Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 23, pp.263-271 (1985) ELEMENTS: ELECTRON.MICROPROBE ANALYSIS OF MINERALSFOR RARE.E^ARTH USE OF CALCULATEDPEAK-OVERLAPCORRECTIONS PETER L. ROEDER Departmentof GeologicalSciences, Queen'sUniversity,Kingston,OntarioK7L 3N6 ABSTRACT The relative intensitiesof the lcr1, Lgy L/z, LB3, and .L71lines were measuredusing ten R.EEphosphates.These data were used to calculate peak-overlap corrections for the Lal and Lp1 lines of RE'8. Wavelength-dispersionand energy-dispersionspecfia of the Z lines of fourteen R.EE compare favorably with the spectrausing the peak-overlap corrections.Detection of REE by microprobe analysisis best accomplished by first collecting a wavelengthdispersion spectrum to identify interfering elementsand locate the best wavelengthsfor background measurements, The ,REf phosphates were used as standards for wavelength-dispersionanalysis of four silicate glassesprepared by Drake & Weill (1972),three silicateglassesprepared in the.presentstudy and someminerals previously analyzedfor REE by wet+hemicalmetlod. The microprobe resultsof thesesamplesaxeconsistentwith the known levels of REE in the samples. Keywords: rare-earth analysis, REE microprobe analysis, microprobe standards. Souuernn On mesurel'intensitd relative desraies,Io1, L/y Lgz, Lfu, et Lll dansdix phosphatesde terresrares (7R). Ces donn6esservent a calculer les corrections d'empidtement de raies pour les raieslo1 et ZB1 des ZR. Les spectresZ de quatorze 7R, obtenuspar dispersionde longeursd'onde et par dispersiond'6nergie,concordentavecles spectrescalcul6scompte tenu de cescorrections. La d6termination des terresrares i la microsondeest facilit6e par l'obtention pr6alable d'un spectrepar dispersionde longueursd'onde, qui rdvBleles 6l6mentsen interf6rence et les longueurs d'onde i choisir pour mesurerIe bruit de fond. Les phosphates de 7R ont servi d'dtalonsdansI'analysepar dispersionde longueurs d'onde de quatre verres silicat6s pr6pards par Drake et Weill (192), trois verresprepar€spour cette6tude, et quelques mindraux dans lesquels on avait dosd les In par voie humide. Les r6sultats que I'on obtient d Ia microsondeconcordent avecles teneursconnuesdes 7R dansces €chantillons. (Iraduit par la Rddaction) Mots-clds:d&erninatton desterresrarc, analysei la microsonde6lectronique,6talonspour microsonde. INTRoDUcTIoN Electron-microprobe analysis of silicate minerals has become routine because of the relatively simple K seriesof X-ray spectrausedfor the major elements in silicates.The microprobe analysisof samplescontaining rare-earthelementsis much more complicated to usethe lower intensityand becauseit is necessary more complexZ seriesof X-ray spectra.Thus the I line for one rare-earth element (REE) may interfere with the measurementof another element. As an example,Z spectrafor the phosphatesof lanthanum, cerium and praseodymium are shown in Figuresla, b, c, run under the conditionsdescribed in the next section. Thirteen peaks for lanthanum are identified in Figure la and illustrate the possible complexity for a samplecontaining more than one REE. The spectrum shown in Figure ld peltains to a glassmicroprobe standard synthesizedby Drake & Weill (1972); it contains almost equal concentrations (Table l) of lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce) and praseodymium@r). The chemicalsymbol for the individual rare-earth elements will be used in the remainder of this paper. The lines for LaZal and CeZculin Figure ld are almost of equal intensity, but the PrZal is at almost the samewavelenglhas theLaLPt line, and thus the measuredX-ray intensity at this wavelengthis due to both La and Pr. The peak overlap is a particularly seriousproblem for the evaluationof Pr, Eu, Gd, Ho, Er, Tm and Lu concentrationsby microprobe. The two methodsused to aveid this problem are to chooseX-ray lines showing minimum interference@xley 198p)or to usecorrection factors for peak overlap (Amli & Griffin 1975,Haggerty1983,Segalstad& Larsen 1978).The correction factors for overlapping peaks of differert kEE have been measured by Amli & Griffin (1975),but the