Ogemaw Commission on Aging, “My VOLUME 40 ISSUE 1 JUNE 2015 The Senior Observer Ogemaw Commission on Aging 1528 S M-33 West Branch, MI 48661 Carol Gillman, Director (989) 345-3010 ext. 1807 director@ogemawcoa.org Jennifer Raymond, Assistant Director (989) 345-3010 ext. 1806 assistant.director@ogemawcoa.org Sally Reid, In-Home Services. Coordinator (989)345-3010 ext. 1805 ihs@ogemawcoa.org Janith Mayhew, Nutrition Coor- HERE’S OUR WEBSITE! www.ogemawcoa.org Visit us on Facebook We had a busy May here at ‘My Place’. The annual Spring party was held on May 20th with 111 people attending. The Kentucky Derby Party theme was a lot of fun and so many of you participated by dressing the part. We loved the big hats and summery dresses. I especially noticed that the guys got into the dressing up too and several of you ‘nailed it’. I even heard a few people ask if we’d do that theme again. Congratulations to Bea Oliver who won the guessing game contest. She guessed 102 pretzels and there were 103. Also congrats to Marita Stephens who won the 50/50 for $71.00. The horse racing game produced many winners who had a lot of fun betting on the horses! Thanks to the Parliament family for lending us that game. The Virgin Mint Juleps were delicious and be sure to see the recipe on page 7 of this newsletter. And once again great DJ music, karaoke and singing by Amber of McCarn Entertainment. (See some party pics on page 2.) dinator (989) 345-3010 ext 1803 nutrition@ogemawcoa.org Sharon Burdine, Activities Coordinator (989) 345-3010 ext. 1802 activities@ogemawcoa.org Mary Jones, Program Assistant (989) 345-3010 ext 1809 pro- gram.assistant@ogemawcoa.org Deana Nichols Adult Day Services (989)345-3010 ext 1810 The month of May has seen chair volley ball go from one day per week to two. Roscommon County COA is intrigued by this and without any knowledge of exactly what it’s all about have challenged us to a few games on June 9th. They are bringing both players and cheerleaders on that day and plan to stay for lunch. This day should be almost as fun as Beat the Blahs week was!! Come out early so as not to miss out. Just a reminder that the next party will be on July 22nd and as you know it’s our ‘Summer Picnic’. Look for fun, picnic food, home made ice cream and music. We hope to see you there. . GARAGE SALE IS COMING ON FRIDAY JUNE 5TH Mark your Calendar! We will have our 4TH annual Garage Sale on Friday June 5th. (Note: Our regular Congregate Meal will be cancelled that day as well as Bingo!) Please come on out and shop, 1 participate and have lunch from our food concession. (See Menu on page 3) Senior Project Fresh The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, known as Senior Project FRESH, provides older adults who qualify with unprocessed, Michigan-grown products from authorized farmers markets and roadside stands throughout Michigan. The 2015 Ogemaw County Senior Project Fresh is managed by Ogemaw Commission on Aging. To qualify for the program, an older adult must be: 60 years of age or older Have a total household income of 185% of poverty or less Live in Ogemaw County Eligible adults will receive ten (10) $2.00 coupons that can be used to purchase fresh Produce, herbs and honey at authorized farmers markets. These coupons can be used from June 1 st through October 31st. They are not valid after that date. The coupons have arrived! I will be available on Tuesday June 9th from 1:00 –3:00 PM at ‘My Place’ to disperse the coupons. Call 989-345-3010, ext. 1803. 