Bulletin 19 March, 2015 City view from Middle Brighton beach - photo by Darren Donnellan , Last week s meeting 12 March 2015: This week,s meeting: Mardo’s Restaurant 1 Crockford Street, Port Melbourne. Acting President Geoff Knight (far right) is seen here with last week’s speaker Prof Peter Gibson (middle) and Chairman PP Arthur Hubbard. Pres Bill Howley was away in Hobart at the District Conference. A summary of Peter’s talk on page 2. Our meeting this week, Thursday 19 March, is a special Ladies’ Night at an external venue - Nic Mardling’s flagship “Mardo’s Restaurant” at Port Melbourne. There will be pre-dinner canapes and champagne on arrival, followed by fine food and a night of fellowship, music and entertainment, with only minimal Rotary business. NEWS & EVENTS: l Page 2: l Page 4: l Page 6: l Page 7: l Page 12: l Page 12: Prof Peter Gibson Update on Cambodia Project Mayer Page Walk Lawn Bowls at West Brighton Club Highlights of District Conference in Hobart Annual Sportsman’s Night - Wed 25 March Rotary Club of Brighton Inc P.O. Box 206 Brighton VIC 3186 District 9800 Club Number 18309 Chartered: 24 September, 1973 www.rotarybrighton.com.au No. A23508S ABN 29 236 561 983 Missed an issue of the Bulletin or need it for research? You can now get back copies on the website at: www.rotarybrighton.com.au under Bulletins or contact the Editor by email to be sent a pdf of a back issue. You also can get a copy from the Editor who collects leftovers after meetings. secretary@rotarybrighton.com.au Editor, Designer: Max Martin Phone: 0409 822 378 www.maxmartindesigns.com.au ecclesmaxmartin@gmail.com Photography: Darren Donnellan March is Water and Sanitation Month Your Club Board for 2014-2015 President Bill Howley Vice President Darren Donnellan Board Advisor PP David Efron Secretary Daryl Forge Treasurer PP Arthur Hubbard President Elect Barry Hickman Meetings Graeme Wallace Fund Raising Rob Foster Fellowship Bruce Crossley International Stuart McIntyre Youth Tony Naughton , Last week s speaker: 12 March 2015 Prof Peter Gibson GLUTEN - FRIEND OR FOE? There is currently an almost epidemic of people following a gluten-free diet across the Western world. In Australia, about 11% of adults avoid wheat or are gluten-free. The majority do so because they feel it helps symptoms like abdominal bloating and pain, or fatigue. The benefits of a gluten-free diet in those with coeliac disease, in which there is an immune reaction to gluten, is proven and the diet forms the sole therapy for this condition that affects 1% of Australians. However, whether the diet is beneficial in those with abdominal and other symptoms that are attributed to gluten (so-called ‘noncoeliac gluten sensitivity’ or ‘NCGS’) is controversial. Gluten is the major protein contained within wheat flour. It is the component of wheat that enable the bread to be light and fluffy, giving it the texture that makes it so popular. Anyone who has tried gluten-free bread will know that texture is not mimicked. Longitudinal Section of Garin of Wheat The major problem is that wheat also contains a lot of fructans which are types of small carbohydrates that can themselves induce such symptoms. In fact, fructans are one of the group of sugars called FODMAPs and these all cause gut symptoms in those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). FODMAPs are also present onions, legumes, watermelon, apples and pears and many other fruits and vegetables. In fact, reducing the intake of FODMAPs in the diet is good for IBS and this dietary approach is now widely used in people with IBS. This diet was developed the Monash University group at the Alfred Hospital, under the direction of Professor Peter Gibson and Dr Jane Muir. They have tested the diets in scientifically rigorous studies and they work. The diet has revolutionised the management of IBS across the world. There is now a very popular app available on the diet on both Apple and android - the Monash University Low FODMAP Diet App. However, studies from Europe have indicated that some people with IBS (but not coeliac disease) are indeed sensitive to gluten. So the battle is now on how we