The Yampa River at Morgan Bottom Riparian Habitat and Rare Species Assessment Why the Yampa River at Morgan Bottom is important The Yampa River is one of the last free-flowing rivers in Colorado where nature still dictates the dynamics of the flow. The highest elevation uplands are comprised of large, intact spruce-fir forests and aspen groves, which grade into extensive sagebrush and gambel oak shrublands at lower elevations. These vast shrublands provide critical habitat for Greater Sage Grouse and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse. In the lowlands, the Yampa River spreads out and meanders through Morgan Bottom. Along this section of the Yampa River, cottonwood gallery forests form a lush ribbon of green riparian vegetation flanked by irrigated hay meadows. The Morgan Bottom riparian and aquatic areas contain many rare and imperiled wildlife species, as well as vegetation communities that are considered globally rare including several good occurrences of a globally imperiled community - box elder - narrowleaf cottonwood / red-osier dogwood (Acer negundo - Populus angustifolia / Cornus sericea) riparian forest. Morgan Bottom Riparian and Habitat Values The box elder – narrowleaf cottonwood / red osier dogwood riparian forest is restricted to the Yampa and White River Basins of northwest Colorado, and is not known to occur outside the state of Colorado. It is best developed along the Yampa River for approximately 30 miles, between Craig and Milner, Colorado. The Colorado Natural Heritage Program identified Hayden and Morgan Bottoms, approximately 16 miles along the Yampa River, as important for their riparian and wetland values (Culver and Sanderson 1996). Morgan Bottom contains a number of high quality stands of box elder - narrowleaf cottonwood / red-osier dogwood riparian forest. Associated shrubs within the riparian forests include thinleaf alder ( Alnus tenuifolia), Pacific willow (Salix lucida ssp. caudata), and hawthorn (Crataegus rivularis) (Culver and Sanderson 1996). Cobble bars on the insides of meander bends support regenerating stands of narrowleaf cottonwood and coyote willow (Salix exigua) with irrigated hay meadows and pastures dominating the floodplain adjacent to the riparian communities (Culver and Sanderson 1996). In addition, many areas within Morgan Bottom that are degraded or no longer contain cottonwood forests have a high potential to be restored. The riparian forests and wetlands within Morgan Bottom are important for flood abatement, groundwater recharge, wildlife habitat, and possible removal of nutrients from agricultural runoff (Culver and Sanderson 1996). Across Morgan Bottom, the riparian forests range in width from bare banks up to 1800 ft wide. Morgan Bottom riparian forests are home to many rare birds including Greater Sandhill Crane, and Bald Eagle as well as providing habitat for neotropical migratory birds. The state rare (G5T4/S2B) Greater Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis tabida) uses Morgan Bottom as a staging area (Culver and Sanderson 1996). Morgan Bottom contains the second largest Greater Sandhill Crane staging area in Colorado and the best staging area in northern Colorado. Beginning in the middle of August until the first week of September, nesting pairs and fledglings come to Morgan Bottom, where they stay and feed on grain crops in the surrounding uplands until they migrate south in mid to late September. A small number of Greater Sandhill Cranes also nest in the riparian forest of Morgan Bottom. This entire stretch of the Yampa River is used as breeding and winter range by the Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) (Culver and Sanderson 1996). This portion of the Yampa River also is also identified by Colorado Parks and Wildlife as Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) production area. Morgan Bottom provides high quality habitat for many mammals. The state endangered river otter (Lutra canadensis) is known to use Morgan Bottom. This portion of the Yampa is ideal habitat for river otter because of the dense riparian vegetation, backwater sloughs, presence of beaver, and potential for large flows (Brian Holmes pers. Comm.). Morgan Bottom provides Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) winter range as well as habitat for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Morgan Bottom is also an important area for rare and declining fish, including the globally vulnerable (G3/S2) roundtail chub (Gila robusta), globally vulnerable (G3G4/S3) flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis), blue head sucker (Catostomus discobolus) (G4S4), and mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) (G5/S3). Primary threats to these three native fish species are diversion of water and the construction of passage barriers that result in habitat fragmentation (USDA Species Conservation Project). The mountain whitefish was historically native to the Yampa and White River drainages in Colorado. Alarming declines in the Yampa River were found in the late 1990s by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Increases in water temperature are one potential reason for this decline. The Morgan Bottom area also provides