Rondo Avenue, 1360 University Avenue - #140, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Incorporated Hotline: 651.315.7676 | VENDOR INVITATION LETTER Dear Vendor Candidate: On behalf of the Board of Directors of Rondo Avenue, Inc., we would like to extend an invitation to you, to join us as we celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the Rondo Days Festival, Frank Adams 5K Walk & Run and Grande Parade on Saturday, July 18th, 2015. The Rondo Day’s Festivities promises to be full of Fun, Family, Laughter and Good Times. Our theme is: “RONDO 2K15: RECOGNIZING THE PAST, HONORING THE PRESENT & SOARING INTO THE FUTURE” We are currently accepting vendor applications for the 2015 Rondo Festival. Each vendor must have their own City of St. Paul individual/business vendor permit/license and MN Department of Health permit/license. As always, the festival has limited space available for vendors, so please apply to secure a spot as soon as possible by: 1. Completing the attached vendor application form. Note: Rondo Days Festival is a rain or shine event and refunds will NOT be issued if event is cancelled due to dangerous or severe weather conditions or any other circumstances. 2. Providing the relevant vendor fees. Please make your check or money order payable to Rondo Avenue, Inc. and mail both documents to: Rondo Avenue, Inc., 1360 University Avenue, #140, St. Paul, MN 55104. 3. Festival Food Vendors: Permit/license applications and fees must be submitted to See Lee, Public Health Sanitarian, Minnesota Department of Health, 625 North Robert Street, St. Paul, 55155, 651-201-4807, by June 15th, 2014. You will need to have a fire extinguisher with a minimum 2A 10 B C rating. 4. If possible, please be sure to provide us with an e-mail address on the application page so that we have multiple means of contacting you in a paperless manner as the Rondo Festival continues to do everything it can to “Go Green” to reach its waste free goals. 5. Please note the following designated times for the following activities: Set Up Time: Saturday, July 18th, 2015 from 6:00AM – 9:30AM Festival Hours: Saturday, July 18th, 2015 from 10:00AM – 6:00PM Tear Down: Saturday, July 18th, 2015, from 6:00PM – 7:30PM NO Parking Enforced: Saturday, July 18th, 2015 from 9:30AM -6:00PM Frank Adams 5K Walk and Run: July 18th, 2015 from 8:00AM – 9:30AM Rondo Grande Parade: Saturday, July18th, 2015, from 10:00AM – 11:30AM (ending near the Festival Grounds). Vendor locations will be assigned according to your business type, location preference and the date your application was received, therefore it’s invaluable for your business/organization to return all required documents along with your application as quickly as possible. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Rondo Hotline at 651-315-7676, ext. #1 or visit our website at Good luck and we look forward to receiving your application. Sincerely, Rondo Days Festival Committee Page 1 of 7 Rondo Avenue, Incorporated 1360 University Avenue - #140, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Hotline: 651.315.7676 | Rondo Phone: 651-315-7676, ext. #1 | Fax: 651 538 6511 BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION NAME: CONTACT PHONE: EMAIL: Vendor Application Check List Items Completed And Included With This Application Check Appropriate Box 1. Vendor Application Check List YES NO 2. Application Form YES NO 3. Signed Vendor Agreement YES NO 4. FOOD Vendor – Copy of MN Health Department Permit YES NO 5. FOOD Vendor – Copy of Menu YES NO 6. Merchandise Vendor – List of Items Being Sold CHECK ALL BOXES THAT APPLIES TO YOUR VENDOR TYPE YES NO VENDOR FEE - $450.00 Business (NON FOOD VENDORS) Multiple Item Food Vendor All other ‘For Profits’ (i.e. Employment Services, Education, Health etc.) VENDOR FEE - $350.00 Non-Profits (with a valid 501(c)3 submitted with application) Social Clubs (i.e. Fraternities/Sororities, Sterling Club, etc.) Political One Item Food Vendor Mobile Food Truck Mobile Cart 7. Cleaning & Recycling Deposit of $50.00 (Separate Check Please) YES NO 8. Liability Insurance Certificate YES NO 9. MN State Tax ID (enter your number here__________________________) YES NO 10. If submitted after June 1st , $100 Late Fee included YES NO N/A Mail all required documents with completed application and vendor fee check along with a SEPARATE check for the cleaning & recycling deposit to: Rondo Avenue, Inc. | Festival Dept. | 1360 University Ave. W. – Suite #140 | St. Paul, MN 55104 Page 2 of 7 Rondo Avenue, Incorporated 1360 University Avenue - #140, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Hotline: 651.315.7676 | 2015 Vendor Application The 2015 Rondo Days Festival is Saturday, July 18th, 2015 at the Rondo Educational Center Field and parking lot on the corner of Dale and Concordia Ave (560 Concordia (Old Rondo) Avenue). Included in your purchase: One 10 x 10 tent, one table and two chairs (NO personal tents allowed). If additional tables and/or chairs are needed, please bring your own. Deadline for submission is June 1st, 2015. If received after June 1st, 2015 there is a $100 late fee. Mail completed applications and full payment – including separate Security/Clean Up Deposit check and, if