ELLENS GREEN AND RUDGWICK GARDENING ASSOCIATION SEVENTIETH YEAR MEMBERS’ HANDBOOK AND SHOW SCHEDULES 2015 SPRING SHOW Saturday 21st March, 2.30p.m. Rudgwick Hall, Bucks Green COFFEE MORNING PLANT & BRING & BUY SALE Tuesday 14th April 10.00a.m. to Midday at Rudgwick Village Hall SUMMER SHOW Saturday 11th July, 1.00p.m. Sansomes Farm, Ellens Green, including Children’s Sports, Dog Show, Stalls, Sideshows and much, much more! AUTUMN SHOW Saturday 12th September, 2.30p.m. Ellens Green Memorial Hall ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 25th January 2016 7.30p.m. Rudgwick Hall, Bucks Green Printed by Williams Lea 01403 234569 ELLENS GREEN & RUDGWICK GARDENING ASSOCIATION President: Vice-President: Hon. Life Members: Mrs Sue Beckwith-Smith Mrs Mary Maxwell Mrs Sue Beckwith-Smith, Mrs Mary Maxwell, Mr R Payne, Mrs E Payne, Mr M Hall, Miss C Seidler, Mr Andrew Shelley, Mrs Cecilia Butcher, Mr John Hedger APPOINTMENTS (Subject to election at the AGM) OFFICERS 1 Chairman: 2 Vice-Chairman: 3 Hon. Secretary 4 Show Secretary: 5 Hon. Treasurer: 6 Membership Secretary: 7 Show Treasurer: COMMITTEE MEMBERS 8 Mr Paul Kornycky: 9 Mrs Rosa Dennis: 10 Dr Bill Jarratt : 11 Mr Chris Darby 12 Ms Janita Hanif 13 Mr Nick Earnshaw 14 Mrs Sue Batstone 15 Mrs Sandy Newman Mr Michael Clarke, Queens Cottage, The Mews, Bucks Green RH12 3JF. mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk Tel: 01403 822037 Mr Chris Westbrook, Brookside Farm, Hermongers Lane, Rudgwick, RH12 3AH info@whitestonemusic.co.uk Tel: 01403 822024 Miss Kate Robertson, 2 Wanford Cottages, Naldretts Lane, Haven Road, Bucks Green, RH12 3JG katerobertson@clara.co.uk Tel: 01403 822379 Mrs Vera Clarke, Queens Cottage, The Mews, Bucks Green RH12 3JF mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk Tel: 01403 822037 TBA Mr Mike Thornton, The Hollies, Church Street, Rudgwick RH12 3ET. sonofalbert@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01403 823600 Mrs Brenda Gooch, 10 Bridge Road, Rudgwick RH12 3HD brenda.gooch@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 822791 Medecroft, Cox Green, Rudgwick, RH12 3DD gardening@rudgwick.net Tel: 01403 822316 19 Orchard Hill, Rudgwick, Horsham, RH12 3EQ rosa.dennis@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01403 823329 Martins Cottage, Lynwick Street, Rudgwick, RH12 3DN jarratt.william@yahoo.com Tel: 01403 822888 2 Little Rascalls, Bucks Green RH12 3JJ chrisdarby942@btinternet.com Tel: 01403 823759 'Raintree' Hermongers Lane, Rudgwick, West Sussex RH12 3AL jhanif@msn.com Tel: 07714 822818 c/o Rudgwick Primary School, RH12 3HW Tel: 07780552850 neaarnshaw@gmail.com Avonlea, Church St, Rudgwick RH12 3ET Tel: 01403 824079 rusjo1@aol.com Colins Cross Farmhouse, Haven Rd, Billingshurst RH14 9BQ sandyn341@gmail.com Tel: 01403 822779 DOG SHOW ORGANISERS Horsham and District Canine Society Sec. Anne Hodgson, Bramble Cottage, Emms Lane, Barns Green RH12 0QG Tel: 01403 731221 Email: anne.rikita@gmail.com Affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society, Membership No. 10546948, and Surrey Horticultural Federation 3 ELLENS GREEN & RUDGWICK GARDENING ASSOCIATION MAIN CO-ORDINATORS Plant Stall Co-ordinator: Summer Show Logistics: Bric-a-Brac Co-ordinator: Tombola Co-ordinator: Produce Co-ordinator: Summer Show Teas: JBS Walled Garden Co-ordinator: Tug-of-War Co-ordinator: Photography: Janita Hanif Tel:07714 822818 Mike Clarke Tel: 01403 822037/ Dave Ockenden Tel: 01403 823124 Katy Rapley Tel: 01403 823460 Kate Robertson Tel: 01403 822379 Jenny Griffin Tel: 01403 822533 Sue Batstone Tel: 01403 824079 Helen Palmer Tel: 01403 822720 Dr Bill Jarratt Tel: 01403 822888 Simon Quail 01403 822766 Please help the above co-ordinators by donating to their various stalls. We run plant stalls at our Spring and Summer shows and cake stalls at the Spring and Autumn shows. Your support is vital. NAFAS Rules for Flower Arranging Classes An exhibit is composed of natural plant material, with or without accessories, contained within a space as specified in the show schedule. NAFAS rules state that disqualification will take place for the following reasons: 1. Failure to comply with any specific requirements of a class as stated in a show schedule i.e. the measurements or the components. 2. Inclusion of any fresh plant material that does not have its roots or the cut ends of its stems in water retaining material. (For exceptions see the NAFAS 'Competitions Manual', Second Edition, 2009, Page 5). 3. Inclusion of artificial plant material. (unless specifically allowed by the show schedule). For further details and definitions, please refer to the NAFAS 'Competitions Manual', Second Edition, 2009, in acccordance with which all classes will be judged. A copy is held by the Show Secretary. Anyone needing help to try their hand in the flower arranging classes is invited to contact Sue Beckwith-Smith on 01403 822206 and she will be happy to pass on her expertise. 4 RULES FOR EXHIBITORS Please read carefully! The shows will be conducted generally in accordance with the rules and standards contained in the RHS Horticultural Show Handbook 2008. A copy of the handbook is held by the Show Secretary. 1. Unless otherwise stated, all exhibits must be the property of the exhibitor and must have been in his/her possession for at least three months. (Except Flower Arranging). 2. No exhibit may be removed until after prize giving. 3. The diameter of a pot or pan is the inside measurement, made as near to the top as possible. 4. Unless otherwise stated or implied in the schedule, each exhibit of plants, flowers, fruit or vegetables shall consist of one variety. Where a number or quantity is specified neither more nor less may be shown. 