FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS MAP Superannuation Plan Product Disclosure Statement Issued 01 March 2014 For more information: Phone: 1800 640 055 Write: GPO Box 1130 Brisbane QLD 4001 Visit: MAP Superannuation Plan Product Disclosure Statement 01 March 2014. Issued by MAP Funds Management Ltd (AFSL No 240753; ABN 85 011 061 831; APRA RSE Licence No L0000703). Trustee of MAP Superannuation Plan (ABN 71 603 157 863; RSE R1001587). Important Information This Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) provides a summary of significant information and contains a number of references to important additional information marked with a “!” (each of which forms part of this PDS). You should consider this PDS and the important additional information before making a decision about this product. Contents About MAP Super 2 How Super Works 2 Benefits Of Investing With MAP Super 2 Risks of Super 3 The information in this PDS is general information only and does not take into account your personal financial situation or needs. You should consult a licensed financial adviser to obtain financial advice that is tailored to suit your personal circumstances. How We Invest Your Money 3 Fees and Costs 4 How Super is Taxed 5 This PDS has been prepared in accordance with Subdivision 4.2B of Division 4 of Part 7.9 Corporations Regulations 2001. Insurance in Your Super 6 How To Open An Account 7 About MAP Super The MAP Superannuation Plan (MAP Super or the Fund) is offered by MAP Funds Management Ltd (MAP, we, us or our), established in 1957 by doctors disenchanted with the retirement funding and investment products offered at the time. MAP has evolved to provide a range of comprehensive, specialist and individually tailored financial, investment and retirement planning services to professionals, their staff and families. Our commitment is to continue being a trusted provider of super and related services to discerning investors across Australia. Our team of specialists will be there to provide personalised service to each and every member, so you can choose what is right for you… after all it is your journey, you should do it your way. How Super Works About super Super is a way to save for your retirement which is, in part, compulsory. It is a long-term investment. You usually can’t access your super until you are aged between 55 and 60, but there are some special circumstances where you can withdraw it earlier than this. Tax concessions and other government benefits generally make it one of the best long-term investment vehicles. Contributions There are different types of contributions available to you (e.g. employer contributions, voluntary contributions, government co-contributions). Generally, if you are employed and earn more than $450 a month, your employer is required to make contributions into a super fund for you. If you are self-employed, the onus is on you to contribute to super and take advantage of the tax concessions and other government benefits. Benefits Of Investing With MAP Super Have your Our staff answer your call. Speak to a person voice heard immediately, no waiting. Grow your super MAP Super accepts all super contributions, including UK Pension Transfers. Portability MAP can move with you throughout your employment journey. Changing jobs, no problem. Super Service Opportunity for MAP to search for any lost super you may have. Investment Eight investment options to choose from. Mix and match your options to suit you. Flexibility MAP Super offers affordable Death, Death and Insurance to suit your Total Permanent Disablement (TPD), Income Protection insurance so you can plan for your needs retirement and know that you are covered for those unexpected events and ‘what ifs’. Access to expert advice MAP financial planners focus on strategic advice on a broad range of financial products, in MAP Super, and can assist you to tailor a financial strategy to suit your individual needs now, and in retirement. MAP financial planners are licensed through MAP Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 91 090 411 537 (AFSL No 239 117), a wholly owned subsidiary of MAP Funds Management Ltd. Most people have the right to choose which super fund they’d like their employer to direct their superannuation guarantee contributions to. If you don’t have a choice about your super fund or don’t tell your employer where to pay your super contributions they will be put into a super fund your employer has chosen. Partners discount Regardless of whether you have chosen your super fund or it is decided for you, you can make your own additional contributions. You can do this by: Retirement MAP have been servicing the retirement needs Experience of members since 1957. 1. Asking your employer to deduct extra money from your pay before tax is taken out and to pay this into your MAP Super account (called salary sacrifice); 2. Putting any money you have saved into your MAP Super account and in doing so you may be eligible for the government co-contribution if your income is within a certain range; and 3. Transferring super you have in another super fund into your MAP Super account. Member Online MAP will add up all MAP Super, MAP Pension and MAP PST accounts held by you and your spouse or partner. With all your account balances added together, you may be eligible for a lower fee rate. Track your super, switch between investment options, update your details and much more at your convenience. To create incentives for individuals to boost their retirement savings, the Commonwealth Government has legislated tax concessions on superannuation contributions and investment earnings. Tax savings on super contributions and benefits are provided by the Government. There are limitations on contributions to, and withdrawals from, super. For further information about how super works, including about how making additional contributions and withdrawals see www. 2 | Page Risks of Super All investments have some level of risk. Different investment strategies may carry different levels of risk, depending on the assets which make up the strategy – for example, cash, bonds, property and equities all have different levels of risk. MAP Super offers a variety of investment options. The likely investment return, and the level of risk, is different for each investment option depending on the underlying mix of assets. Those assets with the highest return over the longer term may also have the highest level of short-term risk. When considering your investment in super, it is important to understand that: • The value of the investment will go up and down; • The level of returns will vary, and future returns may differ from past returns; • Returns are not guaranteed and you may lose some of your money; • The amount of your future superannuation savings (including contributions and returns) may not be enough to provide adequately for your retirement; • Laws affecting your super may change in the future; and • The level of risk for you will vary depending on a range of factors including your age, your investment time frame, where other parts of your wealth are invested and your risk tolerance. How We Invest Your Money MAP Super offers eight (8) investment options: Inflation risk • Market risk • Settlement risk • Interest rate risk • Currency risk • Derivatives risk • Fund risk • Legislative risk • Liquidity risk • Credit risk • Investment management risk ! You should read the important information in the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide about the risks of super before making a decision. Visit The material relating to the risks of super may change between the time when you read this Product Disclosure Statement and the day when you acquire the MAP Superannuation Plan. Multi Asset Class Options Cash Capital Stable Australian Equities Balanced Moderate International Equities Balanced Diversified Property Growth Each option has different risk and return attributes. You can choose one option or a combination of different options. If you don’t make a choice, the Trustee will contact you in regards to making a choice. If the Trustee is unable to contact you and your account receives a contribution, your funds may be returned. WARNING: You must consider the likely investment return, the risk and your investment time frame when choosing which option to invest in. Summary of the balanced investment option Some other key risks associated with investing in super include: • Single Asset Class Options Designed for: Members who seek high returns over the medium to long term in a diversified investment option, and who are comfortable accepting fluctuations in their account balance over the medium to long term. Return Objective: CPI + 4.00% Minimum Suggested Investment Time: 5 - 7 years. Standard Risk Measure Medium to High Asset Allocation Range Cash Australian Equities International Equities Diversified Fixed Interest Diversified Property Alternative Assets Defensive vs Growth Defensive Asset Allocation Growth Range 0 - 20% 15 - 50% 15 - 50% 5 - 40% 0 - 20% 0 - 25% 25 - 40% 60 - 75% Refer to the “Standard Risk Measure Guidance” in the MAP Super Additional Information Guide. 1 You can switch between investment options at any time or ask that future contributions be paid into a different option by advising us in writing or online. 