required, late fee to: Rondo Avenue, Inc. - 1360 University Ave. #140, St. Paul, MN 55104 Your canceled check will serve as confirmation of receipt and acceptance of your Vendor application. A $50 CLEAN UP & RECYCLING DEPOSIT ($25 per requirement) WILL BE COLLECTED. This payment will be refunded to the Vendor upon Check Out (return of Chairs and Table to the Information Tent and clean up of tent area – sorting and placing trash and recycling in the proper receptacles provided). Failure to check out will result in forfeiture of security/clean up deposit check. NO REFUNDS OF VENDOR FEES WILL BE ISSUED BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION INFORMATION: Business/Organization: Date: Contact Name(s): Address: City: State: Day Phone: Eve. Phone: E-mail: Website: Zip: Description of organization/Menu/Merchandise Being Sold: You may select a tent location preference (although this does NOT guarantee you will be placed in that spot). RAI reserves the right to locate Vendors according to the needs of the Vendors and Event: Close To Entertainment Stage Away From Stage Application Fees (circle appropriate fee(s) and vendor type) Businesses and Multiple Item Food Vendors | Employment | Education or Health vendors (all food and business vendors must include menu or merchandise being sold) One Item Food Vendors | Social Clubs & Non-Profits (with a valid 501(c)3 submitted with application) | Political | Mobile Food Trucks and Mobile Carts ALL Vendors MUST submit a separate check for the $50 Cleaning/& Recycling Deposit - this will be refunded if all criteria is met After June 1st a $100.00 late fee will be assessed $450.00 $350.00 $50.00 $100.00 Write In Total Amount Being Paid>>> Page 3 of 7 Rondo Avenue, 1360 University Avenue - #140, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Incorporated Hotline: 651.315.7676 | VENDOR INFORMATION & AGREEMENT General Contract & Vendor Policies: 1. Rondo Avenue, Inc. (RAI) Board reserves the right to refuse applicants. The decisions of the RAI Board are final!! In the event that your application is denied, the Rondo Days Festival Committee (RDFC) will refund your full payment, including your $50 Clean up and Recycling deposit within 4-6 weeks of receipt date. 2. The Festival will be held rain or shine. Refunds will NOT be issued if event is canceled due to dangerous or severe weather conditions or any other situations beyond Rondo Avenue, Inc.’s control. 3. The RDFC does NOT guarantee vendor sales. 4. Estimated attendance is projected to reach up to 40,000 people throughout the day. The RDFC does not present projected attendance as actual – it is an estimate based on past attendance, planned promotions and other various factors. 5. We are A "Green" Festival. Our goal for this year’s Festival is to reach the 100% Waste site Prevention mark. We request that you join us in our “recycle, reduce, and reuse” efforts. Please try to use as many paper/recyclable, biodegradable products as possible. 6. Noise amplification equipment is prohibited unless pre-approved by RAI. 7. ALL Vendors will provide their own generators for electrical power. Single outlet power cord extensions to your booth are your responsibility. Electrical cords should be in good condition, without splices, deterioration or damage. This is for the public safety of all Festival Guests. 8. RAI will assess costs associated with vendors that are removed from the Festival and will subsequently invoice those vendors for that cost. 9. The Vendor understands that they are solely responsible for calculating and reporting to the Internal Revenue Service and the Minnesota Department of Revenue all taxes arising from the sale of taxable items at the Festival. 10. The Vendor affirms that they are an equal opportunity Vendor and that they do NOT discriminate in hiring, employing, participating in services rendered based on race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or as otherwise specified by governing law. 11. Participation in Rondo Festival does not imply endorsement or affiliation with the organization and/or individual. Vendors are prohibited from using the Rondo Avenue, Inc. Festival name and or logos without prior written approval from RAI. 12. RAI reserves the right to accept, change, or reject an agreement if said agreements fail to meet specific requirements based on vendor category selection, incorrect or misleading information or any item that may be considered a violation of RAI, City or State rules, regulations, ordinances or law. Page 4 of 7 Rondo Avenue, 1360 University Avenue - #140, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Incorporated Hotline: 651.315.7676 | Check In and Check out Procedure: 1. Each Vendor MUST check in at the Rondo Avenue, Inc. Information Booth, which will be located just to the right as you enter the Festival Grounds on the Rondo Educational Field. 2. At the Information Booth, you will receive your space location. 3. Vendor check-in begins at 6AM on Saturday, July 18th, 2015. ALL Vendors must check in prior to 9:30AM on Saturday, July 18th, 2015. 