April 2015 Proudly Sponsored by 125 William Street, Rockhampton Phone 07 4924 9200 www.rockyharleydavidson.com.au All correspondence to: Rockhampton HOG c/- Rocky Harley-Davidson 125 William Street, Rockhampton, Qld, 4700 www.rockyhog.com Welcome to the Rockhampton HOG Newsletter In the beginning… The Rockhampton HOG Chapter was formed on the 28th of January 1995. In 1997, the Chapter introduced the current format of the Official Ride held on the 1st Sunday of the month and the Chapter Meeting held on the 3rd Saturday followed by a social night after the meeting . Often there is an impromptu ride that Sunday. The Chapter has hosted the QLD State Rally on two previous occasions. Firstly in 1998 and then again in 2009 with 100's of bikes from all over Australia and New Zealand heading to Rockhampton for the weekend. We also regularly attend events held by other Chapters. On the local scene, the Chapter gets involved in raising much needed funds for local charities throughout the year by holding or supporting Poker Runs, Toy Rides, Wild Woman Rides etc. Since 1995, the Rockhampton Harley Owners Group membership has grown from just 18 at the 1st ever meeting to a peak of over 150 members. Currently we have around 128 active and financial members. It is not uncommon to have 30+ bikes on Official Rides. In 2009, just prior to holding the State Rally, the Rumble Inn was built at the back of RHD. This is the venue for the monthly meetings and is also open every Friday evening from 5pm till 10pm for Chapter members and their guests to come and socialise at the end of the working week. So if you're interested in joining the Chapter or just passing through, drop in for a cold one with a great bunch of Rockhampton HOG members. For up and coming activities and updates, please check Notice Board at the Rumble Inn News Letter rockyhog.com Web Page On Face Book Rockhampton HOG Chapter 9116 The Rumble Inn Or see RHD and have your phone number added to receive text messages 2 20 2015 Rockhampton HOG Chapter Committee Director Graeme Wall 0407 075 365 director@rockyhog.com Assistant Director Kevan Beckett assistantdirector@rockyhog.com Secretary Deb Foster secretary@rockyhog.com Treasurer Janelle Tanzer treasurer@rockyhog.com Activities Steve McIntosh (Macca) activities@rockyhog.com Ladies of Harley (LOH) Bernadette (Bernie) Davies loh@rockyhog.com Safety Officer Rick Bellert safetyofficer@rockyhog.com Historian Noel Guley (Mofti) historian@rockyhog.com Photographer Tony Tanzer Robert Dwyer Membership Officer Carolyn Guley membershipofficer@rockyhog.com Webmaster John Passaris (George) web@rockyhog.com Editor Leeann Adams editor@rockyhog.com Road Captains Noel Guley—Head Road Captain Graeme Wall Debbie Foster Steve McIntosh Sheriffs Rob Roser Cedric Fry Sponsoring Dealership Geoff Trewin — Rocky Harley Davidson 0417 911 259 geoff@rockyharleydavidson.com 3 20 Reports Director Graeme Wall A big hello to the Rocky HOG’s and all readers of the Newsletter. The Club has been on a lot of great rides this year all ready. The National Rally ride to Tamworth, overnight to Eungella, Many Peaks, the beaches, Biloela just to mention a few. Our membership draw has been won by Jenny Hayward at Brandy Bottle on the March Club Ride. Congratulations Jenny who received a $400.00 Rocky Harley Voucher. Our May Club Ride membership draw will be for a $200 voucher. Ahead of us we have the Chapter Challenges, Central Highlands (Emerald) in June, Mackay Cane field Bash in July, and Townsville in October and of course our HOG’s in The Park 11 th and 12th July. Don’t forget State of Origin nights at the Rumble Inn, come along and enjoy. If it’s cold we will have hot food with the gas heaters on. Congratulations to Bec Dwyer on obtaining her Open License. The XMAS Party will be at the Rumble Inn, please now give your ideas to Janelle Tanzer on what menu you would like. HOG’s in The Park this year is a $10 entry fee to cover the cost of the venue and the live entertainment. Here’s to hoping it’s not the coldest night of the year. There will be more fires and also contained fires in the camping. Ride Ride Hard Ride Often Graeme Wall gwall58@outlook.com 0407 075 365 4 20 Reports ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Tamworth Hog Rally 2015 By Kevan Beckett Well what an interesting trip that was, I will try and do it some justice but it won’t be easy… Leaving Rockhampton nice and early on the Wednesday morning, Carolyn pulled out the Dummy as the game of the ride; if you Spat the Dummy you get to wear the dummy around your neck before passing it onto the next Dummy Spitter. We had a brief stop Miriam vale before lunch at Goomeri and then onto our first overnighter in Toowoomba. Another nice early start on Thursday morning as we visited the local Harley