3 | Page MAP Super invests in Australian and overseas assets through a combination of internal and external Investment Managers. Our in-house investment team selects the external Investment Managers on the basis of their investment style, people and processes to meet the risk and return attributes of MAP Super’s investment options. MAP may add, remove, or alter an existing investment option at any point in time. We will notify you in writing of any significant changes at least 30 days before implementing such changes. How fees and costs are charged to your account Labour standards or environmental, social or ethical considerations are not taken into account by MAP in the selection, retention or realisation of investments relating to MAP Super. However, any external Investment Managers MAP Super invests with may choose, at their discretion, whether to take into account environmental, social or ethical issues or labour standards when making their investment decisions. This section provides summary information about the main fees and costs for our Balanced investment option effective 01 April 2014. All fees disclosed in this PDS and the MAP Super Additional Information Guide are GST inclusive. Similar information is included in other fund PDSs so you can compare MAP Super’s fees and costs with those of other funds. ! You should read the important information in the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide about how we invest your money before making a decision. Visit The material relating to how we invest your money may change between the time when you read this Product Disclosure Statement and the day when you acquire the MAP Superannuation Plan. Any fees and costs related to the administration of your account or those you incur for withdrawals or switches are paid directly from your account and will be shown on your annual account statement. All other fees and costs are deducted from your investment earnings before the earnings are applied to your account. Main fees and costs for the balanced investment option These fees and costs are maximum amounts – you may pay less in some cases. Type of fee or cost FEES WHEN YOUR MONEY MOVES IN OR OUT OF THE FUND Fees and Costs Establishment fee Nil Contribution fee Nil Withdrawal fee $50 for partial withdrawals (Nil for Retirement, Death, TPD, Financial Hardship, Compassionate, balances less than $1,000 or Family Law splitting). Termination fee $50 (Nil for Retirement, Death, TPD, Financial Hardship, Compassionate, balances less than $1,000 or Family Law splitting). CONSUMER ADVISORY WARNING DID YOU KNOW? Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your long term returns. For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your fund balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to 20% over a 30 year period (for example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000). You should consider whether features such as superior investment performance or the provision of better member services justify higher fees and costs. You may be able to negotiate to pay lower contribution fees and management costs where applicable. Ask the fund or your financial adviser. TO FIND OUT MORE If you would like to find out more, or see the impact of the fees based on your own circumstances, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website (www.moneysmart. has a superannuation calculator to help you check out different fee options. Group fee discount Amount MANAGEMENT COSTS The fees and costs for managing your account: Account Balance Amount 1 $0-$9,999 $150 + up to 0.50% Balances $10,000 or more: For that portion of your account: $0-$249,999 up to 1.90% $250,000 to $499,999 up to 1.90% $500,000 to $999,999 up to 1.80% $1m to $1,499,999 up to 0.70% Over $1.5m up to 0.50% Additional Fees may apply. For further information about fees and costs refer to the MAP Super Additional Information Guide. 1 MAP will add up all MAP Super, MAP Pension and MAP PST accounts held by you and your spouse or partner. With all your account balances added together, you may be eligible for a lower fee rate. Changes to fees and costs MAP may introduce new fees or change existing fees at any time. We will notify you at least 30 days before we introduce new fees or increase existing fees. 4 | Page Example of annual fees and costs for the balanced investment option This table gives an example of how the fees and costs in MAP Super’s Balanced Investment Option can affect your superannuation investment over a one year period. You should use this table to compare this product with other superannuation products. EXAMPLE - the Balanced Investment Option BALANCE OF $50,000 WITH TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $5,000 DURING YEAR 1 Contribution Fees 2 Nil For every $5,000 you put in, you will be charged $0. PLUS Management Costs 3 Up to 1.90% And, for every $50,000 you have in the fund you will be charged up to $950 each year. Up to 1.90% If you put in $5,000 during a year and your balance was $50,000, then for that year you will be charged: Up to $950.5 What it costs you will depend on the investment option you choose. EQUALS Cost of fund 4 It is a requirement of the Corporations Regulations that the above example assumes a balance of $50,000. 2 Under the Corporations Regulations this example is required, notwithstanding that MAP Super does not charge a contribution fee. 3 This example applies the highest possible management costs (includes maximum Administration Fee of 1.60% and maximum Investment Option Fee for for the Balanced Investment Option of (0.50%) and assumes an investor’s account balances to be between $10,000 and $250,000. In practice your investment and balance will vary weekly and management costs will be calculated based upon your actual investment balance each week. MAP Super may rebate unused fees to members at the end of each financial year. Refer to the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide for further information about rebates. 4 This example, only relates to contribution fees and management costs. It does not include all fees which may apply to an investment in MAP Super. 5 Additional Fees may apply. For withdrawals other than withdrawals associated with Retirement, Death, Financial Hardship, Compassionate, TPD, balances less than $1,000 or Family Law Splitting, you will also be charged a withdrawal fee of $50 for every amount you withdraw. 1 WARNING: If you consult a MAP Financial Planner you may agree to a Member Advice Fee. The amount of the fee will be set out in the Statement of Advice, and with your written consent will be deducted from your MAP Super account. ! You should read the important information in the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide about fees and costs for all of MAP Superannuation Plan’s investment options before making a decision. Visit The material relating to fees and costs may change between the time you read this Product Disclosure Statement and the day when you acquire the MAP Superannuation Plan. How Super is Taxed There are a number of ways that super is taxed. MAP Super will pay the tax applying to your account directly to the Australian Taxation Office. Tax may be deducted from your contributions, account balance or the Fund’s earnings. Tax on Contributions Type of Contribution Before-tax (concessional) Eg. Super Guarantee (SG) contributions, Self-Employed Contributions, Salary Sacrifice Contributions, Other Employer / Award Contributions. Tax 1 Individuals who earn less than $300,000, contributions will be taxed at 15% up to the applicable concessional contribution cap. Individuals who earn more than $300,000, contributions will be taxed at 30% up to the applicable concessional contribution cap. The concessional contribution caps for the 2013/14 financial year are as follows; 1 General concessional cap is $25,000 (indexed each financial year by reference to CPI) Individuals over 59 years, $35,000 (From 1 July 2014, this contribution cap of $35,000 will apply to individuals over 49 years.) If you exceed the above concessional contribution caps you will be liable to pay an excess concessional contributions charge. After-tax (nonconcessional) Eg. Personal Contributions, Spouse Contributions, Government CoContributions. 0% on contributions up to the $150,000 cap per annum. If you are under 65 you may be able to bring forward the next two years’ worth of nonconcessional contributions, contributing up to $450,000 in the first year of any three years. However any contributions received within the following two years will be taxed as excess non-concessional contribution tax. If you exceed the above concessional contribution caps you will be required to pay an excess concessional contribution tax at a rate of 30% plus Medicare Levy. 1 If you have more than one superannuation fund, all concessional contributions made to all your funds are added together and count towards the concessional contribution cap. Superannuation taxation and contribution caps may change. For further details refer to WARNING: If you exceed the contribution caps applicable to superannuation you will pay extra tax. 5 | Page Tax on investment earnings Earnings on your superannuation investment will be taxed at a maximum of 15%. WARNING: You should provide us with your tax file number when you join MAP Super. It is not compulsory to provide your tax file number, however if you don’t tell us your tax file number, you may pay extra tax on your contributions or when you later access your benefit, or you may not be able to make some types of contributions. It will also be more difficult to find your superannuation benefits if you change address without notifying us or to trace different super amounts in your name so that you receive all your super benefits when you retire. Tax on withdrawals Component Tax Rate Tax-Free No tax paid on withdrawals. Taxable If you are under 55, you will be charged 20% plus Medicare Levy on your withdrawal. If you are between 55 and 59, you can withdraw up to $175,000 tax free, and above this, your withdrawal will be taxed at 15% plus Medicare Levy. If you are 60 or over, no tax is payable on withdrawals. For information about how tax applies to super contributions, investment earnings and withdrawals, see Insurance in Your Super Insurance doesn’t have to cost a fortune. MAP Super offers affordable insurance options so you can plan for your retirement and know that you are covered for those unexpected events and ‘what ifs’. Choose from a range of optional insurance covers including Income Protection, Death, TPD: • Death insurance provides a lump sum benefit in the event of death. • TPD Insurance provides a lump sum benefit if you suffer a Total and Permanent Disablement, or are diagnosed with a Terminal Illness. • Income Protection pays a set percentage of your monthly income for a pre-defined length of time in the event that you suffer Total Disability as a result of illness or injury. You can choose to take up all or any combination of the above insurance cover options. There are costs associated with insurance cover. These costs which are deducted from your account are calculated on the amount of cover you request, your age, gender, occupation and assessment by the Insurer. Types of group life insurance MAP Super offers two types of insurance cover – personal and employee. The type of insurance cover available to you is determined by your employment status. ! You should read the important information in the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide about how super is taxed before making a decision. Visit The material relating to how super is taxed may change between the time when you read this Product Disclosure Statement and the day when you acquire the MAP Superannuation Plan. Your employment status: You are eligible to apply for: You are self-employed Personal Cover You are an employee of your own company or of a Participating Employer 1 Either Personal Cover or Employee Cover You are neither of the above Personal Cover Participating Employer means an employer who makes or agrees to make contribution payments to MAP Super. 