4. Vendors are restricted from driving vehicles into festival areas, including all entrance areas and driveways, from 9:30AM – 6:00PM. You may shut down early, HOWEVER NO vehicles will be allowed in the festival area until the specified 6:00PM ending of the event and all patrons have cleared the area. 5. Each Vendor MUST check out with a RAI Board Member or volunteer, at the Information Tent. Failure to check out will result in forfeiture of recycling/clean up deposit check. Set Up: 1. Vendors will be allowed to set up on Saturday, July 18th, 2015 after check-in from 6AM – 9:30AM. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS, so please plan accordingly. 2. The No Parking Signs will be enforced from 9:30AM –6:00PM. You will need to unload your equipment immediately and remove your car from the no parking areas. Upon check-in you will be issued the appropriate number of Parking Passes that will allow sponsors (number of passes determined by sponsorship level) & food vendors (1 pass) to park in the UPPER RONDO Educational Center Parking lot and non-food vendors in the LOWER lot, as long as it is prominently displayed in your driver’s side, front windshield, with your business name and vendor space # written on it. ALL VIOLATERS ARE SUBJECT TO BE TICKETED AND/OR TOWED by Parking Enforcement and RAI will not assume any responsibility. **Please note: For the safety of festival attendees, vehicles parked in the UPPER parking lot will NOT be allowed to enter or re-enter after 9:30AM until the Festival is over** Space Assignments and Location 1. Non-food Vendors may select a preference for location of vending unit on the application. However, doing so does NOT guarantee you such a spot. RAI reserves the right to place vendors according to the needs of its members and the Festival. 2. All Vendor Spaces are assigned by the RAI Festival Board. Assignments are considered final. Minor modifications may be made if space allows, and approved by the Board. 3. Space is limited. Vendors may use only agreed upon space approved by the RDFC. You are renting a space – ALL business or other activity for which applicant has rented a space, MUST be conducted in your designated area only. NO distribution of literature, campaign signs, advertising signs, materials, sales or sampling etc. may be done via walking around the Rondo Days Festival grounds. Signs posted outside of your assigned booth space will be promptly removed and disposed of by the RAI and/or security. 4. Please come to the Rondo Information Booth to check-in to receive your space number. Space is assigned by the Rondo Days Festival Committee thus you are restricted from “switching”, changing, or altering your assigned booth space. Motorized Food Units will be assigned a designated area – your specific space location will be determined via the order of your arrival on Saturday Morning, July 18th, 2015. 5. All Vendors agree that all fees paid to RAI are non-transferable and no booth may be sublet, reassigned or otherwise transferred to a 3rd party. Page 5 of 7 Rondo Avenue, 1360 University Avenue - #140, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Incorporated Hotline: 651.315.7676 | Special Instructions for Food Vendors: 1. All Food Vendors and Retail Vendors that sell products are responsible to have all required permits and licenses (i.e. MN Department of Health Permit, MN Sales Tax, etc.) necessary and insurance to operate their booths, as well as provide Rondo Days a copy of each. 2. All pertinent fire codes, laws, ordinances, and regulations pertinent to health, fire prevention and public safety shall be strictly obeyed and enforced. 3. THERE WILL BE A MANDATORY FOOD VENDOR MEETING WITH THE MN HEALTH DEPT. SCHEDULED FOR JUNE. A date and location in the month of June will be communicated to each approved food vendor applicant. 4. FOOD VENDORS WHO ARE COOKING ARE TO PROVIDE THE APPROPRIATE FIRE EXTINGUISHER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ST. PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT AND THE MINNESOTAT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. 5. FOOD VENDORS THAT USE GREASE ARE REQUIRED TO BRING A BROOM AND CAT LITTER FOR GREASE SPILLS. 6. 20 lbs. bags of ice will be available for sale at the Information/Check-In Booth, during the Festival. 7. Access to running water will be available on the northwest side of the Rondo Educational Building. Vendor Information: 1. Cleaning utilizing Trash & Recycling Containers: All vendors are responsible for removal of their trash and debris caused or related to their participation throughout the day at the festival. Trash and recycling containers will be provided throughout the park. You must keep your area clean. There will be large dumpsters within walking distance in the park. Be sure to use the large trash containers to dump your overflow trash. A special container will be provided to dump hot coals and grease. Trash and/or recycling separated in its own bag and placed alongside the vendor booth will be picked up during the festival by a RDFC Volunteer. RAI will be retaining the $50.00 deposit if your area needs extra cleaning by an RAI staff or RDFC Volunteer throughout the day or at the conclusion of the Festival. 