Dealer before setting off to Tamworth. As Ex-Tropical Cyclone Marcia stalked us, we saw the eminent dark clouds and stopped to don our wet weather gear (I was quite dry in the Mercedes). We all enjoyed the winding, descending roads heading to Kootingal, as we continued our wet road trip. Then like a scene from a movie the sky cleared and road was dry before we turned toward Tamworth and sorted out accommodation. The first night was eventful to say the least, especially for those that were camping. Between Greg holding his tent down during a sudden rain storm, and Cath doing her best to imitate Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz whilst assisting to hold the Rocky Hog gazebo down in the fierce winds, Graham and Kev zip-tied spare tyres to the gazebo legs and moved the Mercedes to block the winds. Friday morning we lined up to register, then hit the vendors to check out their wares. For such a huge turnout I think most would agree that it would have been nice to see many more vendors on the premises. On a positive note however Tamworth chapter offered 3 different rides to choose from on both Friday and Saturday morning which were very popular. Debbie Foster was the Female Slow Ride Champion, however Bec stole the limelight by tripping down the stairs in the $30 million pavilion and pulling a ligament in her foot. She certainly created a scene, having to be carried town to the Medic Room by both myself and John Milios. That night featured a Fancy Dress Western Theme which brought out some imaginative costumes, and some great laughs, and featured The Screamin Eagles band. Saturday night saw the Country Spectacular Show and Chapter Parade of Flags, where Carolyn and Noel proudly represented our chapter. The Country Spectacular Show was amazing; there were cowboys who thought they were funny, “Fabio” got shown up by a 14yr old girl, live country music, all sorts of horse competitions on show, and a humorous skit featuring a horse-mounted biker and a police officer. Sunday morning featured the Thunder Run, which was in my opinion very smoothly run considering the 2300 bikes involved. We were strategically placed in the “R” section (for Rockhampton), which thankfully meant we missed the rain that the first half of the alphabet copped. It was impressive to see all the returning bikes come past once they had gone around the roundabout at Quirindi. As soon as we returned to the AELEC some of us parked up and began frivolously polishing our bikes for the Show and Shine. After the declaration that next year’s HOG Rally would be an open rally, Noel earned the final Dummy Spit for the entire night. Some of us made it to the Longyard Hotel for the after party and to watch the banners be auctioned off. The next day we all began our own treks home, as some wanted to get home as soon as possible, others visited family, and more enjoying an extended holiday and enjoying the sights. We all tried to remember silly things each other did to fine our fellow Hoggies when we returned home. 5 20 Tamworth Rally 6 20 Reports ACTIVITIES OFFICER April’s Monthly ride was attended by a good number of members, a good time was had by all. I was unable to attend but all feedback back was it was a good day and a great ride. May 2nd weekend at – “The Retreat” joining up with the Mackay and Emerald Chapter for those of you interested in attending could you please meet at RHD for an 8am departure. Saturday 2nd May 2015. Or contact Graeme for more information. May Monthly Ride 17th – is an observation meet RHD 9.30am for debrief, ride leaving RHD 10.00am returning to The Rumble Inn for Lunch and prizes awarded. (Lunch is Free) June: 6, 7 & 8th June – Emerald Chapter Challenge OKK riders leaving with Rocky Chapter members Time TBA. Monthly Ride 21st – Ride to Miriam Vale for Lunch leaving RHD 9.30am July 11 & 12th – “Hogs In The Park” poker run followed by evening of entertainment, camping available. If you have an idea for a ride, please let me know and we will work it in to the schedule for the year. Yellow Wiggle Macca 0149 79 88 00 smachaulage@hotmail.com 7 20 Reports Ladies of Harley Officer Report for Rocky Hog. First I would like to congratulate Bec now the proud owner of a full licence, passed her test on Sunday Congratulations Bec very proud of you. Also congratulations to Jill and Brett on the safe arrival of Phoebe Hilary Alloway on Wednesday 28th April 4am a little sister for Seth. Dad you better buy that boy deterrent now, she is pretty cute. Friday Night Funny – I won’t bore you with the details of the conversation that was taking place at the time, but the quote for the month – “Graeme I don’t like your new brain”… had us all in stitches with laughter. Saturday May 2nd we will be attending our twilight ride for the month. RHD 4pm