R HE OF T OY AL The League of Friends OS PIT AL Th ue of Fr ea g i en ds eL OF THE ROYAL SHREWSBURY HOSPITAL YH SHREWSBUR Newsletter Spring/Summer 2015 Dear Member, Whilst taking a stroll up Llanymynech Hill recently with my husband and family dog I was taken aback by the beautiful landscape of Shropshire and Powys; walking through the ‘kissing gate’ you pass from England into Wales and it made me feel so fortunate that we live in such a wonderful part of the country populated by so many caring people. Being part of the League of Friends means I’m lucky enough to meet so many of you who share my positive feeling for the region and want to make a difference in our community. One such individual is Clive Knowles, owner of the British Ironworks near Oswestry who has generously offered to host a Charity Luncheon on Monday 1st June. This event is sure to be a great start to the social season boasting a jazz band, falconry, sculptor and blacksmith demonstrations and an opportunity to take a tour of this marvellous Centre. To top it all off a mouth-watering two course lunch will be served in a beautiful marquee by our dedicated Fundraising Committee. Please come along if you can and bring your friends it will be a wonderful day. Our three branches, Berrington, Whitchurch and Church Stretton continue to generate extra funds and to spread the word in their local communities by hosting their own annual events which are always very well supported, and we thank all the branch members for their hard work and commitment. Out four shops within the hospital are the Friends frontline and I can never give enough praise to our many volunteers and helpers who work in the shops, day in day out they provide a much needed service to patients, staff and visitors alike and always with a smile. Many of our legacies have resulted from the kindness that patients and visitors have received from our volunteers. Sincere thanks also to the members of our committees who give their time and expertise and always with such great enthusiasm. Extended gratitude to Wace Morgan for once again sponsoring this newsletter and for their continual support throughout the year, we are very grateful. Please take a look at our website www.rshlof.org.uk. for all our latest news and regular updates and details of forthcoming events. I wish you all a lovely summer and once again thank you for your continued support; we honestly could not do without it. Yours sincerely Susan Susan Hurdiss, Organising Secretary Donation to Shrewsbury Hospital buys vital equipment used in the detection of cancer Above: Friends helper Sherry Pacini, associate practioner Ginny Magreth and charity Trustee Jayne Mott. Registered Charity Number: 500509. A member of Attend. Enhancing Health & Social Care. Locally. ue of Fr ea g i en OY AL ds The League of Friends Shop Office T: (01743) 261008 R HE OF T The League of Friends Fundraising Office Royal Shrewsbury Hospital North, Shrewsbury SY3 8XQ T: (01743) 261007 eL OS PIT AL (Continued on page 2) Th - £58,850 for the purchase of a Tissue Processor and two Tissue Cassette Marking Systems used in the detection of cancer. The Cellular Pathology Lab at RSH serves the whole of the population of Shropshire and mid-Wales. This essential diagnostic technique is to determine if a patient has cancer and of what type in order that clinicians and patients together can make decisions on the appropriate form of treatment. Sheila Fryer, care group manager for Pathology said “This generous donation has paid for important equipment that will greatly benefit patients and staff” YH SHREWSBUR (Continued from front page) During the last eighteen months almost a £1million has been gifted to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital for the purchase of the following equipment: Christmas Draw raises £3,200 • PSAG & Vital Pac to assist with patient monitoring on the Wards .......................................... £10,470 Martin and • Heart-start monitor & Defibrillator ........................................ £55,690 • EBUS for Respiratory/Specialty Lung Cancer service............ £174,870 • ECG Recorders ......................................................................... £25,294 • Bladder Scanners .................................................................... £14,740 • High Resolution scopes for the Endoscopy dept ................... £43,957 • Children entertainment for the Rainbow Ward .................... £600.00 • Neonatal Incubator ................................................................. £31,265 • Eight Hystercopes for Endoscopy ........................................... £32,733 • Equipment to help improve the care of Dementia patients ................................................................ £9,850 • Intraoperative Fluid Management system for theatres & ITU .................................................................... £10,916 • Equipment for Cataract Surgery for Ophthalmology ......... £109,676 • Cough assist machine for Intensive Care Unit ......................... £3,400 • Two ECG Machines to monitor and assess patients ................. £9,581 • Replacement Stacks & Scopes .......................................... £158,345.70 • Replacement of Two Visual Field Analysers for Clinic 10 .............................................................................. £48,000 • Cellular Pathology equipment ................................................ £58,850 • Assessment equipment for Triage Room ................................. £2,737 • Examination couches, theatres tables, chairs to assist Bariatric patients............................................. £11,430 • Equipment to help Bariatric patients ..................................... £10,413 Willy’s Wheezer! David Williamson was so grateful for the treatment he received on ITU that he donated £2,000 towards new equipment for the Unit plus an additional £1,400 from the League of Friends; the Unit was able to purchase a new Cough Assist Machine, which Mr Williamson has insisted is called “Willy’s Wheezer” in his honour. The equipment will be used to help patients who are unable to cough and clear their chests effectively and will benefit a number of patients on both ITU and HDU, supporting the treatment provided by physiotherapists. Alternative treatments are sometimes uncomfortable for patients so the new machine will offer a remarkably gentle, non-invasive alternative. Shrewsbury Town Crier Martin Wood lent his support to the League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, as he drew their Christmas raffle. Executive Chairman of the League of Friends (pictured below) drew four winners in the annual raffle at RSH. The draw raised in excess of £3,000 and we are very grateful to everyone that supported us. “The money will be put towards the Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) machine for the Respiratory/Speciality Lung Cancer Service at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital at a cost of £174,870.” Adrian Osborne, Communications Director at the Trust, said: “We are extremely grateful for the continued support we receive from the League of Friends, who work tirelessly throughout the year to fundraise on behalf of their local health services. Their latest Christmas Draw was yet another success, and we’d like to thank everyone who both supported the draw or bought a ticket as well as everyone else who has supported the efforts of the Friends throughout the year. The funds the Friends donate directly benefit the patients we serve and our staff.” Christmas Comes Early Patients on Ward 22SR were treated to early Christmas presents thanks to the Berrington branch of the League of Friends. The branch spent a total of £320 buying presents for each of the patients and have raised £2,000 overall for the Ward in the last 12 months which was used to buy 40 chairs which can be used by visitors after asking Ward staff what they needed. Mr Williamson told the staff: “I want to say thank you to you all for saving my life, I felt I needed to do something to say thank you, so I put some money in the pot and with some help from the League of Friends we bought the Cough Assist.” His wife Sue added: “I would just like to thank you all for giving me my husband back.” ue of Fr ea g i en R HE OF T OY AL OS PIT AL eL Above, from left: Penny Cowdy, Liz Rowlands, Julie Adney and Trisha Roberts from the Berrington branch of the League of Friends with Ward Manager Carol Aldridge (centre) and patient Olive Boskett, from Ellesmere. ds Th Right: David Williamson (centre) with June Whitaker from the League of Friends, Physiotherapist Claire Trow, Consultant Louise Sykes and Iain Gilmour, Chair of the League of Friends. YH SHREWSBUR Written by Susan Hurdiss, The League of Friends of RSH. Design by Alpha Design & Marketing Ltd 01743 236631 www.adm-group.co.uk DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: FUNDRAISING EVENTS SPRING/SUMMER 2015 “Come along and have some fun while raising money at the same time.” • Thursday 30th April: Coffee morning hosted by Mrs King, Cantlop Mill, Cross Houses, Shrewsbury, SY5 9HO • Wednesday 13th May: Berrington Branch are holding their annual Coffee morning & Plant sale, hosted by Pat Davies, Upper Green, Condover, SY5 6DA • Monday 1st June: Two course luncheon and a demonstrations by Blacksmith, sculptor and Falconer at the British Ironworks