Football tournament of RTU SP International Students Council

Football tournament of RTU SP International Students Council
1. The main goal and tasks:
1.1. To find the best football team;
1.2. To popularize football inbetween RTU students;
1.3. To popularize active lifestyle in RTU.
2. Place and time:
2.1. The Football tournament is being held in the 9th of May at 2 PM to 9 PM and on the
16th of May from 10 AM to 6 PM in Daugavas Football Stadium.
2.2. The graphic of games is made after the 1st of May 2015 and until the 7th of May 2015.;
2.3. The graphic of games is published not faster than a day before the Tournament and until
the start of the Tournament.
3. The tournament is organized by RTU Students parliament International Students Council.
Referee _________________________.
4. The rules of the Tournament:
4.1. The system of competition is made after applying for the Tournament is closed.
4.2. The lenght of a game in group tournament is 2 x 12 minutes.
4.3. The lenght of the final game is 2 x 20 minutes.
4.4. The number of participanting teams is limited (maximum 12 teams).
4.5. ISC(RTU) is responsible for the field (place where to play) and the referees.
5. 5. Vērtēšana:
5.1. For a win the team gets 3 points, for a tie 1 point, for not showing up to the game or
loosing – o points;
5.2. If two or more teams have the same points, the places are given, looking
5.1.1. The result of the matches between the mentioned teams,
5.1.2. The best proportion of goals gained and lost,
5.2. If the two previously mentioned regulations are the same, teams do a 7 meter penalty
shootout to see the winner.
6. The participants:
6.1. In the Tournament there can participate RTU students;
6.2. The teams are made from players from one country in each team;
6.3. In the Tournament the team has to participate in t-shirts with a similar color and a
number on the shirt (if needed, the number can be ritten on a blank page and sticked on
a shirt);
6.4. In the team there can be minimum 6 and maximum 10 players. In the team there can
participate only the players, who are in the list (not possible to add/change players after
the list is sent to RTU ISC e-mail.
7. The application:
7.1. Each team has to send in an application with a name of the team, the country of the
team, the name of the captain and names, surnames and birth years from all the
players. In the application there has to bo a signature from each member of the team
that they are each responsible for their own helth condition in the Tournament or a visa
from a doctor about condition of players’ health.
7.2. The team has to apply until the 6th of May 2015 at 11.59 PM to the e-mail, the full application with signatures has to be given to the organizers
until the start of the first game, in other case the team is not able to participate in the
8.1. For the red card the player is disqualified for 1 game;
8.2. For the second yellow card the player is disqualified for 1 game;
8.3. For not coming to the game the team gets a warning, for a repeated not coming to the
team is disqualified from the Tournament;
8.4. For having a player who is not in the application, the team get a loose 0:20;
8.5. For a phisical abuse to a referee or a try of it the player is disqualified from the
Tournament and the team gets a loose 0:3 and a warning.
8.6. For a repeated warning for the team the team is disqualified from the tournament.
9. The disciplinary comission:
9.1. in the disciplinary comission there are:
9.1.1.the main referee of the Tournament,
9.1.2. the assistant of the main referee.
9.2. when the comission is solving a protest, all sides concerned are joining;
9.3. the task of the disciplinary comissionis to solvethe conflicts which are made during the
Tournament due to non-professional,incorrect or undisciplined behaviour of a player, trainer to
other players, trainers, team members, referees, the audience.
10. The order of solving a conflict:
10.1. All protests, made during the Tournament because of the refereeing, or other conflict
situations has to be given to the referee maximum 1 hour after the conflict and paying
10 euros (if the protest is solved to be well-grounded, the money is given back), in the
protocol of the game there has to be a signature from the person who hands in the
protest, otherwise it wont be counted as a protest.
11. The finanses:
11.1. The Tournament is payed from finanses of RTU.
12. The award ceremony of the Tournament:
12.1. The first 3 places will be awarded with cups and the team members – with medals.