Friday Newsletter 1st May 2015 - Rudolf Steiner School Kings Langley

Friday Newsletter
Summer Term
Week Two
Friday 1st May 2015
What’s coming up?
MONDAY 4TH May – Bank Holiday – School is closed!
Class 8 return from their German trip on Sunday 3 rd May
Class 7 return from Ridgeway Adventures in Inverness on Sunday 3rd May
Tuesday 5th May – trustees Meeting at 6pm
Saturday 9th May – Class Four play with Mr Murray at 3pm
Student Elections – Polling Day Wednesday 6th May in the Dining Room from 1pm – 1.45pm
Parent Evenings – Monday 18th May Class Nine GCSE Consultation Evening with subject teachers 610pm.
Thought of the week – ‘That is the greatest fallacy, the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise. They
grow careful’. Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, 1929
Congratulations to our Volley Ball
Open Morning Friday, 5th June
Please note - Amendment to the
team for winning the league!!!!
The School will hold its next Open Blue Calendar card – Start day for
Morning Friday, 5th June. The
the Spring Term 2016 - is Monday
programme runs from 9am to
11th January 2016. Apologies for
12noon and includes tours of
any confusion caused.
Kindergarten, Lower and Upper
School, a talk on Steiner Waldorf For your security and safety
Education and a Q+A session with parents are kindly reminded to
teachers, parents and pupils.
please sign in at Reception, if they
Please help us spread the word!
are visiting / volunteering in the
Thank you, Chris Triplett.
school outside normal drop off or
Well done to all the class 12
collection times. Carol Langley
students who have taken part in Play equipment needed
Election 2015. It has generated
Class 5 is looking for sheep skins for Community Advertising
an enormous amount of interest
their play. If you have any you
and the campaigns have been
would be happy to lend us please
informative and well run.
let Nicky Teensma know They will be
As we enter the last week of
returned. Thank you Nicky
campaigning… on Tuesday there Teensma
will be a ‘Question time’ debate
at 1.15pm in theatre chaired by
Please can we remind parents
‘Dimbleby’. To the staff and
when dropping and collecting
students who have registered to children from school that they pay
vote, the polling station will be
particular attention to children
open from 1-1.45pm on
arriving on foot and crossing roads
Wednesday 6th May in the Dining from the Vicarage Lane entrance
room. Kind regards Tina Hobday. and Langley Hill. We kindly ask
that parents refrain from parking in The School’s Community advertising
the front entrance to the school as bulletin ‘The Leaf’ May Edition – is
access to the gate is required at available to view via the school
all times. Thank you for your
website, please follow the link below:
cooperation. The School Office.
School Staff Vacancies
Physics Teacher – starting
September 2015
We are looking for a Physics
Teacher to teach A Levels Physics
in the Upper School. The School
may also wish to enlarge the role
to incorporate the teaching of
GCSE Physics and therefore the
school would welcome
applicants seeking part time or
full time work.
and Friday 1pm – 3 45pm) term
time only. Closing date for
applications 17 May 2015.
Please visit our website for further
you feel like it. A weekend for you
and your family to relax and enjoy
yourselves. So watch this available soon.
London Events at Rudolf Steiner
GROUPS - A Western Approach to
Reincarnation & Karma fortnightly from
May 11, 2-4pm. Philosophy of Freedom,
same days 7.30-9pm. Towards Social
Renewal, fortnightly from May 13, 24pm. Eurythmy Class, weekly from
May 13, 6.15pm. Thinking about
September 2015. The Class
Current Events, weekly from May 14, 11
Teacher is one of a team of 8
am. Bothmer Class, weekly from May 14
Class Teachers carrying
at 6.30pm. Saturday, 13th June from 3 responsibility for the Lower
7.30pm, A Celebration of the Life and
School. The Class Teacher is
Work of Nick Thomas (1941-2015)
Nick's early life, Appreciation of his
responsible for one class of
dedication to Anthroposophy, Open space
children between the ages of 6
for recollections and memories,
and 14 years and under normal
Eurythmy, Nature and significance for the
circumstances is expected to
future of Nick's ongoing research,
take responsibility for one class of
Extracts from "Exploits in Time" (Nick's
children through from Class One
last book), closing music. All welcome.
(6/7 years) to the end of Class
Copies of RSHouse Programme in School
Eight (13/14 years). The Class
and Kindergartens.0207 723-4400.
