Rolla High School Announcements Friday, May 15, 2015 Rolla High School students will follow the Bulldog Code by being respectful, responsible, and ready to learn every day! Lunch Menu Link: Birthdays: Josh Elliott, Nathan Norwald & Warren Black Student Information LIBRARY: LAST DAY TO CHECKOUT WAS MAY 13 . TH ALL ITEMS RETURNED BY MAY 18 . TH The winner of our last Bulldog Buck Big Prize drawing for the year is Kayla Skyles!! Thank you for Being Respectable, Being Responsible and Being Ready to learn!!! Please stop Mr. Smith’s office to pick up your basket of summertime fun!! No backpacks, satchels, bags or large purses will be allowed the last day of school. If you bring one it will be stored in the office for the entire day. All lockers must be cleaned out by Friday, May 15 . Any th items left in lockers will be discarded. The RHS Drama Department presents 24 Hour Theatre this Saturday, May 16 in the Middle School th Auditorium. Come see students perform original oneact plays that have been written and rehearsed for performance all in less than 24 hours! The show starts at 7:00 PM and admission is free! PCRMC’s Volunteen Program applications are now available in the Counseling Center. The deadline to apply is May 25 . th Auditions for the 2015-16 RHS Chamber Choir will be held before or after school until Tuesday, May 19 . Come by and see Mr. Bartelsmeyer for audition information. Next year’s activities th include the Renaissance Festival, Variety Show, and Worlds of Fun Music Competition. You must pass the audition in order to sign up for Chamber Choir. Leadership Yard Sale May 16, 8 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. in the Staff Parking Lot (In case of rain, the sale will be moved inside to the lower commons area.) Cafeteria Update: All cafeteria charges and fees are due now and must be paid before the last day of school. Please note that Meal Charging is no longer available in the cafeteria. See the cashier before you get your tray if you are unsure of your current balance. Everyone should check their cafeteria balance daily. Everyone paying with cash should bring smaller bills & deposit the change. Seniors need to deplete their balances to zero before school ends. Cashiers may limit your deposits. Please talk with the cafeteria cashiers if you have any questions. Senior Information Seniors: Please remember to log in to your student portal to complete the senior questionnaire. We are required to collect this information for state data reporting. The following info is needed to complete the questionnaire: Post-Graduation Plans Name and Address of two relatives other than parents In order to have your final transcripts sent to your college, you MUST make a request through Please see if you have questions. If you forgot to pick up your senior gift at PROM, please see Mrs. Kirkbride in the library. All senior Athletes- there will be a ‘Take the Banner Down and Signing Opportunity’ Tuesday, May 19 at 3:30 in the lower commons area. All coaches and athletes are invited to attend. Baccalaureate will be Sunday, May 17 at 6:00 p.m. at Greentree Christian Church. All graduating seniors and their families are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there! Graduation is May 22. Parents of seniors may call Ms. Mumma at 458-0140, ext. 14002 or e-mail ( and request additional tickets for family members. Due to limited seating, extra tickets are only disbursed to students by parent request. Important Senior Dates: 5/17 Baccalaureate at Greentree Church 6-8 5/22 Graduation at Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building 7:00 p.m. If your senior student has received a scholarship from their college or university and they would like it in the Awards Program at graduation then they must bring Ms. Maskrey a copy of the scholarship by Friday, May 15 . th Club Information Any FCCLA member interested in being an officer for the 2015-16 school year please see Mrs. White as soon as possible for an Application. Applications are due May 19 . th If you are an FCCLA member and did not yet get your pin for this year please see Ms. Cantrell or Mrs. White Anyone interested in becoming a new member of Rolla Robotics?? We have a new summer Intern program, where you can come to robotics meetings this summer to see if you really want to participate, before you actually commit to being a part of one of the three teams. If interested, see Mrs. Maples at the Junior High or Mrs. Tumbrink at the High School OR you can just go to the following link to get the application: All Intern/new member applications are due to Mrs. Maples or Mrs. Tumbrink by May 20 . th Sports Information Volleyball Player/Parent meeting on May 19 (Tuesday) at 5:30p in the upper commons area. See th with any questions. Rolla Lady Bulldog softball camp will take place May 26-May 29 from 11-1:00 at the high school field. You may pick up forms in the activity office, at the high school, or in the attendance office at the junior high. Cost is $30. Sign up today to ensure you will get a t shirt! If you are interested in improving upon your athletic skills please stop by the Athletic Office or Mr. Smith’s office to pick up a summer athletic camp packet! Summer camps are being offered for baseball, boys and girls basketball, boys and girls soccer, football, cross country, softball, tennis, volleyball and wrestling. Upcoming Events May 11 - May 15 Tennis - Varsity @ Districts - Away 04:00 pm - 08:00 pm May 15 Tennis - Varsity - Team Districts - Away 09:00 am - 05:00 pm Category: HS-High School May 15 - May 16 RHS-"24 Hour" Theatre 07:00 pm - 10:00 pm May 16 RHS-WipeOut Sale 08:00 am - 01:00 pm Category: HS-High School May 16 Track - Varsity @ Districts - Away 10:00 am - 05:00 pm Category: HS-High School May 16 - May 21 Baseball - Varsity @ Districts - Away 12:00 pm - 05:00 pm
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