ROYAL CORNWALL AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION Registered Charity No. 250312 EXHIBITION 4th, 5th & 6th June 2015 Bees and Honey Section SCHEDULE Arranged in conjunction with CORNWALL BEE-KEEPERS’ ASSOCIATION (Founded 1919) Show Secretary: Mr M L Somers OBE Sea Mist, 14 Marine Parade St. Mawes Truro Cornwall TR2 5DW 01326 270659 Judges: HONEY: CAKES: MEAD: WINES: Mr J Orton Wg. Cmdr T A Salter MBE Miss D Rogers Mrs P Staunton Mrs P Staunton Mr B Chenneour Judges Stewards Honey and Beeswax: Mr B J Henderson Smith Mr H J Kendall Cookery: Mrs C Syms Mead: Miss M Couch Wine: Miss M Couch Mr B Gornouvel 1 RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Every article must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor. 2. Exhibits of Honey, including Sections and Cut Comb, must have been gathered from flowers by Exhibitor’s own bees. Exhibits of Wax must have been obtained from the Exhibitor’s own bees with the exception of Class 38 when commercially produced sheets of any colour may be used. Mead must have been made by the Exhibitor, but the honey may have been purchased. 3. Cut comb honey must be shown in standard white containers with transparent snap-on tops. Square sections must be displayed in glazed white section show cases. Not less than 82mm x 82mm (3¼ins x 3¼ins) of the section must be clearly visible on both sides of the show case. Paring the section will disqualify the exhibit. Frames for extraction must be shown in protective glazed cases and the comb must be visible from both sides. Frames, sections and comb must be readily removable from their cases. 4. Run or Extracted Honey, except where otherwise specified (Class 40, 41, 42, 50 and 51) must be exhibited in clear 454g (1lb) squat jars with standard gold lacquered commercial screw tops both of British standard pattern and matching. Exhibitors’ own labels which must be in accordance with current labelling regulations as offered for sale will be used in Classes 40, 41, 42 50 & 51. Lot marking is required. 5. All Wines must be exhibited in clear, usual bordeaux style colourless glass, 75cl (26fl.oz) wine bottles which should be filled to within 10mm of the bottom of the cork. White plastic topped cork stoppers, removable by hand must be used and not tapered corks or cylindrical corks requiring a cork-screw. Clean corks must be used. Class numbers supplied by the Honey Show Secretary must be put on every bottle as received, no trimming allowed. These should be affixed to leave between 25mm to 30mm between the bottom of the label and the bottom of the bottle. Contents labels should be completed and handed in with Exhibits. These labels to be affixed after the Judging. 6. Exhibitors may enter more than one exhibit (but not more than three) in any one class. Exhibits will be judged according to merit and cards and points awarded but no exhibitor in any class will be entitled to more than one award of prize money. Should an exhibitor qualify for more than one award of prize money the money will be distributed to the runners up in order of merit. 7. The Judges shall be empowered to withhold prizes in cases of insufficient merit, or a lesser prize may be awarded in proportion to merit after consultation and agreement with the Honey Show Secretary. 8. The Show Committee reserves the right to decline any entry, and to submit any exhibit for analysis. If any portion of a consignment sent for exhibition is found to be adulterated the whole of the consignment shall be rejected. 9. Class numbers supplied by the Honey Show Secretary must be put on every jar, section or other exhibit as received, no trimming allowed. Labels shall be affixed on jars to leave between 10mm to 15mm between the bottom of the label and the bottom of the jar, on sections and shallow frames at right top corner of the vertical transparent face of the case and the duplicate on the right top corner of the horizontal bar of the frame or section. Labels for Cut Comb shall be affixed on one side of the container. If a show case is used for wax one label must be affixed on the glass and the duplicate on the surface of the wax to be shown uppermost. No Doyles allowed. Labels for Commercial Classes to be affixed to the back of the jars. 10. All exhibits (with the exception of Mead and Wine) must be delivered (carriage paid both ways) to the Show not later than 7.30 pm. ALL MEAD AND WINE ENTRIES MUST BE DELIVERED BY 6.30 p.m. on 3th June, with addressed return label as supplied. Name and address of Exhibitor must be shown on label under slip on outside of the package. Screws must be used and not nails to fasten down lids of containers. 