Centre, near Oswestry. Lunch will be serviced in a beautiful marque accompanied by jazz music playing in the background. • 14th & 15th August: Shrewsbury Flower Show. The Friends will be once again providing a Plant Crèche for visitors to the show. • Thursday 17h September: Ladies Doubles Tennis Tournament at Shrewsbury Lawn & Town Walls Tennis Club and the High School courts. • Sunday 27th September: Berrington branch hosting their annual Sunday luncheon at Dorrington Village Hall. Please note that extra events may be arranged after this newsletter was printed, for further details and any new updates please contact The Friends office: 01743 261007, email susan.hurdiss@sath.nhs.uk or look on our website www.rshlof.org.uk Wendy said “We’re absolutely delighted the Friends organised such a successful evening which benefited our five Midwife Led units across the county. The evening featured some wonderful entertainment and was a terrific way to raise funds” Right: Nuala O’Kane, Wendy Cutchie, Lead Midwife for MLUs and Community; Louise Norton, Ward Manager at Oswestry; Beverley Montague, Ward Manager at Bridgnorth, Michelle Powell, Ward Manager at Shrewsbury MLU with League of Friends members Judy Edwards, Jayne Mott and Sally Davies. Canapés & Cocktails Raise £1,100 Around 60 aspiring chefs came to Origins Restaurant at Shrewsbury College for an exciting evening improving their Canapé and Cocktail making skills. Nicola Davies (Roslin Catering), Ed Potter (Oak Apple Catering) and Tim Aversa (Tipples Mobile Bars and Catering Hire Ltd) provided demonstrations and expert advice making the event go with a swing! The event was organised by the Berrington League of Friends raising over £1,100 for the hospital. Penny Cowdy, on behalf of the League, thanked everyone concerned - the venue and all demonstrations which were provided free of charge and the guests who made the evening a great success socially and financially. Right: Demonstrators - Ed Potter, Nicola Davies and Tim Aversa in the Origins Restaurant. The League of Friends provided the funding of £10,058 for two ECG machines and a further £2,737 for equipment for the Triage Room. This new equipment will have a huge impact on patient flow. It will mean that investigations on the patient will have already started before they reach the hospital bed, information will be ready for the Doctor to review, It will assist with quicker decision making by a senior member of staff who will have investigations and results to hand and can direct the right patient to the right ward. Emma James, AMU Ward Manager, said: “All staff on the Acute Medical Unit were absolutely delighted that the League of Friends have funded two brand new state-ofthe-art ECG machines. This will have an immediate positive impact on patient care and allow staff to have continual access to the essential equipment they need to ensure patient safety.” Above Right: Kate Adney, Medical Secretary; Emma James, Ward Manager; Miriam Gilbert, Staff Nurse and Susan Hurdiss. Your Legacy By making provision for the League of Friends in your will, you would be providing a lasting gift for future generations. Every sum, no matter how small, is welcomed and would be spent entirely on vital hospital equipment. Thank you for your interest and support – we could not do without it. DRAW TICKETS: Enclosed with this newsletter is a book of 10 raffle tickets which you can purchase yourself, or sell them to family and friends. Tickets are just £1 each (£10 for the book) sold/ unsold tickets should be returned to the League of Friends office by Wednesday 19th August to ensure entry into the draw. For extra tickets contact the Friends Office 01743 261007 ue of Fr ea g i en R HE OF T OY AL ds eL OS PIT AL The money was raised from a Cabaret Evening held last November in which local performers gave their time freely to put together a marvellous variety show. Immediate Positive Impact Th Presentation of £5,000 cheque to the Shropshire Midwife Led Units YH SHREWSBUR Time for a legal healthcheck ill W ax t a e e c n k a a M nherit i t u o eck of s l Ch r e w g po n i t s a l Make y attorne ance n i F & perty l Pro are f l e W alth & l He cal i d e m ance v d a n a Pl n decisio cient i f f e x ta Make nce plans inherita usts? l Tr fts? l Gi Let our team of legal experts help you plan for the future SOLICITORS we o ffer a F2 RE E 0 con minute sult atio n For legal advice contact Wace Morgan Solicitors 2 Belmont, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY1 1TD 01743 280 100 help@wmlaw.co.uk www.wacemorgan.co.uk Sincere thanks to Wace Morgan for once again kindly sponsoring this newsletter
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