2 Ogemaw Commission on Aging’s My Place Menu~ June 2015 ~ Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 Tuna Casserole Broccoli Cracked Wheat Bread Spiced Peaches Apple Sauce Scrambled Eggs Sausage Ranch Potatoes Cracked Wheat Bread Spiced Peaches Orange Juice Beef Stew over Biscuits Tossed Salad Orange Potato Crunch Pollock Brussels Sprouts Carrots Cracked Wheat Bread Banana Pudding Rummage and Bake Sale 510 Calories Fat 13.8gm /Sat 5.4gm./Trans .6gm Sodium 947mg Carbs 65.6 gm Pro 28.9gm 344 Calories 10.1 Fat gm / Sat 4.4 gm/ Trans .8gm Sodium 232mg Pro 19gm Carbs 45 gm 528 Calories Fat 16.5gm / Sat6.7 gm/ Trans 2.6 Sodium 784mg Carbs 61.9gm Pro 32.6gm 402 Calories Fat 18.1 gm / Sat 5 gm. Sodium 660 mg Carbs 38.3 gm Pro 20.8 gm Concession Menu: Grilled Hotdogs Pea Soup Grilled Cheese Chips & Beverages 8 9 10 11 12 Stuffed Cabbage Roll Stewed Tomatoes Broccoli Cracked Wheat Bread Grapes Pork Chop Mashed Potatoes California Blend Veg. Cracked Wheat Bread Apple Sauce Taco Salad Orange Baked Chicken European Veg. Blend Mashed Potatoes Cracked Wheat Bread Apple Crisp Meat Balls Mashed Potatoes Peas Tossed Salad Cracked Wheat Bread Blueberries 453Calories Fat 10.7gm / Sat 4.8 gm./Trans .3 gm Sodium 842mg Pro 19 gm Carbs 65.3gm Calories 575 Fat 14.7 gm / Sat. 6 Sodium 400 mg Carbs 58.1 Calories 614 Fat 21.3 gm / Sat. 5.8 Sodium 467 mg Carbs 69.1 769Calories Fat 33.9gm Sat15.7 gm Trans.1 gm Sodium 590 mg Carbs 51.1gm Pro 43 gm 15 16 17 18 19 Salisbury Steak Mashed Potatoes Corn Cracked Wheat Bread Ambrosia Salad Pork Riblets w/sauce Stuffing Corn Roll Mixed Fruit Split Pea Soup Turkey/Cheese Sandwich Cole Slaw Banana Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes Broccoli Cracked Wheat Bread Banana Seasoned Baked Chicken Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Carrots Cracked Wheat Bread Pear Calories 606 Fat 18.4 gm / Sat. 8.1/Trans 1 Sodium 511 mg Carbs 75.8 588 Calories Fat 21 gm / Sat 5.6 gm Sodium 497 mg Carbs67.1 gm Pro34.5 gm Calories 391 Fat 14.9 gm / Sat. 7.4 Tran .2 Sodium 582 mg Carbs 37.9 688 Calories Fat 20.4gm / Sat 7.8 gm/Trans .9gm Sodium 732mg Carbs 85.2 gm Pro 37.2 gm 22 23 24 25 26 Chicken Chop Suey Brown Rice Cracked Wheat Bread Peaches Pork Roast w/Gravy Potatoes Cole Slaw Cracked Wheat Bread Banana Hamburger on Bun Potato Salad Baked Beans Chips Apple Chef’s Salad Cracked Wheat Bread Pineapple Lasagna Tossed Salad Green Beans Cracked Wheat Bread Banana Calories 513 Fat 7.4 gm / Sat. 3 Sodium 1810 mg Carbs 77.9 688 Calories Fat30.5 gm / Sat9.8 gm./Trans.1 gm Sodium 900 mg Carbs 67.8gm Pro 35.4gm 29 30 Chicken A La King over Biscuit Green Beans Sweet Potatoes Orange Spaghetti Broccoli Tossed Salad Cracked Wheat Bread Apple 573 Calories Fat 14.7gm / Sat 5.6 gm /Trans.1.3 Sodium 458 mg Carbs 66.6 gm Pro 42.7 gm Calories 676 Fat 16.5 gm / Sat. 7 Tran .7 Sodium 583 mg Carbs 96.4 593 Calories Fat 25.7 gm /Sat9.9 gm./Trans.4 gm Sodium 1265 mg Carbs 54.7 gm Pro 37.2 gm Calories 698 Fat 23 gm / Sat. 11 Tran .8 Sodium 639 mg Carbs 81.8 ALL CONGREGATE MEALS SERVED AT NOON ALL MEALS SERVED WITH 2% MILK ALL MEALS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE FOR RESERVATIONS CALL SHARON 345-3010 (ext. 1802) MARY for HDM 345-1710 (ext. 1809) $2.00 SUGGESTED DONATION FOR SENIORS OVER 60 $3.00 FEE FOR GENERAL PUBLIC UNDER 60 3 PLEASE NOTE: Nutritional Information may vary. Dessert not included in nutrition information. How Does Food Impact our Health? The food we eat gives our bodies the “information” and materials they need to function properly. If we don’t get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines. If we get too much food, or food that gives our bodies the wrong instructions, we can become over weight, undernourished, and at risk for the development of diseases and conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes and heart disease. In short, what we eat is central to our health. Consider that in light of Webster’s definition of medicine: “ The science and art dealing with the maintenance of medicine of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease.’ Food acts as medicine to maintain prevent, and treat disease. What does food do in our bodies? The nutrients in food enable the cells in our bodies to perform their necessary functions. This quote from a popular textbook describes how the nutrients in food are essential for our physical functioning. “ “Nutrients are the nourishing substances in food that are essential for the growth, development and maintenance of body functions. Essential, meaning that if the nutrient is not present, aspects of function and therefore human health decline. When nutrient intake does not regularly meet the nutrient needs dictated by the cell activity, the metabolic process slow down or even stop.” - Perspectives in Nutrition, Wardlow and Insel In other words, nutrients give our bodies instructions about how to function. In this sense food can be seen as a source of “information” for the body. Thinking about food in this way gives us a view of nutrition that goes beyond calories or grams, good food or bad foods. This view leads us to focus on foods we should include rather than foods to exclude. Instead of viewing food as the enemy, we look to food as a way to create health and reduce disease by helping the body maintain function. Why should I care? The nutrients in food give our bodies the information and materials they need to function properly. But our daily diets may not always be providing all the information our bodies need. We all know that we need to get a basic balance of nutrients every day. But we may not be aware that the Standard American Diet (SAD) lacks nutrients. Moreover, some of our processed foods include chemically-altered fats and sugars that may be giving our bodies the wrong signals. What is the connection between food and disease? As a society we are facing significant health problems. The United States ranks ninth in life expectancy among nations in the developed world. We have a workforce plagued with absenteeism and reduced productivity because of chronic health problems, including depression. 78% of healthcare expenditures are for the treatment of chronic disease. Many researchers now believe that these problems are partly related to diet. While they used to believe that diseasessuch as type II diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers , were caused by a single gene mutation, they are now gradually attributing these conditions to a network of biological dysfunction. The food we eat is an important factor in that dysfunction, in part because our diets lack the necessary balance of nutrients. Nutrition Ed for June 2015 4 OGEMAW COA ‘MY PLACE’ MENU FOR ~ JULY 2015 ~ Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 Taco Salad Orange Scrambled Eggs Sausage Ranch Potatoes Cracked Wheat Bread Spiced Peaches Orange Juice CLOSED HOLIDAY Calories 391 Fat 14.9 gm / Sat. 7.4 Tran .2 Sodium 582 mg Carbs 37.9 344 Calories 10.1 Fat gm / Sat 4.4 gm/ Trans .8gm Sodium 232mg Pro 19gm Carbs 45 gm 6 7 8 9 10 Potato Crunch Pollock Brussels Sprouts Carrots Cracked Wheat Bread Banana Pudding Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes Tossed Salad Cracked Wheat Bread Banana LIVER AND ONIONS Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Roll Peach Cobbler Baked Chicken European Veg. Blend Mashed Potatoes Cracked Wheat Bread Apple Crisp Pork Chop Mashed Potatoes California Blend Veg. Cracked