View us online at Video channel at Send media releases to Issue #21, June 1, 2015 It’s a multi-skilled future! In this week’s industry player profile interview we speak to Ana Ouriques, Director, Rüppells Griffon. View the interview in a new window here. RUST BUCKET Len Rust In the IT industry new skills come and go at the same rate as new technologies. Along with the technological shifts currently occurring come probably the biggest challenges to recruitment and retention of talent we’ve experienced during the past 10 to 20 years. With vendor consolidation on the rise and the reduction of the need for legacy-‐based technology skills, IT teams today are in potentially challenging situations. IT departments are discovering they need to work to change employee skill sets because Cloud and Internet of Everything encompasses more than one technology. Teams used to be siloed but now individuals need a broader set of skills. As the story goes, employers are now desperate to Gind people with expertise in a range of new areas like mobile app development, cloud computing and business analytics. With employees exhausted from company reductions and at the time with increased workloads, what must one do to keep current! More and more organisations are reporting increases in investment in technology as business conGidence returns and many companies are acting fast to play catch up on their digital offerings. Organisations are now ramping up their investment in digital, mobile and online which all add a further knock on effect on the growing skills shortage. Another big change for future solutions is who is the new boss – and clearly this is not the same as the old IT boss. Tech savvy business leaders frustrated with the rate and pace of IT to meet the organisation’s needs are now taking developments into their own departments. Data scientists and engineers are sitting at the table with decision makers who are expecting the use of big data analytics to have the immediate insights and impacts. This is another part of the shifting and emerging landscape that most businesses Gind themselves navigating in the data world. And today’s successful businesses are capitalizing on insightful data as a distinct corporate advantage. With baby boomers entering retirement and Generation X employees comfortably settled into the workforce, the new Generation Y has taken up a large presence in the workplace and are stirring the pot. Gen Y now tend to change jobs every couple of years, seeking bigger and better opportunities. They also like to work remotely, usually from home and with Glexible hours. They also enjoy working for companies that give back to their communities and more and more they want their voices to be heard by management and to feel like they’re contributing to the success of the company. Many of the skills needed to meet these challenges focus on communication with colleagues, peers, customers and potential new suppliers. It is also fair to say that in many scenarios the managers Gind themselves having to form new teams composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds and personalities perhaps from different parts of the organisation, even from external entities. Cloud computing is having a positive impact on the IT job market today and the majority of professionals think there will be more jobs requiring cloud computing skills in the future. It’s therefore important that the industry works to promote opportunities for training and further developments to ensure Australia has a workforce equipped with the skills to fulGil vacancies. Workers will also need a blend of business and IT skills. This will be critical for anyone seeking a long term career in technology. It is also incumbent of academia to design curriculum around these emerging skill requirements – post haste! http:// http:// http:// http:// +61 2 8090 2888 Level 13, Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street, Sydney 2000 Australia http:// Corporate Advisory Mergers Acquisitions Divestments Business Sales Capital Raisings Initial Public Offerings Don’t Boil the Ocean The problem is not always the problem Cube Capital Pty Ltd (ACN: 602 908 690) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 001007883) of HLK Group Pty Ltd (ACN: 161 284 500) which holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL No. 435746). Any information or advice contained on this advertisement is general in nature only and does not constitute personal or investment advice. © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 1 | June 1, 2015 Australia slipping as smart economy INSIDER EDITION World competitiveness ranking: Australia slipping as a smart economy Australia has dropped another place in world competitiveness rankings, falling further in economic performance and government efGiciency rankings, raising concerns about our competitiveness as a smart economy. In releasing the Australian results of the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook which ranks and assesses 61 countries, CEDA Chief Executive, Professor the Hon. Stephen Martin said Australia’s decline to 18 in the world rankings highlighted a concerning trend over the last Give years. “The overall result is drawn from rankings for four key areas -‐ economic performance, government efGiciency, business efGiciency and infrastructure and Australia has slipped signiGicantly in all these areas over the last Give years,” he said. “Our fall in economic performance is particularly concerning, with a drop of four places from last year to 28, which is a drop of 15 places in the last Give years. “Worsening domestic economic conditions, rising unemployment and lower international investment have been the biggest contributors to the drop in the overall economic