Roosters & Rods

Roosters & Rods
Rooster Days is hosting a Classic Car “Show Off” & a Jeep Meet Up at the festival
this year & we would like YOU to participate! There are NO admission fees, just a fun
chance for you to show off your vehicle. It is FREE to participate!
Friday, May 8th
Saturday, May 9th
Jeeps, Motorcycles & Rock Crawlers
Classic Cars and Trucks
Peoples Choice Award in the following
four categories:
Jeep / Motorcycle / Rock Crawler
& Best in Show
Peoples Choice Award in the following
three categories:
Best Car, Best Truck
& Best in Show
Show Starts: 3p / Awards: 10p
Vehicle Placement begins at 12noon,
all vehicles must be placed by 2:45p
Show Starts: 10a / Awards: 6p
Vehicle Placement begins at 7a, all
vehicles must be placed by 9:30a
To participate, please fill out the following information. We have space for around 100 Vehicles each
day & the slots will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Name/Owner: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Vehicle Make/Model/Year: ______________________________________________________
- Parking will be on a paved parking lot
- It is FREE for you to participate in this event
- If you plan on brining multiple cars, please attached a list of cars to this application
- For more information, please contact April at the BA Chamber at 918-251-1518. Please email
completed application form to
Thank you to Jim Norton Chevrolet for sponsoring Roosters and Rods