5. Any exhibit which does not conform to the wording of the schedule shall be disqualified. 6. No exhibitor may have more than one entry in any one class. Entries are limited to one per house or garden with the exception of the Home fare and Handicraft sections, with a maximum of 1 entry per person. 7. Any prize may be withheld or modified if the exhibits are considered unworthy of the prize offered. 8. On the relative merit of the exhibits the decision of the judges shall be final but the Committee reserves to itself the decision on any other points in dispute. No correspondence can be entered into. 9. All exhibits, personal property, etc. shall be at the risk of the exhibitors and the Association shall not be liable for compensation for loss or damage from any cause whatsoever. Should a show for any cause not be held, no exhibitor shall have any claim on the Association. 10. Except where otherwise stated, First Prize to count 3 points, Second Prize 2 points, Third Prize 1 point. 11. Where cups are awarded on points totals, should a tie occur the exhibitor with the highest number of First prizes will be adjudged the winner. 12. Where VASE is stated any suitable container will be accepted. Own vases to be used. 13. In classes which do not have the number specified, exhibits should comprise half the number, detailed in Rule 8 on page 11 of the RHS Handbook and rounded up to the nearest whole number. If in doubt ask the Show Secretary. 14. All vegetables in collections will be judged out of 20 points per vegetable. 5 TROPHIES FOR PRESENTATION AT SHOWS SPRING SHOW 2014 WINNER THE MURIEL BOXALL PLATE awarded to the winner of Class 28 Mrs Maeve Filby THE ELLENS GREEN & RUDGWICK GARDENING ASSOCATION CUP Not awarded THE MURPHY CUP awarded to the exhibitor with most points in Classes 2 - 17 Mr Ian Clemens THE WILLIAM PORT SPRING CUP awarded to the exhibitor with most points in Classes 1 - 25 THE JASMINE HOUSE DAFFODIL CUP awarded to the winner of Class 2 AUTUMN SHOW Mr Richard Griffin Mrs Julia Webb THE WILLIAM PORT MEMORIAL CUP awarded for the best exhibit of apples Mr Richard Griffin THE BOB SUTTON MEMORIAL PLATE awarded to the competitor with the best pot plant Mrs Ann Nuttall THE JIM HALE TROPHY awarded to the competitor showing the best vegetable Mr Ian Clemens THE PRATT BARLOW CUP Mr Ian Clemens awarded to the exhibitor with most points in Classes 33 - 43 THE T W FOREMAN DAHLIA CUP awarded to the winner of Class 44 6 Mrs Vera Clarke SUMMER SHOW 2014 WINNER THE LADY SILKIN PERPETUAL CUP Mrs Rosie Jarratt THE R G TULLET PERPETUAL MEMORIAL CUP Mr Dave Ockenden THE RUDGWICK ROSE BOWL Mrs Irene Perry and THE NAPPER PERPETUAL MEMORIAL BOWL Mr Dave Ockenden THE MAGPIES CUP Mr Ian Clemens THE FRANK HOWARD MEMORIAL TROPHY Mrs Sashi Verrall THE ASSOCIATION PERPETUAL CUP Mrs Jean Lawrence THE LADY SILKIN LADIES CUP Mrs Zoe Childs THE CECILIA BUTCHER TROPHY Mrs Jean Lawrence THE CHILDREN'S PERPETUAL CUP Isla Saker THE HARRY JELLEY MEMORIAL CUP Lucy Tanner awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Div. B (Flowers, Members only) awarded to the exhibitor with most points in Divs D, E & F (Vegetables, Flowers and Fruit) awarded to the competitor with most points in Classes F8, F9 & F10 Nicola Yuill awarded for the best exhibit of sweet peas awarded for the best exhibit of flowers, excluding Sweet Peas awarded for the best pot plant in Div. B (Members only) awarded to the exhibitor with most points in Div H (Flower Arranging) awarded to the competitor with most points in Div J (Home Fare) for excellence in handicrafts. Awarded for the best exhibit in Div K awarded to the child with most points in Div. L awarded to the child with most points in Div. M THE R H S BANKSIAN MEDAL 2013 awarded to the exhibitor with the largest total 2014 Winner: of money prizes in classes B, D, E and F N.B.The competitors who won the Banksian Medals in 2013 and 2014 are not eligible to win it in 2015 Mr Geoff Webb Mr Ian Clemens THE GATWICK AIRPORT COMMUNITY TRUST PLATE Ben Tilley 9 Pin Skittles TUG-OF-WAR PLATE “Sons of Thunder” 7 8 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2015/16 Saturday 21st March 2015 3rd Saturday in March Tuesday 14th April 2015 Saturday 11th July 2015 2nd Saturday in July Saturday 12th September 2015 2nd Saturday in September TBA Monday 25th January 2016 Last Monday in January Spring Show with Plant Stall and Cake Stall Rudgwick Hall, Bucks Green. 2.30p.m. Staging 10.30 - 11.45a.m. Coffee Morning Bring & Buy & Plant & Seedling Sale 10.00a.m to Midday Rudgwick Village Hall Summer Show & Dog Show Sansomes Farm, Furzen Lane, Ellens Green 2.00p.m. Official opening Staging 08.30 - 10.30a.m. Showground opens at 1.00p.m. Autumn Show with Produce Auction, Cake Stall and Art Exhibition Ellens Green Memorial Hall 2.30p.m. Staging 10.30 - 11.45a.m. Rudgwick Apple Day King George V Recreation Field Bucks Green 10.00a.m. Annual General Meeting Rudgwick Hall, Bucks Green 7.30p.m. Social evening with wine and refreshments 9 SPRING SHOW Saturday 21st March 2015, Rudgwick Hall, Bucks Green. Admission: 50p (Members and children free). Entries to the Show Secretary by end Thurs. 