travelling over the northern side of town before heading back to Red Hill Shopping Complex for check out all the Hot Rod’s etc. that will be meeting from 6pm. Ladies and men please don’t forget to pack you clear glasses as this is a twilight ride. June Ride – Thursday 11th Rocky Show Day Holiday travelling to Gladstone, leave RHD 8.30am for a day of shopping, coffee, lunch etc., if you have heard of any great shops we should check out let myself or Bec know please. Also looking for a lovely lady to volunteer to drive the bus so we can put all our shopping in, and take the ladies who will not be riding on this day. Date Claimer - Qld Cancer Council Ride – Saturday October 31st – Any support of gifts that can be donated for a multi draw for the night will be gratefully appreciated, Flyers will be done in the few weeks so we can get this happening and get the support the Qld Cancer Council need to help ride this disease from our lives. To everyone in the club, glad to see everyone had a great Easter, we now need to focus on a few upcoming events, “Hogs in the Park” to be held on the 11 & 12th July at Keppel Sands, please if you can assist with this event please contact Graeme. Also State Rally in Brisbane September – DON’T FORGET EARLY REGISTRATION FOR THE STATE RALLY CLOSES 31ST MAY 2015. Thanks again to everyone for your assistance, look forward to doing some riding now that the weather is not so hot. If you have any ideas, or overnighters you would like to do, please speak to either Bec or myself. Cheers Bernie 0407 136 379 8 Safety Officer Report SAFETY OFFICER Rugging up for chilly winter rides, for rider (and passengers) may like to adopt layering for their clothes. As most winter mornings that start out cool, may later on, find that the afternoons are in fact warmer, depending on destinations and geography. Any layer can be removed during the day as temperature warms up. I usually start with a good riding jacket that is wind proof and mostly water proof, a leather good jacket will also suffice. Photo supplied by Bernie Davies Photo supplied by Kim Williams Under that I may include a jumper, and under that, either a t shirt or long sleeve shirt. A pair of long johns under your jeans will help as well. Other items to consider are: Winter gloves with some sort of fur lining A thicker Buff (or two together) Thick Socks, or two pair together. Good boots that come up over your ankles. Old timers will tell stories of shoving news papers up shirts and such, which will suffice in a pinch if you get caught out, but best to Go and see Caroline for the complete range The genuine Harley range of winter apparel. Ok Thanks all and, Keep your lids skid free Rick aka. Slugg. 9 Jill and Brett’s News What an exciting week for Jill and Brett to receive this trophy from the National Rally for their cutest boy, Seth, the youngest Hog Member. Photo supplied by Kim Williams Photo supplied by Bernie Davies Then the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, Phoebe, on the 28 April 2015. Congratulations and welcome to your new addition. 10 Safety Officer Report Photo supplied by Kim Williams Photo supplied by Bernie Davies 11 Safety Officer Report Photo supplied by Kim Williams Photo supplied by Bernie Davies 12 Safety Officer Report Photo supplied by Kim Williams Photo supplied by Bernie Davies 13 20 Chapter Meeting Minutes Rockhampton Hog Chapter 9116 Annual Chapter Business Meeting Date: 18/4/15 Opening The Annual Chapter Business meeting of the Rockhampton Hog Chapter 9116 was called to order at 6pm by Graeme Wall (Director) Apologies: J ohn and Sue Milios, Daren White, Melissa McIndoe, Rick Bellert, Russell Arnold, Dar r en Hill. Present: Sign Board. Reports: Treasurer: Janelle: Balance as per Cash Book = $4890.89 Secretary: Debbie: Inwards Cor respondence: Plaque from Sydney Chapter: Money Returned from Brandy Bottle: Camp Quality Golf Day: Patch Collector from Spain: Registration for State Rally: Sponsoring Dealer: Carolyn Guley represented Geoff Trewin and introduced Peter Baldwin (GM) and talked about the new APP For RHD Assistant Director: Kev Beckett spoke about State Rally and Accommodation. Noel and Rosser will assist Kev with organizing the Salvation Army Toy Run. Membership: Carolyn: 110 Member s: J enny Hayward was a winner on the last club ride scoring the $400 RHD voucher for the membership draw. Next Club ride begins again at $100 RHD voucher. Rumble Inn: Carolyn: The Rumble Inn was born in 2009: Looking for people to place their name on a roster for the food and bar. A roster sheet is available to put your name down. Tony and Janelle Tanzer are doing Bunny Chow for food for the meeting tonight. $10 p/p Activities: Macca: Many Peaks for the club ride 19/4/15; The Retreat overnighter with Mackay HOGS on the 2 nd