Bulletin 26th May 2015 - Rotary Club Port Macquarie West

Rotary Club of
Port Macquarie West Inc.
Westport Bowling Club, Buller Street,
Port Macquarie
Tuesdays 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Rotary Report from the 19th May & Notices for the 26th May 2015
Volume 46 No. 43
Chartered 26th April 1971 by the Rotary Club of Port Macquarie Website: www.rotarypmwest.org.au PO Box 330, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Apologies for meetings please call Peter Kenny 65823976 Or email: pkenny42@bigpond.com Presidents Thoughts
Neil’s outline of the problems with running our “Sea Rescue” sound all too familiar for volunteer service organisations don’t they? I am sure the new board will be looking at ways to help this very needy cause over the next few years. Our board was already fully committed for this year so we will leave it up to Keiren’s lot to be the fairy godmothers for Neil. The work they do and the dedication they exhibit are truly incredible. The board meeting decided to leave our subs at the same level as they have been for the last few years, so that is good news. We finished our commitments to Sailability, the DG’S wife’s Fund, Nepal, the Foundation and a special employees award. The figures for our donations will be in the annual report to be published at the change over dinner. It will seem strange to have a change over on the second of June and then go back to the same old team for three weeks. However these are Rotary Rules and my board is responsible for the running of the club until the 30th June, so you have to put up with us for another 6 meetings, three days and 12 hours, but who’s counting? President: Peter Gray President Elect: Keiren Freeman, Vice President: John Channon, Secretary: Stephen Maxwell, Treasurer: Peter Kenny Rotary Foundation and International: David Gleeson, Membership: Trevor Gilson Vocational: Darrel Moore, Community Service: Rick Eller, Club Administration: Barry Bird, Youth Director: Helen Gleeson, Past President: John Harlow Visitors
Guest Speaker – Neil Yates – Port Sea Rescue Amy Zhang Mort Shearer “Mayor of Maitland” – Michael Rixon Tony Lanzafarni (Happy Birthday Tony) From the Podium
Thank you to Nev Clark who has been the treasurer of various different organisations. One particular organisation has now closed up and Nev has donated the remainder of the funds to Sailability provided we match the donation, dollar for dollar. Rotary Club of Laurieton Change over dinner – Monday 15th June Sunday 14th June – Black and White Concert – Sing Australia and Koala Orchestra performing – Funds raised go directly to Rotary Lodge. 17TH November – We have a friendship group coming to stay with us from Canada. Please consider your ability to host them. Mort Shearer
Suicide Prevention demonstration with Mums of Son’s that have committed suicide. These ladies will be travelling from Brisbane to Canberra to knock on the door of parliament to obtain additional funds for this seriously under funded program. Pack your bags … we’re hitting the road!
29th – 31st of May – South West Rocks Tourist Park. Accommodation is available for cabins, powered and unpowered sites to suit all interests. Please contact South West Rocks Tourist Park, Gordon Young Drive. Tel: (02) 6566 6264 or check their website. When you have booked, can you please notify Alan Naylor that you have booked. If you would like to partake in a round of golf, please also let Alan know. It has been suggested to have dinner at the Seabreeze hotel on Saturday night. Please book your seat with Alan asap. Calendar
MAY 26th May 29th – 30th May JUNE 2nd June 9th June 16th June 20th June 23rd June 27th June 30th June JULY 1st July 7TH July YOUTH SERVICE MONTH Darren Gray – Healthy Brain South West Rocks – Tourist Caravan Park – Weekend Away ROTARY FELLOWSHIP MONTH PMCQ West Rotary Club Change Over Rod Nugent – Special Olympics Combined Board Meeting Catherine Doran -­‐ Organ and Tissue Donation – Intro: Anne Meister. Partners Night Sunrise Changeover Transfer Meeting for Wauchope Change Over District Changeover at Inverell Betty Allman AUSTRALIAN ROTARY HEALTH Port Macquarie Change over RYLA Attendee Presentations: Nisha Cross, Amy Deegenaars, Jessica Genders and Ellie Pitkin – PARTNERS NIGHT Coffee Club Details