19th March using the form at the end of this handbook or email mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk with class numbers. (a response will be given) Payment due before staging. All classes are open. Prizes: 1st £1.00, 2nd 75p, 3rd 50p. Entry 25p per class. Children free Cake & Plant Stalls: Bring cakes/plants along during staging or when you come to the show Staging: 10.30 - 11.45a.m. Show opens: 2.30p.m. Prize giving: 4.00p.m. NOTE: Division 1 Trumpet as long as or longer than the perianth segments (petals) Division 2 Cup more than one-third, but less than equal to the length of the perianth segments Division 3 Cup not more than one-third the length of the perianth segments For the purposes of exhibiting, a narcissus is the same flower as a daffodil CLASSES FLOWERS 1. Vase of 3 stems of Double Daffodils 2. Vase of mixed Daffodil varieties (not more than 9 stems) grown in Rudgwick or Ellens Green 3. One specimen stem Daffodil, Div 1 4. One specimen stem Daffodil, Div 2 5. One specimen stem Daffodil, Div 3 6. Vase of 3 stems white Daffodils, any Division (see RHS Show Handbook) 7. Vase of 3 stems Daffodils, white excluded, Div 1 8. Vase of 3 stems Daffodils, Div 2 9. Vase of 3 stems Daffodils, Div 3 10. Vase of 3 stems Polyanthus type Daffodil 11. Vase of 3 stems Cyclamen type Daffodil (see RHS Show Handbook) 12. 3 Vases each of 3 Daffodils, 3 distinct varieties 13. Display of 5 Hellebore flower heads in water (your own bowl or dish) 14. Vase of 5 winter flowering pansies 15. Cactus or succulent in a pot 16. Vase of 3 tulips, 1 or more varieties 17. Vase of mixed flowers, bulbs or corms (not more than 7 stems) 18. Vase of one variety of any flowering shrub or tree (not more than 5 stems) 19. Vase of any one kind of hardy flower, excluding Daffodil and Tulip (not more than 9 stems) 20. One pot plant - foliage 21. One pot plant - flowering 22. Vase of not more than 6 Primroses 23. Vase of mixed flowers, with or without foliage, not more than 9 stems. Bulbs excluded 24. One vase of bulbous flowers, any small-flowered species - one variety (not more than 9 stems) 25. One spray Camellia blooms (grown in open) 10 THE WILLIAM PORT will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most SPRING CUP points in Classes 1 - 25 THE JASMINE HOUSE will be awarded to the winner of Class 2 DAFFODIL CUP 26. 27. 28. 29. FLOWER ARRANGING An exhibit - A Spring Tea Party - with accessories An exhibit - A Planted Spring Basket "Spring" - A miniature exhibit 100mm W x 100mm D x 100mm H An exhibit- An Easter Arrangement Novice class NB. In classes 26, 27 and 29 exhibits are to be staged in a niche 700mm wide x 530mm deep x 750mm high. Please refer to NAFAS Rules on Page 4. All exhibits may be with or without accessories. "Novice class is open to all who have not previously won first prize" THE MURIEL BOXALL PLATE will be awarded to the winner of Class 28 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. HOME FARE N.B please cover your exhibits with cling film A Battenberg cake A jar of chutney (minimum 2 months old) Use a new vinegar-proof lid. Date of making to be shown (see pg 25) A jar of orange marmalade Use a new lid, or cellophane top with wax disc. Date of making to be shown (see pg 25) 5 Maids of Honour tarts Your favourite European bread 5 Crunchies - Wartime recipe (see page 17) 5 Cheese straws YOUNGER GENERATION SECTION Separate entry form for Junior Entries. No entry fee. All entries must be the competitor’s own work 37. Rudgwick Primary School EG&RGA CUP Awarded to the Best Class Ages 4 - 8 inclusive 38. Decorated hard-boiled egg in an egg cup 39. A finger-painted portrait - A4 size 40. An Easter card Ages 9 - 14 inclusive Decorate a TreasureBox 41. 42. 5 small decorated Easter cakes 43. Decorated name and address label for an evacuee 11 VILLAGE SUMMER SHOW incorporating FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SHOW. Also featuring COMPANION DOG SHOW Saturday 11th July 2015 at Sansomes Farm, Ellens Green (by kind permission of the Beckwith-Smith family) Entry to Marquee: Adults 50p, members and children under 14 Free. Entries to the Show Secretary by end Thurs 9th July; using the form at the end of this handbook or email mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk with class numbers. (a response will be given) Payment due before staging. 25p per class. Children free Division B is open only to members of the Association. All other classes are open Prizes, except where otherwise stated: 1st £1.00, 2nd 75p, 3rd 50p Diplomas and Certificates of Merit at Judges' discretion Please note: Staging: 08.30 - 10.30a.m. Exhibits should be brought to the marquee before 10.15a.m Showground opens: 1.00p.m Official opening: 2.00p.m Prize Giving: 4.00p.m PLEASE READ PAGES 23-25 OF THIS SCHEDULE AND THE RULES ON PAGES 4 AND 5 IN ORDER TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ON SHOW DAY TUG OF WAR Local Pubs and Clubs are invited to enter a team. Contact: Bill Jarratt 01403 822888 BRING AND BUY BRIC-A-BRAC, BOOKS ETC. BRING AND BUY PLANT SALE! Bring plants along during staging or when you come to the show Please try and donate to the BRING & BUY, BRIC-A-BRAC, TOMBOLA and PRODUCE STALLS 12 COMPANION DOG SHOW - Kennel Club Licence Entries taken on the day from 1.15 p.m. Judging pedigree classes from 2.00p.m. Judging junior handling and novelty classes from 2.30p.m. Judging will take place in the Memorial Hall if wet. £1.50 entry fee for pedigree classes £1.20 entry fee for novelty classes Rosettes to 5th place in all classes Numerous prizes and trophy for Best in Show Collect details of NOVELTY CLASSES on a separate schedule prior to the show. Dog Show Organisers: Horsham and District Canine Society Sec. Anne Hodgson, Bramble Cottage, Emms Lane, Barns Green RH12 0QG Tel: 01403 731221 Email: anne.rikita@gmail.com Organic Lamb Free Range Eggs Stabling Fully Jointed Whole/Half Lamb Anchorage Farm, Haven Road, Bucks Green Rob Hyden Tel: 01403 258352 13 CLASSES DIVISION B FLOWERS MEMBERS ONLY B1. One specimen Rose B2. 3 stems of cluster flowered (Floribunda) Roses B3. 3 large flowered (Hybrid Tea) Roses B4. 9 mixed Sweet Peas in container B5. 