spring spawning habitat for non-native Northern pike which travel downstream and negatively impact the globally critical imperiled (G1/S2) Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), humpback chub (Gila cypha) and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen taxanus) in the lower reaches of the Yampa River. Recent studies implicate Morgan Bottom as a significant area for pike spawning (Hawkins, pers comm; Atkinson pers comm.). Northern pike are known to prey on adult Colorado pikeminnow, roundtail chub, flannelmouth and bluehead suckers (UCRRP 2014). In the Yampa River, it is thought that the high densities of nonnative predators is a major contributing factor in the reduction of the Colorado pikeminnow population (UCRRP 2014). A major recovery action in the Yampa River is the control of nonnative and reduction of access to Northern pike spawning habitat (UCRRP 2014). Riparian Forest Description Globally rare box elder/narrowleaf cottonwood/red osier dogwood (Acer negundo - Populus angustifolia / Cornus sericea) riparian forest is found in western Colorado. This riparian forest occurs on broad alluvial floodplains, with strongly meandering stream channels, where it can form extensive stands. Stands have a multi-layered canopy that is codominated by box elder and narrowleaf cottonwood with a broad-leaved deciduous shrub layer dominated by red osier dogwood (Culver and Sanderson 1996). This rare riparian community is presently known only from northwestern Colorado in broad alluvial valleys from 6000-7000 feet elevation, and has significantly declined from historical distributions. Few examples are in protected status outside Morgan Bottom. Significant areas within Morgan Bottom occur on The Nature Conservancy properties, Colorado Parks and Wildlife land, and lands held under conservation easements. There are still concerns about the sustainability and condition of the riparian forest within Morgan Bottom because of the poor regeneration of dominant trees, habitat instability, and presence of non-native understory species (Richter 1999). The watershed processes necessary to maintain this community are also strongly influenced by surrounding land use in the watershed (Richter 1999). Vegetation Summary: This deciduous broad-leaved riparian forest is typically codominated by the trees alder and narrowleaf cottonwood. A well-developed tall-shrub layer is present in the form of nearly impenetrable red-osier dogwoods. A few other shrub species are occasionally present, including Crataegus rivularis, Rosa woodsii, and Salix lucida ssp. caudata. The herbaceous layer is diverse but moderately sparse due to the intense shading of the shrub layer. Perennial forbs are the most abundant species, including Cirsium spp., Rudbeckia laciniata, Solidago gigantea, and Maianthemum stellatum (= Smilacina stellata). Most of the graminoid species present are introduced "hay" species, but a few native species are present in small amounts, including Carex hoodii, Carex pellita (= Carex lanuginosa), Carex microptera, and Poa palustris. Hydrophyllum fendleri is reported to be important in this association, but none of the stands sampled have this species present. It may be very susceptible to elimination by livestock grazing. Most stands of this association have been impacted by grazing and nearby hay pasturing, with a significant component in the understory of introduced grass species, such as Dactylis glomerata, Bromus inermis, Poa pratensis, and Phalaris arundinacea (Culver and Sanderson 1996). Relationship with geomorphic processes Alteration of the geomorphic processes along the Yampa River is the result of deforestation of the stream banks and loss of bank stability (Richter 1999). The channel within the Morgan Bottom reach has straightened significantly in recent decades in portions of the reach (Richter 1999). Other sections of the Yampa River have also increased sinuosity which will lead to meander cutoffs in the future if nothing is done (Stantec 2015). Point bar recruitment sites for narrowleaf cottonwood have been reduced with this straightening (Richter 1999). With downcutting and incisement of the channel, the groundwater table has also dropped which has led to less asexual reproduction in narrowleaf cottonwood and more infilling with alder (Richter 1999). Riparian restoration goals: The ultimate goal of any riparian restoration project within Morgan Bottom is to reestablish native woody vegetation corridor along the Yampa River while reestablishing or maintaining the hydrologic and other ecological processes. The woody riparian vegetation not only provides important habitat values, it provides stabilization to the streambanks. Historically clearing and thinning of the riparian forest along the Yampa River was widespread during Anglo settlement (Richter 1999). The deforestation of the stream banks as well as the associated loss of bank stability is a leading cause of the alteration of geomorphic processes (Richter 1999). This alteration has also lead to a lack of recruitment of narrowleaf cottonwood. Richter (1999) established a working hypothesis for riparian restoration priorities. She suggested that initial restoration efforts should reestablish native