Teacher has overall responsibility Tickets now available from Becky,
both for the pastoral care of the in reception
class and for much of the
Dear Parents,
classroom work, supported in this Wanna go to Africa? Djembe your
Come and join us for a fantastic
by the other Class Teachers and way there with the Herts Drum
Circle. No experience necessary, family concert! The Enchanted
the Lower School Subject
Garden Sunday 14th June 2015 at
Teachers. For further information only the wish to find the rhythm
you always knew. Feel good and 3pm Rudolf Steiner School Kings
on either post, please contact
Langley. To celebrate the arrival
Carol Langley be loud! Wednesdays fortnightly
from Italy of the RSSKL's new music
at the Red Lion Pub on the
teacher, Claudio Di Meo, and his
Learning Support Assistant for
partner Federica Nardacci, we are
Deaf Child in Kindergarten
presenting an exciting concert of
May, 3 June, 17 June, 1 July, 16
Learning Support Assistant – We
piano duet music and story-telling.
are looking for a Support Assistant July. £10/ session to master
drummer Abdul Conteh. Contact Federica, a pianist and
who is qualified to work with a
musicologist, has written the text
profoundly deaf child on a 1 to 1 Jane Gerhard for info. 07815
herself, based partly on Perrault's
basis in the Kindergarten/class 1. 626044
Mother Goose collection of fairy
Qualification required to BSL
Acoustic Cafe – Friday May 15th tales and partly on other
Stage 2 (BSL 1 considered). – in the School traditional sources. The text will be
Working for 15 hours per week
read by the actor and RSSKL
Cafe. Come along and sing a
mornings only. Term Time only.
teacher Mike Hadjipateras. The
Full job description can
wonderful piano duet music is by
viewed here (pdf). Closing Date
Ravel, Debussy, Grieg and
for applications for above post 17
Poulenc. There will also be a
May 2015.
screen projecting images which
illustrate the stories. This concert
After School Club Leader Class 2
will be suitable for children of Class
3 and above. In the interval you
A date for your diaries
Required from September 2015.
will be able to enjoy our delicious
To lead and organise the Class 2 Class Four's BUSHCRAFT FEST is
happening again this summer at cakes and tea. For this event
Afternoon Club provision on 3
tickets are £8 for adults, £7 for
RSSKL....Saturday 20th - Sunday
afternoons per week for
concessions and £5 for children.
children who stay in school for the 21st June. Activities, arts and
Tickets can be purchased on the
full day. Providing a high quality crafts, archery, a herbal walk,
games, plenty of delicious home door or from the School reception.
club for the parents and their
We look forward to seeing you on
children of the school. 8.25 hours cooked food, singing around the
the 14th June!
per week (Monday, Wednesday fire and of course, camping too if
What’s on in the Community
Lift share My son, Marco Silva
(class4) is joining RSSKL this summer
term. We live in Leighton Buzzard.
I am looking for someone who
could go together with Marco for
his return journey from home to
school. Could someone around
Tring / Leighton Buzzard areas offer
a lift share for Marco please? I am
happy to pay for the cost of the
petrol / for the time taken. I am
able to pick him up from Tring. I
am working full time but I am able
to offer a Friday afternoon lift – I
am able to collect them from
School to Tring/ Leighton Buzzard.
Thanks Kae
We are trying to set up a
parents of RSSKL kindergarten kids
and younger. It’ll be a way for
parents babysit for each other’s
kids safely and for free. Please
send me an email if you are
interested in joining in
Childcare needed Childcare
assistant required Monday –
Thursday, 9 – 5 pm. Term time only.
Must have experience working
John Rutter Singing Day
New Address – Dear Friends, just to with babies and children. Please
Saturday 6 June 10.30am-5pm
let you know we have moved to contact Mandy at
St George's School Assembly Hall, Kings Langley High Street, but our
Sun Lane, Harpenden, AL5 4TD
telephone number is the same
or telephone 01923 262007 /
Tickets £20 (£15 under-18s and
(01923 267210) in case you need 07725891029
students). Group bookings of 10
to contact me to make an
or more £15 per person (£10
appointment for healing. Much
under-18s and students). Lea
love Adina
Singers Friends 20% off. To book
phone George Darley
Courses / workshops
On 01707 377029 or email
Lyre Lessons in the Summer and
Autumn Term for Children and
adults. The Lyre is an appropriate
Holiday Cottage Rural cottage in way for Kindergarten and young
Mallorca (sleeps 6) with swimming children to begin music lessons.
pool. 5 mins to village, 15 to 20
It’s pure, gently sound can work to
mins to mountains and beaches. develop listening and stillness,
Contact Graham
much needed now. Taught in
Steiner Schools here and on the
continent. Also Chirophonetics, a
Wanted Claudio di Meo, our new
Steiner therapy with stroking of
music teacher, is looking to buy a
sounds, rhythms and poems on the
ladies second-hand mountain bikes. back, arms and legs. Giving form
Any offers please contact Claudio or
and strength it pushes many
me. Thank you! Steffi Cook.
problems through including
The news sheet is published on Friday, copy
speech delays and hyperactivity deadline Thursday 4pm. Sales of goods or
Mosaic pieces needed
services £3 per advert, house or flat rentals £20,
in children. Contact: Virginia
Or broken crockery… anything with
house sales £75. Email Sarah Boot at with your ad or drop it into the
colour. For our mosaic project, please Gilmer 01923 400139
help! Please bring to the art room. –
Class 9 and Teresa Iskra
office, in a clearly marked envelope. The school
newsletter is a forum for many different members
of the community, and views and opinions
expressed are not necessarily those of the school.