recognise people who are sensitive to gluten. There is no current test. Even the effect of going gluten-free is not a good guide since both gluten and FODMAPs are reduced by that strategy. If a person has ongoing (chronic) abdominal symptoms, they should seek medical help. Tests for coeliac disease should be performed before glutenfree diet is tried, as diagnosing or excluding this condition is difficult once the person is gluten-free. If IBS is the diagnosis, it is recommended that a low FODMAP diet is a better option to try first - it works in 3 out of 4 people and is not that hard to learn. A gluten-free diet is more strict and restrictive, and current recommendations are that it should only be considered as a therapy when other approaches are not working. Only further good quality research into wheat, gluten and FODMAPs, like that occurring at the Alfred Hospital and Monash University, will resolve the current controversies. What we can say at present is that both gluten and FODMAPs may cause abdominal problems in people without coeliac disease, but that FODMAP sensitivity is far more common. There is little doubt that three out of four people with IBS experience abdominal symptoms after consuming a moderate amount of wheat products (such as bread or pasta). Is it the gluten or the FODMAPs that cause(s) the symptoms. The team at the Alfred have conducted a series of randomised controlled trials in people who appear to have NCGS in which they are given gluten-containing food or food without gluten (without knowing which was which). In a series of 37 people, none of them were truly sensitive to gluten and all improved when they reduced all the FODMAPs in their diet. Thinking of Cruising? Contact the “Cruise Wizards’ and receive Qantas Frequent Flyer points or your cruise or talk to us about our unbeatable business class fares. 2 Julie Avery 12 Church Street, Brighton Telephone 9591 9591 julie@brightontravel.com.au ROSTERS THIS WEEK’S MEETING 19 MARCH 2015 Host: Nic Mardling Location: Mardo’s Restaurant Upcoming Meetings - Events: Thursday 19 March Mardo’s Restaurant - external meeting Sunday 22 March Mayer Page Walk - details page 6 Wednesday 25 March The Sportsman’s Night - details page 12 Thursday 23 April Anzac Meeting - see below Friday 29 May The Brighton Lunch Thursday 19 March 2015 - MARDO’S RESTAURANT NO ROSTER Wednesday 25 March 2015 “SPORTSMAN’S NIGHT” NO MEETING ON THURSDAY 26 MARCH SOUTH AMERICA SMALL GROUP JOURNEYS For all your computing needs Computer, laptops, servers, printers, phones ● Network and system specialists ● For all Telecommunication voice and data needs ● All Telstra voice and data plans, fixed, mobile, 365 and cloud For all your outsourcing and technical ICT needs 24x7 national service desk and response centre ● Project Management ● Remote management and monitoring of all critical IT devices ● Geoff Bentley P: 1300 784 774 M: 0408 991 641 E: gbentley@neptuneservices.com.au gaLáPagos | amazon | Patagonia chiLean fjords | antarctica APT also has cruises and tours in Russia • Canada • Alaska Asia • USA • India • Africa • Europe • China New Zealand • Australia CALL 1300 656 985 for a brochure or see your travel agent www.aptouring.com.au Australian Pacific Touring Pty Ltd ABN 44 004 684 619 Lic. No. 30112 APT008_SA COMING SOON! MAJOR SPONSOR “SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST” - FEATURING TURIA PITT, JASON McCARTNEY, MARK SEYMOUR & CATHY FREEMAN VENUE: THE CAROUSEL ALBERT PARK - DATE: 29 MAY 2015 - MORE DETAILS SOON 3 Update on Cambodia Project presented by Stuart McIntyre Erik Vandenbeg researched a new project at the Preh Nohr villages (1½ hours North of Siem Reip). Their problem was their supply of well water was contaminated/ health problem and most of the village land couldn’t be accessed - landmined by the Khmer Rouge. 