Tentative Agenda Join us April 24-26, 2015 at the Omni in uptown Charlotte to celebrate the accomplishments of the more than 2,300 Rotarians in Western North Carolina with motivation, education & fellowship! Registration Desk will be open Thursday, 3-5pm, & Friday, 10am-5pm. Registration is required to attend meals & conference programs. In addition to informative presentations, we’ll also have live entertainment on-stage, awards presentations, and photo opportunities with “special guests.” Thursday, April 23rd 6:30-8:30pm: Leadership Team Dinner – Invitation Only (business casual or Rotary attire) Friday, April 24th 1-3pm: Emerging Leader Sessions (business casual or Rotary attire) Open to all attendees at no additional charge, please sign up on conference website! 3-4pm: Plenary Session 1 “Blue Ridge Mountains” (business casual or Rotary attire) Business Session Presentations by Local Clubs 4:30-5:30pm: Scotch Tasting ($40 per person, registration required on conference website) 5:30-6:30pm: Cocktail Reception (cash bar) 6:30-9:30pm: Dinner & Plenary Session 2 “Aloha” (“Hawaiian” or business dinner attire) Parade of Banners Keynote Presentation, Minda Dentler “Becoming A Champion” Airline Ticket Giveaway (must be present to win!) 9:30-11pm: “FLY AVL House of Friendship” Open with DJ & Cash Bar Saturday, April 25th 7:30-8:30am: Hot Breakfast Buffet 8:30-11:45am: Plenary Session 3 “Viva Las Vegas” (business casual or Rotary attire) Keynote Presentation, Dr. Ben Bahr “The Fight to CART Away Alzheimer’s Disease” Presentation by Youth Exchange Students Panel Discussions on Membership, Media & Youth Programming Noon-2pm: Class Reunion Lunch & Plenary Session 4 “Basin Street Blues” Keynote Presentation, Michael Angelo Caruso “Getting People To Do Stuff” Rotary Club of Asheville 100th Anniversary Celebration 2:15-3:15pm: “Meet Up” for potential projects, events &grants 2-5:30pm: FREE TIME to enjoy the City of Charlotte! 5:30-6:30pm: Cocktail Reception (cash bar) 6:30-9:30pm: Plenary Session 5 “Hooray For Hollywood” (black tie optional) Red Carpet Awards Ceremony Keynote Presentation, Rotary International President’s Representative Installation of District Governor 2015-16 Airline Ticket Giveaway (must be present to win!) 9:30-11pm: “FLY AVL House of Friendship” Open with DJ & Cash Bar Sunday, April 26th 7:30-8:30am: Continental Buffet 8:15-8:45am: Memorial Service 9-11am: Plenary Session 6 “Carolina In My Mind” (business casual or Rotary attire) Presentations by Local Clubs Presentation to Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte Airline Ticket Giveaway (must be present to win!) More information on our speakers or hotel is available at www.rotary7670conference.weebly.com Questions? Contact Conference Chair Tiffany Ervin tiffany@tiffanyervin.com or 828-243-5870
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