2 vases of annuals, 2 different varieties. Not more than 3 stems in each container B6. A vase of one variety of perennial, not more than 5 stems B7. A vase of one variety of flowering shrub, not more than 5 stems B8. An indoor pot plant with foliage only B9. An indoor pot plant with flowers or fruit THE FRANK HOWARD MEMORIAL TROPHY will be awarded to the exhibitor with the best pot plant in Div B THE LADY SILKIN PERPETUAL CUP will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Div B DIVISION D VEGETABLES OPEN CLASS D1. Collection of 3 kinds of vegetables, numbers as classes below or see Rule 13, in a space not to exceed 760mm x 760mm. Tray, backcloth or similar may be used and accessories for display are accepted. Prizes: 1st - £2, 2nd - £1.50, 3rd - £1.00. Judged out of 20 points per vegetable. See Rule 14 on page 5 of this handbook D2. 4 potatoes, white variety D3. 4 potatoes, a coloured variety D4. 3 Garlic bulbs D5. 2 cabbages D6. 4 onions with roots, tops trimmed to approx 75mm D7. A collection of 4 salad vegetables/fruits displayed in a basket or trug chosen from lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, green salad onions, beetroot, sweet peppers, radishes, Florence fennel D8. 3 courgettes - approx 150mm in length D9. 6 pods broad beans D10. 2 lettuces, loose leaf D11. 2 lettuces, Butterhead, Cos or Crisp D12. 6 French beans D13. 4 stalks rhubarb, leaves trimmed to approx 75mm D14. 6 radishes, small salad D15. 6 pods peas D16. 3 Globe beetroot, with tops trimmed to approx. 75mm 3 carrots, long pointed. Tops trimmed to approx 75mm D17. D18. 3 carrots, stump rooted. Tops trimmed to approx 75mm 2 cucumbers D19. 5 single vegetables (a pod of beans or peas etc.) presented on an A4 sheet of paper D20 14 D21. Any other vegetable. Quantities: minimum of 2, or 5 if small D22. Collection of 5 named culinary herbs - in water THE R.H.S. BANKSIAN MEDAL will be awarded to the exhibitor with the largest total of money prizes in classes B, D, E and F (horticultural classes) DIVISION E FRUIT OPEN CLASS E1. 9 gooseberries E2. 5 strigs redcurrants, as picked E3. 5 strigs blackcurrants, as picked E4. 15 raspberries (with hull) E5. 6 hybrid cane fruits (with hull) i.e loganberries, tayberries etc. E6. Any other fruit, not having a class of its own. 1 variety, min. of 2 pieces if large, 5 if small FLOWERS OPEN CLASS DIVISION F F1. A vase of mixed perennials, not more than 7 stems. Roses and shrubs excluded F2. 9 mixed Sweet Peas, in container F3. One specimen stem of Sweet Pea F4. Display of 6 Fuchsia heads in wet oasis - can be different varieties F5. A pot plant with foliage only F6. A pot plant with flowers or fruit F7 A vase of 7 stems of Pinks F8. A vase of 3 spikes of Delphiniums F9. One specimen rose F10. A vase of mixed roses - 5 stems F11 A vase of mixed shrubs, flowering or foliage, not more than 5 stems F12 A vase of one variety of annuals, not more than 3 stems F13. A vase of mixed annuals - 5 stems F14. 5 Pansy or Viola heads - floating in water THE R.G. TULLET PERPETUAL MEMORIAL CUP will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Divs D, E and F (Vegetables, Fruit and Flowers, open) THE RUDGWICK ROSE BOWL will be awarded to the competitor with most points in Classes F8, F9 and F10 THE NAPPER PERPETUAL MEMORIAL BOWL will be awarded for the best exhibit of Sweet Peas THE MAGPIES CUP will be awarded for the best exhibit of flowers, excluding Sweet Peas 15 DIVISION H FLOWER ARRANGING OPEN CLASS H1. A platinum exhibit - “Silver and White” (celebrating EG&RGA’s 70th anniversary) H2. H3. H4. can include accessories An exhibit - Using one kind of flower (foliage and accessories can be included) An exhibit - Garden flowers in a basket - Novice Class "Summer" - A miniature exhibit 100mm W x 100mm D x 100mm H NB. In classes H1, H2 and H3 exhibits are to be staged in a niche 700mm wide x 530mm deep x 750mm high.. Please refer to NAFAS Rules on Page 4. All exhibits may be with or without accessories. THE ASSOCIATION PERPETUAL CUP will be awarded to the exhibitor with most points in Division H HOME FARE OPEN CLASS N.B please cover your exhibits with cling film Eggless fruit cake- Waratime recipe. See recipe on page 17 5 Eccles cakes A Victoria Sandwich -using 3 eggs, size 7”/18cm A sausage plait White loaf made by hand (using 450g white flour) Wholemeal loaf made by machine (using 450g wholemeal flour) MEN ONLY - 5 coconut buns 5 pinwheel cookies Happy 70th Birthday EG&RGA cake - Decoration only to be judged Bakewell tart - Size 7/8” or 18/20cm A jar of marmalade, any variety. Use a new lid or cellophane top with wax disc. Date of making to be shown (see page 25) A jar of Strawberry jam Use a new lid or cellophane top with wax disc. Date of making to be shown (see page 25) A jar of any other jam Use a new lid or cellophane top with wax disc. Date of making to be shown (see page 25) 4 Hens eggs from the same breed displayed in a small basket. Supply white saucer/plate for egg to be broken on to. A bottle of home-made cordial (i.e concentrated). Must be exhibited in clear bottles with stoppers that can be removed without the use of a corkscrew A bottle of home-made wine. Must be exhibited in clear bottles with stoppers that can be removed without the use of a corkscrew Spirit of the Hedgerow (sloe gin etc). Must be exhibited in clear bottles with stoppers DIVISION J J1. J2. J3. J4. J5. J6. J7. J8. J9. J10. J11. J12. J13. J14. J15. J16. J17. THE LADY SILKIN LADIES CUP will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Div. J 16 1940s Wartime Recipes used at the EG&RGA shows when there was rationing: Crunchies – 4 oz. margarine, lard or dripping, 2 oz. sugar, 2oz. golden syrup, 5 oz. plain flour, 