30% of village kids don’t attend primary school - difficult access or cost of uniforms and books. October 2014. Erik and Barry Hickman initiated a Pilot Project to construct and install biofilters for water purification - mainly using the village community. At end February, Erik and I returned to check out the filter operation, sample and to plan the next phase. We were accompanied by a volunteer filmmaker and two film students to record our various projects - to support future fundraising. We found the village community was operating the first 50 filters satisfactorily and were achieving a clean water supply. Simple, low cost, low maintenance technology. We are assisting to get Preh Nohr prioritized in the national land mine clearance programme - Erik and Rithy Leh speaking with the NGO handling clearance and the District Governor/ agency that controls the program. Next phase, subject to funds, is to roll out the program with (say) 500 Biofilters and 200 water harvesting tanks and to facilitate more viable/ sustainable agriculture. Our on-going project is termed: Sustainable Villages Cambodia - check it out on Facebook The shining star in Brighton. Mercedes-Benz Brighton, proud supporters of the Rotary Club of Brighton. Visit the team at Mercedes-Benz Brighton for all your Mercedes-Benz requirements. • New, Demonstrator and Pre-Owned vehicles. • Genuine Service, Parts and Auto Body Repairs. • Finance and Insurance. /MercedesBenzBrighton 4 LMCT443 mb brighton Mercedes-Benz Brighton 988 Nepean Hwy Moorabbin (03) 8506 9888 www.mbbrighton.com.au PRESIDENT,S REPORT Presented by Past President Geoff Knight • PP Geoff started the meeting by calling for a minutes silence in respect of the passing of Gerhard Sommer who was a very popular hard working Member of the Club and he will be sorely missed by all. Geoff said we should reflect upon what Gerhard did for the Club and on the tragedy that Rosemarie and family were now suffering. Paul Laband then said the grace and followed by Stephen West who gave the toast. • Geoff then welcomed our speaker for the night Prof Peter Gibson. He also welcomed Hanna who was the only guest and daughter of Bill Jeans. She is a dietician and was along to hear what Prof Peter had to say. Geoff then introduced the top table consisting of Chairman Arthur Hubbard and that crusty old Sergeant Bill Jeans. :There will be around , 250 guests andECRET he ARY S S ANNOUNCEMENTS Presented by PP Arthur Hubbard • Geoff Cunningham - Bowls Day Geoff spoke about the upcoming Bowls Day. He reminded us that we needed to book and this was the last call. Highlights of the day are on page 7. • Graeme Wallace - Ladies Night Mardo’s Evening. Graeme reminded us that there would be no meeting next week as we will be at Mardo’s. There won’t be a meeting on 26 March either due to the Sportsman’s’ Night on 25 March. The following week is Easter Eve and so no meeting that week either. The next meeting at Milanos will be on 9 April. • Glenn Ross - Mayer Page Walk Sunday 22 March Glenn reminded us about the Walk and details on are on page 6. • PP Paul Nicholson - Sportsman’s Night 25 March Paul asked us to look at the rollover of beneficiaries from the Sportsman’s Night that was displayed on the screen. He said we have been doing the show for 37 years. Paul said that’s the reason we do the night and he was very proud of it. He encouraged us to come along and bring our wives and partners. He thanked Geoff McGeary of APT as well as Julie Avery of Brighton Travelworld for being the mainstays of the Event with their support with Auction prizes. Buxton is proud to have been a key supporter of the Rotary Club of Brighton for more than 30 years. For expert advice on any real estate matter, contact.... David Hart Halli Moore Stefan Whiting 0417 541 933 0403 777 661 0411 473 153 • Geoff Bentley - Brighton Lunch Friday 29 May 2015 - Geoff gave us a snapshot of the upcoming Lunch. He said it would be about Survival of the Fittest and will feature Turia Pitt, who is a philanthropist, burns survivor, motivational speaker, engineer and published author. Also Jason McCartney will be speaking and he is also a burns survivor being involved in the Bali Bombings. Along with these speakers will be singer Mark Seymour and of course Cathy Freeman who’s Foundation receives a portion of the benefits from the Lunch. It will be at the Carousel Albert Park and will be $140 a head. More details to come. 5 Mayer Page Health Walk See you next Sunday 22 