Wheat Bread Apple Sauce 402 Calories Fat 18.1 gm / Sat 5 gm. Sodium 660 mg Carbs 38.3 gm Pro 20.8 gm 560Calories Fat 12.1 gm / Sat 5.5gm Sodium 690 mg Pro 34.9 gm Carbs 77.6 gm Calories 614 Fat 21.3 gm / Sat. 5.8 Sodium 467 mg Carbs 69.1 Calories 575 Fat 14.7 gm / Sat. 6 Sodium 400 mg Carbs 58.1 13 14 15 16 17 Tuna Casserole Broccoli Cracked Wheat Bread Spiced Peaches Apple Sauce Salisbury Steak Mashed Potatoes Corn Cracked Wheat Bread Ambrosia Salad Spaghetti Broccoli Tossed Salad Cracked Wheat Bread Apple Beef Burrito Shredded Lettuce Roasted Corn/Black Beans Apple 510 Calories Fat 13.8gm /Sat 5.4gm./Trans .6gm Sodium 947mg Carbs 65.6 gm Pro 28.9gm 688 Calories Fat 20.4gm / Sat 7.8 gm/Trans .9gm Sodium 732mg Carbs 85.2 gm Pro 37.2 gm Calories 676 Fat 16.5 gm / Sat. 7 Tran .7 Sodium 583 mg Carbs 96.4 Meat Balls Mashed Potatoes Peas Tossed Salad Cracked Wheat Bread Blueberries 20 COOKS CHOICE 21 22 23 24 Seasoned Baked Chicken Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Carrots Cracked Wheat Bread Pear ICE CREAM SOCIAL/ PICNIC Chef’s Salad Cracked Wheat Bread Pineapple Beef Stew over Biscuits Tossed Salad Orange 593 Calories Fat 25.7 gm /Sat9.9 gm./Trans.4 gm Sodium 1265 mg Carbs 54.7 gm Pro 37.2 gm 528 Calories Fat 16.5gm / Sat6.7 gm/ Trans 2.6 Sodium 784mg Carbs 61.9gm Pro 32.6gm 588 Calories Fat 21 gm / Sat 5.6 gm Sodium 497 mg Carbs67.1 gm Pro34.5 gm Calories 566 Fat 15.5 gm / Sat 8.6 gm./Trans.3 gm Sodium 868 mg Pro 23.4 gm Carbs 86.3gm 769Calories Fat 33.9gm Sat15.7 gm Trans.1 gm Sodium 590 mg Carbs 51.1gm Pro 43 gm 27 28 29 30 31 Chicken A La King over Biscuit Green Beans Sweet Potatoes Orange Stuffed Cabbage Roll 3 Bean Salad Broccoli Cracked Wheat Bread Grapes Navy Bean Soup Ham/Cheese Sandwich Red Grapes Apple Juice Lasagna Tossed Salad Green Beans Cracked Wheat Bread Banana Seasoned Baked Chicken Mashed Potatoes Carrots Cracked Wheat Bread Pear 573 Calories Fat 14.7gm / Sat 5.6 gm /Trans.1.3 Sodium 458 mg Carbs 66.6 gm Pro 42.7 gm 453Calories Fat 10.7gm / Sat 4.8 gm./Trans .3 gm Sodium 842mg Pro 19 gm Carbs 65.3gm Calories 698 Fat 23 gm / Sat. 11 Tran .8 Sodium 639 mg Carbs 81.8 588 Calories Fat 21 gm / Sat 5.6 gm Sodium 497 mg Carbs67.1 gm Pro34.5 gm Calories 794 Fat 13 gm / Sat. 3.5 Sodium 970 mg Carbs 117 . PLEASE NOTE: Nutritional Information may vary. Dessert not included in nutrition information. ALL CONGREGATE MEALS SERVED AT NOON ALL MEALS SERVED WITH 2% MILK ALL MEALS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE FOR RESERVATIONS CALL SHARON 345-3010 (ext. 1802) MARY for HDM 345-1710 (ext. 1809) 5 What 100 calories looks like: Food Asparagus Avocado Beet (sliced) Bell pepper (green) Bell pepper (red) Broccoli (raw) Brussels sprout Carrot (baby) Cauliflower (raw) Celery Corn (sweet white) Cucumber Green bean (cooked) Kale (cooked) Lettuce (romaine) Mushroom (raw) Onion (raw) Pea (cooked) Potato (russet) Potato (sweet) Radish (raw) Spinach (raw) Summer squash (raw) Tomato (grape) Tomato (roma) Zucchini Amount 32 spears 1/3 of the fruit 1 1/2 cups 4 medium peppers 3 1/3 medium peppers 10 (5-inch-long spears) 14 heads 28 30 flowerets 18 (8-inch stalks) Kernels from two ears 2 (8-1/4-inch cukes) 2 1/4 cups 3 cups 1 head 20 large 2 medium 3/4 cup 3/4 small 2 small 70 large 45 leaves 3 medium 48 3 medium 3 medium Calories 106 106 94 95 103 105 106 98 98 101 118 90 98 109 106 101 92 94 100 108 101 98 94 108 105 Roasted Radishes Serves 3 to 4 Ingredients:2 bunches radishes, cleaned, trimmed and cut in half lengthwise 2 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2 lemon, juiced salt and pepper to taste Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. 