May and organizing a ride to Comet with Central Highlands Chapter. Safety Officer: Rick Away: Debbie spoke about Safe Riding in Groups: LOH: Bernie: May 2nd Ride to Red Hill; June 11th Show holiday Ride to Gladstone: There are lots of women interested in riding. Historian: Noel: 25th Anniversary: Travel away for a private Celebration Incorporate other chapters with another special event: Kiwi fencing can do Bronze belt buckles for members only. Rockers for the 25 th: Recent history is the Tamworth Rally: it was a great rally but not sure what direction HD is heading in for National Rallies. Noel: Requires some computer savvy volunteers to help him to collate the history of the chapter for the 25 th Anniversary. Road Captains: Noel and Debbie: Second Road Captain for the Tail Group (Learners, new riders, riders who stick to the speed limit) for the Club Ride to Many Peaks 14 20 Chapter Meeting Minutes cont’d General Business: Relay for Life: Rockhampton: May 16th: Talk from Ashlee. Ashlee from the Cancer Council talked about where the fundraised money goes (Research, Lodge in Rockhampton, support) and thanked the Hogs for their generous achievements with fundraising. Hogs in the Park: Graeme is chairing the committee for Hogs in the Park. $10 entry fee this year. Rosser and Richo organizing the poker run. We will do a ride to Kepple to show the president how we do bike games so they can be incorporated into the event. Cancer Ride: LOH to Organize a Date and the Ride. Query from Steve Cowley about how many Charities we are supporting for rides? We support Two only: The Cancer Council and The Lost Riders Trust Fund. Photo Copyright: No more Images unless our own in Newsletter. 15 20 Reports MEMBERSHIP REPORT APRIL 2015 Our Membership numbers to date is 110. All members are financial International and Local Chapter. We are going to provide our members with the best way possible to communicate this year. We already have in place Text Messaging, Newsletter, Rumble Inn white board at Rocky Harley-Davidson which is updated weekly. (Located at the Rumble Inn). We use Facebook so please ask to join the group Rockhampton HOG Chapter 9116 and you will be added. We can also sign you up to Facebook if you wish. Have you downloaded the Rocky Harley-Davidson APP. If you need any information about your Membership or Chapter call into see me at Rocky Harley-Davidson on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Any change of your personal details please phone HOG free call 1800464258. Ride Often Carolyn. ABC of Touring The ABC’s of Touring is something available to all financial HOG members. It’s an alphabetical “scavenger hunt” for you and your Harley. You earn points and win prizes by collecting photos of yourself, your motorcycle and “official signs” from A-Z! It’s a good excuse to ride and there may be opportunity for some overnight trips to collect some photos. If you are interested in participating or would simply like to know more see myself or Nev for more details. Cheers, Tony T (Loctite) 16 H. 20 Reports continued Monthly ride Membership Draw. Jenny Hayward was a winner on the last club ride scoring the $400 RHD voucher for the membership draw. Next Club ride 17th May Membership Draw $200 RHD voucher. Must be in attendance and a financial Rockhampton HOG member to receive the voucher. 17 RHD Merchandise Department 20 18 Photo supplied by Kim Williams Photo supplied by Bernie Davies . 19 20 Rides & Events Calendar OFFICIAL CLUB RIDES -> 3RD SUNDAY EACH MONTH CLUB MEETINGS -> 3RD SATURDAY EACH MONTH RUMBLE INN -> EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT -> 5PM TIL 10PM Rocky Harley-Davidson Opening Hours Monday to Friday -> 8am til 5pm Saturday -> 9am til Midday May 2015 Sat 2nd Sat 2nd/Sun 3rd Sat 16th Sun 17th LOH Twilight Ride leaving RHD at 4.30pm Weekend at Retreat—combined with Mackay and Emerald Chapters Event Night—Bingo night at Rumble Inn Monthly Ride Scavenger Hunt June 2015 Sat 6th/Sun 7th Thurs 11th Sat 20th Sun 21st Emerald Chapter Challenge LOH Gladstone Ride Monthly Meeting Monthly Ride to Keppel Sands — practice bike games July 2015 Sat 11th/Sun12th HOGs In The Park — Keppel Sands Sat 18th Event Night Trivia Night — Prizes on the night Sun 19th Monthly Ride to Miriam Vale for lunch August 2015 Sat 15th Sun 16th Monthly Meeting Monthly Ride — Beach Ride Date Claimers 2015 August 18th to 20th September 3rd to 5th October 17th/18th October 31st October 5th December Mackay Chapter Challenge TBA. State Rally, Brisbane. Registrations close 31st May 2015. Townsville Chapter Challenge. Gladstone HOG 20th Anniversary Birthday Bash Cancer Ride HOG XMAS Party. For all up and coming activities, please check the Notice Board at the Rumble Inn and the Newsletter as well as the Rockyhog.com Web Page and