March at 10.00am, Small Street Hampton Beach Pavilion (original venue) Cost $15 per head - Kids Free - BYO drink Partners, friends, children, grandchildren, ‘fur kids’ all welcome! l Stretch & exercise with lovely personal trainer Peta Beaumont l Gentle walk l Other fun activities l BBQ commencing at 12 noon Glenn needs to know the number for catering! Confirm to Glenn Ross by email: sisada@bigpond.com 6 Our sister Club at the invites you to attend the Lawn Bowls at West Brighton Club The day started with canapés, bubbles or tea/coffee. Then 24 bowlers went to the rinks for 3 rounds of somewhat interesting bowls. We had 4 extra people join us for a wonderful buffet lunch followed by cheese and bickies. The result of the morning rounds were tallied and the top 4 teams played off in the semi finals. This resulted in a final with John King, Maria Hicks and Peter Sherman battling it out against Ron Sher, Sue Fairlam and Carolyn Wilcox. John King’s team was victorious and were crowned champions for 2015. A wonderful day of fellowship was had by all. BIG TURNOUT FOR GERHARD’S FAREWELL Around 100 people attended the farewell to Gerhard Sommer at the West Brighton Club on Monday 16 March. It was a fitting occasion attended by family, Rotarians and friends of this much loved Member of our Club. Various people spoke about the life of Gerhard including Bill Jeans and Barry Hickman. Bill remembered the many fishing trips they did together and how meticulous Gerhard was with his fishing gear and told many funny stories. Barry spoke about Gerhard’s wonderful contribution to the Rotary work in Cambodia and how he was proud to have worked beside him. Gerhard’s son-in-law John also spoke of being introduced to fishing by Gerhard and what an inspirational and wonderful family man he was. He loved people and wanted to know all about them. Gerhard would have enjoyed his farewell and it was a fitting send off. His wonderful work will continue through other dedicated Rotarians and helpers. BRIGHTON BMW. WHY COMPROMISE WHEN THE ULTIMATE DRIVING MACHINE BECKONS? As a member of the Rotary Club of Brighton when you order and take delivery of any new or demonstrator BMW you will receive 5 Year/80,000kms complimentary scheduled servicing and the first year of registration free of charge.* For your new car and servicing needs please contact Nick Bishoff, Brighton BMW Special Vehicle Manager on 0408 388 021. Brighton BMW 363 Nepean Hwy, Brighton. Ph (03) 9524 4000. brightonbmw.com.au LMCT 7674 Brighton BMW Sales Finance Service Parts MEET YOUR MATCH: • The BMW 1 Series • The BMW 2 Series Coupé • The first ever BMW 2 Series Active Tourer • The first ever BMW 2 Series Convertible • The BMW X1 • The BMW Z4 *BMW Service Inclusive is based on the vehicles condition based service monitoring for 5 years from the date of first registration or up to 80,000kms, whichever occurs first. Normal wear and tear items and other exclusions apply. Scheduled servicing must be conducted by an authorised BMW dealer. Only demonstrator vehicles that are within the first 12 months of initial registration are eligible for this offer. Consult Brighton BMW for further details. Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Offer ends 30 April 2015. 7 SERGEANT,S S ESSION Sgt Bill Jeans 8 THIS BETTER BE GOOD. THE DAUGHTER IS WATCHING! * PP Geoff Knight: Sarg said he had known Geoff 50 years and they have been in business for 35 years. He said they had a wonderful relationship based on trust and understanding - Geoff doesn’t understand the Sarg and the Sarg doesn’t trust him; * Alan Jarrott: Not there but Sarg couldn’t sleep in early hours and he heard an interview on the radio with Alan about his football prowess - one Member asked did it put him back to sleep?; * Jim Hay: Has had the best Angus sale in 25 years. That’s the quality Jim puts out said the Sarg; * Darren Donnellan: Sarg said it was easy to pick him out in his colourful shirt - bright pink. Also couldn’t find his golf stick when playing with group recently. May have put it PP Tom Buxton’s bag; * Geoff Shaw: Sarg said he got an email from Damien Hellard asking him to be sergeant last week