Vol 4 Issue 7 April 2015 ISSN No : 2249-894X ORIGINAL ARTICLE Monthly Multidisciplinary Research Journal Review Of Research Journal Chief Editors Ashok Yakkaldevi A R Burla College, India Ecaterina Patrascu Spiru Haret University, Bucharest Flávio de São Pedro Filho Federal University of Rondonia, Brazil Kamani Perera Regional Centre For Strategic Studies, Sri Lanka Welcome to Review Of Research RNI MAHMUL/2011/38595 ISSN No.2249-894X Review Of Research Journal is a multidisciplinary research journal, published monthly in English, Hindi & Marathi Language. All research papers submitted to the journal will be double - blind peer reviewed referred by members of the editorial Board readers will include investigator in universities, research institutes government and industry with research interest in the general subjects. Advisory Board Flávio de São Pedro Filho Federal University of Rondonia, Brazil Delia Serbescu Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania Kamani Perera Xiaohua Yang Regional Centre For Strategic Studies, Sri University of San Francisco, San Francisco Lanka Karina Xavier Ecaterina Patrascu Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Spiru Haret University, Bucharest USA Mabel Miao Center for China and Globalization, China Ruth Wolf University Walla, Israel Jie Hao University of Sydney, Australia Pei-Shan Kao Andrea University of Essex, United Kingdom Fabricio Moraes de AlmeidaFederal University of Rondonia, Brazil May Hongmei Gao Kennesaw State University, USA Anna Maria Constantinovici AL. I. Cuza University, Romania Marc Fetscherin Rollins College, USA Romona Mihaila Spiru Haret University, Romania Liu Chen Beijing Foreign Studies University, China Mahdi Moharrampour Islamic Azad University buinzahra Branch, Qazvin, Iran Govind P. Shinde Nimita Khanna Director, Isara Institute of Management, New Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Distance Education Center, Navi Mumbai Delhi Titus Pop PhD, Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania Salve R. N. Sonal Singh Department of Sociology, Shivaji University, Vikram University, Ujjain Kolhapur Jayashree Patil-Dake P. Malyadri MBA Department of Badruka College Government Degree College, Tandur, A.P. Commerce and Arts Post Graduate Centre (BCCAPGC),Kachiguda, Hyderabad S. D. Sindkhedkar PSGVP Mandal's Arts, Science and Maj. Dr. S. Bakhtiar Choudhary Commerce College, Shahada [ M.S. ] Director,Hyderabad AP India. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR King Abdullah University of Science & Technology,Saudi Arabia. George - Calin SERITAN Postdoctoral Researcher Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Anurag Misra DBS College, Kanpur Sciences Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi C. D. 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Review Of Research ISSN : 2249-894X Impact Factor : 3.1402(UIF) Volume-4 | Issue-7 | April-2015 Available online at www.ror.isrj.org A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BPO’S EMPLOYEES AT COIMBATORE DISTRICT, TAMIL NADU. T. Muthukumar PhD Research Scholar, PG & Research Department of Commerce, Jamal Mohamed College, (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli Short Profile T.muthukumar is a Ph.D Research Scholar of PG & Research Department of Commerce , Jamal Mohamed College in (Autonomous) in Tiruchirappalli. He has Ph.D. complete. Co-Author Details : M. Sirajudeen Research Supervisor and Assistant Professor of commerce, PG & Research department of Commerce, Jamal Mohamed College, (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli . ABSTRACT: This study attempts to explore the i m p a c t o f H R p ra c t i c e s o n employees’ job satisfaction in the context of selected bpo companies in Coimbatore district. The world of human resource management is changing more rapidly than we can i m a g i n e . Re c o g n i z i n g t h e s e challenges of the organization has created the need for fundamental advances in human resource management. It was found that factors like recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation practices, performance appraisal; career development management (HR) practices have significant association with job satisfaction (JS). This paper also suggests certain possible solution to the above said problem. KEYWORDS Human resource practices, employee job satisfaction, bpo’s. 1 A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH... INTRODUCTION After 1991 India has accepted the liberation, privatisations and globalization policy. The impact of this policy changes in Indian agriculture sector, industry sector and service sector. In the modern era, the economists have announced “human resource” as an advent in the international arena in a thumping fashion. The human resource is indubitably the most dynamic backbone of any economic enterprise; “the Resource of all resources” will take a giant leap over all resource components. Business experts highlight the issues such as global