STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN This Business Plan contains confidential and proprietary information belonging exclusively to HHK Entertainment, LLC. Reading this document indicates an agreement to keep it confidential and return or destroy it upon request. This is not an offer to sell securities of any kind. This Business Plan may not be copied or distributed without the written permission of: HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC 402 E. Gutierrez, Santa Barbara, CA. 93101 Contact: Jim Green, Managing Member 805-637-1966 (cell) 805-964-9084 (office) "If you have a passion for promoting fun and fitness in children and teens, the time may be right to break into the burgeoning youth market. From Dallas to Montreal, from Chicago to Los Angeles, youth-based personal training and group classes are hot. The burst in popularity may be due to growing concern about the epidemic of childhood inactivity and obesity…or other motivations…” --- IDEA website (International Dance and Exercise Association) HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Hip Hop Kidz Mission Statement To provide quality entertainment and fun fitness to kids worldwide, through a multi-media experience of positive hip hop music and dance. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Hip Hop Kidz Concept: In a cultural atmosphere that boasts the everlasting popularity of hip hop, acknowledges the national need for effective children‘s fitness programs to combat childhood obesity, and supports the huge success of dance and music based mega-brands like High School Musical, HHK Entertainment has developed a children‘s lifestyle brand that can best be described as ―Zumba Fitness meets Kidz Bop meets High School Musical”. Zumba Fitness is a popular Salsa Aerobics program sweeping the globe. Since 2003, Zumba has trained 20,000 instructors around the world and sold more than 3 million DVDs via the Internet and Infomercials. Kidz Bop is the most recognized music product in the U.S. for kids aged 5-12, selling 11 Million CDs in eight years with cleaned up, kid-sung version of hit songs. And we‘ve all heard of Disney‘s “High School Musical,” for which consumer products alone generated $650 million in 2008. In Hip Hop Kidz, children can either be passive consumers of Hip Hop Kidz entertainment products or active participants in local dance classes and performance troupes offered by Licensed Instructors—or both. Each feeds the other. These kids can even become professional performers through web-based contests for inclusion in Hip Hop Kidz recording sessions, DVD shoots and national touring groups. All of the arms and legs of the Hip Hop Kidz brand are centralized in an interactive subscription website, and the marketing message: ―Any Kid Can Be a Hip Hop Kid.‖ Company Overview: Considered the originator of hip hop for kids over 18 years ago, aerobics champion and Hip Hop Kidz™ Dance Program founder, Suzy Stone formed HHK Entertainment in 2002 with independent film makers, Jim Green and Mark Bacino to exploit the marketing potential of Stone‘s program. Credited with producing over 45 independent films, Green and Bacino pioneered brand-building for the young Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, developing the platform for their billion dollar brand over a ten year period. Revenue on the Olsens‘ Warner Home Video movies produced by Green and Bacino exceeds $30M to date. For the past several years, HHK Entertainment has created the building blocks for the Hip Hop Kidz™ brand including age-appropriate music, a moviestyle DVD and a book series (distributed by Penguin Young Readers Group). Along the way, strategic alliances were formed with entities such as Warner Brothers Consumer Products and Genius Products. While benefiting from the development each of these alliances afforded, HHK Entertainment remains the sole owner of all rights. In 2004, the HHK dance program achieved scalability when it non-exclusively licensed Hip Hop Kidz classes to Club Med Family Resorts. To serve the demand, an instructor training center was organized at the Club Med Sandpiper Village near Miami, and after five years, Hip Hop Kidz remains a favorite activity. Products and Services: 1. Instructor Training and Licensing Program: Hip Hop Kidz™ will offer an affordable Training and Licensing program. Hip Hop Kidz™ has partnered with the International Dance & Exercise Association (IDEA) to target fitness professionals eager to earn Continuing Education Credits and augment their incomes with fitness specialties. Licensed Instructors will drive their students to the Hip Hop Kidz website and receive a percentage of the 2 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN revenues generated from their students when they spend money on class uniforms, media products, or subscriptions to the ―members only‖ section of the website. In this way, the Hip Hop Kidz Instructor Training and Licensing Program not only generates revenue in and of itself (through annual fees and web support upsells), but also creates grassroots support for the brand as it sends enrolled students to the website for class uniforms, social networking and interactive games. 2. Subscription Website: Similar in appeal to ―Club Penguin‖ or ―Webkins,‖ the Hip Hop Kidz™ web site will be 25% free and 75% fee-based. It will contain interactive games, streaming entertainment and instruction as well as social networking. Kids will be able to communicate with other Hip Hop Kidz across the country and enter contests including auditions for Hip Hop Kidz recordings, DVDs and tours. They will be able to search for Licensed Instructors in their hometown and purchase media products and apparel from the website store. 3. Media & Consumer Products: A Featurestyle DVD, original kid-friendly music and books are among the media products offered by HHK Entertainment. Instructional DVDs are immediately planned for production. Business Growth: First year initiatives will focus on three main areas: 1. Launch of the Instructor Training & Licensing Program nation-wide, 2. launch of the subscription web site, and 3. production of the first set of instructional DVDs. In the second and third year, the company will undertake a direct market campaign and continue to produce music, feature-style and instructional DVDs, and keep the website fresh with new content. Future growth will include a clothing and athletic shoe line as well as national dance workshops and touring companies. The company expects additional merchandising opportunities through domestic and international consumer products licensing for school supplies, toys, etc. Further exploitation of the brand would result in a video game, a recording group, a reality or fictional television series and a feature franchise. Competition, Competitive Strategy and Competitive Advantages: While numerous programs exist in the $121 Billion after school market, none contain an inclusive entertainment component or positive hip hop for kids. In addition, no Instructor Training & Licensing program exists for kid or adult hip hop. With respect to our media products, our competitors include Disney, Nickelodeon and Razor & Tie (Kidz Bop). While these powerful companies may be construed as competitors, they also help Hip Hop Kidz by setting up the marketplace for our products to be promoted. These megacompanies are also likely acquirers of Hip Hop Kidz, providing a lucrative exit strategy for investors. (―Club Penguin‖ just sold to Disney for $700 million). Investment Opportunity: We are offering equity in the company, the level depending upon amount and terms of investment. We are seeking an investment of $1.5 million to start, with an option for an additional $1.5 million-- if needed-- for the second year. With values of comparable children's brands, we anticipate ROI to well exceed 20X investment, with a break-even anticipated by the 4th quarter of the second year. 3 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Financial Projection Summary Pro forma HHK Years 1 thru 5 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 Revenue $40,000,000 PROFIT $20,000,000 $Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $(20,000,000) The above projections are based on the assumption that $1.5 million in private equity financing is obtained in the next 6 months to fund our first year initiatives. 