but Geoff had also been rostered. When he told him he backed out very quickly; * PP Geoff McGeary: Sarg said it was lovely see his smiling face as he hadn’t seen him for ages; * Geoff Cunningham: Ken Paterson saw Geoff buying flowers and it must have been for his wife. Did he have a lot to make up for?; * James Tisdall: Just bought a holiday house at Bright and Sarg had offered to introduce him to the Mayor of Bright, Smutsy Smith; * PP David Efron: Sarg said David had a big smile on his face now that Sheedy is back at Essendon; * PP Barry Morris: Used to whip in to the gym for 10 minutes but now he has been seen poncing about in front of the mirrors by Sarg’s wife Tish; * All Poms: For their poor performance in the World Cup; * Clyde White: Sarg said if he didn’t wear his outlandish ties each week we would have nothing to fine him for; * PP Peter Johns & PP Rob Tucker: Had to leave early but left money for the fines. Sarg reckons Peter must still have the runs after tour of India; * New Members: Had no fines for the Sarg. Need to lift their game. At least Mac Chapman who told him to b...er off gave something; * Darren Donnellan: Sarg receives an alumni dental newsletter and it shows the class of 1984 reunion and a very young looking Darren appeared in it; * Bob Challis: Sarg fined him for his birthday but it was wrong in Bulletin. Should have been 3 November. Editor checked and it was wrong on website. Members are supposed to check their details and can change them online! * Arthur Hubbard ‘running the Club’: He was Secretary, Chairman and Treasurer last week; * Anyone not at the Hobart Conference: Whole room fined; * Anyone going to Grand Prix: Cameron Ward fined; * Bob Challis: Got back from holiday in Hawaii in time to do is roster; * Chris McGetrick: Moved to new building in Nth Brighton called Bayview House and Sarg says if Geoff climbs up the fire escape ladder and then climb the chimney he has a good view of the Bay; * PP Jack Joel: He worked out that our speaker Peter was the only doctor in Melbourne who hadn’t worked on him; * PP Geoff Knight: Must be doing well in the financial section of the Age as he has put in substantial funds into a company he is a Director of; * Unknown fine emailed to Sarg: Email read: “Dear Bill, You may recall that at the end of the Sergeant’s session last week Eric Barr fined the Sarg as a number of expensive gold fish he had bought and placed in his pond had been fished out and killed by the neighbours cats. I went back to Eric’s this week armed with a wire mesh to replace the original grate which took 4 hours. In the process I learnt several things. The fish were related to Mark Twain. That is the news of their mass destruction was greatly exaggerated. Of those 6 goldfish only 6 remained. It seems the neighbours cats named ‘Rex’ and ‘Hunt’ caught the fish, kissed them and put them back. Regards Damien Hellard’” , Last Week s Raffle Peter Sneddon ran the raffle with one of the tallest ‘barrel girls’ I think we have had, Wayne Sanderson. The winners were: 1. James Tisdall 2. PP David Efron 3. Graeme Watson 4. Tony Naughton 5. Geoff Bentley DAVID EDEN CONDUCTOR/FUNERALÊ CONSULTANT WWW.TOBINBROTHERS.COM.AU 100%Ê AUSTRALIANÊ OWNED Highlights of 12 March Meeting YEAH WELL I HAVE HAD YEARS OF PRACTICE HANNA GEE I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE SO FUNNY DAD! I JUST COULDN’T HIT THE FAIRWAY CAMERON BUT YOU WILL HITTING THE ROAD TO BRIGHT THEN JAMES? I THINK JIM HAS ANGUS ON HIS MIND JOHN! SORRY WE HAVE TO RUN JACK. NO PUN INTENDED PETER! YOU’LL KEEP TUKKA SAHIB! YOU KNOW I REALLY WANTED TO BE SERGEANT GUYS! CLYDE, YOU ARE THE MEMBER WHO KEEPS ON GIVING! NO BULL WAYNE! YOU CAN DITTO WHAT YOU SAID TO THE SARG MAC! SURE YOU DID GEOFF!! FREIGHT PEOPLE Interstate & International Transport & Logistics l l Pallets l Cartons l Full Loads Warehousing l Mining Projects Paul Nicholson Mobile: 0416 222 325 Phone: 03 9568 5899 Matt Marshall Phone: 03 9568 5899 9 COLUMN Ladies wishing to have their contact details put in the next printed Members’ Directory please contact Angela Biggin on 0418 520 545, or by email: angiematron@hotmail.com You can also email