onesthat they presentedare dependent on the changein resolution and efficiency, over the wavelengthregion, of the spectrometerusedin their microprobe. Other analystswho wish to usethe results of Amli & Griffin have to assumethat their spectrometershows the same resolution and efficiencychangewith spectrometersetting.The amount of peak overlapis very sensitiveto the resolutionof the spectrometer.Thus it is best fo measuredirectly the overlap correction, but suitablestandardsare not alwaysavailable.The major purposeof the present paper is to presentdata neededto calculatethe peak overlap for a spectrometerof any resolution or efficiencyand to presentmicroprobedata for standard material. The first part of this paper describesthe measurement of the intensity of the major lines (2a1, ZB1, 263 264 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST LBz, LBy L7) for ten REE; a method is presented to usethesepeak intensitiesto calculatethe overlap correction for each R.EE These data are then used to calcirlatea spectrumthat is comparedto a measured spectrum. The second section describesthe microprobe determination of fourteen REE in some glasssamplespreparedin the presentstudy and the Drake & Weill glasses,which are usedasR"EEstandards by many microprobe analysts. Microprobe data are presentedfor someREEminerals and compared to wet-chemicalresults on theseminerals. EXPERIMENTAL PRocEDURE All microprobe data were collectedwith an ARL SEMQ microprobe (take-off angle of 52.5') at an excitation voltage of 15 kV or 25 kV. The (WD) data werecollectedwith wavelength-dispersion a curved lithium fluoride crystal and an argon-filled (o) LoPOo detector.The energy-dispersion @D) data werecollectedwith a Princeton Gamma-Techdetectorhaving a resolution@WIIM) of 155eV for manganese. The WD dataat 15kV werecollectedat a beamcurrent of 22 nA measured with a Faraday cage in a brass mount. The usefulnessofthe proposedpeak-overlapcor-' rection procedure dependsupon how well other analysts can measurethe resolution and efficiency of their ED or WD spectrometers relativeto the one used in the presentstudy. Thi$ comparisonis best made by measuringthe peak width and count rate at the peakposition for the Klines of common metals over the wavelength region used for the REE. The resolution or peak width at one standard deviation (60.68/oheight of the peak) for the WD spectrometer usedin the presentstudy is shown for the KB line of somecommon metalsin Fieure 2. The peak width in Sngstrdm units is plotted against the wavelength of the linesaslistedin White & Johnson(1979).Also shown in Figure 2 is the variation in count rate (only correctedfor background)for the Kcr lines of some common metals. The matrix correctionsof the intensity measurementswere made using a ZAF correction program supplied by Tracor Northern and modeledafter the MAGIC programof Colby (1968). The samplesusedfor the measurementof relative peak-heightofthe individual REE area seriesof l0 REE phosphatesprepared and supplied by L.A. Mn r"f*x o o Cr Ni ./ }.rcoo o o (d) REE3 2000 < .008 3 .006 ! o .oo4 r.6 27 ?.3 1.9 spectraof R.E^Ecoltected Ftc. l. Wavelength-dispersion with an LiF crystal from a )r of 2.7 to 1.9 A at 15 kV: a) LaPOa, b) CePOa,c) PrPOa, d) glassfrom Drake & weill (1972). r.8 2.O 2.2 2.4 X (A) 2.6 2.8 FIc.2. a) Peak count-ratecorrectedfor background for the Ka line of the listed metals as a function of wavelength.b) The peak width in dngstrcimsat one standarddeviation (60.690height) for the,I(B line of the listed metals as a function of wavelength. 