1 6 | Page Cover when you join Provided you meet eligibility conditions, when you sign up to MAP Super you can elect to receive default death and total and permanent disablement cover without any medical underwriting. The level of default cover you receive is determined by the type of group life insurance your are eligible to receive (refer to previous page). Amount of Default Cover you receive Age next birthday Personal Default Cover 2 Value of Employee Cover 16 – 35 years $535,500 $535,500 36 – 40 years $318,000 $318,000 41 – 45 years $189,000 $189,000 46 – 50 years $109,500 $109,500 51 – 55 years $61 ,500 $61 ,500 56 - 60 years $37,500 $37,500 61 years $28,500 $28,500 62 years Death $25,500 TPD $22,950 $25,500 63 years Death $22,500 TPD $18,000 $22,500 64 years Death $21,000 TPD $14,700 $21,000 65 years Death $19,500 TPD $11,700 $19,500 66 years Death $19,500 TPD $9,750 $19,500 67 years Death $19,500 TPD $7,800 $19,500 68 years Death $16,500 TPD$4,950 $16,500 69 years Death $15,000 TPD $3,000 $15,000 70 years Death $15,000 TPD $1,500 $15,000 Males $2.80 to $5.25 per week Females $1.44 to $3.47 per week $3 per week. Premiums are annualised and deducted from your account monthly in arrears. Premiums are annualised and deducted from your account monthly in arrears. Cost for Default Cover and when is it paid? Does the value of default cover remains the same as I age? Death remains the same. TPD reduces after you turn 60 as follows (based on age next birthday) 61 100% 66 50% 62 90% 67 40% 63 80% 68 30% 64 70% 69 20% 65 60% 70 10% If you apply for default cover above age 60, the amount of cover you receive will incorporate the TPD reduction applicable. Does the cost for cover remain the same as I age? When does cover commence Death & TPD cover will vary with your age. TPD Cover beyond age 65 is on an Activities of Daily Living (ADL) basis only. TPD Cover beyond age 65 is on an Activities of Daily Living (ADL) basis only. Cost will vary with age. Cost remains the same. Cover commences once a contribution is received into your account. Cover commences once a contribution is received into your account. 2 Default Personal Cover is Limited for the first thirty-six (36) months of your membership. Any pre-existing illness or injuries are not covered during this time. Refer to ‘Insurance Terms and Conditions’ in the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide for further information on Limited Cover. WARNING: Unless you decline the default cover or cancel it, the cost of the cover will be deducted from your account. You have 28 days from application to opt out from the default cover before you will incur an insurance premium. If you opt-out of default cover and later wish to obtain any level of cover, the normal underwriting process will apply. You can decline the cover or change or cancel your cover at any time. You can choose to decline your default cover on you MAP Superannuation Plan Application Form, or subsequently by writing to the address on the first page of this PDS. 7 | Page Changing Group Insurance Cover Applying for You can apply for additional group life cover by additional cover completing a MAP Super Insurance Application Form and a personal health statement which accompanies this PDS (also available at www. All additional cover is subject to underwriting and policy maximums as follows: Death – No Maximum; TPD - $3 million; Terminal Illness - $3 million; and Income Protection - 75% of predisability Monthly Income up to a maximum $25,000 per month*. *You can also apply for additional cover equal to the amount your Employer contributes to your superannuation subject to a maximum of 10%. This amount is included in the $25,000 per month maximum. Refer to the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide, available at for further details. Transferring cover Reducing / Cancelling Cover You may be able to transfer your current Death, TPD and Income Protection Cover from another insurer to MAP Super. Refer to the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide for further details. You can reduce or cancel your group life cover at any time by writing to the address on the front page. How To Open An Account To open a MAP Super account: 1. Read this PDS and other important information referred to in the PDS; 2. Complete the MAP Super Application Form included with this PDS or available from; 3. Submit your completed form to MAP; 4. You or your employer can then start to make regular or ad hoc payments into your account. If you change your mind about investing in MAP Super, a 14 day cooling-off period applies. Cancellations must be submitted to MAP within 14 days from the date your MAP Super account is confirmed. If you cancel during this time, you will not pay any fees or charges. We will refund an amount to you (if you are entitled to access your super) or transfer an amount to a complying fund you nominate in writing. The refund may be decreased or increased to allow for market movements during that time. We may also deduct any tax or duty incurred. If you have a complaint about MAP Super, including insurance, please contact our Complaints Officer: Telephone: 07 3838 1234 or 1800 640 055 Write to: The Complaints Officer MAP Funds Management Ltd GPO Box 1130 Brisbane QLD 4001 Making a claim You can find out more about MAP’s Complaints Charter on our website If you make an insurance claim, the Trustee will determine whether you are entitled to be paid based on the terms of the policy, the Fund’s rules and the law. Hannover Life Re Australasia Ltd and MAP Financial Planning Pty Ltd have consented and have not withdrawn their consent to being named in this PDS in the form and context in which it appears. Warning information about: • eligibility for, or the cancellation of, the insurance cover; • details of any definitions, conditions and exclusions applicable to the insurance cover; • the level and type of optional insurance cover available; • the actual cost of the optional insurance cover in dollars, or the range of costs that would be payable depending on a person’s circumstances; and The information in this PDS is subject to change from time to time. Information that is not materially adverse can be updated by us. Updated information can be obtained at A paper copy of updated information can be obtained free of charge by contacting MAP on 1800 640 055. any other significant matter in relation to insurance cover, may affect your entitlement to insurance cover and the important additional information in the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide should be read before deciding whether the insurance is appropriate. ! You should read the important information about MAP Super’s full range of insurance cover (including default cover and additional cover, optional cover, premiums and how they are calculated, eligibility for cover, as well as changing or cancelling insurance cover, conditions and exclusions) in the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide before making a decision. Visit The material relating to insurance may change between the time when you read this Product Disclosure Statement and the day when you acquire MAP Super. MAP Superannuation Plan ABN: 71 603 157 863 SPIN: MAP0005AU 8 | Page FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS MAP Superannuation Plan Application Form 01 March 2014 MAP Superannuation Plan ABN 71 603 157 863, SFN 2967 359 49, SPIN MAP0005AU, APRA Registrable Superannuation Entity No R1001587 is issued by MAP Funds Management Ltd ABN 85 011 061 831 AFSL No 240753 RSE Licence No L0000703. