2 nd ANNUAL Friday, April 24, 2015 OAKLAND ASIAN CULTURAL CENTER OAKL AND, CA FILMS A BENEFIT FOR FOOD DRINKS SILENT AUCTION GIVEAWAYS 5 P M Happy Ho ur 7 P M Films Star t TICKETS $10 General $75 All Access | ROSEFDN.ORG/FILMFEST | 510-658-0702 Welcome to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival on Tour! Lights! Camera! Action! OAN L M R TE S S E N ATE I R D BUS E FIX R A E Y 5 as as low Hosted by Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment Thank you for joining us tonight to celebrate our amazing natural resources and wildlife, the triumphs of local communities, and our grantees’ and students’ work protecting the environment, consumers, and public health. When you leave, you will feel inspired to continue the amazing things YOU do on a daily basis to make our planet a cleaner, greener place for ALL of us. With your support, Rose Foundation has become an invaluable resource for grassroots groups across California and the nation. Our support helps groups become stronger to face pressing environmental challenges, some of which will serve as the focus of tonight’s films. And with our youth program, New Voices Are Rising, we are building the next generation of environmental leaders right here in Oakland. Enjoy the Film Festival! Speak with our sponsors, chat with those around you, visit our grantee tables, and at intermission, introduce yourself to one of our New Voices Fellows. Their motivation and creativity will inspire you to take action for our communities and the environment. In appreciation, % 9 9 . 2 BECOME A FRIEND OF ROSE FOUNDATION Take action for your community’s environment, health and vitality! donate at rosefdn.org/donate Our Vision 925.482.8034 MechanicsBank.com Effective 4/3/15. Pricing based on 3-year CMT + 2.12%. 5-year full amortized loan. Subject to credit approval and borrower qualifications. Existing Mechanics Bank loans not eligible for refinancing. All loan rates subject to change without notice. Standard prepayment fees and additional terms and conditions may apply. Actual rates may vary. MEMBER FDIC Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment supports grassroots initiatives that inspire community action to protect the environment, consumers and public health. We help cultivate the next generation of environmental and community leaders, encouraging them to speak up and speak out through our grantmaking and our New Voices Are Rising youth leadership program. Over the past 22 years we have awarded over $33 million in grants to restore and preserve our air, lands, water, and wildlife; protect consumers’ rights and privacy; and improve public health and community vitality. Like us Follow us @rosefoundation Join our email newsletter email rose@rosefdn.org with Subject: Join E-News SPECIAL THANKS Thank you to the amazing Film Selection Committee for picking a lineup of powerful films and for supporting our event, along with our stellar volunteers! You rock! Film Selection Committee Karen Adelman, Saul’s Restaurent & Delicatessen Rachel Baker, Grantmaking and Strategic Communications Consultant Kaitlin Chandler, Save the Bay Jen Sokolove, Compton Foundation Cindy Tsai Schultz, Rose Foundation Board Member Jasmine Amons, Grants & Development Associate Marion Gee, Development & Communications Director Karla James, Managing Director Tim Little, Executive Director Jill Ratner, New Voices Are Rising Program Director Jason Sutton, Data and Accounting Manager Staff Tim Little, Executive Director Jill Ratner, Program Director Karla James, Managing Director Marion Gee, Development & Communications Director Jason Sutton, Data & Accounting Manager Jasmine Amons, Grants & Development Associate Jacqueline Cuevas, Grants & Administrative Assistant Board List Jill Ratner, President Kevin Hendrick, Vice-President Michelle Chan, Treasurer Ina Bendich A s the nation’s premier nonprofit environmental law organization, Earthjustice takes on the biggest, most important cases across the country—cases that preserve the wild, fight for healthy communities, advance clean energy and combat climate change. Join our fight. E ARTH J U ST I C E .O RG Nancy Berlin Ellen Hauskens Kyle Livie Amy Lyons David Michelfelder Cindy Tsai Schultz THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS & DONORS! Barefoot Wine & Bubbly is pleased to sponsor Catalyst Sponsors 2nd Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour a benefit for Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment Leader Sponsors The California Endowment • Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust & Patty Schifferle Tim Little & Jill Ratner • Altshuler Berzon LLP Organizer Sponsors As You Sow Foundation Amy Lyons Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Center for Environmental Health Cindy Tsai Schultz and Peter Schultz Community Bank of the Bay East Bay Municipal Utility District Entrekin Family Foundation Ephraim Grier Lawyers for Clean Water Rainbow Grocery Cooperative SEIU Local 1021 Selerum Inc. Trillium Asset Management LLC The Goldman Environmental Prize Supporter Sponsors Consumer Action Beverly Cherner David Irving LMFT George Holland Sr. Attorney at Law Kevin Hendrick & Jill Dovre Misao Kusuda & Dave Michelfelder Nancy Berlin & Paul Tepper Saul’s Restaurant & Delicatessen Urban Habitat Cheers to an inspiring evening of films and fun! Happy 22nd Anniversary Rose Foundation! Sustaining Sponsors Inkworks Press Kesler Creative Communications Klean Kanteen Krishna Copy Center Sierra Nevada Brewing Company Silent Auction & In-Kind Donors Alter Eco Aquarium of the Bay Ashley Lawrence Chase Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Bay Area Discovery Museum Berkeley Repertory Theatre California Academy of Sciences California Shakespeare Theater California’s Great America Camp Lotus The Crucible Disneyland Fenton’s Creamery Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco Galileo Learning H2Hotel Incredible Adventures Kesler Creative Communications Krishna Copy Center Lagunitas Brewing Co. Landmark Theaters The Natural Grocery Company Paramount Theatre of the Arts Patagonia Pier 39 REI Rialto Cinemas San Francisco 49ers San Francisco Opera San Francisco Zoo and Gardens Saul’s Restaurant & Deli Shotgun Players Sports Basement Stanford Athletics Synergy Organic Clothing Touchstone Climbing & Fitness True Nature Botanicals Viscera Studios Walt Disney Family Museum WestArt www.barefootwine.com FILMS THE RIDGE Danny Macaskill returns to his native home of the Isle of Skye in Scotland to take on a death-defying ride along the notorious Cuillin Ridgeline. (Danny Macaskill, 2014) (in viewing order) PAMELA – A NEW VOICE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Life in the flatlands of Oakland, CA can be a struggle. Pamela Tapia gives us a glimpse into how youth experience life and environmental inequities in Oakland. (Melinda James, Brennan King, Rose Foundation, 2014) Dryden – The Small Town that Changed the Fracking Game BOUNCE For two years now, I’ve been lucky enough to visit a few countries with a ball as a faithful companion. (Guillaume Blanchet, 2014) Sponsored by Earthjustice This is the true story of people who discovered their shared strength and turned the tables on the powerful fracking industry. (Chris JordanBloch, Kathleen Sutcliffe, 2014) SILENT RIVER Filmmakers Jason Jaacks and Steven Fisher will be here for a special Q&A session! Since the passage of NAFTA 20 years ago, U.S. companies have used the Santiago River as their own waste canal. Silent River follows a young woman and her family as they defy death threats to try and save one of the most polluted rivers in Mexico. THE CURIOUS SNAIL The “Curious Snail” showcases the beauty of a snail’s simple and small world. (Alex Jones, 2014) DELTA DAWN A team of paddle boarders follows the Colorado River to the sea, the first time its kissed the sea in 20 years, attempting to be the only, and potentially the last to float to the sea by paddle board. (Peter McBride, 2014) MARIE’S DICTIONARY Marie Wilcox, the last fluent speaker of the Wukchumni language, creates a dictionary in an effort to keep her language alive. (Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, Go Project Films, 2014) THE NEW ENVIRONMENTALISTS –EAGLE EYES –PERU Overcoming a history of traumatic violence, Ruth Buendía united the Asháninka people against large-scale dams that would have uprooted indigenous communities. (Will Parrinello, John Antonelli, Tom Dusenbery, 2014) AMERICAN LAWN American Lawn is a kaleidoscopic, lighthearted, and insightful portrait of Americans of all stripes grappling with their relationships to lawn. (Robert Sickels, 2014) OUR POWER: BLACK MESA, AZ The Navajo people in Black Mesa, AZ are trying to protect their aquifer from a nearby coal mining plant’s pollution, hoping to generate “energy without injustice, power without pollution.” (Mark Decena, Teri Heyman, Kontent Films, 2013) LOVE IN THE TETONS Sponsored by Mechanics Bank Juan Martinez, an at-risk teenager from south-central Los Angeles, stepped off a bus in Grand Teton National Park and saw the stars for the first time in his