26s ELECTRON-MICROPROBE ANALYSIS OF MINERALS FOR RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS Boatner to A.N. Mariano. These samples are describedbyBoatner et al. (1980).The relative intensity of one Z line relative to another,L line for any one R"EEwas checkedusing someREE metals supplied by Applied ResearchLaboratories and on oxidesprovidedby A.N. Mariano. The R,EEglasses preparedand distributed by Drake & Weill (1972) wereusedas standardsfor Gd, Tb, Yb and Lu since no phosphatesof theseelementswere available ar the time this study wasconducted.Threeglasseswere preparedin the presentstudy in order to checkthe accruacyofthe analytical and correction techniques. Theseglasses(5-236, 5-253, 5-254) wereprepared by carefully weighing predried CaCO. (600"C), Al2O3 (600'C) and silicic acid (1000'C). Predried CeO, and LarO3 were used in 3-236, whereas predried Spexmix 1032supplied by SPEX Industries was used in preparing samples5-253 and 5-254. Spexmix 1032 is listed as containing scandium, yttrium and fourteen REE elementsat the 5.28 el.wt.9o level, and the glassespreparedusing this mix were made such that they have a nominal concenTABI.E 1. I,A Ce Pra PTB Nd Sm Euo Eug Gdc Tb Dy Eoa EoB Era ETB Ttoa tng Yb Lu Ca A1 3.55 3.42 3.79 3.79 3.65 3.67 3.80 3.80 3.87 3.78 3.80 3.85 3.85 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.74 3.75 Probe 15kv(n=3) 3.60 3.33 3.7L(4.r2) 3.6L 3.6s 3.77 X.76 3.78 3.73 3.74 3.65 3.7L 3.57 3.7L 3.46(4.78) sl IIAAr Glass Non.* 3.91 3.67 3.93 3.93 3.60 3.72 3.90 3.90 IN'rsNsrry MEASUREMENT ett CaLcuLerroN The first information neededto calculatethe overlap correctionis the value of the intensity of anyREE peaksrelative to the intensity of the major peak of that same REE in a sample that contains no other REE. For example, if it is known that the ZBr peak for La is 57Voof the height of the Za, peak, then the La contribution to the PrZa, peak shown in CEEI{ICAL COMPOSITION OF GLASS STANDARDS* Four GLasses of Dtake & I{elllNom.* tration of 1.A40/ofor each REE (3-254) or 0.0890 for eachREE (5-253). Each samplewas carefully ground and mixed in an agatemortar and then fused twice at 1500'C for six hours with an intermediate grinding in a tungsten carbide ball-mill. The glass sampleswere analyzedfor REE by two laboratories using neutron activation. Theseresults,togglheqwillt the nominal valuesfor Ca, Al and Si, are shown in Table I . The homogeneityof the glasseswas checked by usingthe homogeneityindex of Boyd et ol. (1967). Limited amounts of these three glass samplesare available from the author. 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 3,96 1.04 1.04 3.81 1.04 3.81 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 L.O4 3.s8 1.04 3.75 L.O4 16.90 12.90 15.09 5-254 ?robe 15kV(5) 25kV(3) 1.04 1.06 0.98 0.94 1.03 1.01 1.06 1.09 1.09 1.15 1.04 0.96 1.16 L.O2 L.Lz L.Lz 0.98 1.15 1.05 1.06 1.01 0.94 1.10 0.99 1.04 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.01 0.94 0.97 0.99 0.95 0.97 0.98 Glasg l{AAz NAAr o.92 0.82 0.91 0.76 0.78 0.96 0.85 0.85 0.51 0.70 0.70 0.70 o.94 0.81 1.10 1.10 0.73 o.82 0.82 0.84 0.63 0.91 0.69 Noa.* 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 20.80 L6.26 18.09 5-253 Probe 15LV(3) 25LV(5) 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.10 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.13 0.09 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.09 0 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.06 NAA2 I{AAI 0.090 0.100 0.079 0.100 0.067 0.087 0.077 0.077 0.095 0.080 0.080 0.097 0.097 0.100 0.097 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.077 0.077 0.080 0.088 0.080 0.086 Glass 5-235 probe I tlon.* 15kV l{AAs NAll8 la 11 | 10.56 Lo.26 11.1 10.30 10.7 10 Ce I ro.27 Ca | 1 5 . s 4 A1 I 10.43 st I 1 5 . 6 9 *CoEpoBltl.on r - Neutf,on 2 o Neutron 8 o Neutrol expressed actlvatlon actl.vatLotr actlvatlo[ ttr !rt. Z aml)rses analyees aaalyses eleoellts, Non. = NoELnaL vt.. Z fron weLghlng. by Drake & 8e111 (L972). t'y CII{A Iln{.ver6ita de Montr6a1, }lontraal, Quebec. by Neutron ActLvatLon Serelceg, i{c}taster Nuciear Reactor, Eadlton, Oat. 266 TI{E CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Figure ld can be calculated.It is possibleto usethe relative intensity of the peaksgiven in White & Johnson (1979);however,thesevaluesare given a nom! nal value(L& 50,LBzX, Lfu 6, L115) for all the REE The peak heightsof the five major peaksfor the l0 REE phosphateswere measuredby using a LiF crystal. The peak centroid was found by using an automatic peak-searchroutine that is part of the TASK softwaresuppliedby Tracor Northern. Each measurementinvolved three countson different spots of 30 secondsduration (total 