Greg Biggin on: greg@bigginandassociates.net These details can also be added to Members online details and will appear in the online Members Directory. Ladies Dinners at the Marine Hotel Rotary Ladies meet on the last Thursday of the month at the Marine Hotel, New Street, Middle Brighton providing it is NOT an official Ladies Night at our Rotary meeting. Time: from 6:15 p.m. Contact Angela for more details. Superfinish Australia is a BMW & Lexus approved repairer and we also work on all Prestige & late model vehicles. Superfinish Australia works with all Insurers so call us first before lodging your claim and we can advise the best way to make sure your vehicle gets the right attention to detail for your repair. We are located in Moorabbin. After 30 years experience, we have a great reputation for excellent customer service and quality repairs, which is all guaranteed. With a great experienced team of personnel, we put every effort into making sure the repair of your vehicle is done right and to factory standards. We only use genuine parts and use the latest specialised body repair and paintwork refinishing equipment, including Glasurit water base paint system. 10 698 South Road, Moorabbin 3189 PH: 03 9532-0900 Fax: 03 9555-0635 Email: superfinishaust@bigpond.com Web: www.superfinishaustralia.com Front Desk Report Thursday 12 March 2015 Attendance: Member’s Make-ups: Member’s Apologies: Club Guests: Member’s Partners: Member’s Guests: Rotarians & Visitors: Birthdays & Anniversaries The Ladies of Brighton Rotary 46 Percentage: Nil Nil; Nil; Nil; Hanna (Bill Jeans); Nil. 42% Birthdays March/April 2015: Cameron Ward Colin North PP Des Thomas Brendan Kierce John O’Connell Andrew Bird Noel Williams Graeme Templeton PP Robert Ward 15 March 17 March 20 March 23 March 25 March 04 April 05 April 05 April 07 April Anniversaries March/April 2015: Alex & Lois Spear Philip & Robin Mellett Gerard & Rosemarie Sommer Eric & Jill Barr Wayne & Jenny Styles PP Des & Carmel Thomas Norm & Jan Thomas Graeme & Ann Wallace 14 March 17 March 20 March 21 March 31 March 07 April 09 April 12 April Welcome to all visiting Rotarians & Guests The Club meets Thursdays at 6pm for 6.30pm at Milanos Hotel, The Esplanade, Brighton Beach. Rotary Grace “For good food, good fellowship and the privilege of service, we give you thanks O Lord.” Rotary Toast “To Australia, The Queen of Australia, Rotary International & the Rotary Club of Brighton.” Highly Recommended by Rob Nicholes - Plasma / LCD TV Installations - Projectors - High End HiFi - Touchscreen Programming Ring Dave - General TV & Stereo 0403 171 800 Installations - Interactive Whiteboards - All in one Remotes Home Theatre Installations AV Specialists www.dr-installs.com Email: dr.installs@optusnet.com.au No job too big or small. We’ll come straight to your door. Travel beyond boundaries IVAN’S HACKERS Highlights - 14 March 2015 The 2nd week of the Hackers’ 2015-2016 season saw 13 keen Hackers attack the fairways. Ron Stark who was pipped by 50mm last week sunk the 15m putt to make sure he won the Pregame Putting this week and it was the highlight of his round as there after he again worked on getting his handicap way out. Mind you other than David Lee who won the Off the Stick and the Long Drive and Paul Nicholson who won Handicap honors and was the only player to play to his handicap it appeared like everyone had had a big night out on the Friday. The group of Captain Ian Cole, Arthur Hubbard, James Tidsall and Graeme Wallace all failed to hit the fairway on the long drive and none of them could even hit the green on the Nearest The Pin – Ray Street got Nearest The Pin. Then there was the battle of the’ Water Titans’ - Graeme Wallace hit off first and his ball hit the opposite bank of Lake Venus 2 metres down, luckily the water level was 3m down and Graeme’s ball bounced out into the rough. Arthur Hubbard followed and was a little more cautious - he laid up with his ball stopping on the last blade of grass before the edge of the lake. Arthur’s second shot shanked violently to the right landing on the opposite bank far away - 2 trees and 2 lost balls later Arthur took a