2 11. Any protest against the decision of the Judges shall be made in writing and handed to the Section Secretary before 4 p.m. on the first day of the Show with a deposit of £10. Should the protest be sustained the deposit will be returned but not otherwise. 12. While every care will be taken of exhibits, the Committee will not be responsible for any loss or damage sustained by the exhibits of Exhibitors. 13. ENTRANCE FEES. All Open and Confined Classes 50p per entry. Children’s Section 20p. School and Gift Classes free, HOME MADE WINE CLASSES (73 - 81) 20p per entry. A new entrant is a competitor who has not exhibited at the R.C.A.A. Show previously. V.A.T. is included in the above fees. 14. On Saturday June 6th the Presentation of the Trophies will be at 5.00 p.m. prior to the close of the show at 5.30 p.m. This year the Presentation will be made by Mr Colin Rees (President CBKA). Notice of personal collection MUST BE INDICATED ON THE ENTRY FORM in the space provided. Exhibits must be collected from the Stewards between the hours of 5.30 p.m. and 7. p.m. on June 6th only. NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE WILL BE ALLOWED AND THE COMMITTEE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EXHIBITS AFTER 7 P.M. 15. Judging commence at 7 p.m. for Mead and Wines on Wednesday June 3rd and 8.30 a.m. for all other classes on June 4th. 16. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CHALLENGE CUPS. In the event of a tie between two or more competitors the cup shall be awarded to the competitor winning the most highest awards. Points shall be scored as follows: (a) A first prize in any class at the said show shall count 5 points. (b) A second prize in any class at the said show shall count 4 points. (c) A third prize in any class at the said show shall count 3 points. (d) A V.H.C. in any class at the said show shall count 2 points. (e) A H.C, in any class at the said show shall count 1 point. 17. A cup shall be held by the winning competitor for one year until 1 st May the year following (or other date determined by the Show Committee) when it shall be returned to the Honey Show Secretary. 18. Should a Cup not be awarded in any one year, it shall remain in the custody of the Honey Show Secretary. 19. The name of the holder of a Cup each year and the year of winning same will be engraved thereon at the expense of the Association and he or she will receive a glass stand. All to be arranged by the Honey Show Secretary only, providing the Cup is returned according to Rule 17. 20. The holder of a Cup shall, for the time being, be responsible for its safe custody until its return to the Honey Show Secretary and shall insure it for the sum declared to be its value by the Secretary. 21. Any dispute that may arise shall be dealt with by the Show Committee. 22. Exhibitors must not stage any of their own exhibits (other than with the Honey Show Secretary’s permission) or REMOVE THEM from the Show Benches. 23. All Cakes, Photographs and Bee Appliances MUST BE the work of the Exhibitor. Photographs must not have been shown in any previous Royal Cornwall Show. 24. All Press and Publicity must be handled in the first instance through the Honey Show Secretary or Chairman. 25. All items that needs to be measured in weight will be weighed by the R.C.Show committee scales. Likewise all colour grading of honey will be graded with the glasses provided at the R.C.Show. 3 SPECIAL PRIZES HARCOURT WILLIAMS CUP Presented by Mrs. Harcourt Williams Open only to bona fide members of the Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association. Awarded to the winner of the most points in Class 1 - 11. For points see rule 16 (a) to (e). PRESIDENT’S CUP. Presented by Dr. T. C. Houston Awarded to the competitor with the highest aggregate V.H.C. and H.C. awards (Classes 1 11 and 19 - 39). HARRISON CUP Presented by S/Ldr. A. G. Harrison To the competitor exhibiting what, in the opinion of the Judge, is the best bottle of mead in Classes 68, 69, 70 & 71. THE ROGER AND AUDREY GORNOUVEL MEMORIAL CUP Presented by T Gornouvel For the post points in the Mead Section Classes 68, 69, 70 & 71. WADEBRIDGE CUP