OPERATIONVERSION TRAINERVERSION Rotorschmiede GmbH | Brienner Straße 7 | 80333 München | 0049 89 20 500 430 | rotorschmiede.de | info@rotorschmiede.de FIRST 115KG COAXIAL HELICOPTER VA115 ultralightweight / ultrasophisticated VA115 the first coaxial helicopter under 115kg The VA115 is the world first coaxial helicopter with less than 115kg empty weight. Easy handling, stabil flight performances and compact measurements are only the most important features. A lot of engineers passion and know-how makes it possible to take-off with such a lightweight design. The modern, crystalline styling brings the topic of lightweight optically to the point and brings value and emotion with it. TAKE OFF WEIGHT EMPTY WEIGHT MAX SPEED CRUISING SPEED FLIGHT TIME ENGINE POWER ROTOR DIAMETER 275KG 113KG 130KM/H 110KM/H 2-4H 50HP 4,5M In case of emergency the AUTOROTATION will bring you back to earth!
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