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Before completing this form you must read the MAP Superannuation Plan Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 01 March 2014. Please complete this form in BLOCK LETTERS. Questions? Call us on 1800 640 055 or email Are you an existing / previous MAP Member? No Yes Please enter your existing / previous member number Personal Details TitleSurname Given Name(s) Date of Birth Gender Male Female Indeterminate/Unspecified /Intersex Tax File Number (It is not compulsory to quote your TFN) My Tax File Number is: I understand that this information will be used strictly for the purpose of compliance with Australian Federal taxation laws and will, if appropriate, be forwarded to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). I do not wish to provide my Tax File Number. I understand the consequences of not providing my TFN. Address Details Residential Address State Postcode Postal Address (if same as Residential Address write “as above”) State Postcode Contact Details Phone (home) Phone (work) Phone (fax) Phone (mobile)Email 9 | Page Employment Details Employment Status Full-Time Part-Time Permanent Part-Time Not Employed (go to Your Investment Choice) Casual Employee Of Your Own Company Self-Employed /Substantially Self-Employed Occupation Business / Company Name Employer Postal Address State Employer Phone Employer Fax Date You Joined Your Employer D Are You Currently In Active Employment*? Yes Postcode D / / M M Y Y Y *Active Employment means you are gainfully employed (including being on Employer approved leave except leave caused by illness or injury) and attending work and performing your normal duties and hours without restriction due to illness or injury. No Your Investment Choice MAP Super offers eight (8) investment options. Please nominate the investment option/s you wish to invest in. You can select one option, or a combination of options, however your total nomination must equal to 100%. Australian Equities International Equities % Diversified Property % Cash % Capital Stable % % Balanced Moderate Balanced % Growth % Total % 100% Death Benefit Nomination In the event of my death, I request the Trustee of the MAP Superannuation Plan to distribute my benefit as set out below. Please select one of the below options: Y Non-Binding Nomination: I understand that my nomination is not binding on the Trustee of the MAP Superannuation Plan Beneficiary Name Relationship Proportion 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % Total Proportion 100% Binding Nomination: Please complete a Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form (available at I do not wish to make a Death Benefit Nomination 10 | Page Insurance Cover MAP Super offers two types of insurance cover – personal and employee. The type of insurance cover available to you is determined by your employment status; Your employment status: You are eligible to apply for: You are self-employed Personal Cover You are an employee of your own company or of a Participating Employer You are neither of the above 1 1 Either Personal Cover or Employee Cover Personal Cover Participating Employer means an employer who makes or agrees to make contribution payments to the MAP Superannuation Plan. Please indicate which insurance cover type you are eligible to apply for: Personal Cover Employee Cover Provided you meet eligibility conditions, when you sign up to MAP Super you receive Default Death and TPD Cover. The level and cost of insurance cover will depend on whether you are eligible for Personal or Employee Cover. NOTE: You do not need to complete any additional paperwork to receive Default Cover. Other Insurance Options I wish to apply for Death Only or Death and TPD insurance in excess of, the Default Cover. (Please complete the Insurance Application Form on pages 21 to 33 of this document.) I wish to apply for Income Protection Insurance. (Please complete the Insurance Application Form on pages 21 to 33 of this document.) I wish to decrease my Default Cover or downgrade my Default Cover to Death Only Cover (Please submit this request in writing to us.) I wish to opt-out of Default Cover. (You do not need to complete any additional paperwork.) Privacy We are committed to protecting the privacy of information you have provided to us in relation to your investments. The information provided is only used to administer your investment, to communicate with you about your investment and to ensure that you receive the benefits relating to your investment. We do not normally disclose member information to outside parties, except those contracted to provide services to the MAP Superannuation Plan. These include the Fund’s Auditors, Lawyers, Custodian and Insurer. If you, or anyone else on your behalf, makes a claim for a benefit, the Insurer may give or receive information about you to or from medical practitioners, legal practitioners, health service providers, past or present employers, other consultants, experts and companies in order to assess and process the claim. With your written consent, we will disclose information about your MAP Superannuation Plan investment to your accountant, financial consultant or others you have nominated. Personal information may also be disclosed to the Australian Taxation Office or other government authorities or agencies as required by law. Promotional Mail Please tick here if you do not wish to receive promotional material. 11 | Page Declaration • I have received and read the Product Disclosure Statement dated 01 March 2014 and any supplementary information to this document, • I apply to become a participant in the MAP Superannuation Plan, • I declare that all of the details on the application are correct, • I understand the conditions I must meet to be eligible for Default Personal Cover or Default Employee Cover ( see pages 6 and 7 of the PDS), • I understand that insurance cover requiring underwriting as outlined on pages 6 to 8 of this PDS requires me to complete the Insurance Application Form at the back of this document, • I consent to the collection and disclosure of information about me for the purposes outlined above, • I give MAP Funds Management Ltd permission to contact my employer if required to confirm my employment, and • Upon acceptance of my application, I agree to be bound by the provisions of the Trust Deed dated 28 Jul 1994 as amended from time to time which relates to the MAP Superannuation Plan. Signature Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Privacy Policy - The information you are providing in this form is subject to the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. The Act sets out principles for dealing with personal information which includes standards for collection, storage, accuracy and use of information and for disclosure required by the Australian Taxation Office as well as your right to access your personal information which we hold. MAP has developed policies for complying with this legislation which you may view on request. MAP Funds Management Ltd (ABN 85 011 061 831, AFSL 240753) (‘MAP’) is the trustee and issuer of the MAP Superannuation Plan and the MAP Pension Plan (ABN 71 603 157 863); and the MAP Pooled Superannuation Trust (ABN 92 209 339 241). The Product Disclosure Statements (‘PDS’) are available at or by calling 1800 640 055. This document may contain advice which is general in nature and not specific to your particular circumstances. Before making an investment decision or acting on general advice you should consider your own financial situation, the PDS and whether the particular financial product is right for you. Financial planning advice can be obtained from MAP Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN 91 090 411 537, AFSL 239117), a wholly owned subsidiary of MAP. (REF - MAPFM 0613) 12 | Page FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS MAP SUPERANNUATION PLAN ROLL IN FORM Please complete this form in BLOCK LETTERS. Questions? Call us on 1800 640 055 or email When forwarding this form To complete your rollover MAP requires the following documents to be forwarded with this form: Certified proof of identity - either a certified photocopy of your current drivers licence or a certified photocopy of your current passport. See the back of this form for details of who can certify your ID. If you do not have these documents, see our ‘Identification Requirements Factsheet’ or contact us on 1800 640 055. Important information This form can be used to transfer either the WHOLE or PART of the balance of your superannuation benefits. This form will NOT change the fund to which your employer pays your contributions. Use the Choice of Fund Form to change the fund to which your employer pays your contributions. Things you need to consider Before transferring your other superannuation accounts to The MAP Superannuation Plan, you should consider: • • • • • 1 E xit fees; B enefits you may be losing, such as insurance; C osts; I nvestment performance and W hether you should seek professional advice. What happens if I do not quote my Tax File Number (TFN)? You are not obliged to provide your TFN to your superannuation fund. However, if you do not provide your TFN, your fund may be taxed at the highest marginal tax rate plus the Medicare Levy on contributions made to your account in the year, compared to the concessional tax rate of 15%. If the Trustee does not have your TFN, you will not be able to make personal contributions to your superannuation account. Choosing to quote your TFN will also make it easier to keep track of your superannuation in the future. Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, the Trustee is authorised to collect your TFN, which will only be used for lawful purposes. These purposes may change in the future as a result of legislative change. The TFN may be disclosed to another superannuation provider, when your benefits are being transferred, unless you request in writing that your TFN is not to be disclosed to any other trustee. Member details MAP Account Number Date of Birth Tax File Number (You are not obliged to provide your TFN. See above for details of what happens if you do not quote your TFN.) Title Given Name(s) Surname Postal Address Residential Address (if same as Postal Address write “as above”) Phone (home) Phone (work) Phone (mobile) Email I authorise MAP to update my address and contact details if the details provided above differ to the details currently held. 13 | Page 2 Fund details FROM FUND (If you have multiple accounts with this fund or accounts with another fund, complete a separate form for each account) Fund Name Your member/account number Australian Business Number (ABN) Superannuation Product ID Number (SPIN) Phone TO FUND Fund Name Your member/account number MAP Superannuation Plan 3 Australian Business Number (ABN) Superannuation Product ID Number (SPIN) Phone 71603157863 MAP0005AU 07 3838 1234 Transfer amount I wish to transfer: The WHOLE balance of my superannuation benefits OR PART of the balance of my superannuation benefits as shown: $ 4 Declaration and signature By signing this request form I am making the following statements: • I declare I have fully read this form and the information provided is true and correct; • I am aware I may ask my superannuation provider for information about any fees or charges that may apply, or any other information about the effect this transfer may have on my benefits, and do not require any further information; • I discharge the superannuation provider of the fund I am transferring from of all further liability in respect of the benefits paid and transferred to MAP Superannuation Plan; and • I request and consent to the transfer of superannuation as described above and authorise the superannuation provider of each fund to give effect to this transfer. I authorise MAP Funds Management to obtain account information from the transferring fund named in section 2 above. I have attached my certified identification as requested. I have attached the certificate of compliance which appears at the back of this form. Signature Date Privacy Policy - The information you are providing in this form is subject to the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. The Act sets out principles for dealing with personal information which includes standards for collection, storage, accuracy and use of information and for disclosure required by the Australian Tax Office as well as your right to access your personal information which we hold. MAP has developed polices for complying with this legislation which you may view on request. Please send the completed form to: MAP Funds Management, Reply Paid 1130, Brisbane Qld 4001 Contact Us GPO Box 1130, Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: Toll Free: Facsimile: 07 3838 1234 1800 640 055 07 3838 1235 MAP Funds Management Ltd (ABN 85 011 061 831, AFSL 240753) (‘MAP’) is the trustee and issuer of the MAP Superannuation Plan and the MAP Pension Plan (ABN 71 603 157 863); and the MAP Pooled Superannuation Trust (ABN 92 209 339 241). The Product Disclosure Statements (‘PDS’) are available at or by calling 1800 640 055. This document may contain advice which is general in nature and not specific to your particular circumstances. Before making an investment decision or acting on general advice you should consider your own financial situation, the PDS and whether the particular financial product is right for you. Financial planning advice can be obtained from MAP Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN 91 090 411 537, AFSL 239117), a wholly owned subsidiary of MAP. (REF - MAPFM 0613) 14 | Page FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS MAP FUNDS MANAGEMENT LTD Level 5, 135 Wickham Tce, Brisbane GPO Box 1130 Brisbane, Qld, 4001 Phone 07 3838 1234 Facsimile 07 3838 1235 Toll Free 1800 640 055 Certificate of compliance MAP Superannuation Plan SFN 2967 359 49 ABN 71 603 157 863 The MAP Superannuation Plan is a superannuation fund established in accordance with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS). The Trustee of this fund is MAP Funds Management Ltd ABN 85 011 061 831. We certify that: a)The Trustee has lodged an irrevocable election for the fund to be a regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of Section 19 of SIS. b)The Fund will be administered as a complying superannuation entity for the purposes of SIS. The Trustee has not received a notice of non-compliance from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. c)The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has not directed the Fund not to accept contributions or rollovers under Section 63 of SIS. Yours faithfully, G.J. Hoyes Company Secretary MAP Funds Management Ltd How to certify personal documents All copied pages of ORIGINAL proof of identification documents (including any linking documents) need to be certified as true copies by any individual approved to do so (see below). The person who is authorised to certify documents must sight the original and the copy and make sure both documents are identical, then make sure all pages have been certified as true copies by writing or stamping ‘certified true copy’ followed by their signature, printed name, qualification (eg Justice of the Peace, Australia Post employee, etc) and date. The following can certify copies of the originals as true and correct copies: • A permanent employee of Australia Post with five or more years of continuous service A finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service A n officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), having five or more years continuous service with one or more licensees A notary public officer • • • • • • • • • • • A police officer A registrar or deputy registrar of a court A Justice of the Peace A person enrolled on the roll of a State or Territory Supreme Court or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner A n Australian consular officer or an Australian diplomatic officer A judge of a court A magistrate, or A Chief Executive Officer of a Commonwealth court. 15 | Page This page has been left blank intentionally. 16 | Page FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS MAP Superannuation Plan Choice of Fund Form Personal Details Title Given Name(s) Surname Chosen Fund Details Fund Name M A P S U P E R A N Australian Business Number (ABN) 7 1 6 0 3 1 5 7 8 6 N U A T I O N P N A L Superannuation Product ID Number (SPIN) 3 M A P 0 0 0 5 A Your member/account number U Phone 0 7 - 3 8 3 8 1 2 3 4 Declaration and Signature • I request that all future employer contributions be made to the fund specified above. Signature Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Privacy Policy - The information you are providing in this form is subject to the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. The Act sets out principles for dealing with personal information which includes standards for collection, storage, accuracy and use of information and for disclosure required by the Australian Tax Office as well as your right to access your personal information which we hold. MAP has developed polices for complying with this legislation which you may view on request. Please give your completed form to your employer. MAP Funds Management Ltd (ABN 85 011 061 831, AFSL 240753) (‘MAP’) is the trustee and issuer of the MAP Superannuation Plan and the MAP Pension Plan (ABN 71 603 157 863); and the MAP Pooled Superannuation Trust (ABN 92 209 339 241). The Product Disclosure Statements (‘PDS’) are available at or by calling 1800 640 055. This document may contain advice which is general in nature and not specific to your particular circumstances. Before making an investment decision or acting on general advice you should consider your own financial situation, the PDS and whether the particular financial product is right for you. Financial planning advice can be obtained from MAP Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN 91 090 411 537, AFSL 239117), a wholly owned subsidiary of MAP. (REF - MAPFM 0613) 17 | Page Certificate of compliance MAP Superannuation Plan SFN 2967 359 49 ABN 71 603 157 863 FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS MAP FUNDS MANAGEMENT LTD Level 5, 135 Wickham Tce, Brisbane GPO Box 1130 Brisbane, Qld, 4001 Phone 07 3838 1234 Facsimile 07 3838 1235 Toll Free 1800 640 055 The MAP Superannuation Plan is a superannuation fund established in accordance with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS). The Trustee of this fund is MAP Funds Management Ltd ABN 85 011 061 831. We certify that: a) The Trustee has lodged an irrevocable election for the fund to be a regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of Section 19 of SIS. b) The Fund will be administered as a complying superannuation entity for the purposes of SIS. The Trustee has not received a notice of non-compliance from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. c) The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has not directed the Fund not to accept contributions or rollovers under Section 63 of SIS. Yours faithfully, G.J. Hoyes Company Secretary MAP Funds Management Ltd 18 | Page FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS MAP Superannuation Plan Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form Member details MAP Account Number Title Date of Birth Given Name(s) Surname Postal Address Residential Address (if same as Postal Address write “as above”) Phone (home) Phone (work) Phone (mobile) Email I authorise MAP to update my address and contact details if the details provided above differ to the details currently held. Beneficiary Information In the event of my death, I request the Trustee of the MAP Superannuation Plan to distribute my benefit as set out below. This nomination is to be binding on the Trustee of the MAP Superannuation Plan. The person (s) I have nominated below are beneficiaries as defined in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act and Regulations. Beneficiary Name Relationship Proportion 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % Total Proportion 100% 19 | Page Member signature NOTE: You are required to sign this section in the presence of your witnesses Signature Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Witness declarations and signatures Two witnesses are required. Each witness must be over 18 years of age and must not be a beneficiary. We declare that the above statement was signed and dated in our presence by: Member name Witness Information Witness Name Address Signature Date 1 2 Please send the completed form to: MAP Funds Management, Reply Paid 1130, Brisbane Qld 4001 Contact Us GPO Box 1130, Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: Toll Free: Facsimile: 07 3838 1234 1800 640 055 07 3838 1235 MAP Funds Management Ltd (ABN 85 011 061 831, AFSL 240753) (‘MAP’) is the trustee and issuer of the MAP Superannuation Plan and the MAP Pension Plan (ABN 71 603 157 863); and the MAP Pooled Superannuation Trust (ABN 92 209 339 241). The Product Disclosure Statements (‘PDS’) are available at or by calling 1800 640 055. This document may contain advice which is general in nature and not specific to your particular circumstances. Before making an investment decision or acting on general advice you should consider your own financial situation, the PDS and whether the particular financial product is right for you. Financial planning advice can be obtained from MAP Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN 91 090 411 537, AFSL 239117), a wholly owned subsidiary of MAP. (REF - MAPFM 0613) 20 | Page MAP Superannuation Plan Insurance Application Form FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONALS 01 March 2014 MAP Superannuation Plan ABN 71 603 157 863, SFN 2967 359 49, SPIN MAP0005AU, APRA Registrable Superannuation Entity No R1001587 is issued by MAP Funds Management Ltd ABN 85 011 061 831 AFSL No 240753 RSE Licence No L0000703. COMPLETE THIS FORM ONLY IF YOU WANT COVER IN EXCESS OF OR INSTEAD OF DEFAULT COVER OR IF YOU WANT INCOME PROTECTION COVER. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Before completing this form you must read the MAP Superannuation Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 01 March 2014. 1 Member details MAP Account Number Title Date of Birth Given Name(s) Surname Postal Address Residential Address (if same as Postal Address write “as above”) Phone (home) Phone (work) Phone (mobile) Email 2 Employment Details Employment Status Full-Time Part-Time Permanent Part-Time Not Employed (go to Death Only and Death and TPD Insurance) Casual Employee Of Your Own Company Self-Employed /Substantially Self-Employed Occupation Business / Company Name Employer Postal Address Employer Phone Employer Fax 21 | Page If you are self-employed or an employee of your own company: How long have you been self employed? years months % of business you own No. of employees (excluding yourself ) 3 Death only and Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance Do you wish to apply for Death Only or Death & TPD Insurance in excess of or instead of Default Cover? No (Go to Income Protection Insurance ) OR Yes (complete this section for EITHER personal cover or employee cover) PERSONAL COVER ONLY I already have MAP Group Life cover (including Default Cover) which I would like to increase as shown (do not complete if you wish to increase cover due to a Lifetime Event – see below): Death Only ($) Death & TPD ($) Amount of MAP cover I currently have (including default cover) ADD: I would like to increase my current cover by the amount shown: EQUALS: Total cover required: Death Only ($) Death & TPD ($) I don’t currently have MAP Group Life cover. I would like to apply for: No Maximum Due to a Lifetime Event* I wish to increase my cover by Maximum $3m total cover, all sources Must be the lesser of 25% of agreed benefit, $200,000 or amount of / increase in mortgage * Includes the purchase of a home, marriage, birth or adoption of a child. See the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide for details. I wish to upgrade my Personal Default Cover to Full cover (equal to Default Cover amount with 36 Limited Cover condition removed). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU NEED TO PROVIDE TO APPLY FOR DEATH ONLY OR DEATH & TPD COVER • • • • For cover less than $1 million total cover, complete a Short Form Personal Statement (Section 5). For cover greater than $1 million total cover, complete a Personal Statement & Declaration of Health (Section 6). For Increase in cover due to a Lifetime Event attach a certified copy of your marriage certificate, your child’s birth certificate or loan agreement and go straight to Privacy, Duty of Disclosure and Declaration (Section 7). To decrease your default cover or to change your default cover to Death Only, request this in writing to MAP Funds Management Ltd. EMPLOYEE COVER ONLY I already have MAP Group Life cover (including Default Cover) which I would like to increase as shown (do not complete if you wish to increase cover due to a Lifetime Event – see below): Death Only (units) Death & TPD (units) Amount of MAP cover I currently have (including default cover) ADD: I would like to increase my current cover by the amount shown: EQUALS: Total cover required: Death Only (units) Death & TPD (units) I don’t currently have MAP Group Life cover. I would like to apply for: No Maximum Maximum $3m total cover, all sources Due to a Lifetime Event* I wish to increase my cover by one (1) unit. * Includes the purchase of a home, marriage, birth or adoption of a child. See the MAP Superannuation Plan Additional Information Guide for details. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU NEED TO PROVIDE TO APPLY FOR DEATH ONLY OR DEATH & TPD COVER • • • • For cover less than $1 million total cover, complete a Short Form Personal Statement (Section 5). For cover greater than $1 million total cover, complete a Personal Statement & Declaration of Health (Section 6). For Increase in cover due to a Lifetime Event attach a certified copy of your marriage certificate, your child’s birth certificate or loan agreement and go straight to Privacy, Duty of Disclosure and Declaration. (Section 7) To decrease your default cover or to change your default cover to Death Only, request this in writing to MAP Funds Management Ltd. 22 | Page 4 Income Protection Insurance Do you wish to apply for Income Protection Insurance? No (go to section 5) Yes If yes, are you applying for: Benefit Period Waiting Period 2 years 30 days OR An increase in existing insurance? Benefit Amount What is your Annual Salary* (excluding superannuation)? The benefit you require (as a % of your annual salary): OR To age 65 New insurance? OR $ % Max. 75% but not greater than $25,000/month 90 days Do you require optional Employer Superannuation Contribution Cover? (not available for self-employed) Yes % OR No Max 10% but not greater than actual contribution amount (this is included in your max $25,000 per month benefit) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU NEED TO PROVIDE TO APPLY FOR INCOME PROTECTION COVER • Complete a Personal Statement & Declaration of Health (Section 6). * Definition of Salary: Where the member does not directly or indirectly own part of their employer, salary is pre-tax salary from the employer but not including any director’s fees, commissions, overtime payments, bonuses, penalty or shift allowances, investment income, income received from deferred compensation plans, disability income policies or retirement plans, income not derived from vocational activities, unless the Insurer has expressly agreed otherwise. Where the person directly or indirectly owns part or all of a business or practice which is their employer, salary is the annual share of the income of that business or practice generated by their personal exertion in the previous 12 months after the deduction of their share of expenses in generating that income, or any other income the Insurer has expressly approved. 23 | Page 5 Short form personal statement IF YOU ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A PERSONAL STATEMENT AND DECLARATION OF HEALTH, DO NOT COMPLETE A SHORT FORM PERSONAL STATEMENT, GO STRAIGHT TO PERSONAL STATEMENT AND DECLARATION OF HEALTH (Section 6). Personal Details Occupation HeightWeight cm kg Health Questionnaire (Before you begin, please read the Duty of Disclosure warning at the back of this form). Tick either “No” or “Yes” for each question: (1) Have you had any medical advice, investigation or treatment for any of the following: (a) Chest pain, indigestion or ulcer? No Yes (b) High blood pressure, rheumatic fever, or any heart disorder or complaint? No Yes (c) Cancer or tumour of any type? No Yes (d) Mental illness, depression, nervous conditions, stress or fatigue? No Yes (e) Diabetes, any ailment or condition relating to the thyroid, bowel, liver, gall bladder, kidney or bladder (including thyroidism, renal colic, nephritis, pyelitis, cystitis or irritable bowel syndrome)? No Yes (f ) Any disease or injury to the head, neck or spine including back strain, disc disorder, lumbago, fibrositis, sciatica or neuritis? No Yes (g) Tendonitis, tenosynovitis, RSI or Regional Pain Syndrome, arthritis, gout or any other injury, deformity or disease involving any joint or limb? No Yes (h) Fainting attacks, fits of any kind, epilepsy, paralysis or stroke? No Yes (i) Anaemia, Leukaemia, Haemophillia or any other blood disorder? No Yes (j) Any sexually transmitted disease? No Yes (k) Coughing of blood or passage of blood from the bowel or in the urine? No Yes (l) Any skin disorders or conditions; any congenial abnormality? No Yes Any impairment of sight, hearing or speech? No Yes (2) (3) Have you required surgical treatment, medical examinations, investigations, X-rays or blood tests? No Yes (4) During the last 5 years, have you taken, or been prescribed any medication or drug, such as stimulants, sedatives or tranquillisers? If yes, list name of drug and dosage below: No Yes (5) Has any insurance company ever refused, set special conditions, or charged a higher than normal premium for life or disability insurance cover on your life? No Yes (6) Have you ever made a claim for or received benefits under disablement insurance, Workers compensation, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance, Social Security sickness or invalid benefits or Veterans Affairs sickness or invalid benefits? No Yes (7) Have any of your Parents, Brothers or Sisters suffered from heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, mental illness, cancer or other hereditary disorder? If yes, provide details below: No Yes (8) Do you engage in any hazardous pastimes or pursuits including motor sports, private flying, scuba diving, abseiling, parachuting, competitive football, etc? If yes, please provide details below: No Yes If you answered “yes” to any question above, please provide full details below, or alternatively attach more information or paper where required. 