90 seconds).Background was measuredat three different wavelengths and plotted as a function ofwavelength. The intensity of eachpeak, minus the background,wasdivided by the intensity of the La1 peak and multiplied by l@ to give percentintensity. The intensity ofthe various peaks relative to the Zo1 peak is plotted as a function of atomic number in Figure 3. The measured values for the IB, line are shown by the crossesat the top on Figure 3 and show some irregularity (are too high) in the vicinity of Nd. This irregularity is becauseof LBoand LBt overlap; the L$a peak shift$ in wavelength with respect to the ZBr peak as the atomic number changesfrom La to Lu. There is completeoverlap of thesepeaksfor Nd. Thus, in Figure la, the LBo peak is shown at a lower wavelength than (to the right of) the LB, for La, and the two peakscan be almost completely discriminated with the $pectrometerset at the ZB, peak position. As the atomic number increases@ig. lb, c) there is greateroverlap. The contributionof. LBo to the.LB, peak can be calculatedueing the peak positionsgiven by White & Johnson(1979)and the relative intensity of the LBn given by White & Johnson. The calculaledcontribution of. the LP4to LBI has beensubtractedand is shownin Figure 3 by the position of the solid dots. Thus the crossesrepresent the measuredvaluesat tbe LBl peak postition, and the dots represent the corrected ZB1 iptensity. The corrected ZBr intensities show an approximately linear relation to atomic number. The LBr, L$, atrd 271 peaks have no interfering peaks, and the changeof intensity relative to Zo, as a function of atomic number is also approximately linear. The calculation of peak-overlapcorrection assumesthat the relative intensity of the peaks as shown in Figure 3 remains the sameno matter what the material is or what other elementsare in the matrix. The relative peak-intensityhas beenmeasuredin somemetalsand simple glasseSand found to be consistentwith the intensitiesshown in the phosphates;the data for Sm are consistentwith the data publishedby Bolon et al. (1979). Samplescontaining other elementswith peaks in lhe La1 to 27, region for any particular REE may affect the relative intensities becauseof secondary fluorescenceand absorption, but this effect will usually be small. For example, the K absorption edge for iron lies betweenthe DyZcrl and DyLB, peaksand thus, if iron is presentin the sample,the intensity of DyZBI will be lessrelative to DyZor. The differential absorption of thesetwo Dy linesby iron was calculatedusingthe procedure of Corlett & MacDonald (1974) ald the equations presentedby Reed (1975).The intensity of DyZB, relative to DyLal is changedfrom Mslo (from Fig. 3) in a samplewith no iron to 42.50/oin a sample with 50 fi.90 iron, 50 wt.Vo dysprosium. This is within the experimentalerror of measurementsmade in the presentstudy. There is also the possibility of the detector gas (e.g., xenon) causing absorption r6Pr 'b edgesbetweenZ lines (Smith & Reed 1981).Thus Dy Ho caution is recommendedin using the relative intenATOMIG ito. sitiesfor calculatinglarge corrections.Other analysts Ftc. 3. The measuredintensitiesof the ZB1,LB2, L11and, who wish to use the relative intensities shown in lB3 lines of the R.6Erelativeto the Zo1 line as a funcFigure 3 have to determine whether the change in tion of the atomic number of the REE. Thecrossesfor the IBt line representmeasuredintensities,whereasthe spectrometerresponseover the wavelength interval dots representthe intensities corrected for ZBa overlap is approximately the same as that (Fig. 2) in the presentstudy, If it is different, the relative intensity (seetext). F.Ju-, 267 ELECTRON.MICROPROBE ANALYSIS OF MINBRALS FOR RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS of the peak relative to the Zoq peak will haveto be changed accordingly. The calculation of the contribution of X-ray counts of an interfering (D peak to the measurement of the X-ray counts at the desired(d) peak-position requires knowledge of the intensity of the interfering peak, the accurate peak-position of both the interfering peak (\) and the desired peak (\) and the peak width (W) of each of the peaks. The contribution of one peak to another can be calculated assuming a Galrssian distribution of X-ray counts on either side of the position of the interfering peak. A Gaussiandistribution was found to be a reasonable approximation to the shapeof the peaks,except for a "tailing" on either side ofthe peaksthat can only be representedby a much more complicated function (Suortti 1980). The following equations from Bolz & Tuve (1976) can be used to calculate the fractional contribution (F) of one peak to the measurementof another peak. The function X describesthe amount of overlap expectedbetween the desiredpeak and interfering peak. In the following relationships,\a is the wavelengthof desired peak, \, the wavelengthof interfering peak, W, the width ofpeak at one standarddeviation (60.690of peak height), and .{, the fraction of countsof interfering peak at the position of the desiredpeak. x: (\-\) w/2 ,::@ (l) a) If the two peaks are very close in wavelength or if the peaks are broad Qarge W), the value of X will be low, and the peakswill overlap. It is thus possible to calculatethe amount of peak overlap between theLaLh and the PrZol peaksshown in Figure ld. The calculatedvalue for.Fis found to be 0.22 using a )taof 2.4630@rLo1),? \ of 2.4589(LaLPr),and a value of W of 0.0047A. The fractional contribution of LaZBI is then multiplied by the intensity of this peak (5790from Fig.3) in order to get an overlap correctionof L2.4Vo.Anli & Griffin (1975)measured a number of peak-overlapcorrectionsdirectly on their ARL microprobe; for the LaLfu interferencewith PrZculthey measured12.70/0.Thus if the Pr peak in the rare-earth glass standard shown in Figure ld was measuredat the PrZol peak position, the actual number of counts due to Pr would be found by subtractingl2.7Voof the net countsin the LaLolpeak position from thosein the PrZal peak position. The percentagecorrection can be calculated for a spectrometerof any resolution. For example, we have calculated the fraction overlao for our TABLE 2. Deslred Lltre taLBt PrIol SoIo 1 EuIcy EurBr GdIcl G<Ilp1 TbtBl Dyrcr EoIcl Eo.tBl E!trqt Er-tP1 XbIol IdlBr i!.!cr ibr9r LuIcl LurBr OVERIiP CORRECTIONS lOR.[o1 calculateal Z ovellap Peak @d luterfelLtg 22.0 12.4 O.2 2L,7 9.9 L.0 9.5 87 .5 11.7 Plrq1 laLqr CeI-B2 9tL92, DyIaz; 1,aL'!2, ce.i11 Bolol I ErId! L${ES AND i81 lleasured LSINC WDg OverLap L2.7(L3.6, L6,2) 2 0 . 3 P r ( 2 3 . 3 ,1 9 . 8 ) L.2 NillB3 0.3 DYIoI 0.2 ta-t13 0.3 2.8 r-r.8 (10.9) Eola2 0.1 Eurpr 40.8 cd;'grr 0.2 GaliBq 0.3 Eur'fr 5.2 rbtBl 4.2'tbL$\ 3.5 cd-[11, 0.7 EurY3 9.3 SoI11; 1.5 DyI9q 1.0 Gilt'rt, O.8 @L72 7 .9 TbLyt 0.3 TbIB2l O.2 DYLBs I.0 \bLtz, 0.7 Tbtr'rg 5,7 DyL\\, 0.3 ToIB3 LL.I DyLBzt 6.5 EoLB2 L.O DyL'12,0.2 DyIYg 2.8 AbLB2. 2.4 D.oL'lr tot Ia1 iE dec€aary No correctLou for ,81 of Ce' Pt' Nal, SB dal DY. 42.L 3.0 8.7 8B(9.1, 8.8) 9.0 Dy(12.2) of Ia' cer Nal ed Tb, @d energy-dispersion spectrometer and found that becauseof its much poorer resolution, there is almost complete overlap of LaLBt and Prldt. Thus F equalsl, and the overlapcorrectionis equalto 5790. The analysisof a small amount of Pr in the presence of a large amount of La is very difficult, and small errors in the overlap correction will lead to large analytical errors. The peak positions for all kEE Z lines listed in white & Johnson (1979) have been included in a computerprogram written in BASIC that can be used to calculatethe peak-overlapcorrection for all major peaks.The intensitiesof the.LB1,LBz, L& and L11 peaks relative to La1 used in the program were those taken from the best-fit lines given in Figure 3. The intensitiesof all other lines (e.9., Ll+, L/q) were taken from White & Johnson.The correction factors, calculated with this program for the peak width shown in Figure 2, are given in Table 2 for all the Zch and LBt peaks of the REE that have a correction greaterthan 0. I Vo.The correction factors for both the .Lo1 and L& have been calculated becausesomeanalysts(a9., Exley 1980)use the LB, peak if the tra1 peak showsa large^correction.The measured overlap-corrections of Amli & Griffin (1975)are also shown in Table 2, and are reasonably close to the values calculated and measured (shown in parentheses)in the presentstudy. The best spectral line for R.EE measurement on the microprobe would be one with as few interferences as possibleand one wherethe correctionfactors are small and the interfering element is in low concentration. For example,Gd showsmajor interferences for both La1 and ZBt, but Lfu may be preferable becausethe major interferenceis from Ho, and this elementis usually presentat very low concentrations. Table2 contains correctionsdue only to overlapping 268 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST peaksfor the REE; no considerationis givento peaks due to elementssuchas Mn and Fe that overlap some REE lines and can cause$evereinterference.The overlap correction for theseelementscan be calculated using the samespectrometer-dataand the relative intensitiesfrom White & Johnson (1979), but it would be preferableto measurethe overlap correction. It should be stressedthat careful electronmicroprobe analysisfor REE involvesa considerable investment of time and energy if the analytical levels are below l9o. Spectral scan The complexity of the R EE X-ray spectrumis such that it is wiseto conducta WD spectralscanof any RZZ-containing mineral before attempting an analysis. The WD spectraof the glasses5-254 and 5-253 are shown in Figures4b and 4c. The spectrumin Figure 4b refers to a sample containing REE attbe nominal 1.0490level; the samplefor Figure 4c containsREE'at the nominal levelof 0.0890.Thesesamples are unusual, comparedto minerals, in the number and quantity of REE, but they demonstratethe potential complexitiesof the REE spectmmand the difficulty in measuring the background levels for heavy REE. A useful method for calculating the backgroundin sampleshaving a complexspectrum was describedby Smith & Reed(1981).The spectrum in Figure 4c demonstratesthe sensitivity of a spectral scan,evenat levelsof 800 ppm. A spectrumof a substanceof known R.EEconcentrationcan be calculated given a) the relative intensity of the Za, lines of eachRZE in the sample, as calculated from a ZAF procedure,and b) the changein peakresolution over the spectralrange. The peak-overlapcorrections (Fig. 3) and data from White & Johnson (1979)were usedwith equationsl) and 2) to calculate (BASIC program) the spectrumshown in Figure 4a. This spectrumwas calculatedassuminga sample with equal intensity of the Zo, of the R.EE; it compiles favorably with the measuredscan shown in Figure 4b. The measuredscanhas a variable background and shows changesin the efficiency of Xray generationand of the spectrometeras a function of wavelength. The underlined REE in Figure 4 are thosethat have a peak-overlapcorrectionless than 190 for the Zor line; thus the calculatedZcr, peaksfor theseelementsare at the sameheight. The similarity betweenthe calculatedand measuredscan givesthe analyst someconfidencein the useof these corrections for analytical work. The effect of changingspectrometerresolutionis shown quite dramatically by comparing the WD spectrum in Figure 4b with the ED spectrum for the sameglasssamplein Figure 5. The major peaksin Figure 5c are due to aluminum, silicon and calcium, whereasthe minor peaksare due to yttrium, scan- G 2.6 2,O t.4 Frc. 4. Calculatedand measuredWD spectrafor the wavelengthregion of 2.7 to l.a A. a) Calculatedspectrum,with the elementsymbol above the lcyl line; underlined symbolsfor elementswhere.Lal needsno overlap correction. b) Measured spectrum for glass 5-254, with ea.chREE at a nominal I wt.Vo, c) Measured spectrum for glass 5-253 withe eachREE at a nominal 0.08 wt.Vo. ELECTRON-MICROPROBE ANALYSIS OF MINERALS FOR RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS I z I 4 269 I KeV Frc. 5. Calculatedand measuredED spectrafor the glasssamplei5-254. a) Calculatedspectmmwith ldl peaksidentified. b) MeasuredED spectrumexaggeratedeight times that in Figure 5c. c) MeasuredED spectrum(0-9 kV) showing major peaks of Al, Si, Ca and minor peaks for Y, CaKP, Sc and REE dium and the fourteen REE The spectralregion that includes the