1 Thursday 2nd Thursday 3rd Thursday 4th Thursday 5th Thursday The Corner (cnr Clarence and Munster Street) The Rainforest Café (Sea Acres) Rivermark Café (261 Hastings River Dr) Bitter Sweet Café (Watonga St Shops) Café 8 (Port Home Zone – Harvey Norman) 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am Guest Speaker – Neil Yates – Marine Rescue
Marine Rescue used to be called the Port Macquarie Sea Rescue. It’s new web address is www.mrnsw.com.au Costs of maintenance of building and equipment is from volunteers funds and fundraising. Funds from the governing body cover: Training aids and uniforms which is approximately $26300 per year, plus the donation of 1x tinny as a raffle prize. Their budget per year is $100,000 per year. This is required to maintain 2x boats, 2x jet skis plus administration costs. 140 members who require accreditation for their various duties each year as a government requirement. The big rescue boat is now 16 years old and requires replacing. The jet skis are a recent acquisition and are required for rescues within the bar. The Kiosk which is currently located between the toilet blocks at Town Beach and under the current rescue communications tower, is manned by volunteers from the Marine Rescue. This has been the case for the past 5 years, but the council has expressed their interest in taking this facility back. This kiosk has been the main fundraiser for their service. Last week the Marine Rescue participated in the Relay for Life. They ran a food stand and still donated 50% of their profits to Cancer Council. The Marine Rescue are required to complete many different types of training including fire rescue. Marine Rescue also assists with wildlife disentanglement and are also controlled by the NSW Police Service. Currently 300 boats per month register with Marine Rescue that they are going out to sea. There are approximately 700 trips which are not registered. They cover from Crowdy Head to Trial Bay The Marine Rescue divisions from Forster, Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie all run 24 hours a day 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Duty Roster
DATE Speaker/s Subject Meet, Greet and Welcome Introduce and Thank Speaker/s Set up and pack away 26th May Darren Gray Brain Matters Geoff Jhonson and Lesley Cleaver John Channon 2nd June Change Over Dinner Members and Guests Change Over Dinner President Peter Trevor Gilson Keiren Freeman President Peter 9th June Rod Nugent Special Olympics Trevor and Joan Gilson Peter’s Decorating Committee Helen Wade Lesley Cleaver GSE (Group Study Exchange) is Back … Next year:
Applications will soon be open for this great program. The GSE is planned for May/June 2016 to District 1890 tin North Germany. GSE is an educational program wherein Rotary Districts in different countries are paired to send and receive professional study groups of non-­‐Rotarian team members and one Rotarian Team Leader to travel for four weeks, staying in the homes of Rotarians when possible. Team members can all have different occupations. The team comprises a Rotarian Team Leader with four team members who should fit the following criteria: • Aged between 25 – 40 years (males and female) • Not a current Rotarian nor a current Rotarian’s spouse • Can be the child of a Rotarian or grandchild (note the change from prior rules) • Must be employed for 2 years in any recognized business or profession – full time preferred • Must work and live in the District 9650 • Must be an Australian Citizen. Cost – Depending on airfares and other essentials both the tam leader and team members will be required to pay A$1500 and the relevant club an additional A$1500 or the balance as advised. This does not include out of pocket expenses payable by members. Rotary District Insurance will provide travel insurance cover at no cost. So put your thinking caps on and think of suitable candidates for this great program. For more information, check our new … you beaut … district website. Friendship Exchange … New exchange opportunity now available.
The word is out … a new exchange opportunity has just been announced for a Scandinavian country. There needs to be some element of surprise, so please, again, check the district website for more details. This should be a great trip! The Last Word:
Most are aware the Bulletin Editor is a Queensland supporter …
Poor little fella!! L
Go you little Cane Toads!!