performance ranking this year. “International investment includes a ranking on the threat of R&D facilities moving offshore and also services being relocated. Australia has dropped from 39 to 53 and 54 respectively for these areas. “Our ability to innovate and be a 'smart' economy with a highly skilled and innovative workforce has been a comparative advantage for Australia and is becoming even more important as our economy shifts away from mining and resources and looks to services to pick up the slack. “However, these signiGicant slips in the rankings suggest we may not be keeping pace with global competitors at the very time it is becoming increasingly important for our economy.” Professor Martin said while Australia only slipped one place compared to last year and Give places in Give years on infrastructure, what was concerning was the two areas where we slipped the most in this category were in technological infrastructure and scientiGic infrastructure. “This again suggests we are losing ground as a smart economy, and we don’t have the infrastructure in place to compete in R&D,” he said. Professor Martin said while we have only dropped one place compared to last year on business efGiciency, Australia has dropped 10 places in Give years with productivity and efGiciency a key area where we have slipped. Australian firms near top in global ranking of shareholder value creation Finland and the UK. The research, Masters of the Deal: Part 2, is part of a twenty-‐year research study with the City University London’s Cass Business School which examines the performance of over 25,000 global public companies, of which 18,000 were actively engaged in M&A (including 625 M&A-‐active Australian companies). Identifying the top performers as Excellent Corporate Portfolio Managers (ECPMs). Of relevance to the technology industry: • Fifteen percent of ECPMs in Australia were from the technology sector • Top performing Australian companies identiGied include: Silver Lake Resources, M2 Group, Mcphersons, Corporate Travel Management, Austin Engineering, Mineral Resources, Greencross, WorleyParsons, ShefGield Resources, Domino’s Pizza Enterprises, Retail Food Group. • 82 Australian companies were recognised as among the highest-‐performing global Girms in creating shareholder value from mergers and acquisitions • 13% of the M&A-‐active Girms in Australia were identiGied as ECPMs • This is higher than France (12%), Canada (11%), Germany (9%), the U.S. (8%) and Japan (3%), but lower than the UK (16%) TIO complaints in context increase over summer but reduce year-on-year Complaints made to the TIO as a proportion of telcos’ services in operation increased during January-March 2015, compared to the previous quarter – but dropped by 12.2 per cent compared to the same period last year, according to the Telecommunications Complaints in Context report released last week. In January-‐March 2015, TIO complaints in context increased by 9.1 per cent to 7.2 complaints per 10,000 services in operation (SIO). The quarterly rise reGlects the usual trend of increased fault complaints about Gixed-‐line services over the summer months. SigniGicantly, the aggregate result across the Give participating providers (amaysim, iiNet, Optus, Telstra and Vodafone) was a 12.2 per cent decrease on the 8.2 complaints per 10,000 SIO recorded in the same quarter last year. This reGlects the long-‐term reduction in complaints made to the TIO. Complaints per 10,000 services for Vodafone in particular reduced, with fewer complaints in context both quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year. Increases in landline and internet fault complaints for a number of the other service providers contributed to more complaints per 10,000 SIO when compared to the previous quarter. Intralinks has released new research showing Australian Girms performed strongly in global ranking of shareholder value creation from M&A, behind only the Netherlands, © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 2 | June 1, 2015 default.aspx http:// default.aspx http:// default.aspx http:// Cloud laaS Market growing strongly but facing “Brutal competitive Dynamics”. RUST E-RESEARCH The market for cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is in a state of upheaval, as many service providers are shifting most common use cases for cloud IaaS are development and testing environments; high-‐performance computing and their strategies after failing to gain enough market traction, according to Gartner, Inc. Global spending on IaaS is expected to reach almost US$16.5 billion in 2015, an increase of 32.8 percent from 2014, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2014 to 2019 forecast at 29.1 percent, batch processing; Internet-‐facing websites and Web-‐based applications; and non-‐mission-‐critical internal business applications. An increasing number of organisations now also run mission-‐critical business applications on cloud IaaS. "Cloud IaaS can now be used to run most workloads, according to Gartner's latest forecast. although not every provider can run every type of workload well," said Ms. Leong. "Cloud IaaS is not a commodity. Providers vary signiGicantly in their features, performance, cost and business terms. Although in theory, cloud IaaS has very little lock-‐in, in truth, cloud IaaS is not merely a matter "The sky is not falling -‐ customers are getting great value out of cloud IaaS -‐ but the competitive landscape is shifting”, Ms. Leong said. "Few providers have the Ginancial resources to invest in being broadly competitive in the cloud IaaS market”. According to Gartner, 2014 was a year of reckoning for many cloud IaaS providers, and many believe that their current of hardware rental, but an entire data centre ecosystem as a