REE is shown separately in Figure 5b with an eight-fold vertical exaggeration.The measured ED spectrumwas run for l@0 secondsin order to try to smooth someof the statisticalvariation that is apparent for a samplethat contains eachREE at only a l9o level. An ED spectrum(Fig. 5a) was calculatedusing the peak-width variation shown by our ED spectrometerand the samedata as for the WD spectrum calculation. The calculated (Frg. 5a) and measured(Fig. 5b) ED spectraare very similar except for the changingbackground shown in the measured $pectrum.The calculatedWD spectrum(Fig. 4a) and the ED spectrum(Fie. 5a) cannot be exactly matched becausethe horizontal scaleupedon the WD spectrum is in wavelength units (A), whereasthe scare usedfor the ED spectrumis in energyunits (eV). The LaLal and Cel,rrl peaks are completely resolved using the WD spectrometer,but there is considerable overlap using the ED spectrometer.The calculated ED spectrumshould show the Lal peaksof all the rare earths at approximately the sameheight as theLaLal and Ce.Lculpeaksif the overlap corrections were low. Only La and Ce have small corrections by EDS, whereassevenREE(La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Tb, Dy, Yb) have a correction of lessthen 190 by WDS. It is obvious that REEanalysis by EDS is very difficult or impossible unless one uses a multiple least-squarestechnique such as that developedby Tracor Northern. This has beenusedquite successfully by Robinson (1979)for REE ar levelsgreater than 0.5V0in zircon and monazite. ANALYSIS OF MINERALS FOR THE REU The microprobe analysisof minerals for the REE is difficult becauseof the scarcityof suitablestandards, the problem of peak overlap, the difficulty of measuringthe backgroundin somesamples,and matrix effects. The ten RZ? phosphatesdescribed earlier have been used as standards to analyze for REE in the four Drake & Weill glassesand also the glassespreparedin the presentstudy. Sinceno REE phosphatesfor Gd, Tb, Eu or Lu were availableat the time of this study, the Drake & Weill glasseswere usedas a primary standardfor theseelements.Drake & Weill (1972) gavethe original weighed (nominal) concentration of kEE in these glasses and also presentedresults of neutron-activation analysis for some of the REE. Both these values are listed in Table I togetherwith the microprobedata from the present study. The analytical results for all four 270 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST glassesof Drake & Weill are shown in one column. The Zo1 line for the elementsPr, Eu, Ho, Er and Tm generallyneedsan overlap correction, so some analysts @xley 1980) use the lower-intensity ZB, line. Both lines for theseelementswere usedin the presentstudy in order to comparethe results. The analytical results shown in Tables I and 3 were obtained during two microprobe sessions,one session at 15 kV and one at 25 kV, and only the normal precautionswere taken for analyzing major elements.Each microprobeanalysiswas correctedfor matrix effects and, if necessary,for peak overlap usingthe calculatedcorrectionsgivenin Table 2. Two examplesare given in parenthesesClable l) ofvalues in weight 9o before peak-overlapcorrections.Thus the nominal weight 9o Pr of the Drake & Weill glass is 3.79 and the overlap-uncorrectedPr value using the PrIo, line is 4.12, whereasthe amount corrected for peak overlap is 3.71. The microprobe procedureusedin the presentstudy may not justify listing the seconddecimalplacein Table l, but it was thought useful to include it. Each microprobe analysis representsan averageof a number (z shown in parentheses after kV) of SO-second countsat different positionson the sample.The glasses5-253 and 5-254 were analyzed a sufficient number of times to justify calculating the homogeneityindex of Boyd et al. (1967). Nl REE in these glasses have a homogeneityindex lessthan 3, and most are lessthan 2. Samples5-254 and 5-253 were also analyzedat 25 kV becauseof the low REE concentration,and more attention waspaid to the measurementof background during the sessionat 25 kY. The background was measured at seven different positions (i.e., wavelengths)which, by calculation, showedthe least interference by kEE peaks, and the best-fitting curved line through thesepoints was used for the background. The glassesprepared in the present study (5-236, 253,254) rrere sent to two laboratories for neutron-activation analysis. These results TABI,E 3. Batueslter et. La Ce Pro Pro Nat SE Eua EoB Gdo Z carF Tb Dt Prob€ gh@ zX.X 29.7 2.1<1.8' 2.L 6.7 0.8 0.1(0.6) 0 0 (3.6) 0.1 00 00 22.7 30.0 2.6 2.6 6.