Rotary 9 still 50 metres short of the green. Despite their close adventures neither ended in the water - Venus was not impressed and so later enticed Sven Erik into hitting his ball into the centre of the Lake which means of course we all had fun which reminds us that on Saturday 28 March at 12noon is our Autumn BBQ and Hackers Awards Presentation Day when all Rotarians with WAGS and Family etc are very welcome and invited to join with us and enjoy Ivan’s and Judy’s specialty gourmet meats etc . So please speak to Ivan and tell him you are coming so he can get the catering right. Capt Ian Cole , Why can t you just take a penalty shot like EVERYONE ELSE? LAKE VENUS Auto dynamics Melbourne’s premier service centre for prestige European cars. BMW l Mercedes l Audi l Porsche l Volkswagen Free pick up and delivery service for Rotary Members Courtesy vehicles I Log-Book Servicing Electrical Pre-Purchase inspections I Roadworthy testing I Brakes Mechanical I Qualified Factory Trained Technicians Let Bayview Travel be your personal travel concierge with first hand specialised knowledge of destinations and experiences you never dreamed possible. Embark on your journey with confidence and peace of mind, knowing each detail is expertly managed by your advisor, who is with you every step of the way. ‘Insider access to Luxury’ Bayview House, Suite 1, 232 Bay Street, Brighton Vic 3186 Ph: 03 9596 7299 www.bayviewtravel.com.au Contact Erik Vandenberg on 0413 576 600 or 9585 1676 Cheltenham: 228 Centre Dandenong Rd, Cheltenham 11 Highlights of District Conference in Hobart ‘The District 9800 2015 Conference was held in Hobart from 12-14 March and was attended by around 550 delegates. Eleven Members and Partners from the Club attended. Venue was the Wrest Point Hotel. Speakers included Governor of Tasmania, Professor Kate Warner, former Victorian Premier, Steve Bracks, well-known Melbourne QC, David Galbally, Economist, Saul Eslake, Director of the Murdoch Children’s Institute, Professor Kathryn North and former British Army Officer and human rights lawyer, Rabia Siddique. The conference program included an afternoon tea at Government House hosted by the Tasmanian Governor and her husband. Rotarians enjoying dinner in Salamanca Place at our Club Dinner and followed the Presidents drinks. The dinner was at the well known Rockwall Bar Grill on Friday the 13 March. The District 9800 Conference for 2016 will be in Bendigo on 12-13 March. We trust that all Brighton Rotarians will make the effort to attend. ‘Cluster’ presentations from the conference may be accessed on ‘U-Tube’ using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/user/RotaryDistrict9800/playlists PROUDLY SPONSORED BY PRESENTS THE 37TH ANNUAL CHARITY SPORTSMAN’S NIGHT ‘AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER SPORTSMAN’S NIGHT’ A NIGHT OF Knights WEDNESDAY 25 MARCH, 2015 - 6.30 FOR 7PM BRIGHTON INTERNATIONAL, 81 BAY STREET, BRIGHTON President Kate and Members Featuring: Sir Ian Botham & Sir Richard Hadlee PLUS former Australian Fast Bowling great Rodney Hogg to coincide with the ICC World Cup 2015 of the Rotary Club of Brighton North invite Members of the Rotary Club of Brighton to help celebrate our Club’s 30th Anniversary at The Royal Brighton Yacht Club MC Michael Roberts on Friday 27 March 2015 6.00 pm until 10.00 pm Dress: Elegant party attire Cost: $50 per person RSVP to Kay Phillips at kayp01@optusnet.com.au by Tuesday 17 March 2015 12 PRINTED BY Corporate Table Bookings: $2500 for 12 people General Tickets - $160 per person www.rotarybrighton.com.au/sportsmans Corporate Package Enquiries: Graeme Watson 0419 717 171 - gwatson@burgessrawson.com.au Paul Nicholson 0416 222 325 - p.nicholson@freightpeople.com.au Brett Parkin 0418 363 164 - brett@activeofficefurniture.com.au SUPPORTING SPONSORS: Don McQueen Australian Bush Poet General Bookings Enquiries: Roger Fairlam 0418 363 077 fairrog@hotmail.com Email: sportsmans@rotarybrighton.com.au www.rotarybrighton.com.au Proceeds to: Les Twentyman’s 20th Man Fund, Epilepsy Foundation, Ronald McDonald House & other Rotary charities.
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