24 | Page 5 DOCTOR DETAILS My regular doctor’s name and address: Name Address Date of last consultation D D / M M / Y Y Y State Postcode How long has this doctor known you? Y Reason for and result of last consultation Aids Statement Please tick No or Yes to each of the following: Have you EVER been infected by the virus which causes AIDS (the Human Immunodeficiency Virus)? No Yes Have you EVER sought or are expecting to receive treatment for AIDS or an AIDS related condition or have you ever had a positive test for HIV? No Yes Have you EVER injected yourself with any drug not prescribed by a medical practitioner, engaged in male to male anal sexual activity or worked as or engaged in sexual activity with a prostitute or someone you know or suspect to be HIV positive? No Yes If you answered “Yes” to any question above, please provide full details below, or alternatively attach more information or paper where required: 25 | Page 6 Personal Statement and Declaration of Health COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR DEATH ONLY OR DEATH & TPD COVER GREATER THAN $1 MILLION TOTAL COVER OR IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR INCOME PROTECTION COVER. Insurance History Has Life, Disability, Accident and Sickness or Superannuation cover on your life ever been declined, deferred or withdrawn from any Insurance Company or accepted with a loading, exclusion or other than as applied? No Yes No Yes If you answered “yes”, please provide full details (including dates, name of company and reason): Have you ever made a claim for disability benefits under an Insurance, Superannuation or Worker’s Compensation policy, Veterans Affairs or under Social Security or Centrelink (including CTP and public liability)? Please provide full details (including dates, cause of claim, type of benefit and amount paid, claim number and insurance company): Other than this application, do you have or are you applying for Life, TPD, Trauma, Disability Income or Income Protection with any other company? If yes, please provide full details: Company Type of Policy Benefit Amount Owner To be replaced No Yes No Yes Habits, Activities and Residence Please tick No or Yes to each of the following questions: Do you drink alcohol? No Yes Please state type and weekly quantity: Have you smoked in the last 12 months? No Yes Please state form and daily quantity: Do you currently, or do you intend to engage in any hazardous pastime and/or sporting activity such as aviation (other than as a fare paying passenger on a recognised airline), motor racing of any kind, diving, football, parachuting, hang gliding, etc? No Yes Please provide full details: Are you an Australian or New Zealand citizen or do you have an Australian Permanent Resident’s visa? No Yes Please provide full details Do you intend travelling overseas in the immediate future (i.e. next 2 years)? No Yes Please give full details (where, when, duration and reason): 26 | Page Occupation Details Occupation How long have you been in your current occupation? How many hours do you work per week? months Years What are your principal duties and where do you perform these duties? Duties (eg sales, office work) % of time Do you hold any professional / trade qualifications? No Qualification obtained Location (eg office, driving (local, interstate)) Yes (please provide details) Name of institution where obtained Has your main occupation, employer or employment status changed in the last three (3) years? Previous Occupation % of time Employer No Employment Status* Yes (please provide details) Date from Date to *Employment Status (eg unemployed, employed, employed by own company, self employed, partnership) Do you have any other occupation? No Yes (please provide details) Occupation Name of Employer How long have you been in this other occupation? years How many hours do you work per week in this other occupation? months What is your monthly income from this other occupation? $ Financial Details COMPLETE THE FINANCIAL DETAILS SECTION ONLY IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR INCOME PROTECTION INSURANCE, OTHERWISE GO TO MEDICAL STATEMENT. PLEASE NOTE THAT BASED ON THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION BELOW, ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE REQUIRED. If disabled, would all or part of your income continue? (eg sick leave, other disability income policies, pension, investment, rental, company profit share, etc) No Yes (please provide details) 27 | Page Financial Details continued.. Employees only (i.e., no ownership in employer’s business) In respect of your principal occupation, what has been the total value of remuneration paid by your employer over the last two years? This should be determined by calculating the amount you could be expected to receive if your total remuneration was received as a salary or wage (before income tax is deducted). Y Last tax year Y Y Y $ Remuneration Y Previous tax year Y Y How much of this was commission / bonus / overtime? $ Y $ Remuneration How much of this was commission / bonus / overtime? $ Self-Employed only (i.e. sole trader, employed by / director of own company or trust, partnership) Last tax year Business $ Y Y Y Y Your share $ Y Previous tax year Business $ Y Y Y Your Share $ Gross Income LESS Business Expenses Net Income (Loss) PLUS the following paid to you Wages / salary / drawings / Director’s fees Superannuation costs Total Please note: any amounts received as wages / salary / drawings / director’s fees must not be paid from past profits, capital or loans. Medical Statement Name and address of your Doctor: Name Address State Postcode Details of last medical consultation, including doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors and ANY other health professional. Date Health Professional Your height cm Address Reason Outcome / Result Your weight kg 28 | Page Please tick No or Yes to each of the following questions: Within the LAST THREE YEARS have you, other than advised above: (a) Consulted, been examined or treated by, or received advice from any doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor, chiropractor, physiotherapist or other health care professional (naturopath, etc) or been in a hospital or been advised to have an operation? No Yes (b) Either occasionally or regularly taken any drugs, stimulants, sedatives, tranquillisers, medications by mouth, by inhalation or by injection? No Yes Have you EVER had an ECG, x-ray, transfusion, mammogram, surgery or any other investigation? No Yes Have you EVER had any blood tests which revealed an abnormality, eg raised blood sugar, liver function or renal function results, or anaemia, etc? No Yes Do you contemplate seeking any medical examination, advice, treatment or surgery in the future? No Yes Please provide full details for all YES answers to the questions above. If more space is required, please go to Additional Information. Date Health Professional Address Reason Outcome / Result Have you EVER received any advice or treatment for: (a) High blood pressure, raised cholesterol, stroke or circulatory disorder? No Yes (b) Chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, any heart complaint or rheumatic fever? No Yes (c) Asthma, bronchitis or other lung complaint? No Yes (d)Diabetes? No Yes (e) Indigestion, hernia, gastric or duodenal ulcer, colitis or any other intestinal disorder? No Yes (f ) Hepatitis or other liver or gall bladder disease? No Yes (g) Back, neck or knee complaint or any disorder of the joints, bones or muscles (e.g. gout, arthritis)? No Yes (h) Kidney or bladder disease, renal colic, stones or blood in the urine? No Yes (i) Depression, anxiety, stress, mental or nervous condition, or chronic fatigue? No Yes (j) Cancer, tumour, melanoma, sunspots or growth of any kind? No Yes (k) Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis or any other skin condition? No Yes (l) Tinnitus, hearing loss or any defect in hearing, sight or speech? No Yes (m) Anaemia, leukaemia, haemophilia or other blood disorder? No Yes (n) Thyroid or prostate disorder, any disorder of the reproductive organs, or sexually transmitted disease? No Yes (o) Persistent diarrhoea, unexplained weight loss, enlarged lymph glands, recurrent fever or night sweats? No Yes (p) Multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, fits of any kind, recurrent headaches, dizzy spells or fainting attacks? No Yes (q) Any other physical impairment, congenital abnormality, deformity or symptoms of ill health, illness or injury? No Yes Females only (r) Have you ever had any gynaecological conditions (eg endometriosis, abnormal pap smear, etc)? No Yes (s) Have you ever had any complications of pregnancy or childbirth? No Yes (t) Are you currently pregnant? If yes, what is the expected date of delivery? (u) Have you ever had a breast lump (even if you have not seen a doctor about it)? No Yes D D / M M / Y Y Y Y No Yes Please provide full details for all YES answers to the above questions on the following page. 29 | Page Please provide full details for all YES answers to the questions on the previous page. If more space is required, please attach a separate sheet addressing the questions below. Specific Condition Question no.