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 (NAA) are listed in Table l, and no attempt hasbeen made to reconcile these values with the nominal valuesor results of microprobe analyses. The true test of any microprobe procedurelies in its suitability for minerals. The samplesshown in Table 3 wereanalyzedat 15kY during the samesession as for the data in Table 1. The only difference in procedurewas the addition of a GdZol measurement, which was not done on the glass samples becauseof the high content of Ho. All the samples in Table 3 were analyzed by wet-chemical analysis of mineral separates.Many of the mineral grains contain inclusions(e.g., biotite), which meansthat the microprobe data will not be directly comparable with the wet-chemical analytical data. The correction factors for peak overlap can be appreciable in natural samples becausethere is often a large amount of one or two of the light kEE, suchas La or Ce, and thesemajor elementsmake a significant contribution at the peak positions for someof the heavier trace REE.. A good example is the high for uncorrectedGd content (shownin parentheses) the bastnaesite,parisite and monazite becauseof the high La and Ce content. Thus large amountsof La and Ce make it alrnost impossible to analyze for minor amounts of Gd with any confidenceusing the Zol line. The Gd.LB1line is probably much better at very low concentrations,but only if there is no Ho present.It should be emphasizedthat the overlap correctionsusedin the presentstudy may be quite different from thoseusedby other investigators,and depend upon the resolution and efficiency of the spectrometers. The microprobe data given in Tables I and 3 show that reasonableanalysesof minerals for the REE are possibleat levelsgreaterthan I Voif adequatepreparation and careare taken. The microprobedetermination of the REE in the Drake & Weill glassstandards agxeeswell with the results given by Drake & Weill (1972).This agreementimplies that the factors CONCENTRAIIONOF RARE-AARIE ELE}'ENIS IN SSLEC1TDMIMRALS,tsr Probe Ch@ l{o@lter Frob€ Ch@ AlleLtst Ptobs 10.8 22.7 2.6(3.8) 2.6 10.1 t.7 0.3(0.9) 0.1(0.2) 1.4(4.0) 1.3 0.1 0.1 16.6 16.1 2E.6 27.O 2.6<4.4) 2.6 2.4 2.6 8.3 7.6 1.1(1.r) 0.6 0.2(0.8) 0.1 0 0.1 0.2(3.6) o.4 0.1 0.4 o 0.1 oo 4.3 6.9 0.9 (1.4) 0.6 2.O 0.3(0.3) 0 (0.2) 0.4(0.4) 0.1(0.9) 0.1 00 0.3 11.7 2L.6 2.1 2.4 8.6 1.3 0.r 0.1 1.1 l.X 0.1 0.3 Ch6 3.5 5.7 0.6 0.6 L.7 0.2 0 o 0.1 0.1 Apatl.t€r Probe Cb@ ADatl'tet Probe cbeD 0.4 . 0.4 0(0.1) 0.4 0.5 0.1 o.2 0.E 0.4 1.0 0.1 0.2 0 r) uoutet! Pass' Cellfonla: Provlatsd tt t{arle (cho) and @1yzed by set-ch@lqa1 rthode tDl !t. Aholat of r) Stroblrd, lloDtam, U.S.A. !) prospect mrtb uolycorp loc.' LowLEra' colorado, u.s.A. Aoalyate ty u. Araolil. r) cano de t{ercado, t}uralgo, young et al. of Tldne, ontarlo, camata. Analysls by u. Arnolil. (fiOS). r) Eurttlaraftelil Tmhtp, (L974'). at al. Qu€b€c. trzctoaLt ELECTRON-MICROPROBE ANALYSS OF MINERALS FOR RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS 271 involved in the ZAF correction procedure have Colsv, T.W. (1968):MAGIC ComputerProgramfor worked well to correct for the differencein the matrix Quantitative Electron Microprobe Anolysis. Bell TelephoneLaboratories, Allentown, Pa. of the phosphatestandardsand silicateglasses.At levelsof0.19o to l9o, the analyticalresultsare still reasonablygood, but the problemsof overlap cor- Conr,Brr,M.I. & McDoNeLo,M. (1974):Quantitative analysisof sulphidesandsulphosaltsusingan energy rection and background measurement become dispersivespectrometer.MicrobeamAnalysis Soc.' increasingly important at the lower levels. The 9th Ann. 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