4 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN COMPANY OVERVIEW The Players HHK Entertainment, LLC was founded in order to turn the tried-and-true Hip Hop Kidz™ Dance Program into a children‘s mega- brand via the international licensing of its proprietary instruction and the creation and distribution of branded entertainment products. HHK Entertainment, L.L.C. is the result of Hip Hop Kidz Inc. founder, Suzy Stone, joining forces with veteran television producers, Jim Green and Mark Bacino, and marketing veteran, Harold Weitzberg. Green and Bacino bring a successful entertainment production history to the Hip Hop Kidz concept, including Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen films and videos as well as other award-winning achievements in television. Weitzberg has helped brand several superstars including the Olsens, Veggietales and Goosebumps. With respect to other burgeoning children‘s consumer businesses, the company‘s brand value is unprecedented. Several multimedia products have already been created including a 60minute feature-style DVD, four fictionalized books distributed by Grosset and Dunlap, the Hip Hop Kidz™ CD, written and produced by top Hip Hop industry players; and a selection of fashionable logo-carrying dance apparel. The company is using these tools to create a self-feeding system whereby the products generate demand for more products. Other marketing successes include relationships with Club Med Family Resorts as well as preliminary relationships with cruise-lines, both of which offer a large number of customers who are valuable sources of word-of-mouth promotion and expanded brand-awareness. More About Hip Hop Kidz, Inc The Hip Hop Kidz™ Dance Program was founded by fitness expert and national aerobics champion, Suzy Stone, and has grown to more than 20 active sites in Florida, providing quality after-school dance instruction and professional training to thousands of boys and girls, ages 5 and up. Hip Hop Kidz students enjoy expressing themselves as they learn the importance of teamwork, increase their self-esteem, improve their fitness level, and learn the dance moves they see on their favorite TV shows, music videos and movies. The Hip Hop Kidz™ core business has been successful for over 18 years, offering a well-tuned set of best business practices that can now be used to replicate the business nationally through instructional DVDs, and a large-scale Instructor Training and Licensing Program. Hip Hop Kidz™ Performance Troupes have grown out of the Florida program, and have accomplished much over the years including performing in several Macy‘s Day Parades, NFL and NBA half-time shows, winning Gold Medals in the World Hip Hop Championships, appearing on the Tony Danza show and in numerous music videos and commercials. While based primarily in Florida, Hip Hop Kidz has national recognition, thanks to the tireless efforts of Stone and her long-time staff members, Lee Pugliese (Office Manager and Instructor) and Jenn D‘Angelo (Entertainment Coordinator and Instructor) and, of course, the long-standing popularity of hip hop dance. The Concept… and our Competitive Advantage “Zumba Fitness meets Kidz Bop” with the potential for High School Musical The Hip Hop Kidz™ Brand concept is like no other, combining diverse elements never before combined together: children‘s fitness, entertainment, and consumer products under the banner of music they love, cleaned up for their safe consumption. Think: ―Zumba Fitness meets Kidz Bop” with the potential for High School Musical.” The Zumba model is one of International Instructor 5 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Training, instructional DVD‘s and accompanying clothing line. The highly successful Kidz Bop model is cleaned-up versions of Top 40 hits, sung by regular kids, sold on CD and DVDs in volumes released several times a year, with offshoots including an interactive website, and touring companies. The High School Musical model is one of a mega-brand, with one television movie (focused on music and dance) spawning sequels, and countless merchandising and tie-in opportunities. Hip Hop Kidz borrows from all of these brands to create its unique concept. There is no other brand in the children‘s market that does this. No other brand for hip hop (or dance in general) for children. And no other entertainment brand that is so participatory. The time is ripe. Dance, particularly hip hop dance, is enormously popular, as evidenced by the many television shows and movies dedicated to it (So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, America’s Best Dance Crew, Step Up, You Got Served, High School Musical). Children love to dance and want to learn the moves they are seeing on their favorite TV shows, movies and videos. At the same time, parents want their children to participate in positive after school activities in which they can exercise their bodies, make new friends, learn about teamwork and gain self-esteem. What is unique to the Hip Hop Kidz™ dance program is that it appeals not just to the young serious dancer (who tends to be female and have a particular body type), but also to ―regular‖ kids, both boys and girls, of all shapes and sizes and athletic ability. Also unique to the program is its aspirational quality in which any kid, if they work hard enough, can move their way up in the class levels, and eventually become performers themselves, potentially appearing in Hip Hop Kidz™ DVDs, tours, recordings, etc. The classes promote interest in the Hip Hop Kidz™subscription website and consumer and entertainment products, and the various entertainment products promote interest in the dance classes and consumer products. As Hip Hop Kidz™ continues to expand its brand awareness it is building brand equity across a wide range of platforms and media. Interest in Hip Hop dance spans socio-economic strata more than any other dance forms. The market for hip hop dance is enormous. No other hip hop dance programs have made nearly the impact Hip Hop Kidz™ has. Although competing hip hop dance studios will open as we expand and replicate our success in other markets, Hip Hop Kidz™ has 18 years of best business practices experience – something no other program emulates. This experience has created an extremely high level of quality and operational efficiency that would be practically impossible to copy as an outsider. We have, to date, invested significant resources to develop a replicable curricula program and proprietary instructional system that has proven to work in more than 20 locations. When you add to that the media initiatives (Movie DVD, CD‘s, Books and subscription web site) , the Hip Hop Kidz™ dance program becomes unlike any other dance class in the country and one that many dance instructors will want to be part of. The time is now to release this concept on a much larger scale. Business Growth: First Year Initiatives First year initiatives will focus on three main areas: Launch of the Instructor Training & Licensing Program nation-wide, launch of the subscription web site, and production of the first set of instructional DVDs (to round out the media products immediately available for sale). In the second and third year, the company will ramp up its marketing efforts with a direct market campaign and continue to produce original music, feature-style and instructional DVDs, and keep the website fresh with new content. 