2. Vendors are responsible for cleaning up their booth and returning their table and chairs to the Vendor Check-In Tent upon departure. Food vendors that use grease are required to bring a broom and cat litter for grease spills. RAI will be retaining the $50.00 deposit if your area needs extra cleaning at end of the day and/or your table and chairs have NOT been returned to the Vendor Check-In Tent. 3. Alcoholic Beverages: Consumption of alcoholic beverages within the park is prohibited. 4. Smoke Free Environment: The Rondo Days Festival is a smoke free event. Smoking on the Festival grounds is prohibited. 5. Security: There will be security personnel on duty during the festival. However, the Rondo Days Festival and/or the Rondo Avenue, Inc. Board of Directors cannot be held liable or responsible in any way for loss or damage to merchandise, equipment or injury to any person participating. You may want to remove all personal items from your booth and vehicle when left unattended. 6. Emergency Assistance: A festival volunteer or police officer will offer assistance to you at any time. Medical staff will also be available in the park. If you need any assistance during the event, please notify a RDFC staff person at the Information Booth. 7. Pets: No pets are allowed in the park, unless they are certified medical assistance dogs. Page 6 of 7 Rondo Avenue, 1360 University Avenue - #140, Saint Paul, MN 55104 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Incorporated Hotline: 651.315.7676 | Rondo Avenue, Inc. (RAI) has legal possession and control of the festival on Saturday, July 18th, 2015. RAI Board reserves the right to refuse applicants. The decisions of the RAI Board are final!! RAI will charge vendors that are removed from the festival any costs associated with said removal. RAI reserves the right to limit sampling on the festival area to those holding a valid license. Rondo Days is a rain or shine event and refunds will NOT be issued if the event is canceled due to dangerous or severe weather conditions, any other acts of God or any other situations beyond RAI’s control. Tent rental Vendors are allowed a 10’ X 10’ area. All materials must be contained within that area. As a result of the City of St. Paul recycling ordinance, Rondo Avenue, Inc. will require ALL VENDORS to adhere to the recycling regulations. The $25 Recycling deposit will be refunded if all recycling conditions have been satisfied. VENDOR AND LATE REGISTRATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE UNLESS APPLICATION IS DENIED The Festival will be held at the Rondo Educational Center Field (560 Concordia Ave.) on the corner of Dale and Concordia and will shut down at 6:00pm. Tables and chairs are to be returned to the check-in/information booth immediately at the end of the festival. Your $25 Clean Up deposit will be refunded to those vendors that have satisfactorily cleaned their vendor area and RETURNED their tables and chairs to the appropriate location. RONDO AVENUE, INC. AND ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS BANS ALL GUNS ON THE FESTIVAL GROUNDS. This is a SMOKE FREE & ALCOHOL FREE FESTIVAL and Rondo Avenue, Inc. prohibits smoking or alcoholic consumption of any kind on the festival grounds. I agree to waive, release and discharge from any and all liability for death, disability personal injury, property damage, property theft or actions of any kind which may hereafter accrue to me and/or my business/organization. This includes RAI and its officers, directors, agents, and employees; RAI sponsors and their officers, agents and employees, contractors, Parks and Recs and the City of St. Paul; St. Paul Public Schools, it’s officers, agents and employees. Only certified service animals are allowed on festival grounds. Please sign below to confirm you understand and agree to the Rondo Days Vendor Agreement, Terms and Conditions as well as all related attachments and that you, the undersigned agrees to hold harmless the Rondo Avenue, Inc. (the “Organizer”) and each of its directors, officers, officials, employees, contractors, agents, attorneys and consultants from any and all losses, claims, damages, expenses, judgments and liabilities and causes of action, including, but not limited to, claims, judgments, liabilities and reasonable attorney’s fees on account of any act, omission, negligence, fault or default of any third party not within the control of the Organization, . Upon execution of this agreement, the undersigned agrees that it shall be deemed to have released the Organization from any and all claims, causes of action and liability to the undersigned, its representatives, successors and assigns, in connection with this Agreement or the performance of any services rendered by the undersigned or the Organization. Failure to sign and agree to the Terms and Conditions will result in your application being denied. I CERTIFY THAT I, _____________________________________________, HAVE COMPLETELY READ ALL 8 PAGES OF THIS DOCUMENT AND HAVE (OR SHALL) COMMUNICATE IT TO PERSON(S) WORKING IN MY VENDING AREA. MOREOVER, I UNDERSTAND THAT MY VENDING OPERATION MAY BE SHUT DOWN BY RONDO AVENUE, INC. FOR VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE PROVISIONS. ___________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Date Page 7 of 7
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