service. The more you use its management capabilities, the more value you will receive from the offering, but the more you will be tied to that particular service offering”. strategy is failing them. Some providers intend to launch an entirely new cloud IaaS platform, make substantial changes to their current platform or move to providing managed services on leading cloud IaaS platforms. Many providers have indicated that they intend to discontinue or According to Gartner, organisations must learn to operate in two essential modes, known as bimodal IT<http://‐glossary/bimodal>, because they can't lose sight of the need to maintain IT operations while they innovate with new digital possibilities. signiGicantly reduce their investment in their cloud IaaS offerings, and others intend to eliminate or replace them. "We urge buyers to be extremely cautious when selecting providers; ask speciGic and detailed questions about the provider's roadmap for the service, and seek contractual Initially, most businesses adopt cloud IaaS for Mode 2, agile IT projects that may be peripheral to the organisation's IT needs, but may have a high business impact. This affects sourcing: Mode 2 adoption is often business-‐led, driven by commitments that do not permit the provider to modify substantially or to discontinue the offering without at least 12 months' notice”, said Ms. Leong. IaaS Workloads Expand business managers who hold the budget, need greater agility and have shorter time frames than IT operations are able to accommodate. Over time, as a business becomes more comfortable with the use of cloud IaaS, it will be used in Mode 1, traditional IT In 2014, the absolute growth of public cloud IaaS workloads surpassed the growth of on-‐premises workloads (of any type) for the Girst time. Gartner's 2015 CIO survey<http://> indicates that 83 percent of CIOs consider cloud IaaS as an infrastructure projects as well, usually mirroring the past decade's adoption pattern of virtualisation in the data centre. Many businesses, especially in the midmarket, will eventually migrate away from running their own data centres in favour of relying primarily on infrastructure in the cloud. option, and 10 percent are already cloud-‐Girst with cloud IaaS as their default infrastructure choice. Cloud IaaS is now used for virtually all use cases that can be reasonably hosted on virtualised x86-‐based servers. The © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 3 | June 1, 2015 68 per cent of SME owners planning to grow in the next 12 months RUST E-RESEARCH Small and medium-‐sized enterprises (SMEs) continue to face they will launch new products or services, or expand the a myriad of challenges in the current business environment business. and this is unlikely to change in the near future. Disruptive technologies and innovation are accelerating the need for Andrew Graham said, “To compete effectively, businesses change and are having a profound impact on many must adapt and evolve quickly to respond to what is traditional business models and their revenue streams. becoming the new “norm”. Competition for customers and share of wallet is intensifying and now more than ever RSM Bird Cameron’s thinkBIG 2015 study found that 68 per business owners need to be better connected to customers cent of business owners anticipate growth in the next 12 with a real focus on sales planning as part of their overall months compared with 64 per cent in 2014. 49 per cent of business strategy”. SME owners reported growth over the last 12 months, which is up 3 per cent from last year. Just 16 per cent reported a The skills shortage remains the main barrier to growth, decline in revenue compared with almost 20 per cent last increasing from 35 per cent in 2014 to 39 per cent in 2015. A year. lack of management time has jumped to the second-‐biggest barrier to growth from 18 per cent last year to 28 per cent in Andrew Graham, national head of business solutions, RSM 2015. Andrew Graham said, “These Gigures suggest that Bird Cameron, said, “Business owners are cautiously business owners are spending more time thinking and optimistic about the medium-‐term prospects for their planning in response to the changing demands of the market. business. Despite ofGicial interest rates hitting a historical “Business owners are well aware of the need to change their low, consumer sentiment and spending remain subdued. business model to remain relevant and keep their business Business owners are also feeling the pinch from a tightened sustainable. The red Glag here is the readiness and capability cash cycle. of business owners to reposition their business to handle the challenges and take advantage of future opportunities. “The “When looking at the results over the past few years, we can most successful businesses will be those that address the see however that the optimism is not always realistic. When rapidly-‐changing sales environment by recognising growth comparing expected growth with achieved growth, there is a opportunities, ensuring due diligence and Ginancing is clear gap. For example, in 2014, 64 per cent of business appropriate and engaging their workforce to drive owners believed their business would grow; however, the productivity”. 