6 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Future Growth Interest in our products and services will grow as our dance classes spread across the country via multiple graduates of our Instructor Licensing Program. We will continue to expand this program, as well as develop and produce additional instructional DVDs, original music, books, and movie-style DVDs. Further, we plan to launch a clothing and athletic shoe line, as well as national dance workshops and professionally developed touring companies. We also expect additional merchandising opportunities through domestic and international consumer products licensing for school supplies, toys, house wares, etc. Further exploitation of the brand would result in a video game, a recording group, a reality television show (à la The Real World and So You Think You Can Dance) and a fictional television series based on the Hip Hop Kidz Penguin Book Series. Management HHK Entertainment has the following organizational structure: 7 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Management Bios Harold Weitzberg, COO – Mr. Weitzberg formed Weitzberg Consulting, Inc. in 1994 to advise in the development, branding, marketing, licensing, production and distribution of entertainment, educational and consumer products and brands worldwide. In addition to working with HHK Entertainment, Mr. Weitzberg spent 8 years developing the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Brand. He has consulted for the Katrina Barillova Fitness Program, Candace Cameron‘s KREW Program, BOZ Licensing Program and Vergence Media Development, as well as Big Idea Productions (VeggieTales), Parachute Publishing (R.L. Stine Goosebumps), Blackboard Entertainment/Magic Johnson Entertainment, Interactive Learning Group, JNCO Entertainment, Little Hardhats, Rick Dees Enterprises and other children and Entertainment properties. Earlier brands developed include The Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons Workout Series. Mr. Weitzberg has held executive positions with Karl Lorimar Home Video, Child‘s Play Video, Wood Knapp Video and Dualstar Entertainment. He has been a national board member of the Coalition of Quality Children‘s Media ( for the past 8 years. Mr. Weitzberg has a Master‘s Degree in Education from Hofstra University and has completed Post Graduate Doctoral course work in Educational Administration at New York University. Jim Green, Executive Producer and Partner of HHK Entertainment, LLC – A pioneer of ABC's Movieof-the-Week, Green formed his own Independent film company in 1978. He has produced over 50 films including such highly rated mini-series as the Emmy winning ―Steven King‘s IT,‖ and Vincent Bugliosi‘s ―And the Sea Will Tell.‖ Green earned a Christopher Award for ―A Shining Season,‖ and a Best Picture Cable Ace Award for the HBO film, ―Doublecrossed,‖ starring Dennis Hopper. Other outstanding movie highlights include the Emmy-nominated ―Fallen Angel,‖ ―One Special Night‖ starring Julie Andrews and James Garner, and several movies and music videos starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen sold via Warner Home Video. He continues to produce network movies, independent films, and cable movies with his production company partner, Mark Bacino. Mr. Green and Mr. Bacino formed HHK Entertainment LLC with Suzy Stone, national director of Hip Hop Kidz Inc. in 2004. Green is a graduate of Cal State University, Northridge. Mark Bacino, Executive Producer and Partner of HHK Entertainment, LLC – Mr. Bacino began his career working on such shows as “The Price is Right”, “The Facts of Life”, “Different Strokes” and “One Day at a Time”. After serving as production assistant to Dabney Coleman on his critically acclaimed television series “Buffalo Bill,” Bacino began associate producing television movies, and joined Green/Epstein Productions in 1987. He became partner of the company in 1999 when Green/Epstein/Bacino Productions was formed. Among his Executive Producer credits are ―One Special Night,‖ "Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story," and several highly rated and acclaimed movies and music videos starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. It was Bacino's 10-year association with the Olsen Twins Brand that led Hip Hop Kidz™ founder, Suzy Stone to contact him to develop her regional dance program into a nationally recognized children‘s lifestyle brand. In 2004, Bacino, Green and Stone formed HHK Entertainment, LLC for this purpose. Mr. Bacino graduated from California State University Northridge with a Bachelor‘s degree in Business Administration. Suzy Stone, Vice President of Operations and Partner of HHK Entertainment, LLC. Ms. Stone has been a leader in the fitness industry for many years, having been a gold medalist in the U.S. National Aerobic Championship and a renowned aerobics instructor nationwide. Her credentials include certifications with both the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). As a continuing education provider for the International Dance and Exercise Association (IDEA), Stone has traveled to more than 20 countries training thousands of fitness professionals. Stone founded Hip Hop Kidz, Inc. 18 years ago, and is credited as being the originator of hip hop for children. Stone earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education in 1982 from the University of Miami, and a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Michigan. 8 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Lee Pugliese, HHK Trained Instructor and Office Manager Mrs. Pugliese graduated from Florida International University with a B.A. in Arts and Dance Education. She has been dancing and teaching in South Florida for over 17 years. Besides being a Hip Hop Kidz instructor, Pugliese has been the Hip Hop Kidz Office Manager for twelve years. Her responsibilities include handling all parent inquiries, book keeping, organizing all registrations and student accounts, and managing all HHK staff and instructors. In addition, she handles the ordering and distributing of the company‘s merchandise and equipment, and assists with brand marketing. Jenn D’Angelo HHK Trained Instructor and Performance Troupe Coordinator Ms. D‘Angelo has been the Hip Hop Kidz Entertainment Coordinator and performance troupe instructor for over a decade, responsible for booking and coordinating Hip Hop Kidz performance troupes and training our first licensees, Club Med. Jamie Green, Producer and HHK Trained Instructor – Ms. Green graduated from Stanford University with a B.A. in Political Science, returning to her native Los Angeles to continue her professional career as a dancer and singer which she began as a child. She taught Middle School for five years, co-founded a musical theater conservatory for teens, and choreographed and wrote songs for many of the Billboard chart-topping videos for the young Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. She worked in TV movie development and production for seven years before landing at HHK Entertainment. She A&R'd the Hip Hop Kidz debut CD, was an associate producer on the DVD, and has managed and taught the Hip Hop Kidz program in Southern California. In her spare time, Jamie is an award-winning songwriter and independent recording artist. Jack Kimball, Producer – Mr. Kimball has been a production coordinator and executive assistant on 17 television movies, features and music videos. He is also a free lance director-editor and an accomplished stage performer. He directed, edited and produced the behind-the-scenes footage of “Hip Hop Kidz: It's a Beautiful Thing” and does all in-house editing for Hip Hop Kidz™. In addition, he recently won a Scion Directing Award. 