F.No.M- I I 021 I 0 I 120 | 5 -T rg. Department of Rural Development Training Division Subject: Uploading of Circular for various Training programme on the website of the Ministry,Diksha Portal. The following Circular have been received from various Agencies/Organisation for seeking nominations from eligible and willing Officials to be sent by due date: SI. No. I Training Programme(s) Programme on Cooperative Govemance for the Board of Directors of Rural Financing Institutions and Cooperatives( I 5rh - I 9th June,20l 5) If approved, we may get uploaded the aforesaid Circular on the Ministry's website (rural.nic.in) and Diksha Portal for wide publicity. Yogender Kumar Section Officer(Trg) 22.05.2015 Alice Tete Under Secretary(Trg.) ,w&,, I{[ CE],]'1 FOR 1N1'IRN A1'IONAL COOPERATIO:'i i'iii ii.iixlr. T r\ AcRr(:ul BANKI\c INDIA AND F'A'O' SPONSOREO BY GOVT, OF 'URAL vMNAr,o'{auLNSE;:Y{:-"J8:B3iEil',I;#ffi i?*xHli'-'i'I' FAX: (oo91l'20'25521642 E'mall qrctali6Dvsni'nel 15-16/ Ref MDP/CCBD/VAMNico[4/20 1:rh May,2015 6o To loint secretary (Training) Ministry of Rural Development Government of Ind ia Krishi Bhavan NEW DELHI. 110 OO 1. f"l ?::l:.."-f Prograrnme on Cooperative Governance and Tt C^ooperatlves Financlng Institutions (1Srh - 1gth June' zul)j Directors of Rural Dear Sir, is We are glad to mention that: CICTAB " eoa rd :i organising:lfoglu*tt on Cooperative ."J**;;il J;:t t*1" J,"'ff :i"' ii:: ;;";;;";;; rorin ne #f corlabora-tion cooperarives ii,n'- ls,n rune, 2o1s at t,':,:"'';l] t t &'ii-Y:5rYj'J".i"i desrgn, methodology, India rhe prosramme "-".ln,]n.lu ;;"tii;;;r, are indicated proqramme the nt= foi iitiJitit'pu o"p"'is" or terms an0 and perusal contents ""ti[!"a herewith for vour ,." p-"g ce,'ailed ;i, the '""iX'l'it Cooperatrve lvlanagernent' lT-t oJ"u,-uunu.utnt-a' consideration to the sponsorinq organisalion has As will be seefl from the detarls enc;osed' ;:::l:^::ll"*:7,'#%Tl[it:"i: Dear onrv to and r'o t"""' JiI".i'i':"";;;tli ;'"o ns ;.; ""a T:, T::i::"::#'"':;i:iff ?"1;"J;;' witl'out clcrAB ix,y?tH* p'ogr.irn*" tto""t' oi tn" trarning material t" if" orovide charging anY course fees' "u'n on receiving your nominations' CICTAB would confirm the admissions of the ParticiPants. above details you that in consideraticn of the contemporary We have, therefore, to request of is \ in" p'og'u.nrns' 'hich for *'e Drogramme' and sionificance of tne tirl?e Ji io'tlo"iot partic pants relevance, you will kindlY il"l'0",- pr"-0"r"9, may please be ,n" o, o",i,".ir"lir The Darticulars " ,,, -i". -be--deouted r."'", ," I,'", :j:Tff".;:.i:,tf, " "; ".!l*;3 . betore "3otn Mav, 20 i 5 rnrn" "1 Jff1'/;trtffi;"1',',;;;; confirn'lation of admissionl Yours faithfuliy, -. Encl: As above. ffi ;;;." tii:"L"f, :':# OHmf ror. D F.avi) Consultant For Director 1 CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND TRAININC IN AGRICULTURITL BANKING FOR THE BOARD OF DiRECTORS PROGRA[,1ME ON COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE OF RURAL TINANCING INSTITUTIONS AND COOPERATIVES (15th 19:h -]uNE, 2015) - ORGANISATION: Cooperation and The programme will be organised by Centre for international with vaikunth Mehta Training in Agricultural a""ii.g-(CiirAB) in . collaboration Nationil Instiiute of Cooperative Management, Pune' OBJECTIVES: r \ (ii) To acoua'nt the participants with the good practices of Governance in Coopeiative and Rural Financlng lnstitutions and the mission of To sensitize the participants on the values' principles credit cooPeratives' participants to develop skiil on preparing strategy' (iii) To equip the me-etino and relevant decision making, ?onJuctlnq board manasement of management too,, uni"'tili;;&tt ;; the effectiie organization. PARTICIPANTS! (a) Board of D;rectors State Coo Pe rar,ve Banks, rural financing institutions of ML ltiourDose Land Coo Derative DeveroPment Banks Societies, and other (b) Executives/offlcers of Rural Financing and cooperative Institutions (c) Tra iners/Pote I nstitutions ntial tra ine rs of Agricultural and Rural Financing VENUE: VaikunthlvlehtaNationallnstituteofCooperativeManagement,SavitribaiPhule India' nune university Road, Pune - 411 007, Maharashtra' DURATION AND INTAKE CAPACITY: Programme capacity will be of organised for a period of 5 days with an intake 25 ParticiPants' 2 2 M (a (b (c (d (e HODOLOGY: Experience sha ring Audio-video inputs Field visits Case Stud ies Interface and Panel d iscussions c TENTS: Th programrre has been designed around the following themes: Experiences of CICTAB members on Rural financing' Good practices of Governance i) Values, Principles and the Mission of credit cooperatives' Management Tools for elfective decis;on making. Conduct of Board Meetings. i) Tralning Techniques. ii) Self Help Groups and loint Liability Groups for Financial inclusion of poor' CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND TRAINING lNAGRICULTURAL BANKING Sponsored by Govt' of lndia and F'A O' VAIKUNTH MEHTA NATIONAL INSTIIUTE OF COOP. MANAGEMENT COMPLEX, UN]VERSITY ROAD,PUNE 411 OO7 (iND1A) pHoNE (0091)-20-25538164, FAX (009r)'20-25s21642, E'mail - cictab@vsnl'net Recent ] NOMINATION FOSM 1. Title of the Programme I 2, Name of the Padicipant 3. Age and Date of Birth 4. Nationality 5. Passport details (enciose ph0t0 copi of the PassPort) Number Date of issue Place of lssue Date of expiry 6. Educational Qualification 7, Des ig na tio n/ P resen t Assignment B. Are you a Trainer/ Potential Trainer? (If yes, Please provide deta ils) 9. Mailinq Address ol the rticipant Pa - Address Passport size photograph to be affixed Programme on Cooperative Governance for thJ Board of Directors of Rurai Financing lnstitutions and CooPeratives 11str' - 19ti lune, 2015) l i l i
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