European Championship in Dance Sport Mistrzostwa Europy w Tańcu Sportowym Date & time Place Organizers & contact: Disciplines & categories May 16-17, 2015, competition starts at 9.00 Poland, Lowicz OSiR Sport Hall, 2 Topolowa Street, 05-091 Lowicz Polish Federation of Modern Dance Sport Ms. Joanna Praska-Kruszyńska, Mr. Bogusz Kruszyński,, mobile +48695588808 Disciplines CATEGORIES Break Solo / F Solo / M X X Small group X Dance Show Solo / F Solo / M Duo Couple Small group X Disco Dance Solo / F Solo / M Duo Couple Small group X Disco Freestyle Solo / F Solo / M X X X X Electric Solo / F Solo / M X X X X Fantasy Solo / F Solo / M Duo Couple Small group X Free Show Solo / F Solo / M Duo Couple Small group X Funky jazz Solo / F Solo / M X X X X Hip-Hop Solo / F Solo / M Duo Couple Small group Group House Solo / F Solo / M X X X X Jazz Dance Solo / F Solo / M Duo Couple Small group X Modern Dance Solo / F Solo / M Duo Couple Small group X Street Dance X X X X Small group X Revue solo duo couple small group group formation Age groups Participants: 1. 2. 3. 4. Formation Formation Formation X X Formation Formation X Formation X Formation Formation X Productions Productions X X X X X Productions X Productions Productions Formation Productions a presentation performed by a single dancer a presentation performed by two dancers of the same sex a presentation performed by a female dancer and a male dancer a presentation performed by 3 to 7 dancers a presentation performed by 8 to 12 dancers a presentation performed by 8 to 24 dancers in hip-hop only: a presentation performed by 13 to 24 dancers production a presentation performed by more than 25 dancers 6-9 years old Mini born in years: 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 10-11 years old Kids born in years:2005, 2004 12-13 years old Youths born in years:2003, 2002 14-16 lat Juniors Born in the year:2001, 2000, 1999 from 17 years and older Adults born in the year: 1998 and earlier from 30 years and older Signors born in the year: 1985 and earlier ONLY in Hip-Hop The event is open to all dancers nominated by national representatives of the World Dance Union (WDU), who will pay the entry fees. To get contact to a national representative of WDU in your country just write to Participation in the event means the unconditional acceptance of all the provisions contained in the regulations of the European Championship and the Rules of the World Dance Union. All competitors must strictly comply with organizational decisions, safety and fire protection regulations and other detailed provisions of the event. Rules: Nominations : Participation fees: Jury board Dance floor: Music Awards Others Initial schedule The competition will be held in accordance with the rules of the World Dance Union. Till April 12th, 2015 national representatives of WDU are obliged: 1) to send to WDU collected together nominations of clubs from their countries, 2) to make a payment of nomination fees for participation of their dancers in the Championship. The organizer reserves the right to close starting lists before the deadline due to the large number of nominations. 1. Dancers from the country where an international dance competition takes place pay participation fees according to the regulations of the federation organizing the event. 2. Dancers from other countries than organizing the event, pay one fee of 10 EUR for participation in all disciplines and categories. 3. The participant has the right to withdraw from the event at any stage. In this case, as well as in the event of non-qualification to further rounds the participation fee is non-refundable. The competition will be judged by an international board of judges appointed by the WDU. Proper conduct of the event will be overseen by the Supervisor Judge. Minimum 10x10 m covered with plastic ballet carpet 1. Own music pieces must be of very good quality and cut to the duration specified in disciplines detailed descriptions. 2. Own music must be sent by e-mail to no later than May 2nd, 2015. Files should be only in the following formats: mp3, wav, ogg. Files should have names according to the following pattern: starting number (3 digits) – last name and first name / title of the presentation – dance category – age group – sex (to which category applies) – club name – country.format for instance: 012-Smith John-disco dance-youth-male-Jaszczur-Poland.mp3 3. Music speed and time duration for each dance discipline are provided in the detailed rules of dance disciplines. 4. Music speed is determined by the organizer's software. This software for measuring bpm can be sent on request to any interested club. Requests for the software should be sent to 5. During the event each club should have all music pieces with it on an external storage medium (ie. pen drive, portable hard disc etc). Phones and smartphones are not accepted external storage medium. Medals in solos, duos and couples and cups for small groups, groups and formations for the first, second, and third place. Diplomas for all finalists in each category. 1. The organizer provides access to dancer's dressing room (accreditation) for coaches or club representatives in the ratio of 1 accreditation for 10 dancers nominated for the competition by a given club under the condition that the names of club representatives are sent with nominations. 2. Admission is free for the audience 3. At the venue a buffet with hot meals will be available during the event. 4. The organizer is not responsible for any things lost or left in the dressing rooms. 5. An application for participation in the competition and acceptance of its rules means an agreement for taking pictures and video recording of all presentations or other registration of the competition conduct and for future usage of recorded material in any media (television, newspapers, internet,, etc.) by organizers as well as the use of personal data in the documentation of the competition. Dancers and authors of choreographies agree to use all the recorded data on the above mentioned different fields of exploration. Such exploitation does not require a separate acceptance or agreement with dancers and choreographers. 6. Advertising (in any form) requires prior written approval of the organizer. 7. Video recording and taking photos during the competition is free of charge and does not require any separate accreditation. 8. The organizer does not intermediate in booking of accommodation. Information on accommodation possibilities in Lowicz will be delivered on request sent to Detailed schedule will be sent to all clubs after collection of all nominations.
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