woody vegetation along the streambanks. Richter (1999) estimated that approximately 25% of the Yampa’s stream banks were devoid of native woody vegetation. Increased bank stability with expanded vegetation may help to increase channel sinuosity and reestablish point bars as well as enhancing sexual recruitment in narrowleaf cottonwood over the long term (Richter 1999). Asexual reproduction in narrowleaf cottonwood may provide a rapid and economical means of expanding native riparian woody vegetation once groundwater connection has been reestablished (Richter 1999). Asexual reproduction was found to be especially significant in mixed age stands that have water within 1 m of the ground surface (Richter 1999). Within agricultural pastures, Richter (1999) documented root suckers as far as 25 m away from the parental tree. Closed canopy conditions can also affect suckering by limiting light penetration (Richter 1999). Intense livestock grazing pressure also appears to limit the establishment of suckers as evidenced by fenceline contrasts (Richter 1999). A monitoring project on the Carpenter Ranch showed that elk also can have a significant impact on cottonwood establishment from suckering. Riparian Restoration Technical Review and Recommendations This section reviews the literature focusing on the restoration of narrowleaf cottonwood, a dominant overstory tree and thus a primary structural component of the Yampa River’s riparian forest habitat. Several approaches can be taken to reestablish woody riparian vegetation in the intermountain West (see Hoag 2007, a primary reference with numerous photos). Among these, a costeffective method that is widely used is to plant dormant nonrooted cuttings, or pole planting (See Tamarisk Coalition 2014). The basic concept of pole planting is to drill a hole into the soil and plant a dormant cutting of sufficient length to reach the water table, which allows establishment with no supplemental watering. The success of pole planting is dependent on plant material, cutting handling, planting site characteristics, and post-planting care. Plant Material Hoag and Landis (2002) recommend that cuttings should be made from as many individual plants as possible to maximize genetic diversity. Furthermore, experiments by Dreesen and Harrington (1999) demonstrate that the source stock (ecotype) is the most important factor influencing establishment and growth, more so than fertilizer and fungicide treatments. Others also suggest that because various ecotypes of cottonwood are adapted to local conditions, a diversity of plant material sources will ensure that some plants are well-suited to the site conditions where they are planted if you cannot get plantings from nearby. Within Morgan Bottom, many cottonwood stands exist that can provide poles for planting at restoration sites. Carlson et al. (1992) recommend nursery-grown narrowleaf cottonwood stock over wild trees for higher establishment success since commercially grown nursery stock tends to be higher quality, and often has higher establishment rates. Nursery stock is typically vigorous and relatively free of insect and disease damage, although it may not be readily available and is quite expensive. One study also showed that while there is good survival with long, rooted cuttings, there is very poor survival with unrooted cuttings (Randall and Krinard 1977). Thus an alternative approach is to develop a nursery stock, as per Dreesen and Harrington (1999), and harvest the healthy pole cuttings once the trees are greater than 3 m, after 3-4 years. Alternatively, rooted pole cuttings can be harvested and transplanted after 1 year of growth in a nursery, when they are approximately 20” and have about a foot of rooted material. After the first harvest of cuttings, poles can typically be cut every 2 years, for up to ten years (Tamarisk Coalition 2014). Developing a source stock (nursery) may also be the best alternative since sources of young cottonwood and alder trees are not widely available. By developing a diverse stock of nursery trees, growth conditions can be controlled to maximize vigor and health prior to planting cuttings at the restoration site. Poles can be cut as short as 4 feet long, but longer poles should be used when possible (Hoag 2007). Longer poles have a better chance of survival because they do not have to compete with grasses for light, and their new leaves will be above the deer grazing level (Hoag 2007). Pole cuttings up to 20 feet (6.1 m) are useful in difficult revegetation projects since they can better access deep water tables to enhance rooting. Tall poles avoid browsing by large animals and shading by herbaceous vegetation. Longer poles are also more resistant to bank slough (see Hoag 2007 for more detail) Cutting and Handling When planting cottonwood and willow cuttings, poles planted during the dormant season have better survival than poles planted in the spring (March), once bud development has started. Swenson and Mullens (1985) provided guidance for planting narrowleaf cottonwood cuttings and suggest the suitable time for taking them is almost 90 days, from November to February. Dave Dressen and Greg Fenchel, with the Los Lunas Plant Materials Center, suggest