4 oz. medium oatmeal, 1 tsp. baking powder, vanilla flavouring. Cream together the fat, sugar and syrup then add the flour, oatmeal, baking powder and a few drops of vanilla. Knead the mixture until it binds. Roll out on a floured surface to quarter of an inch thick, cut into rounds and place on a greased baking tray and bake in a moderate oven (gas 4/elec 350F; 180C) for about 20 mins. or until golden brown. Eggless Fruit Cake – 4 oz. carrot finely grated, 2 tablespoons golden syrup, 3 oz. sugar, 4 oz. margarine, 1 tsp. bicarbonate of soda, vanilla & almond essence, 4-6 oz. dried fruit, 12 oz. self- raising flour, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, 1 small teacup of milk, slightly warmed. Cook the grated carrot and syrup over a low heat for a few minutes. Cream the sugar and margarine until light and fluffy. Stir in the bicarbonate of soda into the carrot and syrup mixture, then beat it into the sugar and margarine mixture, treating it as if it were an egg. Add a half a teaspoon each of vanilla and almond essence and stir in with the dried fruit. Fold in the flour and cinnamon and add the warmed milk to make a moist dough. Put the mixture into a greased cake tin. Smooth the top and make a deep hole in the centre with a spoon to stop the cake from rising too much during cooking. Put into a hot oven (gas 7/elec 425F;220C) then turn down to a very low heat (gas 2/elec 300F; 120C) and bake for 2 hours. (Know your oven.) Woolton Pie – 1lb. potatoes, 1 lb. cauliflower, 1 lb. swede, 1 lb. carrots, 3 or 4 spring onions, 1 tsp. vegetable extract, 1 tbsp. oatmeal, chopped parsley, wheat meal pastry (or extra potatoes) for crust. Cook the first 7 ingredients together for 10 minutes with just enough water to cover. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Allow to cool and put into a pie-dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and cover with a crust of wheat meal pastry or potato. Bake in a moderate oven until the pastry is nicely brown and serve hot with brown gravy. This mixture of ingredients might be varied in many ways that may suggest themselves to the cook. DIVISION K K1. K2. K3. K4. K5. K6. K7. K8. K9. HANDICRAFT OPEN CLASS Painting - Oils, acrylic or any other media, including mixed Painting - Water colour An item of knitting An item of crochet An item of embroidery An item of needlework Piece of calligraphy: a quote of Winston Churchill, A4 size EG&RGA 70th anniversary card A piece of home-made handicraft Entries must have been completed since last year's Summer Show. If articles are made from a kit this should be stated. THE CECILIA BUTCHER TROPHY for excellence in handicrafts will be awarded to the competitor with the best exhibit in Division K 17 DIVISION L PHOTOGRAPHY OPEN CLASS L1. A black and white portrait photograph L2. A season in your garden - a photograph L3. A set of 3 photographs depicting “Rudgwick Village Life - Something worth fighting for”. Mounted on a card not exceeding 24” x 20”/ 60cm x 50cm "Tree(s)" - a photograph L4. L5. “On the Wild Side” - a photograph Maximum size of individual photographs to be 10” x 8”/26cm x 20cm including mount & frame Judging is marked on interpretation, technical quality, composition and presentation YOUNGER GENERATION SECTION Separate entry form for Junior Entries. No entry fee. All entries must be the Competitor’s own work DIVISION M Ages 4 - 8 inclusive M1. A vegetable aeroplane M2. Colour Humpty Dumpty picture - see centre page M3. A miniature garden in a large seed tray or other similar container THE CHILDREN'S PERPETUAL CUP will be awarded to the child with the most points in Division M DIVISION N Ages 9 - 14 inclusive N1. 5 Chocolate crispies N2. A photograph - “Selfie” N3. A miniature garden in a large seed tray or other similar container THE HARRY JELLEY MEMORIAL CUP will be awarded to the child with the most points in Division N 18 . Please write your name and age on the back of the sheet CLASS M2 - Ages 4-8 inclusive . CHILDREN'S SPORTS EVENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. PRIZES: First £1.00, Second 75p, Third 50p Toddlers' race, under 5 yrs Children's flat race, 50 yds, 5 - 6 yrs Children's flat race, 50 yds, 7 - 8 yrs Children's flat race, 75 yds, 9 - 10 yrs Children's flat race, 100yds, 11- 12 yrs Fathers' flat race, 100 yds Sack race, 25 yds, 5 - 8 yrs Sack race, 50 yds, 9 - 12 yrs Parent and child's wheelbarrow race, 50 yds Egg & Spoon race, 5 - 8 yrs Egg & Spoon race, 9 - 12 yrs Three-legged race, 50 yds, 9 -10 yrs Three-legged race, 75 yds, 11- 12 yrs Skipping race, 5 - 8 yrs Skipping race, 9 - 12 yrs Mothers' and toddlers' race The Committee welcomes suggestions to make any of our shows more interesting. If you have any ideas for future shows, please discuss these with any member of the Committee. Want to Join The Ellens Green & Rudgwick Gardening Association? See Page 27 for details! 19 AUTUMN SHOW Saturday 12th September 2015 Ellens Green Memorial Hall Admission: 50p (Members and children free) Entries to the Show Secretary by end Thurs.10th September, using the form at the end of this handbook or email mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk with class numbers. (a response will be given) Payment due before staging. Entry 25p per class. Children free All classes are open except Class 42. Prizes: 1st £1.00, 2nd 75p, 3rd 50p Veg and Produce Auction plus lovely Cake Stall Staging: 10.30 - 11.45a.m. Show opens: 2.30p.m. Prize giving: 4.00p.m. EGRGA welcomes the ‘ELLENS GREEN ART GROUP’ who will be holding an exhibition at the show CLASSES VEGETABLES AND FRUIT 1. Collection of 3 kinds of vegetables, numbers as classes below or see Rule 13, in a space not to exceed 760mm x 760mm. Tray, backcloth or similar may be used and accessories for display are accepted. Prizes: 1st - £2, 2nd - £1.50, 3rd - £1.00. Judged out of 20 points per vegetable. See Rule 14 on page 5 of this handbook 2. 