Bulletin Volume 85 No 84 Rotary Club of Sale www.rotaryclubofsale.org.au May 11 2015 Rotary District 9820 Incorporated Each week our Club will be publishing a series in the weekly bulletin describing qualities which make people mentally strong and therefore better Rotarians. Quality number 2: They keep control. They don’t give away their power. Last meeting 11 May Neil Wishart “The workings and intricacies of clocks and watches”. Chair: Lynda Davies Sergeant: Rod Exton The meeting commenced with introductions from Chairman Lynda with special mention of guest speaker Neil Wishart. Guest Speaker: Neil Wishart Guests: Mavis Jennings, Leanne Wishart, Bronwyn Crook, Christina Lewis, Douglas Strauss. Chairman Lynda Our guest speaker and Maffra Rotarian Neil Wishart supported by daughter Leanne Wishart, herself a qualified watchmaker, entertained us with his in-depth knowledge of the workings and different types of clocks and watches from the mechanical to the electronic and digital. His vast experience of 43 years successfully trading in his Maffra jewellery business was reflected in his enthusiasm for his subject. Neil explained the various ways watches and clocks are powered from weights and pendulums through to more exotic movements such as the Swiss movement, the Bulova tuning fork mechanism and the modern quartz movement. He also described the amazing Atmos movement which works through change in temperature of as little as 2 degrees. President David thanked Neil and Leanne with a traditional gift. Neil Wishart addresses the Club with Chair Lynda, President David and Secretary Laurie enjoying the presentation. Leanne Wishart answers questions Douglas Strauss and Mavis Jennings. People of all ages can enjoy Rotary. Swiss watch movement The Atmos Clock The Bulova tuning fork mechanism President’s Announcements: David welcomed our guests Mavis Jennings, Christina Lewis, Bronwyn Crook, Douglas Strauss, Neil and Leanne Wishart. Toe operation has slowed him down a bit. Our support for the Mother’s Day walk was very successful. Thanks to those who assisted. Sale Rotarian Danny O’Brien M.P. cuts a striking figure at the Mother’s Day Run whilst desperately trying to catch up to the tough opposition in front. The dinner auction will be the main focus in coming weeks and Leo and Rod spoke. Leo announced that the emphasis will be informality. It will be held on Friday 29th May at Sporting Legends, $40.00 PH. Aim to raise between 10 and 20 thousand. Goods collected to Leo’s office. There will be entertainment on the night. See Leo or Rod if you can help! Rod encouraged member’s support for visiting businesses to seek donations following the flyer drop already completed. All members are urged to attend and to make up tables to ensure a successful night. Next Meeting: Monday May 18 May President Elect Rachel Strauss “Plans for the coming year”. At the Bowling Club Chair: President David Sergeant: Leo O’Brien President Elect Rachel. Please note that all our regular meetings are now to be held at the Bowling Club. For all meetings, members will need to advise Laurie if they are an apology or are bringing a guest: 0419 132 824 All members will be charged $17.00. Announcements: Secretary Laurie # Dinner Auction Friday 29th May, 2015 at Sporting Legends Change Over Dinner Monday 6th July at O’neills Bowel scan kits are now available at Finlay and Weymouth. From Secretary and resident historian Laurie for member’s interest: The 12th Annual Report [1939 – 1940] of the Rotary Club of Sale was tabled by President William G. Leslie and in his report “Directors regret the world war had just begun when the last annual report was presented has become a stern reality and at the present time it is hard to visualize to what extent it may develop. It is inspiring to find that Clubs in the war-torn areas particularly in R.I.B.I. and China are carrying on their meetings even though at times shelters must be resorted to and it is in such areas that the true fellowship found in Rotary is being experienced. We have faith in the justice of our cause and our earnest and constant desire must be to advance international understanding, goodwill and peace. The membership is now 22 and of this number, Rotarians I. B. Matthew and G. B. Baldwin are on leave of absence owing to military duties. Rotarian H. G. Lacey was on leave of absence for six months owing to his work taking him to Tasmania, but he is now back with us again. A number of proposals for new members are now before the Directors. WAR SERVICE ACTIVITIES. The members were anxious to assist in the war effort and after a survey it was decided to assist the Red Cross Society. Through the generosity of Rotarian L. P. Jensen in making his up-to-date joinery works available to members, it has been possible to make up to date 150 bedside cabinets and 6 dinner wagons for military hospitals. 50 cabinets are being forwarded unassembled to Darwin through the Red Cross Society Melbourne, while 36 assembled cabinets have been despatched to the R.A.A.F. Initial Training Camp at Somers where Rotarian G. B. Baldwin, one of our members, is M.O. Members meet each week and intend to continue the work while the necessity arises. The Club would like to pay a tribute to Mr Maurice Pearson, foreman of the joinery works, and his assistants for the willing help given at all times to members, many of whom had very little carpentering knowledge. Through the assistance of another member Rotarian Harry Lacey members were able to construct 50 Thomas splints at the foundry of Messrs S. Lacey & Sons Pty Ltd. DISTRICT CONFERENCE. Owing to the serious state of the war at the time, the Annual Conference fixed for Lorne had to be abandoned. From the remarks made at the District Assembly the Conference is certain to be held in the coming year. CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND. The playground in Brennan Park was officially opened by the Mayor (Cr Cullinan) on December 2nd. The need for it was emphasised by the large number of children present. Sports were held and the members of the Red Cross Society provided afternoon tea and ice-cream for the benefit of the Society. The Club’s thanks are due to Rotarian W. J. Stephenson, who supervised the erection of the playground. The Club provided 25 trees to act as a breakwind for the playground. Congratulations are extended to the Bairnsdale Rotary Club on the official opening of its playground. IN CONCLUSION We can only hope that the clouds of war may soon be dispersed and that in their place may appear the warm sunlight – the symbol of peace and brotherhood in a reconstructed world. W. C. Leslie President R. M. Rolland Hon Secretary Following cryptic mention in last week's Bulletin re David Tulloch quoting from Alice in Wonderland during Graeme Dyer's receiving Paul Harris Fellowship, David provides us with the quote...and leaves it to you to have to work out the underlying message! Alice: Tell me which way I ought to go? Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to. Alice: I don't care much where. Cat: Then it doesn't matter which way you go. Alice: So long as I get somewhere. Cat: You're sure to do that! From the editor: Any directors who can email me reports for the Annual Report are requested to do so ASAP. The editor will be away from 9th till 20th June and will be unable to work on the report at that time. Early submissions will help enormously and be much appreciated.
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