that the ideal time to harvest cuttings is very early spring (e.g. February or March) in the Grand Junction area (Tamarisk Coalition 2014). Hoag and Landis (2002) provide guidance for revegetation of dormant nonrooted cuttings. “Woody stems or large branches should be collected from donor plants near the project area during the winter dormant season. Collections should be made from as many different plants as possible to promote biodiversity. After collection, the cuttings can either be stored for future planting or transported to the planting site . . .Prior to planting, post cuttings are soaked for 1 to 7 days to allow the root primordia to swell to the point they are ready to emerge from the bark. Once the roots emerge, it is much harder to plant the cutting because the roots are so tender that they are easily scraped off when planting them.” Site Characteristics Placing large dormant cuttings into pre-drilled holes requires knowledge of the seasonal water table. Swenson and Mullens (1985) also suggested that the water table be monitored at proposed planting sites by establishing observation wells at each site for at least one growing season prior to planting. Likewise, Dreesen and Harrington (1999) determined that best results are found when these directions are followed: “A site characteristic which needs early definition is the depth to the water table and the variation in water table depth over an annual hydrologic cycle. Monitoring wells should be drilled at least a year before planting to determine water table depth fluctuations. This knowledge will determine the length of pole necessary so that the butt-end of the pole is always in contact with moisture in the capillary fringe above the water table. The drilling of monitoring wells can also provide knowledge on the type of alluvium present at the site. Clay rich soils are generally detrimental to pole planting success possibly as a result of poor soil aeration. At the opposite extreme, augering holes in cobbly soils is very difficult. Two alternatives to augering have been successful on occasion: 1) a sharpened steel rod mounted on a backhoe bucket which can poke and wiggle a hole between cobbles, a “stinger", or 2) a high pressure water jet to wash out sediments between cobbles allowing the insertion of a pole. Drilling techniques include one-person gasoline powered augers, manual bucket augers with long shafts, and tractor-mounted augers . . . Accessibility of the site to heavy equipment is an important consideration especially when deep holes must be augered. “ Management Considerations Restoration sites should be evaluated to determine the likelihood of cottonwood sprouting if the area is protected from mowing and grazing. By allowing sprouting, the costs can be kept to a minimum. Where mature cottonwoods are lacking and groundwater is within 1, cottonwood poles could be planted up to 50 m apart and eventually fill in through sprouting (Richter 1999). Where groundwater depth is beyond 1 m, the cottonwoods should be planted at much greater densities (Richter 1999). Once cottonwoods and other woody plants are either planted or sprouted, management must protect them specifically fencing to control livestock and wildlife grazing impacts as well as mowing. Appendix A. Riparian, wetland and aquatic species information Flannelmouth Sucker, Roundtail Chub, and Bluehead Sucker Status of Species Flannelmouth Sucker Roundtail Chub Bluehead Sucker Sensitive species by USFS, former Special Concern in Colorado, no Federal listing, species of concern by CDOW State Special Concern in Colorado, Sensitive species by USFS Sensitive species by USFS General Habitat All three native species are found within the same habitat with small differences. Flannelmouth Suckers inhabit larger streams and rivers of all types (riffles, runs, eddies, and backwaters). Flannelmouth prefer warm to cool waters (<25ºC). Large deep pools provide habitat for all three fish in times of low flow. Younger suckers stay in the shallow riffles, and lack of floods may contribute to declining numbers in some controlled rivers. Suckers have been found to actively avoid reservoir habitats and may have been eliminated in areas inundated by reservoirs. They can swim long distances (200km) or be sedentary. All species need low widthdepth ratios so building up of sediment can decrease habitat. Bluehead suckers are highly associated with deep riffle habitats (Anderson and Stewart 2003) in both low and moderate flow conditions. They are most affected of the three native species in low flow conditions, and prefer temperatures (>28ºC). Roundtail chub prefer temperatures (22-24ºC), and are found as adults in low velocity deep areas with high debris cover. Hybridization The most detrimental invasive is the white sucker, which is hybridizing with the flannelmouth and less often with the bluehead sucker. Hybridization between flannelmouth and bluehead suckers is rare. Hybridization between roundtail chubs and other chub species are a minor threat. “Fish screens may reduce escapement of larger life stages but may do little to reduce entrainment and escapement of early life stages (Bestgen et al. 2011).” Discontinuing stocking of non-native salmonids, brown