The Sixth Rough Set Theory Workshop University of Warsaw, The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics Poland, Warsaw, June 29, 2015 The ROUGH S ET T HEORY (RST) SERIES OF WORKSHOPS is devoted to the state-of-the-art and future prospects of ROUGH SETS considered from a theoretical standpoint. ROUGH SETS were introduced by Zdzisław Pawlak in the early eighties and developed further as a mathematical method of knowledge representation and processing under uncertain data and incomplete information. Nowadays, ROUGH SET THEORY is widely recognised to have a great importance in several fields, which is witnessed by the increasing number of papers concerned with applications and theoretical foundations of ROUGH SETS. RST’2015 TOPICS of interest include, but are not limited to: Algebraic structures in rough set theory Complexity of rough set-related problems Granular computing Near sets and nearness approximation spaces Relationship with other paradigms Rough mereology Rough sets and ontology approximation Theoretical aspects of rough entropies Belief fuctions in connection with rough sets Dynamics in rough sets Many-valued logics Philosophical aspects of rough set theory Rough logics Rough sets in approximate reasoning Rough sets in reasoning about changes Topological and modal approaches to roughness This year we are very proud and happy to host two plenary speakers: M IHIR C HAKRABORTY Foundations of Rough Sets JAN R AUCH GUHA Method and Association Rules The present edition of RST WORKSHOP comprises the special track: F OUNDATIONS OF RULE - BASED APPROACHES AND RELATIONSHIP WITH ROUGH SETS Therefore potential authors may submit their contributions to the main (multi-topic) part of the workshop or to the special track. As in the previous editions of RST WORKSHOP the authors may submit full papers or extended abstracts. It is also expected that one of the authors will present their paper at the workshop. The authors of abstracts are asked to send their submissions to the RST’2015 Chairs: ´ ezak Dominik Sl˛ University of Warsaw SUBMISSION DEADLINE : M AY 25 Marcin Wolski Maria Curie-Skłodowska University DECISION : M AY 31 A special issue of F UNDAMENTA I NFORMATICAE collecting full versions of selected papers presented at the workshop is already confirmed. Further details will be announced in due course. All accepted papers will be available on the RST web page. RST S TEERING C OMMITTEE : M IHIR C HAKRABORTY, DAVIDE C IUCCI , A NDRZEJ S KOWRON , Y IYU YAO , G UOYIN WANG , M ARCIN W OLSKI , W EI -Z HI W U W E LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR PARTICIPATION AT RST’2015
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