9 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Existing Products Feature-Style DVD The first DVD in the Hip Hop Kidz Feature-Style DVD series, ―Hip-Hop Kidz: It's a Beautiful Thing‖, tells a fictional story that takes viewers into the world of the real-life Hip Hop Kidz dance troupe. Starring real-life Hip Hop Kidz, the 60minute feature dramatizes the Kidz‘ efforts to pull together as a team to create a music video for a competition that could land them a record deal. Allison, whose father disapproves of anything having to do with hip hop, is torn between loyalty to her friends and the approval of her father. Without her, the video can‘t get made, and her friends may miss their big break. Does she dare defy her father, or can they find another solution? The kids learn the importance of friendship, loyalty, being themselves and working hard towards their goals. The DVD is packaged with a bonus music CD, ―Hip Hop Kidz Are in the Building!,‖ featuring original music performed by the Hip Hop Kidz recording group, ―H2KZ.‖ It also contains bonus features including dance instruction, behind-thescenes, and acting tips from a renowned acting coach. The DVD was directed by Donn J Viola, who has directed music videos for top recording artists, including legendary hip hop artist, Eminem. It received an iParenting Media Award for ―Greatest Products‖‖ in the Home Video category along with the “Chronicles of Narnia,” “High School Musical‖ and the Wiggles. Books HHK Entertainment, LLC has a licensing deal with Grosset and Dunlap‗s Penguin Young Readers Chapter Books for four books. These well-written, well researched books tell compelling, humorous and touching fictionalized stories of reallife Hip Hop Kidz in Miami. This series of books by a well established first class publisher of children‘s literature is an invaluable tool to creating a television series and/or kid‘s feature film. As a key strategy, HHK Entertainment intends to exploit the book series to the appropriate media hungry for timely new product, as soon as the national publicity campaign is underway. Music Hip Hop Kidz™ music provides a safe alternative for the growing number of kids who love hip hop. Hip Hop Kidz™ music contains the cutting edge beats, musical hooks and clever lyrical phrases of chart-topping hip hop tracks, but the lyrics are clean, and the message age-appropriate. Recorded by real-life Hip Hop Kidz, the first CD in the series, ―Hip Hop Kidz are in the Building!‖ was executive produced by TUFF, who has worked with Dr. Dre, Usher, Brandy and Jamie Foxx to name a few. It is an enhanced EP with video clips, interviews, photos, and lyrics. The music has been and will be used as a soundtrack to the DVD‘s, website, Direct Market commercials and live performances. HHK Entertainment owns the copyright and publishing to the music, and intends to shop it to major record labels and music publishing companies as soon a national publicity campaign in underway. 10 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Products Planned Instructional DVDs HHK Entertainment, LLC. immediately seeks to produce 3 Instructional DVDs based on the proprietary teaching method of Hip Hop Kidz. The productions will be an on-going initiative to serve the demands of a continuity program offered through the direct market, subscription web site and retail process. More Music – The Next “Kidz Bop” Hip Hop Kidz™ seeks to become the Hip Hop version of ―Kidz Bop,‖ producing Hip Hop music by and for kids in volumes released every year. Hip Hop Kidz original music, and Hip Hop Kidz cleanedup covers of hit songs will be available on CD, as digital downloads and ringtones, and also serve as the soundtrack for the instructional and feature-style DVD‘s, and for Hip Hop Kidz dance classes. More Feature-Style DVDs HHK Entertainment LLC plans to utilize its partnership with Club Med Vacation Resorts to release a series of mini action-adventure movies which take place in various exotic locations where the fictional Hip Hop Kidz performance troupe tours, and when not on stage, solves mysteries presented to them on the road. Merchandise HHK Entertainment, LLC will implement a comprehensive consumer licensing program based on the lifestyle of Hip Hop Kidz™. This licensing program will include the development of fashion, accessories, footwear, school supplies, toys, house wares and other consumer products. Initial clothing concepts have already been developed and presented to various clothing licensees. We are also planning to implement promotional partnerships with major consumer brands in order to increase brand awareness. Initial discussions have taken place with major cereal manufacturers and other product categories. Existing Services Dance Program The Florida-based Hip Hop Kidz™ Dance Program is a comprehensive children‘s dance and fitness company. Throughout the program, kids learn teamwork as they practice and prepare for group dance recitals. In addition to learning social skills and improving their fitness level, kids build self esteem all while having fun. Hip Hop Kidz is a strong antidote to negative images and unhealthy activities. With respect to curricula, Hip Hop Kidz choreographs and teaches dance routines that help make children of all abilities feel like superstars. A range of classes allow kids to progress through more challenging routines as they grow. This 18-years successful program will be the basis for the Hip Hop Kidz Instructor Training and Licensing Program. Performance Troupes Students in the Hip Hop Kidz™ dance program work their way up through various levels to become performers at local community events, or even participate in national and international events and television appearances. The ―best of the best‖ are chosen to record Hip Hop Kidz music, or appear in 11 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Hip Hop Kidz™ DVDs. This aspirational aspect of the Hip Hop Kidz™ brand encourages brand enthusiasm and loyalty. Hip Hop Kidz performance troupes have accomplished much over the years including: Opening concerts for Destiny‘s Child, 98 Degrees, and Jessica Simpson. Performing with the Backstreet Boys in the Macy‘s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Appearing in fashion shows for Macy‘s and Tommy Hilfiger. Performing half-time shows for numerous NBA games and NFL Super Bowls. Appearing in music videos for Lil Romeo, Lenny Kravitz and Ricky Martin. Winning gold medals in the World Hip Hop Championships. Appearing on MTV‘s TRL and BET‘s Hits from the Street. Appearing in commercials for K-Mart, Burdines, Barbie, and many more. Touring Singapore, and Club Meds in the Caribbean. Performing on the Tony Danza Show. The 18 years successful performance troupes in Florida will be the basis for an additional Training and Licensing Program for Hip Hop Kidz Licensed Instructors who wish to take their students to the next level. Services Planned Subscription Web site Immediately, HHK Entertainment will launch a cutting edge, highly interactive web site along the lines of Miley‘s World, Princess Academy, and Webkins. The web site will contain games, streaming and downloadable entertainment and instruction (e.g. ―Dance Move of the Day‖) and social networking. Members will be able to communicate with other Hip Hop Kidz across the country, upload photos, videos & original songs, and enter contests including auditions for Hip Hop Kidz recordings, dvds and tours. 