trout, smallmouth bass, and physical removal may moderately reduce competition with the native species. Controlling white suckers is very hard. Previous efforts have tried stocking the area with non-hybridized native fish, which can be challenging. Distribution Metapopulation management for these rare fish is extremely important, so corridors between populations are essential. These corridors must have significant flows, which may become a problem with diversions. These natives are declining, and flannelmouth suckers only inhabit 50% of their historic distribution. Roundtail Chub Bluehead Sucker Flannelmouth Sucker In Colorado: San Juan River, Colorado River from Moab to Silt, Green River near Meeker, Colorado, Duchesne River from Green River confluence upstream to Myton In Yampa: either “common” or “abundant”, including near Jupiter Springs and Craig, CO and common in Dinosaur National Monument, known in Elkhead Creek tributary Historically in the Colorado, Green, San Juan, Bonneville Basin, Snake River, Little Colorado, most major tributaries of the Upper CRB In Yampa it is either “common” or “abundant” between Dinosaur National Monument and Hayden, CO Originally in most, if not all medium to large lower elevation rivers of the Upper Colorado drainage and similar habitats of Lower Colorado drainage. Impacted greatly in Lower Colorado believed to be from dams, and diversions In Yampa either “common” or “abundant”, known in Elkhead Creek tributary Restoration or Habitat Management Recommendations: All major recovery and management plans for these three species identify control of nonnative fish species to alleviate competition with and/or predation on rare fishes as a necessary management action (Colorado River Fish and Wildlife Council). High priority areas for removal are spawning and nursery habitats. For removal of nonnatives, knowledge of the species is needed and a combination of mechanical, chemical, biological, physical, and physiochemical methods be used. When there are more areas of low velocity pools, the nonnatives tend to be favored. The reduction of roundtail chub populations may be caused by disruption of forage potential in pools. Primary threats to all three rare fish species are diversion of water and the construction of passage barriers that result in habitat fragmentation (USDA Species Conservation Project). Lesser threats include modification of steambeds, landscape changes, and degradation of riparian zones (USDA Species Conservation Project). Since bluehead and flannelmouth suckers are common in deep riffle habitats, narrowing rivers to lower the width/depth ratio and lower velocity are important habitat improvement activities for these fish during the low flows (Anderson 2006). Wildfires and other land use activities that deposit sediment into the river can affect width/depth ratios in downstream populations (USDA Species Conservation Project). In a study done on the Delta and Escalante Rivers in 2005, native fish thrived when water flow was around 600 cfs, and numbers dropped when the flow went below 400 cfs (Anderson 2006). Bluehead suckers are most affected by dam construction and changes in both the temperature and hydrology (USDA Species Conservation Project). Recommendations would be to lower width/depth ratios to increase the amount of deep riffles and pools available for the natives, along with reducing water diversions. Removal of the white sucker would keep the genetic integrity of native suckers, but is very difficult to do. Northern Leopard Frog Status of species Northern leopard frog has experienced significant declines across most of its range. Colorado Parks & Wildlife has listed the Northern leopard frog as a State Species of Special Concern (SC) meaning the protection is not statutory. General Habitat Description (riparian or aquatic needs) This species requires a multitude of different habitats in order to meet all the necessities caused by their different life stages. Breeding takes place in a variety of different aquatic habitats. Slow moving or still water along streams and rivers, wetlands, permanent or temporary pools, and beaver ponds are used by Northern leopard frog. When leopard frogs begin to reach the early stages of adulthood they move across land and along drainages in order to find new breeding grounds. They can be vulnerable to disturbances because they choose to use very small ponds for reproduction typically less than 5 ha (Smith et al. 2007). Distribution The northern leopard frog distribution extends from the northern and western portion of the United States, along with the southern Canadian provinces. Northern leopard frogs have declined to be uncommon in the southwestern portion of their historic range including Colorado. Leopard frogs are threatened most by habitat loss, non-native species, pollution and disease. These negative influences have impacted the species, causing it to disappear from a large portion of its historical range. Figure 1: Distribution across North America of the northern leopard frog. Red is where the frog is now considered uncommon and declines have been noted. Light blue indicates where and how far the population extends. Image taken