life. Fifteen years later, he met Vanessa Torres, a park ranger, and fell in love all over again. (Amy Marquis and Dana Romanoff, 2014) EARTHBOOK What would Planet Earth post about humans on its profile? (Bernd Hezel and Ephraim Broschkowski, 2014) RIVER OF EDEN Journey to the Fijian Highlands to discover how locals turned to tourism to fund a conservation area that protects one of the most beautiful rivers on Earth. (Peter McBride, 2014) 14.C Kai Lightener entered the world of rock climbing at six. Watch fourteen-year-old Kai ascend the top of the most difficult routes –rated 5.14c– with the support of his single mother, Connie. (George Knowles, 2014) WHY I THINK THIS WORLD SHOULD END Experience this spoken word call to action from Prince Ea. (Brandon Sloan, 2014) SPECIAL GUESTS John Muir Laws Congratulations to Rose Foundation! From your friends at Altshuler Berzon LLP. 177 Post Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94108 (415) 421-7151 www.altshulerberzon.com We are excited Jack Muirs Laws, renowned naturalist, educator and artist, returns as our Master of Ceremonies. Jack has dedicated his life to sharing his passion for the natural world with others. He is a trained wildlife biologist and Research Associate of the California Academy of Sciences. Follow Jack on Twitter @JohnMuirLaws, and purchase Jack’s books online at www.johnmuirlaws.com. ¢¤§¤£¤¤ £¦¤ Š¦¡Š£¤ ¢¤§¤£¤¤ www.smwlaw.com 396 Hayes St. 415.552.7272 San Francisco, £¦¤ CA 94102 Š¦¡Š£¤ www.smwlaw.com 396 Hayes St. 415.552.7272 San Francisco, CA 94102 Jason Jaacks Jason Jaacks is a visual storyteller who focuses on social and environmental issues. His films have documented a range of topics, from the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border to performance poetry among Native American youth. In 2012, Jason was named a National Geographic Explorer. He is the founder of SplitFrame Media and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Steven Fisher Steve Fisher is an investigative journalist with a focus on U.S.-Mexico relations. In 2014, he was a fellow at the Human Rights Center at Berkeley Law where he worked with the ACLU to investigate a little-known migrant incarceration program. He is currently a fellow at the Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley. He most recently co-published an investigation showing the involvement of the Mexican military and Federal Police in the attack that resulted in the disappearance of 43 students. Kesler creative Communications Your brand is our mission. Print & Digital Graphic Design /KeslerCommunications /KeslerCommunications keslercommunications.com cori@keslercommunications.com 510.414.8252 Tired of investing in companies that lie, pollute, cheat and steal? Tired of the lack of corporate ethics and personal integrity? Join Us! Friends of the Earth honors Rose Foundation and your efforts to inspire a new generation of environmental justice leaders. foe.org Challenging corporate power one shareholder at a time HAPPY HOUR & ENVIRONMENTAL FAIR Sponsored by Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP TAKE ACTION! Our New Voices Are Rising Fellows are eager to meet you! For the past few months, our Fellows have been working with community partners to identify and evaluate the impacts of freight on Bay Area communities. Visit the New Voices table to learn how you can make your voice heard on these issues! Socially responsible investing for individuals and institutions Since 1982 Drinks generously provided by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. and Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Pint Cups from Klean Kanteen Stop by the bar to grab wine, bubbly, beer, soda or juice and a Klean Kanteen steel pint for $10. Refills are $3 for wine and beer, and $2 for juice or soda. We want to minimize our waste impact; so all drinks will be served in a Klean Kanteen pint cup, guaranteed to keep your beverages cold all night. Get a keepsake and save the planet – it’s a win-win! Or if you brought your own cup, pay the refill price only! FOOD Delicious and authentic Vietnamese sandwiches and rice bowls from Bicycle Banh Mi are available in the Lobby. Vegan and vegetarian dishes are available. DRINK DRINK RESPONSIBLY RESPONSIBLY DRINK RESPONSIBLY DRINK DRINK DRINK RESPONSIBLY DRINK DRINK RESPONSIBLY RESPONSIBLY DRINK RESPONSIBLY RESPONSIBLY DRINKRESPONSIBLY RESPONSIBLY Americans useuse 18,380 Americans 18,380 disposable cups every 10 10 disposable cups every seconds. That’s a serious seconds. That’s a serious drinking problem. drinking problem. 