4 potatoes, a white variety 3. 4 potatoes, a coloured variety 4. 3 courgettes - approx. 150mm in length 5. 3 Globe beetroot, with tops trimmed to approx.75mm 6. 3 carrots, any variety, with tops trimmed to approx.75mm 7. 3 tomatoes, medium, with calyx (see page 24 for size) 8. 6 tomatoes, small fruited, cherry or small plum, with calyx (see page 24 for size) 9. 4 onions, no bulb to exceed 250g 10. 4 onions, each bulb exceeding 250g 11 6 exhibition shallots 12. 3 leeks, with roots, foliage bound in 13. 6 runner beans 14. 2 cucumbers 15. 2 marrows 16. 4 peppers, hot (chilli) 17. Any other vegetable. Quantities: minimum of 2, or 5 if small 18. The heaviest onion 19. Harvest Class - A display of 3 items from the following: 1 flowering pot plant, 1 vase of 3 stems of flowers, 1 fruit, 1 vegetable displayed in space of 30cm x 30cm 20. 3 dessert apples 3 cooking apples 21. 22. 12 raspberries (with hull) Any other fruit - 1 variety, min. of 2 pieces if large, 5 pieces if small 23. 20 THE MURPHY CUP will be awarded to the exhibitor with most points in Classes 2 - 17 inclusive THE WILLIAM PORT MEMORIAL CUP will be awarded for the best exhibit of apples THE JIM HALE TROPHY will be awarded to the competitor showing the best vegetable 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. HOME FARE N.B please cover your exhibits with cling film 5 decorated Gingerbread people My favourite vinegar preserve (Minimum 2 months old with solid vinegar-proof top) A jar of jam. Use a new lid or cellophane top with wax disc. Date of making to be shown (See page 25) A jar of fruit jelly. Use a new lid or cellophane top with wax disc. Date of making to be shown (See page 25) A jam Swiss Roll 5 Cheese scones using Sussex Charmer cheese Chocolate torte 5 White rolls Woolton Pie - War-time recipe (see page 17) HORTICULTURE 1 pot plant with foliage only 1 pot plant with flowers or fruit A vase of mixed Roses - 5 stems 3 decorative Dahlias of one or more varieties 3 Cactus or semi-Cactus Dahlias of one or more varieties 3 pompon or ball Dahlias of one or more varieties 3 single or collerette Dahlias of one or more varieties 3 Dahlias, any other type not mentioned above 1 vase of any shrub, foliage, berried or flowering of one or more varieties, not more than 5 stems. 1 vase of any other flower, excluding Dahlias, not more than 7 stems and of one or more varieties 3 Hydrangea blooms in a vase A vase of mixed Dahlias, not more than 5 stems This class is open only to members from Ellens Green and Rudgwick Parish THE PRATT BARLOW CUP will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Classes 33 - 43 THE T W FOREMAN DAHLIA CUP will be awarded to the winner of Class 44 THE BOB SUTTON PLATE will be awarded to the competitor with the best pot plant 21 45. 46. 47. FLOWER ARRANGING An exhibit - Berried Bounty (can include accessories) An exhibit - Lovely Leaves (no flowers or berries allowed) "Autumn" - a miniature exhibit 100mm W x 100mm D x 100mm H NB. In classes 45 and 46 exhibits are to be staged in a niche 700mm wide x 530mm deep x 750mm high.. Please refer to NAFAS Rules on Page 4. All exhibits may be with or without accessories. YOUNGER GENERATION SECTION Separate entry form for Junior Entries. No entry fee. All entries must be the Competitor’s own work Ages 4 - 8 inclusive 48. A loom band bracelet 49. Leaf print picture - max A4 size 50. An acorn man Ages 9 - 14 inclusive 51. A toy out of an old sock 52. 5 flapjacks 53. A salt dough monster 22 WHAT THE JUDGES ARE LOOKING FOR These notes have been taken from the RHS Horticultural show handbook. The entries below show what the judges consider “Meritorious”. Remember this is what you are aiming for. No one achieves perfection. Others will be worse than yours! Roses FLOWERS Blooms that are fresh, free from any blemish in their most perfect phase, half to three quarters open, of full size for the cultivar and of the form typical of it. Colour bright and brilliant. Well formed foliage of good size and texture, free from blemish due to pests or disease. Sweet Peas Strong spikes with well spaced blooms, each one fully open and fresh. Large flowers with erect standards, rigid wings and keel closed, free from colour running, spotting or scorching and of a bright colour with a silken sheen. Long straight stems in proportion to the size of the blooms. Effectiveness of staging (particularly when competition is close). Annuals and Perennials Good fresh condition. A good proportion (70%) of flowers fully developed and appropriately positioned on their stem(s). The foliage should be clean, healthy and undamaged by weather or pests. NB An Annual flowers, seeds and dies within twelve months, but, for show purposes, includes short lived perennials which normally are replaced each year. Perennials include all plants that live for more than two years. However, for show purposes, a “Perennial” only includes herbaceous plants. Pot Plants (flowering or fruiting) A sturdy shapely plant, well furnished with healthy unblemished foliage, displaying flowers, coloured bracts or fruits of a good size, colour and substance. Preference should be given to decorative rather than botanical value (unless the decision is close). Pots should be undamaged. General FRUIT In "Any other Fruit" classes the possible points to be awarded vary (from 8 to 18) according to the difficulty of presenting that fruit. See RHS Handbook page 49. Apples Optimum-sized (see RHS Handbook), shapely fruits with eyes and stalks intact and clear, unblemished skins of the natural colour characteristic of the cultivar. Currants Strigs with full complement of berries. Berries large, ripe and of a uniform, brilliant colour (jet black for blackcurrants). Stalks fresh. Gooseberries Large, ripe or unripe fruits as appropriate for the season, uniform and unblemished, of good colour, complete with stalks. Strawberries and Raspberries Large, ripe fruits, of good colour, free from blemishes, in good condition and having stalks. 