from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Colorado Information The northern leopard frog can be found throughout Colorado in the mountains and in the lowlands. It was once very common within Colorado but now is rare in many areas around the state, particularly up in the mountains. Figure 2: Map of Colorado with known northern leopard frog sites. Interactive map can be found at: 8&SPNAME=NORTHERN%20LEOPARD%20FROG Yampa River Information Northern leopard frogs have been found along the Yampa River within the riparian and wetland habitat although the numbers are low. Restoration or habitat management recommendations The highly permeable skin of frogs (Duellman and Trueb 1986) makes them more susceptible to absorbing toxins. Pesticide use and runoff can impact the frogs. In terms of the most prudent steps to take to help boost numbers of the northern leopard frog the following should be done. Protection of known and potential breeding sites Control of predaceous nonnative fish and bullfrogs Monitoring and protection of water quality Investigation and prevention of the spread of infectious diseases within the population Sandhill Crane Status of Species Greater Sandhill Crane Listed as State Special Concern by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, downgraded in 1998 after a successful 1992 recovery plan that raised the population. Not listed as a species of concern in the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan. IUCN category is Least Concern. General Habitat Sand hill cranes almost always nest in areas close to water. The Colorado Parks and Wildlife found that half of nests are associated with grassy hummocks on beaver ponds, on beaver lodges or beaver dams. Sandhill cranes are also found in wetlands that are lined with willows or aspens. On a few rare occasions they have been documented to nest in sagebrush. Nests can be reoccupied each year and have been for between 25-30 years as mating pairs return to the same site. Two main staging areas where large flocks gather together before migration are located along the Yampa River. One is near Hayden in Morgan Bottom and the other is near the Elk River. Open sedge meadows and short upland vegetation contain the highest Sandhill crane populations. The nests can be identified as low mounds made up of local dominant vegetation that may be up to six feet across. These nests are usually found within 300 yards of a larger water body, and ideal placement is high vegetation within standing water. Distribution In Colorado: The Sandhill cranes of Colorado also migrate through Idaho, Utah, western Montana, and Wyoming usually settling down in the winter in the southern US. This metapopulation (the Rocky Mountain Population) always stops in the San Luis Valley in the spring (February/March) and fall (September/October) and was estimated to be between 18,000 and 21,500 individuals in the mid-1990s. Breeding between the Rocky Mountain Population and Mid-Continent Population can sometimes occur. In Yampa: The Sandhill Crane population arrives in the Yampa Valley in early March and leave the area in September. Main staging areas are located near Hayden in Morgan Bottom and near the Elk River. Restoration or Habitat Management Recommendations Sandhill cranes are generalist omnivores feeding on plant tubers, grains, small vertebrates, and invertebrates. The loss of wetland ecosystems are their primary threat, as they must use staging areas for migration. Human disturbance is known to cause adult cranes to leave their nests and abandon their young. Conflicts between farmers and cranes also contribute to their decline as a large flocks can ruin an entire field of crops. ICF (International Crane Foundation) is currently treating corn seeds with a deterrent in the Midwest to prevent the cranes from ruining the crop being grown, but allowing them to continue to use the land. Currently hunting is not allowed in Colorado for the Rocky Mountain Population, but is allowed for the MidContinent Population. Since the Colorado population is migratory, conserving the staging and wintering areas should be a priority. Since wintering areas of this population are further south, habitat management should target the staging areas. The current stable population is facing threats from extended droughts and altered the hydrology of the staging areas. The Sandhill Crane Management Plan for Colorado was last revised in 1991. The population goal was between 18,000-22,000, to allow for expansion, protect current habitat and provide for recreational uses of the population. Educating farmers and developing ways to minimize crop damage is also an important consideration. If hunting the Rocky Mountain Population starts again, close monitoring of changes in population structure will be necessary. Making sure that hydrology doesn’t change and humans do not disturb nesting areas along the Yampa is most crucial. If the area being restored is a part of the known main staging area, the restoration project will be extremely important in their population. Since they live in such close proximity to beavers, reintroduction of beavers in the area may be highly beneficial by providing new nesting structures. Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Status of Species The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service categorized the species as Threatened as of November 2014. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be proposing the designation of critical habitat for the western population of the yellow-billed cuckoo. General Habitat Description (riparian or aquatic needs) The yellow-billed cuckoo prefers to nest in woodlands where there is an understory of dense vegetation especially near water. Nests in the west are typically placed in willows along streams and rivers where nearby cottonwoods serve as the foraging site. Breeding takes place in river floodplains in dense willow. Distribution and Life History Yellow-billed Cuckoo is becoming increasingly rare in the western portion of the United States. Around September the birds depart North America to head to South America for the winter. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service it is estimated that 90 percent of the cuckoos streamside habitat has been lost. Some of this loss has been attributed to agriculture, dams, overgrazing, and exotic plants such as tamarisk. Yellow-billed Cuckoo primarily feed on large insects such as caterpillars and cicadas. Breeding coincides with the emergence of cicadas and the tent caterpillar. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the western population is a distinct population segment (subspecies) of the eastern population with a division between the continental divide from Montana to central Colorado. Colorado Information According to the North American Breeding Bird Survey since 1966 the yellow-billed cuckoo has declined by 51 percent, and 84 percent of the breeding population in the U.S. The loss and conversion of riparian habitat in the West has led to a steep decline. The species has been recorded sporadically and inconsistently in western Colorado. Sightings have been made along river valleys in Gunnison, along the Yampa River, and in the Grand Junction area. Cuckoos were regularly detected in the 1980s around the Uncompahgre and Gunnison River. Yet, in the first Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas (1987-1994) only three cuckoos were recorded on the western slope, and of these three only one cuckoo was confirmed to have bred on the Yampa River in Routt County. Figure 2: Sites surveyed for Yellow-billed Cuckoos in western, Colorado in 2008. Image from the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory Yampa River Information The Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory conducted 64 playback call surveys in June and July of 2008 on the Yampa River. Two individuals were detected on the Yampa River near Craig. The following plant species on the site were recorded in the overstory from most to least abundant: Cottonwood spp. Box elder Willow spp. Plants recorded in the understory of the Yampa River drainage area were: Box elder Hawthorne spp. Cottonwood spp. Willow spp. Red-osier dogwood Alder spp. Restoration or Habitat Management Recommendations Direct loss and degradation of low-elevation riparian woodland habitat has been cited as the primary cause of the declines for the populations in the western portion of the range (Wiggins 2005). Alteration of flow regimes and the diversion of water can result in habitat degradation and loss. The amount of area required by a pair of breeding cuckoos is large in comparison to other riparian bird species (4 ha or 10 acres) and territories can range in size from (4-40 ha). The study from the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory found that in the North Folk valley there was an abundance of Russian olive where the Yellow-billed Cuckoos were detected most frequently and where a nest was documented. This tree is not a preferred nesting site and restoration of native tree species could help to increase population size. During the 2008 breeding season these birds were detected in residential areas up to two miles away from riparian corridors. Once again numbers could increase if they had more natural habitat to nest in. Pesticide usage may impact food resources and should be investigated around the Yampa River (Laymon 1998). Works Cited Native Fish Bestgen, K. R., G. B. Haines, and A. A. Hill. 2011. SYNTHESIS OF FLOOD PLAIN WETLAND INFORMATION: TIMING OF RAZORBACK SUCKER REPRODUCTION IN THE GREEN RIVER, UTAH, RELATED TO STREAM FLOW, WATER TEMPERATURE, AND FLOODPLAIN WETLAND AVAILABILITY; Final Report Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program Projects 22F and FR-FP Synthesis; Larval Fish Laboratory Contribution 163 Bezzerides, N. and K. Bestgen. 2002. Status review of roundtail chub Gila robusta, flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis, and bluehead sucker Catostomus discobolus in the Colorado River basin. 2002. Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory, Fort Collins, CO. Bower, Michael R., Wayne A. Hubert, and Frank Rahel. 2008. Habitat features affect bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, and roundtail chub across a headwater tributary system in Colorado River Basin. J. Freshwater Ecology 23(3): 347-358 Colorado River Fish and Wildlife Council. 2006. 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