25% of the site will be free, while 75% will be for members only. Kids who enroll in a local Hip Hop Kidz dance program will receive one month membership free, along with their class uniform – a Hip Hop Kidz t-shirt. Instructor Training and Licensing Program / Partnership with IDEA Hip Hop Kidz will offer affordable (under $300) training and licensing seminars to individuals interested in teaching Hip Hop to children, much like the training offered by Zumba Fitness, a popular Salsa Aerobics program for adults sweeping the globe. (Since 2003, Zumba has trained 20,000 instructors around the world and sold more than 3 million DVDs on the Internet and through infomercials). Licensed Instructors will be required to renew their license each year, maintaining proper training. They will have the option of joining our Instructor Network which will be a monthly fee-based online support system providing music and choreography on the one had, and web tools to run their business on the other. In addition, licensed instructors will receive a percentage of sales generated by their students through the website. Once trained, instructors will be well-prepared for self-employment, able to set their own schedule, their own tuitions, and keep the revenue for themselves. In addition, they will become enthusiastic foot soldiers in a nationwide grassroots marketing campaign, sending millions of children to the subscription website. A Hip Hop Kidz™ Trained Instructor has the potential to earn $19,620 - $26, 340 per year working part-time, $36,150 -- $88,020 per year working full-time and up to $104,550 per year for a very popular instructor willing to work overtime. Given the low start-ups costs ($2,200) and very low 12 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN training fee (under $300) and Instructor Network fee ($45 per month for a 6 month minimum), this is an amazing opportunity for any entrepreneurial person who loves dance and loves kids. During the past 12 months, 2.2 million Americans have lost their jobs. The majority of those people will either start their own business or go to work for a microenterprise. According to Women‘s Economic Ventures, many of these new entrepreneurs are under 30‘s and two-to-one they are female – our target market for Hip Hop Kidz Instructors. The time is ripe for our Training Program According to the U.S Bureau of Labor an increasing number of people are spending time and money on fitness due to the reduction of physical education programs in schools and parents‘ growing concern about childhood obesity. In addition, the growing popularity of dance for recreational and fitness purposes has resulted in increased opportunities to teach dance, especially for older dancers who may be transitioning to another field. We believe that our training program will appeal to a great many people, including aspiring and retiring dancers and choreographers, former cheerleaders, aerobics and fitness instructors, street dancers, existing dance schools, athletic clubs and elementary school teachers. With a Hip Hop Kidz ™ Instructor License, one can create employment for oneself that suits one‘s income and scheduling needs. The work is flexible, can be part-time or full-time, has a built-in exercise component and is fun. We believe this makes it attractive to potential licensees, especially in the current economy which requires that people be entrepreneurial, or juggle more than one job. Applicants will recognize the great benefit they will receive from Hip Hop Kidz™ brand awareness. In turn, licensed instructors will increase awareness of the brand (through advertising and teaching local classes and promoting the website), and revenues for the brand (through their training and licensing fees). Tours & Workshops The ―best of the best‖ Hip Hop Kidz™ chosen from existing classes, and from contests on the website, will form national touring troupes of dancers and singers/rappers to be opening acts for major hip hop and pop artists and other touring shows and/or headliners in their own right. National fee-based dance workshops will be held to bring Hip Hop Kidz™ to cities that don‘t yet have licensed instructors, or to bring together the kids in regions that do with special guest choreographers. Facts and Quotes from the U.S. Small Business Administration “The credit crunch has sparked entrepreneurship, but more importantly, entrepreneurship is sparking economic expansion,” said Dane Fox, vice president of business development at Small businesses are now responsible for more than 97 percent of new jobs, according to a recent report by the Small Business Administration.” ”The states with the highest percentage of respondents indicating they were seriously considering starting a business, or are already working on starting a business, were: California, New York, Texas, Florida, Arizona, Minnesota, New Jersey, Washington, Georgia, Maine.” The top industries in which respondents indicated that they were likely to start a business were: 1. Internet/Web/IT/Technology 2. Advertising/Marketing 3. Retail 4.Arts/Entertainment/Media 5. Consulting 13 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN MARKETING Market Overview HHK Entertainment is focused on the kids consumer market (ages 5 -12 and beyond) through a variety of revenue streams. These markets include direct response, retail, Internet, business-tobusiness (i.e. licensing), broadcasting and live tours. HHK Entertainment LLC participates and plans to participate in these markets through product sales (DVDs, CDs, downloads, books, clothing and apparel), licensing (merchandise, video games, television shows); and services (subscription web site, performance tours and dance workshops). In addition, we are focused on the after-school markets and fitness and dance industry for our Instructor Training Program. Market Size The size of these consumer markets are listed below and illustrated in Figures 1 through 6 below. After-School Market The Hip Hop Kidz Dance Program is part of the $121 billion US after-school programs market, which is expected to grow at compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4% to $147 Billion by 2011. DVD Market The DVD sales market is estimated at $59 billion worldwide and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.6% to $91 Billion by 2011. Music Market The $35 billion global and $12 Billion US music markets are expected to be stagnant for the rest of the decade; however, the $4.9 billion world ringtone and $2.0 billion music download markets are expected to grow at a rapid CAGR of 18.2% and 43.4% each to $11.3 billion and $12.1 billion respectively by 2011. Video Game Market The $7.4 billion US video games market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% to $9.1 billion by 2011. International Licensing The $185 billion world licensed retail market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.2% to approximately $207 billion by 2011; the $6 billion corresponding license fees, however, are expected to continue growing at a lower rate, at a CAGR of $1.5%, to $6.5 billion by 2011. Overall product licensing revenue in the children‘s business also can deliver enormous results. According to License! Magazines (4/1/2003 and 4/1/2006), of the top 91 Licensors in 2002, 16 were exclusive Children‘s products licensors, of which four were single product licensors. 