Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 Festival Hours: 11am-8pm Presented by the Greater Rosewood Merchants Association th Completed applications with payment must be received no later than April 18 , 2014. Application For: Food Vendor Art/Craft Vendor Business Vendor ! $250 (GRMA Member) ! $350 (Non-GRMA) ! $60 ! $250 Contact/Name______________________________________________________________________________________ Business Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________ State _____________________ Zip______________________ Phone Number(s) _________________________ Electricity/Total Wattage Needs (if yes, additional $50.00) ________________ 10 x10 Tent Needed? _______ (If yes, include additional $150.00) Booth Size/Dimensions ____________________________ Amount Enclosed: ________________________________ # of Staff Passes Needed? __________________________ Please mail & make checks payable to “Greater Rosewood Merchants Association” Greater Rosewood Merchants Association Attn: Crawfish Vendor App 2910 Suite 5 Rosewood Drive Columbia, SC 29205 You must review, check off and sign the following vendor guidelines and general release form before approval. Payment and completed application does not guarantee vendor space at the Rosewood Crawfish Festival. The GRMA will contact you to confirm your organization as participating. Once approved, additional day of information will be sent via email and/or telephone. For additional information, please visit or you can e-mail The Greater Rosewood Merchants Association is a licensed non-profit corporation with the State of South Carolina and is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c) (6) corporation. Please read & review vendor guidelines and check lists below. You MUST check off your corresponding vendor lists and sign the general release statement below in order to gain festival approval. Make a copy of vendor lists below and use as a reference event day. All Vendors - Check List o o o o o o o o o o o o I will be responsible for collecting & recording sales tax on all sold items I will be responsible for federal, state & local taxes due from sales, if applicable I understand vendor locations are allocated by vendor type, electrical/festival needs & they may change I understand a specific arrival time, entry gate & location will be coordinated for all vendors I understand vendor entry gates will only remain open 6am-9am and will close immediately after 9am I understand all vehicles must be OUT/OFF festival site before 9:00am or it will be towed at my expense My vendor area will be ready at 10:00am for the Fire Marshall Compliance Inspection My tent will be securely tied & properly anchored with a min of 75lbs on each corner (MUST bring own buckets) I will supply all of my own booth elements: buckets/weights, twine, table, chairs, canopies, tents and/or umbrellas I understand a 10 x 10 tent can be rented for an additional $100 (if app indicates a rental $100 added) I understand the festival reserves the right to expel any vendor not in compliance & app fee will be forfeited I understand I will receive entry bands for staff day of (please indicate total# on app) Food Vendor - Check List o o o o o o o o o o o o o Hospitality tax will be paid to the City of Columbia for all food & beverage sales Appropriate licenses will be visible and/or displayed during the festival hours A Copy/proof of insurance has been included with this application (no proof, no approval) I understand there are no guarantees of available electrical power day of " Electricity will only be provided on an extremely limited basis I will supply all of my own extension cords if they are needed I understand if ICE can be provided upon request for a fee (no free ice onsite) All table/service areas will be covered with a cloth or plastic covering All cooking/serving areas will be separated by a minimum of two (2) feet I will cover my cooking pot(s) & store all food and single service items off of the ground All food items will be "House-made” (items prepared & served on-site) I understand there is to be absolutely NO ALCOHOL sales from any food vendor onsite I will meet all DHEC & Fire Marshal codes by having the following items; " Fire extinguisher, hand washing/sanitation stations, " 2 gallon container with water valve for dispensing & a discard bucket for soiled water I will provide trash cans, composting & recycling bins for my vending area Art Vendor - Check List o o o o o I understand all items must be handcrafted by the art/craft vendor applying for booth space My vendor area will be ready at 10:00am for the Fire Marshall Compliance Inspection My tent will be securely tied & properly anchored with a min of 75lbs on each corner (MUST bring own buckets) I will supply all of my own booth elements: table, chairs, canopies, tents and/or umbrellas I understand a 10 x 10 tent can be rented for an additional $100 (if app indicates a rental $100 added) General Release: There will be NO REFUNDS in the event of inclement weather. There will be NO REFUNDS for cancellation. The Festival will be held rain or shine. The undersigned does herby release, acquit, and forever discharge the Greater Rosewood Merchants Association, its agents, its representatives, its employees, or contracted staff, of and from all manner of actions, suits, damages, claims and demands whatsoever in law or equity from any loss or damage of any nature of description, known or unknown, in any way relating to the undersigned participation in the Columbia, SC Rosewood Crawfish Festival. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Please Print Name Clearly: _________________________________________________________________ Business Name: __________________________________________________________________________
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