2015 survey reveals that only 49 per cent achieved revenue growth”. thinkBIG has measured the pulse of the Australian SME sector since 2005. It benchmarks business growth and For 40 per cent of businesses, growth is expected to come proGitability, business planning, exit planning, through increased sales in the current pipeline. A quarter (26 superannuation and the impact and uptake of technology. per cent) say they will achieve growth by targeting new 446 business owners participated in the 2015 study, markets, while 21 per cent and 20 per cent respectively say providing insights into how Australian SMEs feel about their business. http:// http:// Gartner Application Architecture, http:// http:// Development & Integration Summit 2015 http:// 20 – 21 July | Sydney, Australia http:// http:// http:// Register using priority code http:// AADIAD1 and save $400 http:// © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 4 | June 1, 2015 Anthony Seaegg, CEO Australia, Aegis VIP TOLD ME Please provide a brief overview of the company? Lifecycle Management offering across geographies and verticals. Aegis is a global outsourcing and technology services company committed to impacting clients’ business outcomes by focusing on enhancing customer experience across all touch points and channels. We have operations in 43 locations across nine countries with more than 40,000 employees globally and are wholly-‐owned by Essar, a US$35 billion Indian conglomerate. Aegis Australia has been operating from its headquarters in Anthony Seaegg Melbourne since 1992. Over the course of the past 23 years, we have delivered some of the most innovative solutions in the market and today have four core product offerings in Contact Centres, Shared Services, Back OfGice Delivery and Technology implementations. Who are typical prospects/ customers? Our customers typically fall into several key vertical markets, including energy, telecommunications, Ginancial services, hospitality, public sector and retail. Our comprehensive suite of solutions to speciGically target the entire spectrum of business and customer experiences from ‘Managing Experience’ through our Customer Lifecycle Management solutions, ‘Enabling Experience’ with comprehensive technology solutions, to ‘Extending Experience’ through transformational back ofGice outsourcing and shared services. Last year, we announced that were establishing an Asia PaciGic hub for Analytics, Social Media and Multilingual Capabilities in Melbourne in collaboration with the Government of Victoria. This new Centre of Excellence is expected to generate up to 550 new jobs in Aegis Services Australia’s operations in Melbourne and doubling our current workforce. In Australia, we work with organisations such as Westpac, St George Bank, Origin Energy, Ticketek, United Energy, Jemena Energy, Energy Australia, IHG, Ambulance Victoria, Wesfarmers, PaciGic Brands and The Good Guys. What sets the company apart from your competitors? Australian businesses are looking for solutions that are speedy to market, cost effective and offer high quality. Indeed, there has been a remarkable shift from cost-‐savings to increased focus on customer experience, quality and Ginding additional avenues to variabilise cost. Our expertise today is focused on providing a global delivery model covering on-‐shore, offshore, and near shore models with a solutions strategy aimed at driving great end-‐user experience and business transformation. Our Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) is the Glagship service offering and provides cradle to grave, end-‐to-‐end multi-‐channel customer management BPO solutions. This includes multi-‐channel customer care, acquisition & retention, cross sell & up sell, activation, back ofGice, technical support and collections. This service accomplishes higher customer lifetime value and improved return on investments through our global delivery model encompassing 13 countries. We also provide customers with an integrated solution through social media, back ofGice, analytics, enterprise business services and ICT businesses. These suites of solutions complement and augment Aegis’ Customer When talking to customers/prospects what things are top of their agenda’s today? What are the company’s greatest challenges right now? And opportunities? We need to keep growing at a rate faster than the economy which will enable us to further invest and fund more initiatives for delivery in Australia. Over the last year, we looked at consolidating our competitive advantages by strengthening business solutions, improving operating processes and rationalising human resources. We are now looking at a three-‐tier business growth strategy focusing around enhanced penetration across verticals where Aegis has a strong forte and domain expertise to improve our share of wallet. Secondly, we are entering new verticals such as energy, hospitality, consumer durables and gaming. And © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 5 | June 1, 2015 lastly, we are moving up the value-‐chain with non-‐linear and high-‐end services like social media, analytics, and business process services such as Ginance and admin, human resources and procurement solutions. This will result in more robust and vertically-‐aligned back ofGice services to signiGicantly improve customer lifetime value. What are the core messages you want the marketplace to know about your company? As an organisation, we have innovated from being a contact centre outsourcing provider to a leader in customer experience management which focuses in engaging with a brand’s end customers while serving their expectations. We now take a holistic solution encompassing customer lifecycle management, technology, back ofGice and shared services, analytics, social media engagement, process improvement and domain BPO services. All of our centres are interlinked and complied to provide this singular experience. It’s more than just a global delivery model. This gives our clients a better customer experience at a less expensive cost with additional revenue streams. On the BPM services front our relentless focus on quality, backed by proprietary tools, domain expertise and certiGication, enables us to deliver better levels of efGiciency with a Glexible and robust global delivery model. This improves infrastructure utilisation and also reduces the total cost of ownership DEAL MAKERS Victoria International Container Terminal chooses 1-Stop UXC to establish enterprise delivery centre in Hobart Victoria International Container Terminal Ltd (VICT) has chosen to implement the wide range of port community solutions that 1-‐Stop Connections (1-‐Stop) have to offer. 