Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., Jaipur (Govemment of Rajasthan Undertaking) Reg. Office: Hotel Swagatam Campus, Near Railway Station, Jaipur. Phone: 0l 4 | -5 | I 53 15. Fax: 0t 4 t -220t 04 5, 2204065 website: www.rtdc.in , Email: pow@rtdc.in No. Powrender Notice/7s-r6/ € 6 d 6DETAILED eu1", _&I:_9_1:_?_al NOTICE INVITING TENDER Technicat and financial offers in separately sealed envelopes are hereby invited from reputed s uppliers/service providers for items for Palace on Wheels and the S.N. Items (Rs.) I lqpply of Souven ir Items a EPNS ltem b d Picture Post Cards DVD's T-Shifts with Logo e Hat/Ca ps c f 10.00 20000 08.00 16000 s00 18.00 36000 r2000 500 500 500 500 500 6 Pest Control Service 8 Washing and dry-cleaning of linen, staff uniform 5 10000 4000 POW Book 7 4 05.00 02.00 02.00 05.00 02.00 500 500 500 500 500 500 Supply oI Gucst Stationery Items Supply of House Keeping items Supply of StaftUniform cloth Stiching of Staff Uniforms Dry-cleaning of Sofas and chairs of kitchen 2 on Wheels for the season 2015-2016. Estimated Eamest Tender Tender Cost (Rs. Money Form Form in lacs) (Rs.) Cost Sale Date 06.00 01.00 02.00 01.00 2000 10000 2000 6000 4000 2000 Tender Form Receiving Last Date 06-04-t 5 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-15 21-04-\5 7t-04-15 21-04-15 2t-04-15 2I-04-15 7t-c4-15 21-04-15 :l-04-1s 06-04-t5 2l -04-15 21-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-t 5 21-04-15 06-04- I5 and guest lanndrv. a Jaipur b c Ciriilor d Jaisalmer Jodhpur 03.00 03.00 03.00 03.00 25.00 6000 6000 6000 6000 500 500 500 500 50000 1000 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-r 5 06-04-15 06-04-15 06-04-15 22-04-15 22-04-t5 22-04-t5 22-04-15 22-04-15 12.00 24000 500 22-04-15 ll 10.00 20000 500 22-04-15 12 35.00 70000 1000 06-04- I 5 22-04-15 l3 25.00 50000 1000 06-04-15 22-04-15 l4 08.00 16000 1000 06-04-15 22-04-15 The tender document can be obtained from this office from 06-04-2015 to 20-04-2015 during office hours after depositing prescribed tender cost in Cash,/D.D. Sealed Tenders will be received up to 3.00 pM on the above dates as mentioned and will be opened on the same day at 4.00 PM in the presence oftenderers who opt ro De present. Offers not accompanied with the required Earnest Money in the form of D.D. in favour of the Exicutive Director (F) RTDC Ltd. will not be considered, detailed specifications and other terms & conditions have been IncorDorated in the tender form. 2. The Managing Director reserves the riglit to cancel/reject any part or whole tender without assigning any reason. J. The earnest money mentioned against each item shall invariably be deposited with required amount in the favour of Executive Director (Fin.), RTDC Ltd., Jaipur 4. Visit our website: www. rtdc.raiasthan. gov. in for full details. 9 10 I Operation of Royal Spa Replating of EPNS items Supply of Crockcrv & Glassware Supply of Linen qq)ply of Mattress & Pillows Supply of Quilts jr_-.-r Executive Director
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