Subs form 2015-16 - Royal Free Music Society Choir

Subs form 2015-16
Subscriptions for the 2015 - 16 season (April 2015 to March 2016) are set at £126 (or £42 if paying
termly). Please note the choir has a few places available at reduced subscriptions for those on reduced
incomes; contact James Kennedy (treasurer) or Diana Parkinson (subs officer) if you would like to know
The choir can benefit greatly from tax refunds on your subscription if you are a tax-payer. Please indicate
below whether you are willing for us to reclaim the tax already paid by you on your subscription money.
Please complete this form with payment of your subscription and return it in person to Diana Parkinson
(alto) or by email (
Your name:
Summer term ‘15
Autumn term ‘15
Spring term ‘16
How paid:
Bank transfer
Standing order
I wish the choir to reclaim tax on the proportion of my subscription calculated by
the treasurer as being of non-benefit to me. l confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and
that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income tax or Capital Gains tax which at
least equals tax deducted from this donation.
Gift aid:
Please make cheques payable to “The Royal Free Music Society. Alternatively, if you would like
to pay by bank transfer, the account details are:
ACCOUNT NAME: Royal Free Music Society Choir
ACCOUNT NO: 00024328
SORT CODE: 40- 52-40
BANK: CAF BANK - West Malling, Kent
REF: *Your name* - Annual / Summer / Autumn / Spring (as applicable).
Please email ( with the details of your payment.
Updated contact details - If you have changed any of your contact details, please note this here:
New address:
New landline:
New mobile:
New email:
The Royal Free Music Society Choir is a registered charity. Charity Number 1151170