1-‐ Stop is already the system of choice at the Port of Melbourne, where the terminal and logistics community have beneGited over the years from 1-‐Stop’s port community solutions. This recent signing between 1-‐Stop and VICT will result in continual productivity improvements and optimised operations for the future. VICT’s CEO, Anders Dømmestrup says, “We wanted an efGicient, effective and easy-‐to-‐use solution to service the Melbourne port community, which could be implemented seamlessly to match our go-‐live by the end of 2016. We also regard 1-‐Stop’s solution as scalable, robust and best in class.” Mr. Dømmestrup went on to say that 1-‐Stop’s demonstrable track record in the provision of port community solutions is well positioned to meet VICT’s needs considering its high degree of automation. “1-‐Stop’s collaboration with VICT will deliver beneGits for all members of our port community,” says Michael Bouari, CEO of 1-‐Stop. UXC Limited (UXC) has entered into an agreement with the Tasmanian State Government to establish a UXC Enterprise Delivery Centre (EDC) in Hobart. The Hobart based EDC is part of the investment UXC is making to further advance customer delivery capabilities across key enterprise and government clients and to build a diversiGied services platform for clients in Australia, New Zealand and North America. UXC and the Tasmanian Government have been in dialogue for some time regarding this initiative. The Tasmanian Government has fully supported the expansion of the UXC presence as one of its initiatives to attract new industry to the state as a key means for growing and stimulating its local economy. Cris Nicolli, Managing Director UXC Limited said: “This is a major and exciting initiative for both UXC and Tasmania. As an Australian based Information Technology leader, UXC continues to look for opportunities to expand and develop the footprint of its capabilities. We believe this is an excellent example of what can be achieved by industry and government working together to realise an outcome that beneGits both parties’ interests and creates new local jobs.”The Tasmanian Government has granted $1.7m in industry support funding to UXC to assist with the cost of establishing its new operation in Hobart. The funding will be administered over a Give year period. UXC will leverage its current footprint in Tasmania to grow the centre to over 60 positions over the next 18 months. Global online accommodation marketplace signs evaluation agreement with Spookfish SpookGish has announced that a global online accommodation marketplace has entered into an evaluation agreement with SpookGish to enable it to review the Company’s technology and evaluate the merits of entering into a commercial agreement. The Company intends to share data collected during our on going testing program with all evaluation customers on a conGidential basis to not only enable them to evaluate our technology but to also allow SpookGish to engage with future customers now. Early customer dialogue will enable SpookGish to reGine all aspects of the customer offering so it can best meet the immediate industry requirements that are not being satisGied by contemporary systems. The unique SpookGish technology has many applications for the global travel industry and will enable travel industry service providers and travellers themselves to make better decisions. Avaya Acquires Esna Avaya has completed the acquisition of Esna Technologies Inc. (Esna), a provider of real-‐time collaboration and communications software, to accelerate the adoption of communications-‐enabled applications for both enterprises and midmarket companies. Through the acquisition, Avaya will enable end-‐users to easily access multi-‐vendor communications capabilities – voice, video, IM/presence, conferencing and messaging – from within cloud-‐based business applications using their device of choice. Dealmakers continues page 10 © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 6 | June 1, 2015 Launchpad: Latest products, services and ventures LAUNCHPAD The Rust Report has created a new section announcing just-‐ released products, services and initiatives new to the marketplace. For information regarding possible listings please email ClearView Opts for Financial Synergy Acurity Specialist Platform Software Industry leading superannuation and investment software provider, Financial Synergy announces another successful implementation of its specialist platform, Acurity, with new client ClearView Wealth Limited (ClearView, ASX: CVW). Seeking to deliver a solution that is fully managed and easy to use for both members and advisers, ClearView has gone live with the new wealth management Financial Synergy Acurity platform to deliver WealthFoundations, an innovative product that is entirely transparent for its members and their advisers. Members can now safely and securely access and manage their accounts online in real-‐time as well as view important correspondence relating to their account. Advisers have the ability to instantly manage Ginancial transactions and monitor and control client portfolios online as well as being able to access the information required to effectively review and service their clients. The use of implemented model portfolios provides members and advisers transparency of portfolios whilst still enabling efGicient and experienced