14 additional top licensors had children‘s products and brands as part of their overall licensing strategy. These licenses include: Nickelodeon at $2.6B in 2002, $5.2B in 2005 Hit Entertainment at $2.2B, $2.25B in 2005 Disney at $14.0B in 2002, and $21B in 2005 14 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen at $1B in 2002 4Kids Entertainment, Marvel, Mattel, and United Media each between $2.0B and $5B in 2005 Pokemon at $1.1B in 2002, $1.3B in 2005 Non-TV brands such as Little Suzy‘s Zoo at $240M and Mary Engelbreit at $107M in 2002 Book Retail Market The $25.9 billion US retail book sales market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 1.8% to $28.3 billion by 2011; The $5.4 billion US juvenile book sales market is expected to grow faster, at a CAGR of 11.8% to $9.4 billion by 2011, with hardbound books making up 84% of the juvenile market in 2006 and 90% in 2011. Television Market According to the Newspaper Association of America, the total US television revenues for 2003 were approximately $42 billion. Instructor Training and Licensing Market Zumba has trained 20,000 instructors around the world and sold more than 3 million DVDs on the Internet and through infomercials. In addition, fitness industry professional organizations such as IDEA (International Dance and Fitness Association), draw on as many as 23,000 members each, seeking ways to earn Continuing Education Credits to expand their skill set and employment opportunities. Retired dancers, or graduated cheerleaders are a large and untapped source of potential Hip Hop Kidz trained instructors as well, as are existing dance schools, athletic clubs and elementary school teachers looking to supplement their income with teaching afterschool activities. 15 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 16 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 17 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 18 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Competitive Strategy Our competitive strategy is based on a combination of attributes already discussed at some level in this plan, but here we revisit them. Quality Cross-Promotional Products and Services Based on a highly successful hip hop dance program for kids, HHK Entertainment LLC has created quality music and entertainment that has not been widely accessible for young people -- until now. All of the product extensions of the brand are well-written, well-produced, visually compelling, and authentic, as they are based on real-life kids who love hip hop. With its motto, ―No Drugs, No Violence….Just Dance!‖, Hip Hop Kidz is a creative alternative to the negative images of mainstream hip hop culture, harnessing the culture‘s phattest beats and raw expression to enable kids to tap into their own expression and potential. Hip Hop Kidz uses hip hop to express positive feelings of self-confidence, self-respect, and good health. We make fitness fun. And our music makes it safe, without robbing it of its raw energy, which kids love. Hip Hop Kidz DVDs and books provide compelling stories in which the characters learn the importance of hard work and teamwork, learn from their mistakes, express themselves and follow their bliss: hip hop dancing. Parents and kids alike can feel good about the message, the image and the sound that is Hip Hop Kidz, and the quality that defines the Hip Hop Kidz brand. Our Instructor Training and Licensing Program is a unique strategy whereby Hip Hop Kidz instructors serve not only as revenue generators (through the fees they pay), but as powerful tools for marketing and distribution of the brand through their efforts to enroll students in their classes, send them to the subscription website and purchase media products and merchandise. They help build participation in the brand through the grassroots. Multiple Revenue Streams Our strategy is to obtain sales through a variety of revenue streams: Instructor Training Fees & upsells Internet Sales & Website Membership Fees Direct Response sales of existing products and instructional DVDs Retail Sales Music Licensing & Publishing Merchandise Licensing International Licensing Television Licensing Tour and Workshop Fees Market Positioning Our kid target market (ages 5-12) is a viable niche which is sizable and growing, and combines entertainment, fitness, after-school programming and merchandising. The hip hop market is over 25 years old and continues to evolve and expand. Many of the parents of kids this age grew up on Hip Hop. Hip Hop Kidz is built on the popularity of this music and the acknowledged desire to make it accessible and safe for children of all ages and backgrounds. Most important is that our brand participation is renewable. As children grow, expand their experience and graduate from the 19 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN dance program, new participants enroll. We believe that the Hip Hop Kidz concept, products, brand positioning, licensing and performance opportunities make us uniquely positioned to become a highly successful international multimedia entertainment provider for kids for many years to come. For our Instructor Training and Licensing Program, our target market includes fitness professionals, dancers and former dancers, former cheerleaders and elementary school teachers. Every one of these niche groups has active associations, publications and conventions through which advertising and marketing is relatively inexpensive, and highly targeted. Unique Brand Message: “Any Kid Can Be a Hip Hop Kid!” Our long term strategy is to become a globally recognized kid‘s brand. What is particularly unique to our strategy is that the brand not only provides the opportunity for consumers and fans to enjoy Hip Hop Kidz entertainment and merchandise passively, but to actively become a ―Hip Hop Kid‖ through participation in the dance classes and workshops. In this way, any kid truly can become a Hip Hop Kid! Successful Management Team Our management team comes with a wealth of experience, including nearly two decades of the successful Hip Hop Kidz dance program developed by Suzy Stone; the successful veteran film producers Jim Green and Mark Bacino who were behind the creation of multiple Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies and videos; Harold Weitzberg, who has vast experience in marketing, merchandising, and branding in children‘s consumer and entertainment marketplace including such well known brands as the Olsen Twins, Goosebumps, and Veggietales. Strategic Partnerships Our competitive strategy includes partnerships with best-of-class industry leaders to develop and deliver our products and license the Hip Hop Kidz brand on a global basis. Currently these partners include the International Dance and Exercise Association (IDEA) for our Instructor Training