when the total return distance is you have requested or consented that we can 200 kilometres or more from your normal place disclose it to a third party or the law requires or of residence. allows us to do so). We may provide information We also give a benefit towards your to our or your financial institution to resolve a overnight accommodation outside of hospital for dispute on your behalf. You must ensure your you and a caregiver. Check your extras cover to nominated account permits direct debiting determine if you are covered for these benefits. and that sufficient cleared funds are available in that account on the due date to cover the Waiting periods premiums due. Your financial institution may A waiting period is the time between when charge a fee if the payment cannot be met. You you joined us and when you are covered for a must ensure the authorisation given to draw service or treatment. If you receive a service or on the nominated account is identical to the treatment during this time, you are not eligible account signing instruction held by the financial to receive a benefit payment from us, regardless institution where the account is based. You must of when you submit the claim. Different waiting notify us if the nominated account is transferred periods apply for different services. or closed. You must pay your premium by an ° for a maximum period of two years per suspension. 52 If paying by credit card, you need to advise us of your new expiry date prior to expiry. You may request that we cancel or alter the debit drawing arrangements by contacting us and providing at least five working days notice of any requested changes. These changes may include deferring the debit, altering the debit dates, stopping an individual debit, suspending the direct debit arrangement or cancelling the direct debit completely. You can dispute any debit drawing or terminate the deductions at any time by notifying us in writing not less than seven days before the next scheduled debit drawing. If you have any queries about your direct debit agreement, please contact us. We undertake to respond to queries concerning disputed transactions within five working days of notification. personal information as set out here and in our Information Handling Policy. Each person on a policy aged 17 or over may complete a ‘Keeping your personal information confidential’ form to specify who should receive information about their health claims. You are entitled to reasonable access to your personal information. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for collating such information. If you or any other person on your membership do not consent to the way we handle personal information, or do not provide us with the information we require, we may be unable to provide you with our products and services. We may use your personal (including health) information to offer you health management programs and services. When you take out cover with us, you consent to us using your personal information to contact you (by phone, email, SMS or post) about products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive this information, you may opt out by contacting us. Can we help? Privacy and your personal information Your privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information is important to Bupa Australia Pty Ltd (“we”, “us”, “our”). This statement provides a summary of how we handle your personal and health information. For further information about how we handle your personal information, you should refer to our Information Handling Policy, available on our website or by calling us. We will only collect personal information (including health information) about you and those people insured under your policy to provide, manage and administer our products and services to you and to operate an efficient and sustainable business. We are required to collect and maintain certain information about you and those on your policy to comply with the Private Health Insurance Act 2007 (Cth) and related legislation. We may also collect personal and health information about you from health service providers for the purposes of administering or verifying any claim. We may disclose your personal information to our related entities and bodies corporate, or to third parties such as healthcare providers, government and regulatory bodies, other private health insurers and any persons or entities engaged by us or acting on our behalf. If you are the policyholder, you’re responsible for ensuring that each person on your policy is aware that we collect, use and disclose their If you have any questions we’re always happy to help. Simply refer to the back cover for our contact details and call us, visit our website or pop by your local centre. If you would like more information about our Fund Rules or the Federal Government’s Private Health Insurance Industry Code of Conduct, you can find this information on our website. The Federal Government’s Private Patient’s Hospital Charter is available at Resolution of problems If you have any concerns or you don’t understand a decision we have made, we’d like to hear from you. You can contact us by: Telephone: Fax: Email: Mail: 1800 802 386 1300 662 081 Customer Relations Manager Bupa Australia PO Box 14639 Melbourne VIC 8001 If you’re still not satisfied with your outcomes from Bupa you may contact the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman on 1800 640 695 or visit them at 53 IMPORTANT INFORMATION alternative method if either you or we cancel the direct debit arrangements. You must ensure your payments are up-to-date, whether a notice is received from us or not. 54 Mailing details: Mailing details: Bupa Bupa POGlenferrie Box 14639Road 600 MELBOURNE VIC 8001 HAWTHORN VIC 3122 FOR MO R E IN FO R MAT I O N Call us on 134 135 Bupa Australia Pty Ltd Bupa Australia Pty Ltd ABN 000 057 590 ABN 8181 000 057 590 Visit Effective 1 July 20122011 Effective 1 November 10283-07-12S 10283-10-11S Drop by your local Bupa centre The World of Bupa Health Cover Health Assessments Health Coaching & Programs International Private Medical Insurance Travel, Home & Car Insurance Life Insurance Corporate Health Services Aged Care 55
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