investment management. This new Straight Through Processing-‐based system will also support ClearView’s wealth product team to better manage the administration needs of contributions, accounting, Ginancial reporting as well as compliance reporting to agencies including the Australian Taxation OfGice and Centrelink. Nutanix unveils free Community Edition of its full software stack Nutanix has announced the public beta of its new Community Edition software, a limited-‐scale version of the company’s full software stack. Available at no cost, the Community Edition removes economic and organisational constraints to adopting the industry’s most advanced enterprise computing platform. Open access eliminates cost and hardware procurement and compatibility barriers, enabling rapid deployment into existing development and staging environments. From June 8, 2015, the public beta will give enterprise IT professionals, application developers, channel partners, enthusiasts, and students the ability to implement a complete hyperconverged infrastructure deployment in 60 minutes or less. The milestone release demonstrates that the future of hyperconverged infrastructures is about software. As a 100 per cent software-‐based solution, Community Edition runs on standard x86-‐based servers from nearly any vendor, including Dell, HP, Cisco, Lenovo, Supermicro and others. IronKey adds Key Functionality to Windows To Go offering Imation has announced that its IronKey secure workspace devices are now fully Windows 10 ready. In addition, Imation’s new IronKey Workspace Command Line Utility provides the industry’s only solution for including hardware-‐ and software-‐ encrypted Windows To Go devices in regular desktop and laptop provisioning workGlows. Enterprises can now leverage Batch and PowerShell script samples, thus simplifying integration into their device preparation and Microsoft System Center ConGiguration Manager (SCCM) workGlows. This capability, when combined with the devices' small, light form factor, makes deployment of Windows To Go drives signiGicantly easier and faster than regular desktop or laptop deployments. IT can prepare hundreds of workspace devices at a time, install a Windows image and perform common post-‐provisioning tasks such as domain joins and OS updates. In addition, IronKey S/D250 and S1000 Glash drives, H300 hard drives, and W500, W700 and W700SC workspace devices are now Citrix-‐Ready certiGied, allowing IronKey products to meet the high demand for a safe platform to run Citrix, OfGice Online, VPN, Microsoft VDI and other cloud http:// A!BiG!Thank!You!to!the!2015!Sponsors:! http:// http:// ! ! ! http:// ! ! to#business#strategy.! ! http:// Plus!over!over!80!other!tech!organisa3ons,!start5up!entrepreneurs,!and!20!universi3es!all!!together!to!build!Australia’s!STEM!skilled!future.! © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 7 | June 1, 2015 clients. This certiGication enables IT to securely manage the OS and hardware that access business applications in the cloud. Nimble storage delivers smartstack integrated infrastructure for enterprise IT environments running SAP HANA Nimble Storage, the Glash storage solutions company, has announced that its Adaptive Flash CS-‐Series arrays, the CS500 and CS700, are now certiGied by SAP as enterprise storage solutions for the SAP HANA platform. By leveraging the Nimble Storage Adaptive Flash CS-‐Series arrays with SAP HANA, enterprise IT organisations can quickly deploy and optimise the performance of workloads running on SAP HANA while maintaining high levels of capacity, data protection, and availability in alignment with their changing business requirements. Leveraging its product certiGication, Nimble has developed a SmartStack integrated infrastructure platform built on Cisco UCS for SAP HANA that delivers high levels of performance as well as the ability to easily scale storage. SmartStack for SAP HANA provides an end-‐to-‐end tested and validated solution so that customers can accelerate deployment and eliminate risks associated with their datacenter infrastructure. Through this integrated offering, Nimble SmartStack becomes an integral part of a mission-‐critical technology platform. Jabra Introduces new intelligent call transfer functionality for Skype for business Jabra, a leading manufacturer of innovative audio solutions, has announced an upgrade to its Jabra Evolve product series, the industry’s Girst series of professional noise-‐cancellation headsets supporting both the collaboration and concentration needs of knowledge workers in open ofGice environments. In use with Skype for Business Jabra Evolve can support call transfer from a Skype for Business desktop-‐based softphone call to a smartphone. To transfer a call using the Evolve 40 and 80, users can simply un-‐ plug the 3.5mm stereo jack stick from its control unit and the call will transfer to the user’s mobile phone. Users can then insert the 3.5mm jack into the smartphone to continue the conversation or even continue the conversation using a Jabra Bluetooth headset. The global success of the Jabra Evolve series stems from providing a clear sound for every call made and received, with busy light and noise cancelling functions to support a personal concentration zone within today’s busy and crowded ofGice spaces. http://‐for-‐business Allied Telesis launches x930 series of high-performance distribution switches Allied Telesis has launched its x930 Series of high-‐performance distribution switches. With Give models in the Series, offering a variety of port conGigurations with support for 10 Gigabit uplinks and the power of Allied Telesis Virtual Chassis Stacking (VCStack™), the x930 Series has the Glexibility and performance for demanding aggregation and distributed core