and Licensing Program, Grosset & Dunlap for book publishing and Foothill Entertainment for International Broadcast Licensing. We will continue to consider other strategic partnerships to maximize the success of the brand. Competition We compete or plan to compete against major entertainment companies that target kids around the world. However, each of these companies can simultaneously become a potential partner or acquirer as they look to expand their presence. Further, although these companies may be construed as competitors, they also help us by setting up and providing the marketplace for Hip Hop Kidz products to be promoted. It is also important to note that the majority of the ―brands‖ provided by these companies are scripted and passive. Hip Hop Kidz is unique in that it offers direct participation in the brand, thus making it active and aspirational. The most powerful competitors include Disney (High School Musical, Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers), Viacom‘s Nickelodeon (Zoey 101, Drake & Josh) and Razor & Tie Direct, the producer of Kidz Bop -- the most popular and recognized music product in the US for kids aged 4 to 11. There are also competitors in the US and around the world that offer programs to learn how to hip hop dance. However, the Hip Hop Kidz Dance Program has been recognized among the best in the industry through major competitions and famous performers, and is the only branded hip hop program that focuses on the kid market. 20 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Marketing Plan HHK Entertainment‘s marketing plan is based on the following key components: Web Based Marketing We will utilize the most cutting-edge web marketing techniques to spread the word of our new subscription site to the three main consumer groups we will be targeting: Kids (with interactive games, social networking features, and contests); Parents (with information about the brand, and a list of Trained Instructors in their hometown); and instructors (with information about becoming licensed, and support for those who are). Cross-Promotional Products & Services Our products and services are designed to promote each other. Licensed Instructors send kids to the website. Kids who visit the website find Licensed Instructors in their hometowns. Watching the DVDs, listening to the music, reading the books, kids want to join Hip Hop Kidz dance classes. Kids in the dance classes want to watch the DVDs, listen to the music, read the books. Clear Marketing Message Hip Hop Kidz facilitates safe involvement in a genre that kids love, putting their parents at ease. It also disguises fitness as fun, which is key to combating the epidemic of childhood obesity. The message of the brand is always positive and uplifting, designed to teach kids the importance of exercise, self-expression, confidence and teamwork. The marketing message that underscores it all is ―Any Kid Can Be a Hip Hop Kid! Hip Hop Kidz marketing messages are also designed to attract strategic licensing, distribution, and production partners as they are key to the company‘s competitive strategy. The opportunities for such partners are endless: kid cereals, energy bars and sports drinks, athletic shoes and clothing lines, positive hip hop artists and tours, and in the non-profit world, organizations such as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Heart Association. Direct Response Program Utilizing the experience and consultation of a DR agency such as Pinnacle Direct, we will test and develop media and product strategies to maximize the return on such programs. We will focus on selling our Instructional DVDs with up-sales of our feature-style DVD, music, books and apparel. Merchandise License Agreements We will implement numerous license agreements for Hip Hop Kidz merchandise. An effective licensing program will communicate the Hip Hop Kidz brand values, increase consumer awareness and promote the long-term viability of the brand. International Broadcast Licensing and Distribution We have partnered with Foothill Entertainment, Inc., a company specializing in distribution to international clients, to license our media products on the international markets. We expect revenues with minimal marketing costs. 21 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND INVESTMENT Financial Projections, Financing & Market Strategy From inception we have been financed largely by our owner-members with approximately $1,800,000. We are now seeking $1,500,000 additional investment through private investors during the next six months for the first phase of growth that will bring Hip Hop Kidz to an all new level of national success. The company‘s financial projections are for the period commencing upon receipt of the funding sought, through a period of three years thereafter. These projections are shown in the following table. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT - HHK Ent. Number of Customers Acquired Revenue Instructor Training Revenue Product Sales Internet Subscriptions Other Gross Revenue Yr 1 29,760 3 4 8 5 % Yr 2 126,960 % Yr 3 387,960 % Yr4 939,360 2,160,000 3,375,000 13,737,600 1,687,500 20,960,100 10.3% 16.1% 65.5% 8.1% 100.0% $ % Yr5 1,943,760 % $ 552,000 $ 216,000 $ 864,000 $ 108,000 $ 1,740,000 31.7% 12.4% 49.7% 6.2% 100.0% $ $ $ $ $ 1,035,000 2,025,000 3,726,000 1,012,500 7,798,500 13.3% 26.0% 47.8% 13.0% 100.0% $ 1 $ 100,000 1 $ 50,000 1 $ 595,000 $ 3 $ 145,200 5 $ 21,600 4 6 $ 27,000 2 $ 313,200 9 $ 350,000 $ 25,000 $ 1,627,000 $ 113,000 6% 5.7% 2.9% 34.2% 0.0% 8.3% 1.2% 0.0% 1.6% 18.0% 20.1% 1.4% 93.5% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 120,000 60,000 714,000 600,000 304,200 202,500 810,000 121,011 1,403,730 420,000 30,000 4,755,441 3,043,059 39% 1.5% 0.8% 9.2% 7.7% 3.9% 2.6% 10.4% 1.6% 18.0% 5.4% 0.4% 61.0% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 144,000 72,000 856,800 1,000,000 480,000 337,500 1,350,000 325,243 3,772,818 504,000 36,000 8,842,361 12,117,739 58% 0.7% 0.3% 4.1% 4.8% 2.3% 1.6% 6.4% 1.6% 18.0% 2.4% 0.2% 42.2% $ 172,800 0.3% $ 207,360 0.2% $ 86,400 0.2% $ 103,680 0.1% $ 1,028,160 1.8% $ 1,233,792 1.1% $ 1,500,000 2.6% $ 2,500,000 2.3% $ 600,000 1.1% $ 792,000 0.7% $ 432,000 0.8% $ 480,000 0.4% $ 1,890,000 3.3% $ 1,800,000 1.7% $ 886,391 1.6% $ 1,685,135 1.6% $ 10,282,140 18.0% $ 19,547,568 18.0% $ 604,800 1.1% $ 725,760 0.7% $ 43,200 0.1% $ 51,840 0.0% $ 17,482,691 30.6% $ 29,075,295 26.8% $ 39,640,309 $ 79,522,305 69% 73% 7 $ $ $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ $ $ $ 27.8% 0.9% 0.2% 2.3% 0.9% 2.0% 2.9% 0.6% 0.7% 2.0% 5.7% 0.6% 0.9% 47.3% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 946,250 25,000 13,446 48,000 25,000 42,000 60,000 12,000 14,400 42,000 120,000 12,000 18,000 1,378,096 1,664,963 21% 12.1% 0.3% 0.2% 0.6% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8% 0.2% 0.2% 0.5% 1.5% 0.2% 0.2% 17.7% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,316,750 40,000 36,138 57,600 30,000 50,400 72,000 14,400 17,280 50,400 144,000 14,400 21,600 3,703,920 8,413,819 40% 6.