23 General VEGETABLES In "Any other Vegetable" or "Collection" classes the possible points awarded vary (from 10 to 20) according to the difficulty of presenting that vegetable. See RHS Handbook page 73. Potatoes Medium sized of generally between 170g and 225g per tuber; shapely, clean, clear-skinned tubers; eyes few and shallow. Tomatoes, Medium Fruits (approximately 65mm in diameter) ripe but firm, and of a good shape. Richly coloured fruits with fresh calyces attached. Tomatoes, Small Size appropriate to cultivar but not exceeding 35mm in diameter. Fruits ripe but firm, well-coloured fruits, blemish free and with fresh calyces attached. Cabbages Shapely, fresh and solid hearts with the surrounding leaves perfect and bloom intact and of a good colour. Size and shape according to cultivar with approximately 75mm of stalk. Onions and Shallots Firm, thin-necked, blemish-free bulbs of good form which should be well ripened. ("defective" notes state "....broken skins or have been skinned excessively"). Carrots, long Fresh, long roots of good shape and colour. Size to exceed 300mm from the crown to a point where the root measures 5mm in diameter; Skins clean and bright. Carrots, short Fresh roots of colour and shape according to cultivar, with a decided stump root, and with tap root intact. Skin clear and bright. Lettuce Fresh, firm, tender, unbroken, blemish-free hearts of appropriate colour French Beans Straight, fresh, tender snap pod with stalks, and of even length and good colour with no outward sign of seeds. Runner Beans Long slender straight fresh pods of good colour with stalks and no outward sign of seeds. Broad Beans Long, fresh, well-filled pods with clear skins and tender seeds. Size according to cultivar. Peas Large, fresh pods of good colour with bloom intact, free from disease or pest damage and well filled with tender seeds. Rhubarb Fresh, straight, long, tender stalks with well-developed colouring with leaf blades trimmed back to approx 75mm. Beetroot, Globe Spherical, of approx 50 to 70mm in diameter with a tap root, smooth skin and flesh of a uniform 24 dark colour. Courgettes Young, tender, shapely fruits, 100-200mm in length or if round cultivars approx 75mm in diameter, of any colour but well matched. Vegetable Marrow Young tender, uniform fruits which should be less than 380mm long and free of blemish. Cucumbers Fresh, young, green, tender, blemish-free, straight fruits of uniform thickness with short handles and with flowers still adhering. Cauliflower Heads with symmetrical, close, solid, white curd, free from blemish, stain or riciness, with approx 75mm of stalk. Herbs Fresh, clean, healthy, blemish-free foliage may have seeds or flowers. JUDGES’ SCORING Obviously this varies according to the exhibit being judged, but is usually along the following lines, each aspect only being judged if that is relevant, and the points given to it varying slightly. For example: Cabbages, green Condition Out of 5 points Size & Shape Out of 4 points Colour Out of 3 points Uniformity Out of 3 points Total: 15 COOKERY COMPETITIONS General: Any entry which is still warm will not be judged! Preserves: Judges comment that preserves need a good seal. New lids must be used and put on when the preserve is hot, in order to give a good seal. Preserves should be filled to the top of the jar, chutneys should have a 1/2" space at the top. Be aware that screw top lids of honey and other jars do not provide a good seal. Make sure wax discs are correct size for jar, they are not needed under a solid lid, only when using a cellophane cover. Full date of making should be clearly marked. Trademark or business names must not appear on any part of the jar or lid. Biscuits: Should be 2" - 21/2" wide and 1/8" thick. Fluted cutter for sweet; plain for savoury. Cheese biscuits: Flavour could be enhanced with a little dry mustard powder and by bringing the grated cheese up to room temperature before using. Pies/Tarts/Flans (Adhere to suggestions below, unless stated in the relevant classes): A fruit pie only needs a pastry top and is cooked in a deep dish. A fruit tart has a pastry top and bottom and is cooked on a shallow plate. Using a metal tin ensures the base is cooked properly often not the case when a china dish is used. Gingerbread: Benefits from being made in advance and left to mature. Mince Pies: Use shortcrust pastry. Flavour is always the winner. 25 EGRGA NEW MEMBER JOINING SLIP rudgwickgarden.tripod.com/ Please complete and hand to any Committee Member or send by post to the Membership Secretary, Mr M. Thornton, The Hollies, Church Street, Rudgwick, W. Sussex RH12 3ET sonofalbert@hotmail.co.uk Name ........................................................................................................ Address .................................................................................................... …….................................................Post code.......................................... Telephone number ................................................................................... email address ........................................................................................... Membership fee is £5.00 for a single member, but only £4.00 for each member if there is more than one member in the same household. 