applications. The x930 Series supports Allied Telesis Management Framework™ (AMF), an exclusive Allied Telesis technology that enables organisations to reduce operational expenditures and helps IT administrators reduce their daily workloads. By automating many common management tasks such as replacing failed units, modifying conGigurations, upgrading Girmware, or extending the network, AMF provides IT administrators with a uniGied management interface and zero-‐touch device installation and recovery, which saves substantial time and money—a major advantage where large numbers of access switches are deployed. Key features include: 160G stacking links and stackable to eight units for a high-‐speed resilient backbone; dual hotswappable PSUs allow for easy maintenance and nonstop service, but also Glexibility of power sources and PoE+ PSU options to allow PoE+ power to be increased as network demands grow; and a future-‐ proof platform that is SDN-‐ready and software upgradeable to 40G Ethernet. Brocade announces LAN switch innovations Brocade has announced new innovations to its campus Local Area Network (LAN) switch family to help organisations easily scale to address increasing campus bandwidth demands. The new Brocade® ICX® 7250 switch delivers the industry’s highest 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) port density for any switch in its class to address the onslaught of user video and wireless trafGic that is taxing campus networks. Brocade also unveiled Switch Port Extender, a new HyperEdge® Architecture technology, designed http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 8 | June 1, 2015 to simplify network deployment and ongoing maintenance. Through added automation, this technology enables shared network services and management between Brocade ICX 7250, 7450, and 7750 switches distributed across the campus. A leader in software deGined networking (SDN), Brocade also extended OpenFlow 1.3 support to Brocade ICX 7450 and 7750 switches to enable SDN solutions in LAN architectures. Combined with the Brocade Vyatta® Controller, these switches give customers a way to begin realizing the possibilities of SDN automation. http:// IMTG is an IT consultancy that helps medium, large and enterprise organisations obtain more leverage and better results from their IT investments. IMTG was founded in 2000 and the team has grown steadily over time and now operates across multiple locations including, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and New York. The company helps organisations maintain and support e-‐learning platforms, customer relationship management platforms and optimise their cloud computing environment and applications. Clients include Melbourne Water, Coles, AMP, Air New Zealand, OfGice works, Westpac and more. customers have large volumes of legacy content that they need to convert to web format. CAREMONKEY is a health, safety and risk management solution that is unique in its delivery and solving many practical challenges across industries such as health, sport, education and technology. The Information in the CareMonkey application is secure and backed up daily. Only the school, club or people you speciGically choose can see your personal health and safety information. The data is hosted on commercially available, reliable and secure systems in Australia. CareMonkey users can create care proGiles containing a person’s emergency contacts, health and safety alerts, allergy details, medications, asthma plan, immunisations, family history, blood type, organ donor details, health and ambulance insurance details and much more. SWIPE works with public and public sector organisations around the world to help them manage their content – transferring content to be web and mobile ready, migrating content from old to new web and mobile friendly CMS platforms and capturing an auditable record of their websites to protect them in the event of a dispute or litigation. SWIPE customers include medium and large corporate and government agencies. The company’s solutions are suited to any document niche environment – from law to pharmaceutical to engineering to Ginancial services to name a few. SWIPE’s AUSSIES TO WATCH TEAZL has created educational tools for the smartphone that leverages our natural desire for learning. By implementing gamiGication Teazl uses “game thinking” and game mechanics” in an educational context to engage users in solving problems. The result is learning that sticks, by improving user engagements in a fast, Glexible and creative way via smartphone. Teazl is leading the way in providing practical smart learning with real world outcomes. The company’s philosophy is to deliver the most engaging, innovative and retainable learning smartphone. ANTTEL is a fast growing and most innovative IT & Telecommunications provider. The company has built an award-‐winning business delivery cutting-‐edge voice, data and cloud solutions in business corporate and public sector agencies across the country. Anttel are industry leaders in Managed Services, specialising in Cloud (laaS), Private Networks, Managed Firewall, Back up and Disaster Recovery and Voice services, including VoIP and Hosted PBX. Anttel is interconnected and partnered with Australian leading carriers making Anttel a carrier natural company. Clients include NRMA, Elders, Caltex, L.J. Hooker and Ray White to name a few. INDUSTRIE IT is a dynamic consulting practice that focuses on helping clients develop and make the most of their enterprise online and digital capabilities. The company is dedicated to helping organisations in many industries create enterprise IT solutions where something special is required – addressing a business need that’s unique, challenging, market changing or emerging. The