competition, the fast changing information and technology; composition of workforce etc., the business performance has successfully transited from the slow growth economy a fast growing one. There was a shift from the tradition bound personnel management to people oriented service. The conventional personnel management is more bureaucratic whereas the human resource management attaches more importance to humanism and humanization. New techniques and styles of managing have been developed. Personal administration, Industrial relations and labour welfare have become the integral parts of the broad human resource practices. Human resource professionals must concentrate more on the deliverables of their work and less on just getting the work done. They must tackle the complex, social, economic legal and ethical issues. An efficient human resource is a strategic asset. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study is an attempt to examine the HRM practices in BPO industry in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. This implies an inquiry as to how the management ensures the availability of the right kind of people in right quantum at the right place, at the right time, doing the right things for the achievement of the organizational objectives. This study also examines, whether the present working conditions in the BPO companies are suitable to attract the most talented people to opt for a career in the industry. OBJECTIVES To study human resources management practice of BPO’s and its impact on employees satisfaction To review the theoretical background of human resources management practice in bpo’s industry To suggest measures for improving human resource management practices in bpo’s units METHODOLOGY This paper is based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected through a structured questionnaire was collected from employees of BPO’s industry in Coimbatore district. Convenient sample technique has been used to interview the employees. The target population of this study was employees in BPO’s Coimbatore.Who were working as a staff in different BPO’s in Coimbatore district. The questionnaire consists of different questions on three HRM practices such as recruitment and selection, carrier growth, working conditions. A five points rating scales of questionnaire from Strongly Agree =(A),Agree = (B), Neutral = (C), Disagree =(D) and strongly disagree = (E). The secondary data used in the study have been collected from related journals, books, newspaper and internet, etc. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Hafiz Kashif Iqbal et al (2013) the study aims to examine the impact of selected human resource 2 A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH... practices on job satisfaction in manufacturing as well as services sector of Pakistan from Punjab province. Survey questionnaire was used to gather cross sectional data to summarize Whole Ocean in one drop. Empirical results from data gathering reveal latest indications formulated hypothesis approved and has been accepted. Regression analysis showed that supervisor role has strong positive effect on job satisfaction (49.2% variation in job satisfaction due to the supervisor role which is significant at .000), participation in decision making the factor which is the optimistic about company success has lesser positive effect on job satisfaction (11.9% variation in JS is due the PDM) and similarly in compensation portion performance related bonuses is effective (7.6% variation in JS due to the CP). It is concluded that mentioned HR practices having an effect on job satisfaction of an organization employees in Pakistan. Strength of the effectiveness is different and environment of the organization also effective between the relationships of HR practices and Job satisfaction. Supervisor’s role is most effective for the Job satisfaction according to this study. Hussain and Rehman (2013) examined the relationship between the HRM practices implemented by the organization on employee’s intention to stay and work effectively for the organization. The result of the study explored that HRM practices viz-a-viz: person-organization fit, employment security, communication and training and development are contributing strongly in developing the employees’ intentions to stay with organization. Further, strong positive interrelationships were found between HRM practices and employees’ retention and such practices enhances employees’ retain ability of organizations. Lamba and Choudhary (2013) revealed that how HRM practices provide an edge to employee’s commitment towards an organization goal in the global competitive market. The study concluded that HRM practices such as training & development, compensation and welfare activities has significant effect on organizational commitment and are associated with superior organizational performance, which help in retention of knowledgeable and skilled employees. Olusegun (2013) conducted a study among