1. 2. 3. Forename Surname Fee ............................... ..................................... £ ............................... ..................................... £ ............................... GIFT AID ..................................... £ please tick if eligible* Please consider paying by Standing Order. Our bank is Santander a/c 61693609 Sort code 09-01-55. Please make future payments annually on 1st January. Signed ........................................................................................................ Your membership entitles you to: Free admission to all shows Free refreshments at the AGM Free raffle for two Hampton Court Flower Show Tickets or £50 Garden Voucher Enter "Members only" classes at the shows Membership mailing(s) of coming events Trade prices offered at: AVS Fencing & Gardening Supplies Tel: Rudgwick 823401 Squires Garden Centre, Milford (10% discount with Membership Card) Handyman Cranleigh (5% discount with Membership Card) COVERS, landscape supplies at Brookside Rural Park 01403 824111 * UK tax payer & have paid at least 20p in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year 27 . AUTUMN AND SPRING ENTRY FORMS Please put circles round the class numbers you wish to enter, insert your name and address (in block letters), and send the form to the Show Secretary with the entry fee by the end of the Thursday before the show or email mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk with your name, address and class no’s. (a response will be sent) Payment may be made when bringing exhibits on the morning of the show. The entries themselves should be taken to the Hall between 10.30 - 11.45a.m. (25p Entry Fee for each class) AUTUMN SHOW 12th SEPTEMBER 2015 Ellens Green Memorial Hall (closing date for entries: end of Thursday 10th Sept) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 I enclose £ . entry fee Member: Yes / No / Please enroll me (£5 extra) Exhibitor’s Name: ................................................................................................................. MR / MRS / MISS Membership Number & Address: ......................................................................................... Tel: ........................................................... email: ................................................................. (Cheques to "Ellens Green & Rudgwick Gardening Assoc.") 1 20 2 I enclose £ 3 21 . SPRING SHOW 21st MARCH 2015 Rudgwick Hall, Bucks Green (closing date for entries: end of Thursday 19th March) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 entry fee Member: Yes / No / Please enroll me (£5 extra) Exhibitor’s Name: ................................................................................................................ MR / MRS / MISS Membership Number & Address: ......................................................................................... Tel: ........................................................... email: ................................................................. (Cheques to "Ellens Green & Rudgwick Gardening Assoc.") 29 . SUMMER SHOW ENTRY FORM 11th JULY 2015 Please put circles round the class numbers you wish to enter, insert your name and address (in block letters), and send the form to the Show Secretary with the entry fee or email mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk with your name, address and class no’s (a response will be sent) by the end of Thursday 9th July. If emailing, payment may be made when bringing exhibits on the morning of the show. The entries themselves should be taken to the Show Ground between 8.30 - 10.15a.m (25p Entry Fee for each class) B1 D1 D2 D13 F1 B2 D3 D4 D14 F2 J1 F3 J2 B3 D5 D15 I enclose £ . K3 D6 D16 B6 D7 D17 B7 D10 D11 D12 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 F5 F6 F7 H1 H2 H3 H4 J7 J8 J9 J4 J5 K4 entry fee K5 J6 J14 E4 J15 K6 K7 K8 B9 D9 E3 F8 B8 D8 E2 J13 K1 K2 B5 E1 F4 J3 B4 E5 F9 J16 K9 E6 F10 F11 F12 J10 J11 J12 F13 F14 J17 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Member: Yes / No / Please enroll me (£5 extra) Exhibitor’s Name: ................................................................................................................ MR / MRS / MISS Membership Number & Address: ......................................................................................... Tel: ................................................. email:................................................................... (Cheques to "Ellens Green & Rudgwick Gardening Assoc.") 31 . JUNIOR ENTRY FORMS Please put circles round the class numbers you wish to enter, insert your name and address and send the form to the Show Secretary Or email mikeveraclarke@tiscali.co.uk with your name, address and class no’s (a response will be sent) by the end of the Thursday before the Show. AUTUMN SHOW 12th SEPTEMBER 2015 (closing date for entries: end of Thursday 10th Sept) 48 49 50 51 52 53 Address Exhibitor’s Name Age ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. (entry is free) SUMMER SHOW 11th JULY 2015 (closing date for entries: end of Thursday 9th July) M1 M2 M3 N1 N2 N3 Address Exhibitor’s Name Age ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. (entry is free) SPRING SHOW 21st March 2015 (closing date for entries: end of Thursday 19th March) 38 39 40 41 42 43 Address Exhibitor’s Name Age ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. (entry is free) 33 . 35
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