company is focused on the potential of digital platforms to innovate and disrupt. The company focuses on the heart of the business needs and embraces technology as an enabler – not the other way around. default.aspx Pages/default.aspx au-nz/Pages/default.aspx http:// default.aspx Pages/default.aspx au-nz/Pages/default.aspx http:// © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 9 | June 1, 2015 REVOLVING DOORS Genesys has appointed Vaughan Webster as channel director ANZ With broad experience across the technology and telecommunications industries and in channel relationship roles, Mr Webster has previously held roles in business development, operations, channel management and vendor management at PwC, Alcatel Lucent and UXC Connect. Most recently, he was a partner business manager at ShoreTel, a provider of IP phone systems and uniGied communication solutions. “Genesys remains committed to the channel and we will continue to seek out and secure the best talent to drive this part of the business,” said Gordon Clubb, managing director, Genesys. “Vaughan joins the Genesys team with 15 years’ experience working in the channel and building partner relationships. This strategic hire will enable Genesys to further enhance its position as a trusted partner for the channel in this region.” Webster will be located in Genesys’ Sydney ofGice, spearheading a regional partner support network across Australia and New Zealand. Under his leadership, Genesys’ will continue to build upon its existing channel partnerships. Commenting on his new role, Mr Webster said his immediate focus will be building on the momentum established by Genesys’ existing channel program, adding rigour around business planning and sales enablement for its partners. Domo welcomes Paul Harapin as VP and GM, APAC Domo, provider of the world’s Girst business management platform, has announced the addition of Paul Harapin as vice president and general manager of Asia PaciGic. Harapin brings more than 25 years of experience to Domo building high-‐growth enterprise businesses in Asia PaciGic and Japan (APJ) as well as the Australia-‐New Zealand-‐South PaciGic region. For seven years, he led VMWare’s rapid ascent, taking the company from regional start up to major established player. In just Give years, he successfully built VMware’s customer base to include more than 9,000 customers and 1,000 partners. Harapin also built the APJ market for Virtual Computing Environment Company (VCE), the cloud joint venture of EMC, Cisco and VMware. Most recently, he led the Australian and New Zealand operations of Decimal, a cloud-‐based enterprise software company for the Ginancial services industry. Harapin started his career with IBM Australia as an engineer before joining IBM Tivoli in Singapore, where he organically grew sales from $0 to $200 million in four years. SevOne expands executive sales leadership in APAC SevOne, the only infrastructure performance monitoring solution engineered for Speed at Scale, has announced it has appointed Jeff Melvin and Shiva Pillay as vice presidents for Enterprise Sales for the Americas and Asia-‐PaciGic regions, respectively. Melvin and Pillay will report directly to Bill Conners, senior vice president of worldwide sales and business development. In these roles, Melvin and Pillay will be responsible for managing SevOne’s sales teams in these two key regions while helping to continue the company’s exponential growth. Melvin will be leading the Americas Enterprise Sales team, accelerating growth and adding new customers to SevOne’s current list of world-‐class organizations, which includes Lockheed Martin and NASDAQ. Pillay is responsible for building and expanding SevOne’s success in the Asia-‐PaciGic region, expanding SevOne’s sales team and forging new partnerships with world-‐class master distributors and resellers. Pillay previously worked as Director for RSA, the Security Division of EMC, overseeing the company’s global services leadership team for the Asia-‐PaciGic region. During his seven years with RSA, Pillay established a diverse bench of sales professionals and developed strategy for driving efGiciency across all of RSA’s services to deliver better outcomes for customers. He was also responsible for spearheading improvements and innovation for the company’s customer satisfaction program, proGitable operations, employee satisfaction and practitioner development. Prior to joining RSA, Pillay worked as a business development manager for ICT Security. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia. Dealmakers continued … Rio Tinto signs Empired for $20m Mining giant Rio Tinto has inked a three-‐year, $20 million deal with ASX-‐listed IT provider Empired. The deal, which includes application support for more than 170 unique applications, is intended to consolidate the mining giant's outsourced application managed services. The applications include Microsoft's CRM and SharePoint, unspeciGied Oracle applications and a number of legacy systems. The deal includes the option to extend for two further-‐ one year terms. in North Ryde – opened in September 2012. At the time, the $60 million eight-‐megawatt centre offered 2000 square metres of technical Gloor space over two data halls, with capacity to expand to 6000 square metres. News Limited was an anchor tenant. The datacentre sits on 20,000 square metres of land that has enough room to host a second centre. Macquarie Telecom to sell Sydney datacentre Macquarie Telecom has ofGloaded its land and the shell of its Sydney-‐based Intellicentre 2 datacentre for $43.3 million to Singapore's Keppel Group. The company's second facility – located © Dialog Marketing Services 2015 | | Page 10 | June 1, 2015
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