2. Place all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and toss together. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Spread radishes onto a baking sheet and roast for 20 to 25 minutes or until radishes have crisped and browned around the edges and have become almost fork tender. 6 4. Lightly adjust seasonings and finish with lemon zest, if desired. Serve. June 2015 s ti e Activi Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 12:45 Penny Bingo 8 12:45 Penny Bingo 15 12:45 Penny Bingo 22 12:45 Penny Bingo 10:30 Volleyball 11:00 BP Clinic 11:00 Exercise Class 12:45 Bingo 12:45 Bridge 9:00 Carvers 10:00 Heal’g Together 11:00 Exercise Class 12:45 Euchre 9 10:30 Volleyball w/Rosco COA 11:00 BP Clinic 11:00 Exercise Class 12:40 Bingo 12:40 Bridge 1:-3:00 Project Fresh 10 9:00 Carvers 10:00 Heal’g Together 11:00 Exercise Class 12:00 Churchill Men/ Ladies Lunch 12:45 Euchre 11 10:30 Volleyball 12:45 Swedish Weaving Class 12:45 Pinochle Nail Clinic by Appt. 6:00 Euchre 12 12:45 Bingo 16 10:30 Volleyball 11:00 Exercise Class 11:00 BP Clinic 12:40 Bingo 12:40 Bridge 17 9:00 Carvers 11:00 Exercise Class 12:45 Euchre 18 10:30 Volleyball 12:40 Pinochle 12:45 Swedish Weaving Class 6:00 Euchre 19 23 10:30 Volleyball 11:00 BP Clinic 11:00 Exercise Class 24 9:00 Carvers 10:00 Heal’g Together 11:00 Exercise Class 12:45 Euchre 25 10:30 V-ball 26 NO BINGO TODAY! 12:45 Bridge 29 12:45 Penny Bingo 10:30 Volleyball 12:45 Bunco 12:45 Swedish Weaving Class 12:45 PinochleActivity Room 6:00 Euchre 30 10:30 Volleyball 11:00 Exercise Class 12:45 Bingo 12:45 Bridge 5:00 PM Rods/Relics 11:00 BP Clinic 12:40 Pinochle 12:45 Swedish Weaving ClassNail Clinic by Appt. 6:00 Euchre GARAGE SALE 8:30-3:00PM No Bingo! 6:00 Community Dance 12:40 Bingo 6:00 PM Community Dance 12:40 Bingo DON’T FORGET: GARAGE SALE ON JUNE 5TH, RESERVE YOUR TABLE/$15 BEGINNING JULY 20TH FREE DIABETES PATH CLASSES HERE AT OGEMAW COA ‘MY PLACE’ 7 CALL: 989-345-3010 ext. 1810 OGEMAW COMMISSION ON AGING ‘MY PLACE’ ACTIVITIES There were numerous requests for the Mint Julep recipe served at the Derby Party. If you didn’t get a chance to taste it, it would be a wonderful treat of those hot summer days. VIRGIN MINT JULEP SERVES 8-10 INGREDIENTS: Simple Syrup Mix lemon juice, sugar and water in a small saucepan. Heat and stir until sugar is dissolved. (You don’t have to bring it to a boil.) Chill. 1 cup lemon juice ½ cup sugar ½ cup water Add peppermint extract to taste/ up to 1 teaspoon (a little goes a long way) YOU SCREAM, I ’ LL SCREAM, WE ’ LL ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM! Here’s a shot of the Ice Cream Maker that Deb Rosebrugh lends us each year for our Summer Picnic! It’s a very unique wonderful machine created by her late husband, Tom. It makes 5 gallons of yummy ice cream and Phil operates this every year. Come on out on July 22nd for your dish of ice cream !!! 8 JUNE EVENTS & MEETINGS HERE AT “MY PLACE” JUNE 2ND—at 11:00 AM Blood Pressure Clinic JUNE 2ND & 3RD—at 11:00 Exercise Class continues on Tuesday and Wednesday (Everyone is welcome to join in) JUNE 3RD & 17TH at 10:00AM in the Library “Healing Together” (Grief Support) sponsored by Hospice Advantage Call Karen at 343-2470 JUNE 4TH—12:40 Bunco Ladies will be coming to My Place JUNE 4TH—SWEDISH WEAVING Continues on Thursday afternoons JUNE 5TH—8:30-3:00 PM FOURTH ANNUAL GARAGE SALE, Concession style lunch served JUNE 9TH-10:30 AM Volley ball with Roscommon COA JUNE 9TH—11:00 AM Blood Pressure Clinic JUNE 10TH—NOON, Churchill Methodist Men & Women for Lunch JUNE 11TH—NAIL CLINIC FOR TOES AND FINGERS! By appointment, call 989-345-3010, ext 1802 JUNE 12TH —6:00 