a AUSTRALIA REMEMBERS #AnzacABC Released Friday 17 April, 2015 ANZAC DAY COVERAGE ON ABG TV, RADIO & ONLINE on Anzac Day rhe ABC.wirr have comprehensive broadcast coverage ofa[ the commemorations, from marcnes tn towns and otes across Australia lo services rocar in Turkey and France From 4.25am AEST on ABc and ABc News 24, ioin host Michaer Rowrand rive from Turkeyand virginia Triori in Canberra along with ABC repo(ers at dawn services across Australia, as the nation wJls up on rne toottr anniversary ofthe Garripori randings. stephanie Branlz wifl arso host coverage across the day rive from Galiporion ABC. The eady morning tive simulcast ofAnzac Day events include the Anzac Dawn Service in Sydney, followed bythe National Dawn Service from the Ausaalian W;r Memorial in Canberra_ rn e€ch capitatoty wil be broadcast in every state and territory. 911?9:I:9:Dl 24 vtewers can watchTrch€s the Anzac Day Nalional Ceremony from lhe Australian War Memorial. whire on ABC News Following the local marches, the TV simulcast wiil continue from .12.30pm on ABC and ABC News 24 of the Gallipoli and virrers-Bretonneux Dawn services. coverage continues iiiht ihrough;.,iihe;flernoon frcm oalipoti Just before 6pm AEsr there wi, be the covernor Generar sir peter cosgrove's Address, folowed by the Anzac Day Lone Pine Memorial Service Al 7om ioin us for a one hour ABC frf"i* ip""i"i f,o"i"O Uy Scott Bevan, tive from Galhpoli. as wellas fullcoverage ofalirhe day s highlights On ABC. the localAnzac Day ma.ches a.e at: NSW ACT vtc TAS QLD SA NT WA 9.00am - 12.3opm 10.30am 12.30pm (Nationat Ceremonv) 9.00am 12 3opm 10.30am - 12.30pm 9.30am - 12 30pm 9.00am - i2 30pm 10.45am - 12.30pm 9.20am - 12 00pm - - ABC and ABC News 24 Coverage Hightights (AEST): 4.25am ABC News Breakfast:Anzac bawn Servicefrom Svdnev 5.30am -6 ' Anzac Day NationatDawn Servrce from Canberra 12-30pm Anzac Day cathpotiDawn Servce Turkey 'l.30pm Anzac Day Vr ers-Bretonneux Dawn Service, France 5.55pm Govehor General Str peter Cosgrove s Address -Servrce. 6.00pm Anzac Day Lone pine Memonat TurGy 7.00pm ABC News Speciat 5.30am 00am 1-30pm 2.30pm 6pm 7.00pm 8.00pm ' Fealuing an extensive range of live and catch-up programming from across the week across a[ channels, ABc iview'sAnzaccottectionwi alsoinctudea thestateiarcnes-torcatcfr_upvi;il..'*" abc.net.au/wwl
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