universities employees in South West Nigeria to examine the influence of job satisfaction on turnover intentions. The result of the study found that the linear combination effect of job satisfaction and turnover intentions was significant. There were significant relationships between job satisfaction and turnover intention. The study also revealed that there was no significant difference in the turnover intention of library personnel by their place of work. N.Shaik Mohamed and G.Pasupathi (2013) indicates that the relationship between HR practices and its overall dimensions by using mulietiple regression which almost all of the aspects of the factors are positive value. The least value emphasis that to be improved i.e satisfaction of pay and recruitment and selection procedure by the hotel employer should be in favour of the employees to improve the satisfaction level which will lead to perform better to attain growthness of the hotel. P.M.S.Abdul Gaffoor and K.S.M.D .Akmal (2013) in their study on “Innovative HR practices in Larsen & Toubro limited” in order to withstand global competition, best HR practices have a continuing and significant influence on employment and productivity. There is unlimited potential in HR that can be encouraged, developed and nurtured in a proper environment. It is evident that best HR practices will certainly help in marching ahead besides giving ample directions for others to emulate. The company in spite of its diverse nature of operations has blossomed and grown because of its people who give more than 100 per cent of their time and energy. Mostafizur Rahmania et al (2013) The study shows that HRM practices are very poor in pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh that leads poor satisfaction of employees. The study found employees are satisfied to recruitment and selection process, and training and development of pharmaceuticals companies. Employees are dissatisfied about human resource planning. The pharmaceuticals companies should have the right process to forecast the demand and supply of human 3 A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH... resources, to estimate the external supply and to match proper demand and supply. Working environment is always an important variable of employee satisfaction. Congenial working environment provides additional satisfaction toward work conversely, irritative working environment creates problem to do the work simply. However, the study shows employees are not satisfied with working environment. It is recommended that pharmaceuticals companies will ensure proper working environment for their employees. The most of the pharmaceutical employees have a high dissatisfaction on compensation policy. It is suggested that the pharmaceutical companies should restructure their compensation policy to grab and retain valuable human capitals. Performance appraisal evaluates employees’ job performance both in qualitative and quantitative aspects that cause positive intension toward work and enhance employees’ productivity. The study shows that employees are poorly satisfied with the performance appraisal system of the pharmaceuticals companies. The pharmaceutical companies have to undertake apposite methods of performance appraisal for procedural evaluation and supervision of employees. The proper industrial relations imply harmonious and peaceful relation between labour and management. It leads to sound industrial environment, industrial democracy, social peace, etc. and it causes satisfaction for both parties. The study demonstrates that most of the employees are not satisfied with the industrial relations. The companies should take necessity actions as soon as possible for pleasant sounding industrial relations. Therefore, the study suggests that the pharmaceutical companies should develop proper human resource policy and given emphasis on proper human resource practices to enhance the satisfaction of their employees and building them effective human resources. Masoodul Hassan (2013) Employee satisfaction and loyalty is one of the most important challenges that banking sector is facing in current competitive market. A lot of studies have been conducted to determine predictors of employee satisfaction but these studies focused only on developed countries. Therefore, the main purpose of study is to find the relationship between three HR practices i.e. compensation, empowerment and appraisal system and employee satisfaction & loyalty in government owned public sector banks of Pakistan. For this purpose, data has been collected from the employees of govt. owned public banks. Statistical software SPSS 17 has been used for validity, reliability, and correlation and regression analysis. Employee compensation is found to be most important factor for creating satisfaction among employee while employee empowerment is found to be significant factor for developing employee loyalty. Theoretical and managerial implications along with limitations for future research have also been discussed. Vikram Jeet et al (2014) Overall HR practices have positive correlation with job satisfaction. Evaluated the relationship between HR practices (impact of supervisor role, participation in decision making & compensation policy) and employee’s job satisfaction among the employees of manufacturing and service sector of Pakistan. The results of study revealed that supervisor role has strong positive effect on job satisfaction. The participation in decision making the factor which is the optimistic about company success has lesser positive effect on job satisfaction. 