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.7% 0.1% 0.1% 17.7% $ 1,617,600 $ 55,000 $ 98,488 $ 69,120 $ 36,000 $ 60,480 $ 86,400 $ 17,280 $ 20,736 $ 60,480 $ 172,800 $ 17,280 $ 25,920 $ 2,337,584 $ 37,302,725 65% $ $ $ 3,600,000 6.3% $ 5,400,000 5.0% 5,400,000 9.5% 6,000,000 5.5% $ 45,423,000 79.5% $ 94,197,600 86.7% $ 2,700,000 4.7% $ 3,000,000 2.8% $ 57,123,000 100.0% $ 108,597,600 100.0% Cost of Revenue Teaching Techniques DVD & Manual Instructor Music & Choreography Up Sell CD and Instructional DVD Production Production of Movie DVD Instructor Seminar Training Cost Pkg & Dist Cost of Products Sold Direct Response Marketing Cost of Other Sales Marketing & Promotion Entertainment Website Instructor Website Total Cost of Revenue Gross Profit Gross Profit Percentage of Revenue Operating Expenses Payroll & Fringe IDEA Convention CEC Provider Costs Office Lease Insurance Legal/Consulting Accounting Telephone & Utilities Office Equipment & Supplies Computer Hardware Costs Information Tech Costs Printing & Postage Other Total Operating Expenses Profit Profit Percentage of Revenue 483,750 15,000 3,000 40,000 15,000 35,000 50,000 10,000 12,000 35,000 100,000 10,000 15,000 823,750 (710,750) -41% 2.8% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 4.1% $ 1,941,120 $ 75,000 $ 187,237 $ 82,944 $ 43,200 $ 72,576 $ 103,680 $ 20,736 $ 24,883 $ 72,576 $ 207,360 $ 20,736 $ 31,104 $ 4,444,024 $ 75,078,280 69% 1.8% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 4.1% 22 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 1 1st year est., then growth at 2 Assume % of Product Sales 3 See detail Seminar Spreadsheets 4 See Product Sales Table 5 Assumed % of Product Sales 6 Assumed % of Other Retail 7 See Payroll Table 8 See Internet Subscriptions Table 9 Estimates from 3rd Party Service Provider 20% 18% 50% 25% Reasons to Invest The following are several important reasons Hip Hop Kidz has a bright future, and we believe you will be very pleased that you chose to help us make it possible: Great youth programs like Hip Hop Kidz enjoy an ongoing, evergreen existence that provide for a continuous revenue stream over many years; We participate in various growing and proven entertainment and after-school markets. The kids market is an ever-expanding market, increasingly enamored with hip hop music; We have a fully developed portfolio of products, with some distribution already in place. We have the ability to expand our tried and true, award-winning Hip Hop Kidz dance program through a Training and Licensing program. In this time of economic downturn and rising unemployment, more people will turn to starting their own business, and therefore many will be drawn to our Instructor Training and Licensing opportunity. 23 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN We have a talented management team with vast experience with major Hollywood productions, marketing and licensing, and hip hop dance programs and productions; Our music publishing has great potential for exploitation across all media outlets; Our ability to scale our operations over time maximizes our effective use of resources and cash flow potential; providing superior ROI for investors; We have an operational plan providing competitive advantages through scalability and cost containment. Risk Factors We have taken care to limit the current and future risk to our stakeholders, financing sources, and customers. There are however, several risk factors to this Business Plan that we have identified. These include: Limited History of Operating Losses – HHK Entertainment has a limited operating history. There are no assurances that the company will be able to successfully generate profits in the near future and successfully implement its business plan. Imperfect Risk Mitigation – We have taken a proven hip hop dance program directed to kids and developed a family of brand products. We have assembled a highly experienced and talented team and established strategic partnerships. Therefore, we believe we have minimized the inherit risks of a new business venture and are ready, with your help, to fully implement our commercial launch on a national and international level. That said, there are still unknown risks which could negatively affect these projected outcomes. Competition – Products and services provided by HHK Entertainment are also provided by some of the established and dominant competitors in the market place and may be copied by others. This could result in downward pressure on our projected margins and competitive advantages. Markets depend on the health of the economy – The market for entertainment and after school products and services directed to kids as well as their parents are dependent on the ups and downs of the economy. Additional Equity Financing Required – This business plan requires HHK Entertainment to raise $1.5 million over the course of the next few months. There are no assurances, however, that we will be successful in raising the necessary equity capital, or that the capital raised will be sufficient. Rapid Revenue Growth – We are projecting to grow rapidly during the first five years after funding. There are no assurances, however, that management will be able to assimilate this growth and adequately manage that business and cash flow. Disclaimer This document is intended to provide a general guide only and does not deal with every important development, legislative or regulatory requirement. It has not been independently verified. We make no representation or warranties that it is complete or that it remains unchanged. You should consult your professional advisors where appropriate and conduct your own inquiries and investigations. It does not constitute legal, accounting, financial taxation, or investment advice, or a commitment to arrange or underwrite any facility by HHK Entertainment, LLC. This information is 24 HHK ENTERTAINMENT, LLC STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN intended only for the use of the addressee and is confidential. Disclosure, reproduction or use by any person other than your officers, employees or professional advisors is strictly prohibited. CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Some statements in this document contain certain ―forward-looking‖ statements of management of HHK Entertainment, LLC. Forward-looking statements are statements that estimate the happening of future events are not based on historical fact. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, such as ―may,‖ ―shall,‖ ―could,‖ ―expect,‖ ―estimate,‖ ―anticipate,‖ ―predict,‖ ―probable,‖ ―possible,‖ ―should,‖ ―continue,‖ or similar terms, variations of those terms or the negative of those terms. The forward-looking statements specified in this plan have been compiled by our management on the basis of assumptions made by management and considered by management to be reasonable. Our future operating results, however, are impossible to predict and no representation, guaranty, or warranty is to be inferred from those forward-looking statements. The assumptions used for purposes of the forward-looking statements specified in this plan represent estimates of future events and are subject to uncertainty as to possible changes in economic, legislative, industry, and other circumstances. As a result, the identification and interpretation of data and other information and their use in developing and selecting assumptions from and among reasonable alternatives requires the exercise of independent judgment. To the extent that the assumed events do not occur, the outcome may vary substantially from anticipated or projected results, and, accordingly, no opinion is expressed on the ability to achieve those forward-looking statements. We cannot guaranty that any of the assumptions relating to the forward-looking statements specified in this plan are accurate, and we assume no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. 25
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