Presented by the Wadebridge Committee Awarded to the competitor gaining the highest aggregate in the open classes. (Classes 19 – 39) W. H. BOLITHO MEMORIAL CUP Presented by Dr. Mark Hewitt Awarded to the competitor exhibiting what, in the opinion of the Judges, is the most meritorious exhibit in the Show. H.G.WYATT MEMORIAL CUP Presented by Mrs. Wyatt Awarded to the competitor exhibiting what in the opinion of the Judges is the best Section of Comb Honey, or carton of cut comb (Classes 6, 7, 8, 26, 27 and 28). THE GREGORY WAX BOWL Presented by A. J. Gregory Awarded to the competitor exhibiting what in the opinion of the Judges is the best cake of Beeswax (Classes 10 and 29) THE SHOW COMMITTEE CUP Presented by W. G. Lyne Awarded to the Competitor exhibiting what in the opinion of the Judges is the best exhibit in the following Classes. Beeswax Ornamental Objects, 28g (one ounce) Cakes or Commercial Wax (Classes 32, 33, 34, and 39). THE SHEILA SLEEMAN CANDLESTICK Awarded to the competitor exhibiting what in the opinion of the Judges is the best set of candles in classes 35, 36, 37 and 38. THE GEORGE WRIGHT MEMORIAL CUP Awarded to the Group exhibiting what in the opinion of the Judges is the best entry in the Class 67. THE TREVOR ROWE MEMORIAL CUP Presented by Mrs. D. Rowe Awarded to the competitor gaining the most points in the New Entrants Classes (Classes 12 and 13) 4 POMEROY/PRINN CUP For the best entry on Class 4. THE BLUE RIBBON AWARD OF THE BRITISH BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION. Awarded to the competitor exhibiting what, in the opinion of the Judges, is the best exhibit in the section THE HARRISON ASHFORTH CUP For the best Honey exhibit in the Show. THE GRACE ASHFORTH CUP For the best exhibit in the Gift Classes (Classes 43 - 45) MENABILLY CUP In Memory of Philip Stuart Rashleigh For the best Shallow Frame (Classes 9 and 30) THE JACK JULYAN MEMORIAL CUP Presented by The Cornwall Beekeepers Association for the best exhibit in Class 46. A PLATE presented by Chown China for what in the opinion of the Judges is the best exhibit in the Section. THE BROOKHOLDING DAWES SHIELD Will be awarded to the school winning most points (Classes 14 to 18). THE NURTURE CUP Presented by Mrs. L. Hewitt Awarded to the Competitor exhibiting what in the opinion of the Judges is the best exhibit in the Children’s Section (Classes 60 - 66) H. WESTLEY MEMORIAL CUP Awarded to the Competitor exhibiting what in the opinion of the Judge is the best entry in the Cookery Section (Classes 53 - 59). Entries in Classes 72 - 81 are not eligible for any of the above awards. THE CORNWALL WINE CIRCLES ASSOCIATION TROPHY Awarded to the Competitor with the highest aggregate in Classes 72 - 79. THE GEOFF’S HOMEBREW TROPHY Presented by G. Cox For the best bottle of wine in classes 72 – 81 E H THORNE (BEEHIVE) Ltd. Have donated 5 - £5 Gift Vouchers. These will be awarded to the winners of Classes 1, 2, 19, 20 and 23. Please note that there are no medals awarded this year 5 HONEY CLASSES Entry Fees – 50p per entry inc. V.A.T. (Confined to bona fide members of the Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association and West Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association) Winners of Classes 1 and 2 will receive a £5 Thornes Gift Voucher Class 1st 2nd 1. Two jars of Light Run Honey .................................................. £5.00p £3.00p 2. Two jars of Medium Run Honey ............................................. £5.00p £3.00p 3. Two jars of Dark Run Honey ................................................. £5.00p £3.00p 4. Two jars of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred) ............ £5.00p £3.00p 5. Two jars of Soft Set Honey .................................................... £5.00p £3.00p 6. Two cartons of Cut Comb Honey, not less than 200g(7ozs) .. £5.00p £3.00p 7. Two Sections of Honey in wood or plastic frames .................. £5.00p £3.00p 8. Two Round Sections .............................................................. £5.00p £3.00p 9. One Shallow Frame suitable for extraction ............................ £5.00p £3.00p 10. One Cake of Beeswax, weight between 200g and 255g (7oz and 9oz) not less than 19mm (¾in.) thick (See Rule 9) . £5.00p £3.00p 11. A collection of any four of the following:- One jar of Run Honey: One jar of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred): One Section of Honey: One Shallow frame wired or unwired: One Cake of Beeswax, not less than 227g (8ozs) (See Rule 9) .................................. £5.50p £3.50p 3rd £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.50p NEW ENTRANTS Entry Fees 50p per entry inc. V.A.T. (See Rule 13) Class 1st 2nd 3rd 12. Two jars of Light, Medium or Dark Run Honey ...................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 13. Two jars of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred) ............ £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p FOR SCHOOLS (No Entry Fees) Class 1st 2nd 3rd 14. Two jars of Light, Medium, Dark or Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred) ................................................................. £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 15. Exhibit of anything appertaining to Beekeeping ..................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p The following classes are for use by children ONLY when the School which they attend has entered in Class 14 or 15. There will be no entry money or prize money awarded but Prize Cards will be given. Age of Child must be stated on each exhibit. 16. One item from the following list:- Honey Cake, Sultana tea cake, Honey and Sultana Buns: Honey and Apricot Squares, Any cookery item of cakes or biscuits of which honey is an ingredient – recipe to be given, 12 pieces of Fudge. Or preserves or chutneys in which honey is an ingredient – recipe to be given. Recipes for Classes 53 – 56 & 58 (See Pages 12, 13 & 14) 17. Exhibit of anything appertaining to Beekeeping. 18. Miniature Bee Garden. Space not exceeding 300mm x 300mm. 6 OPEN CLASSES. Entry Fees – 50p per entry inc. V.A.T. Winners of Classes 19, 20 & 23 will receive a £5 Thorne’s gift voucher Class: 1st 19. Two jars of Light Run Honey .................................................. £5.00p 20. Two jars of Medium Run Honey ............................................. £5.00p 21. Two jars of Dark Run Honey (not heather)............................. £5.00p 22. Two jars of Heather Honey .................................................... £5.00p 23. Two jars of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred) ............ £5.00p 24. Two jars of Soft Set Honey .................................................... £5.00p 25. Two jars of Chunk Honey ....................................................... £5.00p 26. Two Cartons of Cut Comb Honey not less than 200g(7oz) .... £5.00p 27. Two Sections of Honey in wood or plastic frames .................. £5.00p 28. Two Round Sections of Honey............................................... £5.00p 29. Cake of Beeswax, not less than 454g (1lb) in weight and not less than 25mm (1in) thick (See Rule 9) ................................ £5.00p 30. One Shallow Frame suitable for extraction ............................ £5.00p 31. A collection of any four of the following:- One jar of Run Honey: One jar of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred): One Section of Honey: One Shallow Frame wired or unwired One Cake of Beeswax not less than 227g (8ozs) (See Rule 9) ................. £5.50p 32. A Display of Six Ornamental Objects, excluding flowers, Made of Beeswax only. Colouring permitted ......................... £5.00p 33. Five 28g (1oz) blocks of Beeswax – Rectangular shaped ..... £5.00p 34. Six 28g (1oz) blocks of Beeswax – Hexagonal shaped ......... £5.00p 35. Three plain beeswax candles, not patterned, up to and including 38mm (1½”) in diameter, maximum height 300mm (12”) all made by moulding. To be displayed Erect. One to be lit by the Judge. ......................................... £5.00p 36. Three Plain Beeswax candles, dipped, up to and including 38mm (1½”) in diameter maximum height 300mm (12”). To be displayed erect. One to be lit by the Judge ............... £5.00p 37. Three Beeswax Candles. Matching in all respects. All made by moulding, to be displayed erect. One to be lit by the judge ....................................................... £5.00p 38. Three Rolled Beeswax Candles. All to be made by any method other than by moulding or dipped. One to be lit by the Judge . To be displayed erect. (See Rule 2) ........................ £5.00p 39. One Cake of Beeswax, minimum weight 340g (12ozs) Prepared for commercial purposes. The block will be broken for judging, so perfect moulding is not required ......... £5.00p 2nd £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p 3rd £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.50p £2.50p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p Boards will be supplied for all entries in Classes, 32, 33, 34, 37 and 38. Classes 35 and 36 to be displayed in/on your own flame proof stand/s. Cardboard plates and polythene bags for Class 39. 7 COMMERCIAL CLASSES Entry Fees – 50p per entry inc. V.A.T. Class 1st 2nd 3rd 40. Two jars of Run Honey, any colour, both must be in matching 454g jars. Exhibitor’s own Labels and jars See Rules 4 & 9 concerning labels ....................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 41. Two jars of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred) (as Class 40) ......................................................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 42. 12 jars of Honey to be 4 matched jars of each, selected from three of the following Light. Medium, Dark or Naturally Crystallised (not stirred) must be in the same matching 454g jars. Exhibitor’s own labels and jars. See Rules 4 and 9 concerning labels .. £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p GIFT CLASSES All Honey in the following classes will be donated at the discretion of the Show Committee. (No Entry Fees) Class 1st 2nd 3rd 43. 1 jar of Run Honey, any colour............................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 44. 1 jar of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred) ................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 45. 1 jar of Soft Set Honey ........................................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p HOME MADE APPLIANCES AND PHOTOGRAPHS Entry fees - 50p per entry inc. V.A.T. Class 1st 46. Home Made Bee Appliance of interest to Bee-keepers ......... £5.00p 47. One Black and White Photograph, not less than Postcard size. Subject of interest to Beekeepers .......................................... £5.00p 48. One Coloured Photograph, not less than Postcard size, Subject of interest to Beekeepers. ....................................... £5.00p 49. A sequence of not more than 6 coloured photographs, on one mount. The size of the mount to be not more than 600mm x 600mm. Subject of interest to Beekeepers. ........... £5.00p (Classes 47 – 49 MUST have a caption not more than 10 words. See Rule 23) 8 2nd 3rd £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p SPECIAL DISPLAYS Entry Fees – 50p per entry inc. V.A.T. Class 1st 2nd 3rd 50. Exhibit of Honey, Beeswax and Honey products on space not exceeding 900mm W x 900mm D x 1200mm H ............... £5.50p £3.50p £3.00p 51. Commercial Window Display, exhibitors own labels, See Rule 4 concerning labels. Floral decorations allowed .... £5.50p £3.50p £3.00p 52. Any material suitable for display not covered by other classes. Subject of interest to Beekeepers ........................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p HONEY COOKERY CLASSES Entry Fees – 50p per entry inc. V.A.T. (Cardboard plates will be supplied for all entries). Class 1st 53. Honey Cake, sweetened and flavoured with Honey only, As recipe on Page 12 ............................................................. £5.00p 54. Sultana tea Cake. As recipe on Page 12 .............................. £5.00p 55. Honey and Sultana Buns As recipe on Page 12 ......... £5.00p 56. Honey and Apricot Squares As recipe on Page 13 ............. £5.00p 57. Any cookery item of cakes or biscuits of which honey is an ingredient – recipe to be given ............................................. £5.00p 58. Twelve pieces of Honey Fudge. As recipe on page 14 ......... £5.00p 59. Preserves or chutney of which honey is an ingredient. Recipe to be supplied ............................................................ £5.00p 2nd 3rd £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £3.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p £3.00p £2.00p Any exhibits not collected by the Exhibitor by 7 pm on Saturday June 7th will be disposed of at the discretion of the Show Committee but each exhibit must have the correct entry fee paid. CHILDREN’S SECTION Open to anyone 16 years of age and under on the first day of the show (Entry Fee 20p inc V.A.T.) Age of Child must be stated on Entry Form and Exhibits, Class 1st 2nd 3rd 60. Two jars of Run Honey, any colour, both must be the same .. £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 61. Two jars of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred) ............ £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 62. One item from the following:- Honey Cake, Sultana tea cake: Honey and Sultana Buns: Honey and Apricot Squares: Any cookery item of cakes or biscuits of which honey is an ingredient, recipe to be given, 12 pieces of Fudge or Preserves or chutneys of which honey is an ingredient – recipe to be given. Recipes for Classes 53-56 & 58 (See Pages 12, 13 & 14) ..................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 63. One Black and White Photograph, not less than Postcard size Subject of interest to Beekeepers .......................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 9 CHILDRENS SECTION (continued) 64. One Coloured Photograph, not less than Postcard size Subject of interest to Beekeepers. ......................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p Classes 63 and 64 MUST have a caption not more than 10 words. See rule 23. 65. Exhibit of anything appertaining to Bee-Keeping ................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 66. Miniature Bee Garden on space not exceeding 300mm x 300mm ................................................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p GROUP ENTRY Class 67. Group Exhibit on a space not exceeding 900mm x 600mm. HONEY-BEE PASTURE. An arrangement of Common Flowers (and their foliage and fruit) from which the Honey Bee gathers nectar and pollen. To be staged within a space 900mm x 600mm (half a table) and not judged on the number of species present. (Rare species must not be exhibited.) A list of species must be provided and will be judged as an integral part of the exhibit and their relevance to beekeeping. (Related accessories and pictures allowed.) There will be no entry money or prize money for this class but the George Wright Memorial Cup will be awarded for the best exhibit. MEAD CLASSES (See Rule 6) (Entry Fee 50p per entry inc. V.A.T.) Class 1st 2nd 3rd 68. One bottle Dry Mead ............................................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 69. One bottle Sweet Mead ........................................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p 70. One bottle Metheglin ............................................................... £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p Class 70 must be flavoured with herbs and may have some spices as well. 71. One bottle Fruit Mead .............................................................. £5.00p £3.00p £2.00p Class 71 must be made of Fruit Juice, water and honey. The fruit juice to be added BEFORE fermentation. Neither herbs nor spices are obligatory in this class, but either or both may be used if the maker so desires. HOME MADE WINE CLASSES (See Rule 6) (Entry Fees 20p per entry inc. V.A.T.) Class 1st 72. One bottle Red Wine (dry) ....................................................... £1.50p 73. One bottle Red Wine (sweet) .................................................. £1.50p 74. One bottle White Wine (dry) .................................................... £1.50p 75. One bottle White Wine (sweet) ................................................ £1.50p Wine classes continued on Page 11 10 2nd £1.00p £1.00p £1.00p £1.00p 3rd 75p 75p 75p 75p 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. One bottle Dessert wine, white/ red or tawny .......................... £1.50p One bottle Flower wine (sweet) ............................................... £1.50p One bottle made from Grape Concentrate .............................. £1.50p One bottle Fruit Rosé Medium ................................................. £1.50p New Entrants (one bottle dry wine) (see Rule 13) ................... £1.50p New Entrants (one bottle sweet wine) (see Rule 13) ............... £1.50p No kits allowed in Classes 72-75. £1.00p £1.00p £1.00p £1.00p £1.00p £1.00p 75p 75p 75p 75p 75p 75p PLEASE NOTE: All Mead and Wine entries MUST be at The Showground by 6.30 p.m. on WEDNESDAY the 3th June. SPECIAL NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS Please note that there are no medals awarded this year. Late entries will only be accepted subject to a 50% surcharge. rd Judging will commence at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday June 3 for all Mead and Wine Entries and 8.30 a.m. on June 4th for all other entries. Please send or bring your exhibits not later than 6.30 p.m. for all Mead and Wine entries rd and 7.30 p.m. for all other entries on June 3 . The Show Secretary will be at the Honey Tent from 1.00 p.m. until 7.30 p.m. rd on June 3 to receive exhibits. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THE MORNING OF THE SHOW. GENERAL INFORMATION Members of the Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association and / or West Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association will be in attendance at the Honey Tent on each day to give advice and information on Beekeeping. Both CBKA and WCBKA will have representatives at the show to meet people and give information on joining. The Queen marking colour for 2015 is Blue. The Committee appeals to Beekeepers to assist in making the Show a success by telling their friends about the Show, by exhibiting in as many classes as possible, by encouraging their friends to do the same and by attending the Show. 11 HONEY COOKERY CLASSES – RECIPES Class 53 HONEY CAKE (To be made from the following recipe) 227g (½lb.) Self Raising Flour 227g (½lb.) English Honey 113g (¼lb.) Butter, Marg or Cooking Fat 3 Eggs Pinch of Salt 2½ml (½ tsp) Baking Powder Cream butter and honey together. Beat eggs well and add alternately with sifted flour and salt. Beat all well and light. If needed, add a little milk. Bake in a well buttered 18cm (7in) o o round tin ¾ - 1 hour in moderate oven Gas Mark 3. 325 F or 170 C. Class 54 SULTANA TEA CAKE (To be made from the following recipe) 227g (½lb) Self Raising Flour 6 fl. oz. Cold Tea 56g (2 ozs) Honey Pinch of Salt 113g (¼lb) . Demerara sugar 227g (½lb) . Sultanas 1 Egg Grease a loaf tin. Place sultanas in bowl and cover with cold tea, then leave them to soak, preferably overnight. Then stir in salt, sugar and flour, beat the egg and honey and stir into mixture o o add a drop of milk if mixture is too dry. Cook in oven gas mark 4 or 350 F or 180 C for about 1 hour. Don’t worry about the absence of fat in the recipe because with the high fruit content it ends up a very moist cake. Class 55 HONEY AND SULTANA BUNS (To be made from the following recipe) 2 eggs 5ml (1tsp) Dark Muscovado Sugar 5ml (1tsp) Baking Powder 85g (3ozs) Butter, melted 75g (2½ozs) Caster Sugar 85g (3ozs) Self Raising Flour Pinch of Salt 15ml (1tbsp) Honey, plus extra to drizzle Preheat the oven to 180˚C/fan 160˚C/gas mark 4. Line one deep bun tin with paper cases Whisk together the eggs and sugars until light and fluffy. Fold in the sifted flour, baking powder and salt. Leave the mixture to rest for 30 minutes. Stir in the melted butter and honey into the egg mix and spoon into the paper cases. Bake for about 25 minutes or until firm to the touch. Cool slightly and drizzle with honey to add some extra sweetness. Only 6 buns to be displayed. 12 Class 56 HONEY AND APRICOT SQUARES (To be made from the following recipe) 170g (6ozs) Set Honey 85g (3ozs) Caster Sugar 113g (4ozs) Dried Apricots (sliced) 5ml (1tsp) Baking Powder 170g (6ozs) Butter 225g (8ozs) Self Raising Flour 2 Eggs 28g (1oz) Flaked Almonds Melt the honey, butter and sugar together in a saucepan. Add the apricots and then beat in the eggs. Sift the flour and baking powder together and add to the saucepan. Transfer mixture to a greased lined (19 x 34cm) 7½” x 13½” tin. Sprinkle with flaked almonds and o o bake for 45 minutes at 325 F or 170 C, Gas Mark 3. The apricot squares should be well risen and brown. Cool on a wire rack and then cut into 16 squares. Only 6 squares to be displayed. Class 57 ANY COOKERY ITEM OF CAKES OR BISCUITS OF WHICH HONEY IS AN INGREDIENT (Recipe to be given) 13 Class 58 12 PIECES OF HONEY FUDGE (To be made from the following recipe) 454g (1lb) Granulated Sugar 150 ml (¼ pint) Evaporated Milk ¼ teaspoon Salt 56g (2oz) Butter 30ml (2 tbsp) Honey o Boil sugar, salt and milk for 5 minutes. Add honey and boil until ‘soft ball stage’ 240 F or o 116 C. Add butter and allow to stand until lukewarm. Beat until creamy, pour into a buttered dish. When nearly set, mark into squares. The whole quantity of the recipe should be used in making the 12 pieces Class 59 PRESERVES OR CHUTNEY OF WHICH HONEY IS AN INGREDIENT. Recipe to be given. 14 15
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