4 A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH... RESULT AND DISCUSSION Table No.1 Demographical background of the respondents S.No Demographical No of respondents Percentages N=100 Gender I Male 45 45.0 Female 55 55.0 Up to 35 yrs 21 21.0 36 yrs – 40 yrs 30 30.0 41 yrs – 45yrs 15 15.0 46yrs – 50 yrs 12 12.0 50 yrs and above 22 22.0 Age II Education Qualification III Under graduation 21 21.0 Post-graduation 16 16.0 Engineering 12 12.0 Professional 22 22.0 Others 29 29.0 Operator 32 32.0 Team leader 24 24.0 Admin/Supervisor 14 14.0 Manager 30 30.0 Up to 5 yrs 24 24.0 6 yrs to 8 yrs 29 29.0 9 yrs to 11 yrs 26 26.0 12 yrs and above 21 21.0 Married 48 48.0 Unmarried 52 52.0 Designation IV Experience V Marital Status VI Sources: Primary data The above table describing the demographical background of the respondents, it shows that the highest 55% of the respondents belongs to female category and 45% of the respondents were male it is obvious because BPO sectors attract more female than male due to various reasons. With respect to the 5 A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH... age of the respondents represents that the highest 51% of the respondents were in the age group between 35 yrs to 40 yrs. It would clearly depict that this industry attract large number of youngster. With regards to education qualification the highest 21 % of the respondents has under graduation and this industry has attracted all sorts of graduates invariably. The highest 32 % of the respondents are working as an operator. 29% of the respondents have an experience between of 6 yrs to 8 yrs. Table No 2 Gender wise respondents’ opinion towards various dimensions of HR practices S.No Gender N Recruitment Career Working &Selection Growth Condition M M SD SD M SD 1 Male 45 1.8222 .38665 1.6667 .47673 1.7333 .44721 2 Female 55 1.7273 .44947 1.1273 .33635 1.5091 .50452 3 Total 100 1.7700 .42295 1.3700 .48524 1.6100 .49021 Sources: Primary data The above table represents that, gender wise distribution of the respondents towards various dimension of the HR practices its shows that male respondents has high level of satisfaction towards recruitment and selection aspects based on mean score that is 1.822 with standard deviation of (±.38) with respect to career growth male has high level of satisfaction with mean score of 1.666 and standard deviation of (±.47) and female respondents has lowest satisfaction with this aspects. As far as working condition concerns male respondents has highest mean value with 1.733 and standard deviation of (±.44). Female respondents have lowest satisfaction towards all the dimensions. Table No 3 Gender wise respondents’ opinion towards various dimensions of HR practices N S.No Age Recruitment Career Working &Selection Growth Condition M M SD SD M SD 1 Up to 35 yrs 21 1.2500 .50000 1.7500 .50000 1.7500 .50000 2 36 yrs – 40 yrs 30 1.3750 .51755 1.5000 .53452 2.0000 .00000 3 41 yrs – 45yrs 15 1.6818 .47673 1.3182 .47673 1.3636 .49237 4 46yrs – 50 yrs 12 2.0000 .00000 1.0278 .16667 1.0278 .16667 5 50 yrs and above 22 1.7333 .44978 1.7333 .44978 2.0000 .00000 The above table representing age wise respondents satisfaction towards various dimension of HR practices it shows that, the respondents who were in the age range up to 35 years has level of satisfaction towards career growth and working condition with the mean score of 1.75 respectively and standard deviation with ( ±.50) and the respondents who were in the age range between 46 years to 50 6 A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH... years has high level of satisfaction towards the recruitment and selection process with the standard deviation of 0 %. CONCLUSION There was a shift from the tradition bound personnel management to people oriented service. The conventional personnel management is more bureaucratic whereas the human resource management attaches more importance to humanism and humanization. New techniques and styles of managing have been developed. Personal administration, Industrial relations and labour welfare have become the integral parts of the broad human resource practices. The results of this study indicates that male respondents highly satisfied towards all the facets of the HR practices studied that is recruitment and selection, career growth and working condition however female respondents constitutes more population that the female hence there should be strategically attention need to provide in this dimension. REFERENCES 1)Satheeskumar, L. (2009) A study of human resource management practices in private sugar mills in Tamil Nadu. PhD thesis. 