___________ Question no. ____________ Date symptoms first started and description of symptoms? What was the condition and which part of the body was affected? What was the medical diagnosis including results of x-rays and investigations? What was the frequency (daily, weekly, etc) of attacks or symptoms? What was the severity (mild/moderate/ severe) and duration of attacks or symptoms? How long were you unable to work or perform your normal duties/activities? If a hospital visit was required, please provide date and duration of your stay. What advice/treatment did you receive? Are you still receiving treatment? If so, please advise nature and frequency of treatment. When did you last suffer from any symptoms? Degree of recovery (%)? Please supply name and address of all doctors or hospitals or other consultants. Family History Please tick No or Yes: Have any of your parents, brothers or sisters suffered from heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, mental illness, cancer, Huntington’s Disease or any other hereditary disease? No Yes (please provide full details Including age at diagnosis and age at death, if applicable) Questions in Relation to AIDS Please tick No or Yes to each of the following: Have you EVER been infected by the virus which causes AIDS (the Human Immunodeficiency Virus)? No Yes Have you EVER sought or are expecting to receive treatment for AIDS or an AIDS related condition or have you ever had a positive test for HIV? No Yes Have you EVER injected yourself with any drug not prescribed by a medical practitioner, engaged in male to male anal sexual activity or worked as or engaged in sexual activity with a prostitute or someone you know or suspect to be HIV positive? No Yes If you answered “yes” to any question above, please provide full details below, or alternatively attach more information or paper where required: 30 | Page Additional Information (to assist with clarification of any issue) Please use this section to assist with clarification of any issue. Please attach additional pages if there is insufficient room. Are you attaching additional pages? No Yes 31 | Page 7 Privacy, and Duty of Disclosure PRIVACY We are committed to protecting the privacy of information you have provided to us in relation to your investments. The information provided is only used to administer your investment, to communicate with you about your investment and to ensure that you receive the benefits relating to your investment. We do not normally disclose member information to outside parties, except those contracted to provide services to the MAP Superannuation Plan. These include the Fund’s Auditors, Lawyers, Custodian and Insurer. If you, or anyone else on your behalf, makes a claim for a benefit, the Insurer may give or receive information about you to or from medical practitioners, legal practitioners, health service providers, past or present employers, other consultants, experts and companies in order to assess and process the claim. With your written consent, we will disclose information about your MAP Superannuation Plan investment to your accountant, financial consultant or others you have nominated. Personal information may also be disclosed to the Australian Taxation Office or other government authorities or agencies as required by law. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE INSURANCE PROVIDER REGARDING PRIVACY Note: References to ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our in the following two paragraphs refer to the Insurance Provider, Hannover Life Re of Australasia Ltd (HLRA), Level 7, 70 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Tel: 02 9251 6911, Fax: 02 9251 6862. Privacy Act 1988 - Our Obligations under the Act The Privacy Act 1988 (the Act) sets out a number of principles that we must comply with in the collection, security, storage, use and disclosure of personal information. These principles are known as the National Privacy Principles. The following information is provided to you in accordance with these principles. The organisation collecting information about you is HLRA. We can be contacted at the address shown above, either in writing, by telephone or by fax. If you ask us, we must provide you with access to the personal information we hold about you. We may be entitled to refuse access to some information as set out in the Act. Your right to access this information is set out in our Privacy Policy Document, which is available on request. The information we collect will be used to assess and process your application for life insurance. We may also use the information if a claim is submitted by you, or by someone acting on your behalf. The information we collect may be disclosed to other organisations, including but not limited to, medical and legal practitioners, health service providers, other insurance or reinsurance companies including our parent company, legal tribunals, investigation organisations, the trustees of a superannuation fund you belong to, an organisation that is duly appointed to manage the administration of such fund and interpreters. If you fail to provide us with all or part of the information we require, we will be unable to assess and process your application. Consent I understand that in order to assess and process my application, HLRA may need health and employment information about me. I consent to HLRA obtaining information about me from any medical practitioner or health professional that I have or may consult in the future, or that HLRA appoints to examine me, and from my employers. I further understand that if I apply for increased or different insurance cover, HLRA may require further information about me. I now consent to HLRA obtaining such further information as and when required, from any medical practitioner or health professional that I have consulted or may consult in the future, or that HLRA appoints to examine me, and from my employers. I understand that if I or anyone else on my behalf, makes a claim for a benefit, HLRA will need information about me in order to assess and process the claim. I hereby consent to HLRA obtaining information about me from any of the following: medical practitioners that I have consulted at any time and any that HLRA wishes to appoint to examine me, legal practitioners, health service providers, legal tribunals and courts, investigation organisations, accountants or other consultants, HLRA’s parent company, other insurance or reinsurance companies, the trustees of my superannuation fund, any organisation appointed by the trustees of my superannuation fund to receive or give information, my past and present employers and interpreters. For the purpose of this application and any future application and any claim for a benefit, I also consent to HLRA disclosing information about me to any of the organisations mentioned above, insofar as such disclosures are necessary for HLRA to perform its functions. DUTY OF DISCLOSURE Duty of Disclosure Before you enter into a contract of life insurance with an Insurer, you have a duty, under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984, to disclose to the Insurer every matter that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, is relevant to the Insurer’s decision whether to accept the risk of insurance and if so, on what terms. You have the same duty to disclose those matters to the Insurer before you renew, extend, vary or reinstate a contract of life insurance. Your duty, however, does not require disclosure of a matter that diminishes the risk to be undertaken by the Insurer; that is of common knowledge; that your Insurer knows, or, in the ordinary course of its business, ought to know; as to which compliance with your duty is waived by the Insurer. Non-disclosure If you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure and the Insurer would not have entered into the contract on any terms if the failure had not occurred, the Insurer may avoid the contract within three (3) years of entering into it. If your non-disclosure is fraudulent, the Insurer may avoid the contract at any time. An Insurer who is entitled to avoid a contract of life insurance may, within three (3) years of entering into it, elect not to avoid it but to reduce the sum that you have been insured for in accordance with a formula that takes into account the premium that would have been payable if you had disclosed all relevant matters to the Insurer. Your Duty of Disclosure continues until the contract of life insurance has been accepted by the Insurer and confirmation is issued in writing. Please ensure all applicable questions are fully answered. 32 | Page Declaration • I have received and read the Product Disclosure Statement dated 01 March 2014; • I consent to the collection and disclosure of information about me for the purposes outlined in the Privacy section above; • I have read and understand the Duty of Disclosure section above; • I understand that I may be sent additional documentation which I need to submit before my application for insurance is complete; • I understand that insurance cover will commence from the date I am advised in writing; and • I declare that all of the details I have provided on the insurance application are correct. Signature Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Privacy Policy – The information you are providing in this form is subject to the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. The Act sets out principles for dealing with personal information which includes standards for collection, storage, accuracy and use of information and for disclosure required by the Australian Tax Office as well as your right to access your personal information which we hold. MAP has developed polices for complying with this legislation which you may view on request. Please send the completed form to: MAP, Reply Paid 1130, Brisbane QLD 4001 MAP Funds Management Ltd (ABN 85 011 061 831, AFSL 240753) (‘MAP’) is the trustee and issuer of the MAP Superannuation Plan and the MAP Pension Plan (ABN 71 603 157 863); and the MAP Pooled Superannuation Trust (ABN 92 209 339 241). The Product Disclosure Statements (‘PDS’) are available at or by calling 1800 640 055. This document may contain advice which is general in nature and not specific to your particular circumstances. Before making an investment decision or acting on general advice you should consider your own financial situation, the PDS and whether the particular financial product is right for you. Financial planning advice can be obtained from MAP Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN 91 090 411 537, AFSL 239117), a wholly owned subsidiary of MAP. (REF - MAPFM 0613) 33 | Page
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