if you haven’t yet, get on Face Book and check out Rockhampton Chapter 9116 and The Rumble Inn 20 20 Rumble Inn News RUMBLE INN -> EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT -> 5PM TIL 10PM The Rumble Inn is open Friday’s 5pm until 10pm for HOG’s and friends to gather, have a drink, some food, a few laughs and jokes. It is situated at 303 Campbell Street behind Rocky Harley Davidson. It was built by HOG’s for the purpose of HOG’s having these gatherings with support from The Sponsoring Dealer, Geoff Trewin. Looking for people to place their name on a roster for the food and bar. A roster sheet is available to put your name down. Check out The Rumble Inn Facebook Page. The Rumble Inn is available for functions. To Book contact Carolyn, Debbie or Graeme. For all up and coming activities, please check the Notice Board at the Rumble Inn and the News Letter as well as the Rockyhog.com Web Page and if you haven’t yet, get on Face Book and check out Rockhampton Chapter 9116 and The Rumble Inn 21 20 Rides & Events Calendar 22 Photos Fun at Eungella 23 2012 RockhamptonPhotos HOG Chapter Committe Brandy Bottle 24 Sturgis 2017 There is some interest in undertaking a trip to the Sturgis Rally in South Dakota in 2017. This is simply to put some feelers out to gauge interest from the chapter, the map below is one option we could undertake. From Brisbane fly to Los Angeles with a connecting flight to Las Vegas, pick up the pre-hired bikes from Eagle Rider pick up bikes and head north. After Sturgis go to Mount Rushmore, Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon. From there do some touring until we pick up the tail end of Route 66 and ride into Los Angeles to fly home. The dates for Sturgis in 2017 are from the 7/08/17 to the 13/08/17. One thing to note there will be no support vehicle what you want to take you need to carry. Motels are plentiful and they generally have laundry facilities available. We would need to book accommodation either at Sturgis or close to it. The rest can be booked or you play it by ear. 25 Sturgis 2017 cont’d Start Finish Fly out Brisbane Fly out Los Angeles Las Vegas NV Las Vegas NV Salt Lake City UT Casper WY Sturgis SD Land Los Angeles Cheyenne WY Grand Junction CO Tuba City AZ Kingman AZ San Bernadino CA Land Las Vegas Las Vegas NV Salt Lake City UT Casper WY Sturgis SD Cheyenne WY Grand Junction CO Tuba City AZ Kingman AZ San Bernadino CA Eagle rider CA KM's Arrive Depart Nights Things to see 3/08/17 3/08/17 358 677 655 438 526 3/08/17 5/08/17 6/08/17 7/08/17 13/08/17 5/08/17 6/08/17 7/08/17 13/08/17 14/08/17 2 1 1 7 1 557 14/08/17 15/08/17 1 572 15/08/17 16/08/17 1 412 440 145 16/08/17 17/08/17 17/08/17 1 1 4780 Vegas Sturgis, Deadwood Mount Rushmore Grand Canyon Williams AZ. Santa Monica CA. 16 So if you are interested let us know, once we can get numbers we can start preparing. Cheers, Tony T (Loctite) 26 Safe Riding GUIDELINES FOR SAFE RIDING ON HOG RIDES • There will be a briefing before all rides so arrive at the designated start point half an hour before departure time. • Pay attention to the ride briefing given by the Road Captain. If in doubt - Ask. If you are experiencing any difficulty that might affect others, let the Road Captain know before departure. • Always fuel up before the start of the ride. • Make sure your bike is in roadworthy condition. Check this before you leave home, not 5 minutes before the ride time. Check all lights, battery, tyres, etc. • As a general rule, the group will depart and arrive as a group. • Unless arranged prior to departure, do not pass the Road Captain. • Use only one lane of a multilane highway. Follow the lead of the Road Captain as to which lane to use. Ride in a staggered formation except on narrow roads where you should follow in Indian or single file. When a rider leaves the group (eg. turning off to go home), or changes position in the formation, the remaining group will switch lanes using indicators to signal intention, and restore the staggered formation. When overtaking, maintain your overtaking speed until those overtaking with you have enough room to pull in behind without having to break suddenly. • If you intend to travel at a slower pace than expected on the ride, position yourself towards the rear of the group and not in the front or the middle. • New riders should take up position in front of "Tail End Charlie" for the first few rides. This is at the rear of the Pack. • Keep an eye on the rider behind you. If they stop unexpectedly, you stop and determine the problem before proceeding. The rider behind you is your responsibility. An exception to this rule is "Tail End Charlie" - there should be no one behind him/her. Most importantly - "RIDE SAFE AND HAVE FUN" 27
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