2)Hafiz Kashif Iqbal,Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ehsan Malik and Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor (2013), Impact of HR Practices on Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Evidence from corporate sector of Punjab- Pakistan, Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business, June 2013 Vol 5, No 2 3)Hussain, T., and Rehman, S. S., (2013): “Do Human Resource Management Practices Inspire Employees’ Retention?”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6(19), pp 3625-3633. 4)Lamba, S., and Choudhary, N., (2013): “Impact of HRM Practices on Organizational Commitment of Employees”, International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue4, pp 407-423. 5)Olusegun, S.O., (2013): "Influence of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions of Library Personnel in Selected Universities in South West Nigeria", Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 914. 6)N. Shaik Mohamed and G.Pasupathi (2013) “Human resource management practise in hotel industry in Tiruchirappalli city” Contemporary issues and challenges of Indian business global scenario.PP 27-31 7)P.M.S.Abdul Gaffoor and K.S.M.D .Akmal (2013) “Innovative HR practices in Larsen & Toubro limited” Contemporary issues and challenges of Indian business global scenario.PP38-47 8)Mostafizur Rahman, Rafia Akhter, Solaiman Chowdhury, Saiful Islamc,Md. Reiazul (2013), HRM Practices and its Impact on Employee Satisfaction: A Case of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh, Vol.2 No.3, 2013 ISSN: 2147-4478. 9)Masoodul Hassan, Saad Hassan, Muhammad Farooq Ahmed Khan and Asghar Iqbal (2013), Impact of HR Practices on Employe Satisfaction and Employee Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Government Owned Public Sector Banks of Pakistan, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 16(1):01.08, 2013,DOI:5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.16.01.11638 ___________________________________________________________________________ 1.A study of human resource management practices in private sugar mills in Tamil Nadu by Satheeskumar, L, Bharathidasan University, 2009 7 A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION WITH... 2.Hafiz Kashif Iqbal,Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ehsan Malik and Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor (2013), Impact of HR Practices on Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Evidence from corporate sector of Punjab- Pakistan, Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business, June 2013 vol 5, no 2 3.Hussain, T., and Rehman, S. S., (2013): “Do Human Resource Management Practices Inspire Employees’ Retention?”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6(19), pp 3625-3633. 4.Lamba, S., and Choudhary, N., (2013): “Impact of HRM Practices on Organizational Commitment of Employees”, International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue4, pp 407-423. 5.Olusegun, S.O., (2013): "Influence of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions of Library Personnel in Selected Universities in South West Nigeria", Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 914. 6.N. Shaik Mohamed and G.Pasupathi (2013) “Human resource management practise in hotel industry in Tiruchirappalli city” Contemporary issues and challenges of Indian business global scenario.PP 27-31 7.P.M.S.Abdul Gaffoor and K.S.M.D .Akmal (2013) “Innovative HR practices in Larsen & Toubro limited” Contemporary issues and challenges of Indian business global scenario.PP38-47 8.Mostafizur Rahman, Rafia Akhter, Solaiman Chowdhury, Saiful Islamc,Md. Reiazul (2013), HRM Practices and its Impact on Employee Satisfaction: A Case of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh, Vol.2 No.3, 2013 ISSN: 2147-4478. 9.Masoodul Hassan, Saad Hassan, Muhammad Farooq Ahmed Khan and Asghar Iqbal (2013), Impact of HR Practices on Employe Satisfaction and Employee Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Government Owned Public Sector Banks of Pakistan, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (1): 01-08, 2013, DOI: .5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.16.01.11638 8 Publish Research Article International Level Multidisciplinary Research Journal For All Subjects Dear Sir/Mam, We invite unpublished Research Paper,Summary of Research Project,Theses,Books and Books Review for publication,you will be pleased to know that our journals are Associated and Indexed,India ¬ Directory Of Research Journal Indexing ¬ International Scientific Journal Consortium Scientific ¬ OPEN J-GATE Associated and Indexed,USA DOAJ ? EBSCO ? ? Crossref DOI ? Index Copernicus ? Publication Index ? 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