5940 College Avenue, Suite F Oakland, CA 94618 510-652-1000 hlgcpa.com Americans use 18,380 disposable cups every 10 Klean Kanteen.com Klean Kanteen.com seconds. That’s a serious #BringYourOwn #BringYourOwn Americans use 18,380 drinking problem. Americans use 18,380 Americans disposable every 10 usecups 18,380 disposable cups every 10 seconds.cups That’s a serious disposable every 10 Americans use 18,380 Klean Kanteen.com Americans use 18,380 seconds. That’s aevery serious problem. seconds. That’s a serious disposable cups 10 drinking #BringYourOwn Americans disposable cups every 10use 18,380 drinking drinking problem. seconds.problem. That’s a serious disposable cups every 10 seconds. That’s a serious Americans use 18,380 Klean Kanteen.com drinking problem. seconds. That’s a serious drinking problem. #BringYourOwn disposable cups every 10 Klean Kanteen.com Klean Kanteen.com drinking problem. #BringYourOwn seconds. That’s a serious #BringYourOwn Klean Kanteen.com Klean Kanteen.com drinking problem. #BringYourOwn Klean Kanteen.com #BringYourOwn #BringYourOwn Klean Kanteen.com Sponsored by Altshuler Berzon LLP We will be calling out winners to valuable gifts like bottles, gift certificates, and t-shirts from National Sponsors including Klean Kanteen and Patagonia all evening! Fill out the purple opportunity drawing ticket with your name, mailing address, and email, and drop off your purple ticket in the jar at the Rose Foundation Table. Must be present to win. Good luck! BAR www.harringtoninvestments.com Napa, California 800-788-0154 GIVEAWAYS EXHIBITS Visit tables from our sponsors, partners, and grantees to learn more about green initiatives in the community and how you can get involved! SILENT AUCTION INSTRUCTIONS Thank you to our event sponsors and generous local businesses! Bid early and often. • Please read the bid sheets carefully for special instructions or restrictions. • Bidding ends 10 minutes before the end of INTERMISSION! • Please do not bid on an item unless you are prepared to pay at the price you bid. • If you have to leave before the silent auction ends, fill out a bidder’s card with your name, contact information, and payment information. Leave it with any Rose Foundation staff member or at registration- your info will remain private. • Winners will be announced after the films around 10PM. Pick up your items and pay using cash, check, or credit card at the Registration table in the lobby. FEATURED SILENT AUCTION ITEMS Proud to support the 2ND ANNUAL WILD & SCENIC FILM FESTIVAL a benefit for ROSE FOUNDATION The Happiest Place On Earth Focusing exclusively on sustainable and responsible investing 415-925-0105 www.trilliuminvest.com Y O U R #1 L O C A L F O O D I E P A R A D I S E Help us stop the perfect crime Chemical companies pollute our everyday environment with thousands of untested toxic chemicals. Join us today at ceh.org OPEN DAILY 9 TO 9 • EVERYONE WELCOME 17 ST. (415) 863-0620 WWW.RAINBOW.COOP 1745 FOLSOM Four Disneyland Theme Park Tickets Donated by Disneyland Head to Anaheim with family and friends for a Disneyland getaway! Meet your favorite Disney characters, including Frozen stars Anna and Elsa, explore Main Street USA, and check out rides and other attractions. The Happiest Place On Earth is waiting for you! Paradise on the American River $200 Gift Card to Camp Lotus Donated by Bill Center Take the whole family to the banks of the beautiful South Fork of the American River. With 40 grassy camp sites, clean and quiet cabin rooms, a well-stocked store, and access to world class kayaking and rafting as well as fishing, bird watching, wine tasting and much more, this is a steal! The gift certificate can be applied toward camping, lodging, day use, store and deli purchases. The river is calling! HOSTED BY Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment April 24, 2015 Oakland Asian Cultural Center Sponsored by Mechanics Bank and Earthjustice 2 nd ANNUAL SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 5:00 PM F r i d a y , A pril 24, 2015 DOORS OPEN: HAPPY HOUR & ENVIRONMENTAL FAIR Sponsored by Shute, Mihaly &CENTER Weinberger LLP AN D , C A OAKLAND ASIAN CULTURAL O AKL FILMS FOOD A BENEFIT FOR 7:00 PM FILMS START DRINKS SILENT AUCTION GIVEAWAYS 5PM H a p p y H o u r 8:35 PM SILENT AUCTION CLOSES 7PM F i l m s S t a r t 8:30 PM INTERMISSION 8:45 PM FILMS RESUME TICKETS 10:00 PM THANK YOU & CLOSE Pick-Up PayAllFor Silent| Auction At Registration $10 General&$75 Access ROSEFDN.ORG/FILMFEST | 510-658-0702
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