PM Community Dance. Donations accepted. See page 8 for more info. JUNE 16TH—11:00AM Blood Pressure Clinic JUNE 17TH—BIRTHDAYS CELEBRATED WITH SPECIAL DECORATED CAKE! (Made by the Cake Cupboard and furnished by Leah Pauley JUNE 19TH—6:00 PM Community Dance. Donations accepted. See page 8 for more info. JUNE 25TH—11:00AM Blood Pressure Clinic JUNE 25TH—NAIL CLINIC FOR TOES AND FINGERS! By appointment, call 989-345-3010, ext 1802 ITEMS FOR SALE Ogemaw Commission on Aging has a used Jazzy motorized chair and sit-to-stand available for sale. Items are used and need new batteries. Sold “as is”. Please contact Jennifer for more information 989-345-3010 ext 1806. 9 Dances! Friday, June 12, 2015 Music by the Kartes Kountry Krew (All donations go directly to the band for providing their music at no fee) Friday, June 19th, 2015 Music by Gene Kelly & Classic Country Sound Band (All donations go directly to the band For providing their music at no fee) Musical Evening of Dancing and Socializing at “My Place” Bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Ogemaw Commission on Aging , 1528 S M-33, West Branch, MI 48661 (One mile North of the intersection of M-33 & M-55 ) 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM 50/50 Raffle Call 989-345-3010 ext 1802 with Questions (Public Invited, No reservations needed) *This event is put on by a group of people who just want to meet to dance and enjoy music! This is not a COA event. Ogemaw COA provides the use of the facility because seniors appreciate and enjoy this event! At the very beginning of 2008 Ogemaw COA was wise enough to hire Sally Reid as an In-home Service Provider. She describes that job as a complete joy. For the last 2years Sally has been our Inhome Service Coordinator. Sally makes her home in Lupton with husband of 23 years, Rob. They raised a blended family of 6 children, Christopher, Katie, John, Kevin, RJ and Rachel and have been blessed with 4 grandchildren. Sally describes Rob as an entrepreneur who has started 2 businesses and currently owns a bait shop on Sage Lake Road. Meet Sally Reid Born in Rochester, NY, Sally moved back to Michigan as a baby. As a young girl her father imparted a love of travel to his children and took them on many trips. Sally stills loves traveling and has been to Scotland where she stayed in a castle. She’d love to see Europe, Australia and many more places before she hangs up her traveling shoes. Along with travel, she LOVES reading, and food. And by food she means not necessarily having to prepare it but trying new foods. Studying the history and cultures of different countries is very high on her enjoyment list also. More traveling is on her bucket list. But in the mean time, she is all ours and we are glad for that. 10 Hello everyone! It looks like summer is knocking on our door. I am sure many of you are very happy at that thought. I know it has been a joy for us to see so many beautiful flowers adding a splash of color to our world. Everything is so lush and green. No wonder all the birds are singing so happily! As we move into the summer season, that means a whole new crop of projects ahead of us! We would like to branch out a bit more and try some things we have not done in the past. We hope that you might be willing to watch garage sales for a few items for us, or maybe you happen to have some of these items laying around that you wont be using. Air Dry indoor cement Clear plastic rain gauge (6 total needed) Mini glue sticks 1" ceramic tiles pieces of 1x4 4 -6" long Clear colored glass stones Plastic rain gutter about 5 feet long We have had a lot of fun this past month. We enjoyed a couple new