Passover Dinner - The Rosedale Diner

Passover Dinner
Feeding hungry Torontonians since 1978, the Rosedale Diner
owners Dubi and Esti Filar will be proudly serving a
Passover Seder Dinner on Friday, April 3 and Saturday,
April 4,beginning at 5:00 p.m. Relax and enjoy a hassle-free
Passover and Easter without having to cook or clean!
The three-course seder dinner will be prepared by Chef Sean
Clayton and will include traditional fare such as matzah ball
soup, Moroccan braised lamb shank, gefilte fish, housesmoked beef brisket, tsimes, as well as passover desserts.
Classics like the famous Duck Confit Poutine, Braised Beef
Rib, Vegan Chickpea Tajine, and the Rosedale Burger will be
available, alongside the rest of our dinner menu. Book now,
and chag sameach!
For reservations call 416-923-3122, or go online
at Contact Dubi Filar
at with any questions or inquiries.
1164 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4W-2L9