and interesting activities, as well as some of our favorite things. We have been exploring through music with some percussion instruments and discovered a new card game called Quiddler that is very challenging. We enjoyed helping to decorate for the Derby Party. We all had a super fantastic time at the party! It was nice seeing so many of you there having a wonderful time too. The horse races were a definite hit! Maybe we will make some kind of race game of our own for this summer. We will soon be meeting some new friends here at The Cottage and we certainly look forward to that. As always, we appreciate all your tips on good movies to watch, fun activities to try, and new crafts to make. One never really knows what might crop up at The Cottage, but in the words of one of our guests, "..but I know we will certainly be fun!" We hope your summer is loaded with pleasant surprises from beginning to end. Please remember to be mindful of the heat! Wear protective clothing and sunscreen and make sure to drink plenty of water! Your Friends at, The Cottage NEXT TRIP! SINATRA FOREVER JULY 20TH A tribute to Frank Sinatra that pays homage to him and his talent. This is not an impersonation show but an interpretation performed by Rick Michel. Rick is billed in Las Vegas as “The closest thing to Frank Sinatra we’ve ever heard”. This is a $30 package being offered from Soaring Eagle Casino and North Country Tours. Pickup will be at Ogemaw Commission on Aging at 11:00 AM, the show is a 4:00 PM Matinee at Soaring Eagle and the bus departs the casino at 7:00 PM. Call 989-345-3010 ext. 1802 to reserve. This bus is already half full, so don’t delay. 11 Don’t forget to check all the bulletin boards and the brochure table at My Place for Information on various businesses and activities taking place in the community! HOMESTEAD AND HOME HEATING CREDITS FOR 2014 Once again we will assist in filing these credits only, (Ogemaw Commission on Aging does not do Federal and State Tax preparation.) Please adhere to the following rules: WE RENT ‘MY PLACE’! We have rented ‘My Place’ many times in the past but some of you may not be aware that this is something we do. Please keep us in mind if you are looking for a spot for a wedding reception, bridal shower, birthday or anniversary party or even a funeral dinner. If you or anyone you know is interested please call 989-345-3010 ext 1802 Call for an appointment (989) 345-3010 Ext.1804 or Ext. 1807. Bring all proof of income, (W-2’s, 1099’s, etc.) Property Tax bills Home heating costs from 11/1/201310/31/2014, Medical cost charged on your Car Insurance. MEDICAL INSURANCE COUNSELING IS AVAILABLE BY CALLING SUSAN BOWEN 989-356-3474, EXT 212 DON’T FORGET. . . We also have a coupon box for you to browse through and take any coupons you can use. Donate your unused coupons and Donna will organize them. Thanks Donna! BREAD SALES We SELL our delicious Cracked Wheat Bread! Order and prepay Sharon throughout the week and on Fridays after 11:00 pick it up. $2.50/loaf. Let us know ahead and we will slice it for you. Note: Please place your order as soon as you get here or call ahead. FREE LEGAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS over 60 800-872-8432 www.ISNMiRP.org David Bisgrove (No Criminal Cases) FREE NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICE FOR SENIORS (Over 60) AT OGEMAW COA Our Mary Jones is a Notary Public on Staff Here at My Place and we are happy to offer this service to our Seniors at no charge. Call Mary at 989-345-3010 Ext 1809. (There will be a $1.00 fee for those under 60). ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION (N. MI. Alzheimer’s Association 989-356-4087) The Compassion to Care, the Leadership to Conquer OGEMAW SUPPORT GROUP MEETS FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH 2:00 PM AT WEST BRANCH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Contact Marcie at 989-345-7501 or 989-415-7633 12 do! Come & see what a little bit of support can Are you interested in learning Bridge? If so call 989-345-3010 ext 1802. We have a great group of Bridge players and they’d be willing to coach any new players. West Branch Parkinson Support Group At the Ogemaw Commission on Aging Building NEXT PARKINSONS MEETING JUNE 11TH 1528 S M-33 West Branch, MI All Those with Parkinson Disease, Their Loved Ones, Or Anyone Interested in Learning More Are Welcome to Attend. Please call Carol at 989-345-3010 Ext 1807 For more information THANK YOU! For donations of decorations, money, craft supplies, books to the library, etc. You are all so generous. And everyone, who throughout the year, so generously donated various items to help us out. We appreciate all your help and thoughtfulness! T.E.F.A.P. QUARTERLY SURPLUS PICK-UP WILL BE IN TUESDAY AUGUST 4TH 9:30-12:00 NOON AT THE HOLY FAMILY Parish Hall NEXT SENIOR COMMODITY DATE JUNE 25TH THURSDAY, 10:00 TO 11:30 am Available to pick up at Holy Family Church at 402 W Peters Road, West Branch MI Pickup 10:00AM-11:30PM Call 1-866-270-0685 w/Questions (You must return the empty CSFP Box at the next pickup) NAIL CARE CLINIC JUNE 11TH AND JUNE 25TH Foot Care—$15 A 30 minute session which includes a soak and trimming your nails. Manicure—$10 A 30 minute session to soak, trim and shape your nails. Inita Burmudz does nail clinics here now twice a month, pedicure and manicure. She is certified and licensed. Please call Activities Coordinator at 345-3010, Ext. 1802 for an appointment and remember to bring your own towel. SEVEN SIMPLE GIFTS THE GIFT OF LISTENING But you must really listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening. THE GIFT OF AFFECTION Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and hand holds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends. THE GIFT OF A WRITTEN NOTE It can be a single “thanks for the help” note or a full sonnet. A brief handwritten note may be remembers for a lifetime, and may even change a life THE GIFT OF A COMPLIMENT A simple and sincere, “You look great in red.” “You did a super job!” or “That was a wonderful meal,” can make someone’s day. THE GIFT OF SOLITUDE There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others. THE GIFT OF A CHEERFUL DISPOSITION The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to 13 and someone. . . Really, it’s not that hard to say ‘Hello” “Thank you”. Courtesy of The Iowa Country Register Diabetes PATH Classes coming to Ogemaw Commission on Aging Beginning on July 20th Are you or someone you know living with Diabetes? Does it seem like it is just too overwhelming to take charge of? Help is on the way! Beginning on July 20th, Ogemaw Commission on Aging, located a mile North of the intersection of M-55 and M-33, will be hosting a series of classes specifically geared toward learning to effectively manage diabetes and live a healthier lifestyle. Training topics will include: Managing symptoms Formula for healthy eating plan Dealing with anger, fear, pain, frustration, and depression Preventing low blood sugar Preventing or delaying complications Relaxation and stress management techniques Space is limited! Don’t miss out on this informative class, brought to you at no charge! Register now by calling: Dawn at 1 (989) 345-3010 ext. 1810 14
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